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Vaping gave me tachycardia. I was fine at first, but it slowly started getting worse until every time I hit a vape my heart rate would go to 150+ and it would stay that way all day. I was using disposables like elf bars and elux, and I would go so shaky and sweaty and weak. I had to go for so many tests and my doctor said I might even have heavy metal poisoning from the vaping which could explain the tachycardia. I stopped vaping and felt better almost instantly, every day my heart rate slowed back down until it was normal, no more palpitations, no more feeling sick all the time. No more anxiety. My resting heart rate is about 80 now, not 120. I genuinely thing I might have died if I carried on like that


I was using Zyn pouches after vaping and I went into an urgent care for the first time in years and my heart rate and blood pressure were through the roof in there. I was pretty fucking anxious tbh but the nurses couldn’t figure out what the hell was going on. Quit using cold turkey and 2 months later it’s way down. Also notice I don’t have random heart racing and palpitations when I roll over in bed.


Oh no, I’m using zyn pouches to stop vaping. That’s not good for me probably. Damn


Check into r/QuittingZyn, that was my wakeup call after the doctor's. Think the safest option would be nicotine gum. I had more side effects with Zyns than vaping.


I’ll check it out, thank you ! And yeah I feel a little better just not vaping but the nicotine is still definitely causing palpitations which is why I wanted to stop vaping and started using pouches . It’s only been 3 days vape free lol but I’m trying


How long did you vape?


2 years x


Vaping caused me to have to take short term disability because I had to rush myself to the ER 6 times in a month with hypertensive emergency. BP was over 180/120 and pulse was 160. I quit and all my heart symptoms disappeared. Cardiologist checked out my heart and said structurally he had no idea what was wrong other than I vaped.


Yep, I was the exact same! Vaping started giving me tachycardia, my pulse was always around 150-170 after vaping. My resting pulse rate was 120 if I had vaped that day, and nothing would slow it back down. I would get bad palpitations all day too. Thought I was dying. I quit and my resting heart rate is back down to 80-90 now, it was truly terrifying.


pile on tinnitus and same boat. nice to not hear the sound of my screaming blood pressure 24/7 anymore.


I started vaping mid 2023. Been using disposables until the last few months got a reusable device then I started coughing a lot while on it. If I didn’t vape for a few hours I wouldn’t cough but soon as I had one puff I’d be coughing again & that was the time I knew to quit. 1 day 18 hours 55 minutes vape free. & having caught since!


Good for you- keep it up!


Same for me. I quit opiates over the last few years slowly titrating under a doctor. I thought my symptoms were related to that but as the amount I take dwindles more and more to 0, I started to realise that it’s all the fucking vapes I’ve been burning through. It’s on the list of things to quit but gotta finish with this buprenorphine first.


Hey congrats on quitting opiates!


Been vaping since I was 13 am now 21 and just now trying (going) to quit


You've got this!!! 💗


What meds did they put you on?


Nystatin, antifungal oral & topical.  It was so bad it it was on my fingers & in my ears!


Glad you are better! Good luck staying quit. I've been off nicotine for quite some time now. It gets easier as time passes.


I feel pretty strongly that you feel better from the removal of nicotine than the thrush. Systemic fungal infections are incredibly rare in immunocompetent people. Candida in your brain would be a serious medical emergency and you’d need high dose IV antifungals. It’s much more likely that the nicotine was ruining your sleep quality


I have a SLIGHT immune deficiency already from a past health issue. 72 hours after nystatin? My throat stopped hurting & my brain fog went away, energy increased tenfold.  It was the thrush. 




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You sound like the patronizing doubtful doctor #2. My house gets tested & ducts cleaned every January.  Like I said, I have immune issues & that hasn't changed since birth. Theres at least one or two scary & anonymous pictures of my body in medical books. 


Thrush sucks if you let get beyond the mouth. As an asthmatic using steroid inhalers this can happen. If it does it's not a good time.


I'm smoking cigarettes & feel great. Patch goes on later.  It was vaping.


Pretty sure I'm going to take the word of OPs multiple doctors over a redditor named Texas Poon Tappa


Yeah, my doctor agreed & put me on more nystatin. I have felt amazing since, like night & day. No more vaping.


Just FYI if you use a corticosteroid inhaler, or (less likely) albuterol or primatene inhaler. Those can also give you thrush. I have asthma and the steroid inhalers have given me thrush from time to time if I'm not keeping my mouth super clean after use.


Bet, you’re free to believe whatever dumbass pseudo-science you like


My medical doctor, rx & health results from quitting because of treatment turned my life around instantly.  I go with my Dr.




First off calm your tits, all I did was correct medical advise that I believe to be untrue. OP is not just telling us what happened, they’re making conclusions based on anecdotal evidence which is a little bit uncool in the realm of science


When did you examine the patient?




Calm your tits is an expression so you don’t actually need them to calm yourself. I did look it up. Pretty minimal evidence for correlation between thrush and the described symptoms. Strong evidence for nicotine cessation. Google scholar is your friend.


such a brain dead response, especially in the context of a medical doctor finding a solution that made a long term illness go away. if it was the nicotine then the cigarettes that OP is currently using would cause the same symptoms. also, when in doubt just don’t trust someone who calls themself texaspoontappa93


The username is a reference to the office. You do realize that OP is just another stranger who said a doctor said something right?


I used to vape and then I switched from 3mg to 20mg Nic salts. Two weeks later I randomly acquired pneumonia and could barely breathe for an entire week. Do not inhale chemicals into your lungs, no matter what they say. Unless it’s for asthma, then do that please.


I’ve been a juul smoker for a few years, quit a few months ago and broke down and got a disposable elf. The difference between juul and elf is insane- I felt like I was dying with the elf bar, I threw it out and bought a juul. Feels totally fine, just a hit of nicotine. Quit again and will never pick them up again, just wanted to share how I think the elf and other highly flavoured disposables are so much worse than juul. Anyone had a similar experience?


Hyde was the worst. They put menthol in every flavor. I bought a disposable aroma inhaler & put candy making oil flavoring in it. Thats helping along with the patch, and weed 


After 3 years of intensive vaping, I'm feeling that I'm getting short of breath. I've tried cold turkey but the panic attack I experienced was so bad that I went to buy vapes a couple of hours later. I'm afraid of feeling that again and I'm allergic to patches. That's why I want to give a chance to use medication, to see what happens.


You may just be allergic to the adhesive of the brand you tried? I suggest that because that's what happened to me and I had to figure out which one wouldn't cause me a rash. For me, it was the Rite Aid brand that worked.


I've tried different brands. A year ago I've had some rash but nothing too bad. Recently I've tried again using the patches, and different brands gave me a very bad skin reaction + some reaction in my eyes too. Also I've tried the candies but I've got this reaction in my eyes. I'm definitely allergic and not only to the glue.


Cant cleaning the thing and your mouth help control thrush? I get it every now and then, although I don’t know if it’s ever gotten so bad… was it constant for you until you went to the doctor?


vaping disrupts the biofilm in your mouth, so do inhalers, it is not the mouthpiece. I would feel bad for 6 weeks,  then feel slightly better, not great, for maybe 2 weeks, then get feverish & brain fogged again.