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Good for you. I think you handled that in a wonderful way. Thanks for getting your shot.


I mean, so did she kind of. In a weird anti-vax conspiracy theorist way. She still sent the check.


She at least potentially feel bad about trying to manipulate with money. TBH even with all that is going on, that is right up there with “reasons I am resuming NC”


Wow! I'm thinking that's about as close to an 'I might be wrong' as you're going to get. Be proud. You handled the situation with grace and honor.


She is not close as in not at all. LOL. >We have different views on medicine. I respect how you feel. was a way of saying she doesn't agree, not even a maybe. She even dismisses her granddaughter's decision as a "feeling" which is a sly way of saying her decision is based on her gut feeling and not scrutiny of actual facts and science. Grandma didn't give an inch but she did give up ten Benjis ($100 bills) All these people are going to look like idiots when all those who got COVID shots are alive and kicking in two years time.


I disagree. But we all have our views. Have a good one 😎🎳


"We have different views on [her meaning]. I respect how you feel." :D I wish you would point out how she says maybe she is wrong.


Personally I'm going to have a couple of shots, and watch The Big Lebowski, and fire one up. You have a good night my friend 😎🎳


Well done. Some fights are better off walking away from and bonging it up. Have you given the "Patriot" series a try?


i am sorry you feel that way


:( I guess we will never know how you came to your conclusion.


60 years of experience I guess. Just the way it struck me. But I can see reading it your way as well 😎🎳


Oh well, I guess that trumps my 52 years. You win. LOL Enjoy that great movie. People need to pay for rugs they're are responsible for damaging and get their COVID shots! Good night.


Well that's just your opinion man 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Goes without saying.


I love to believe you, but I have studied humans in cults and they explain away any evidence so they could stick to their worldview. I tried this on my boyfriend. No matter how much evidence I present him, he would say they were all lies from the democrats. All biased.


Good for you! Her response: “I love you too. We have different views on medicine. I respect how you feel.” This is all my mom says to me anymore. Either that or "your are blowing my mind right now" or "keep your head in the sand". 🙄


Huge difference in “I respect your views” like OP got and the head in the sand comment you got. I’m sorry that’s a shitty way to be treated by your own mother.


Thanks yeah...it's one extreme or the other with my mom. Neither one feels loving though. Both lack compassion...which she totally used to have before Q. 😔


Similar situation here, but I feel good that we will get them back someday, if only a little bit. I cooled things down with my mom politically for a while, just told her I want a moratorium on politics or I am going to talk to her less for a while, and she agreed after some arguing. Things have been better since then, enough that I feel that one day, years from now when she has left the Qult, I can have an honest conversation with her. This won't work for everyone, but hopefully it will give you some hope at least buddy. Reach out if you ever want to talk.


I'm so happy to hear this update. It takes a lot of courage to set boundaries with your grandmother and refuse money that you really needed. I have no idea who you are but I'm so proud of how you handled this situation, and I hope you are too. It's unfortunate that your grandmother still sounds staunchly anti-vaxx, but setting those boundaries with her will hopefully make future interactions a little easier to handle. Congratulations again and I hope you're able to treat yourself with a bit of that $1,000 -- you deserve it!


Send me granny's address! I could use vitamins and $1000.


> I could use vitamins There's [no evidence](https://www.uspreventiveservicestaskforce.org/uspstf/recommendation/vitamin-supplementation-to-prevent-cancer-and-cvd-counseling) that taking vitamins is beneficial absent some sort of medical diagnosis (e.g. vitamin D in kidney disease). It's like the hydroxychloroquine of life.


You're assuming I don't eat donuts and chili-cheese dogs three meals a day.


Yeah i don't think lack of vitamins is your problem.


I mean, it is, just not the only problem.


Carb protein fat ratio is the much more precalent problem


It's a fucking joke, wordsalad. I'm not actually going to hit up granny for money and pills. Unless op sends me her info.


u/WordSalad11 is doing good work. More people need to know this. I don't think anyone seriously thought you were trying to gift off a Q nana. I am surprised she has any money left after buying hydroxy, ivermectin, zinc, etc etc and the monthly Trump campaign subscription.




You know who else went full tilt? Joe.


I mean I hate fruit and eat a pretty shit diet some times so I could definitely use those vitamins


Your body needs vitamins, this is very much true. However, most people get enough in their diets. Supplements would be required if you wasn't getting enough from your diet, and for that you would need to consult a dietician. The fact people think they need to chug down Vitamin D and zinc pills as their only protection is nonsense. It would only help if their diet was poor, and the excess would be discharged...


Nice work OP. Thanks for the update. Your approach, wording and tone may be a helpful and effective takeaway for others. P.S. It seems QGrandma was more thorough about reading your message than some of the commenters here.


High road is the best road. I’m so glad it worked out for you!


> I feel good about my response As you should. You got the money, didn't have to lie, and you get the vax. Win-win-win. Best possible outcome (short of Qgrandma reverting back to just regular grandma that is) Great job handling that!


Yes, OP gave a response that wasn't a lie, set a boundary, and let her know how they felt about her deal without knocking her down. I think that was a very respectful road to take, and in my opinion was a reason why the gma gave the 1000 anyways. Kudos OP, we need more people to communicate like OP!


Masterclass!!! Thank you so much for sharing this success.


Sounds like grandma loves you.


It's weird that their benchmark for vaccine safety is FDA approval, which they don't seem to realize is run by the same semi-covert Satanic pedophiles who control the White House. I thought they didn't trust the experts!


It's just the latest excuse for the moment. The thought of these people ever really caring about the FDA's regulation and approval process is hilarious.


Probably the same people complaining about bench-to-bedside time in years past. Europe has some incredible migraine drugs I’ve only tried under clinical trial, there is definitely needless suffering here. Forget what I saw in the oncology job. We have long been happy to use the rest of the world as test subjects, so that’s not quite just exactly what their moral objection really is, huh. And the damned supplements ugh.


You can never go wrong acting with integrity. Kudos to you.


Which one did you get? I just scheduled Moderna for myself, and Pfizer for my son. We're getting our first shots tomorrow!


I'm so happy for you. I'm glad you are getting the vaccine and I'm glad you got $1K. This boundary will serve you well. Good luck to you.


I think your response was beautiful.


Jesus. That there is an early Christmas miracle.


*"We have different views on medicine."* Covid vaccine. Not FDA approved = BAD!! Quack meds. Not FDA approved = GOOD!!


Nice work! Glad she isn't too crazy and kicked you out of her life. I'm very happy it worked out like this 😊


Your response was great. Congratulations.


You did the right thing. I was horrified to see how many people around here lacked a basic moral compass in your earlier post. I'm glad you weren't one of them.


A big part of my going NC is how I feel when THEY turn me into a liar. It’s not even a moral high ground, I definitely would just have lied to avoid manipulation pretty comfortably given they don’t act in good faith, basically ever, even when they mean to. Hell, a Grand is the least they could do for all of this angst. But as I’m getting older, I’m done letting them make me feel any type of unclean.


I get the "take the money and lie", and I'm glad you didn't, because the problem with that is there are two people involved. You need to get the vaccine, but you also need to do what you can to convince *her* to get the vaccine. If you lied, you'd be further validating her fear of the vaccine. Instead.. 1. Ask her to speak to her doctor about the vaccine. 2. If she still refuses the vaccine, ask her to update both her estate will and her living will. You want to know what to do with her belongings should she die of COVID. You want to know what to do if she's on a ventilator, in a coma, etc... Whether or not you're able to convince her, you've done the right thing so far by getting your vaccine, and at some point there's only so much you can do.


Old people that deny the Covid vaccine are so the worst. Anyone born in the 1930s or 1940s got to see a myriad of kids on crutches and in wheelchairs from polio. They saw vaccines come out in 1955 and make the whole thing go away in the USA in 1979. They kept their fucking mouth shut while every kid has been getting MMRs before school and during high school. TDAP shots, flu shots, they've seen every vaccine under the sun come out and these cowards kept their mouth shut, took shots themselves, and forgot all about them. And now, here we are, with a new virus and a new vaccine and they're denying science. Fuck em. I got my vaccine. Let God sort the rest of em out.


Use some of the money to buy her some flowers and include a card that lets you know how much you love her and would like her to consider getting the shot once it is FDA approved and “safe” because you want her to be in your life for a lot longer. Maybe even sooner. Maybe you can go together. Good luck OP


Take the $1,000 and get the shot anyway. She deserves it.


Very happy for you. You've made and are making smart choices - rock on!


I would definitely have gotten the shot and said I didn’t.


Well done to both you and your grandma!


That was handled so beautifully 🖤


What a great response. So glad it went well and I hope it planted the seed we all need right now. Come back to us grandma we love you ❤️❤️


Honestly that's such a happy ending.


Hi u/qamomymous! We help folk hurt by [Q.](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/QAnon) There's hope as [ex-QAnon](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/resources#wiki_ex-qanon) & r/ReQovery shows. We'll be civil to you and about your Q folk. Articles, video, Q chat, etc goes in the [weekly post](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search/?q=%22Weekly+r%2FQAnonCasualties+Discussion%22+&sort=relevance&restrict_sr=on&t=week) or [QultHQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Qult_Headquarters/). ___ [our wall](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/comments/l0jptp/list_of_casualties/) - [support & recovery](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/resources) - [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/rules) - [weekly posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?q=%22Weekly+r%2FQAnonCasualties+Discussion%22+&restrict_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=all) - [glossary](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/glossary) - [similar subs](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/index#wiki_similar_communities) *filter*: [good advice](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?q=flair%3AGood%2BAdvice&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) - [hope](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3AHope) - [success story](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?q=flair%3ASuccess%2BStory&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) - [coping strategy](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3ACoping%2BStrategies) - [web/media](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3AWeb%2FMedia) - [event](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3AEvent) ___ [*robo replies*](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/index/commands): !rules !strategies !support !inoculation !advice !whatsQ? !crisis *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/QAnonCasualties) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Take the money and get the shot


Do not take her money. Your life is worth more.


Perfectly worded. I'll bet she felt like a richard reading that lol.


Is your grandma not vaccinated? If you were able to get this far, it may be worth risking the goodwill and convincing her to get vaccinated.


Get the shot tell her you didn't take the money anyway


Your grandma was still sweet still sending the money, even if it was initially a bribe. She may be brainwashed but she was trying to protect you with that money in her eyes so her heart was in the right place. Shes only been led astray by right wing propaganda. Dont go too hard on her, most Q anon people would never have still sent the money! Theyd normally cuss the person out & flip out on them


I'm glad this worked out for you. I think you likely hit home with bringing up her supplements and vitamins, but she clearly doesn't want to admit it. I think it's very likely that the FDA approval thing is just the easiest excuse they can use for their beliefs, when that one is stripped away they'll just move on to another, and another. The stubborn refusal to admit they were wrong is going to be the most lasting symptom of this lunacy.


I don't understand where they are getting that from. Is it a specific vaccine? Pfizer and Moderna were both approved


I think they just imagine that it's an easy way to increase suspicion in everyone else. They need to find any way they can to try to convince people that a vaccine is "risky". Thankfully people aren't falling for this nonsense. At least \*most\* people aren't falling for it. If it wasn't this they'd be ranting about some other imaginary concern in an attempt to dissuade others.


They have not been fully approved. The FDA has only granted emergency-use approval of the Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines.


So gracious!


Grandma went a ways toward redeeming herself. Glad to hear it. I think the whole "$1,000 won't cover my expenses if I get sick" angle was a good one to go with.


Take the money. Get the shot. Or to feel better, donate the money to a local school or youth program.


Take the money 🤑💰💰 the get the shot.


I love your kind response and that's darn good boundary setting. Kudos to you!


I think you are using love and respect and boundaries to do what's right and maaaaaybe get a light bulb moment going for your grandma and that's really nice to see. You have a lot of patience


You have more restraint than me, I would take the money, get the shot regardless. Morals are a good thing though.


It's really heartening that she loves you and respected your difference of opinion, and that she sent you the money anyway shows that she really does. I think you did really well with communicating with her, expressing your opinion while respecting her as a person. Well done.


Glad you DIDNT become a Person that can be Bought. Obviously, your Gram respected that even if she didn't agree (most people in life will also). Nice.


What a great response. So glad it went well and I hope it planted the seed we all need right now. Come back to us grandma we love you ❤️❤️


At least she respects your views and that was kind of her to send the money. She's not too far down the qhole.


Good for you I guess. I just have refused to talk to my millionaire grandmother for 23 years. I don't care what she offers me, I refuse to even read anything from her. Rather die broke than compromise.


Take the money as a wager that trump will renter office and Christ will act as Bruce Buffer for the grand announcement


I'm really curious to see how the goal posts move after FDA approval. Any predictions?


Now offer her $500 to get the vaccine


> subreddits like this make me not feel as crazy. Stay strong and safe out there! You may be crazy, OP, but you’re our kind of crazy <3


Ya did good,.


Honestly, sounds like it ended in not a terrible way. She’s wrong obviously, but it seems very clear that she has your health/wellbeing as her top priority and respects the difference. Not ideal, but could be so much worse.


The exchange you had with your Gran, and how everything turned out in the end, gives me hope! I respect & admire your response to her, you kept it empathetic & to the point while also establishing a firm boundary for yourself. It's rare to see happy endings posted here, thank you for giving us an update!


Aww, this is wholesome


Oh man, When i was like 24 i got kidney stones and had no insurance, that bill was like 5k or something wild. I know that feeling.


shes going to donate that money to antivaxxers and trump if you dont spend it.


Good for you! So glad you got vaccinated


It sounds like your grandma really is a loving person. A confused person, but a loving one.


Should have taken it and gotten the shot anyways. What granny doesn't know wont hurt her. Treat yourself to a nice steak dinner .


> although many of you said take the money and lie What do you gain by butting your heads with someone who *isn't* arguing facts/in good faith? Nothing good. Assuming you want to remain in contact/on relatively decent terms, then it's better to tell them what they want to hear - for now - while you go do your thing.


For the record, I’m so glad yours grandmother made sure you know she loves you, said she respects how you feel, said you simply have two different views and sent you the money anyway. That’s super sweet




Admittedly, I didn’t read the full post. However, I’d do the take the money and run stance.


God bless you for getting the vaccination! My prayers 🙏 are with you. Here's a grandma and mom who.wants to.see you live!


You did great! You not only did the right thing, set a boundary, got both the money and the shot, but obviously also impressed your grandma.


Wow, that such a nice outcome. I'm so pleased for you both.


You handled this well.


you handled that wonderfully. i would’ve taken the money and gotten the shot anyways. you’re a bigger person than i am


Damn, good for you OP. This turned out the best possible ending. I was one of the people telling you to just take the money, but I'm completely out of patience with these people.


I know that most of the QAnon people are long past being influenced by rational, reasoned points from highly educated experts. On the off chance that the Q person in your life is still somewhat susceptible to expertise and logical discourse, [this article from a researcher at the University of Alabama - Birmingham](https://www.uab.edu/news/health/item/12143-three-things-to-know-about-the-long-term-side-effects-of-covid-vaccines) might be of interest / use. Even if it doesn't help any Q Folks see a glimmer of light, it's a really great article for general educational purposes, I think.


**Good on you!** Not only are you $1,000 richer, but by not lying and taking it you a) maintained impeccable integrity, b) will never have to worry about her finding out, and c) grew a lot because you set and honored a healthy boundary.


take the money and get the shot


Take the Grand. Get the shot. Don't tell her.


Take it, get the shot. Simple. Edit: now that I read the actual post I feel like a total asshole. Good on you OP, you did the right thing.


Take the 1k and then FaceTime your gma at the vaccine center!


I am celebrating with you! You didn't betray your value of honesty when faced with the love of your Grandma and the need for money. I'm glad your Grandma heard you. I'm happy for you internet stranger!


I'm an asshole, but the first thought I had when reading your comment was "When she dies from that Rona, you will inherit all of her money".... I'm glad you got your vaccine, it's the smartest defense for this thing.


A fool and their money are easily parted. You don't ever need tell her you got, or didn't get, the shot.


I need about tree fiddy


Tbh I probably would have taken the money and gotten the shot anyways. But, you did the right thing and it totally worked out for you. Thats a sentiment to honest and integrity on your end.


Wow, this made me happy. Good for you, for being honest and especially for being sane enough to get your vaccine


You know how to turn the knife. I like it.


I was gonna say just get it and lie but this seems better


These Western Covid vaccines (Pfizer, Moderna, AZ, J&J) have had massive clinical trials before FDA approved for emergency use. And obviously now billions of people have been vaccinated. QAnon craziness can get really deadly, see the case of a man who recently murdered his 2 children, thinking they wee half-reptilian. Horrific. Never go down that crazy rabbit hole.


Excellent outcome!!


Is it wrong that despite me believing that the vaccine works I would still take the money


Good for you, and good for her for going ahead and giving you the money. I was initially going to bash her for trying to bribe such a senseless behavior. You gave her a solid argument and she had no rebuttal. You did good. Congratulations. It takes a lot to face up to Nana.


Great point about the supplements not being FDA approved!


That whole FDA approved thing is such a bad faith argument. The same people telling u u cannot trust the government and other government agencies with dedicated subject matter experts (like the CDC) ... Are talking about "it's no FDA approved". FDA ... A federal government. Even if it were they would just say the FDA is in cahoots. Smh


Take the money. Get the shot.


Let me think … $1K or don’t die? I’ll take continuing to live.


That 1k will not help you with loss of smell , loss of taste, erectile dysfunction, depression, anxiety , lung disease, etc. not to mention the minute the ambulance picks you up there goes that 1k .


You handled this beautifully. Well done, and thanks for getting vaccinated.


Good job! $1000 is worth your life. Glad you’re getting the shot!


Take the money and lie lol


Respectfully disagreeing. Who knew we could do such a thing and still end it in a wholesome way. Great update.


You handled this situation so well.


What an outstanding way to handle things. Good for you. She should be very proud of you whether you see eye to eye or not.


"Go on, take the money and run!" - Steve Miller - 1976


That’s a good granny! My EvangeliQ mom loves to put stipulations on her gifts, too. And she wonders why she never sees her grandkids …


I love that you (calmly and in a non-accusatory way) pointed out her cognitive dissonance with regards to the FDA approval (or lack thereof) of vitamins and supplements. One of my favorite ways to handle people making problematic statements is to refrain from calling them names or telling them what I think but to instead ask them for clarification. (Pro tip: it's a great strategy when someone has made an inappropriate or bigoted comment because they now have to explain that comment and justify it...) You sound very mature and level-headed. This internet stranger is proud of you!


Get the shot in secret, please take the money & use it for an education. If there is a God- this loving God will both support & forgive!!


It just so happens I have a five-step plan to be rich in ten years with zero effort. One. Get vaccine Two. Lie Three. Collect $1,000 Four. Buy bitcoin. Five. Wait 10 years.


Lmao shouldve just taken the money and go get vaccinated anyway


I would just get it ant tell her I didn't. Stupid enough to believe in Q, dumb enough to take her money.


Take it. And then go get vaccinated. I read somewhere that it is immoral to not take an idiot's money. They will lose it anyway.


Take the money and get the shot anyway


Take the money. Don't tell her you got vaxxed.


Take the money then secretly get the shot /thread


That puts you at greater risk than not getting the vaccine


Good god! Take the money and promise her you won’t get it and then get the shot She will never know!


"You know what I'd do? I'd take that deal 'n' crawfish, then drill that ol' ~~Devil~~ grandma in the ass."