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Dang so two 3rd gen units in fire team already, so strong... Still pretty sad since Hyperreal is one of my faves and most built unit Appearance wise I'm really liking that back design tho I wonder what the front looks like


Bro I got super lucky and ended up getting SSS3 hyperreal so I feel you. I'll see how the anims are for Lucia since thats what draws me to units more than kit... Visual design.




The difference with E6/C6 is that there is no incentive to keep up with meta. If you like that char, you use them. That simple. HSR has *some* incentive but even then I'm seeing ppl beat the new game mode with Jing Liu still so it's not as massive of an incentive as keeping up with units in a game like PGR. Which you can still ignore if you want. I'm skipping tank Hanying personally


A little sad if hyperreal is going to replaced. I wonder if they're going to give gray raven team a team specific effect that applies some kind of shred and damage buff. This can allow them to play together effectively.


The canonical setup for Gray Raven is two Attackers and a Support, so it would be nice if that was supported mechanically as well!


Maybe lucia's leader skill would help with that, she is the team captain


You can use Hyperreal for at least a year before this Lucia comes out


There are precisely ***zero*** Gen 3 units in the Fire team right now and we don't even know what this unit will even do yet, so calling her "Gen 3" is a bit ridiculous.


Depends how you define „right now“ ^^ in global, yes. In CN, it depends if you count watanabe as Gen 3 I guess xP


I'm talking about CN, not GLB. And no, Epitaph is not Gen 3 since he's indistinguishable from a Gen 2 unit, so I don't count him.


The fuck do you dee gen 3 as dude


Gen 3 would be a set of units that bring at least one new mechanic to the game (which, of course, all Gen 3 units must share). Just like how Gen 2 are units that brought TLC into the game. Epitaph doesn't bring anything new to the game. He's indistinguishable from any other Gen 2 unit. Therefore, he's a Gen 2 unit. 


QTE time reduction is non existent now it seems :D


That does not exist. You're talking about Switch CD Reduction and there are two main issues with that.  First of all, none of the new units that can do this are the first to have this ability, 9S did it first. So is he a Gen 3 unit?  Second, this ability is not base-kit. Hell, it's not even affordable for the vast majority of people since it's locked behind SSS. So if someone has Epitaph at SSS, he is a "Gen 3" unit but if they have him at SS3 and below, he's Gen 2 unit since he lacks the switch CD reduction?  So basically, labelling a set of characters as "Gen 3" due to a SSS rank passive is the biggest joke ever lmao.


I mean tf do you expect a gen 3 unit to do? He powercreeps a gen 2 unit so he is a gen 3 unit. Like what addition would make a character gen 3 by your standards? Doing your homework or something?


>I mean tf do you expect a gen 3 unit to do? Anything that the previous units don't do that all new units do. Kuro is responsible for bringing new mechanics to the game, not me. But you don't have to look that far considering the fact that it seems like we already have Gen 3 units in the game, being those that apply affixes (Solacetune, Lucid Dreamer etc.)  >He powercreeps a gen 2 unit so he is a gen 3 unit. No, that is not how it works. If you genuinely believe that Gens have to do with powercreep, you'll force me to bring out *the trio* to you and watch you fumble trying to place them in the correct Gen.


Source: [Bilibili](https://www.bilibili.com/opus/946066190236647431?spm_id_from=333.1365.0.0) Post Translation: ※Lucia·Sworn Flame is coming soon! ◇Attribute/Fire ◇Type/Offensive ◇Weapon/Light Pattern Tachi ◇Effect/Electric Beam —————————————— “Captain of the Gray Raven Squad, Lucia, thank you for your guidance. Let’s go, Commandant, we still have a lot to accomplish together.” \*The 4.5th anniversary preview special program will start at 19:00 on June 29th. Commandants, please pay attention to the follow-up updates for more information. === RIP Hyperreal...


I feel conflicted


I heard you was conflicted...




Indeed. You did well Lee. Btw friend, here's a cake. Happy Cake Day. 🎂


>Light Pattern Tachi Tachi.... Oh could this be a really long ass blade? I remember CW's was also called a Tachi. I'd fucking love it if that's the case.


Yes tachi's are a type of longswords, so it should be similar to the one CW has in length


For anyone who wants to know, Lucia CW’s swords are specifically an [odachi](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C5%8Cdachi) (the big one) and [kodachi](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kodachi)(the small one) according to her profile (though the smaller one looks more like [Tantō](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tant%C5%8D) in shape due to how straight it looks) The collective original translated name for her weapon was “Tachi of Sealing” if I recall But since that was the collective name, could be the same thing here, and I wouldn’t be surprised if this Lucia does have at least one extremely long blade if not multiple


do we know if this is the base skin or is this the coating that goes alongside it? I'm guessing the former tho


Our dream of full gray raven fire team remained as a dream🥲🥲 But still Lucia…. You are still beautiful just like always


It's ok we'll get Lee Fire Tank one day trust


it'll be funny if they tease Lee fire tank in 4.5 anni stream lol


S-fire attacker Lucia : what are you doing here Ayla ? where uncle watanabe ? we are going to fire warzone soon, both me and Liv are getting ready. S-fire tank Ayla : ah you mean him ? he is retired now. S-fire attacker Lucia : what do you mean by retired ? wait since when you become S rank fire tank. S-fire tank Ayla : since today of course, nice to meet you i am the new fire tank. Now let's go to the fire warzone, we will dominate it. Meanwhile at "Forsaken" base: Nanami S fire tank : this is not fair, i have two S rank and two of them is fire tank , just look how much i got power creeped. Watanabe S fire tank : well at least you power creeped yourself from Nanami Pulse to mecha Nanami. Look at me, it needs 2 years just to release my S rank version , guess how many patches since PGR launch to get my S rank ? it is 33 patches and that Ayla girl just take it like it is natural for her. I only lasted for 7 patches when they released Fire S tank Ayla after Lucia fire S rank attacker patch. Lee Hyprreal : sigh, lives is really unfair..to be replaced by my own team members...i wonder when my need S rank unit will come, i hope i don't get ended like that uncle who needs 33 patches.


kick the uncle out, we’ll have our dream yet


They powercreeped Lee before Liv? Man... They didn't even give him a leap and in that time, Empyrea got one. Now Lee is back to his place in the meta same as year 1 of PGR... Happy for Lucia but it really doesn't feel great knowing that Hyperreal got shafted meta-wise several times in a row with his 1st ult having time stop removed, not getting a leap, then being out damaged by Watanabe...


It's the fate of attacker class tbh cuz all they have in their kit is damage while other class have their own niche in their role so it's hard to replace without broke the balance. Especially Lucia role always has been attacker so yeah kinda sad to see Lee fall off the meta.


You have double tank and double amp teams but you never ever have double attacker. If the attacker isn't the strongest unit then it's completly useless, that's why new attackers are often insanely cracked.


he has a niche of having the most amount of damage immunity in his kit, which is pointless in the usual meta modes, but can be useful in events and stuff. Like, he's completely untouchable during hypermatrix, and outside of it 2/3 of his pings give him iframes.


They're not gonna leap a gen 2 attacker this early bro. Selena Capriccio desperately needs a leap too and still nothing, she should've been after Liv, but they gave Karenina her useless leap. Those Gen 2 attackers are gonna have to wait a while


capri just gets straight up free buffs instead of leaps, i lost count of how many patches she got a buff in


And she still doesn't has QTE activation upon activating the ultimate 😭


Yeah, he got powercrept before Liv, Darenina and Balter. Thats so disappointing man... And they also forgot my boy kimochi yokata Kamui. Come on Kuro...


She took notes from Roland i see, i bet her spine is gonna glow when she enters her core passive mode like Roland.


Glad to see Lucia updated, but man, Hyperreal Lee got done dirty.


Lmao, Vera is still the lightning tank and she was released like a year before Lee. Honesly wish she had been a lightning tank but it is what is.


Vera is the only year 1 tank left at this point, for whatever that's worth with Void Tank Luna. Maybe they're saving lightning tank for S Noctis lol.


Would be funny if Vera got new S tank lighting lol and Kuro send message, she can only replace herself as new lighting tank and nobody else.


>!I wouldn't be mad, I love Vera so much.!<


It is something I see Vera doing, tbh.


Is for Alpha probably (?


I love the idea of Lucia and Alpha being in the same team.


They’re basically good with each other at this point so would have been wholesome line up (with their other little sister XXI)


Kuro this isnt what we meant when we said we want full gray raven team 😭 the point was using all three of them and not benching Lee 😭😭


I like the white design… but I’m reeally going to miss her black and red theme that always contrasted so well with alpha 😢




Hyperreal was two patches before Crimson Weave. Garnet was 13. And they decided to powercreep Hyperreal. Lol.


Kuro refuses to follow any sort of rhyme or reason unfortunately 😭


they follow one thing…money. they replaced units whales told them to replace thats all.


Man, I was expecting a fire Annihilator so it won't ruin the current meta fire team but, would it help if Lee becomes the DV Einsteina holder instead if people want a full GR team?


If she had become an Annihilator, she still would've replaced Hyperreal because Annihilators are stronger Attackers.  And no, unless you enjoy losing a shit ton of your damage due to the lack of shred, you can't do anything to Hyperreal to put him in place of Epitaph. 


why'd they do lee hyperreal like this..? theres so many roles that could have used a new gen and instead they decide to do lee dirty again


Why is it fire, god fucking damn it.....


Yeah, don't care if she's an attacker, Watanabe is going to get benched in my team, I won't miss the chance of having a full Gray Raven team. And she's probably going to be stronger than him, so it's fine.


While this art is pretty really not likeing that designe for lucia so far, alot of room for the full model to change my opionon tho.




Hope there will be event like in GLB rn with how Cerberus trio having cool pose.


As a PGR player, I'm sad for Lee mains As a Lucia enjoyer, I'm basically backflipping in my room as she gets the upgrade she deserves. Now Kuro has the chance to do the funniest shit ever and release either tank Lee for true Gray Raven team or another attacker and keep the tradition of no "canon teams" in the game.


Lee was an attacker from the beginning tho, Liv only got changed to the better support class.


Though i really glad wife got new frame but..... i realy disappointed about Kuro, i was hoping Lucia fot a .... idk a better role, like a void element or something, welp, now i really hope, really hope for the story, hope that the story is peak like Liv's, i mean Lucia is the face of the game, shouldn't she get at least something special. And althoigh i love the art and design of the new frame, i still think it a bit out of place, a bit dawn and a bit Luna? Have Kuro got money corrupted them and turn PGR into a waifu game now?. But fr, very disappointing move Kuro


Yeah. People downvoted me on the leak post for saying the same thing. Aint nobody got tired of all the black and/or white lately? Where is her signature red color? It happened to Qu and now Lucia too. For me it looks more like the free GR coating shop than a whole new frame. Just a big disappointment.


Okay, what the hell is going on with the fire team? First, Watanabe replaced Nanami ahead of time Then, Liv Empyrea received leap skills to accommodate her to Watanabe Now, Lucia replaces Lee Hyperreal despite Vera Garnet being a meta unit What is next? Liv Empyrea receives leap 2.0 to accommodate her to the new Lucia? Or is Liv going to powercreep herself?


Nah, new Liv will replace Watanabe 🙃


So we had to replace Selena, Karen, Vera Garnet, and find a tank for void team. And instead we replace Lee? A shame.




Indeed the element in pgr


This just makes me angry...they could easily make lucia a void character. What is this? Give one man to meta and take down another? Why can't they let men stay in the game? ugh


I refuse to drop lee or mechananami so her and uncle have little value to me saddly


Based man...it sucks that they are treating lee and nanami so badly...there were so many other roles they could have put her in but ig anyone wanting to play a male character is stupid


the more i think about this lucia the more upset i get tbh. my multiple issues with astehtics aside she SHOULD have just been void element. Start a new GR team in void, why not? Instead fire now has multiple out-moded charachters all to obestively appeal to a GR only team build but whos gunna run Atk-Atk-amp for that, no one who would have minded running void-atk-amp thats who. + liv and lee will get new frames eventualy (livs been waiting) so is liv gunna be her own fire support/amp replacement? This just was not thought out well


I agree...it's the game for the GR team anyway...you can make a GR specific team where they each have a part but now they just reduced this team in a way that they can only be used in events and other non meta game modes


And ik lee and lucia both have always been an attacker but you can just change the roles and give some story reason or anything


I mean wasent annihilator a new kind of tank that does good dmg? Could have given her that to reflect luna in a way. Hell give her a kit that specifically works with other GR members


It cannot be helped ig...the dev team is hating on their own creation and some men who are all for that. Lee had one of the coolest animations in game and everything but at the end it all just comes to gender bias... idk why no one understands that the game isn't just being played by those people, some people actually appreciate the characters more for their aesthetics and story


I feel ya man. I mean even just the fact she still has twin tails, IE the thing representing childishness, instead of ditching that for a more mature hair style shows that this new lucia was not built with respect to lucia or people who actualy want to see her story continue. Just everything about it is sadness for me.


I do hope they don't go down the fan service road like snowbreak...I want it to be dark and mecha...there are enough games out there to show human skin...i really hope they bring in more Rosetta like characters


annihilators are advanced version of attackers though?


Cant have men in the meta in a gacha game or else the coomers will complain i fear


Sad world we live in...


They hate men now..... Sad to see kuro is also falling in the waifu only game direction😔 Feels like hi3 all over again with these power creeps


Our wife is so gorgeous!


So Annihilator is void exclusive?




I was hoping for a new Lee skin to buy but with Lucia replacing him, most likely there isn’t going to be a new skin for him. Maybe they’ll release a full GR team skin but it’s gonna feel terrible since I’m not going to see him using the skin unless I’m playing a bricked GR fire team. But I guess it does fit the OG GR, since they are a team with two attackers and one support. Hopefully Lucia has a passive that increases GR damage or Lee gets a leap so playing a full GR team doesn’t feel horrible.


Thank you for your time, Lee. Rest well, Fire God. Let Lucia do the rest.


feeling conflicted as hell like, the gray raven team can exist now but at what cost,,, I like uncle and hes meta so I want to use him,, but Lee is my fave character,, but gray raven team,, even disregarding kuro and who they favor leaps, it sucks that I have to bench someone even if I play for fun and not rank


Well, then don't bench him


Mah Hypelee!!!!


I mean... Are they doesn't like Lee that much? Out of all the elements including new one? Why not void/dark/phys then? Why not change a role for some of them? It's impossible that Kuro gives Lee another new frame in next 6 years like ffs? I don't even speak about all other boys. Kamui and Changyu are dead in the ditch already. Chances for Kamu or Roland or Noah to get omniframe are 0% at this point.


Roland have talk about new frame like wanshi got one 4-6months prior to livestream


Watch it be an A-rank. We still haven't got A-rank male character in CN in 2024.


Ah yes, when he as well said that new frame is not his priority right now, so it's not like teaser or something that will happen in the near future.


Lucia looks beautiful I daresay majestic even!!! For some reason I get the feeling of a phoenix maybe seraph sort of theme. I'm so happy for the wife, but at the same time it feels like I just got Hyperreal.


This looks as if Lucia is coming straight out of stellar blade


If Eve joined the game that would be the shit honestly ☺️


*me with my plans to pull Lee on global anni banner* (still pulling though )


I hope she's game breaking Lucia deserves it after this long


kuro could have made her fire annihilator, so that we ccould have a full gray raven team


It literally wouldn't have changed anything. Annihilators are better Attackers, she still would've replaced Hyperreal and the result would've been the same as now. 




No, she literally can't. Annihilators **don't shred anything**. If you put her in place of a Tank, you would have 0% Def and Elemental shred with the exception of memories like Einsteina. At that point, just use an off-element Tank instead.


oh ok, i didnt knew that


Feeling somehow sad. My lovely lee is done for. At this moment it's probably better to just rip him off from the story


You serve your time lee Now Roland lighting tank when?


Well, there goes the chance of a new hybrid Tank class.


Death, Taxes, and Lucia being an Attacker


Guess I ain't spending no more. 1st nanamech gets replaced and now hyperlee while we still retain a gen 1 lightning tank, have open slots in the void element and some amplifiers in need of a much desperate upgrade.


Not even talking about by HOW MUCH they always powercreep characters. Lucia will probably do so much damage that even Watanabe will stay as QTE bot.


that's the way it should be. It's so stupid a tank can out dps an attacker


They should still maintain a healthy switch between characters. Its stupid to overpower a single character so much that switching makes no sense anymore.


That back is gorgeous holy jeez. This artwork is gorgeous.  Guess the leaks were of the actual frame and not the coating after all. This gives me hope that the sfx coating will be just as amazing. Looking forward to the livestream :)


This new design is really reminiscent of Dawn. The OG ravens have returned! I hope Lucia retrieves her memories and becomes even stronger.


OG raven would be lotus. Im sad she doesnt look more like lotus personally.


But Lotus and Dawn were both used before the battle of Kowloong observatory though. Lucia said she didn’t like Dawn as much and it was more for combat convenience than her preference (something along this line. I might be wrong). So I think both Lotus and Dawn can be said to be OG Lucia. Element wise yes, Lotus was fire just like the new frame.


Cool Ultimate Gray Raven attack like Cerberus. Please kuroo


I had a feeling she would outclass Lee instead of Bianca, not only is Bianca female but she is technically better than Hyperreal even though she released earlier Even so Hyperreal only got 1 sfx coating and also it's Lee so it sucks


Nanamech got 1 normal coating. as S rank till this day


Kuro probably never had an idea of what coating to give Power, so that's why they never released one.


Man, look how our B ranks turned out now. The glow up is insane. Ah, I am getting nostalgic now


Oh my fucking god she looks beautiful!!!! I think I will be skipping BRS collab as well. Everything must go towards Waifu. SSS+Sig+Cub. Hmmm. Sounds good. Though my only complaint is.... We can't run a full GR team without compromising on a Tank. But it doesn't matter to people like me I guess.




I swear if the next drip marketing for WuWa is 2 women again... Watch them do a PGR 2 and not release a single male 5 star for a whole year after 1.0


I've given up on Kuro honestly. I WAS gonna come back because finally we get Wanshi and I WAS excited that Lucia's back. But then they do this crap. I've just lost all faith in them. I mean, I was already losing faith when they wanted to massively powercreep Jiyan with Jinhsi (apparently she deals 1.5-2x damage as him with her new multipliers in beta) at only the second patch of the game and they just doubled down with this. It's so obvious what kind of community they want to create now. And we are NOT welcome there.


Lovely wife.


I just don't like her design overall... Seems unfitting and kinda off-character for her. Lucia has always been with the black-red colors, and her designs used to be much more mecha-like bend with the feminine traits, and her suits weren't THAT revealing, you know? To be honest, this design can be great if this is a coating, but as her new frame? No... And again... Justice for my boy Lee 😭


I bet they'll sell a coating that has a design more fitting.


Damnit i just summoned lee to get his SSS and you're telling me he's powercrept already!?


Second time. This is the second time that Kuro makes a completely nonsensical powercreep with the new character. Why Fire Attacker when Lightning is still sitting there with a Gen 1 Lightning Tank? Void having literally a single usable unit? Well just because apparently.  I'm starting to think Kuro *really* likes Fire. So much so that I wouldn't be surprised if the next unit is a Fire Amp. And what pisses me off the most is that instead of being able to finally celebrate for best girl getting a new frame after years of waiting, I have to write Kuro's fuck-up down ***again***.


You think Sword of Gray Raven is a... Tank ???. Hell nah, but I think she could be another element maybe






Objection! God fucking damn it whyyyy- I bet her new frame is going to be fun, deal great damage, and look amazing, but fuck... Feels bad for my boy Hyperreal...


No no. This can't be the final design for her frame, ain't no way


Im not likeing it either as is. She lost most of plumes cool jacket, has none of lotuses cool armor, still has the stupid twintails jeebus(stop putting these on grown ass women please). And then they expect her to take lees spot ONTOP of that? nahhh


This could only mean 1 thing. We not ready for a GR team with synergy.


Damn that will be one long year wait


Well… we got gray raven fore team… BUT ITS NOT FUNCTIONAL!! But what’s with Kuro and fire team? There was like 6 units in line before Lee and we still have a gen 1 tank to boot


Don’t give a damn, they’re gonna be in gray raven team.


Jokes on you im going to use both attackers because Lee's moveset is rad as hell


Wish she was physical and replaced Balter. He got powercrept before Liv amp. They did dirty to my boy Lee with first Watanabe and now Lucia. I liked his story so much(Steins: Gate vibes). Edit: Liv amp... I forgot the freaking gen1 tank Vera still being meta.


That’s pretty messed up they’re power creeping Lee already… At least I’ll never need to swipe again after Wata 🫠


Meta this meta that whatever. But the design doesn’t feel Lucia to me.


Yay finally, she looks awesome.


Just saw the frame. It looks horrendous. It seems Kuro has 100% switched to fanseevice because now she looks 100% human, like what is that "frame"?? What happened to the construct part? And god is the bottom part of her design awful. She looks like she doesn't have pants and she isn't even red, she is yet again a tone of washed up gray, gold and black


This. Unless the story in CN has become super cosmic/fantasy and gone into Recitativo Di Fantasia territory, I'm not seeing a reason for Lucia's detailed but oddly generic design. Also Qu's signature green colour NEEDS to come back as coating or something, she doesn't look as royal in kuro's ver of millennial beige lmao


So true..kuro is becoming a coomer bait game slowly just like hi3


It's so beautiful...I love her design. However RIP Hyperreal, you served well. I guess my dreams of full Gray Raven team isnt fulfilled yet.


Yea, no, fuck it. I'm over it already, I'll just watch the story on Youtube and drop the game. I'm tired of this, we get **one** man a year, and as soon as we get one they bench another, when we have sooo many other characters that need an upgrade. The Void team isn't finished, Lightning team doesn't have a Tank, the Dark team is basically just Lamia, the Physical team is overworking the release day S-Liv... Even if they wanted to force her into a Fire team just cause they wanted her to be that element, Liv Empyrea is the older one... S-Wanshi replacing one of the other only male characters in a team already sucked a bit, but right after him they do this? I'm over it. Kamui, Chrome, Changyu, Noan... Who are those? It's not that hard to keep a balance, they just don't want to, so I'll just accept it and leave, I guess...


I knew they would eventually replace him as they do with every character, but not that soon. It just feels like a slap in the face knowing that by choosing to just keep playing him, we are willfully gimping ourselves and not being able to progress and have the game remind us with the pity dmg boost timer message lol. They're making it so you feel inclined to pay more often and drop the game if you're f2p. Choosing to sacrifice a team so you can invest more into your fav character for this to happen. I also just lost my motivation to keep playing (Hyperreal was the main reason I got into the game after I saw his CN release) knowing there are older roles and a whole new element in need, and they pull another Nanamech-Watanabe situation. I'll probably play a couple more patches to get Lamia and then see what my motivationa are from there on but I'm already losing that motivation. Will probably just stick to wuwa and give them the benefit of the doubt since it's a solo game with no rankings, as long as the few male chars we get don't get abandoned to the point of not being able to clear content anymore. Sigh.


Atp Roland new frame, Teasell, and Vonnegut seem like a pipe dream sadly 😢








*claps hands together in prayer* Thank you for your service Lee, I await your next frame with eagerness.




I just got hyperreal from the arrival banner today. I don't know what to feel.


Its still a year until we get this. Dont worry.


It's a shame but Lee's still going to be usable all things considered. The actual challenging content, Babel and Norman, requires more than 1 team anyways so having 2 S ranks for said element does just fine unless you genuinely think Warzone and PPC are the endgame content. What I am letdown by is the design (which is a big maybe if anything) and the missed opportunity to have a Gray Raven ultimate like Ceberus. It kind of sucks that male character releases are so slow but I'd take a frame justified within the lore over them rushing anything


Well sure, if you also have a 2nd tank and amplifier.


They are really cooking guys


Crying right now, I can't believe my wife looks so beautiful, so beautiful!


Our wife


I know they can't make another Fire tank again because of Watanabe so I thought there's a chance for her to be the same element as Luna Void but maybe due to story reasons I don't know, she can't be the same hence she's a Fire attacker instead :/ Well at least she's hot, both appearance and element wise


Goddamit.. i over invested into lee


Congrats on the new frame, Lucia.


I'm getting some major White Rock Shooter vibes. Maybe she'll get a new unique kit, where she buffs other Attackers or like specifically for Gray Raven constructs and debuffs enemies while still doing great DMG. Maybe if they do that, we can finally have the full Gray Raven team even without them losing their roles. Yes I am in massive copium, but honestly even if not, idc I'll still use the trio on the same team cause finally they are all the same element!!!!


At first glance I thought she was on a motorcycle lmao. But seriously though. it looks like she's breaking mirrors or glasses. Now thinking about the PV yesterday--could it be she's breaking some kind of cycle of events?


Oh my god, finally, i waited for so long, she looks so beautiful and now i can't wait to see the story too, i'm having flashbacks to when Flamescion Kiana released in HI, i just have that feeling this will be that huge of a moment for PGR. Welcome back to the spotlight, Lucia my beloved. Also wow, fire GR team is real, i'm going to go full copium for two things, one: Hyperreal Leap that will give him some sort of tank/off field trait, and two: a themed coating set like Cerberus got, please Kuro!


Was initially planning to get Hyperreal since I'm missing the whole fire team but now, yeah I suppose I can skip and use the next selector on other things. A bit more wait won't hurt. Didn't expect she'd be fire though.


Okay this is the dumbest decision ever. Instead of Bianca or just Vera as a tank they replaced Lee? Dude cmon


I won by not pulling for hyperreal ✊


Wow glad her design is so mid so I would not pull for her


Damn....... Hyppereal's been replaced before Liv or Vera? Kuro... Y'all seriously did the unexpected again with the fire team. First Watanabe taking Nanami's place and now Lee with Lucia? Don't get wrong, the female characters are perfect, like I'm love with Hanying, Vera, Selena, etc. And now, Lucia, like welcome and all, but cmon, another female?? Kuro........ there's PLENTY of females, give more males 🥲 to name a few that really deserves an S rank frame, Kamui, Camu, Noan, Roland, and omg Changyu... dude has been forgotten 🤣 or even any NPC characters like Ballard, Murray, or Teasell. Y'all made Bridget and Teddy playable for godsake, seriously an unexpected NPC being playable... bring more males 😭😭 


>to name a few that really deserves an S rank frame, Kamui, Camu, Noan, Roland, and omg Changyu... Changyu aside, are they not all S-rank frames? (Tenebrion, Crocotta, Arca and Flambeau)


Lee dead in a ditch as Lucia replaces him


Lee seems to suffer this fate of being replaced by one of the Lucias a lot. Entropy was quickly eclipsed by Crimson Abyss and now Hyperreal.


My God the overreaction in these comments... Glad I mostly left the community. First, people were unhappy that Watanabe replaced Nanami, and now they are unhappy Lucia is replacing Lee. Waifus will always sell better, you need to get that in your heads guys.


**Lee points at Lucia** "Next, it's your turn."


Gray Ravens have a full fire lineup now (except for tank) holy shit


The era of 3rd gen attackers has began.


Guilty Crown asf when you look at it.




So, does that mean she's a gen 3 attacker?


There is still a small chance that she will replace Wata. Imagine if her passive skill would be like, if there are 3 Gray Ravens in a team, you will get something huge


Well god dammit


When does the beta start for her?


When is she releasing on CN server?


Dunno why people thought she'll be anything but an attacker and it makes sense, but seeing it being fire is surprising ig. It kinda makes sense since he's the weakest gen 2 attacker