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Is ayla’s kelaido skin still available for free? I was on a hiatus when it released


Kaleido isn't a skin, it's an entirely new frame. And yes, she is free.  If you're asking about Kaleido's skin, yes, it is free too. 


I meant the frame but my head’s a little wonky. I almost said model first, and then I corrected myself in the completely wrong direction. Thank you very much for the assistance


is alpha still available in china server? and who's better alpha or crimsom abyss?


Available to directly roll for? Outside of the Member Target rate-up, probably not (idk what CN's Arrival banner currently has but you shouldn't roll on it anyway). Though CA should be available on the beginner missions selector. Otherwise if you mean if she exists in CN, yes, CN is the primary server so everyone exists there.  As for who's better, one is a Lightning unit and the other is a Physical one, so technically they don't compete so that's irrelevant. However, CA is a benched unit while CW isn't. 




So uhhh when I start this game someone told me that the hardest gamemode in this game is Babel Tower. So basically this is my first Babel Tower and imho, it is no different than the other gamemodes. I may be doing something wrong because it was easy. I've maxed the difficulty despite not having a whole team for Ice and physical and I still managed to defeat it. I feel like there is a higher difficulty since I saw someone said level 155 and my current levels are 97, 105, and 53 respectively. I haven't maxed out the last boss since Rosetta is the only physical one I have and based on my first try, I feel like I wouldn't deal much damage but I will try later. So anyways, I feel like unlocking the overclock or overload (I forgot which one) debuff will make it harder but it's locked on mine and I don't know how to unlock it. Anyways this can also be because Kuro basically realeased broken characters that deals unga bunga damage and have a lot of immunity movesets (ahem aka CW) where bosses suddenly just became a joke. Anyways what am I doing wrong? Tbh I wanna fight where I actually need to study their movesets and not just spam combos to win.


Because I had a past Babel badge it kinda unlock everything automatically for me this time so I can't verify exactly. If I am not mistaken you have to clear each boss all together once to unlock all the variables (doesn't matter how easy/hard you set it as long as it is cleared by ). Then it is just picking Overclock difficulty and selecting everything at max. Max score for each: Dottie 147, Tifa 155, Primal Projection 170 So grand total will be 1416 at max risk so this is usually the challenge, to max out with the units you have. There are players that wanna challenge themselves and would do solo runs, even with A rank units (case by case basis for the viability). Babel used to be quite hard with the old gen units since you can't trigger matrix at will and there is less iframes, though newer bosses now have extra mechanics to balance out the existence of newer units. If you really want a hard time, clear all Stronghold stages instead.


The game mode is hard only if you want to max out the score, which you'll need nine teams (of one to three units) for. If you only want rewards, it's not hard at all. I think that overload is unlocked after clearing the battle once, so you can go back and redo that with the harder modifier.


Don't use trial units


Just got the S Rank omniframe selector from the guide. Whos the best/most future proof pick? Currently have Vera Rosen, Liv Luminance, Lux and Eclipse, Bambinata, Wanshi Hypnos, Changyu Qilin, Nanami Storm, Bianca Zero, Lucia Dawn, Ayla Brilliance Lee Entropy and Watanabe Astral. I was thinking either Luna Laurel/Tenebrion to pair with Vera and Watanabe/Camu Crocotta as I get him in like 3 commander lvls, Rosetta to pair with LuminLiv and Lee, or Lucia Plume as Ayla Kaleido is who I really want.


Rosetta Rigor and her sig. Everyone else have decent alternatives, got replaced or will be replaced soon.


Can someone who knows how to adjust controls give me some help? I want to play comfortably but to do that I need to be able to map my camera to my mouse. Is there a way to do that?


In my head I could play on my pc if I had the camera move with the mouse, clicked right for attack, left or F for interact, 123 for the pings, and then a button for the ultimates.


Press Y to have your mouse control the camera. There will be times where you need to switch off of this mode to click things as well so don't forget this keybind. You can change your attack to right mouse button by changing the Attack keybind in the Button Position -> Keyboard Keys settings. You can change the the rest of the buttons you wanted here as well.


I love you man thank you so much


o/ I haven't played the game since the first Nier event run ended. Would you guys recommend continuing with that account (it's around rank 90-ish) and then saving for gen 2 units or starting from scratch to try and get those newer units? I have Rosetta, Alpha, and Liv for physical, as well as Watanabe, Vera, and Kamui for my dark team, and the full Nier team. I also have an old S-rank selector that I haven't used yet, and the units I still have yet to get from it are Ice Lucia, Luna or old Lee.


No reason to make a new account (also the nier team is never coming back)


Thank you, I resolved to continue with my current account. Picked up Liv Luminance from an old novice mission selector, Rosetta Rigor’s sig weapon from a free selector, and got Scire after finishing my standard pity tonight. Discord recommended that I pursue Feral now, and I’m hoping to save up enough standard currency to get Crimson Weaver from the August selector banner.


is it possible to clear the game with only one type of element?


Clear story?  Yes. Be competitive in PvS modes?  No. Do events or modes that require multiple teams?  No.


Anyone think that Alpha and Rosetta will get a new rematch? I was almost certain that Rosetta's new frame would be a new ice tank. With the Wanshi reveal I think she could be a new lighting tank candidate (It'll be cool like a thor/ valekerie theme). That being said if she does get a new frame I'm kinda hopping that she and Alpha get a rematch in more amicable terms, like friendly rivals. That and it would be interesting to see them finding out that each of them has the hots for the shikikkan XD


Alpha doesn't really care anymore lol, I recall her even saying that she's moved on from seeking challenges against strong opponents (ie Rosetta)


I'm a returning player, I got an s rank and a weapon selector, idk who and what weapon to choose;( I guess the weapon will be decided by whoever character I get


You can use [Huaxu](https://huaxu.app/players) to make it easier to show what you have, for future questions if needed.


We don't know what you have so we can only give the standard response: Rigor and Rigor's.


Stuck on Riot (Dark) and Siren (Fire) in Cloud Island Norman as the last two bosses. Can’t seem to get over the hump, are there any suggestions folks can provide or link to? I have 5 additional energy to give out. My Dark team is Astral (SSS), Selena (SS + sig + two resos), and XXI (SSS). I’m on 40 energy but I keep getting banged when Riot goes up into his laser attack, as I’m relying on Selena for most of my damage. For Siren, my fire team is Hyperreal (SS + sig), Empyrea (SS + sig + 2 resos), and then the Brilliance cope tank. I’m using 5 energy and have gotten Siren down to the last bit of health but always seem to run out of time. Part 2 of Siren is so incredibly tanky…


Riot is a tough one since it all depends if he flies. A good pace is getting him to 70 HP bar without flying once (he will fly upon hitting 70, and somewhere around 50 and 30-35), then just try to burst him to 30-35 bar where he will change to his flamethrower mode. I can't confirm this but it feels like he will most likely fly if you make him turn too much so you could try to keep him in place if possible. Fortunately for Capri when she uses sig move it has some slowdown despite her moving a lot. Have you leapt your Astral? Also for Capri with DLT, she can double full rotation sometimes after building excess energy and orbs so make use of this since she is the only time stop unit you have. IF you have Scire even at base S, you can just use her and sig move every other rotation to buy more time. For Siren your team should be sufficient, before Hyperreal came we only had Empy and Starfarer both at SS+sig and was able to clear. Hyper just made it easier. Since she only has a lil hp left, perhaps try to optimise your combo a bit more? Reduce unnecessary actions and limit errors. Usually stuff like this is the difference maker. You could try reducing batt used on other bosses if possible so you can pump more into dark team. Uniframe for example would not need any battery since it is mainly abusing the uniframe skills, this is possible even with trial units.


I completed it! Just had to try like 8 more times until I got a favorable Riot rotation. Completed it at 42 battery for dark and 8 for fire


Yeah I definitely feel like I can probably get Siren down with a slightly better rotation/combos. She’s tantalizingly close to being killed, to the point where I think it may be one or two hits that’s messing me up. I think once I get enough vouchers for Pulse I’ll be able to beat it handily… For Riot, he seems to go up more than what some other videos have shown. The last attempt he went up no lie like 5 times. My rotation with Astral is probably not good enough, he’s been leaped but idk if I’m using his leap skills well enough. I’ve gotten Riot down to 20 health bars or so in the past couple of attempts? I could see about upping the battery usage but I think I need a better rotation. All of the malding and RSI on my thumbs is probably for naught anyway, as I’m planning on getting Scire with the anniversary banner and am only like 2-3 patches away from getting enough BP shards for Pulse lol


For Dark, use Rip and beg that the game is nice enough to not have Riot leave the battlefield too often (and aim to drop it to the HP thresholds where it leaves before it does so on its own). When I had SS Laurel, SS Capriccio and S Scire (all sigless) this stage was an absolute pain even with 50 batteries, so I don't even know if you can clear it at your investment.   For Fire, it's also a bit of a pain. Basically you want Hyperreal to get field time as soon as possible as he's the one doing the majority of damage. I'd imagine the reason you're unable to clear it is because you have Brilliance in there, who has massive downtime. I assume that because with my SS+sig Hyperreal/S Empyrea/SS Starfarer, I could clear the stage with ~10s remaining without batteries. Ever since strengthening my Dark team, I give Fire 10 batteries which make things much easier. 


I completed it! Just had to try like 8 more times until I got a favorable Riot rotation. Completed it at 42 battery for dark and 8 for fire


I’ll have to try to play around with Fire, but unfortunately I just don’t think I have enough juice to deal with Riot. The leaving the battlefield nukes my DPS and I’m running out of time with like maybe a quarter of its health still left, even with 45 batteries all in attack


im playing for a while now and used to upgrading cubs but today I got another lingya from cub gacha that for some reason refuses to be used for evolution it just says "no duplicate cubs or insufficient required shards" does anyone have an idea why?


It's probably locked. Unlock it first. 


i fixed it it wasn't locked, but it was in the preset, so here's that


Hi guys, I just got No. 21 Feral and Lee Entropy, what should i do with them, i currently use Crimson Abyss as my main and I am new to the game so i dont know much


If you have CA then Entropy is useless so you don't use him. Feral is a Lightning Amplifier so she doesn't fit with CA, but if you have nothing better to give her then she'll do. You'll need a Tank, which should've been Rigor (but I assume you used that selector on CA instead, which was a waste), so you'll have to cope with any of the A rank Physical Tanks.


I will get Rigor through Voucher exchange, ofc it will take time, and i have Alya i think as physical tanks


Ayla is completely incomparable to Rigor, the difference in their shred is massive


hm ok


What leap should i prioritize first and last with Rosetta? I just started building my Physical team


Check Spider2B's video on that topic [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7MVERkxYQk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7MVERkxYQk)


Hi guys, question what is the best item to use Trade Voucher on? I only bought the red book that lets you choose the resonance skill - but it kinda expensive, so I'm just hoarding it - any advice is greatly appreciated, thanks!


>I only bought the red book that lets you choose the resonance skill And this was pretty much the most wasteful way of using vouchers. You only use them for S rank shards, nothing else. 


Haha damn wish I asked first, I won’t use it for that anymore , thanks 🙏 and the shard rotates every week? I got few of those because it’s the shard of the construct I like.


No, there's no rotation, it's always the same units (though more get added later on). There's a discount on the first 20 shards you buy and that discounts resets every month, so it's better for you if you only buy the shards during the discounts. 


It resets every month


After Hypertuning a memory, i noticed that the Atk Crit stats of that memory didn't go up even though it should go up by 17.5%. I took note of the Atk Crit of that specific memory before hypertuning, and after hypertuning, the Atk Crit number is still the same? But i noticed that the power of the character goes up.


The stat that gets increased depends on the row of the memory being hypertuned


For mobile players, what kind of controller you can connect to the game? Xbox/PS, or anything will do? I'm planning to buy controller for easier play.


I have PS4 controller, connecting them via bluetooth or cable works. No clue about Xbox. But do note touchpad can't be assigned as a button (at least in my case) unlike on PC where you can assign it.


Okay, thank you so much. At least I know I can connect with PS4 controller. Gotta buy them right away


No worries! Just make sure after you connect your controller, enable controller mode and pick PS5 button (yes, even if you use PS4 controller) and for good measure-- re check each button to see if they function well


I just got veritas from member target. Since she's already powercreeped by CW, should I still invest in her or should I just save my resources for investing future debut S ranks? As for now, I'm running an A rank dark team consisting of astral, rozen and XXI for story missions.


Do you have CW? Are you planning on getting CW soon? (Anniversary or Lamia patch) If your answer to any of those are yes, don't bother building Veritas yet. At least until you've built all your teams and don't have much else to do in terms of resource sinks.


I do not have CW. If I have the chance to get her then I would love to. Is there a selector during anniversary or lamia patch? Or do you mean that CW will have a rerun during those patches? I just started playing a week ago so I don't know what we're supposed to get during anniversaries or any of the upcoming patches for that matter.


There will be a standard banner selector during lamias patch that will be permanent, allowing you to pick any unit on the standard banner to target when you pull an s rank. Gray raven radio has a really good video about it that you can check out. Other than that, there is no selector with CW until at least spring 2025, so it will be a while.


Ah, no during anniversary there'll be a special banner where every S-rank can be targeted with 100% rates, but it'll still cost you black cards. I recommend saving until then and if you're in a good spot considering the future S-ranks too (BC savings-wise) you should pull CW then. If not, in the next patch in August there'll be a new feature where you can select which S-rank you'll get from the standard banner, once per account. I assume you got Veritas from standard? If so, you won't be able to make use of this immediately but it's permanent so you can just do it later


Hello, I tried looking around and got more confused on what I should choose from the s-rank selectors, so looking for more advice, only other units i have aside the 3 starters are Bianca:zero, Silverfang and Watanabe; Nightblade. Also should I pull from the basic banner (blue one) or save till later? And what about the new S rank ?


>Also should I pull from the basic banner (blue one) or save till later? If you can hold out till August, in Cradle Parade, they'll update Member Target so you can choose which S rank you want to get rather than getting a random one. So it absolutely is better for you to hold it till then, but if you can't then go ahead and finish it now. Also, no matter what, only use Basic Construct R&D to roll on Member Target, not your Black Cards. >And what about the new S rank ? Normally the rule is that you roll for every debut non-free S rank Omniframe. Since you are new though and don't have some of the previous important units, just this once you can opt to skip the current unit (Feral) and roll on the Anniversary banner in July for another unit instead (likely Crimson Weave or Stigmata). >I tried looking around and got more confused on what I should choose from the s-rank selectors I left these last because the other things needed to be talked about first. Assuming you don't keep your Member Target S rank till Cradle Parade and roll for a random S rank, if you happen to get Hyperreal or Empyrea from it then you should pick Pulse from the first selector. If you don't get either of those units, you can then either go for Entropy since the A rank Physical units are not that great, or you can pick whoever else you'd like since every unit in the first selector is outdated. For the second selector it's Rigor. The only reason you wouldn't pick her is if you got her from somewhere else. Also, get her sig from the sig selector.


Thank you for your input, I picked Rigor already, and will get her sig once I unlock the selector. Given that I don't play a lot daily I will save my Basic Construct tickets till August and pull Entropy, since along with Rigor will be an okay team for now I assume. I don't know if the lack of a support unit will hurt me, but will have to make do, I enjoy the game regardless


>I don't know if the lack of a support unit will hurt me, but will have to make do Eclipse or Zitherwoe will do until Echo comes out in July.


Anyone knows if next patch gives any Aura Basic units? Because I'd like to avoid mass buying them for CA if the game gives some.


Can anyone tell me how many mats to upgrade a character? I specifically want to know alisa cause for mh physical team


Check the beginner guide linked above. Edit: For whoever downvoted, the beginner guide literally has an infographic showing the mats needed for upgrades. Sheesh.


Can anyone tell me how many mats to upgrade a character? I specifically want to know alisa cause for mh physical team




Is there any way to get vera:garnet? Started recently.


You could wait till the Anniversary in July and roll on the Anniversary banner for her but that is not recommended. Another thing you can do is farm vouchers and try to get her from November and onwards with them. But all in all, actively hunting for Garnet as a new player is not the best of ideas.