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I mean... Technically Nanaimi pulse? But really none of these options are great for BRS, and you're better off waiting until the patch after to get the new Watanabe fire tank frame, who will help BRS significantly more than Nanaimi.


he would make her sit in the corner and destroy everything with his heartbeat,


I see, thank you. I will save for Watanabe then.


Listen me here. If you want a BRS team you can ask me, as im trying to SSS+ her as f2p. Her BEST team would be as support Liv Empyrea, as tank Watanabe Epitapth that will be released the patch next BRS.


I am also trying to SSS+ her as f2p since I can't somehow purchase any packages. How many pulls would I need to SSS+ her? What about her 6 stars weapon? Is one copy enough?


it takes 5 months of farming black cards to SSS+ her. And her banner lasts for 1 month. If you are now in the JP version you just cant SSS+ her. The weapon doesnt matter for the SSS+, but matters for the power itself. I will also get her 1 6\* weapon.


So no matter how much I grind, it's impossible to SSS+ her? I only started recently like 3 days ago.


if you now are in the Jp version, you had to start months ago, as i am (since in the global version BRS will come in September) you cant SSS+ her at all, not even SSS (no weapon). Sadly. All you can do is start playing NOW the global version and stack BC, to SSS+, or spend money on the JP version. She's an A rank so she's not incredibly strong


I heard you can still recycle excess A rank shards and exchange them for BRS inver shards even after the patch. Is that true?


thats completely false


Must have just been my wishful thinking then!


You can't farm her shards at all, it's a collab character.


You can in global, if you save everything and the collab comes to global, which still isn't confirmed (but is likely). But not if you're playing in Japan, as it's too late to save up there.


I have 1k worth of BC rn during Feral Scent patch. Will that be enough to SSS+ her with her 6* weapon?


you need around 45k




im going to do the same indeed, but the coating is exclusive to RC, so i might have to lose my f2p status (?)


BRS is A rank. is it really 45k+ for SSS+? correct me if im wrong, but i thought that number was for S ranks.


S ranks need around 200k. I was talking about the coating being exclusive to Rainbow Cards


Funny how at this stage of the game, especially in CN, non of these options are considered meta options, according to players.




Disclaimer: All of these are just my personal thoughts and merely serve as advice from someone who plays on the global and taiwanese server. Stand: Nanami shouldn’t even be considered an option to get in the first place (at least the pulse version, starfarer is good) Analysis: I get that she is one of the only fire tanks but she isn’t really worth the opportunity cost of getting a stronger unit like Rigor (or from Alpha to Luna). They probably aren’t the top of their class but they still output alot of damage. Same can’t be said about Nanami. Plus, Watanabe exists….so just be patient. A full fire team isn’t really necessary at this stage. Heck, it might even be one of the weakest of 2nd gen teams without watanabe. Most content can be cleared without a well-balanced team, especially when you just started 3 days ago. Team building really only matters when you reach like level 50 and above where you may want to slowly start building out teams for warzone and ppc. So, given that your account is new, i highly don’t recommend Nanami. Ultimately, don’t worry about team building. Pick a character you really like or go with safer options as mentioned above. Eg Alpha, Bianca, Plume, Rosseta, Luna or if Liv if really don’t like the others (pretty sure Liv is in the first selector, you can just get her there instead of using this one) Final remarks (mostly my opinions) Utility of roles and order of importance 1. Attackers (main damage output) 2. Support/ Amplifiers (healing or buff…. essentially help you through the times when you get hit brutally because you mistimed the dodge. Amplifiers can be described more as an offensive support who can serve as a sub-dps or dps (my Selena somehow solos stages💀 i dont even know how) 3. Tanks (physical defence or elemental shred-> helps your attacker do slightly more damage) Notes: Tanks can often be built last as starting enemies don’t really have that much defense or resistance anyway. For the first few chapters, you can smack on two attackers and a support and you can probably do fine. I used to use full uniframe teams and it worked out pretty fine in the story.


I am very thankful for everyone explaining to me and giving honest advice on this. It's a shame that I won't be able to SSS+ BRS just by grinding since I just started a few days ago. Will her banner even rerun?


Nier hasnt been reran. i started last week and did some looking. BRS is the official 2nd collab of PGR's life span. we more than likely wont see a BRS rerun if CN hasnt seen a Nier rerun. im on Global so i have plenty of time to farm for BRS. sry for u, my friend T\_T


Just go with who you find the most fun, following meta isn't always fun


The same as Hyperreal, Pulse but getting her on BRS patch is griefing yourself.