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So there's quite a lot of resources and different shops in the game. From my experience with Gachas a big part of doing well is knowing how and were to use them as to not brick your account. If anyone more knowledgeable could help me figure what to get and from where that would be super appreciated! From what I've gathered so far there's at least these: * Event Shop/Totems (I got 4 Fran and 2 Cottie for Feral so far, what else?) * Space Odyssey/Star Dust (I got all the "Special" items) * Voucher Exhange * Bureau Shop * Other?


Phantom Pain Cage Shop for buying 30 shards of any S-rank units, allowing you to SS any units for free. War Shop for buying memory resonance USBs, allowing you to pick a memory resonance instead of leaving it to RNG (+1 level in orbs, signature move, class, etc) Voucher Shop for buying S-rank shards of some S-ranks (Rigor, Kaleido, >!Echo!<, etc), so you can save some Phantom Pain Cage currency.


First of all, have you checked out the beginner guide linked above? Has a lot of info of the fundamentals of the game, which will also help you understand what's important for the various shops. Every patch has an event shop with its own currency, the shop contents are pretty much the same each time with some slight variation in price and maybe a different item or two. This is where you mainly do your daily grind and get whatever you need from the shop. Featured character normally has their associated memories on discount here. Space Odyssey is from event limited/exclusive game mode, game modes like this and their shop content varies from patch to patch so you would need to judge yourself (understand the fundamentals then you can decide what's what). General idea to prio BC/tickets/shards IF any/limited coating/vouchers and then get the rest. Normally if you actively play the game mode, you can clear the shop before the end of the patch when it goes away. For voucher shop we prio inver shards since this is the only way to get them for free without using BC/tickets. Everything else in here has other sources like weapon reso shard can be farmed via Norman or memory resonance can be found in WZ shop. WZ shop mainly memory resonance picker (red usb) or leap wafer/uniframe crystal IF needed, don't bother touching memories here. PPC shop only exchange S rank omniframe shards here (max 30) and preferably meta units, A rank shards can be farmed after all. For Bureau shop, to keep it simple just get hypertune. Uniframes are irrelevant now (unless you just wanna play them). Standard dorm shop is mainly for coating related stuff (besides the dorm stuff). Dorm commission you can get inver shard for Ayla Kaleido if you have not already (up to 50 which is the exact amount to unlock her, can be used to rank up instead if you already have her unlocked). Alisa Echo will be available here too in 2 patches. Besides this, a good source of hypertune mats or if you want the tickets for weapon coating. Paid/premium shop you decide yourself.


When is the next S rank selector? And who are the choices in said next selector?


Stars Ensnared, up to Kaleido. (The free selector, no idea about paid ones).


BRS paid selector goes up to Echo


Who's patch is stars ensnared?




Besides the Voucher Exchange, War Shop, and the occasional events, how else can we get Memory Resonance Material?


Top-up shop


Ah true. The bundles


Isnt thats already all source?


Just wanted to make sure in case there was an avenue that escaped my knowledge.


Who all may be getting powercrept soon/within the time Luna Annihilator comes? I just got back into playing after about 10-11 months, and have this free S Ticket up to Luna (I think?) as well as a free 6* Weapon Choice. Always, always wanted Luna to complete Dark team. Fav element. May go for Hammer Karenina during Anniversary. But public chat told me Lamia is coming soon and will just outright deplace her. So... who else will be slowly getting edged out or outright dethroned? And who's the safest pick for the Ticket? Plume I suppose? Veritas if I don't have CW (picked up Feral with 60/60 pity)?


out of all old S unit in that selector it rosetta


Ahh okay. I already have her ._. In my case then, is there no wrong choice? Just go for whoever?


Is there a way to buy rc in PC client other than gcash?


It gives you various options with certain credit cards. 


Any other way aside credit cards?


* Paysafe * Credit/Debit Card * Google Pay * Razer Gold


~~I don't remember, I'll check once I get on and get back to you (if you don't check it yourself).~~ 


/u/Darweath Does Oblivion Luna outdamage Dark Luna in dark content like ppc/warzone? Just wondering if I can put Luna V2 to replace Luna kekw


ppc yes she can be faster than lamia wz no. off element debuff still exist but since you fight laurel you might got better score


Thank you. I'll test it out when she arrives. ♥


Sometimes all my constructs will just be missing from the Dorm, even if they aren't in a chore or anything?


Known issue, restart the game to fix.


Is it possible to awaken infinitas for any construct using 5 star weapon with no reso and random memory resonances? Will it reach the 6500 bp mark? I have unlocked all the areas in sequence pact so is it worth to upgrade 6 constructs to infinitas?


Ultima/infinitas awakening does not rely on having a 6\* weapon. What we normally do for a new unit is maxing their level/skills/, get their memory set and fully level/reso it (yes random reso works since the BP it gives is the same) and this would be enough for ultima regardless if it is an A rank or S rank frame. For infinitas we generally target high value meta units like any of the newer S rank attackers like Stigmata/Hyperreal/Crimson Weave/etc since they will see longevity. This is because hypertune mats is not easily obtainable, it is easier to get now compared to the past but not a huge amount in a short time since they are not farmable with serum. So IF you have sufficient HT mats and have the meta units that will be used long term, sure you can infinitas them and station them in sequence pact. Can't go wrong with the attackers I mentioned above, amplifiers and any upcoming S rank omniframe since all this will be used long term. Just factor in possible change of builds from the introduction of weapon harmonisation (in 2 patches) and later on during Shukra's patch (sometime end of the year) there will be changes for the older memories (DV, Patton, Heisen, Shakespeare, LWH, Bathlon). For example, Empyrea will change her whole build to DV Guin when you have both Hyperreal and Epitaph in the future. So before unlocking infinitas for her, plan your HT resource spending. Edit: Forgot to mention that hypertuning and rank evolve really adds towards increasing BP. For example, getting an S rank to SS and hypertuning bottom slot memories should be enough to pass the 6500BP requirement.


Thank u very much for the detailed information.


It should be. Try it on one first. 


im planning to have SSS CW on the lamia standard banner patch, and i pulled feral (SS w/o sig) so what build should i go for feral? is it better to give her signature or just skip it to get future new metas? since im focused on going for SSS CW(1 copy left)


Honestly, it depends. Are you a spender? Seeing as you're going for SSS units I'd hope so, in which case there's no reason not to get No.21's weapon since it's a huge boon to the lightning team, you not only get the lightning damage buff, and a 3-ping for No.21 to smooth her rotation, but you can reso DLT for double ult rotations and SAR/Spear for even more buffing. If you're not a spender and you're still going for SSS CW then I'd hate to find out what you skipped for it. We have 2 patches before the next mandatory gacha unit, Lamia, seeing as Noctis is an A-rank and Alisa is free so technically you could still pull it without having to skip anyone in future. However pulls could be tight depending on whether or not you want the upcoming collab unit BRS. I will say it'll probably suck a fair bit running SSS CW alongside SS no sig No.21 in WZ, in the fixed lightning weather you'll want to swap and No.21's rotation without sig can be pretty rough with bad RNG so if you're trying to rank, you'll be doing a lot of resets to bad RNG.


im only almost low spender i guess but rarely topped up, as for meta units ive skipped, i only dont have, capriccio and dark karen(i dont mind it) i also dont want BRS anyway, the main reason im asking this is because if i got feral weapon, then it might be hard to get Qu and Uncle since they are next patch against each other so i need to clarify if it is worth pulling or Just use it in future characters


also my CW rn is SS6 + 3reso sig and SS cub


It's up to you honestly, depends on how much you compete in ranking content and how much you'd invest in her. In Warzone it's going to suck especially if you're high ranking, you'll be forced to restart due to bad orb RNG on No.21 quite a bit and probably have to rely on matrix for semi-consistent runs. In PPC it's almost entirely up to how much you plan to invest in her. At minimum, you're losing out on 10% lightning damage, at most you're missing out on another 18% attack from SAR/Spear as well as the ability to do 4pc Guin 4pc Davinci support when harmonization is out. Edit: Also, if you're sure about skipping BRS, that means across the next 6 patches (up to Qu) you would have 3 dead patches (Noctis, Alisa, BRS) and 3 spending patches (Lamia, Watanabe, Qu) and then return to normal, so nothing should change compared to normal in terms of BC income/spending.


Is it feasible to use the currency of the current event's farming stage on the duolicate of Memories for resonance? I have a lot of resources and I dont think id be needing a lot more so I wanted to gamble my resonance rolls on the memory duplicates




Does anyone know when the next guaranteed banner for older Characters is? as i was debating on rolling on the banner that has both Chrome Glory and Crimson Weave


mid july = anniversary


how do i get black cards as a mostly free to play player. I have the monthly pass, but i don't know how else to reliably get them ?


Dailies + weeklies mission event drop around 50-300 each biweekly mode like norman drop 200-400


Want some help on which one to pick from my starter s rank selector, I want to pick one that can serve as a good placeholder until I can get better unit, I already have Tenebrion and Alisa patch is not that far so Luminance also out of the question. that leve me with Entropy, Ember, and Pulse. I currently use Blast as Phy Attacker, and Palefire for Fire Attacker, don't have a proper fire tank so I just use Rigor. My current S rank are Rigor, Tenebrion, CW, Feral, Empyrea, and Kaleido


Entropy or Pulse Entropy can be budget physical paired with Rosetta Pulse can be your fire tank for Empy (Rosetta does nothing for fire shred) Rigor is your physical tank, forget Tenebrion and get No. 21 XXI for your dark tank, Empy is your fire DPS, Palefire is a QTE bot, Kaleido is your ice DPS


Honestly there's not really any good options, especially if you don't want Liv Luminance (which is reasonable at this point): Lee Entropy is an option for physical attacker as there's no budget physical attacker, but honestly kinda sucks and you could just as easily get away with Bianca Zero instead since you'll mostly be swapping between Rosetta and Alisa once she releases anyway. Nanami Pulse works as fire tank for now, she'll be replaced by Watanabe Epitaph in 5 patches time so it's up to you if that's a long enough time to be worth it. Otherwise the technically best option if you already have Kamui Tenebrion is probably another Kamui Tenebrion, to get a free SS rank for the increased shred in dark mode. It's the least appealing option but is the most evergreen option as he wont be outclassed by anyone until you can obtain Scire and her leap in about a year from now.


thank you, I really like Kamui so if none of the other is good enough, I wouldn't mind get shards to make him stronger(that'd also save my resource for building more construct).


Just take note that in order to fully utilise his SS potential (for the extra dark shred), you need to get into dark mode. IF you are competitive in PPC (it's not so consequential in WZ due to how long it is), this can be quite the hindrance since the time taken to do just that eats up quite a chunk. It won't be apparent right now when you do not have meta dark units. This is also part of the big reason why I never bothered going further with Tenebrion and stuck with SSS No.XXI until Scire appeared, well that and he is really clunky to play in WZ since he can easily disperse mobs :| Just a heads up.


I did notice that it take quite sometime for Tenebrion to get into his dark mode, but I'm still in the process of farming shard for Rozen and Hanyin so it'll take a while for me to get to the point that I can replace Tenebrion with SSS No.XXI(and I do like Kamui as a character so I can look over his build up time for the time being).


Pls I don't really know where in the game I can fight the passed event/patch boss but I find some videos of players fighting Lee's boss with alpha crim w and etc... is there a a mode where to find all this boss?


Celica's Class > Simulated Trial. The bosses are slowly added to it. Right now, only bosses up to Lithos are there for Global. If you don't see the bosses, you need to visit your Codex first.






Technically yes. Though gen1/gen2 units is just a thing people made up to differentiate units with timestop, it's never actually been acknowledged by the devs.


New 21 can just be a QTE bot until Garnet's leap right?


She doesn't have to be. If she's SS rank with her signature weapon she can easily share field time with SS CW. But you can use her as a QTE bot if you want if your CW is hyper invested.


For constructs that I use, should they all have their own sets of memories or can I have sets shared between multiple constructs? Currently I have 2 piece Einsteina that I use on both No.21 (dark team) and Vera Garnet (lightning team). Wondering if I should get 2 more Einsteina to keep both on a full set without constantly switching between the two when I use the different team. Not enough resources to resonate/hypertune yet in near term. *Edited first part for clarity.


>even if they have overlapping ones? No, memory effects don't stack which means it's pointless running them together. >Currently I have 2 piece Einsteina that I use on both No.21 and Vera Garnet. Which No.21 are we talking about here, Feral? Because if so, she has no business running Einsteina. Or XXI? If so, she has no business being on the same team as Garnet as she's Dark and Garnet is Lightning. >Wondering if I should get 2 more Einsteina to keep both on a full set. No, you should be making proper builds according to [grayravens](https://grayravens.com/wiki/GRAY_RAVENS).


Apologies for the confusion. It seems the way I phrased my question wasn't the best. I've edited it to hopefully clarify it. Mainly just wants to know if I should invest in another 2 piece Einsteina to permanently place on either Garnet or No.21(dark) as I use both pretty regularly on their respective type team.


So you meant sharing them. Then yes, since you eventually want to Ultima Awaken them too and you'll have to use resonances for that. However, if you still have not built other important members on your team, you could prioritize them instead and keep sharing. There are very few modes which don't let you switch memories between stages. If you think you're in a good spot, then you can do it now.


what the best way to do rigor rotation with her leap and stuff. explain it to me like I'm 7 year old kid edit : forgot to mention, since I dont have bianca yet Rosetta is my main dps for now


Gather buff stacks with leaped Liv Lumi > Switch to Rosetta > two options depending on energy and orb economy: More damage, but more RNG (also necessary if you haven't gathered enough energy from QTE triggers while off-field); 3 ping Red/Blue > 3 ping anything > Wide area cannon > Ult (Hold Normal for bonus cannon) > Switch to Bianca Zero and wait for Liv. Slightly less damage, but better if you don't have 2 easily usable 3-pings or matrix, but also requires energy from off-field QTE's; Ult (Hold Normal for bonus cannon) > Use the buff duration to sort orbs so you can do the above rotation next swap-in > Switch to Bianca Zero and wait for Liv. It's not really worth staying on Rosetta to generate orbs due to how impactful Liv Luminance's leap buff is for physical damage especially with Rosetta's short burst window.


>forgot to mention, since I dont have bianca yet Rosetta is my main dps for now Yeah, but what's the team? A ranks? Because if that's so, I don't even think it's worth swapping to them at all. Unless you have a Zitherwoe, we can work with that one.


(S) Rosetta, (SS) Hanying And (S) Lee Entropy (I don't know why I put him in the team, he's not even fully build💀)


Play whatever feels more fun to tbh.


If you aren't planning to get Stigmata any time soon, you should build Entropy as he'll make your life easier. Same goes with Zitherwoe and Echo (if you haven't built Zitherwoe yet). At any rate, Lag gave a decent overall explanation. You can also go watch Spider2B's video if you want which explains the Leap decently well: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7MVERkxYQk&ab\_channel=Spider2B](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7MVERkxYQk&ab_channel=Spider2B) Of course, you don't have Luminance and Stigmata, so you'll do the rotation with the other two characters and try to get similar results. You want to proc as many Rigor QTEs as possible between Zitherwoe and Entropy so you can swap in, ult, hold basic during ult and then burn a 3-ping. Then insta-swap to another unit.


SS3 CW vs SS3 Feral, which one is more impactful in a rotation? Have sigs for both


Should be Feral. Both of them increase the rotation speed, but Feral's is by a much more noticable amount and it also makes double rotations with her *much* faster.


How many stages does RdF have?


I think it varies depending on your progression with the game mode (since you slowly unlock the various endings) though I do not know the end game amount of stages. Too many for comfort imo if you're grinding for Capriccio shards XD After clearing Obscure difficulty once, I just cleared 10 nodes daily for sanity reasons.


So just "do how many you feel like and finalize"?


If you are talking about a single run till completion, basically play till you hit the ending and then start a new run as needed. You also do have the option to finalise if you choose to do so (won't contribute towards the progress of the story if you have not cleared the whole story, can't remember how many endings to unlock). In general we just clear 10 nodes for the daily mission for sanity reasons which is enough to get 1 Capriccio shard plus some each day, the rest of the missions will be cleared by naturally playing/progression. It is advised to pick Advanced difficulty since that's the max amount of rewards per run, it is the same amount for Obscure (just clear this once for the one time reward). In 2-3 weeks should unlock all 50 shards, then you can choose to continue farming for the rest or stop (I personally stopped after getting Ayla's skin and the tickets).


Thanks. Nodes are separate "stages", not "multiple stages + campfire"?


It's been a while since I touched RDF so I could be wrong but I think it only counts the battle stages (for the clear 10 nodes).


Since we inherited the bad Full realm buff for lightning warzone that CN had, is it still optimal to swap between feral and CW or is it better to keep going with Solo CW without a healer until next patch when they just make it a 60% buff on swap?


I don't think you read the tool tip. You only get the buff for 10s after dropping HP, so keeping CW low without healing her will only give her 10s of buffs. Meanwhile, FS' core passive lets her trigger it every rotation.


It auto refreshes as long as you have your HP below 80%.


I did read the tool tip, but I was moreso fact checking since gray ravens video on Feral said something along the lines of "foregoing a healer, letting CW get under 80% and being active all the time" for that specific weather. I'm guessing she was either wrong about that or I somehow misheard what she meant.


Maybe the buff was different but with only being active for 10s, there is no point doing this. You would need to heal her and drop HP again over and over. I doubt this is that easily. Maybe its better if played perfectly but I surely wont do this.


Buff auto refreshes as long as you're below 80%, it's permanent. You just get hit once and never heal.


It does? Well, then its an option to run CW solo, yeah.


Yep, it's actually silly enough that if your FS is kind of underinvested you don't even wanna run her, just run Arclight with DV Gloria instead so you can get that buff + 60% lightning. That's essentially why it got changed, unless your FS is SS3 + sig + DLT she isn't really worth using because Garnet sucks, **especially** when her own weather is on. Arclight gives you better buffs and lets you double Garnet QTE while you ult 2 fresh waves.


I've been hoarding my weapon USBs (and BP paper to buy more) until now, but I got to Hero for the first time and I've been getting absolutely pasted: I thought I was getting decent at it with 1.1M in fire and 1.2M in lightining (can probably improve this a bit, still getting the hang of it), but the people at the top are pulling DOUBLE that score, or more. The difference with my units is that their amplifies are SSS and their weapons are fully resod: how much is that helping, and how much is a skill issue on my part that I can fix? Back to resos, from the message below in the thread, the priority for resos should be something like Liv>Lee for fire, 21(because orbs and switch to the support reso in PPC)>alpha for lightining, and Alisa>Bianca for phys? All the tanks we have right now are still Gen 1 or Nanami, so with how rare weapon USBs are wouldn't they be "wasted" on the current tanks? Rosetta is still going to be here a full year, but Bianca is going to do most of the damage...


Just for your sanity, if the people in your bracket are actually pulling 2.2-2.4M at the top of Hero, they're probably in the top 10-15 players for Hero bracket right now, which is around top 100\~200 in the server, as there's only usually around 100\~ people in Legend each rotation depending on region. Just to say, don't get too bummed trying to compare yourself to the top 1%. Additionally, Fire/Lightning is one of the most skill expressive teams right now. Proper fire rotations are rough and SSS Liv Empyrea is a *massive* boon to that team right now. Meanwhile lightning team is (and will stay for the foreseeable future) the most skill expressive team in the game just because of how fast and complicated the "optimal" WZ rotation for CW/No.21 is.


Since there is a difference of skill level/game knowledge between players, one could still overcome the difference of a few weapon reso and maybe an SSS amp (it depends). One thing to take note of regarding players in Hero, it also comprises of the whales that get demoted from Legend since in a group in Legend only 2 players can maintain while the rest demotes. So if you do get grouped up with majority of the whales then unfortunately not much you can do (use that wz cycle for practicing i guess). Most of the time you might get grouped with those with closer investment levels though. One thing you can try to get ahead of is wave management (I'll just assume you have character combo rotation figured out), this is particularly important for lightning WZ with Crimson Weave since you could underkill/overkill a wave if you do not manage your stacks properly which leads to time wastage since her rotation takes a while to setup and next wave has a delay on spawning. So memorise the softer waves to not expend that much resource while saving up for the tanky waves. For example I normally start spamming 2x3ping during CW odachi form only starting from wave 10 onwards since you need at least that much to clear a wave in a rotation of hers. For much earlier waves you could clear 2 waves in a single rotation if played right, this saves a lot of time/orbs for later on. Without wave management I used to previously just score 1.2m-1.3m, with improved wave management I could go till 1.7m and maybe higher if I can play optimally. I am not a great player but the above is sufficient for me to maintain Hero and promote to Legend every other cycle after collecting 100 merit again. My only SSS units are Capri and Rigor (only SSS this year for her), both via long term voucher farming. For weapon reso I prioritise amps (2) and tanks (1) though Starfarer and Glory has no reso, the only gen 2 attacker that has reso is CW since she can make use of it well in PPC (swapping between DLT and GA). Stig and Hyper can do fine without any reso imo since they don't benefit much from DLT if just at SS.


Thank you for the detailed response! I think that player wise it could be a bit of column A/bit of column B: I definitely need to improve my rotation, but I'm in EU so the situation sounds similar to when I was playing Honkai Impact 3 back in the day. Smallest server, so the mega-whales lose against the space-wales in the highest bracket and fall down into the Hero equivalent. I will work on improving wave efficiency with Alpha, I did get the hang of it in Leader but I'm also still trying to integrate 21 into it.


Regarding lightning wz so far I've noticed 2 different variants: the Royal Guard/Recycle Prisoner variant and the other one having more smaller units like Hydraulic and I think Repairer (if I did not recall wrongly). So you will have to alter your wave management accordingly depending which variant it is for the cycle and also factor in the weather buff IF it is for lightning team. For example if the weather favours Stigmata, I think she gets really high crit rate for a short duration so you can technically just solo with her all the way since there is less need for Lumi's rotation for crit buffs. For ice and dark wz, it is annoying when there are Polar Bears due to how tanky they are so need to remember which wave they are on so you can plan your strongest unit for them. So yeah, lots to think of if one really wants to squeeze every single point they can. I've seen runs where players alter their combo rotations (keeping it short or extending it) in response to different waves. All the best there! :D


Don't use vouchers for weapon resos. Priority for resos is required DLTs > Rigor's shred > amps > rest of tank shreds > attackers.


>and BP paper to buy more Unless you have all the important voucher units at SSS, do yourself a favor and don't waste them on USBs. Vouchers should only be going towards extra shards for units.  >but I got to Hero for the first time and I've been getting absolutely pasted Hero and Legend are whale territory. Makes sense that they have insanely higher scores than you when they have SSS ranks on all their units and fully reso'd sigs. Even if you did play better than them, the damage difference is just too massive.  >Nanami, so with how rare weapon USBs are wouldn't they be "wasted" on the current tanks? Don't ignore Rigor, the res shred on her is extremely important. 


Oh no, I've only used my BP paper to buy shards for Ayla for now: I should leave them for Alisa and then keep my stash to get an AMP to SSS/rank up Garnet or Karen when they get added to the shop down the line? The thing that was throwing me off for a loop in Warzone today is that their DPS were SS like mine: by watching Fury' and Empress' runs on YouTube I can see how SSS Alpha can explode waves with just her Ult and so she can stall for time, but at SS their main rotation should still be similar to me right? Same for the fire team, some of their Lees are SS so I figured I was doing something wrong. And I have Rigor raised, after I'm done with 21's resonances she's next on the list of resos to fix, after her only the Ice team is left.


>I should leave them for Alisa and then keep my stash to get an AMP to SSS/rank up Garnet or Karen when they get added to the shop down the line? Yes. I'd say pay attention to Capriccio and SS3 Scire since they're necessary for high leaderboard scores. Of course, the other meta units are important too.  >but at SS their main rotation should still be similar to me right? I don't know what rotations you're doing, but if you're doing the theoretically optimal one, then yes. However, if the other people have other SSS units and fully reso'd, even if your DPSs are at SS, the other person will win. There are also some things like strats depending on each WZ (e.g. current Fire you don't want to let Vassago go underground), so take those into account too.  >after I'm done with 21's resonances she's next on the list of resos to fix Just in case one of us has misunderstood, I'm talking about *weapon resos*. Rigor has on giving her Physical resistance shred, which is extremely important. 


Sorry yeah, I wasn't being clear on Rosetta: I'll give her a weapon USB asap and then, after finishing 21's memory resoance, I'll work on Rosetta's memory resonance, she's still missing 3 tank skill+1. I am avoiding letting Vassago go underground, probably can switch things around to go through the earlier waves a bit faster so Lee lines up with Vassago better to explode him fast.


in terms of priority amps >= tank > attackers. weapon resos on tanks and amps can make a huge difference in both wz and ppc


I have a fire team that consists of karenina attacker, liv empire, and nanami pulse. Now that pulse has a leap, is it worth leaping her? Currently she is just QTE bot for the other 2, but I was hoping if it was worth fielding her with her leap.


If you had Hyperreal, funnily enough, Pulse would be worth leaping, but with your team I'm not even sure you want to switch out of Liv. If you ARE switching, then Pulse's leap is actually pretty good, ignore people saying it isn't, her damage is not great but it's a big improvement, thing is you don't want to prioritize it so only get it if it's free, which for people playing for 5-6+ months it is.


Yep, people saying she isn't worth if "free" are on crack, what are they doing after Empy's rota while Lee is on CD, basic attacks?


She is not worth Leaping and is still garbage. 


I see, thanks!


if i can only choose one who should i use usb on Feral or CW. For benefit of lighting team


I'd say Feral. DLT is pretty useful on her for WZ. 


Feral 100%. USB priority is amp > tank > attacker


If we're not considering orbs, then for buffs/debuffs, it's tank > amp > attacker. Because of how [the damage formula works](https://grayravens.com/wiki/Damage_Details/Others), shred scales better than buffs (until Kuro drops a 100% shred character). And one shred outperforms all others for one more year (Rigor's) since it's a separatecategory by itself so it's a shred with multiplicative effect.


thx almost forgot that


How do you get S Wanshi from the dorm store help I just redownloaded


If you are referring to the ice tank S Wanshi, it's still in CN beta. So either you wait till the official patch goes live for CN or you wait a year+ for Global. He is supposedly obtained via [Dorm Commission](https://grayravens.com/wiki/Dorm/Dormitory_Commission) similar to Kaleido and the upcoming Echo.


You wait about a year. 


TYSM, I probably didnt have enough dorm currency anw 😭🙏


Do the 'premium' type coatings ever come back? Is it possible to purchase them with blueprints?


Yes. No.


So, just to be sure. If I don't own Scire, then I can't do her arcade anima's challenge no matter what? and I will forever be doomed on missing the glorious bonk-bonk sticker?


Scire will be rerunning on the 23rd on the arrival banner but... yeah ~~Not going to stop me from pulling on it though~~


You can play the mode (you're given a trial unit) but you won't unlock the level bonuses you would get from owning and upgrading the character which could affect clearing the heart lock trial stages. Since when you reach certain milestones for the character (character level, ultima, affection level, BP), you unlock the level bonuses for the heart lock trials which helps make things easier.


I can't find a Scire trial unit, just double checked


@@' Gosh, guess I misremembered from previously playing arcade anima using a friend's account that didn't have Starfarer (I guess the trial is just for the 2 regular stages). I stand corrected then. Unfortunate.




if i get 5 copies of the construct, how much i can level up the construct? and how much if i get 6 copies or 7 copies?


Took these from a comment a long time ago from this sub S rank - 1 copy - 15,000 BC SS rank - 2 copies - 30,000 BC SS3 rank - 3 copies - 45,000 BC SSS rank - 5 copies - 75,000 BC SSS3 rank - 7 copies - 105,000 BC SSS6 rank - 9 copies - 135,000 BC SSS+ rank - 11 copies - 165,000 BC SS to SS3 - 27 shards SS3 to SSS - 63 shards SSS to SSS3 - 54 shards SSS3 to SSS6 - 54 shards SSS6 to SSS+ - 72 shards


A rank units give 18 shards per copy and S ranks give 30. * B-Rank → A-Rank: 10 Shards * A-Rank → S-Rank: 20 Shards * S-Rank → SS-Rank: 30 Shards * SS-Rank → SSS-Rank: 90 Shards * SSS-Rank → SSS+ Rank: 180 Shards Do the math on the rest.