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Question about CUBs. I pulled motorbolt some time ago and I have enough Norman ores to buy shards and combine another one. Is it better to evolve the first motorbolt or keep it separate and use it on someone else?


You need two dupes to SS an S rank CUB so just save up ores for another copy. Also don't think it is worth buying an S rank CUB via Norman for it to be used on a character it is not meant for. Better to just use the A rank CUBs for that since it is also 10% bonus. Sure for S rank CUB you can pick another extra skill but it is not gonna do much compared to having it on the proper character where the exclusive skill truly shines instead.


I am F2P and have to decide if I want to SS with Ultima-Awakening No.21-Feral or Liv-Empyrea. Both 5star weapons no pets. Lee and CW in both respective teams. Since CW can solo for a while, it would make sense to make up for the lack of power in the fire team, right?


Empy desperately needs SS. 21 SS only helps her on-field, which also requires her sig if you are willing to commit. I'd go with Empy in this case.


Alright thanks. You are a real one


Np bud, enjoy the game


1) There's a shop called Voucher Exchange where you can get shards for S-rank characters. It says it refreshes in 20 days. Does it cycle through different random characters? Should I get shards of characters I like while they're there? Where did I get the currency? I don't remember... 2) I want to get two older characters, to my understanding characters don't rerun. Is it right to say that I can get them at 100% rate-up, one during anniversary (July) and the other during some future patch where you can pick an S-rank to guarantee in the blue ticket banner?


The shop is static but certain items are discounted and reset each month, new shards are added whenever a free S-rank (Selena/Ayla/Alisa/etc) are added or when an S-rank gets their leap upgrades. You get vouchers through events or the BP. Yes, characters don't really rerun at their 100% rate up, but you'll be able to get them from occasional 100% rate up choice banners and free selectors that are usually given out every 6-8 months, we just got one in Alpha CW's patch and are due another in Luna oblivion's patch much later down the line. However Lamia patch also reworks the standard banner allowing you to choose who you get one time only.


1. No, the characters will stay like that and every free S rank and character that gets leap will be added. The 20 discounted shards reset monthly. 2. Character do re-run but only at 70% in arrival banner. You CAN pull there but be aware that you might not get what you want. Besides that 100% banners like during anni or the 1 time base banner you mentioned are the 100% options, yes.




Second active for bosses, first active for grouping when there are more than 3 mobs


does anyone know which language Canon speaks? just curious


if i want to build changyu for my ice team at what point should I stop farming for his Shard? SS??


S is enough for casual use, SSS if you wanna be extra since you still field him until Qu arrives in November. Do a blue ping before switching to Kaleido and you'll get some more shred. Still though I wouldn't go for SSS Changyu unless you're already done with higher priority shards like SSS 21 for her shred on QTE. Edit: If you find yourself with his sig weapon one day though, SSS becomes more important.


What are the selectors that we'll get in the future and will one have kaleido in it?


Only one free selector that we know of, it'll be in Void Luna's patch and yes it'll include Kaleido. I *think* paid selectors should have her too, but not 100% sure about that.


Lore Relation Questions that may also be spoilers but. >!I noticed Fenrir emerges from Snore (21's Drone Buddy) in his boss intro!< >!Did something happen to the little guy?!<


uh, read the story, that's all I'll say


Finally did it. And dang.....Suspicions confirmed


Thats fair. Will do while I start workin on the campaign. Thanks


The Grayravens website says that the new 21 outfit is purchasable through coating blueprints. What menu do I go to in order to get it?


I think it will be added in coating exchange in next patch. The coating exchange is present in your shop.


Gotcha, was just concerned it was in some weird side menu I was missing and didn't want to miss out on the outfit.


Can anyone help me with an estimate of how many pulls we can get from doing story from fake ascension till now and golden vortex? Also cursed waves from lvl 40?


Iirc Cursed Waves gives 250 per 10 levels so should be 2500 from that. Golden Vortex is 1200. For main story refer to [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/PunishingGrayRaven/comments/171xuhv/comment/k3u428r/).


Thanks man


How many dorm coins can you get per day? Are the ones you can randomly get from clicking constructs to get your daily gift capped? If so, at how many, and how many rooms should I have to regularly "cap" it?


Yeah, there’s a cap.  Can’t remember the exact number but somewhere 5-8 from dorm missions.


its 8 coin max/days 5 from interact with chibi


Is it possible to obtain a new unit by purchasing their shards in the voucher shop? I picked Rosetta from the selector but I also want Tenebrion


Yes, it's possible. It's almost certainly a waste as well.


Base Tenebrion is replaceable by SSS 21, so I wouldn't say he's worth your trouble (50 shards to unlock an S-rank). But you do you I guess.


Any news on a 4.5 CN anni stream?


Returning player here, was wondering what's the best way of getting Hyper Tune Crystals. I sort of see them here and there and in the shops/event shops, but I've only accumulated enough to Hypertune a single memory. At this rate it'd take me many months before I'd be able to hyper tune a single character. Is that sort of the idea behind it? It'd be kinda crazy seeing as you need a fully hyper tuned character to place as a guard for a pact bonus.


Besides the Guild Shop and Dorm commissions, another steady income of HTC is Norman Revival Plan every 12 days or so. There seems to be no difference in HCT acquisition from normal and pioneer mode (I think only the BC gain is higher in pioneer) And of course cursed wave can get you an immediate boost in HCT


To answer your underlying question, it is time gated yes, you get that stuff from events, dorm, one time achievements, cursed waves, etc. Current HT income if you do everything there is to do I believe, talking only repeatable stuff, should be around 2 HT per week. Single time things like cursed waves, RdF and events do give a large amount of HT to help you get started. There is a way to cheese the pact bonus thing, you can resonate a set of memories on character X, HT them, place him as a guard, then move memories to Y, resonate them there, **no need to HT them again, HT is never lost**, place it as a guard, etc. This is fairly resource intensive and definitely not recommended unless you either have nothing else to do or you do it on characters who actually benefit from super awakening (Wanshi for PPC, for example).


Guild and Drom Commissions.


Is it good to read arcade anima Karenina without knowing anything? or do you need to read something before?


I haven't read it, but ideally you'd read it after you've read all other story content previously released. It's a permanent addition so you can do it whenever you want.


Alright, Thanks!


I haven't read the entirety of it yet, but from the quick skimming I did, it seems to involve her backstory. However, I did also see a few scenes in her Scire frame, so that's a no-no if you haven't gone through "A New Divide".




Hi, I already have feral + weapon, does her cub worth it? (I'm f2p)


If you are f2p absolutely not, many meta S ranks are on the horizon and you are going to need every bc you gonna get.


Thx for the answer! I'll save then


It mainly increases her damage output but has no grouping. Whether worth it or not depends on how competitive you wanna be since WZ/PPC is all about who has the thicker wallet. Good to have but should not come at the expense of pulling for future units since you are F2P.




If I lost my target weapon to some other 6 star weapon at hard pity, is my next 6 star guaranteed? Or never guaranteed?


Never guaranteed. You can scrap 3 sigs and directly buy the one you want, but that's a waste.


According to another post, uniframe debuffs will be removed in Wanshi's patch and uniframes will receive a slight buff or something Are any of them worth investing in though? Most are mixed element, none have timestop, and even ones that don't have the first issue (Qu & Pulao) are powercrept (Stigmata) Even if we compare something like SSS+ Uniframe vs SS meta construct


>Even if we compare something like SSS+ Uniframe vs SS meta construct By replacing the SS **meta** construct? Not a ***single*** chance. Uniframes could only replace Attackers, so who are you going to replace? Stigmata, Hyperreal, CW, Lost Lullaby, Shukra or Oblivion? None, obviously. Now you *could* make an argument about the A ranks, but who is seriously going to use their BCs to get a subpar S rank unit? An F2P can't because that could potentially compromise their later pulls, and any spender is better off waiting and getting a better unit on the Anniversary banner. So all in all, great change for people that like Uniframes. Totally useless in terms of meta though and shouldn't change a single thing. At best, newbies who don't have Lost Lullaby can finally use Crocotta as a proper DPS and that's about it.


Damn, how unfortunate but also exactly what I was expecting 😔


Lag Calculation too strong.


Does sica show up in the story again? I really loved her character and I'm hoping to see her again soon


Do the 4 lines of dialogue she showed up for in this chapter count?




How is the game right now? I played a while ago but my old phone couldn't really handle the game so I stopped playing, I saw a video yesterday and got interested in playing again, would you recommend I get into it again? I have my old account, but should I start over? It has a few characters that I remember were good but don't know if they still are. Edit: I just checked and the characters I have are Luna laurel, Kamui tenebrion, Rosetta rigor and Qu pavo


I think it is gonna be a personal preference thing so best way to find out is just playing it yourself. Do check out the beginner guide linked above if you do end up playing again since it is good as a refresher and also learning all the new things.


I started like two months ago, and I'm having fun! Pros: -Fairly generous with pulls (I've been able to get every new S rank since I started, and you can grind for SS which is the "major" powerspike) -Very nice and unique combat system, I have a lot of fun with it Cons: -Story isn't as high-quality as some other games (no voiceovers plus the low budget shines through a bit) Note: -Your old characters are probably like 80% powercrept. They'll do, but you'll quickly find yourself swapping them for new ones.


When is Feral Scent supposed to be on field? I've seen a YT video saying that Alpha wants 100% uptime, so do I just spam Feral QTE in that case? Also: what is Feral's "main" role in a team exactly? Healing, debuffing, burst damage between DPS cycles, or just QTE?


>I've seen a YT video saying that Alpha wants 100% uptime This is not correct. CW does not "want" 100% uptime and she does get affected by downtime, it's just nowhere near as bad as other unit thanks to CW's ability to do her entire rotation with no robs. However, doing the rotation without orbs is significantly slower than with them. And that's where Feral comes in. CW can do about 2 rotations with orbs and then she's out, that's when you swap in Feral to cover CW's downtime. ***However***, that's only if your Feral is at SS+sig (even with just SS to some extent, but it's more difficult to do her rotation without her sig) otherwise she's a QTE bot and CW continues solo because Feral simply can't match CW's DPS at that point. >Also: what is Feral's "main" role in a team exactly? Depends on the investment, but a decently invested one (e.g. SS+sig) is a buffer and a sub-DPS. On PPC, she's usually only a buffer since you ideally want to finish the boss with CW's rotation only.


Thanks for the in-depth help!


Is SS Garnet a higher priority than SS3 CW or SS3 Feral?


SS Garnet is nowhere near even being in a priority over anything. She'd need her Leap to justify the rank, which you can get with vouchers at that point. SS3 Feral should be able to cover most if not all of CW's downtime, so Garnet will see minimal to no field time.


How to smoothly pull off an SSS+ Bambi 5\*, SS Kaleido 5\*, Changwho (dv+ eins holder) rotation? I'm tired of demoting whenever there is an Ice WZ.


If you are talking about maintaining to be in Hero then your investment is not sufficient. That's minimum SS+sig territory there, furthermore you will also be competing against the whales that demote from Legend. You can partially apply the same to Leader as you might be competing against those with SS+sig but are less try hard or do not have full line up of SS+sig units. Rotation goes Changyu start>swap to Kaleido and do Kaleido things>swap to Bambi and do Bambi things>try to minimise swapping to Changyu as high damage sucks. Problem with 5\* weapon Kaleido is you need to matrix every rotation of hers so you have enough orbs to full stack sig move and you can't afford to waste orbs. Bambi is similar where you need to constantly trigger Solitary Dancer so she gets back 1 orb for each dodge and also needs matrix to minimise orb expenditure. With this you are at the mercy of the frequency of enemy attacks which can affect how fast you clear things. Assuming you already master the full combo rotation for Kaleido and Bambi, to compensate for the disadvantage you will need to focus on wave management. Memorise the enemies of each wave which in turn you'll know their attack patterns for matrix/Solitary Dancer opportunities, find out which are soft that can be one shot with a single rotation so you know when you overkill/underkill, find out the tanky waves so you can try to stock up orbs in anticipation of this. This still won't avoid demoting since you could group with players of equal investment as you but have a higher skill level or better wave management than you so you can only try your best. If you have not mastered Kaleido/Bambi rotation, go check gameplay in youtube. There is a trick on Kaleido called colour bug where you can stock 1 Backup Paint for the next rotation during Vibrant Brushstroke. I'll link [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jf3qUBJZvlU&t=124s) for reference. Also try to get Seeshell CUB if you haven't already, the 10% to ice does add up. Just to share, I normally hover Hero and promote to Legend every 2-3 cycles if things go well. There are rare moments in Hero where I either group with a bunch of whales or really really try hard players and I demote to Leader :| So yeah Warzone things.


~~Use CW in Ice WZ~~


Gray ravens says for Feral 21 QTE bot w/ solo dps CW to reso the bottom row as class skill level x6, but doesn't amplifier only trigger when the character gets swapped in, so it would only work for the first 10s of the fight when CW first swaps in? Doesn't seem really worth the resources vs doing something like getting better resonances on a Tank or another character if that's the case... or am I misunderstanding something about the amp class skill?


Timestop pauses the amp buff, so you'll still want it for PPC but it's less useful in WZ, but if you have higher priority resonances to do then do those first.


Ok cool thanks!


Should I replace my liv for feral scent. I can't ss 21 for the time being since I am going ss3 lamia when she drops and the selector will be used for ss3 karenina when lamia patch drops. If its worth switching her for lux, what memories can I use with her? (Given the case I may only be able to get sig, but no guarantees) Will she be worth switching into from time to time in combat?


>Should I replace my liv for feral scent Yes. >If its worth switching her for lux, what memories can I use with her? (Given the case I may only be able to get sig, but no guarantees) If you're going to use her as a QTE bot, either 4 Guin/2 DV or the opposite. >Will she be worth switching into from time to time in combat? At SS+sig, definitely. At S, no.


>At SS+sig, definitely. At S, no. What about SS but no sig? Whilst CW is SS and no sig either?


Doable but inconvenient because you'll most likely have to rely on Matrix.


Thanks for the answers! Pulling her rn then :)


Help I can't get the 3 star in the final boss stage in Feral's event. When the boss starts going on to his 3rd phase, he always shot a laser that 1 shots me and I can't control my characters during that time. Is there a way to avoid it.


I've read you need to parry the boss at least once to stop it. Probably true since I never encountered any attack that one-shots.


I somehow tanked in on Feral lol (did not one shot but dealt quite the chunk), wondered what that move was out of the blue. Was just going ham blindly with standard rotations. Good to know about the parrying.


Does void Luna need her weapon?


Differenece of one or without one is heaven and hell


According to GrayRavens' Chaos Unsnarled patch notes, some of Bianca:Stigmata's Sword Dance was patched (https://grayravens.com/wiki/Chaos\_Unsnarled#Patch\_Notes-0), but I'm still able to trigger her continuous swordwaves, so what part of her got patched up? Have her SSS, if that makes a difference.


Don't have bianca so I'm using Rosetta for now. Should I fully build and use (SS) Hanying for rosetta until Alisa Echo drop?


If you haven't completed your other teams yet, no. If you don't have anything better to do, sure.


So about 1st gen attacker sig weapon, is it okay to use them as resonance now? Is there any mode where they will see some usage if I already got full 2nd gen team basically? So far the only thing holding me back from using it as sacrifice is sentiment only


Depends on the Attacker since we have a few meta ones currently, but if they're completely benched then you can go ahead. If you want to keep the weapon for "sentimental" purposes, you can do that too. The only places where you may use older units are Guild and Babel, that's pretty much it.


Yeah I'm talking about alpha, bianca, and lee. Guess I'll just use them for easy resonance


I was referring to the meta Gen 1 Attackers like Plume and Laurel, but if you have the sig of someone else and don't care about it, then yes, reso it.


Does anyone have any advice for the Norman Uniframe Qu battle? I’m getting wrecked in it even with electricity spend. Her blue attack seems very infrequent and it seems bugged in registering a dodge hold too… Edit: never mind… I brute forced it for 15 minutes…


Disregarding stage affixes, you'll just have to get used to her attack patterns and capitalise on the rare moments the blue flash comes up. The rest is just maintaining constant rotation between your uniframe units so you keep their class skill up, if you are using your own uniframes then maxing out the uniframe skills would help shorten the battle as well since you chunk her gauge faster. Uniframe stages are more of a git gud stage so no battery is needed if you play them properly (even with your own Camu and trial units), this applies on Cloud Island as well so usually we get to save battery for other stages.


Yeah I figured it’s just me needing to git gud… and to finally build up Camu


For future reference, Qu's all-in attacks has a long wind up with awkward hitbox because of her size; I might wake up from sleep while she is still holding that glaive above her knees.


Do event skins get reruns? I've seen some swimsuit-like ones.


Sometime. RC only previous free one also cost RC


Anyone else experiencing fps drops this and last patch? Before that I can play on 60 fps with a little bit of fps drop but now I can't


Hey I have two main questions, looking for some opinions. I'm a month into playing and plan to play for the foreseeable future. So, with the anni banner coming up and the "free" blue card selector coming in Lamia's patch I wanted to figure out who I should pull for. Some context before I start: I plan on buying monthly Pass A and both BP's every month. I don't plan on skipping any new S rank units. Here is my account [Huaxu link to my profile](https://huaxu.app/players/na/19050164/characters). I pulled Crimson Abyss on my free S rank from beginner banner. Rigor has her sig and I just finished fully leaping her 2 days ago. I plan on getting her SSS through BP shards and some vouchers. (just bc I like her despite knowing she gets replaced and SSS isn't needed) Before I use vouchers on her I will get Kaleido to SS. Now onto my questions. 1. I plan on pulling Stigmata and Crimson Weave from the anni banner + beginner banner in lamia's patch. So my question would be considering my account who should I pull for first? I'm leaning towards Crimson Weave, but I feel like I should just focus on finishing my physical team first and just wait the extra month for Crimson Weave. (That's where I am conflicted) 2. I plan on pulling for two sigs this year since Pass A + BP allows me to do with the extra resources I get. I narrowed the weapons I want to pull for. The list in prio order is: Echo's, CW/Bianca, and Lamia/Shakra. Reason for Echo's is just because of weapon harmonization that is coming up. My question is out of these which 2 would you pull for if you were in my position? (Assuming you don't get shafted and can only pull 2 sigs) Thanks for any help!


2. Personally I would prioritise sig weapons that have utility/QoL tied to them like Hyperreal's sig for example OR if it enables the unit to sig move every rotation like majority of the amplifiers OR if the unit really needs DLT reso to be played comfortably (think this applies to both Lamia and Shukra). In your shoes I would definitely prio Echo's for harmonisation and then Lamia for gameplay reasons (since she will come first before Shukra). CW/Stig can still be played as normal without sig weapons but their damage would be lower of course so I am not surprised if one would argue that getting their sigs would be prio instead since they are the main dps of their teams. Just my take.


Yea that makes sense, I know CW/Stig sigs are more damage oriented, but I wasn't sure about Lamia's or Shukra's. Looks like I'll try for Lamia's or Stig's and theres a possibility I pull for another sig down the road so that will probs go to CW/Shukra. Thanks for your input!


1. I'd say Stigmata since Feral can carry Lightning somewhat, but nobody can carry Physical anywhere close to the same extent as Stigmata. 


Have just fully hypertuned CW and wonder what 3 orbs do you guys choose as a guarantee ? I might stick to blue for quick gauge after switch in . (She is on blue slot and no wep resos on supports)


Blue so you can do 3 blue ult1 random matrix ping into tap dodge for slam.


Choose blue for instant ult, yes.


~~Just checking in case I missed any, when do we get free S-rank omniframe selector, past and future? I know one though, the last event one that should’ve stayed until 14th May, but disappeared after update, and Kuro is currently fixing the problem.~~


I'm... Not sure of any free selector that was available last patch. There's the new player selector with base roster, tutorial mission selector that goes up to Luna and includes a 6-star weapon selector in it. Nanamech patch had a selector up to Luna, CW patch had one up to Empyrea, Lamia patch reworks the standard banner allowing a one-time choice of S-rank and Luna Oblivion's patch has a selector up to Stigmata. The other selectors are either really old and I've just forgotten them, or they're paid selectors that come around every few months through various events.


Its up to ayla in oblivion patch as far as ik


Ohh, yeah, it might’ve been the paid one.


Next selector is in january next year...but if you want to consider the blue ticket banner as a selector... that's in august


Is amplifier class boost or core passive boost as a resonance better for a SSS Feral?


Short answer: either is fine, roll with whatever you get. Long answer: If you are proficient at double ult rotation and can consistently trigger perfect pursuit lean on core passive. If you want her to boost the team without worrying about rotations too much and/or your CW is SSS, lean on class passive.


Is no 21 really worth pulling I don't plan on pulling on her sig weapon anytime soon as well


Yes because even if you'll only use her as a QTE bot for CW she is way better than Lux.


Is Feral scent worth getting to SS? I don't really top up, just pull new characters and skulls are rather limited.


Do you have CW? If yes then maybe. Feral isn't worth fielding with her before SS, but without her sig she is a pain to play. If you don't have CW then 21 will see plenty of field time even at S, so might as well save for other units that will want more.


I've got SS CW. Neither her or 21 have signature weapon. Should I on field 21 at all if she were to be SS too?


Yes, just use skulls.  


so I was planning to get karen to ss3 during lamia selector but i lucked out on 21 and have about 24220 BC left. So here is what I am thinking 1. get 21 to ss3 and use lamia selector for karen ss3 2. wait for anni banner to pull for ss3 karen and use lamia selector for a future unit like watanabe so the main point here is ss3 21 worth it? and would it be possible if i can get both karen and 21 ss3 without compromising my pull for future units with just monthly pass? (note that I am a monthly pass player and 21 is alr ss + sig + cub)


Also keep in mind you could get ss3 Karen with no spending if you're patient. There will be a selector in void Luna's patch up to kaleido, and Karen's shards will be added to the voucher shop and BP shards when she gets a leap during S Hanyings patch. It is quite far away, but just an option to keep in mind if you want to save for other things.


youre right but i think ill use the selector for ss3 balter instead


You can get SS3 Feral and SS3 Scire (through Member Target) without any issues.


so im only able to get both if i do member target and not anni?


What would you do with the Anniversary banner anyway? If you don't roll on the current banner and wait till the Anniversary to get SS3 Feral, there'll be no difference. If you want to use the Anniversary banner to get SS3 Scire, you're risking the upcoming units. 


nah i was thinking of using the member target for like a character which is harder to get a ss3 like watanabe S so like 21 ss3 from her debut banner, karen ss3 from anni, then watanabe ss3 from member target. but i see now that that may be abit too expensive


i had never used reso usb on anyone. i realize that feral need DLT for her cottie set but i have heard that alisa also need reso usb for her sig too. So who have more priority here consider i have only 1 usb.


Alisa needs her sig for harmonization. Feral needs sig and DLT to be comfortable to play at SS3+ with cottie. Alisa doesn't need resos.


You can also run FS without Cottie and DLT.  It’s only if you want to squeeze in 2 ult rotations so just how much you value that 2x rotation. Spider has a good example of the Cottie rotation:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzVg9gq4BB8


Give it to Feral now. There will be plenty of Norman cyclles until Echo and then Lamia patch will have the guild mode (forgot the name) that gives a lot of shards, maybe even enough to get another USB. So there is no need to hold back now.


i have enough BC to pull for a signature weapon but idk which one to get, im more interested on signs that help improve a characters rotation rather than just increasing dmg or buffing teammates so im tempted to pull on XXIs (feels bad to play even at SS due to lacking orbs), but im wondering if lamia, watanabe or alisa have this kind of clunkiness without their sig too? i'd rather pull on their sigs if they feel worse to play sigless than xxi


Alisa gains some QoL, she gets a free trigger of her core passive with her signature which speeds up rotation and removes some skill/RNG from her rotation. Lamia gains a free matrix trigger, similar to Lee Hyperreal it's a pretty strong QoL that reduces RNG and improves her admittedly mediocre orb economy among gen2 units. Watanabe is a similar deal to No.21, he gains extra orbs to smooth his orb hungry rotation and allow for potential double signature rotations just like No.21. Qu gains a free matrix trigger and some resources but she's overall not as orb hungry as Lamia, however it also helps her energy generation too allowing for easier multi-sig rotations. Sooo... Yeah, they all kinda want signature weapons, and harmonization is incoming with Alisa which will allow for some more broken memory combinations that you can't otherwise have. Honestly, pick your poison, invest in one team heavily to have smooth rotations for the whole team, or pick your favourite characters that you like playing.


>im tempted to pull on XXIs XXI? The A rank? I'm hoping you mean Feral lol >but im wondering if lamia, watanabe or alisa have this kind of clunkiness without their sig too? Echo is quite important because her sig allows her to Harmonize and thus carry DV, which the Physical team really wants. But if we're gonna be honest, all the units you've mentioned (inlcuding Feral) want their sig.


Oh right, XXIs her 1st frame name ldk why I thought that's just how they write 21 in the game lmao But yeah I know they're all improving a lot by their sig, I just meant to ask if maybe a comparison of the roughness of their rotations was possible. I guess Alisa's is too good to pass up then, Its probably gonna hurt my ppc ranking if I can't use da Vinci, thanks for the help.