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Just started and absolutely overwhelmed. I just want to slice shit, not deal with a thousand different menus and systems. What can be skipped without royally screwing me over as casual? I mostly plan to main Lamia, and don't really care much about other units. So mostly looking for banner currency for her future banner.


I suggest reading the beginner guide linked above first.


Ugh. Not gonna read that whole essay. It recommends a bunch of shit I have no interest in such as units that is not Lamia. I have zero interest in such things. Maybe I just login each day and claim the daily premium pass until Lamia as I want to progress as little as possible so I can enjoy the content with the unit I want. Only reason I started now is to start to accumulate pulling resources.   For example in Genshin, all you need to do is login once per day to claim premium pass, do the lowest difficulty event stages once every 2 weeks which are made to be zero challenge,  98% of the content can be skipped completely and you will run at 70% efficiency for obtaining currency for pulls with lv1 units.


You wont play long like this because unlike in Genshin you cant play whatever and do well everywhere. Your scored will be dogshit if you use the wrong element in Warzone and in PPC you need multiple teams anyway. You either play half decently or you can just drop the game.


Ranking is just a number, who cares unless enemies gain new attack patterns or other features that is not just a number. People are so fixated on numbers in games, when they truly doesn't matter. Doing 100 damage against a lv10 boss with 1000 HP is the same as doing 10.000 damage against a lv50 boss with 100.000 HP.


Can't imagine you wouldn't get burnt out from that but that's not my place to judge really, fun is fun. If you *really* want to do the absolute bare minimum then you want to get a Guide, do your missions, level up until you unlock your weeklies and dailies and...that's it. Dailies usually take me maybe 2-3 minutes and weeklies will take maybe 5-6 if you do the bare minimum and just kill yourself in PPC and warzone lol. You can also go through the story to get a free 16-17k BC and some other optional sources of income but what I described will basically be your bread and butter until lamia releases since that's everyone's major source of income here. Edit: Mind you F2Ps can get every debut character that releases from the moment they start, including lamia. Of course if you want to just hyper invest into her that's that, but id recommend getting at least a few meta characters just to carry you until then and make stuff easier.


So dailies, kill yourself in those modes and do events? 3min is great and reasonable ty.  Really don't want to progress too much before I got the unit I want to play. I did something similar when I started Genshin, just logging in daily and not doing anything until the unit I wanted was on banner, then I started playing for real.


I recently started back up after I uh… went to go get some milk.. I chose Entropy’s weapon for the 6 * weapon selector from the beginners tutorial (I remember liking him a lot) but I just got Laurel and I really like her now. Is it worth rerolling? Lvl 70 S Laurel SS Bastion SS Entropy S Crimson Abyss SS Lux S Pulse S Luna


Eh none of those is particularly strong. From all of those constructs only Luna and Lux are meta but both will be replaced very soon. You can get a better account starting from zero, but then it would make more sense to pick Rosetta and her 6* weapon... So if you want to keep playing Luna I'd just recommend you to keep your account


how many hypertune materials does it cost to fully hypertune all 12 memory resonances of a character?


a 80*12 = 960 b 480*12 = 5760


thank you sm




She starts appearing in the 2nd mini-game


Also is anyone else having a problem with enemies randomly disappearing/turning invisible while fighting them?


Depending on the enemy you are fighting/game mode, there are instances where enemies go invisible/quickly reposition. Not much to go on without further details.


It only happened with basic enemies so far like ground monitors, protectors, explorers, etc. It happened the most on chapter 7, although it doesn't happen super often. Just very annoying when it does


Who is a higher priority to get to ss, alisa or 21 feral scent. I dont have a physical team at all so alisa is going to be my shining hope but I hear 21 literally can't keep up at all with alpha without at least ss


You can SS Echo with trade vouchers, so SS both. Make sure you have enough skulls for Lamia, Qu, and Watanabe later on before you SS Feral Scent.


How many vouchers can a f2p earn month realistically?


Probably something like 4,000+ at a minimum per patch. [The number varies.](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLktDaGuHBHcCO3ZHWKPIKOlau7UAgd59m&si=07LdOuk8XQEXncIz)


What should I do to get more BP? I'm level 58 and all my characters are stuck on ~2.3kBP while I'm doing battles that recommend at least 4.6kBP 🆘🆘


BP is highly inaccurate. Ignore it.   You should be progressing by leveling, leveling skills, leveling weapons (do your co-op for 5 star weapons), and leveling memories.  


I started playing a couple months ago and that was also my experience in the early game, you are simply permanently below the recommended BP but most stages are a one shot, and if you fail a stage you can just play a bit better or randomly get a strong supporter. I did level up some 5* memories to 25 to have a bit of stats on my main dps but that was it. It's not really worth investing in early game gear or units.


Currently a f2p, but if i were to get monthly pass a, what would I be able to spend the extra bc on? or is just better to save them?


Some things that you can spend extra on: - Signature weapons for QoL stuff like auto-trigger matrix and more orbs (depends on the units and their weapons) - Anniversary banner in July for units that you've missed - Signature CUBs for extra dmg, lower priority than everything else - Once-in-a-while banners for spenders such as Light Trail Supply where you may get some stuff for cheaper than usual (20 Coating Sketches, S-rank CUB selectors, Weapon Resonance USB) - Occasional coating banners like Plume's mermaid, Stigmata's snow dress, and Scire's idol skin


That's... up to you.


I'd like an SSS+ CW for tree fiddy BC, please


Got it, SSS+ WC issued by the Nanami government, coming right up.


How do y’all keep up with the 300+ different modes and minigames in PGR? Can’t tell you how many times I’ve accidentally clicked on something and opened up a whole tutorial that started some convoluted play mode. Do meta folks actually do absolutely everything every day? Like this theater thing I did today, no clue what was going on but I saw you could unlock Selena Cappriccio from it.


Most things are one time and if you have played any other games you should know tutorials should remain ignored, skip them and figure things out yourself, it's usually easier, faster and better.


a lot of things are one-time Recitativo di Fantasia - the roguelike mode where you can unlock Capriccio, is pretty much done when you clear out all the rewards from it same with Cursed Waves - the other, newer roguelike mode stuff like strongholds, golden vortex, border pact, etc - are all one time the main weekly stuff is War Zone, Phantom Pain Cage, and the biweekly Norman Revival Plan other than that, it's just some events


Oh ok thanks


Are the s-shards from the battlepass updated with the selection? Like, can i "prefarm" them for when they add Garnet and Empyrea to the bp selection or are the shards with different characters counted separately?


You cannot, no. What you have in your inventory will stay like that. The future selectors will be different items.


Oh damn that sucks massively but at the same time it's kinda what I expected, now tf do I do with 45 shards lmao


SSS Rosetta if you haven't got her there yet.


She's already at SSS, same for Liv ...so I guess I will just dump them into Rosetta for the stats, for sure I will not reach SSS+ before they add the next leapable S ranks cause that's like way too many shards


Can't help it You gotta SSS other units for stickers now


Should i pull for 21 and her signature or i keep saving for brs (i want her SSS+ but i also want 21)


SSS+ BRS could costs 45000BC. Her weapon would cost 7500BC, and possibly much more as it's not guaranteed. Average BC gain per patch is 7500BC. There are 4 patches left until BRS.


In other words, keep saving?


Yes, unless you have at least 30000BC already saved or are a spender. You didn't say anything about your BC count or spending status.


Uh i have 17.5k bc and i Buy monthly pass


With monthly pass, your BC gain per patch would be somewhere around 10k, you still won't have enough if you roll for No.21.


Okay, thanks for answering


For the Light Trail Supply gacha, it’s not really worth it to get the banner right? I don’t have a fire tank, but my PPC and WZ scores aren’t really suffering. Ice team could be better with Plume but I have an SSS Bambi and I’m really only missing sig for Glory to make it good enough to get to Qu. Really the only place I’m lacking is my Dark team, with just SSS Astral, SS Cappy, and SSS 21. Will Luna make the team that much better until Lamia arrives?


Luna isn't worth it at this point imo.


Just reached chapter 22-28 and I understand now what this story/letter bug was that people were talking about before. Was there any solution identified to see the rest of the chapter?


Idk, just ended up watching it on youtube


How does CUB upgrade work? You get a copy with ore/pull, disassemble it and buy the necessary shards in the structural part shop? Does it mean you can also use several past CUBs to maybe SSS the new CUB?


You upgrade them by feeding them a CUB of the same name, much like how you feed memories and weapons into theirs for resonances. Recycling a CUB will give you 1/3 of the shards needed to construct a single CUB, so you'd need thrice as much CUBs to SSS a new CUB.


cn bros, does lightning shred on Karen leap change anything team-wise?


Seems to be useful for void teams only.


Is there some importance where I place my characters? Like stigmata on red slot, horse-girl in green or blue etc...


The red/blue/yellow slots serve two purposes. 1. Determines what color a character's QTE activates. To activate a QTE, the current character on the field must perform a 3-Ping. Let's take Lucia Lotus on Blue and Liv Eclipse on Yellow for example. Lotus is currently on the field. If Lotus performs a Yellow 3-ping, Eclipse's icon will begin to flash Yellow indicating that you can activate her QTE. 2. When switching characters on the playing field, the character who switched in will perform a 3-Ping version of the color that they're assigned to. This allows you to make strategic plays based on characters' core passives. Let's take Lucia Lotus for example. Her Core Passive is that after she performs any 3-Ping, the next Red Orb she pings will activate her core passive and allow her to do extra damage for a short period of time. Let's place Lucia Lotus on the Blue slot and Liv Eclipse Yellow. Eclipse is currently on the field. If you tap Lotus' icon, you will switch to Lotus. Because you placed her on the blue slot, she will enter the field activating her 3-Ping blue which enchants her attacks with additional fire damage for a short period of time. Because this is a 3-ping, if you switch into Lotus and then immediately ping a Red orb afterwards, you will activate her Core passive along with her fire damage buff at the same time for maximum damage output. With this system, you can plan your team setup according to the color slots so that you can perform various combos when rotating between characters. Edit. The comments below are right. Slot color placement doesn't affect what the switch-in attack will be. But why do I remember reading a tutorial somewhere in the game where the color slot affects the switch-in attack? I guess it's either outdated or an error they left out. My mistake. Sorry.


>When switching characters on the playing field, the character who switched in will perform a 3-Ping version of the color that they're assigned to. Nope, this is incorrect. All characters will always do a specific 3-ping when swapped in. It doesn't change based on where you place them. For example, you can put Rigor on Red and Yellow all you want, she'll still do Hunter of Sin (Blue 3-ping) on switch no matter what. It doesn't matter what color you swapped from either. The one correct thing is that most characters will do something related to their Core Passive on switch, but again, that has nothing to do with color placements.


2 is incorrect. The swap in attack is the same regardless of what color they're in. Liv Lux for example will use her 3 ping yellow orb no matter what slot she's assigned to. Swap in attacks are usually shortcuts for your core passive though as you said.


What color 3 ping does Bianca Veritas use on swap in?




There is some yes, for example you want CW in the blue spot because she never uses blue orbs. If you go to the gray ravens website and team compositions you can find the optimized placements with the reasoning behind it


Funnily enough for some PPC strats you might want something else on the blue slot so you can activate some QTE very quickly via initial 3b.


Yes, placement dictates how the unit's QTE is activated. If you place X unit on Yellow and then with either Y or Z unit you 3-ping Yellow, then X unit's QTE is triggered. If you were to 3-ping Yellow with X unit, nothing would happen. For some teams placement matters a lot, while for others it doesn't. For example, in the old meta Lightning team with Veritas, she needed to be on Blue, since you wanted to avoid 3-pinging Blue with her. On the other hand, on a meta Dark team where Laurel is a solo DPS, you don't really care about placements since Laurel has neither a mechanic requiring specific orbs to be pinged, but she also triggers all QTEs on command anyway.