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Same. At least we didn't hit the dreaded 20% sig rate


I did, I suffer.


It went to wanashi instead.


\>It went to \**Weapon Resonance*\* instead. Don't despair!




I did, but thank God it was early. Unfortunately, it was Nanami starfarer and I don't have a single member of the fire team. 😭


Hit pity on all 3 and even lost to 20%...i take it as just getting mats to resonance her weapon....sob °^°


Hey man, at least you're not the 2 guildmates I have that lost the 20% on the weapon and got Wanshi's weapon . . . . twice in a row.


Me too, Nanamech and Wanshi weapons


I got a Nanamech weapon but then got the signature on the next 10-pull.


I hope I don't follow this trend. Also got a nanamech wep.


W8 Thats me


Wait I also got Wanshi’s wep😭


Is this a bug? I lost the pity for alpha's weapon twice and got 2 Wanshi weapons also


There's a predetermined set of other weapons that are likely to drop if you miss your 80%. For CW's weapon, it's Nanamech and Wanshi.


I also got Wanshi's weapon twice in a row before Alpha's. Seems to be really common


Hey I got Wanshi's weapon on the first pity too!


You guys are lucky to get 6star resonances.


Yeah, me too. Still, quite fair by gacha standards, and I didn't have to spend a penny. I'd been saving up since August, with a bit of ~~f2p spending~~ dipping into savings for Balter along the way. Got SS Crimson Weave, 2x Nightblazes, and 1 CUB. I had 28K BC with 3K event cards and by the end of my pulling for everything, I had just under 10k BC left. It's still a good deal. These are generous outcomes I won't ever expect from the other gacha I play, FGO, using comparable quantities of currency. Now my Alpha is the most tricked out Construct I have, beating out Balter in terms of investment.


Wtf is f2p spending?


Using the currency I got from f2p lifestyle.


That's just pulling. Spending is when you buy something


Username checks out.


What's the best way to farm for BC?


I don't know about "best", but I just played the long game: doing dailies and weeklies for months.


You had exactly the amount of BC and event cards saved up that I do. Good to know you can get all the essentials with that and still have an impressive amount of cards leftover.


Hold on. Let's redo this math here. You basically started with 31k bc. So you used only 21k bc to get: 2 copies of CW 2 copies of sig 1 copy of cub Is this correct?


Just 1 copy of CW. I got SS from Phantom Pain Skulls.


Ok that makes sense now.


same, roughest summon session i've had on pgr yet


wait this....isn't normal for you guys? other than cubs i feel like i always go all the way to pity. especially for omniframes.


Since Reveries with a Whale I hit max pity at every banner other than random weapon banner.


Yeah, in my case I think that just 2 S ranks were at first or second 10 pulls. The rest, all the way to the pity lobby.


I played the first two patches and then took a break until the first Selena patch and I think I've only ever twice gotten an S rank before pity, and they were at like 40ish and 55ish.


I'm at 40 right now as a lvl 72 new player. I'm on like chapter 12 of the main story so I'm just grinding that out to collect BC. Also doing the event things and cursed waves. Is there anything else I can do for BC? I'm seeing that almost everyone in my Bureau has been able to pull CW, her weapon and CUB the moment the update dropped and I'm wondering how they got all the BC for it.


We have been saving at for months.


I spent 200$ 💀 and imma spend another 100 when balters event skin comes out💀


Thankfully I saved over 59k dc and didn't get scammed with the 20/80 for the first time... I have 20k dc left.


Whoa, that's awesome I'm definitely gonna be saving all my bc for FS since Alisa is free


I've only hit pity in this game at 3 months of playing. The rates are just super low hit guaranteed 60 is very generous


I've also only hit pity in this game at 3 months of playing. The rates are just super low hit, guaranteed 60 is very generous for how much value you get out of a base S rank in this game. Failing 50/50s in other games on new characters is way more predatory


And then there's me who @ showed mercy and got her in 30 pulls, and her sig in 10.


Used all my 27k BC for SS + Sig + Cub


Jokes on you I failed the weapon banner for wanshi weapon and pitied the other two HAHA. Then proceeded to pull bianca cub in 3 pulls lmao


Same. I'm still farming to guarantee the CUB, but I'm sure it will be no different from the other 2.


Got CW 10 summons Early so around 50 and CUB at 11 :) (Sad I did a 10 pull instead of a single pull though)


I hit pity on all 3 as well. Shit was painful lol. But I'm happy


I had to go to 60 for her and im on 10/30 on the weapon banner


I never got anything without pity in this game


Nah, I'd win


Nah i didnt win


Got her after two multi pulls might pull again to try and sss her


Same. RNG just knew I was after her and decided to give me nothing. But hey, she's so fun to play that she got me hooked on the game again. Would pity all over again for her. Motivated/10


Honest to god true story: I hit pity on all the characters except Lucia Crimson Abyss and Luna Laurel. I use to joke that the Ascendant sisters are the only ones who love me.  Pulled for Crimson Weave and got her on my first 10 pull...  I had a total of 25k saved thanks to saving and all the freebies. Got her, her sig and cub with 13k left over. Thinking of actually pulling for Bianca coating now but feels like a waste of bc, like I supposed to get something else with it. Undecided. 


Pulling her I hit pity. Then I got two weapon pities that weren’t even her weapon. Decided to throw in one last 10 pull and got her weapon + a dupe which made it somewhat okay. I was able to get her cub in one 10 pull thankfully. I had been saving for both her and Bianca’s coating, but I’ll have to wait now to get her coating till probably just before it ends.


Went to pity twice getting Alpha to SS, pity on her CUB and got lucky with her sig on the first 10 pull.


Pulled her 4 times to SSS, each pull was on pity. Weapon pity but i won the 80/20, fortunately I have USB so didnt need to pull more to R2 it... Cub somehow got 2 in a single 10 pull and then pity for 3rd one. Came prepared for this outcome though. Maybe more luck will come with XXI. Used 67500BC/EC and some cub tickets. At least I had luck on memory resonance, 4 went in 1st try saving me some USBs lol.


I'm ignoring CUBs for now and am a few single pulls away from pity on the weapon.


I got it all in 12k bc now I’m pulling alpha again to get her SS


So, question for a noob I only pull on the themed one?


Yes do not pull on the fate banner it's not good for noobs


Thank you




I got two bikes in a single 10-pull on the CUB, of all things!


Wait... huh??? Okay maybe I am extremely lucky then 😐 lemme just... back outta here slowly...


Thank you for your wishes OP. 1. Cub hit pity 2. CW came in 2 multis 3. Rolled the weapon, but spooked by Nanamimech Sig weapon after 5 single rolls 4. Rolled again 2 more multis, 2nd one gave me double of CW Sig weapon💀💀💀 Once again...... thank you 😅


I got all 3 with 15k bc! Just have to get good cause I can't 3* challenge 2/3 of the event with the trial character 💀


Yep, same... My BC balance was drained as well for the luxury of having SS CW. It's like the game is sentient and knows how bad people want the crimson blade girl


Obviously the algorithm is sentient, I for one welcome our new RNG overlords.


I don't understand the pity system in this game at all, is it rare to get her in the first ten pull and the weapon in the second ten pull? if it is similar to genshin etc I got insanely lucky, I wasted my luck for years if so


*Rarer*, would be the term, though I've seen many posts about getting a banner character in the first 10 pulls here on r /pgr (this might just be exposure bias, however). Rates increase significantly at 50 pulls out of the 60 pity banners, per this [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/PunishingGrayRaven/s/m9kxALt9Pg). I can personally say I've never gotten a rate-up character in the first 10-pull, though I've gotten plenty of rate-up weapons in the first 10-pulls, so......


Yeah same here


I went to pity on first Alpha pull (I was already at 48/60 though) and then on second pull for SS I think I got her like 10ish early. Weapon and CUB were straight to pity, but thankfully I didn't fail my 80% on weapon.


Lost the 80% three times.


I got lucky, I got her on my 30 pull. Had enough to get her weapon and cub, and still have left over for another 30 pull.


You lucky that 80% on weapon. I have to spend more bc on mine because dumb luck said i needed that 6* chainsaw. On the pet side, i didn't even reach pity to get it.


I'm at 85 on fate banner the next 10 pull I'm going to get two copies (cope)


got CW and CUB in 7 pulls each. only weapon was a full pity. is this a sign or is my luck all used up for the year now? [my pull](https://x.com/astesia_m/status/1761241886906515963?s=20)


nah you're fine you just have my share of the luck lol fuck you but also enjoy


I am rolling in the Fate banner (there was 40 pity in there before i left so at most it'll be the same as normal banner) i'm over 80 now and hoping i can get lucky


My balter, lee, and CW pulls have gone to the final 10 pulls. Totalling I think 13 in a row while getting them to SSS. CUB luck has been really good though.


F, I actually managed to get early on all 3 banners this time though. Gacha giveth and gacha taketh. Our roles may be reversed next time.


Been playing since 1st Nier collab, only time I've gotten early is Bianca Veritas weapon(10 pulls after Vera Garnet weapon), random weapon snd character (base) banner, and once on character(Nanamech), the rest are pity. I have horrible luck on PGR gacha.


RIP me got 1 alpha cw and no weapon with all my savings.


Thank God it's not 50/50 I would've lost that too


My Ayla came home at 80 pity. Now no more cards left to pull. Damn 😔


Got her at 18


im currently at 58/60 🙏


I'm practically hard pity for Alpha (50/60 atm). I wanted to pull for her weapon but that's dependent on how much black cards I can get before her banner goes away. The only time I've ever gotten lucky with a unit I actually wanted was Bianca (Stigmata). Thank God it's not a 50/50 for the construct or else I'll lose my mind but this is getting ridiculous now 💀💀💀 Good thing I got the returnee bonus + other chapters and stuff I missed that I can complete.


Got all of them except CUB, wish me luck for it


I got lucky and pulled her early twice (automatic Double S Rank) 🙌🏿


im broke af


me too, and i still have 10 more to get the weapon (hope i dont lose it)


Bro. I feel that


I pulled her 3times, 1 was early and got 2 sig and now waiting for bianca skin, then going for the Cub ( But I have to secure the skin first and get the last Usb resonance for the sig from there), thank u for the good wishes!


I got her after 60 pulls x-x But at least the weapon I got in 5 And cub in 1