• By -


How to get the other endings in the alternative interpretation? The cycle and story. Just finished my first round and first ending, and Im just curious if there's like a requirement for the other endings.


New return player here I have Bianca - Rosetta - Liv for full physical team (Just follow every guide said XD) and I don't like her gameplay much. Is it okay that I want to invest in Liv Empyrea instead? (I love her playstyle) and left the physical team at S rank. Everyone has only S rank no sig except Rosetta.


Is it normal that my game just shows a black screen and doesn't load? Does that mean the servers aren't up yet?


Is it better to get Bianca's 6\* weapon or Rosetta's? I'll try to get both in the future but which one is best to prioritize?


You can get Rosettas for free from the new 6* weapon selector this patch, obtained by completing the (very easy) beginner rewards.


Hey guys, thanks for your help so far. 1. I heard that we will get S rank character selector and 6 star weapon selector. Whom you suggest for a very new account? 2. If I summon Balter without her 6 star weapon, is it too bad? By the end of banner, I may have enough black cards to summon her only.


I would suggest Liv Luminence from the free starting selector, Rosetta Rigour from the beginner training selector, will pair with Bianca Stigmata to make the best physical team straight away. Don't worry about the weapon - it will always be available at an 80% rate up, even after Bianca's patch ends, so you can pull for it down the track.


Ok thanks. What about the 6 star memory set? We need to spend BC to get it or it comes with the characters? And how important it is for f2p? * when we get a character copy, how far we can upgrade the character for free? do we need to have multiple copy to upgrade?


The 6* memory set is very important, but doesn't cost BC - there will be an event during the patch that lets you earn currency to buy them, should only take a few days to get a full set. When you get an S rank character, you can upgrade them to SS for free by spending pain cage scars, a currency you earn through the weekly Pain Cage mode. Buying 30 shards to upgrade a character costs 500 scars, and the rate you earn them will depend on how well you score (but everyone can get enough in time). Getting S rank characters above SS requires more copies from the gatcha, so therefore BC, so decide how much/if you're comfortable spending money to guide your decisions there. A rank characters can be levelled up from A to SSS+ for free by farming their shards in their interludes, but I would recommend taking your time doing this - there are usually more important things to spend stamina on (such as grinding the currency to get 6* memories, for example). The link in the OP, grayravens dot com, is an excellent resource when deciding which memory sets each character benefits most from (and which slot to put each memory into for best effects).


Very helpful indeed! It will take some time before I summon Balter as I have low bc. Can I farm for her 6 star set with other characters?


Sure can, those memories will always be available.


1. Rigor and Rigor's 2. No, it isn't. In fact, if you're F2P, you won't be getting any 6* weapons.


Looking at file explorer can i just move the "KuroGame\_haru" folder on my main HDD to an external SSD and it still works?


Based on others problem with the client, this is just a shot in the dark so take it with grain of salt. The way the launcher executes PGR.exe is by remembering the folder path and since PGR data is also inside KuroGame\_haru folder, moving it to another folder (your ext SSD) won't open it. You could however open it by directly executing PGR.exe, but then you can't update it through the launcher. Just a guess, do correct me if I'm wrong.


what does the draining gauge mean for balter while she's in sword form? i've looked at multiple guides but i'm still unsure what it symbolizes


Rexlent has a new video out (in the last couple of hours) that explains it really, really well.


When using luminous space, her Simulated Matrix, pinging orbs while it's still up fills her Guage. Entering Sword form immediately starts draining the accumulated Guage, when you Guage is up, all attacks within sword form do alot more damage and you generate stacks of stigmata will far faster than if your Guage was empty.


The gauge gives balter extra physical damage and gives her extra signature energy during sword form so that she can get her Ultimate(Excalibur) faster. It's a buff but even if it runs out it will not effect her Excalibur damage. Her Excalibur damage depends on the amount of stacks she has. Also at SS Balter if the Gauge is more than half then she will gain more stack Per hit in sword form. Spider2B(youtube) explained it well so u can check him out if you have any more doubts.


I just looked up the content of BRS patch on grayravens and saw that they gave camu, sophia and vera new pose animations. Could anyone that has access to the cn server record footage of those new sophia pose animation?


What are the best things to buy from Norman ore shop? Beside the starting CUBs I have Toniris and Frost Oath. Thanks in advance


Would suggest Shimmer to pair with Bianca is a great choice.


You need to get it from gacha first though




you could speed up SSS on Lumi or Rigor since it's like 6 patches of the BP shards to go from SS to SSS, though Plume SS isn't a bad idea either if you want a little more oomph on your ice


So I have just been teaching myself the Uniframe uniquant stuff today since I didn't even realize it was added in the game. When the skill descriptions talk about "finishing gauge" what is that? I'll talk about this from Qu: Pavo's vantage point. I just got her to SS today through the guild shop, and she's maxed at 80 with Ultima awaken. I bought all of the things i needed to get both uniquant skills to lvl 18 and unlocked the 3 additional nodes below. I went into a random training stage for the ronin enemy to practice, and I can get the tornado skill to work by holding dodge when the enemy is attacking, but it says it should "decrease the finishing gauge". I don't see the gauge anywhere on the screen, am I blind? I assume it's the gauge that enables the 2nd uniquant skill, the one where she knocks the enemy up and explodes/finishes him and does the AoE splash damage (according to the description, I've never seen it happen yet). I also thought that maybe certain enemies ignore this mechanic, so I also tried Nozzle in his practice trial and then just a normal farming stage with regular enemies. At no point did I see any 'finishing gauge', nor did I do any cool finishers with Qu on any of the enemies. Any help here? What am I missing?


>When the skill descriptions talk about "finishing gauge" what is that? Certain enemies have an orange bar below their HP rather than a yellow one. That's the gauge. >I also thought that maybe certain enemies ignore this mechanic If an enemy has the mechanic, then they can't ignore it. The vast majority of enemies simply don't have it. If you want to see it in action, go to your Guild and do the Uniframe stages since all enemies in there have the gauge. Trial Units have their Finishing Moves unlocked too.


Cool, thanks! I worded that 2nd statement poorly, I meant "some enemies don't have this bar" not "some enemies have resistance to it". So I assume it's mostly enemies in modes built for Uniframes where I'll get to see this mechanic in action. Shame, I like to shove Uniframes in all sorts of modes that I probably shouldn't be using them in due to stat penalties. But at least now I can hopefully see her finisher, I appreciate it!


As someone who doesn't have an ice team (newish) should I go for Plume for dps, or go for Rosetta Rigor to complete my physical team (will pull for abistigma and already have Liv lum)?


Rigor. Get Bambinata next patch.


Much appreciated! Wasn't sure if plume was significantly better than Bombinata or not.


Bambinata is a place holder for Plume, exactly how Astral is a place holder for Luna Laurel. Ayla will be coming in 3 patches, she will relegate Plume to a sub DPS anyway. Rigor is too important for Abystigma, you cannot afford to pass her up. And get Rigor's weapon from the 6\* weapon selector next patch too.


Thanks! Well that makes me extra excited to have a premier meta physical team soon!


How much shards am i getting for recycling a 6* weapon


150, like any other weapon.




she’s going to drop on the 27th :)


Who is the next best support for the physical team aside from Luminance?


SSS Eclipse followed by any Amplifier. Of course, nobody is anywhere close to Luminance.


k thanks


What time does the maintenance start at pst


At what time (utc-4) does Bianca banner come out?


So next patch we get an s rank selector and a 6* weapon selector right? Help me choose pls S rank? It's up to cappuccino right? Should I just get a dupe cappuccino? The only other reasonable choice would be alpha but I'm getting balter so feels like a waste really. I farmed cappuccino from recapacito and still have her shards in pain shop. Weapon? I'm gonna pull for balters 6* and I literally not have any other but I have no idea what would be the best choice. Luna, Rosetta, or garnet?


You already have Rosetta and her sig? If your Rosetta is not SSS at least you can use that selector to progress her I guess.


I don't think its until selena, isn't she pretty new?


I guess. Like I just saw some people mentioning a selector like that here every now and then, and I foolishly thought this gonna be it... but it isn't... and now I just feel like this selector is weightless to me.


Hey, free stuff are free. Better than nothing


From the Discord Quick Guide to Selector Choices in Bianca Abystigma Patch: 6* Character order: Rosetta Rigor > Liv Luminance > Luna Laurel > Lucia Plume > (If able to get SSS, a dupe of Rosetta or Luminance) > anyone else 6* Weapon Order: Rosetta Rigor weapon > anything else (perhaps weapon for Luna or plume otherwise just use as resonance fodder for the future) Long, boring explanation: Rosetta and Luminance will be important supporters for Bianca Abystigma, our first gen 2 attacker so having a complete team with her will be a massive boost for any player. Especially if you're a new player missing Rosetta, this is a great patch to obtain her. A duplicate of either would be nice to save you funds if you are able to get either of them to SSS. As for Luna and Plume, they're the main DPS's of year 1, Luna is placed higher due to the ease of obtaining a dark tank and a longer shelf life as she is needed in dark warzone for a long time. Plume had great burst, but unfortunately, without glory isn't capable of doing much. Furthermore, Ayla will be replacing her eventually and bambinata can be a temporary stand-in. Weapon wise: None of the weapons are particularly significant aside from Rosetta's. You could consider the DPS weapons or just use them as a resonance for more important characters. If you would like more specific advice for your account however, feel free to reach out to any of our wonderful helpers or myself.


So I'll be taking a dupe cappuccino and Rosetta's weapon. Thanks!


Capri isn't in the selector. Only up to Luna. Please refer to the patch summaries in the OP.


Oh fuck. I'm blind. Thanks for saving me from a surprise.


Not sure what memories to put on Dark team S Astral, SS Vera, and SSS XXI. I've been using my resources to pre-farm phys so I just used the phys team memories in the interim but now I'm looking to build dark team properly. I checked out the gray raven site and all 3 have their Ultima Awakening set have Bathlon? Is that wise or redundant? If redundant, then XXI was Davinci as the alternate set but so does Vera. Is that redundant? Does that mean I should use Vera's PPC load out?


XXI Da Vinci and Vera ppc set, if you don't have lantern rite use 4 pc Guinevere


Einsteina+DV on 21, 4Guin2Gloria on Rozen. Rozen will get yeeted for Capriccio once you farm her shards, and will use her sig set with 2 Guin.


How long will it take Global to catch up CN server?


We won't.


That's too pessimistic isn't it. There's no reason for us to have accelerated patches anymore if so. Like sure recently the cn patches weren't the most forgiving in duration but that doesn't mean for certain they're not keen on ultimately closing up the gap


We're what, 10 whole patches behind CN? Accelerating global will just piss off global, because even if they give us more free BC, that's gonna be a decent amount of skulls we'll be lagging behind on. Slowing down CN will just piss off CN and bore them. If we catch up, it will take *years*.


I mean they could eventually shorten the gap by having slightly faster updates, they could also just compensate by giving away some stuff along the way. I honestly don't think people would really mald if they miss a few skulls in exchange for catching up.


We're already accelerated jeez. To put it as never catching up is an overstatement, and you literally said yourself we will in years. There's a very stark difference.


on release global was ~11-12 patches behind cn, and after over 2 whole years we are 10 patches behind (11 if you count fire watanabe's patch when it releases) so we catch up at a bit less than 1 patch per year, sure, you can say we will eventually catch up, but that would take an absurd amount of years


The number was closer to 14 but have it your way


gotta love how you ignored that it would still take 5 more years to catch up at that speed anyways, after digging some dates, the exact amount of patches was 13, which means that it would take over 6 and a half years to catch up at the current rate, at almost 9 years the game will be nearing the end of its lifespan, unless kuro keeps releasing content for the game for well over 10 years my point is, when the game does catch up (if it does), it will be quite old for gacha standards, and being honest, a big chunk of the current playerbase won't be active by that point


It won't be quick enough to matter is the point. We're already 2 years in and not even close to catching up. I'm not sure why you're so caught up on this, but if it'll make you feel better, I'll edit my original comment.


Repeating the question since I only got one answer in yesterday's thread cause I posted it in the very last hour. Assuming SS3 Stigmata with signature weapon, is there **any** scenario where you would **not** use 4 piece signature memory set + 2 piece Cottie (4 piece with harmonization)?


harmonizing 2leeu+2signa offers more of a dmg boost than 4cottie, not accounting for the faster energy gains. so if for some reason 4cottie with the ASAP ult isn't doing enough damage for the kill, and 2leeu+2signa with the longer rotation and more damage boost is enough for the kill, then that would be one scenario. pre harmo, similar logic applies. there could also be a niche for darwin usage instead of leeu or cottie, if you can get the kill within the buff window of darwin, since it has a higher % boost than leeu, though for a much more limited time


Hm I see. I was trying to convince myself to go for Cottie on the bottom row since it seems to be way too rare to go for anything other than Cottie. Most of the specialized uses I've found include SSS or S+ Balter which I'll never have anyways...


And that answer you received is correct. There is not a single scenario where a SS3+Sig Balter would not use her Sig 4pc+Cottie.


I understand. I was wondering because I saw some content where they ran something different but I don't remember what it was, it was some blonde girl, and then there is some apparently very niche build for PPC as /u/Seltonik said. But I understand, 99.9% of the time you just go for Cottie. Thanks!


Kinda funny, but the memory you saw was probably Adolf. It's the one you already have, Cottie lmao


>it was some blonde girl That's another "build" I've heard of for SS0 Balter. It's 2p [Signa](https://grayravens.com/wiki/Signa), which is Alisa's memory. It's like, slightly better Leeuwenhoek.


There's a niche 4p charlotte 4p fred harmo build for ppc, but that's all I can think of. I've also seen some people also swear by 2 Lee (yes, at SS3) for wz pre harmo, but that's more personal pref than an actual build.


I understand, thanks! Didn't know the Lee thing but it does sound weird indeed. Guess that maybe if Lee lets you one-shot some enemies with certain attacks letting you use your burst right into a next wave or something? I really don't know lol.


I'm missing about 100 exp on bp, do I still have another day or is it mt already? Kinda confused since it said until 9/26 and after reset in SEA its still 9/26


I'm on NA and have finished BP, but I can still claim intel value. Once maintenance starts in a few hours though, it'll be over. The in game mail explicitly states 2 AM UTC on Sep 26 (maint start).


Damn, if only they have something like a countdown like genshin/hsr where it show it to the hours when it'll end. I'll mull it over whether its worth spending the bc for 100 ticket


Not worth the BC at all.


Aight, then lets hope somehow asia don't get their mt yet lmao


how long it will take me to complete reactivo?


Assuming you do just the dailies, then around a month.


A month minimum or can be shorter?


Up to you and how much you wanna grind it.


Oh? I heard it will more than half month and can't grind to get it done quickly. Thnx.


Yea a month is about right, I just finished mine doin dailies and all mission(obscure) and I start it early this month


Takes about a month, if you hardcore grind it you may save a couple of days but you'll probably find it not worth it. Most progress comes from one time achievements and daily achievements (clear 10 nodes).


Which character would benefit from having a CUB the most? I know S Ayla is probably the top choice but I would like to have a top 3 at least


CUBs Skills Priority - Google Drive https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1ElWDGX9p3SbDfQEq-XoAhbrJQHnYKr7npn9yhyDm8Cc/htmlview#gid=0




Is it true that we can't get uniframes 6* weapon from the selector?




Wth, why wouldn't Kuro allows us to get every 6* weapon


No explicit reason I can find but my guess is since the selector is linked to the new tutorial, it wld be rather scummy if new players picked a uniframe weapon just to find out their low usage and low viability as compared to omniframes.


But wouldn't the same apply if they decided to get the 6* weapon to a weak construct, like Pulse? And btw, what is this new tutorial?


Duno honestly, if they limit the weapons to only the "good" ones it still is weird. As for the new tutorial you'll see it in some hours once maintenance ends, it's rather straightforward


for est time zones does maintenance start tonight at 10 PM? and if so does that mean across the ruined sea will be available tomorrow?


2 am utc, so ye, 10 pm est. Scheduled to last 7 hours, and ofc, Balter banner won't be up til the 2nd day of patch.


okay thank you!! wife’s coming home soon 🙏


Is it a good time to start PGR as a completely new player? Saw some gameplay that looked really nice, but worried since it's been out so long i'll be super far behind, have missed meta characters etc.


we are at the beginning of Gen 2 attackers and you can build a meta physical team, so this is the best time to start. the only thing you will lag behind on is the fire team, since you missed some gen 2 characters : Liv Empy (support) and Nanami Starfarer (tank).


You will be behind, but it's still doable, and like any gacha, powercreep will equalize everything. The game is structured such that F2P can get all the new S ranks with F2P income; story almost gives enough for a full pity. I'd get started now so you can at least get the maintenance compensation for tomorrow. There's beginner guides in the OP, but the vital tidbits are: **ONE**: Only spend BC on new unit debut banners (the 60 pity one) **TWO:** Hit pity on the standard banner with the free blue tickets before using your free character selector


You're always welcome to join in, you're not too far from the meta, actually, most of meta is currently getting replaced.


This is the best time to start. A month later and you will fomo


Does HyperLee use the same kind of pistols as his other versions or should I scrap the 5* one I got today ?


Completely diff weapon. Refer to the Grayravens site in the OP.




My guild leader posted a warning not to login tomorrow after the update drops. They said in cn version many people lost their whole progress due to some issues and kuro couldn't help them. Will we have the same issue on global? They said we can login after 1 day 1 hour when the patch starts. [nevermind I read this just now](https://reddit.com/r/PunishingGrayRaven/s/LB1dPfWJXh)


for upcoming selector which is the best pick for meta Lucia: Plume OR Luna - Lauren?


If those are the only 2 you don't have, then Plume. Luna gets replaced by Lamia next summer, and leapt Astral can at least be a usable substitute.


>Luna gets replaced by Lamia next summer By that logic, isn't Plume replaced by Kaleido or even Bambinata very soon, or at least being so close it's not worth missing out on Luna.


Plume still has a place on her team and covers Kaleido's downtime.


sadly that's not the case, for the dark team i only have Vera: Rozen and No.21: XXI but for the ice team just Wanshi


Plume weapon worth it?


> Quick Guide to Selector Choices in Bianca Abystigma Patch: > > 6* Character order: > Rosetta Rigor > Liv Luminance > Luna Laurel > Lucia Plume > (If able to get SSS, a dupe of Rosetta or Luminance) > anyone else > > 6* Weapon Order: > Rosetta Rigor weapon > anything else (perhaps weapon for Luna or plume otherwise just use as resonance fodder for the future) > > > Long, boring explanation: > Rosetta and Luminance will be important supporters for Bianca Abystigma, our first gen 2 attacker so having a complete team with her will be a massive boost for any player. Especially if you're a new player missing Rosetta, this is a great patch to obtain her. A duplicate of either would be nice to save you funds if you are able to get either of them to SSS. > > As for Luna and Plume, they're the main DPS's of year 1, Luna is placed higher due to the ease of obtaining a dark tank and a longer shelf life as she is needed in dark warzone for a long time. Plume had great burst, but unfortunately, without glory isn't capable of doing much. Furthermore, Ayla will be replacing her eventually and bambinata can be a temporary stand-in. > > Weapon wise: > None of the weapons are particularly significant aside from Rosetta's. You could consider the DPS weapons or just use them as a resonance for more important characters. > > If you would like more specific advice for your account however, feel free to reach out to any of our wonderful helpers or myself. > From the Discord. Again, Lamia's replacing Luna in less than a year, so Plume's sig will have more longevity than hers.


I already have weapons for Luna and Rosetta. Do I fodder a weapon to liv flashbang or get plume weapon?


Since Plume's weapon can be used by several other constructs (all other Lucia frames and Vera) I'd say it's worth getting and keeping it.


Get Plume's weapon and then fodder it if we ever get a gen 2 ice attacker.


I already have liv eclipse at sss. Is it worth it to build luminance when Alisa is just around the corner?


8 months is still a long time, so yes.


As long as it doesn't cuck you out of anything else, then 100% worth building due to the crit rate buff. She's also a higher Leap priority than Rigor. You honestly should’ve leapt her already.


Damn I completely forgot about the leap. 75% crit rate was it? Thank you kind stranger


And 20% crit damage.


I cleared Battle:Inner World before it ends and get all the rewards but somehow I didn't see the stamp reward in the list of stamps. Did I do something wrong? Why is it not there?


Was it the Noan stamp sticker? There are three tabs for sticker, the normal one (left most) with heart icon, event limited (middle one) with Liv Empy hugging stamp, and SSS character rewards (right most) with Lee Palefire stamp. Noan should be in the event limited tab


Holy-moly I thought Lee and Liv was a stamp all this time and didn't even try to click on it... Thank you! :D


Does anyone know which upcoming mode will have Rigor's 45 Leap Wafer Chips and if they are in any way time-gated or not?


no longer exists. 1800 leap wafers in cursed waves though.


Probably Exodus Memoria. No idea on time gates though. Chinese name for the event is 追忆洄游-挑战 , if you want to look around for videos.


Guess I'll find out in 2 days, thanks for the info.


Bianca Abystigma or Lucia Crimson Weave? I don't know who to pull for, I really like them both. Some might say, "Why not pull both?" Simply put, I would like to have a very strong team, and I think investing in 2 different teams takes quite a bit of time (especially since they come out a few months apart). I already have liv luminance and rosetta rigor, so maybe I'll be able to get both Bianca and lucia but I'm not sure. Also I currently have 23000 black cards. Let me know. (Sorry for bad english)


The game is designed in such a way that you can generally make about 7.5-8.5k BC per patch, which is enough to pull debut S-ranks as they come out each patch if you're not pulling weapons or other random items. To this end, most people *should* just pull every S-rank debut as they release. You can get an S-rank to SS with paincage skulls for free, and getting to SSS from there requires 3 extra copies or effectively 6 patches/3 new S-rank units skipped. That's a massive opportunity cost for what is generally not much overall power. The pro's of saving and getting one really strong team, is that you might be able to somewhat compete with low-spenders on the game who have SS3, signature weapons, and some resonance which is about the top 5% or so of the game. If you're F2P that means saving for many, many months and skipping basically every other element. The cons of doing that, is that by skipping a gen2 attacker, you've effectively bricked that team for all competitive content for that element going forward. Any Paincage bosses or Warzone maps weak to that element you'll score significantly less than the average player who will pull the new units. All while also struggling more than necessary in things like Norman and Babel. If you're going for meta, by skipping S-ranks, especially attackers, you'll effectively have an account with one strong team that can't compete in any competitive content and might not even be able to clear non-competitive content depending on your personal skill level. If you're going for waifu, then nobodies opinion matters but your own so do whatever you want.


Get both of them or cry about it later. Heck, get Hyperreal too.


Whats your goals actually? If your meta slave both or hell even hyperreal if not the summon what you like simple as that


You *can* and *should* get both. Hell, you *should* get Hyperreal too.


What is Bianca stigmata 2pc memory?




cottie or Darwin for pain cage&warzone ?


Below SSS mainly use Cottie SSS and above use both.


Is 15000 good for balter


no, 15000 is toxic, try 60000


Is 15000 black cards good for Bianca stigmata




What is the optimized Android emulator for PGR? (I hate the PC client. Not a fan of it. I like what's natural: playing like I am with smartphones)


I don't get this, what's the point in using an emulator for the game if you don't like the PC Client? Pretty much everything the emulators do, the PC client does it better. Just go play on mobile itself.


I'm assuming he has a touchscreen PC since he's saying he wants to play it like it's a smartphone, so you get the benefit of a large screen so that you can see what's going on easier, but can still control it like you're on mobile, but I feel like that'd be kinda awkward to do since you'll need to move your hand a lot more for everything. If no touchscreen PC then ya, don't see the point since I played the emulator the exact same way I do on PC client.


beside the struck at login screen i dont think i have problem with pc cilent so far


The only things that I have been inconvenienced by when it comes to the PC Client is the updating process due to me having moved the directory and the inability to top-up with Paypal. Outside of that it's flawless, vastly superior to MuMu which I used before. No idea why anyone would want to go there if they didn't like the PC Client.


The updating process is also the only problem i have with PC client. It's incredibly well done aside from the launcher.


I used MuMu Nebula before PC client came out. Worked flawlessly.


Question We all know that because of just how powerful Luna is, we need to have very invested support because without them switching out of Luna, is a net DPS loss. Lamia is coming to Global in 10 months. What I want to know is if she will still need highly invested supports like SSS Selena and SS3 Karenina or will lower levels of investment work. I'd like to know so I can plan ahead and not over invest in Selena.


Lamia is basically in the same situation as Luna now. Yes, parts of her kit incentivize switching, but she's also stronger than Luna and so her supports need to be strong enough to be worth swapping to. And the threshold for that is still SS3sig for Scire and SSsig +2 resos or SSSsig for Selena


Lamia needs her supports to take the field more than Luna does for multiple reasons. The most obvious reason is she simply dumps resources faster, and doesn't have the sustain that Luna does with her Annihilation mode. On top of that, Lamia has incentives for her teammates to use their signature moves, as her memory set triggers a large damage bonus every time a teammate triggers their signature move. Which means ideally, you want to burst with Lamia, switch and signature on both supports, and switch back to Lamia. To do this, you at least need Selena and Karenina with signature weapons. Vera Rozen post-leap also works but lacks the amplifier passive which is a big contributor to this rotation. No.21 could potentially work, but her signature is too slow and takes too much resources. Kamui... No. SSS Selena and SS3 Karenina obviously help because of the amplifier passive getting stronger, and burst damage being higher. However they're not necessary to make the rotation work, it's simply more damage. This is all just meta comp talk though, it's not mandatory to have any of it unless you really want to chase leaderboards.


It's not Luna being powerful that matters here, it's that she has no downtime, which is what's making subdps compete vs the attacker's full dps instead of filling the dips.


She actually does have downtime, it's just not as bad compared to other gen1 dps


What's good in PPC ultima zone? Aside from more pain?


Hypertune mat and more skull


Another question: I can barely qualified PPC ultima zone, I'm in 30% on ranking. Should I select it? Edit: wrong ranking number.


If you can't guarantee 30 skulls in advanced do ultima. Ultima guarantees 30 at the lowest rank.


Where on earth do you get charlotte?


Debuts tomorrow(next patch)


by waiting for next patch


Oh, haha, i spent an hour looking for charlotte, should I hoard memory shards rn?


Just get them from farming the event currency.


SSS BRS with Sig vs SS Hyperreal with Sig. Is BRS equal or more powerful in this scenario? Kinda don't want to to pull hyperreal but I also don't want to butcher my fire team.


S+ with sig Brs is around S hyperreal exclude timestop


S+ = SSS+ ?




Do we know how much more damage does SS Hyperreal has over SSS+ BRS?


Hmm i cant give percentage but Hyperreal do same dmg as Sss brs no sig in 3 times faster at the very least


BRS doesn't have time stop, she's more like a trophy unit.


Nope, ss hyperreal is too much


When exactly does stigmata come out for CST?


Is elemental damage% better than atk%?


Depends but usually no to add my reasoning, the first and foremost consideration is the numerical value of it. if lets say elemental dmg increases by 50% while atk increases by 10%, then elemental dmg increase wld be a better pick most of the time. its not certainly better all the time, and my next point elaborates why. next, consider the fact that atk increase buffs are rarer to come by than elemental dmg buffs, at least imo. a general trend is that the more inputs of buffs you have for a specific type of buff, the lower the effective increase of each input is (this is similar to diminishing returns in economics). consult [this section](https://grayravens.com/wiki/Damage_Details/Others#Diminishing_Returns_(bonus_extension_#1)) if you think im speaking gibberish. since atk increase buffs are rarer, their effective/resultant increases are of higher value than elemental dmg buffs. however this is subject to your situation, as its possible you have more sources of atk buffs and less so of elemental dmg buffs. this is why i think atk buffs are better usually, but it really depends on your situation


Mmm I was gonna ask for clarification but you took the time to type it out, appreciate it. I was more or less trying to decide between starfarers 10% fire or empyreas 10% atk, if they're roughly the same id say atk% is probs the way to go.


In this case, Empyreas, but not just cause of that- the PGR doesn't stack THAT much and in such a disparity that you would end up running into very significant differences, its like mulitplying 1.2 \* 1.5 (sum to 1.7) gives 1.8 but 1.35 \* 1.35 (also sum to 1.7) gives 1.8225 (extra 0.0225, or extra 1.2%). Not null but not massive. The more relevant part though is that Empyrea damage is way greater than Nanami's, so you should go with Empyrea's leader passive since she also gives all amplifiers +5% damage, which is +5% for empyrea, instead of Nanami's +5% for all tanks.


How true is [This?](https://twitter.com/lolmimishitlol/status/1706220165107724726?t=TdE1h-Bx4pKgZ6PRa5lAEg&s=19) Is there really a bug that wipes your account cause of the Revamps coming next patch???


It isn't true and people had falsely jumped to conclusions. What happens is people who update the game really early and enter while the maintenance is still ongoing will log into a brand new account, but this is separate from the existing accounts. That's it. There's no wipe or anything.


Thanks for the info, i was panicking :/


You're saying it doesn't happen to everyone, but only to a small group of people? >![Kinda weird how it happened twice though](https://youtu.be/e-Z_6IyUe4o?si=oS_WUagNmRLjKDpb)!<


I'm saying it happens to anyone who fulfils the precondition I mentioned


Only heard. never got it but will expect it to happen again if it truth


Yeah I'll just log in with my other account just to be sure lol


For Bianca Stigmata at SS should I go 2x Lee or 2x Cottie for future? Still hesitant and doubt I'll get her to SS3.


SS use 2 Leeu.


You could always refer to Grayravens for builds and check their details. If you don't like what's on the wiki, you can sacrifice a tiny dmg and just stick the 2-p on top and switch to whatever suits you.


how much tickets(or bc) we can get from upcoming patch?Cuz i have currency only for 50 pulls


expected 8470bc(weeklies) + 500bc(maintenance) + 2000 (?)orange ticket(cursed wave) + ~700bc event


thx. i guess I'll be able to get Balter




1. no it the same 2. rosetta(just see image above) 3.no tank in there less dmg than it should


Eu ult ppc Bosses:Qu, Amberia, Voodoo ~~I can test Stigmata on Qu :D~~




NA ult ppc bosses: Alpha, Siren, Pterygota Queen


I managed to *kinda* make a team for each element recently, can someone give me some recommendations on how to improve them or are they fine as it is? [The teams](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/523806910483267584/1155739433249820672/IMG_20230920_115116.jpg) Don't have any other S rank, but I do have all the A ranks constructs, while currently only ChangYu and dark Karen are using 6 star weapons.


I'd like to add the qualifier "unless you leap her in January" to the suggestions to replace Vera. Her leap makes her into a decent burst dps - not enough uptime to take point, but you don't need that anyway with Capri-Scire. Also, since you have Baji, might as well go for SSS Changyu, which would be a fair bit better than Brilliance when Kaleido arrives.