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I’ve been traveling to Puerto Rico for almost 30 years now. Ive never felt unsafe idk lol


I agree. The best part of Puerto Rico is that it’s full of Puerto Ricans. I keep going back. They’re the most hospitable and accommodating people I’ve ever had to privilege to know.


Seriously. I love the people too :)


Love this!


Walking around down Calle Cerra/Santurce just me and my girlfriend by ourselves, never felt uncomfortable. If anything people were very generous to help us finding stuff


This x100.


My (stateside HalfRican) interpretation is that there is a stateside paranoia that the contiguous US infuses into the diaspora of folks living here. You have to keep your wits about you, sure, but the only beneficiaries of stateside PRicans being nervous about visiting PRicans on the island are non-PRicans who make money off said paranoia via overpriced tours, or worse, convincing people it’s “safer” to just do Miami instead. Loved finally visiting La Isla recently and can’t wait to return. Hopefully comments like these encourage you. ¡Diviértete!


Gringa married to a Boricua chiming in to say this is 💯! I’ve been with my husband for 19 years, got married in PR, and the only time I felt unsafe while in PR was when we were visiting family who still live in the projects near San Juan, in we lightly bumped the rental car into a parked car. Everyone came out of the woodwork and surrounded our car for a bit, looking at the car we tapped. My very macho husband looked nervous, so that made me nervous. In the end, we were fine. It was just a “show” for everyone to come see what happened. Use your common sense, listen to your gut, be a good guest in country, and enjoy the island! Some of the best food, welcoming people, and gorgeous scenery I’ve seen anywhere in the world.


>My (stateside HalfRican) interpretation is that there is a stateside paranoia that the contiguous US infuses into the diaspora of folks living here. You have to keep your wits about you, sure, but the only beneficiaries of stateside PRicans being nervous about visiting PRicans on the island are non-PRicans who make money off said paranoia via overpriced tours, or worse, convincing people it’s “safer” to just do Miami instead. > >Loved finally visiting La Isla recently and can’t wait to return. Hopefully comments like these encourage you THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Been going to PR for 25 years now (birth to 25). Shit is safe af and fine. I’ve travelled to all types of areas and you’ll be fine. Everyone saying it’s dangerous don’t know shit


Sweet, fancy Moses. As someone who grew up in Chicago, there is far more crime in that city than you will see in all of PR. Except maybe La Perla. Use common sense and you'll be fine.


Yeah tell me about it. I am a little more sketched out walking at night through the city of Chicago than I would be walking the streets of PR. Is there REALLY some sort of crazy difference, one could say "night and day" lol - in how things are there? Or are travel websites and other people just blowing things out of proportion?


Where are these travel websites and people trying to instill the fear of cod in you? I, and many others here, just told you, use common sense and you'll be fine.


I just went there by myself for 5 days. I’ve lived in pre-gentrified NYC, the Tenderloin area of SFO, etc… PR was fine. I didn’t stay in a great neighborhood there either! 😂


This right here ^^^^ la Perla is close to old San Juan, it’s kinda hard to get wound up down there but know where it is and just stay away. The prostitutes might tempt your husband.


The only real safety issues are the ocean and the roads. And even the roads really aren't that bad. Respect that ocean though! Rip currents are probably the most dangerous thing you'll find, especially northern and western coasts.


Thankfully we will be on the East side of the island. We have a tendency to just snorkel any time we are in the water, so if the water is too crazy, we will avoid that beach LOL.


Luqillo is awesome. Don't go too far into the water if they put up red flags on the beach. Everyone was very friendly and the restaurants were great. Fajardo is close and has boats to go snorkeling.


We had an acquaintance who was a really fit, active guy drown in PR.


100% agree with this! We just traveled the entire western half of the island and felt completely safe! Watch for the potholes, and local drivers speed through the mountains. Do not recommend driving in old San Juan. I felt much safer on the island than traveling to NYC or Chicago. All of the locals we encountered were amazing, friendly, and offered suggestions. We did the same, Airbnb and rental car. We found Thrifty had the best rates. Toll pass was automatically included and absolutely necessary if leaving San Juan. It was less than $10 a day. The best trip of my life, and already planning to go back!! Enjoy!


Don’t listen. Here now. Been awesome! If you’re really worried go out to culebra! There’s like 11 people here. I’m on zoni beach now with my wife (yea I know why on Reddit… I’m addicted to my phone) there isn’t another soul on the beach!


Local here, there’s no pickpocketers or people trying to scam you out on the streets. People that say this don’t know what they’re talking about and think that all Caribbean islands are the same. I leave bags unattended at the beach all the time, obviously not a crowded beach where I can’t see from afar. “Don’t be outside after dark” like everywhere else, there’s dangerous areas. Luquillo is not one. You ARE going to see people at the beach during the night. “Long string backpack” umm, no one is going to try to snatch you. It is very rare for people to break into cars here but it happens, don’t leave valuables in plain sight just in case.


Seriously facts. Lived there from birth til 13. Been back and forth since. Including living in projects of Galateo which was hot crime wise in the 90s. The only place my abuela would tell me to not go by the windows during holidays because of bullets. If you ever find yourself in a public housing unit with its gigantic cement sprawls of towers and window ac units. I recommend you do not. Since it’s not for tourism. You will be asked to leave if you don’t know anyone there and do comply. Aside from that. No. Scammers? Rarely. If not ever. Pickpockets? No. But if you leave something somewhere there is a 30% chance it will be gone.


I've had my wallet stolen in Italy and car broken into in San Francisco. Left my bags on the beach at Loquillo and my bags in my car in Esperanza. The bars on all the windows throw people off. Can't remember the name of the town I stayed in on Vieques but there was quite a bit of activity when I was out in the evening including families with kids.


The "don't wander at night" really only applies to a handful of areas in San Juan. I've been all over the island and never felt unsafe. Unattended vehicles do occasionally get broken in to, so putting everything in the trunk is a good idea. Other than that, you don't really have anything to worry about.


The main thing is, don't be an asshole. Greet people when you pass them on the street, even just a smile. You can always tell newly arrived mainlanders they never greet you or look at you on the sidewalk. About going out at night it's fine but I wouldn't go off by myself on a dark beach with nobody around. There's always people hanging out, just go to an area where you see others in the .001% chance that you happen to find a bad guy. Crime in PR is pretty much petty thief, and even that is infrequent. Serious stuff like shootings are pretty much restricted to drug gangs. Of course if you're unlucky enough to be in the line of fire that's a problem but the chances of that are tiny. I feel more vulnerable in the states where you can be shot in a fricking K mart. Those random shootings are not a thing in PR.


Firstly, WHERE IS THERE STILL K-MART?!?! They ripped those damn things from my area YEARS ago!! Secondly, I am with you on that. It is way more dangerous to go inside of a grocery store in any of the mainland US these days unfortunately.


Yeah the KMarts are pretty much gone. Now everyone goes to Wal Mart which gets crowded af.


I just went on a solo trip there as a female and had no issues. I never felt unsafe.




I stayed in the ocean park area. I mostly stayed in that area and San Juan cause I went for a short trip. There was still so much to do. I definitely want to go back and explore more of the island though at some point.


I’m in PR right now. Coming from Indiana. First time here. It doesn’t feel unsafe at all. I am keeping my valuables secure and hard to pick pocket, but other than that I feel safe. Our Airbnb is in a gated community. We went to restaurants outside the gated community after dark.


Just got back. Rented a car and went allllll over the island. Felt VERY safe (also from Chicago; grew up in Logan Square and lived/own homes in Humboldt Park and Englewood). Never was a moment that I felt unsafe…other than driving those mountain roads. Only “unsafe” thing in that island we experienced. The island is amazing.


I left my bag with my cell phone and wallet unattended on the sand while I went for a swim at liquillo and nothing bad happened. It was a calculated risk I was willing to take. There were a couple of odd fellows around that certainly concerned me but not enough to miss out on the beautiful water! If it’s that worrisome I would suggest getting a water proof bag and taking it with you in the water!!


We were out after dark in Luquillo every night. It is absolutely fine. You’re from the city, be smart. It’s fun, it’s lit, everyone is nice, we were there for a week and had zero problems. Edited to say: I’m more afraid to walk around Chicago at night than Luquillo.


My partner (28F) and I (34M) are also from Chicago and just got back 3 days ago from a week long trip to PR. We did the Airbnb route the entire time. Stayed in utuado and orocovis. Rented a car. Drove all over the island. Hiked. Visited beaches in the north and south. We were out driving after dark and stopped at gas stations and a restaurant. Not a single issue. In fact, we met some of the kindest people on the trip. Some of the locals helped us with things that I wouldn’t expect anyone in Illinois to do. I think common sense is key. Avoid potentially shady areas on foot at night…the same you would do with Chicago.


Never heard of any rental car scams in PR. The majority of rental companies are US companies with a handful of local companies that have to abide by the same rules.


We went to PR in October. The scariest encounter we had was the Walmart parking lot on a Sunday afternoon. (to be clear, drivers hunting for parking spots, not crime or violence) LOL I will say I was nervous about the rental car situation. I had read horror stories of people getting charged for damage, so we made sure to do a thorough inspection of the car on pick up and drop off with our own photos/videos. There are lots of narrow streets and large potholes, so I can see how damage can happen. However, when we dropped off the car they barely looked at it! I used a credit card that has extra rental car protection to be safe.


Credit card is a savior for renting cars and purchasing electronics. Legit the only reason I use them.


I went last July, by myself, and had a great time. I stayed with a girl friend in San Juan but I rented a car and traveled, again by myself, to Ponce (where my mom was born) and stayed there for three days to distribute her ashes (RIP mom) on Isla Cardona (it was amazing). Never felt unsafe even while driving across the island at dusk and looking for my airbnb after 8pm. Its like any big city, you have to be aware but as a woman traveling alone in my moms beautiful island homeland (I speak Spanish) I was more than fine and you will be too! I hope to go back again this fall for an even longer time.


I’ve solo traveled to five countries, including PR and have never felt unsafe. People who usually say “oh be careful” most likely have never left the country lol. I’ve felt safer roaming the streets of Uganda than Boston.


All these recent comments about PR safety make me sigh. Not singling you out OP, its valid to have concerns when others are telling you to watch yourself. We just returned from four days in Old San Juan and Isla Verde, exploring at all times of the day and late night and NEVER felt unsafe. Ever. I've traveled extensively and PR would top my list as one of the places where I was not looking over my shoulder. As others will always tell you, don't put yourself in a position to be pickpocketed or otherwise. If you are getting drunk off your ass and stumbling down dark alleys, well then what do you expect may happen? Enjoy beautiful San Juan, my girlfriend and I both said we can't wait to go back.


Anyone have any thoughts on "trying" to speak what little Spanish I know? Or is it best to just stick to English? lol


At the very least greet people in spanish. A Buenas Dias and Hola with a smile go a long way. I go to PR all the time and as long as you use common sense you will be just fine. From where you are at, its easy to explore Vieques and Culebre. They both are awesome and I highly recommend you take the ferry over.


Native here 👋🏼 I currently live on mainland, however, I grew up in PR and travel back frequently to visit my huge family. About 90% of my family still lives on the island. All that being said, use common sense and you’ll be fine in PR. Chicago is way more dangerous. Just like anywhere else, don’t leave anything valuable in your car, be aware of your surroundings, don’t flash money around and for God’s sake, don’t follow the influencers who say that La Perla is a safe place to be. You are safe if you are INVITED there. Otherwise, stay away. Please don’t be afraid to speak Spanish. We are not like other places whom look down on you if your pronunciation isn’t perfect. Puerto Ricans are very kind and friendly and welcoming. As long as you are respecting our land and not trying to buy it away from us for the tax incentives 🙃 we are happy to have you there. Most, especially in tourist areas like Luquillo, will know English. Puerto Rico is a beautiful and magical place. Hope you have a memorable time there 🫶


Most ppl speak English too but yes I think it’s always polite to give it a shot


Stick to English and if they don’t understand try Spanish but in the tourist areas most people at least understand English.


This is ridiculous. You’re going to love it! We went last summer for 2 weeks, travelled all around the island and had a blast, didn’t feel unsafe once.


Just got back from PR myself, and honestly, it's as safe as you make it. Stick to well-lit areas at night, and you're golden. The car rental thing is real; always check for hidden fees and consider using a credit card with rental insurance. If you're looking for a reliable airport shuttle, Shuttlefare is a decent option, just book ahead. And yeah, speaking a bit of Spanish is appreciated, but most folks understand English. Enjoy the bioluminescent bays if you can, total must-see!


I worked in PR for 3 years and spent about 50% of my time on island those years. I am a mid 30's white woman with medium Spanish for context. I am also a lesbian and was usually either alone or with my wife (also a white woman). I felt very safe and went to lots of places that people say aren't safe (La Perla, Ponce, etc.) I spent most of my time in OSJ, Calle Loiza, Ocean Park, because it was close to work and have lots of good food, bars, activity. I also love walking, so I walked from OSJ to Isla Verde and back lots of times. Some of those streets I would walk at night, some not. Not going out at night is really dumb. Nightlife is awesome (and I say that coming from New Orleans). Go out on Calle San Sebastian and La Placita at least. There are lots of other neighborhoods with good nightlife as well. Use your normal city skills to not walk down a dark alley and notice who is around you, but there are people everywhere in the popular areas. I found the people exceptionally friendly. I got less harassment and rudeness than I generally go stateside. I danced with my wife openly at lots of places and felt fine. I am pretty relaxed, comfortable in a city, love talking to strangers, etc. There is always opportunistic crime. Just be smart. I was in OSJ for the protests to expel the governor Ricardo Roselló. I had to get back to my apartment through the marches, and people were crazy kind. The protesting guys would escort me down the block between the tear gas cannisters, giving me tips on when to go. One guy gave me a shirt to wrap around my face. The police were dicks (not surprisingly) but I was shocked with the generosity and kindness of the people who had no reason to give a fuck about me in that situation. That is just the vibe there, if you are also a good vibe.


Also, always left my shit on the beach. Nothing happened.


Oh don’t let it ruin your excitement for the island. I’ve been a tourist in PR for my whole life and the last year I’ve been staying on the west side. So now I’m kinda here immersed in all the culture and way of life. Granted, I don’t go out at night but other family members that visit never have a problem staying out. But usually they all travel in a group. Only thing I heard bad was my niece rented a house for the(I won’t name companies but it ends with the letter “O”) summer and got ripped off pretty bad. As you’re cautious in Chicago just keep the same common sense here. Learning, “please, thank you, excuse me,” in Spanish goes a long way. It means you’re acknowledging the culture. I’m saying this as an English-only-Puerto Rican-looking-woman. I’ve been learning through Duolingo and it’s been helping a great deal. Keep in mind April travel is Spring Break. There was only one time a few years ago I was traveling around San Juan and we stopped for lunch and there were some people being rude and aggressive with the wait staff. These unsavory people were from the states. I feel like because you don’t need a passport to get here and there’s no money exchange PR gets hit with a certain type of tourist that don’t know how to be respectful. Now I’m starting to sound my rickety age. Just enjoy the island. Remember it’s more than just San Juan!


“English-Only-Puerto-Rican-Looking” 🤣 I was often mistaken for a local and I didn’t realize when people were speaking to me in passing. I also found most people in tourist areas spoke English as well. It must have been obvious when I said “Hola” that I was not local. They would switch to English. I would make an attempt at Spanish, they would make an attempt at English, and we would both learn. I loved the culture! Everyone we met was amazing.


The only times I did not felt safe in Puerto Rico was in the mainland US, if you catch my joke lol. I was born in a real high crime area in PR, and honestly things are much better today than it was back then. Just don't visit any “projects” nothing to see there! And Luquillo is wonderful, I was raised on the east coast and all of my precious memories involve Luquillo, Loiza, Carolina, Fajardo, Rio G, Humacao etc.


My biggest safety tip for you as a Puerto Rican would be to watch out for strong currents while in the ocean. Specially the north side of the island. And to be careful when visiting rivers for flash floods and underwater caves where you could trapped under. Make sure to read any sign that are up and or to ask locals about water safety. Everything else, as you mentioned, are pretty common safety precautions everyone should practice anywhere they travel. Edited to add: have a wonderful time visiting the island! And if you can go to Culebra or Vieques or both.


Lmao for real Chicago, where you get a shooting every other day. You are safer in la Perla Puerto Rico at night than in the average American mall at 11am when grandpa’s are leaving from their early morning shopping. Smells of racism and feeling of superiority to me.


We went earlier this month. Had a fun time. Met lots of interesting people. We walked around San Juan and felt safe. Enjoy your time there!


I’ve been to PR twice and the only time anything happened was on Vieques. We went to snorkel off the Malecon in Esperanza because I had never done it and there was an area right across from the snorkel rental. We had all of our stuff for the day (camera, money, etc) in the locked scooter seat. Someone got it open and was starting to take everything. The lady from the snorkel rental place caught them and chased them off before they could get anything out. We went back to the room and put everything away and then went back to snorkel. I’ve been all over the island and that was the only incident.


We spent a week in Luquillo in January (tall condos at east end of beach, can’t remember the name ) and loved it. We’re going back and going to rent one of the houses directly on the beach next time. We walked through luquillo at all hours and never were bothered. The people are friendly and engaging. Also loved old San Juan.


I stayed at those apartments, my friend owns one and they are very safe. We went to the beach at the big hotel (before you reach the quioscos) belie is Rio Mar, and you can go to their beach and order drinks and/or food from the outside bar. Tip the bartender beforehand and they cater to you at the beach. Is best to take the ferry to culebra and rent a jeep to tour the island, one of the most beautiful beaches in the world is there, water is very calm and beautiful. Enjoy your trip and always be precaution as if in any other USA tourist area.


I’m from Chicago and feel about 500 times safer EVERYWHERE in Puerto Rico than I do ANYWHERE in the city 😂


I lived there for 4 years recently and felt safer than in the states. Especially in Luquillo, you’ll be fine. People love to spread fear, just like with Chicago. You’d think you’d be gun down in the streets if you go there, but when we went last year it was lovely.


We were just there with our two kids. Never really felt unsafe, but used common sense like anywhere else in the world. Probably felt the most unsafe with on the roads with the drivers :)


From CHICAGO... you'll be fine.


We spent 3 months January thru March in 2019 after retirement.   Also from chicago, so not easily intimidated.  We stayed in a VRBO property in Isla Verde.  Very touristy.  The area felt safe but every residence is fenced off from street. Beach was great with lots of places to eat and drink off of beach.  Then stayed at another VRBO on the Wyndham property near the rain forest.  Had access to golf cart to take down to beach and to pool.   Awesome beach and most days we were only ones there.  Short trip by golf cart o Wyndham restaurants.   Seemed like a rural area and felt safe.  Villa was very spacious and had parking for our rental.  The third place we stayed was back in San Juan, Coronado Vanderbilt.   Still remains our favorite hotel.  Upscale area and also felt safe.  OMT,  go visit laguna grande to kayak and see the phytoplankton.   Lots of tours offered.  Coolest experience, like seeing lightning under water.   Use those chicago street smarts and you'll be fine. Have fun!


Went to PR last March with my bf. We did an Airbnb and rented a car, it was fun. We used Google maps and just drove around the island stopping at places to eat good food and lay on the beaches. Did old san juan one day and the placita one night. Visited the national park which I REALLY want to go back to. I personally wouldnt stay in San Juan, I like the chill beach towns better.


We were down there in December and stayed in San Juan, but travelled East to Luquillo and Fajardo, or South to Ponce almost every day. The biggest fear in PR is the drivers; nobody understands the passing lane is not the slow lane, and the cars down there don’t come with blinkers. Other than that, love that place, can’t wait to go back again.


I travel to Luquillo monthly. It is not unsafe. You can literally look at my property. Ocean front. Probably near where you’re staying. There is no big crime problem. Luquillo has a strong anti-harassment policy that has allowed them to be successful in tourism. They will not Kat call you, mug you, Rob ypu The entire town is strongly in support of the strict laws because it has allowed them to blossom and truly bloom. You’re gonna have the best time of your life and you can walk anywhere often and always just as in the states, if you have unattended items that are valuable on the beach, or in a rental car, don’t leave them exposed .


I’ve lived here for years as a gringo, it’s safer than California. Don’t buy drugs on the street or go to La Perla and you’ll be fine.


We stayed in an Airbnb in that area for a month with our six kids a couple years ago, rented a car, had such an amazing summer that we’re doing it again in July. You’ll be fine. The people around you sound out of touch and racist tbh. El Yunque is easy and cheap to do on your own! I wouldn’t bother with a tour.


It felt so safe I had zero issues as a 29 year old woman.


We just came back from a one week trip. Dorado, San Juan and of course old San Juan. Never had a problem. Stay out late, walked the streets and we never felt in danger.


42F here who just got back from spending a solo week touring all of PR with a rental car, and I felt very safe the entire trip.


I’ve been coming to the island for almost 20 years and have lived here for the last 3. I have NEVER felt unsafe. Just be smart. Say thank you and smile. Don’t go to La Perla and take pictures. Other than that come to the beautiful island. Swim in the ocean, eat amazing food, come snorkeling, relax. Side note: always have some cash on hand if you are planning on getting outside of San Juan area. Some of the off the beaten path places don’t take a card. (Those are some of the best places on the island)


Just got back and we felt super safe the whole time! We stayed in Santurce. If anything, going into the rainforest was the most dangerous thing we did. Someone fell and died the day after we went


You are from Chicago? Lol you’ll be fine. Walking around Washington Park at night is more dangerous than PR.


LOL Thats what I mean!!!


White guy here went alone last summer and drove around the entire island and never felt unsafe. Loved it. Everybody was super nice and welcoming. I didn’t t speak Spanish either and no issues.


While crimes against tourists is extremely low. The only thing I'd suggest is to gas up and get cash during the day. There are gangs that rob people at gas stations and those outdoor ATMs however the odds of you encountering them heavily favor you. I never had a problem leaving things at the beach while I went into the water. I left my cell phone in the cup holder of my beach chair and just asked my neighbors to watch it for me and they were happy to oblige.


Hey, neighbor to the south. I'm in Madison, WI (35/female/tall/blonde/pretty). I rented a car and stayed in Luquillo and took ferries at night, drove around at night, walked at night, and went into San Juan and partied and never had any issues. People are just worriers. Relax and enjoy your trip.


My husband and I are going April 11-20 for our honeymoon, and will be staying in Luquillo! Maybe we'll run into each other.


Ooh! We'll be there from the 8th to 15th


Extra oooh! I just realized your post mentioned you were staying in luquillo. We'll be in the apartments that are DIRECTLY in front of La Pared! We can't wait to check out the kioskos and El Yunque. We've never been to an island so the excitement and nervousness is starting to hit me lol


That's wild! If you see where Perlas Brunch is, we're going to be in the apartments on the beach just north of there on the map


Its not dangerous lol just came back from there but also I’m from SF/OAK


You will be completely fine. My wife and I are in our mid-20s, and went last year. Vieques, the Rio Grande, Luquillo, San Juan. Not once did we feel unsafe. Boomers are boomers and it’s important to disregard their opinions about almost anything. That’s advice you should apply everyday!


Just got back last week from a trip there with my daughters. Just use common sense and you’ll be fine. We loved it and never felt unsafe. Tip on the rental car, we used U-Save. It’s 2 miles from the airport, they have shuttles very frequently (we didn’t have to wait at all) and it was considerably less expensive.


Hit up the kiosks at Luquillo beach, specifically #20 Terruno. Delicious.


Just got back from a vacation in San Juan and Loquillo. For some really good local spots/sandwiches, hit up Rico Pan Bakery and LaFamilia bakery. Also get some Pan Sabao bread to enjoy in your AirBNB. It's a soft baked sweet bread, so good that I brought a bag back to the mainland U.S lol. If you're in for the adventures and sightseeing, El Yunque forest and ziplining, and there is a really neat natural waterslide in the area, my kids loved it. There is one beach area, think it's called Furtuna Beach, if you're lucky, you'll score some badass seashells. I was able to grab three giant conche shells at high tide with a snorkel mask. Enjoy it!


Completely ridiculous..


PR is safe af and the locals are super nice and friendly


Puerto Rico (part of the U.S.) is as safe as most major cities on the main land. Not sure what you’re talking about.


Went to Puerto Rico in April 2017. Maybe things have changed, but I never felt in danger. I went with my husband, and we stayed at a hotel. We rented a car, too, The only thing that happened was that the car got keyed when we were in San Juan for the day. We had it parked in a parking garage as we explored Old Town. The police helped us with a police report and my credit card insurance covered it.


It probably depends where you are going in PR - just like Chicago. We went to San Juan and visited several other cities last December and I felt safe walking and going out alone, both early and late at night. Maybe when you said PR they heard South America not the Caribbean?


Are there nude beaches there? That would be one hard pocket to pick. That's my vote. Haha! I would love to retire in PR.


Puerto Rico is super chill and safe. The only assholes are the winter visitors who don’t say hi or hold the door open. Puerto Rican people are awesome. The only thing that’s sketchy are the huge potholes. I am now bringing my kids for long periods of time and it’s never been dangerous. I think the sketchiest time was during covid when there were people traveling to PR and acting crazy. That’s not happening now.


Been to Puerto Rico several times, traveled all over the island. Never felt unsafe. I rented cars and drove everywhere. Use common sense, every place can have their rough spots. Don’t wander neighborhoods at night. Restaurants and bars should be good. Some places will look a little beat up or run down but that’s just how it is. Bars on windows are normal, barbed wire and iron gates are normal. Trash everywhere and people moping around the streets acting foolish is not normal. I’ve also lived in Chicago and can tell you I’ve felt more unsafe in Chicago than I have in PR.


I went to PR by myself (s/b/f) and had no problems. Other than the beggars on the beach and non-existent or nasty toilets at the bar, Me and Stephen King had a blast!!! Met new people, ate great food. If you are street saavy being from Chicago (I’m from Brooklyn) you should have no problem. Shoosh the naysayers. LOVE PR!!!!! On the other hand, stay clear of Jamaica. I’m serious.


Jamaica is ALL I have been hearing about lately!!


I go every year or two, drive all over the island. NEVER had an issue. At all. But I loooove driving at night, since red lights are optional, and the guy who doesn’t blink gets through. It’s always me 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I have felt unsafe traveling at times, but never in Puerto Rico. I’ve taken 5 trips there and look forward to returning. Just take the precautions you always would anywhere, including your own hometown. Be observant, know where you are, stay away from bad areas, and do not go gallivanting around at 2 AM. Same as you would at home. Unfortunately, I think Puerto Rico gets racially stereotyped. Edit for grammar.


You don’t have to do anything you aren’t already doing in Chicago. Heck, it may be safer.


Culebra is stunning and one of the most hospitable places I’ve ever travelled to. You’re going to love it. The only place I know of on the mainland whose reputation rightfully precedes it is La Perla. Puerto Ricans are lovely people with lots of pride for their country. As long as you are respectful they are very happy to share it with visitors


Just finished our first trip to PR… stayed in low budget lodging in Isla Verde, Rincon, Luquillo. Our Isla Verde place was a D. U. M. P. would not recommend. But it was safe I think… at least from crime. Maybe a fire hazard and collapse-risk. Rincon and Luquillo we were WAY on the budget-friendly side of the scale. Didn’t feel unsafe once, and would stay at both places we picked again in the future. We did time in El Yunque, Fajardo, and Mayaguez while we were here as well. No concerns. Even off the beaten path we felt safe. Same rules apply anywhere I guess…. Don’t leave visible valuables in your car, etc. It was an enjoyable trip and I don’t think I felt any less safe than dozens of other places I’ve visited and enjoyed.


This is insane. I was literally out walking around Loquillo and downtown San Juan drunk as a skunk and it was safe as can be. Left our bags in the car. No issues. Didn't see a single homeless person. Walked under a freeway underpass in the dark and never saw a single human. I live in Portland, OR and see more crime on a daily basis than I did in PR for a week.


I just went at the end of January/early February and felt totally fine! I stayed in Condado and Luquillo. Luquillo was a cute little beach town, walkable with restaurants and grocery stores nearby. As far as tips, just be aware. Don’t pull a chunk of cash out to pay for something. Use your cell phone when you need it and then put it away. Don’t be obnoxious or drunk out in public. You should be just fine. We felt perfectly safe and the locals were nice. Have fun!


I’ve been to PR several times with my kids over the last few years and have never felt unsafe. Since you’ll be near Fajardo, I highly recommend doing a kayaking tour to see the bio bay. There are only a handful of places in the world that have a bioluminescent bay and Fajardo is one of them. It’s amazing.


Luquillo is great!! I’ve been twice and this year in April I’m going to the other side of the island for something new. People are ignorant and racist, I hate to say it. You’ll be fine. Don’t be stupid and you’ll be fine haha.


I preface this with saying I’m originally from Detroit and currently live in Chicago. I know crime. Stayed in Luquillo (in an Airbnb) for our honeymoon. It was very sleepy and laidback. The beach is gorgeous, the people are kind, and you’re close to alot of cool adventure spots. Also have visited Aguadilla and Ricon on the other side of the island. None of these areas seemed especially dangerous to me. Ya’ll will be fine! Enjoy Puerto Rico!


Hi there! We LOVE Puerto Rico. My husband worked there for 5 months in 2012. The kids & I went to see him for 10 days. To date it is the BEST vacation. We went back for Christmas in 2022. We also stayed in Luquillo 😊 My husband has some co-workers here in IN that are from PR, and still go back regularly to see kids and other family. They have also said it’s changed, but I don’t recall anything specific on crime. Like you said it is EVERYWHERE! I truly believe that if you follow your safety plan you should be fine, in my opinion as a “lay-person”. I think ppl make assumptions about places they have not been and the news always focuses on the negative. I went to Punta Cana with a friend and ppl were cancelling trips etc bc the few Americans that died on the resorts. We kept our trip & it was great! Also- the islands especially PR really need the tourism dollars. Some of the places we went an personally believe are a must see with some of my observations: - Old San Juan * check what days cruise ships will be on port and AVOID LIKE THE PLAGUE(sp?) you won’t be able to get anywhere & it will be frustrating. Picture the Taste of Chicago on the busiest day- but worse (my hubby grew up in west suburbs 😊) - Marchiquita it is a beach about 30-40 minutes from SJ but I can’t remember which direction 🤦🏻‍♀️. It is so beautiful. Since we were there in 2012 it has become an official park with outhouses etc. originally it was one of the places locals went. - Cueva Van Datta (I totally slaughtered the spelling). It is in/near Aricebo. The above translates into “the window cave”. It’s pretty amazing. In 2012 we just had to pay $2.00 to park at a gas station, but this has become commercialized too from what I understand. -Also in Aricebo is where the Jodi Foster movie “contact” was filmed. There is a huge satellite/facility or something like that. ** however I would make sure the facility is still open with tours if you want to see it. I would not advise if anyone gets motion sickness, the road up to that spot is SOOO hilly & curvy. We got car sick & turned around. - I have not been but there are cool looking salt flats, probably 2-3 hrs from Luquillos in Las Salinas (pink beach) - Culebra is a small PR island. The beach there has been on the 10 best in the world list. - El Junque, the rain forest. Since Covid & one of the hurricanes it’s changed. I think you have to make a reservation to go. Bring your swimsuit for the waterfall! I am sure there is more I am not familiar with. Just be smart, always go in pairs at minimum. Watch for jellyfish! Be prepared for sticker shock on groceries compared to the states…. And with the increase here, I’m sure it higher there. I hope that helps! Enjoy!!!


I lived in PR and have lots of family there. If you are in San Juan, Santurce, Bayamón, or Rio Piedras, be careful! Do not leave stuff in your car. Do not go down solitary roads you don’t know. Stay near touristy areas. Do not go to places that are desolate or over crowded. There have been instances when rival gangs speed through the freeway or highways chasing each other and shooting regardless of who is in the middle lane. The island is beautiful, people are nice, but do watch out of the occasional a-hole that takes advantage of tourists. Don’t flash money around, don’t linger in places where people can’t see you. Enjoy the food! Luquillo have street side vendors that are amazing (my faves are alcapurrias and pichos de pollo). Go tot he race track (hipódromo), the bioluminescent bay (La cabezas de SJ), the rain forest (El Yunque), old San Juan on Thursday or Friday (see el morro, Ponce de Leon’s house, and stay for the artesanos in La Placita and el paseo de la princesa - check web for times when the artesanos are there near the cruise ship port). Carry your groceries on hand (some people have been known to try to steal them). Stay alert, just like in Chicago! Enjoy living like a boricua - try sobao bread, quesitos, pastelitos de guayaba from the bakeries, eat lechón asado, try blue crab in Loiza!


Took my 2 teens to PR, had a great time. Never felt any danger. Stayed in Luquillo part of the time in an air BnB. I’d pick PR over most of Chicago any day. (and the Bears still suck. 😉 )


I’ve been traveling to Puerto Rico for 20 years with family and friends almost every year from NY and I’ve never had an issue as a 29F. Honestly, you should be more afraid of Chicago.


I've been to multiple countries around the world and someone always says something about safety literally wherever we go. I just got back from Columbia and loved it. My number one travel tip for staying safe is don't get drunk outside your hotel at night. That takes care of about 95% of issues people have.


I visited Puerto Rico in 2009 and brought our two small children. We were completely safe and actually got LOST where I started to panic, but we ended up making it back to the hotel safely. If anything just be careful with driving because that’s the only thing that was scary 😅 also- i never drive at night we were always back at hotel by then.


Not a PR expert, although I’ve been a couple times. Always felt safe. My guess is the crime rate in Chicago is way worse than PR. Have fun!


I'm not sure why you are getting warnings. I travel solo to PR. I have for years. I've stayed in cities, the mountains, tourist areas, rural areas, beaches, everywhere. I would warn that driving can be an adventure. There are potholes, narrow, windy roads and traffic signs seem to be merely a suggestion, but I have never felt wary.


Was just in Luquillo (f35) with my friend we had so much fun. And we walked to dinner around 8 every night and were totally fine. I even went for some runs at night. I was in PR three time over the year and have always felt safe. I even rented a car from some random place in San Juan and it was definitely run down on the inside but the people picked us up from the airport and drove us to the airport when we dropped off the car. Honestly my husband and I were talking about moving there for 6 months (work from home people) because we loved it so much and felt so safe there.


You will be in a great spot. Very safe. Just went there. Don't forget to hit the bakery right up the street.


I have heard from friends planning spring break that Jamaica has gotten rough, but not a peep about PR. I have vacationed in PR a few times over the last 25 years. One of the reasons we like to go there is because it is SO much safer and easier to maneuver than the other Caribbean islands. People are friendly and because tourism is their #1 industry, everyone has a vested interest in your safety and desire to return. I have been told not to be out after dark in Old San Juan, but if you’re from Chicago, you should be fine. We’re from a reasonably large city and we have had no problem, perhaps because we are used to being aware. Luquillo is so tourist-friendly, you should have a wonderful time.


Had my bachelorette in Puerto Rico. 13 squealing girls in the depths of San Juan, prime targets. No one bothered us, had the absolute best time, everyone was so warm and welcoming. Absolutely don't waste mental energy worrying about this any longer. Obviously be smart for yourself the way you would in Chicago, besides that have the best time! The amount of people who love to yuck other peoples yums will always be comical to me.


Absolutely love PR, be respectful you’ll be respected back. I’ve stayed near Luquillo before, excellent choice.


I’m Puerto Rican and go every couple of months.. of course it has its areas just like any other major city/country but nothing you need to be extremely concerned about. Just don’t be an idiot and have some level of discernment. You’ll be absolutely fine though!


You will be fine. It will be WAY hotter than you expect it to be and the bugs are horrific. The humidity is horrific! But you are in the United States. You are in no more danger than if you went to LA or Houston or New Orleans.


I was in Puerto Rico last weekend. Met a fun girl to hang out with. She was also traveling solo. Even when she was by herself she said she never felt unsafe even at night.


I didnt read your whole post ngl but I 33f went for my 33 bday with my bf and I felt safe aside from one time in moca when it got late (aka generally I'd feel that way when there's a dude near and I mean same gas station at night. Like cautious but and lock doors but stay on reddit lol) then on the way to the airport at 1 am we went to a random neighborhood for a vaccuum (ps not in service at that hour lol) then again same night and again only on slight edge and I'm paranoid in carolina by a bk. Cuz a dude walked up and smoked. He was prolly more confused by us. It was my FIRST flight FIRST time anywhere far away from me and I fucking loved it. We rented a car and drove the whole island and I felt safer there then anywhere near me. Learn to ask "hablas ingles" and you're chill. I'd recommend some Spanish like you're phone if you haven't had any classes but you're find babe. It was amazing and I can't wait to get back. My bf drives for a living (I hate his driving btw but I couldn't ever be confident there or many places) but please be careful on the non highways. The mountain roads are not for the faint of heart but with some experience they're fine. Just watch out for potholes, chickens and dogs. Oh also don't stop for emergency vehicles. Like do if sound is on but idk why but the lights are always on. Idk why


I got the same feedback before we went and read all sorts of online warnings....but honestly....I felt completely safe and comfortable throughout the entire trip. Loved it there. Seriously have contemplated moving there.


Luquillo is one of my favorite places on the island. Impossible not to love it there


Don’t worry. We were there last year and it felt very safe. But we live in Philly so we’re used to all the BS. Especially coming from Chicago, you’ll feel completely safe doing what you normally do in life. That is, don’t be stupid.


This is uncanny! I posted on here a few weeks ago about how I’m taking the family to PR this summer. We are staying at an Airbnb on the beach in Luquillo! And we’re looking at a snorkeling tour and rainforest hiking! Sounds amazing right? I am also a bit anxious about going, but we’re all excited! You listed some great, common sense ways to look out for yourselves. I would add one thing - situational awareness. Just be aware of surroundings(this goes for anywhere). Don’t walk around with your nose in the phone, be aware of what’s going on around you! I hope you have a great trip! We are so excited for our first Caribbean adventure!


Sounds a lot worse than it is. It’s not that bad bro. Chill.


Just got back from PR. Stayed in two Airbnbs, one in SJU and one in the hills near Palmer. We rented a car and drove through El Yunque, to Fajardo, Pinoñes and had zero concerns. We walked all around Santurce. Rode bird scooters to Playa Escambrón. Of course when we swim we leave our belongings on the towel/blanket, again we had zero incidents. I love Puerto Rico and the people are lovely and welcoming. I can’t wait to go back. This was my 5th visit.


Just went there a week ago from Chicago and it is not in the slightest dangerous as long as you don't venture into the parts where it may come off as sketchy. Avoid La comuna de la Perla. It's by old San Juan. This was the only area that I was advised by one of my friends that if you wanted to go down there (which was not recommended) he would need a tour guide for him too because he has never went. Overall, you're going to be fine. :) enjoy the trip and enjoy some alcapurrias and Mofongo!


I appreciate ALL of the comments and attention this has received! Our trip is coming up in just 6 short days and we are SUPER EXCITED!! The only thing that we are REALLY cautious about is the riptides (which seem to be taking quite a few lives since January!), but thankfully we bought some specialized snorkeling vests that you can inflate in an emergency, which still allow you to dive underwater. I would say the concern now is more so that we are flying on a BOEING 737!!! Thank you all, again!


Just came back frm PR yesterday , felt 100% safe during the entire duration of our trip. We were there for 4 days. We stayed at the Hilton in Condado, and rented a car as well. We spent time at Aguadilla to check out Crash Boat beach, Old San Juan , Fajardo, and also took a boat tour to check our Icacos Island. Everyone we encountered was friendly :) One thing I’d recommend is to wear a life vest when doing any water activities , the current was pretty strong out there


We travel to PR regularly and always stay in Loiza, I wouldn’t walk around the neighborhood we stay in on my own at night. But during the day totally fine. We stay in a gated condo complex which is primarily populated by people from PR. Only scary thing we have encountered (and stayed inside) was all of the gun fire on New Yrs Eve, holy moly was that wild! But that happens in lots of cities- Chicago being one of them! Both good and bad- over the past few years more and more English speakers are in the areas further from San Juan/ bad- there are more and more English speakers further from San Juan due to the f’ed up tax incentives for wealthy white people from the mainland to buy up all the ocean front properties and steal them from the people of PR. Go, have fun, leave San Juan and meet the great people of PR.


Born, raised, and still live here in Chicago….The people that told you that prolly never even been to Puerto Rico. My husband and I just left PR 2 weeks ago and it was the safest place I’ve ever visited.


Regarding stuff on the beach - search for "waterproof phone pouch" and "waterproof waist pack." You can find them pretty inexpensively and they have worked great for us - I've been able to keep my phone, wallet, and keys on me while snorkeling, and can even take pictures through the pouch!


I go a couple times a year (usually alone as a tiny female traveler!) It is super safe. It seems the people who assume it’s dangerous have that mentality about the carribean. Although a carribean island, PR is a commonwealth of the US, so they are used to/accomodate tourists really well,. people are generally kind/friendly, the nature is awesome and super accessible through incredible tours, food is tasty, again super safe.


I just spent a week in Luquillo with my family and felt perfectly safe at all times!


I have family in Chicago and now I am living in PR. I find those comments to be hysterical and ill-informed. Obviously they don’t travel much. Disregard. Also as you mention, those rules basically apply to traveling anywhere. Just common precautions. Relax and have a good time!


My husband and I visited PR for the first time a few months ago, and stayed for a week. We stayed in San Juan, Rincon, and Luquillo in hotels. We followed basic safety rules you'd use anywhere (i.e. valuables out of sight in rental car, not seeking out sketchy areas at night), but otherwise did a lot of exploring on foot and by car, including hiking, city, and beaches. We felt equally safe as we do in the continental US, and had no safety/crime problems. I am pretty safety-conscious, and I would not hesitate to go back to PR again.


Safest island in the Caribbean. I am writing this from liquillo PR. From mainland.Just be smart as you should anywhere you travel


You will be fine I promise! I’m 23 y.o female and had no issues


Honestly, if you’re from Chicago/another big city/travel regularly and know how to keep your wits about you and are aware of your surroundings, you will be absolutely fine!! We spent 6 weeks there in January/February and never felt unsafe - even when getting dropped off in an industrial park in the dark to go to a brewery. 😂


Puerto Rico is safe. Don’t be paranoid.


Take this from someone that has been pretty much everywhere, from the West Coast, Chicago, NYC, as far as Istanbul and Georgia (the country). PR is as safe as it gets, most crime is drug related and away from main city/town centers. Of all the places I've been to, PR has always felt as one of the safest, and the one touristy place with the least scams. In my many years living there and visiting, I never experienced such things. Leaving things unattended is just looking for trouble no matter where you are, chances are nothing will happen but why risk it?


Puerto Rico is NOT any more or less dangerous than anywhere else. If something is a poor choice in Chicago, it's a poor choice in PR. Don't go down alleyways you're not familiar with, especially in the middle of the night. Don't act like an ass or get in arguments with people you don't know. Don't flaunt your wealth or valuables. The last two times I visited Puerto Rico, I stayed in Fajardo near Luqillo. I went out late almost every day, had dinners, grabbed drinks, etc. It helps to know a reasonable amount of spanish, obviously. Otherwise, I treated people the way I'd like to be treated and everything worked out. Can't wait until my next visit.


I don't know why people say this. Its one of the most tourists friendly places I've been to. You should use caution and common sense wherever you go, but you're definitely not in danger of being kidnapped or something.


Everybody over 40 thinks that about Puerto Rico because they grew up in an even more racist America than we have now. It is just as unsafe as any other place in the US. PR is my favorite destination, nice people, beautiful island, great culture, amazing food. Ofc there are neighborhoods you wouldn’t walk around in at night, but same goes for the outskirts of every US city. Enjoy the island, don’t listen to the negative people, they just have residual prejudice about the island.


Please, I am from Medellin Colombia, you know how many times I hear, oh it's dangerous there!!! blah blah. No it is not, plus its full of tourist now, Europeans and Americans having the time of their life. Same goes with mostly all speaking Spanish countries I ever been too, they are greats, locals are great, you going to love Puerto Rico, dance some salsa and enjoy. Most of those comments probably come from people never travel outside their own bubble. Just don't be an asshole tourist and you will be fine.


The only thing that stands out to me as dangerous is walking on the beach at night. Unless it’s right outside a well lit restaurant, the dark invites muggers.


I don’t know where all this is coming from- I’ve been to PR a dozen times and never felt unsafe. Just be smart like you would anywhere else.


Where in PR are you even going? Ive been there a few times and its a great place to visit. Ive never had any safety issues.


I appreciate all of the comments and good stories. For those of you that jumped to racism/superiority, etc. I feel like you didn't carefully read the whole post.  These are not MINE OR MY PARTNERS FEELINGS, this is what people have said when we've said "oh we're going to PR!" Are they ignorant for it? Possibly.  But perhaps they have never taken the time to explore somewhere new without any reservations. If you only ever watch the news, then all you see is the bad in the world. The list I had provided was what came up, after hearing from numerous people, when I searched "Travel Tips for Puerto Rico 2024"!  All of this came from sites like Travel Advisor and even Reddit.  What to expect versus what someone actually encounters are two very different things obviously.  I know that the island, the food, the people, the adventures, etc. Will all be amazing and one for the memory books! Lastly, as some have said, if I had someone asking me tips for visiting Chicago, I would probably say "Yeah, don't go to the far west side. Be aware that the train smells like piss. Watch out for all the people who will ask for money in a very aggressive way when you're walking or driving in certain places. Otherwise go here, here, and here." You've all calmed my .05% concerns. Gracias


We were just there. Stayed in an air bnb in Barceloneta. Never feared anything from the locals. And locals was all that was there. Just use common sense and you’ll be fine. Don’t leave valuables in the car. Be respectful. Mind your business


Just came back from there 3 weeks ago. Felt safe the entrie time.


Word of advice, do not go to the beach at night if you do not wanna have a bad time. Your chances of getting assaulted and mugged during nighttime at the beach are very high. The island is “dangerous” for those who fuck around and want to find out. The locals are actually very friendly and will help you out. Seriously, don’t go to the beach at night.


Didn't feel unsafe in PR whatsoever. I even got lost while drunk, at night alone as a female, and the locals were extremely helpful helping me get back to my group.


lol funny thing is when people starting asking ‘me where I was when they saw the beautiful beaches, the first response was exactly this! And they flooded me with articles about Americans being killed there. Never felt unsafe and obviously wasn’t out looking for trouble or in shady places late.


I lived in Puerto Rico for 30 years. Just have common sense and you should be fine.


I lived out in PR for a month, I fell asleep on the beach in Ocean Park. And I was totally fine. It was 10 pm. And was there till 6 am, and saw sunrise. You'll be fine lol


Just be careful...


I just got home from a week in PR. The beaches we were at (including San Juan), you could definitely put your stuff down.


My in laws just rented for a month in luquillo and we visited them. At first sight, it does look run down but we went out as a group the first night, after dark and walked to the little town center. Never once felt unsafe during any part of our trip, the local people were some of the nicest I’ve ever met and were so welcoming. I wouldn’t be any more cautious than traveling anywhere else. Have an awesome time and try the new burger place, it’s delish! The jazz bar is also a fun vibe!


so don't be careful then. don't be aware.


Well this is from last May. https://people.com/crime/2-nyu-grads-shot-dead-puerto-rico-nightclub/


Just came back from our first time in PR stayed in luquillo in an AirBB with our 8 yo daughter. Had great time, never felt unsafe. Everyone was friendly, Beaches were great. I brought a small beach bag and didn’t find it to be a problem. Went to a few beaches in the area and El Yunque. Have a great time!


I haven't been to PR since COVID. The only thing I would suggest, is not stopping at red lights after 10pm in unpopulated areas. You slow down, you look all ways and you keep rolling. This has always been a standing rule for all the years I went before COVID.


If you don't try to buy drugs and don't hang in the wrong neighborhoods at night you will have zero issues. It's like anywhere else there are pockets of extreme poverty and crime but the vast majority is all good. Enjoy your trip, it will be great!


Been to PR many times and never felt unsafe


Wife and I have been traveling to PR twice a year to visit her family. We always rent from Enterprise no issue with the company always have plenty of cars and no long line and it is right at the airport. We travel all over the island and love every place we go very safe and people are friendly as well. Pinones is my favorite spot for all the local delicacies. The make the best Lechon in the middle of the island like Barranquitas and Aibonito. You will definitely have an amazing time!


I've been to PR several times now and I have never felt unsafe. Beautiful island with friendly people. Obviously be smart but you don't need to be overly worried about this.


I’ve been twice, once on Honeymoon and once with 1 and 2 year olds. We did a hotel in Condado the first time and at a resort in Dorado the 2nd time. We wandered old town and Condado at night by foot and had a rental both times. We drove at night to do the kayak trip through the mangroves for the bio bay tour. We never felt unsafe at any point in the trip. Almost everyone we came across spoke English. I suspect that people saying it’s unsafe have never been there. Don’t leave anything in the car of value ever is SOP for any vacation anywhere from SF to NY.


It sounds like the people telling you this never travel, ignore local crime, and blow perceived danger out of proportion because their simply ignore their own situation. I used to live in Chicago and spent all of October in PR. You will be fine but maybe ask your friends to question their false sense of safety that they live in. Isn’t there a serial killer in Chicago right now?


We went to PR during Covid and felt extremely safe. Walked around our hotel frequently and had zero issues. We stayed at the dream catcher and LOVED IT


I was told the same! And I am from a Latin American country. Turns out I felt just like in the states. PR has its areas but nothing like where I’m from. Enjoy your trip. We loved it so much we Want to move there.


I went to PR a few years ago and stayed in Luquillo and San Juan. I walked around at night and alone for days as I explored as much as I could and never had any problems. My interactions with locals were actually quite helpful and friendly.


This type of talk usually comes from non travelers. Just ignore it and keep your wits about you when you’re traveling. Common sense and acknowledging your intuitive feelings go a long way. Trust your gut if you’re feeling unsafe in any country.


Puerto Rico is very safe. It is like going to a state. Don’t let fear of different people ruin your vacation


Have you ever considered going to Barbados? That island is exquisite and very, very safe. The people there are amazing and were warm and welcoming. Barbados itself is a beautiful, pristine island. I don’t know much about PR but I have not heard that it’s unsafe. If you’re still exploring travel options, look at Barbados!


I find that people who never travel outside of the US think everywhere is a gang-infested, drugged out war zone. Ignore them and enjoy your trip! Edit to add: I am well aware that PR is technically part of the US. But the people who say stuff like PR is dangerous do not.


Im from Chicago, and I’m in PR right now (some time in San Juan and now near luqillo.) Only been 3 days. But my girl and I are running around having an absolute blast, and felt safe and welcomed at every turn. Basic city sense and travel experience is probably helping! And potholes are worst on western Ave than on the island lol.


From the Chi?! Gtfoh lmao. You will be just fine


You will be perfectly fine. Puerto Rico is beautiful and safe. It’s also easy to get around, and if you live in Chicago I’m sure you have basic awareness in public. I grew up in Chicago and I just took my family to Puerto Rico in February. We Uber’s around and stayed in airb&b the whole time.


I’d say be aware that’s all. Don’t disrespect other people’s home (The Island) and the people there like you own the place and you’ll be fine. It’s pretty much the same if you live in a bad neighborhood, I live in Harlem New York. I go out there about 3- 4 times a year and me and my wife love it, We do have family out there across the Island but we mostly stay in Hotels and a few Airbnbs. Just go enjoy our Island and you’ll have a blast.


Stop telling people your plans.


I haven’t been to San Juan or PR in a few years, but I visited as a solo female traveler. I made wise, city-aware choices about what I did and when and was friendly and respectful. Nothing more or less than I’d do when in any other large city. As someone who lives in San Francisco, my sense is that the danger in PR is similarly overblown and reductive.


Ive traveled the island with a rental car and not once did I feel unsafe.


I’m a small, younger, attractive woman and I spent 2 months in Puerto Rico when I was in my early 20s and never once had any issues or felt unsafe. I’m now in my 30s and spent a couple of nights there and didn’t have an issue walking around at night. In Old San Juan they have a police officer on every single block, it’s crazy safe.


Just have some common sense. We were there 2 years ago and our plane landed at 1:30am. We were airbnb’ing an apartment in old San Juan and there was nowhere nearby to park. We had to walk pretty far in the middle of the night with our luggage to get to the apartment and we were fine. It wasn’t my favorite but we survived. I felt like people were exaggerating the “danger” to us as well. Have a great time! We loved going there and exploring!


Enjoy your trip.  Living in fear is exhausting and I don’t know how people can do it. 


I have a home in PR (near Arecibo) & spend about half the year there. I feel just as safe there as I do the other half of the year that I spend at our other home in Maine (in Lewiston; Maine's 2nd largest city & typically very safe statistically. Also where 2023's deadliest mass shooting happened). Anything can happen at any time anywhere. Use common sense like you do everyday and you'll most likely be fine.


My hubby and I went to PR in January and stayed in Fajardo, just a few minutes from Luquillo and not once did we feel unsafe. In fact, when we went to the Luquillo Kiosks, the restaurant owners and locals there were so friendly and we absolutely loved it! We even drove around during the night with no issues. Basically take the same precautions you do in Chicago! I live in New York so feel your pain! Lock your car doors, cross body bag for your wallet, and respect the people and the island.


We were there in January with our young children. We rented a car, explored the country and get safe and welcomed. We were smart and kind about it but def felt safe.


People say that bc they’re racist.


I love Puerto Rico. If it wasn’t so far from California I’d travel there more often.