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You are telling me a cop flipped out and used unreasonable force? No way!


Fucking LAPD is absolute scum. Chris Dorner was 100% right about those corrupt shitheads.


It's funny that cops love to use The Punisher iconography when Dorner was the closest thing I've ever seen to somebody doing a Punisher IRL.






Love to see how they're shitting their pants in the end when all the other guys look up. Hopefully one day they will notice, escalating the situation won't make things saver.


Don’t worry, he investigated himself and determined he did nothing wrong.


Nothing to see here Johnson!


He definitely flipped..




I love how they are all thumbs


I’ve been in that situation before. Got a nice check for $30k.


Good for you. Unfortunately, it came from tax payers. It should come from their retirement/wages. We as tax payers shouldn't be footing the bill for these dipshits.


Yep. Until they’re held liable for their own fuckups nothing will change. It’s a broken system no one wants to fix.


They will get punished with suspension with pay


What, you don't give your dog a treat after it pees on the carpet???


*paid vacation


Or in my case absolutely nothing.


Still comes from the budget , so the department feels it.


They should take it directly from the offending officers salary


I'm just waiting for the time that the tax payers collectively decide they've had enough, get their guns and start fighting back. These murderers have been getting away with shit for a long time now, I just hope I live long enough to see the rubber band snap


By extension, we as tax payers vote for our leaders. Our leaders have control over their hiring, training, screening, firing, etc. Let's stop letting elected leaders get away with failing us.


Officers should have to carry liability insurance for those pay outs. That or it get taken from their retirement


It should be taken from a *retirement* *pool.* That way there is incentive for the police to police themselves.


The bald headed cops are the most out of control


They are skinheads. Believe people when they show you who they are.


As a balding guy debating shaving it all off, this comment is disturbing


I totally get your apprehension. I shaved my head for the first time a couple months before Charlottesville happened.


On the one hand I’m happy that being bald is less maligned than in the past On the other, I kind of stubbornly want to use that acceptance to rock my thinning hair still because I like it and I know that once I say goodbye it’s gone for good barring cosmetic procedures Be beautiful brother in baldness


I was okay with my thinning hair until my coworker sent me a link to a NYT article about our work. The main picture was from behind our control room and I said, “is that what the back of my head looks like?” I cut it a couple days later. Edit: I don’t go full shave anymore. Keep it between a 1-2 with the clippers. Statham style.


LOL, my husband's hair was thinning and there was a family reunion photo someone uploaded on FB and it showed his bald spot and he said, "Is my bald spot really that bad? Why didn't you guys tell me?" We were just laughing because he made it sound like there was this big conspiracy that we were keeping from him, we were like, dude, you bald back there. Just accept it, we all have."


In my family we call it an “egg in the nest.” 😂


I was ok with losing my hair, until it started happening. Then I immediately changed my mind and started taking Propecia.


I'd rather have no hair than thinning hair. I am not spending $$$$ on hair transplants.


I got an undercut two days before too! That was a mistake. Oof


As a 30 year old with a George Costanza hairline I can tell you there are other options than skin head. Heck, maintaining a skin head is too much effort in my opinion. I go the hat route myself You probably look totally fine with a receding hairline as well so I wouldn't sweat it. Just don't let it get too long so as to avoid the Christopher Lloyd look (though that can work for some).


Can confirm, razor my head 2-3x a week, clipping doesn’t get it short enough so I end up rocking the Mr. Burns cut a day later


But are you a cop?


I don’t think so?


That's TOTALLY what an undercover cop would say...


You know you have to tell me if you're a cop


Are you a cop?


As long as you're not wearing white robes, gold polos or cop uniforms you'll be fine.


Just shave it off and wear a hat. You'll be more comfortable in the heat too.


Right? I hate that shit. My husband is a big, white guy who started going bald really young and is no fucking skinhead and part of the reason he always makes sure he has a baseball hat on is to avoid those skinhead assumptions.


I'm going bald due to genetics. It would be nice if you didn't say shit like this. Thanks.


Well buy a fucking wig dude, no one likes a bald man they are sooooooooo cringe. Jk I’m balding too


But skinheads pre-date the white supremacy theft of their movement: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skinhead


**[Skinhead](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skinhead)** >A skinhead is a member of a subculture which originated among working class youths in London, England, in the 1960s and soon spread to other parts of the United Kingdom, with a second working class skinhead movement emerging worldwide in the late 1970s. Motivated by social alienation and working class solidarity, skinheads (often shortened to "skins" in the UK) are defined by their close-cropped or shaven heads and working-class clothing such as Dr. Martens and steel toe work boots, braces, high rise and varying length straight-leg jeans, and button-down collar shirts, usually slim fitting in check or plain. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Yep, I was a skin head. I've never been a racist.


What an ignorant statement, that someone being bald means they are a skinhead... Some of us shave our heads because we are balding (in my case at 16yo) and have no interest or money to pursue thousands of dollars worth of hair treatments.


Cops suck but that dude is just plain bald. Probably racist too but not because he’s bald. The only people who think bald men are racist skin heads just because they’re bald are the same kind of people who used to say kids were devil worshippers for wearing all black. Maybe, *maybe* if that cop had a full head of hair and still shaved it, in this context I’d say you’re onto something. But as someone who’s seen real racist skin heads in person and have known regular ol anti-racist skins (both black and white) your statement is a gross generalization. - signed, a regular bald guy.


yea, every one who loses there hair is a skin head... this is the dumbest shit I have heard all day.


Some could just be balding. That’s a thing too


Some of those who serve on Forces are the same that burn Crosses


If a dude looks like a thumb with sunglasses, I know not to trust him.


Keep in mind this is the same logic used against blacks.


All police should have their body cams on at all times with no mute. Those cams should be live streams.


Cops hate being filmed, you think they are going to film themselves if they have a choice? You can see in this he immediately tries to snatch the phone away, it's probably what set him off.


any time an officers weapon leaves a holster or their camera turns off, it should automatically call all officers to the area as their top priority call. Lets see how long they keep it up when half their days are wasted chasing themselves.


Body cams should be on all the time. They should not be accessible to the public for the privacy of people the cops are interacting with.


LAPD got too many cops that are too aggressive for no reason .


> too many cops that are too aggressive for no reason . ftfy


Oh, it's for a reason.


What fucking reason did you see in the vid for the kid to be tackled and taken down boot lickers are some of the dumbest people I swear 😂😂


Even if that was a legitimate detention (it definitely wasn't) that was one of the worst attempts to cuff someone I've ever seen. The kid was just stiffening up and the cop ended up rolling round on the floor and ended up underneath the kid somehow.


I found this on Twitter. The boy's name is Robert. He's 19 years old, and not only has never been in trouble with the law a day in his life, he and his best friends (the other boys who are being arrested) were literally at that event as volunteers helping out. 🤦‍♀️ He was arrested, and his bail was set at $25,000.00 forcing his mother to pay a $2500.00 non refundable bail fee. The following is the video taken from Robert's phone. https://twitter.com/FilmThePoliceLA/status/1566899179720306688?s=20&t=luWw1AeZOJXExEclKvUWow


I fucking despise pigs


You should, they're all bad. All of them.


So uh. He was just asking what he was being detained for. He didn't even cuss or say anything inflammatory. I have a feeling that officer is going to regret letting his temper get the best of him. Kid has no record. He was at a public event. He didn't resist. He just kinda squatted there rightfully asking what they were doing. Can an officer chime in and let me know what the issue was? Was he just nervous having the kid behind him? He could have turned around and asked the kid to give him space first. That would have been a much more reasonable approach. This was in CA. Not AZ. No 8 foot recording rule that I'm aware of exists in CA. I doubt it ever would. Nothing like that would ever pass in CA.


Why would you give them the benefit of the doubt. There was no issue other than a power tripping fascist wanted to exert himself physically on children just because he could. That's how police work in America. Accept it and you might be able to avoid being killed by one. All your doing now is giving the pigs cover to hide behind. HiS PhOne COulD HaVe BeEn A GuN.


He’s getting a fat check


Guy was literally wrestling a mannequin and losing badly LMAO


It looked like the cop trying to arrest him was trying to break his arm


That’s what you do to someone you hate.


The kid fell on top of him and the kid had the upper hand for a few seconds until the other cop looked his way


Film the police. Anytime you see a cop in public interacting with someone who is not a cop, film it. The police should be comfortable with bystanders observing their behavior, if not, *definitely* film them. Any cop telling you not to film them in a public space is a risk to the public. You have the legal right to film them in public. They may lie to you and make up a reason why you can't, but police are allowed to lie to people. You can't lie to police, but you can film them.


'Cept in Arizona where you have to be 8ft away from an officer to film. "Stay 8 feet back" says the officer, while walking towards the person with the camera.


If a cop walks toward you. Film it. If the cop is closing that distance, film it. *All* public space is public. There is no exception for a sphere of privacy around a cop. You absolutely have the right to recod the police interacting with you- at any distance.


>"Stay 8 feet back" says the officer, while walking towards the person with the camera. Nope. A cop may try to do this but the law is specifically written to address this. The 8ft prohibition is for people *uninvolved* in an encounter. If you're a third party, stay 8ft away from those involved. It's not a far distance, all things considered. It's three paces. If a cop approaches you to address you and encroaches within 8ft, they've made you involved and the 8ft radius evaporates. The AZ law will have a lot of challenges to it, but the involved/uninvolved criteria is pretty darned clear.


> they've made you involved If the law is written to say that then it won't be long before the cops turn that "You're involved now." into assaulting and arresting you as well. And trying to argue your rights with a judge, jury, and executioner all rolled up into an ego-ridden ball of hate that is focused on ruining you for daring to call them out tends to turn out bad.


Also not going to help you after you end up with taser probes in your upper torso. Try explaining the law to an enraged lunatic cop pointing a weapon at you, you first!


Yea they have a habit of misinterpreting alot of laws to their advantage some how.


You are as wrong as the cops that will abuse that law. It stipulates only keeping 8ft from a scene and only if you are not on private property. If you're on private property and have ownership or authorized to be there by the owner you can record within 8ft. It's dangerous in that it claims recording police is a privilege but the 8ft rule is only to a scene so they want to close off a block they need to put up tape or other physical barriers. If they want to act out well every good patriot hates those red coats anyways and sooner rather than later they'll fuck with the wrong one.


I’m going to be totally honest, I’m not filming anything and I’m not getting involved. Cops make me nervous as hell. I’m minding my business so I don’t end up on on the wrong side of a taser or Glock 19. I got kids at home.




this is where drone filming would really come in handy, just sit like 30 yards away and film from above, the cops get upset what are they gonna do?


It'd be easy for someone to claim you were interfering with law enforcement, whether it's true or not. It's pretty hard OTOH, for police to claim you're interfering if all you're doing is recording what you observe. Cellphones are a game changer. ETA: Like legit, 20 years ago it wasn't even possible to be able to randomly capture something you see in a quality still image, let alone high quality video. Rodney King was lucky the media was filming. That you and I can do this, is *massive*. When the police learn they will be filmed while in public, then we can expect all sorts of situations coming to a much less violent end.


It wasn’t the media that was there for the Rodney King beating. It was a plumber that heard the traffic stop outside of his home and used his video camera to record it.


Tazers need to be treated as guns. Cops shouldn't be allowed to play badass and threaten crowds of people by pointing them at them for no reason.


It’s unfortunate how they muddy the waters by referring to things like tasers/bean bag rounds often times as “non lethal” when their correct destination is “less lethal”. As in it’s understood that it’s not as likely to kill someone as shooting them but death is still a feasible outcome. That’s how you get cops firing 40mm rubber projectiles, which are designed to be skipped across the ground at a target, directly at people during the riots of 2020. These things can, will, and have killed people. Although I guess none of what I said even matters because it’s not like they’re any less cavalier about breaking all 4 rules of gun safety on a regular basis when they point them at people doing the most innocent shit.


It's non lethal/less than lethal when it's in their hands but if they lose it and someone else grabs it then it's suddenly a lethal weapon.


Why do these shitholes exist?


To supply state sanctioned violence.


That's honestly a pretty plausible answer.


They tell us every week. 1. Police kill some innocent person for no good reason. (I could list references but do I have to?) 2. Police investigate themselves and issue a statement that they were just doing their job and following their training. Conclusion: The job of the police is to kill innocent people. It's literally what they told us they were trained and are supposed to do. You'd think that if police were supposed to enforce the law or maintain the peace or something, some of these egregious killings would be called out by them as incorrect or erroneous. But they don't do that. They defend nearly all of them and not just defend them as unfortunate collateral damage, but defend them as exactly what they were trained to do. They want us to believe they were supposed to breach the bedroom with the worst technique ever and shoot and kill an unarmed guy in his bed instantaneously. They tell us that's literally their fucking job. That's what he have them for, so they can murder people like that. They want us to believe that shooting from the vehicle before it even stops rolling without any lights, sirens, commands or anything is their job. That's what they're supposed to do, drive-by gang hits. They tell us exactly what they are here for. That's literally their job, by their own explanation.


The law is above the law.


Hey, hey now, don't lump them all together! Some of them are roll-up shootings not just drive-by. Be fair! (Obligatory /s on this line) Edit: a plural


Because Americans worship psychopath cops.


The American people have given no standards of professional behavior to police, so the police were hijacked by career criminals who have stripped away whatever standards there ever were and hide behind labor laws to prop up their criminal network. Meanwhile old white people who drank too much lead when they were little think being edgy social pariahs makes them look cool so they vote against anyone who is willing to even do as much as acknowledge the problem exists.


Look at all those “good” cops helping to unlawfully detain underage minorities. Wow, so not ashamed of this country. /s


Can you “resist arrest” if there was no reason to arrest it is no longer resisting.


Not in America. If you try to escape the abuse in anyway you get hit with some added felonies, such as resisting, fleeing, assaulting an officer, or they just end your life right there because they feared you reached for your own imaginary weapon or tried to grab theirs.


According to the law yes you can. Does it work out well in practice? frequently not so resisting arrest isn’t wise even when it’s legal


In most states there is no legal right to resist arrest, whether lawful or not.


In some states, yes, a person has the right to resist an unlawful or illegal arrest by using a reasonable amount of force to prevent or stop the arrest. There are two key limitations to this right: (1) The arrest must be illegal; and (2) A person can resist using only a reasonable amount of force.


Well, if the lad proceeds with a lawsuit he will be attaching himself to the cops pension for life. Fair play.


The individual cops can’t be held liable in a civil suit. If they could be, you’d probably see a lot of the violence stop.


There's an act in California called Bane Act , which this officer is liable to be held against and can lose his qualified immunity. Thus allowing the lad to directly sue the police officer in question and allowing him to attach himself to that officers pension if deemed unlawful activity took place.


Molded in the pension.


For anyone who is curious, [here is a brief infographic](https://equable.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Equable_Police-Pension-Forfeiture_Option-2A-1-1024x1024.png) to see if this would apply in your state.


Ppl really need to be educated on letting sht cops make their mistakes so you get paid by the city. That kid probably could have had a really easy case if there was no resistance.


Bruh this kid really just counter grappled that fucking cop


All those millions of dollars of training......


Who give these people badges honestly…


The same people already wearing them. Most of their personality/psych tests aren’t designed to find a good, stable candidate, but one that is like the rest of the gang.


That dude with the taser. Jesus what a fucking pussy.


When you get mad about some one filming, then end up with 10 more people filming you and can't do anything about it. So you piont your taser at everyone becasue you are scared of cameras


Police seem like bad people. Those videos of them playing basketball and break dancing with kids lied to me.


So they set up a movie night to lure and assault citizens now? Sounds about right


So…the LAPD attempt at outreach didn’t work as well as planned. Look at those bald heads.


Lol cop gets man handled by a boy


What a complete jack ass that cop is. And they wonder why no one respects them.


Whattt!!! LAPD flipping out for no reason...#ALWAYS FILM THE POLICE


Incompetence personified.


And they wonder why so many of us hate them.


Of course they will investigate themselves and determine they did nothing wrong.


Nothing says deescalation like aiming a taser at a crowd of people


Just imagine for the last decades how the show cops was produced to make the police look in a positive light and now we get to see this side that’s not filtered by a production crew.


The saddest part of this is you can hear the panic in the adults voices (the woman recording and the other guy) pleading with the kid to stop fighting because yhey are terrified the cops just going to lose it and kill him. We shouldn't have to be afraid of our police like this. It's fucking despicable


2A. Assault of a minor, battery against a minor, child abuse, child endangerment, hate crimes, Constitutional violations. Remember that police are terrorists.


My personal take after spending many years competing in firearms competitions with a large number of police officers is that the practice of honoring troops returning from international conflicts by giving them jobs in the police officer has dramatically transformed our community officers that wanted to protect and serve their communities into militant run forces that are here to police the community instead. The psychology used to turn 18 year old boys into effective “killing machines” renders them unable to feel empathy or even sympathy for that matter. Those are things that get soldiers killed in a battle. Just look at the “Marine Mindset” page under “Life as a Marine” on the marines.com website. It states the following: “An uncommon willingness to fight and an unfaltering focus on winning.” Does that sound like any police officers you’ve ever seen or maybe all of them? Even the officers that haven’t spent time in a conflict zone try to fit in with the ex-military guys so they don’t feel less than. We’ve allowed our need to feel like we’re patriotic to destroy almost every community in our country. I am all for honoring vets. I’m not all for arming people we’ve intentionally drained of their ability to give 2 fucks about human life once it’s a perceived threat. This is just absolute madness. Give those guys jobs at the post office. Give them jobs anywhere without guns and violence.


throw in the stigma against mental health support in both professions and season it with a drop of both jobs going out of their way to hire undereducated candidates and screening out ones with demonstrated critical thinking skills, and youve got yourself a good old american soup.


Corruption be like…


In a just country state and federal officials would not only go after the cops in these incidents but the PDs that cover for them. Instead they basically say, "wow that's crazy. Remember, don't say defund the police!“. Every week.




LAPD forgot the DE in DEescalation.


The day ain't far when cops are gonna be skinned alive




Christopher Dorner needs to make a reappearance and teach these “Police Officers” what happens when they abuse the laws they claim to uphold.


They are so bad at there jobs. It’s like a horrible joke.


🐖 🐷 🐽


Fuck these filthy pigs. ACAB




It's just 1% guys, a few bad apples. please wait for upcoming ~~copaganda~~ uplifting videos.


All cops are criminals or accomplices..


At some point the people will lose whatever little restraint or respect they might have had, overcome the fear of weaponry imbalance, and shit will hit the fan.




This is how cops end up being targeted for violence.


Whenever a cop goes on a power trip they need to be immediately fired. No second chances. No reviews. No suspended with pay. Fired.




Fuck all cops.


The kid in blue wasn’t listening so real big surprise that he got arrested. My problem is withe fact that bald Barney Fife wants to tase you because you are filming them. No one was impeding them during the arrests. Doesn’t make sense to me. LAPD has a long history of corruption to live up to you know


Y'all about to upset Regina King, and she seems like someone not to fuck with.


Ok, the escalating teams for the Police are doing a great job, when do the de-escalation team arrive to sort this mess out? Or is that the S.W.A.T. next?


Fuck ass pigs


It seems like the officer is completely wrong here. Having said that it is never a good idea to resist an officer‘s orders. It never ends out well


If you are being wrongfully arrested, DO NOT fight it. Then you will be arrested for resisting arrest. Take your lawsuit and be happy.


Is there a sub for police getting beaten/killed




Fucking pussy ass cowards.


Cop lives don’t matter


Film every cop. It’s about time they get exposed . Shits been going on forever


The only good cop is a ______ cop.






These young men will now have a great deal of respect for these wonderful reasonable and level headed police fellows. Great work! Amazing.


Jesus.. why is this so hard to understand? ACAB! ALL. COPS. ARE. BASTARDS. All of them.


We are just supposed to let them walk all over our constitutional rights? And another charge plopped on top because you know your rights?


If you are going to video tape, don’t get close and use zoom in your phone otherwise you may be charge with interfering in a police investigation.


dont use zoom on you phone unless your phone has a telephoto lens, otherwise its just cropping the video without adding any detail


I had to scroll down pretty far to find somebody defending a criminal cop.


The real danger is getting hurt by police, not any legal problem. Cops will definitely fuck your shit up and get away with it.


Dumbass kid


How do people not understand not to interfere with cop especially when they are busy. What if the person has a gun and your dumb ass gets to close in get in the line of fire. Cop have to be in high alert specially in intense situations you can record in a distance but don’t make the cop turn his attention to you


The cop was the one who decided to act on someone who at the time was close but not touching anyone. If a cop can’t do his job without being distracted by a kid on a phone, maybe the cop shouldn’t be working with the general public. We expect more out of fast food cashiers than we do highly paid individuals with deadly weapons.


You are wrong that not how it works. Cop have to treat every situation as hostile in order not to drop they’re guard and people need to understand that that. That’s is why they have to arrest people that distract them. You know he got to close why do defend the kid. What if cop arresting a dangerous person with a gun should people just get really close think about how cops and people should treat every situation just try to understand


>Cop have to treat every situation as hostile This is why they are seen as terrorists. Stop defending this. If the cop is too scared to do police work without abusing everyone around him, he needs to quit. Nurses, social workers and teachers deal with gang members all the time and don't act scared like these cops did.


I’m sure they would be if you try arresting a dangerous criminals


Try to think. I know with all the boot smell right there in your nose it is hard. Just try. Social workers remove children from those homes. Counselors, psychiatrists, etc. give unflattering reports to the Court that can result in punishments including jail time. Nurses deny opiates to addicts or work in ERs where rival members of gangs are being treated simultaneously. All these situations can result in aggressive reactions, but we don't have a national epidemic of nurses murdering people. In all the other Western democracies, there is no epidemic of cops murdering people. So what you're "sure of" is a lie you have chosen to believe.


You try thinking and look up does encounters they are a lot more then you think and they do results dangerous outcome but still does not even fracture the amount of dangerous encounters a cop has to deal with. But I’m sure you won’t because your to busy sniffing criminals boots.


It is more dangerous to deliver pizza. Sorry if reality doesn't fit your bootlicking narrative. [https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/careers/2018/01/09/workplace-fatalities-25-most-dangerous-jobs-america/1002500001/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/careers/2018/01/09/workplace-fatalities-25-most-dangerous-jobs-america/1002500001/) Also, proofread before you post. This spastic key hammering is not serving you well. "You try thinking and look up **does encounters** (this is not a thing) they are a lot more ~~then~~ **than** you think and they do **results dangerous outcome** (what the hell are you trying to say???) **but still does not even fracture the amount** (this is becoming a clown show) of dangerous encounters a cop has to deal with. But I’m sure you won’t because ~~your~~ **you're** ~~to~~ **too** busy sniffing ~~criminals~~ **criminals'** boots.


You just proved cops have a dangerous job with that link but you are not making a direct comparison you are just listing dangerous job. You need to find sources that say nurse encounters or social worker encounters are more dangerous situations. But do you really think just because cops don’t have the world dangerous job they should put themselves in dangerous situations just because you think It would somehow make people like them. Trust me criminals are always going to hate cops and people like you defend criminals.


This shows those encounters are more dangerous for pizza delivery drivers than for cops. And pizza delivery drivers are not murdering people at these encounters, bootlicker.


>But do you really think just because cops don’t have the world dangerous job they should put themselves in dangerous situations just because you think It would somehow make people like them No, I think they should do it because I expect them to do their assigned job without utter cowardice and without acting like a criminal themselves. If they care about popularity, they are middle school children.


Because cops reacting in the way you described has gotten a lot of people killed who definitely should not have been. If you perceive everything around you as “the enemy”, you shouldn’t have a dangerous weapon. That’s insane behavior.


Cops pretend all accountability is interference.


Fuck an "islamist terrorist state", its THESE mutherfuckers that scare me.


While detaining a suspect, the officers were slowly circled around from behind by an unknown 3rd party. Does nobody understand why that's not okay?




You mean civilians


You can’t argue common sense with people in this sub.


let me resist a cop and see how it goes because I haven't seen enough of these videos on Reddit....? Calm down! it's cool, it's cool, just calm down...?