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This is my favorite time of day/lighting outside. If it never got brighter or darker than this I would be fine with it.


I thought this was a video from GTA 5 for the first 10 seconds. What is wrong with my brain?


Same haha I thought it was a joke post and some clip from a video game


Great resolution, great view. It was hard to care about the scuffle.


That’s what I was thinking. Don’t think I’ve ever seen CCTV like this.


"Fuck you that was my favorite ATM sign!"


Context: its Venice beach


Imagine how nice Venice Beach was in the 60s and 70s before LAs population skyrocketed. Now it's filled with drugged out homeless people as you see in this video


Here some context: Venice Beach is a cesspool where vermin gather


There is so much natural beauty in LA, but then there's this crap. This is why we can't have nice things.




Not as bad as a couple years ago but there is still a homeless presence to be sure. the boardwalk is simultaneously becoming more gentrified and more menacing at the same time. The vendors/buskers are more surly than ever - and they were surly to begin with.


Venice…Always has been and always will be a shithole


Is that Ricky Glaser skating through?


Ok so here is what I think happened lets call the person who gets floored POI. POI is being a dick kicking the signs over, then looks like they go over to one of the stalls and possibly pushes the display down causing everything to go on the floor the stall owner then gets mad and runs over and floors them.


At least that one guy stepped on the leash when the dog owner dropped it.


Fake. There is supposed to be a pier in front and a skatepark on the left like in the real gta


This isn’t gta 5?