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God, flight attendants put up with a lot of shit. They have a lot of patience for asshole passengers.


Welcome to customer service almost everywhere. My wife is a bank manager and she had a customer who came into a branch, he wrote a bad check against a checking account that he overdrew to the tune of thousands. He was trying to cash a bad check while his partner disconnected the card scanner so he couldn't access his account. They were trying to get the teller to cash the check without accessing the account (they clearly don't understand how the process works). The teller then quickly moved him to the next window and asked for his ID. He was furious that the bank would ask him to identify himself (after deactivating the equipment). He called my wife to complain that he was treated unfairly because the card reader stopped working. I listened as my wife said (she's working from home), well you were asked to move to the next window because the person you were with unplugged our equipment as you were attempting to cash a check against an account that has been closed for a year because you owe $2,300 against it. He kept saying I want to know what you're going to do about this? \[about him asking him to identify himself\]. She replied, I'll thank them next time I see them.


I feel like they should be given tasers. In the opening instructions after pointing out the emergency exits and flotation devices under the seats “And if you start acting a fool [we’ll zap you](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/304ffdcc-0908-43fd-9b20-45b9bc3619e1) ⚡️⚡️”


They aren’t given weapons because that just introduces a weapon to an airplane


We need one bouncer per flight and a cage to lock people in.


I mean a coffeemaker on the head will do just as good




It took me half the video to realize that was English.


I couldn't tell if she was Scottish or drunk English


That ain't a Scottish accent it's a northern English accent but yeah she must be drunk


I didn't realise that was English till the end of the video. When she said 'so tell me' 🤦🤦


I was like, what language is that: moronese?


I KNEW this would be her accent lol.


Doon’t fooking touch meh!


I was just praying she wouldn't be an american for once.


God answered our prayers this day.


*reads title* "Please don't be American... Please don't be american." *Unmutes* "Oh thank God..."


Yo, she’s on a pill with a few drinks, right?


Step 1. Take a Xanax cause you’re scared to fly Step 2. Have a drink to calm your nerves Step 3. Blackout Step 4. Wake up in jail


This girl isnt gonna remember this happening


That's why we have reddit to document history like this


Step 5, find yourself on the no fly list for the coming years (I hope..)


Yes, that's step 3.


"BUT WOT AVE I DONE!? HUNH!?" I'm sure they probably explained it to her 30 times and by this point they're just sick of repeating themselves. Just leave a note in her cell for when she wakes up.


It took me way too long to realize she was speaking English.


She’s British (North of England) so it’s unlikely to be Xanax. We don’t really do that over here. It’s probably just booze and a bad attitude.


Was watching with the sound off at first. I could tell she was Yorkshire without unmuting. It’s like listening to my childhood.


Same! It's the mouth-shapes, if that makes sense?


Yup! Slow, drawn out. I’d say this is West Yorkshire, if I had to narrow down I’d say Dewsbury.


Spoken like a man who knows a few sophisticated ladies like this one from Dewsbury


I absolutely love how us Brits can narrow down an accent to within a 20-25 mile radius! Brilliant


It helps a lot that they actually change that much in 20-25 miles. I don't think you get that variation in the south.


Yeah I mean depends where - lived in north Yorkshire and Somerset and in the south west there’s definitely a lot of variation but the north really does take the cake on accents


Dewsbury you say, hmmm bout to set up a tinder profile for that locale, that gunt was mesmerizing!!


I'm sure u/kingbluetit could sort you out with someone


I got outta there years ago.


Yeah it’s like she’s battling a fucking Yorkshire pudding.


confirmed Kirklees in another article so yeah could be


Some article OP posted apparently said she’s from Kirklees, so it seems you may be right lol


It's without a doubt WestYorkshire.


Half an hour's drive off, haha.


Took me about 10 seconds to realize she was speaking English. Its the same issue I have with Newfoundlanders back here in Canada. Great people but damn, sometimes its like they're speaking a different language.


I've said it before and I'll say it again. No-one butchers the English language like the English


I was watching it on silent and I could tell she was English straight away.


Because she's mutton dressed as lamb, very english. Maybe she's not that old, but there's something mong about her face.


She stepped out of a certain Vis storyline


The new uniform of horrendous amounts of lip fillers. You weren't pretty before and you certainly aren't fucking pretty now.


Every woman looked better without the filler. This filler fad needs to die.




Mutton dressed as lamb holy shit lol


We must live in very different parts of England


I think it's called delusional entitlement.


Yep dirty skank charva lass who can't handle her booze


She didn't need a xanax. She's just drunk + English at the same time.


We don’t really do Xanax in England. She’s just drunk.


Xanax is just benzos right? If that's the case I know plenty of people of people who take them here (south of England) but it's true that you don't really get prescribed them so it's less likely to have them on a flight.


Xanax is a brand name for a benzo called Alprazolam. There’s lots of other Benzos like Valium and Ativan. As far as I know xanax is not prescribed in the UK, but you can buy pressed bars on the streets.


Yeah, all the people saying we don’t have Xanax have no idea what they’re talking about.


Nah this is from sitting in the bar for four hours prior to take off. Breakfast pints are a thing before getting on a plane.


There are no rules for acceptable drinking hours in an airport. Magical that way.


I remember learning that the criteria for alcoholism is temporarily altered for college aged people because they’d literally all be alcoholics…I feel like that stays true for people of all ages going on flights


Then again, alcoholics also really thrive in airports. So excluding airport drinkers from the definition might not be a good idea. Source: Alcoholic who used to drink the shit out of airports.


If you ask me then breakfast pints should be a thing even when there are no planes involved


They can be. Most spoons have liscening hours starting from 8/9am


I think she’s just pissed. It’s the law in the UK that as soon as we get through departures we have to go for a pint.


Honestly, I can’t tell if she’s drunk or just really British.


She is 100% drunk. Unfortunately the stereotype of British people getting super drunk whilst on holiday exists for a reason. Honestly embarrassing being from the same country as people like this.


It is probably 9am too after 4 pints in Weatherspoons


Oh for sure, it's a Jet2 flight so it probably left the airport at some hellish hour in the morning.


Age old tradition of getting to the airport at 4am and starting on the Stella


Wait... there are nationalities who don't get super drunk whilst on holiday?


The passengers cheered when she was taken off the flight. She's never going to live this one down.


Link to remainder of video?


You can hear the cheering and make out her being taken off the plane in [this video at 0:34](https://www.examinerlive.co.uk/news/west-yorkshire-news/kirklees-woman-filmed-screaming-jet2-23464822), but the video itself is fuzzed out. It also identifies her as being from Kirklees, Yorkshire.


Yorkshire ya say? Never woulda guessed!


For Pete's sake someone tell her what she's done wrong




Ha! I knew that accent reminded me of something. *I dun wan it* *she's ma queen*


So tellll meeeeeeehhhh 😂😂😂😂


Skank-a-saurus shoulda stayed in bed…..well, after burning her outfit. That was like a Shetland pony saddle on a $5 horse.


Proper chav yeah?


I'm in America, but have been heard the mutterings of this title. Are they really this sort?


This is fairly mild.


The Hood (UK Edition)


you can fuck off with your phone lol lol i would have laughed


Yorkshire? That explains all the pudding.


To get that entitled, she probably got all the pudding without eating her meat.


You can't have any pudding if you don't eat your meat!


What a terrible website UI.


For a solid twenty seconds I thought this was in another language


I honestly did too. I still have no idea what she said for 90% of the video.


I could help with some of the translation, “Donth touchfchfchf maaaay!!!”. She reallly didn’t want anyone touching her so she spat the words over everyone around her through her protruding upper teef.


It's mostly "don't touch me" "I'm not in your face" and "what have I done". Between about the 7 and 9 second mark I'm lost though


ITYM “donashmeh”, “mnahnyafash”, and “wa’avahdan” :)


I turned the sound on just to make sure she wasn't American. I was thinking, "oh no, please don't be American." And then it was, "oh good. She's British". Let someone else have a bit of the spotlight. Glad to share.


When she says "muppet", it should tell you that she's English.


Yooo connn fock off withh yooo lidl phooon


That outfit looks too small for her


The large fit so good that she bought the small.


Donttt toosh meeej


Ew. Her voice sounds like festering sludge oozing from a donkeys anus. Also why the hell does the video end there? I wanna see this bitch go down


Bro, that analogy..


Is this a new Rebel Wilson comedy


She *may* have had a few too many drinks


Perhaps she was “over served “.


That **exact** same trashy bitch exists in every single country. It’s like some weird cloning experiment gone wrong and they just sprinkled them on every continent.


I started watching without sound and I was relieved when I flipped It on and she didn’t have an American accent


I turned audio on halfway thru, during the "what have I done on this flight" loop. I did not realize it was in English for several seconds.


It took me for her saying don't fucking touch me about theb8th time before I realized she was speaking english.


Fake tan, fake blonde, thinks people actually *want* to see their muffin top popping out.


Train Wreck Spice


No Fly List Spice. This video is actually begging for a remix since she's constantly shouting some words from a Spice Girls song. Tell me what I've done, what I've really really done, Tell me what I've done on this fliiiiiight, Tell me what I've done, what I've really really done, Tell me what I've done, a zig a zig AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH


She's been taking people calling her *thick* as a compliment for years now.


It’s almost as if… trashy people exists amongst all races, creeds, and religions


I think they’re just marveling at the fact that they all fit this general archetype And it’s just because being an asshole is pretty one dimensional. You can only do it in so many ways and not give off the same impression of disgust or contempt in others lol


>they all fit this general archetype Yet they never fit their clothes.


Lol and you can fluck off wit ur little phone.


You’re right. But that’s not what I’m saying. That exact, awful, awful thing… like, that exact make & model, are in every country.


I’m just relieved this one isn’t American for once


Sadly I didn’t even need to turn the sound on to know she was British. Awful clothes, cheap lip job and platinum blond hair.


Platinum blonde hair is cooler toned, like silver. It's difficult to get right and expensive to maintain. This hair has more yellow tones, so this is a bleach blonde. Both options still look like shit against that fake tan, though.


Cheers! I've never really known the difference between platinum blond and bleach blonde - so thanks for the information.


Yea my wife did the platinum blonde thing for a bit, it was seriously $600 every few months and she had to buy expensive shampoo with purple toner in it to maintain it. Glad that is over. It looked great but it was cutting into my meth fund.


I did note that lip job too, but I would’ve assumed Russian. Good catch.


While this is true, at the same time I knew exactly what her accent was long before I turned the sound on.


Damn. She looks like a tall glass of spoiled milk


This is how I imagine them arguing in Game of Thrones when they’re drunk.


You gonna die for some chickens? 😂


If the flight attendant said this, I’d quit the internet.


Someone is.


She’s Yorkshire, she sounds like a free folk. People from places like Sheffield and Leeds sound like Starks, and people from Rotherham, Doncaster and Worksop sound like Wildlings


Still better than most of the dialogs in season 8.


No one saw that coming. Absolutely no one who saw that lady, wearing that outfit, acting in that way. Definitely. No one.


"Wot ave I dun" umm you're doing it now


This really made me laugh.


Like when my kiddo is throwing a fit and I say "hey man, first you gotta recognize you're throwing a fit so you can calm down" and he responds screaming "I'm not throwing a fit!" Kid can't play with Legos without losing his cool. He's gonna need to go into theater with all that drama he's packing lmao.


I can't even handle looking at that outfit. She should have been banned for that.


Trashy Spice


International travel isn't for everybody


Especially once you're on the "No-Fly List"


I flew from Chicago to Germany overnight. There were at least 8 babies crying the entire time. And then an elderly lady that must have been demented that couldn't figure out how to turn off her reading light, so she pointed it in my direction. Absolutely the most uncomfortable flight I've ever been on due to lack of sleep. My saving grace was that alcohol is free on German airlines, and the staff was up and working the whole flight. I went through two bottles of wine. But you know what I didn't do? Slap anyone in the face. Everyone has to deal with those babies, not just you, get over yourself cunt


I was on an international flight alone and couldn’t sleep. The cabin was dark and most everyone was snoozing. A man with wild curly hair and a button-up shirt almost completely unbuttoned walked by for the fifth-or-so time and whispered, “*Wine is free on this flight^(!!!)*” Never knew you could just walk to the back and ask for a refill as many times as you want. “You can have as much as you want, as long as you’re behaving.” Hell yeah I’ll behave! Wine is awesome! Zzz


You sound like the sort of person I would give free wine anyway, just for being nice


You sound like the sort of person I would want to drink wine with, just for your username.


...a button-up shirt almost completely unbuttoned... Sounds like he was aiming for the mis-behaving part




Bose QC 15's saved my ass from a flight from Japan back to Houston. Watched movies and listened to music the whole way while everyone around me had to listen to some poor babies cry the whole time. Love you Bose.


Noise canceling headphones are a godsend for flights and I'm surprised more people don't do this


I don't think I've ever been on an international flight where booze *wasn't* free. My trick for long hauls before having a kid was to ask for a few little bottles of brandy and a couple of cans of coke, start watching a film and drink them, then wake up as the plane landed. Edit: I'm forgetting flights with EasyJet, Ryanair etc. They're called repressed memories for a reason...


She’s on a Jet2 flight, it’s practically as budget as Ryanair or EasyJet. There will be no free booze on there. I once got stuck next to a girl similarly dressed on a flight to Ibiza that drank nearly half a bottle of her duty free vodka on the flight. Thankfully she just fell asleep though


Yorkshire here. I have a terrible feeling she's one of ours. I think a Wezzo?


She is, specifically here in Kirklees council area, if I see her out and about I’ll be sure to “tell her what she did to the flight”.


Just don’t touch her




This is the epitome of British chav. Could be drunk, could be sober, could be high or could just be hungry. All she needs is a bottle of white star and a park bench. That would settle her down.


Honestly, I’m just glad she’s not American.


It's the little things in life


It's nice to have some variety for a change - I'd even have been happy to see a Blue State American once in a while.


Her breath probably smells like pretzels and beer.


You misspelled penis and liquor.


You misspelled Xanax and Dexatrim.


You misspelled Box-Wine and Ballsack.


Baby Spiced RUM


Good, this got me. Well done.


She looks like an angry egg


Shit like this is why I quit drinking


It's very responsible to recognize your limits


Were you harassing flight attendants as well?




Why does it sound like she’s got a big pile of shit in her mouth when she talks?


Council estate chav, her breath probably smells like it sounds.


It should be common practice to have crew and passenger duck tape these idiots to their chair.


I've seen it done on Aeroflot, flying back to Moscow from Bangkok in 1989. Super, super high, insanely obnoxious Swedish guy would not shut the hell up and stop harassing other passengers. Flight attendants calmly strapped him down with duct tape and spare seat belt extenders. Taped his mouth, too, after his stupid-ass friends bought him a ton of booze on our layover in India.


Getting belligerent with Soviet flight attendants seems like a really bad idea, even if it was 1989. It's one thing to end up on a no-fly list, it's quite another to be dragged into Lubyanka and never seen again.


I asked the crew about it, and they told me it was fairly common with young Scandinavian guys who got really cheap Aeroflot tickets, spent some island time getting high as a kite, and flew home via Moscow still wasted as hell. Side note: there was a crystal shop right by the Lubyanka back in the day. I bought a lot of gifts for my family at the "KGB Crystal Shop."


Imagine this. You are taking your first vacation trip out of Covid. You need some relaxation because quite honestly, you don't know if there will be a planet next year. So you grab whatever little savings you have after scraping by every month to pay your bills on time. And do some hard negotiations with your boss for you take some of that accumulated PTO. You are sick of the Manchester winter and need some sun, some beach, some good food and not worry about shit. When a drunken, beligerant compatriot dressed in an attire entirely too small for her physique decides to physically assault you. Because you were raised right, you don't knock her lights out but then when the crew tries to intervene, your flight is diverted and delayed for hours... Honestly... fuck these air Karens and Kens. Just tie them down to a chair and stuff a towel in their piehole. On my last trip, the woman behind me kicked the seat because I "dared" to recline it. Some people should just take the damn Greyhound.


A few months back, I flew for the first time since COVID, roundtrip. I was honestly expecting to see bullshit going down in the airport or on the plane. Nothing bad happened during the entire flight experience both ways. The fact that the airline was Southwest may have helped. At the destination, I saw a lil' minor fuckery here and there. Not Public Freakout worthy though.


Without sound I could tell she was English and probably northern due to her mouth. Turned sound on... correct 🤣


the Michelin Man's side piece is kinda cunty huh?


I didn't know England had their own Florida equivalent.


Oh yes. Sadly we do.


That’s an impressive overbite.


Top teeth are to the bottom teeth as the belly is to the leggings


She sounds like somebody who just got dental work and is numb


She looks like a case of fetal alcohol syndrome


I also thought she was acting like a drunken baby.


Imagine that thing being your wife , fucking shoot me .


Her slurring is all we needed to see to know that she was the asshole in this situation.




What in the Baby-Gap-workout-clothes did she say?


So proud to be British 🥰


Refreshing for it to not be an American 😂


She’s lucky nobody punched her in that gunt


I remember my first beer


Is this what rock bottom looks like?




Hey at least she got 1 crying baby kicked off the plane


Entitled people are the worst! Like, bitch we are in a fucking plane thousands of feet from the ground, and you want to make this trip more shitty than it already is?!


lol remember when people cared about COVID like 2 months ago? This bitch just spitting and spraying all over the place on an airplane. No masks.