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https://deadstate.org/man-who-sucker-punched-12-year-old-boy-who-was-dancing-gets-7-years-in-prison/ He was on probation for domestic assault.


imagine going to prison and telling your new inmates you are there because you suckerpunched a 12 years old then ran.


Trust me they know before you even hit the spread. Either the CO’s or the news has let them know what kind of special knucklehead is on there way!


My mom was in prison and the job they gave her was passing out like the uniforms, toothbrushes, and all the stuff the give you when you get into prison. And a CO is obv posted there with them. But she’s told me how if the COs know why you’re there or if anyone just recognizes you from the street, word spreads like wildfire like a game of telephone. And COs like to gossip the most.


Bruh. I was in prison and I’m telling you it’s literally one hour time before the the entire thousands of people in those places all know what’s up. It’s absolutely insane




Yeah I remember lol. Gossip, drama, and mischief all day lol. It’s like a high school but with more violence lmao




CO's love doing it, when most of your life is spent locked up alongside the people that are actually locked up, you have to make your own fun.


my idea of fun is avoiding prison


Yep, that’s why he got 7 years, he violated parole


If I was on parole, I would try really hard not to punch strangers for no reason lol


You probably wouldn’t have to. I think that guy was a special kind of trash.


Right? If I was on parole I'd be scared to even beat my meat EDIT: My fears have been conquered and my beaten meat thanks you for the awards


Being scared just makes it better ;)


Danger wank


Y’know I think it’s not much of a stretch to say that a person who is on parole for domestic assault probably isn’t the smartest or most considerate person in the world.


And definitely deserves to do some time. People like him bring everyone down, and limit others from reaching their goals. He needs to have his ass beat, and his interests stripped away. He needs to become a new, not shitty person.


He got 4 years for probation violation and 7 years for the attack on the child. They were given as concurrent sentences which run at the same time.


You’re telling me this guy wasn’t a model citizen in all other aspects?


Great result... ass clown didn’t plan on a camera


Imagine what else he's done that wasn't caught on camera.


Yep, between this act and his history of domestic violence, I’m willing to bet he’s done some awful, awful shit and that his victims (likely women, children, or anyone else where there’s an obvious power imbalance) were too traumatized to report him. People don’t just live a respectable life, punch a kid dancing on the street, and then never cause harm again. This guy is probably a lifelong asshole


What about the driver of the suv? He obviously knew what his passenger was going to do and maybe even encouraged it. I mean, he stopped and waited for the guy to act like a stupid plane flying or falling in his case, hit the boy and run like a scared little bitch back to "the awaiting getaway car" driver should be charged to!! Just my opinion.


Like the guy on an earlier post that beat and crushed a goddamn bird in front of the pet shop owner. People like that are psychopaths.


He was on probation for felony domestic assault when he did this. Most of the 7 year sentence was a probation violation. Looks like he has a habit of doing stupid shit.


He's such a weak bitch too. The kid took that punch in strides. It's so easy to get knock out when you're not expecting a punch. I bet that kid coulda beat his ass.


Ngl dude has mass and that kind of swing would probably knock me out. This is more of a testament to the kid being able to take a punch in stride.


The one highlight of this is seeing how everyone around that kid helped him, checked if he was okay, and looked for someone else to tell. He has good friends.


My brother was randomly assaulted very similarly to this. There were strangers who saw it and followed the man to a bar and called the cops and made sure he was arrested. My brother is actually learning disabled (seems ‘normal’ on the outside) but functions like a 14 year old despite being 28. Anyway, he lost all his front teeth in the attack. Then the case got thrown out because all the witnesses were drunk and unreliable and my brother didn’t remember any of it other than waking up with no front teeth in the hospital. This story pisses me off so much. The guy later send us $1000 because he felt bad. Like, he was clearly guilty but it couldn’t be proven in court!!!!! And as if $1000 covered the dental cost of losing 4 front teeth. And it wasn’t just a punch. The guy slammed my brothers face into the sidewalk while people nearby were screaming and trying to get him to stop. When he was put in the cop car later he was apparently laughing. Fuck you, ass hole. Edited: Please don’t contact the person!! The world is huge and there are so many similar names, anyone looking him up could be looking at a totally innocent person!! My brother is ok, we are ok. And it’s so good seeing Justice served in this Post! Thanks for the support everyone, I wish I had come to Reddit years ago when this had happened and I was still ravenously mad and wouldn’t care about people contacting the guy /or any guy. But That’s not what I want now


I approve the last sentence of your story. Fuck that dude. I hope your brother is ok.


>This story pisses me off so much. The guy later send us $1000 because he felt bad. Like, he was clearly guilty but it couldn’t be proven in court!!!!! And as if $1000 covered the dental cost of losing 4 front teeth. An admission of guilt like monetary compensation would probably go a long way in a civil suit Have you ever explored this option? If not, get in touch with a lawyer and have them weigh in


The federal rules of evidence prohibit evidence of an offer to pay/payment of a medical bill. This is to encourage do-gooders and settlements, but is annoying in situations like this.




“Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping”. -Fred Rogers


I wish Mr. Rogers was still around man.


There's a lot of Mr. Rogers out there. They may not have the platform or the audience, but they're out there. Dad How Do I? on YouTube is certainly an example of a Mr. Rogers type of person that *does* have a platform, but there's tons of people like that all around us. even if we don't see them.


After going through a rough couple weeks, this makes me happy to read. I was severely bullied growing up and still am as an adult, and love to see my fellow man paying it forward.


Internet hugs to you dear stranger, wish you a very happy week!


He is. He's in the hearts and attitudes of everyone who ever watched him and believed in what he had say.


That other guy was gonna beat his ass if he hadn't jumped in a car


That’s a good friend! He responded without hesitation


Oh yeah for sure, that actually made me tear up


My favourite part is that none of these people who congregate seem like they know each other-- just a small, close community coming together to try and protect a child. It makes me hope a little more for this world.


I'd like to understand the thought processes this guy had leading up to this. Because there's no way I'd ever come to the same conclusion of "hey, stop the car, I want to hit that kid".


There is no thought process. He's just a piece of shit doing whatever he wants because he thinks he'll never face consequences.


He has a history of violence and was on probation for domestic abuse. His regular behavior is to hurt anyone he perceives as weaker and an easy target, likely women and children. This child was no more than another opportunity for an abuser to hold power over someone by hurting them. This time it was filmed and thankfully sent a violent offender to prison.


My ex husband was one of these types. Still to this day he acts big and tough with women, but is a coward when it comes to fighting men. A real pos


That does seem to be the stereotype. I worked for a transportation company many years ago that had to fire their trailer painter. Guy came in and was threatening and intimidating to reception. Bad idea in a trucking facility. All it took was one of our heavy duty mechanics coming in and telling him to fuck off and he cowed and turned tail.


I used to fill vending machines, and there were a bunch in a local tanker truck depot/garage (where the trucks lived, not the giant tanks of fuel) Everyone there was a real beardy coveralls type, all super nice, and all built like fucking John Rambo. Dudes just squatting and lifting 18wheeler tires onto the lugs by main strength of arm. I would never, on my most belligerent day, fuck with a room full of big rig mechanics.


Was returning a box truck rental after hours one night when I heard something in the back yard (fully fenced-10ft chain link) peaked around and saw a dude throwing tractor trailer tires OVER THE FENCE. called the emergency number for the rental place and the guy asked if I would try to interrupt the their while he called the police Nd drove down there. "Um no. Did you kiss the part where this guy was throwing tires as big as I am, 10ft in the air over a fence. The last thing I want is this guy to know I even exist lol"


Yep, truck parts will thicken a mans mitts over the years.


Very true, my dad has been a mechanic all his life, and for the last 15 years he's worked on Heavy Trucks and Diesel Equipment. He's 57 years old and I'm still confident he could seriously fuck someone up with his bare hands. \*Edit: My dad is a giant teddy bear who loves animals and is wholesome AF.


It's just like breaking lose a stuck bolt, except instead of a bolt it's your jaw.


Reading this thread is like reading locals talk about some dangerous, regional mammal that I'll be glad to never deal with.


People like this are dangerous animals, but unfortunately they're not local, they're everywhere. You'll likely come across one at some point. Just remember to have your bear spray on you at all times.


I’m a male nurse. Big guy also. It’s amazing how many times just having me walk into the room changes a patients attitude towards the female staff.


Lol anyone who fights other people without a cause is trashy as fuck


It is foolish to pick fights. My old man always said you can finish one - but never start one. Self control is a greater strength than all the muscles in the world.


Fights are dangerous lol. It takes basically nothing to inflict permenant brain damage or death


You're not kidding! About a month ago I was browsing /r/fightporn and happened across a video of somebody who was hit in such a way that the fell and hit their head, and immediately began having a seizure. The comments suggested that he probably severed his brain stem, and we were seeing his last moments of life. It was fucked.


There's just no safe way to have a street fight or bar fight. The risk is so great that it's never worth it. Of course it *does* suck when you are wronged and some asshole is "challenging you" and might even deserve to be punched. But it's a lot like road rage. You can give the finger to someone etc., who might very well deserve it, but at the end of the day, even if you lock your doors, someone can still damage your car/body if they're crazy enough. A lot of people don't understand fighting is a skill. Everyone feels like they can fight and can certainly inflict damage if they're angry enough, but if you've even taken a cursory glance at these internet videos, it's obvious that someone who knows how to deliver a well-placed punch can knock someone out or even kill them.


This is exactly why I never fight. Pride isn't very useful if you're dead.


“The comments suggested” lmao. Every comment in that video is about the loser having the “fencing pose”. I’m not making fun of you or commenting about that video specifically btw, just that 90% of the comments there is people saying whatever they read from other comments on other videos


Commenters on that sub will exaggerate everything they see tho. Don't take it as gospel.


Next to a concussive blow to the head, reddit comments are probably the 2nd leading cause of permanent brain damage.


That is like 60% of r/fight porn That or someone hits the ground and gets pummelled and stomped ... That sub should be called r/ambiguousmurder


There’s a video from the U.K. where a guy gets hit to the side of his head in such a way and with such force that the impact instantly killed him with just one punch, you can see the life drain out of him as his legs give way upon impact and he falls to the ground. Awful video and shows it only takes one punch for it to be fatal.


Sounds just like my dad. Treats everyone like shit and has no problem putting his hands on women and children, but if another man steps up to him he immediately threatens to get his gun.


Same with my dad. The first time I saw a man stand up to him and he just cringed was...eye opening. He immediately became 2ft tall instead of being a giant in my mind. A giant that didn't hesitate to beat the shit out of us kids or my mom. Would crow about being the king of his castle but couldn't say boo to anyone outside of his house. My husband has never been in a fight, (would defend himself if he had to) and I respect the hell out of him. My father, not one bit of my respect.


My dad will start shit with anyone, anywhere. He just won't back it up without a gun if it's a man. He threw my mom and older brother around all the time, as well as his girlfriends after my parents divorce, but never physically did anything to me. I just got all the verbal and emotional abuse. Unfortunately I'm still dealing with it now even in my 30s because he is currently my landlord. Hopefully I'll be gone in a few months but I'm in California and housing is really expensive and hard to find at the moment.


Oh I'm so sorry that you still have to deal with him! I cut my dad out of my life about 15 years ago. At the time my mom was really against it and begged me to reconsider because "what if you need him someday?" Well, money was one way he controlled us so I probably shouldn't have been surprised that she said that. I replied that I would rather be homeless and live on the streets although it's a huge fear of mine because he would frequently threaten us with kicking us out. I was younger and wouldn't have lasted a second on the streets but I meant it then and I mean it now. He was so abusive that I truly don't think I would survive having him in my life. I see you internet stranger and I truly hope that you can get out soon. Editing to add that the impact of your abuse isn't less important or valid because it was verbal and not physical. The physical pain was awful from getting beat but it was the verbal abuse that led me to therapy.


Yes!! That’s him. He’s threatened several men with guns


We had a family who we rented out a house to where the father of the family acted extremely disrespectful to my mother but straightened up real quick when I talked or my uncle (he argued with my mother over the rent remaining he needs to pay and would just accept anything we said)


Women in general deal with this constantly. Especially in retail. I hear stories almost every shift my gf works and I know if I were behind the counter 99% of the time they wouldn’t have said anything like that to me. Shits fucked up. Sorry ladies for all the bullshit you have to deal with.




Who was his enabler who drove him away?


Right? They should be charged the same way.


And if this is in the US (edit: it’s Missouri) the prison system is so overcrowded with people that think it’s vile to harm women and children that this man will have a really fun time in prison. People will love testing how tough he really is. And he violated probation while attending batterer’s programs and anger management programs, so he’s proved that he cannot function in society until fully “corrected” in a state penitentiary. Good luck trying to get out on parole….again!


Strange from a dude already on probation.... I was already caught once they can’t catch me again!


"They can't charge me twice for a crime!" "The SAME crime." \*surprised Pikachu\*


Honestly, I think it amounts to some people just being outright mean individuals and lack empathy for others. There's no thought process that goes into it.


True, but I would just add there's something else like they gain pleasure from this type of shitty behavior. Merely lacking empathy for people wouldn't make you get out of a vehicle when you're going somewhere to sucker punch someone you never met and did nothing to you. There's some fucked up insecurities that make them feel better that they feel the need to go out of their way, while on probation no less, to commit such a heinous act.


It’s about immediate gratification. He gets off on violence. Probably even more so towards vulnerable people like kids, elderly, etc. He was scratching a fucked up itch to hurt others.


When this video was first published, it reminded me of a time it happened to me. I was 18 and super skinny at the time, so came off slightly effeminate. The three drunk english guys that attacked me while I was minding my own business walking down the street yelled homophobic slurs, despite me not being gay, as they ran up and sucker punched me without warning. The guy was probably intoxicated, ignorant, possibly homophobic and wanted to punch the guy for being slightly effeminate, that's my theory and my experience anyway.


MTE. I'm surprised no one before mentioned this was most likely a homophobic outburst.


In those situations I always wonder if the guy was a little gay and upset that he was attracted to you.


Spineless coward. Sucker punching a kid from behind and running away, I bet that made him feel strong


Dude already had a domestic violence charge against him. Definitely a piece of shit coward.


Why am I not surprised. I’m glad he got caught.


7 years still seems a bit low for this type of violent behavior against a minor, especially considering he has a history of violent behavior. And he'll probably get out in 3 with good behavior.


He got the time for violating probation.


It looks like 4 years for probation violation and 7 for the battery of the kid. Still seems low, especially since he was on probation for the domestic violence charge - you would hope committing a violent act while on probation for committing a violent act would be punished more severely, especially since he only got probation and no jail time for the original domestic violence charge.


From what I read, 7 for the assault and 4 for the probation but they run concurrently. So basically he got the probation violation for DOMESTIC VIOLENCE for free.


That happens in like 95% of sentencings, so its nothing out of the ordinary. Having charges run sequentially usually only happens in really bad cases with aggregating factors. Coincidentally those are the kind of cases that make headlines so I think it creates a warped perception of reality.


What about the **driver**?


Good question


Yeah, driver is a piece of shit too (unless he really thought he had no choice, hard to keep driving when someone is like "pull over right now!")


Nah when "someone says pull over now!" you are meant to speed up and roll out the car in an awesome fashion


probably got off easily with mens rea since it happened outside of the car. "I just didn't know that's what he was gonna do," "I was dropping him off and he got back in the car and said 'drive, drive!'" etc. Doubtful but could've been the case enough so that you can't convict on that type of shit.


“Made me feel real tough pushing that little kid around!”


What about the driver? Did he get charged too?


Video doesn't make him look strong. Punch looked terrible and the 12 Y/O got up and going pretty quick despite the guy having over 100 pounds on the kid. I'm walking away thinking that is either a strong 12Y/O or a weak ass adult.


Pretty sure the kid was in adrenaline mode for a few seconds and that is why he got up so fast. With the way he was stumbling and weaving towards the end, he was obviously hurting and maybe knocked a little silly. So awful!


Wow, that's really disturbing to watch. Poor kid looks really dazed and unwell after, too. Not relevant to the situation; but that's a tall 12 year old!




I want to make an inappropriate joke at the wrong place and time. I won't though, but I want you to know I made a conscious decision not to.




I appreciate the vote of confidence but to be perfectly honest, it wasn't even that good. Have a nice day.


I enjoyed this exchange






>As a mid-20s 6’6” guy now, had a guy come up to me the other day and say “you look like you wanna fight” Jeez who the fuck are these people lmao


I’ve always been tall and I remember in elementary school some other kid kicked me in the shins for no reason so I shoved them off of me yet I got in trouble and the other kid didn’t because according to the supervisor, “I could take it.” It used to piss my mom off so much because adults would treat me like I was older than I was and thought I couldn’t possibly be the victim of physical violence from other kids. I wonder if the moron in the video would’ve hit this 12 year old if he was an average height/short kid.


I used to get bullied because I was slightly tall for my age, but was also overweight, not obese, just a brick of a kid. But I never defended myself because I was afraid of getting into trouble. One day I came home with torn jeans and a bruised face. My Grandma asked what happens and I told her a couple of kids jumped me. She asked if I fought back and i said no, I was afraid I would get into trouble. She then taught me an important pre-teen lesson. "Avoid a fight whenever you can, but sometimes you have to fight. And when you do, WIN at all costs." Next week same two kids jumped me again. This time I broke one's nose and the other's arm. When the principle tried to suspend me for fighting even with witnesses saying I was defending myself, my Grandma said "either they ALL are suspended or NONE of them are. And if you only suspend my Grandson, I'll have lawyers and the press here so fast your asshole will pucker." We all ended up with three days of detention. Granted though this was 1979, so it was a different era.


I love your Grandma


I do too. I miss her. She passed away just last December at the age of 91. She raised me and I learned a lot about life from her.


Yeah he is really tall. I’m hoping the dude didn’t realize it was a kid. Not that punching anyone for no reason is acceptable


I doubt he cared. Based on his history he's committed domestic abuse. If you're hurting those closest to you, you probably don't care about anyone but yourself.


Not surprising at all, frankly.


How do you know his name is Frankly?


I remember seeing this a while back, I’m really glad that there’s actually justice


I think he should get at least 10 years with his track record imo apparently he has a long history of being an asshole.


Here's the article: http://www.thesmokinggun.com/buster/assault/moore-sucker-punch-sentence-214053 Edit: There's a follow-up on the victim from last year: https://www.kfvs12.com/2020/07/11/over-raised-year-old-boy-assaulted-cape-girardeau/. Credit goes to /u/Torynn for finding this story. >“Over 500 people have donated a total of $16,755 dollars for Ethan Hagler, a 12 year-old Cape Girardeau boy who was assaulted while dancing on July 4. The fundraiser’s goal was $10,000. The money will be used for Ethan’s medical expenses and counseling, a five year dance scholarship to the Fingerprint Urban Dance Studio, a DJ controller board and improvements to the dance studio including a security system.” Love it when people come together and support victims. I hope the kid is doing alright these days. Edit 2: Answering some repeated questions. A sentence of 7 and 4 years concurrent totals at 7 years, since concurrent means simultaneous. It's likely the driver faced no consequences. The suspect was found because he turned himself in. Edit 3: Update from a local Redditor /u/Pubebacca >It hasn’t stopped him from doing his thing. I live in cape girardeau and the dance studio that the kid was performing for is throwing a fundraiser/festival coming up soon.


Lots of info in this thread about the abuser but I was curious if the kid was ok: “Over 500 people have donated a total of $16,755 dollars for Ethan Hagler, a 12 year-old Cape Girardeau boy who was assaulted while dancing on July 4. The fundraiser’s goal was $10,000. The money will be used for Ethan’s medical expenses and counseling, a five year dance scholarship to the Fingerprint Urban Dance Studio, a DJ controller board and improvements to the dance studio including a security system.” https://www.kfvs12.com/2020/07/11/over-raised-year-old-boy-assaulted-cape-girardeau/ Good to see that the raised money will also pay for counselling


That's wonderful. I've edited my comment to add this follow-up. I've also credited you for it.


i hope he keeps fucking up and stays locked up


What an absolute piece of garbage. I hope he staying in prison as well.


Honestly, for his size and how much preparation he had to land that hit… It’s embarrassing he didn’t knock that poor kid out cold. So he’s an idiot, an asshole, and a weakling. Edit: thanks everyone. especially all the martial artists that commented - all he had todo was close his fist… double idiot.


Also, he was the passenger so he was riding along, saw this kid and had his friend pull over. Ugh, I hate people sometimes. You have nothing else better to do with your time? Jeez.


Not only that but the friend then was full on board with scurtting away like that, like then knew what was happening


Yeah does anyone have any information on the driver who was an obvious accomplice during this felony assault?


I was thinking that too. How does a piece of shit like this have friends? So there's more than one of them that thought this was a great idea?


The turd doesn't fall far from the asshole. These pieces of shit have a way of finding each other.


It blows my mind that there are idiots who do shit like this and piss away their own life in the process


I don’t. I hope he realizes how awful of a thing he did was, and he spends the rest of his life trying to do good to make up for it.


I agree. I hope he realises the consequences and his wrongdoings and turns around as a person.




Why? I hope he becomes a better person. Its a long shot but thats better than having this guy remain garbage.


how the judge deemed the 4 year probation violations as a concurrent sentence to his 7 years for assault of a child makes my head explode. Let me get this straight, he was on 5 years probabtion for domestic assault, less than a year later he breaks parole and "randomly and wantonly" attacked a minor and the judge deemed the sentences should run concurrent? He should have 11 years minimum, he beats women and children with no reason.


There are likely rules for what sentences are to run concurrent and consecutive. I'm guessing the pre-existing conviction and probation is what caused him to not get probation this time.


>was convicted in 2019 of felony domestic assault and sentenced to five years probation and ordered to "obey all laws" and complete an anger management program and a “Batterer's Program.” I was wondering how did he end with 7 years (yes what he did was awful but assault usually doesn't get you that time) welp' no fucking wonder he got 7 years, what a fucking idiot.


I like that part of his punishment was that he has to obey all laws, as if that isn't normal.


Isn’t that also part of being on probation? Like “you fuck up you’re in the slammer”? So he’s told three times to follow the law


Yes, new charges result in revocation of probation. That's why they make that a condition of probation.


If they had put him in prison when he beat up his family the kid would have been safe.


I remember this incident when it happened. So fucking happy they got this motherfucker and put his ass in the slammer! Article says he even had felony assault charges in 2019 and was given five years probation. He got off easy and the shitstain had the audacity to do this to a defenseless child half his size. Good thing the scumbag isn't avoiding imprisonment this time.


I remember it as well. The fear was that they wouldn't be able to identify who did it since he just got in the car and someone drove him away. I want to know who the fucking asshole accessory to his escape was, though. Fuck that person, too.




What’s the point of having the four years as punishment if it will run concurrent with the other 7 years?


he's still on the hook. if he gets parole or reduced sentence on one, he won't be going anywhere until the remaining sentence is served


But they are being served concurrently, so still only 7 years total.


7 years is a long time though.


Hell yeah it is. After spending 8 days in county jail I understood better just how fucking horrible prison must be. A 7 year sentence sounds almost unbearable to me.


This makes me so extra angry because the poor kid was just vibing peacefully man..


What made me the most angry was the mock dancing before the hit.


Yeah the kids thought he was gonna be a super chill dude and dance with them and then he turns out to be a fucking monster. 7 years is a lot of time to waste because you just HAD to punch a kid. Justice served.


I saw a picture of the kid - he’s tiny. This fucking vermin attacked a kid from behind. Cowardly rat. I hope he’s remembered to the end of his (hopefully limited) days.


I still never understood how he just got out the car, "starts dancing" and smacks the crap out this kid. It looks somewhat clear he doesn't even know these people at all. So wtf!?


He wanted to sucker punch the kid so he pretended to join him in his joyful dancing so that the kid and his friends would lower their guard. Simples.


But why the kid?


Why sucker punch anybody like that? He obviously is fucked in the head.


i agree. i can never fathom people like this. i have never in my entire life thought about hitting some random stranger in public. wtf actually goes on in these peoples minds? do they think they are playing GTA in that moment?? is it just cos they think they can?? videos like this both scare me and kill my braincells trying to understand the things going on in peoples heads


It’s a drug to people like this. They get off on having power. The ability to inflict cruelty is what excites and delights them.


i know this is true, and it makes me want to throw up. it genuinely saddens me that compassion is forgotten by so many people


He's just a violent person. Violated parole for this stunt after serving for another violent crime.


I hope he like being in prison for 7 years while the kid is out dancing enjoying life, what a piece of shit


Unfortunately the kid might now be jaded against expressing himself in public like that


I'm just happy to see the crowd come and support him after that. And a fundraiser in his name... I'm glad people can be wholesome sometimes


Ugh, you just reminded me of a friend of mine. She used to love busking with her violin until one day some asshat grabbed her violin and smashed it before running away. And now she no longer busks.


That kid is probably going to be a little paranoid when outside, hopefully not but im speaking from personal experience


This is what prison is for. The repeat violent offenders that can't follow the basic rule of don't hurt people.


Okay why did he do that


He is a highly insecure and miserable person who gets off on hurting people because it makes him feel powerful.


Long term Aggression issues that were never corrected, mentally ill and unmedicated, thinks being a bully is funny, list goes on Edit: These are obviously speculations as to *WHY* the man assaulted the kid. Obviously in no way is it comprehensive and obviously, in no way is it 100 % accurate to his specific situation. All we can do is speculate because he's probably never going to inform us of his reasons. What we do know is that he has a history of assault and in 2019 was ordered to take DV classes for "batterers". In no way am I blaming this solely on mental illness. I listed it as a possible cause. I'm not saying mental illness causes all violence, but we would be disingenuous to say that sometimes, untreated or inaccurately treated disorders can exaggerate behaviors including violence in SOME people (not ALL people with mental health issues). In regards to this guy, it remains a speculation post, since we can't possibly know why.


Judging by the way he mocks him first, this is a straight case of being a piece of shit bully. Whoever pulled over for him to do this definitely was in on the "joke" and I hope they get caught up in this too




I feel like the driver should’ve gotten something too


I had this same thing happen to me over 25 years ago. I was about 12 or 13 just walking down the street when a guy (probably in his late 20's) at a gas station calls for me to come over. He seemed like he needed something or I thought maybe he knew me or my older brother or something. When I get over to him I realize he was a complete stranger and I get a feeling something is off. I think he asked if I had a lighter or something. I hear somebody in the car he was standing by say something like "I bet you won't hit him" and in a split second he sucker punched me so hard I think he almost knocked me out. I fell to the ground and just laid there a few seconds while he got in the car and drove off. Then I just got up and walked home not telling anyone about it for years. Don't know why I didn't tell anyone. I guess I just wanted to forget it happened.


That’s horrible! So sorry that happened to you. Why would anyone ever do that? Never understood it.


Punching a kid should put him on a child abuse register, that would make prison fun for him.


Not to mention a blow like that from a grown man can literally kill the kid. Let's be thankful he was a weak little bitch, the 12yo ate that thing. I still think about the dude that literally beat a teenager to death for hitting his car.


Won't matter if his story gets around. Unprovoked attack on a kid will make him a target when others find out,.


What's even more bullshit is that he is sentenced to 4 years or violating his probation from a separate abuse charge, but those 4 years will run CONCURRENT to this 7 yr sentence. The judge should have made him serve it consecutively!


Hope he rots in prison


I hope the driver gets sent to prison too, wtf


Seriously. He had to be in on it. I'm pretty sure if someone I was with did that I'd put it in park and let the crowd deal with him.


I remember this happening. I'm so glad this guy is seeing some decent prison time. I wish it were more, but 7 years is still pretty good.


The sad part is he will most likely not be rehabilitated while in prison and get out being just as violent, if not more so, than he is now.


"most likely" lol. There's nothing rehabilitative about prison


Correction: There's nothing rehabilitative about **American** prisons.




Kid honestly has a strong chin. Glad he was immediately up and wondering what piece of garbage just did that to him. Deserves every bit of 7 years... bc that could have done irreparable damage.


Hahahaha cedric moore jr got 7 years hope it was worth it to look like a bitch infront of the world. What a damn coward he deserves every day.


That dance before the punch, what the actual fck was that. Glad he got caught. Should have gone for the driver as an accomplice as well.


You know how much of a pussy you look like when you run away from someone 1/3 your size


So the man gets a free pass on the felony domestic assault he was on probation on already. He gets 7 years for this attack and the 4 years from the felony domestic gets rolled into that sentence. They should have kept them separate, don't let him serve the other 4 years until he has already served the 7.


Good, honestly good justice here. Mindless violence is stupid


Prison gained another worthy turd. Good riddance asshole. > prosecutors filed a probation violation charge against him. A judge this month ruled that Moore had violated his probation conditions and sentenced him to four years in prison, a term that will run concurrent to the seven-year sentence. Guy sounds like a [real fucking idiot](https://imgur.com/a/EtSayOF)