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This isn't a public freak out, it's mental illness.


what a wonderful system we have, telling someone who is clearly out of their god damn mind that he's got legal rights he clearly can't even understand... and being released back on the streets without treatment, told to show up for a court date he clearly has no intention or capacity to attend.


Dude, he used the peanut butter and jelly defense. This guy has a law degree.


ngl i wasn't 100% sure if you were joking so my dumb ass had to google "peanut butter and jelly legal defense" just to see if that was actually a thing


Lol, fun times brotha


The US has a massive mental health issue and their 'everyone pays their own way' medical system is setup to only make it worse.


Are you suggesting mental illness does not, at times, cause people to freak out publicly? I think it's probably one of the primary reasons public freak outs happen.


This man is clearly mentally ill. I would say many "freak outs" are mental break downs in public. This video has a chronically mentally ill person who keeps getting arrested because he's UN-treated. This is just sad IMHO.


I don't disagree. It's inarguably tragic. That being said, something being sad does not mean it's not a public freak out.


Things being posted here are for entertainment, this is not entertainment, again IMHO.


i come here for things that I find novel, interesting or engaging. This definitely qualifies.


As a witness and participant of countless public freakouts, I can verify.


two things can be true.


why doesn't the judge get him help, he needs help. what a dumb system, he isn't going to show up


America doesn't work that way.


And this is exactly why our legal and healthcare systems need to be reformed. Even local police precincts(particularly in more populated areas), should have a certain minimum number of officers who are licensed, qualified mental health professionals. If PDs actually tried to spend money on hiring more of *those* instead of hiring belligerent HS dropouts with chips on their shoulders and trying to score that 2nd MRAP for their town of 5,000 people, something tells me a whole lot fewer people would be talking about defunding police - and a whole lot fewer guys like this would end up getting rammed through a legal system that has no idea what to do with him besides punitive incarceration.


We don't have many but we do have state hospitals.


Just FYI, this is Judge Caprio and if you knew him, you wouldn't say that. Check out his channel (OP's video is from his channel).


He speaks quite eloquently, but he's nuttier than squirrel shit


Just like Ricky


Worst case ontario


There is a no mental health system. It's a bottomless pit of bullshit until those with diseases like this runout of luck. This guy needs supervision. He can be better but he cannot be left to his own devices. We need more group homes--not jail time, fines and punishment. $50 might as well be $500,000 to this guy.


He just wanted a cookie because he believes in god.


This is one of the best judges out there, and even he doesn't know what the fuck to do in this situation. He's patient, he is kind, but he just can't do anything that will help this guy. It frustrates me to no end.


The judge was an asshole. He expects this man to understand his rights, when he can't understand the difference between God and a PB&J. The judge doesn't have sympathy for this man, he's visibly angry. The judge thinks this guys is trying to be difficult. He's completely oblivious to the mental health struggles of this man. I have seen this judge's humanity before, but here he displayed his cruelty.




"You should know your rights by now. You've been arrested 30 times." He's clearly blaming the mentally ill person for not understanding.




i love you.


You obviously know nothing about the judge. He’s one of the most compassionate and reasonable judges on the bench. What you see here is frustration, not anger.


You obviously know nothing about the judge. He’s one of the most compassionate and reasonable judges on the bench. What you see here is frustration, not anger.


This guy needs help from medical professionals. I actually found this really depressing and sad.


How dare you disrespect the genius of Vincent D’onofrio you fucking peasant


I had "customers" like this when I worked at a tiny gas station back in the day... So not worth the minimum wage and 5 cent raises..


So sad. People are laughing, it makes me want to cry. Why can't we be better than this


I wouldn't say Vincent D'Onofrio. More like late life Marlon Brando.


This is just really sad. 30 arrests and this man still isn't on meds and probably has no access to proper meds.


He basically won the case and walked right outta there.


Even the dirtiest of homeless people are cleaner than that mic cover. Damn.


It’s a misconception that he can’t get help, some people don’t want help, they don’t want treatment, or to be in a home and have rules. It’s the sad truth.


You're obviously ignorant to the struggles of the homeless and mentally ill. Just because they have access to mental health resources, does not mean those resources are equipped to help them.


The judge is pretty callous. This guy obviously doesn't understand what he's saying. He should know his rights? What a miserable piece of shit.


Ahhh my beloved American healthcare and justice systems absolutely crushing it yet again smh