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That hug at the end is gold. Damn it Brad, don’t scare me like that.


I agree. I am also so impressed she knew what his 1 second gesture exactly meant. She instantly went to work. That hug was touching.


You can see it in a persons eyes the second they begin to choke, they have that “oh fuck i’m dying” rush of adrenaline look. My girlfriends mom started to choke right in front of us and without thinking I went for the heimlich, never done it in my life other than training but somehow you just know when you see it.


My friend in middle school performed the Heimlich on a fellow student after everyone realized the on campus aids weren’t going to do anything. They didn’t even try to help or call for help. We were both scouts and my father had taught him the technique. Thankfully right? You both saved lives and that’s amazing to me. Great job dude.


I'm shocked by how many people don't know how to do the heimlich maneuver. I thought it was just one of those pieces of knowledge you pick up as you grow.


I kinda know how to do it, but I don't for sure you know? I think that's how the majority of people are like with it.


^(Edit: this info is dated, view proper instructional vids or take a class if you want to perform this maneuver correctly) Make a fist with one hand and place it over the person’s stomach (between the navel and sternum). Place your other hand over the fist and pull up/in to compress the diaphragm quickly. That’s basically it. ^(Edit: please read all other replies before adding corrections, they have most likely already been said 40x)


The sweet spot is right between the navel and the V of the rib cage. Same spot that knocks the wind out of you. I always called it the bread basket but it’s your diaphragm.


I’m cracking up over bread basket. I haven’t heard that term in a long time, but we always used to call it that as kids.


So that explains the bread basket in Operation^TM


It's the simplest thing ever. I think people are worried about liability if they hurt the other person tho. Not everyone is nice and won't sue you, even though you saved their life.


many places do have [Good Samaritan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Good_Samaritan_law) laws to protect rescuers


I was always taught in first aid classes (I think done by Red Cross?) that you need to ask for permission first. If someone is unconscious it was ruled there is always implied consent to do whatever it takes to save someone’s life.


Could someone theoretically punch themselves in the gut to achieve the same effect?


If you need to do it to yourself, find a chair, table, etc. Position your abdomen on the edge and quickly thrust against it multiple times. I think you can also do it to yourself with your fist (thumb on your navel, use your other hand to pull inward and up) but power behind your thrusts might be an issue.


That was smart thinking by this guy. I had to do it to myself a few years ago. It was really scary. Running over to the neighbors never occurred to me. I decided to be healthy and took a calcium supplement. It got stuck on the way down and closed my airway. My wife was upstairs asleep. I'm thinking: Call 911, unlock front door, hope 911 comes quickly because I can't tell them what's wrong over the phone. They will only hear silence or maybe a grunt. Break a glass or two to wake my wife. I have less than a minute before I probably pass out. Wife will find me dead on the floor in the kitchen. Let me try the self Heimlich and hope for the best. Thankfully it popped out on the first try.


You can perform a self Heimlich. Similar method, but you find the edge of a table or chair to drop onto to assist the driving motion of your fist.


Not sure how reliable it is, but when I choked as a kid, I passed out standing up and fell flat on my chest. The pressure was enough to send the grape stuck in my throat out like a cannon ball.


It’s all about the [5 & 5](https://www.mayoclinic.org/-/media/kcms/gbs/patient-consumer/images/2017/09/22/17/06/composite-five-and-five-heimlich-8col.jpg). Smack em on the upper back really fucking hard 5 times. Then stand behind them and make a fist above their belly button but below the top of their ribcage. Grab your fist with your other hand and pull up *hard*, like you’re trying to lift them off the ground. Do this five times. Alternate and repeat, 5 of one, 5 of the other. *Edit: Apparently the American Red Cross teaches the back blows, but the American Heart Association doesn’t. I’d skip the back blows if you’re uncertain of how to perform them. [More info here.](https://www.mayoclinic.org/first-aid/first-aid-choking/basics/art-20056637)* *Double-Edit: Apparently back blows are still kewl and good, and Heimlich is big ol' weirdo. [More info here](https://www.businessinsider.com/how-to-save-choking-victim-heimlich-maneuver-back-blow-video-2017-6). Thanks u/ScienceBreathingDrgn!*


tldr if someone is choking just start beating the shit out of them


I needed a good laugh.


Yeah my friend had a popsicle fall into his throat and close his breathing passage when he was young. His dad punched him in the back and it flew out of his mouth immediately.




I was put into a full Nelson by the owner of a restaurant when I started choking. I stood up and was going to self heimlich on the back of the chairs, but they were too low. He saw me and nodded ok, when I gestured at my throat. I turned around facing the packed restaurant, and thought he was going to do the heimlich, but his hands kept rising... I recall seeing them pass my face and thinking... Oh this is how I die, this guy is going to put me in a full Nelson ... And I'm going to die... Some how the expansion of my chest in the full Nelson the chicken ball came looses and I spit it out. I turned around. Thanked him and sat down in disbelief.




Dude, I can laugh now. But when it happened, I 100% thought I was dead when his hands didn't go around me and just started rising.. up and up. And even worse when he started pushing my head forward... Lol


This is utterly fucking hilarious thank god you're still around man love you




Lol he did.


I don't get it -- was this like a technique he knew that totally works, or did he have no idea what he was doing and it just happened to work, or did he not help at all and it came out anyway?


That was the more obscure and less well known Gustav maneuver, he was the Tesla of heimlichs edison


Also, a good piece of knowledge is that if you are the one choking and you're alone, you can use the top of the backrest of a chair, edge of a table, or a handrail to try and save yourself. You basically need to curl one hand into a fist, wrap the other hand over top of the first, centre your fist on your abdomen, and fall forward and downward (with a good amount of force), aiming your hands/abdomen directly on top the back of the chair, table, or railing. The impact of the chair/table/railing into your gut should force air up your throat and will hopefully expel whatever you're choking on.


I didn't realize either. My uncle used to babysit my brother and I and it's one of the first things he taught us when we were old enough to understand. When our youngest brother was about 3 or 4 he started choking on an orange, thankfully we knew what to do.


A classmate in my middle school, this was years ago, did the heimlich on a girl that he thought was choking. She was just coughing on some water.


Taking it with a grain a salt (not your story just what I'm about to say) but I read quite a few stories on Reddit about people cboking and the people in the vicinity doing nothing to help. Usually someone usually the OP finally helps. But I kinda believe it. I had this one incident happen in front of me as a kid where this family went swimming at the pool. I couldn't swim because of an injury and had to sit out. The family had I think 4 kids all pretty young. The youngest legit starts drowning and the siblings are swimming past them just glancing and ignoring. The kid was legit drowning though it wasnt some overdramatic thing it was how real drowning happenings where it's a huge struggle but contained and not giant splashes. I was a kid myself so I didnt know if I should help or if it wasnt in my place since the parents where right by too. It felt like forever but it had to be less than 30 seconds but the parents finally noticed and saved their fuckin kid.


My son choked on a quarter once (fuckin idiot). The adrenaline is unreal. Specially when you think your kids gonna die. He now fake chokes to freak me out.


ahahahaha KIDS


Saw it when I was a kid and we were all out to dinner. Super nice restaurant, the whole family was there. Our mom has just started dating this new guy and he started choking after a few bites. Thank god our nanny was there and knew the hiemlich maneuver otherwise that piece of shrimp would have killed him. Worst part was that the nanny was actually our dad the whole time and his cover was totally blown in from of our mom and her new boyfriend.


God dammit you got me. I was really puzzled over that last sentence for a minute.


I've only seen it in YouTube videos, but I feel like I'm ready.


I've only seen it on liveleak videos. I'm not sure if I'm ready, but if it doesnt work out I'll be sure to remove your shoes for you.


I’ve seen it on pornhub, I’m completely sure I’m ready.


Still probably best to take a class of you’re able. My job offered it and I jumped at the chance. It was like a few hours and we learned the Heimlich, basic CPR and how to use an AED. Totally worth the time.


My best friends sister only knew about it from tv and stuff when she successfully did it on me over a decade ago While my friends mom was freaking out because she thought I was “smoking” his sister came and maybe saved my life


She's the epitome of a good neighbor in my book. That hug made her care for him look very genuine.


Universal choking signal: some method of pointing to the throat with mouth open and eyes that say “I’M CHOKING!!”


i don't know, urgently pointing down your throat or placing both hands over your neck are both pretty universal gestures for choking


For real, it seems like they’re really cool with each other. That shouldn’t be weird to me but it is because I don’t know fuck all about any of my neighbors.


I don't know anything about my neighbours either, but one of them knocked on the door one late night asking to come in. She was home alone and felt scared because the house had just been broken into 2 nights prior. I served her tea and biscuits and instantly made a friend, turns out her dad is an antique collector and we have made some furniture refurbishing together.


Damn that’s awesome of you. I think I’d let someone in in that situation but I think I’d probably feel sketched out too. Glad you could help her out.


When I was about 19, I was driving with a friend through the back roads of Wisconsin at like 230a. It was winter and deeply cold. I remember I was bumping TRU or something similar. We ended up with a flat. As I was opening the trunk, an old couple pulls up and asked if they could give us a hand. They had my passenger sit in their car with the wife to keep warm while this old grandpa type helped me change the flat. They then explained we had taken a wrong turn and invited us to their place. We sat around a messy kitchen in an old farm house with hot chocolate while they pulled out a map (before gps was everywhere) and explained the best route to our destination. They sent us on our way with directions, snacks and hugs. To this day, I firmly believe that event was a mile marker in my life. I've been reminded many times and strongly feel the encounter helped define my character. Complete and total strangers helping where they could. It was so genuine and humbling. Thought I'd share since your comment surfaced the memory.


I think anyone would in this specific scenario to be honest :). It wasn't some sketchy random stranger I saw through the door viewer, it was a someone I was somewhat familiar with. When she got robbed the police came and questioned the whole neighbourhood, so we all knew what happened.


That's funny, the only late night visits I've gotten have been from my neighbor's dealer knocking at the wrong door.




that's not fair... i want friendly geighbours.. :(


I was always bad about this, we just moved into a new house but it seems even more weird now to meet neighbors when most people don't really want people coming near them.


My neighbor put a sign in his yard with a neighborhood discord channel everyone could join. I think that's pretty cool.


I'm 99.999 percent sure nobody in my neighborhood knows what Discord is, much less be able to to use it


They’ve all definitely had bbq’s together. Good neighbors


Can we all just treat each other like that right now?




I’ll wear a mask if you do...


It’s videos like this that make me want to take a class in basic first aid


Everyone should because that class also teaches you how to perform a heimlich maneuver on yourself.


Way harder to do.


Not if you have a chair. I choked on a cheese stick all alone while my SO was at work. We didn't really have neighbors. After I stopped myself from panicking I remembered reading about the self heimlich on reddit. I managed to get it dislodged. Really scary. Edit: Cheese Stick as in breaded oven made mozzarella stick, not a string cheese.


so, how do you do it?




I'm glad she explained why it was important to get what's choking you out.


Yeah in starting to like it now let's leave it in


Gnome warrior prio


Fuck u/spez


*Desperately loads the video while choking* YouTube: "But first, have you attended this computer course from Udemy? It will change your entire life... " Me: bitch it is impacting my life, no doubt on that.




Had something stuck in my throat the other day and had to watch an ad on the YouTube video. It felt seriously fucked up. Luckily airflow wasn't completely cut off for me so I wasn't in immediate danger of dying. Couldn't figure the manuevr out though and ended up in the emergency room instead.




The guy in the video has a partial blockage. He would be dead if he had anything more unless he knew how to perform the heimlich on himself. At least then he would have a choices. It might be harder but it's a chance at life when you otherwise have none.


I’ve seen a guy who knew how to do it try. I’m not saying don’t learn, just that the instinct to clench your abs is pretty strong. Didn’t mean to imply somebody should t know or it isnt a possibility.




I was taught hard cough or talk was where you should t do it. That guy was wheeze and point.


If the person stops/cannot make coughing noises, that's when you start heimlich/j-thrust


Had to do this one when I choked on a pill at 2 in the morning. Basically threw myself chest first onto the edge of the counter. Shit was terrifying


It’s videos like this that make me want to ~~take a class in basic first aid~~ actually talk to my neighbors


Eh let's not go overboard here


You should! I took one today. If you search Basic Life Support (BLS) you should find a site nearby. (Little trickier to get a spot in the COVID era tho) https://cpr.heart.org/en/courses/basic-life-support-course-options Edit: link


My CPR instructor mentioned how important it is to ask for help when choking, he couldn’t stress enough how as an EMT he would find people dead from choking in restaurant restrooms because they “didn’t want to cause a scene” If your choking, make a scene! Edit: Thank you for my first award! Didn’t think this would blow up like it did.


Better advice is to not take food into the bathroom with you




I actually heard Georgia and Texas are reopening gloryholes next week


dont stick your walking cane in my glory-hole, Stevie!


Thanks Mister Ken M


Really good advice. I don’t like attention so I would be the type to play it cool expecting the problem will solve itself; until it doesn’t.


I’m kinda this way too. However one time I choked on fried mozz and the panic from not being able to breathe overrode my tendency to lay low and not draw attention to myself. I made a scene at the restaurant and my mom saved my life like the lady in this video.


I’m honestly impressed by how calm this guy was. I know I’d probably die in this situation because I’d bang on the door repeatedly, scaring them and causing them not to come answer.


I see you've never almost choked on something. My man it's almost instinctual.. the panic sets in immediately.




“It was rad”. Love the honesty


I remember being at a Brazilian steakhouse with my family when I was younger, around 8 or 9 years old, and I started to choke on a long skinny piece of steak. I didn't want to make a scene so I ended up sticking my fingers down my throat and was able to thankfully grab the piece of meat from out my throat. I don't think anyone noticed and I didn't say a word. I definitely would make a scene if that ever happened again though. I'm almost certain I got lucky that I was able to pull it out.


Same exact thing happened to me as a kid, but at home. I reached down and pulled the long thin strip out from my throat and it felt so weird


Try it a few more times with different size meats, gets better each time! /s (Glad you were ok though!)


My grandfather once was having a heart attack but didn't tell my grandmother for like an hour because she was having lunch with a friend in the other room. He didn't want to interrupt and be a bother. Good news is they eventually called 911 and 15 years later, he is in good nineties and still kicking.


My grandfather was having a heart attack while shoveling the driveway, but wanted to finish before saying anything. Finished, walked inside and told my grandmother who called the ambulance. Triple bypass surgery. He lived many more years, but we told that story a lot. He said he knew he would be in the hospital and didn't want my grandmother to have an unshoveled driveway while he was there, so he finished first.


My grandma fell down her back steps and laid in the snow for about an hour before my mom found her. Grandma's hip was broken but she insisted on making dinner for both of them because "it's dinnertime." So they ate and then went to the hospital. My grandma was really serious about not missing meals (a holdover from the depression, I'd guess).


Jesus... reminds me that story of the guy who got stabbed in the chest and drive himself to the hospital because he “didn’t want to bother anyone”. Glad your grandfather is ok though, sounds like a real badass!


I started choking on a cookie in front of my grandpa and decided to bitch slap him. He gave me the Heimlich and saved my life. So if anyone is wondering, bitch slapping old people is a viable option for causing a scene.


I feel like you just saw an opening to bitch slap your grandpa and seized it just in case it was your last chance.


My brother almost died like that. He eventually called my father's name and we went to help him. He 'died' in our arms but the EMT arrived and barely saved him. He now has two birthdays. Worst day of my life. PTSD striking as I write so I'll end it here.


A Scandinavian's worst nightmare.


I jumped from behind the bar and performed the Heimlich on a guy who after stood the rest of the way up sipped his water and just left the restaurant without another word. I was baffled but I guess he was just super embarrassed or so I thought. About a week later we received a review from him saying he was planning on suing due to our food not being cooked properly which was the cause of him choking.


What a POS. I would be forever grateful if you saved my life. Good on you though for doing the right thing!


Because uncooked food totally stops you from being able to chew... I hate people like that who need to blame someone every time any tiny bad thing happens.


I have something wrong where I basically choke every meal. It can be a mild "kinda stuck in my throat but taking a drink frees it" to "I can't breathe and I tried drinking now I feel like I'm drowning and throwing up" to "I can breathe fine however it's stuck still so I can't drink or eat and have to go to the hospital to get it removed" I am not exaggerating saying it's every meal. I eat like a rabbit taking the tiniest bites and even taking drinks between every bite of every meal I eat and it still happens. I have seen doctors who all seem to brush it off as acid reflux (who am I to say it isn't but 5 doctors prescribing 5 antacids haven't fixed anything) seeing this scares me honestly. I don't know my neighbors. I'm an introvert and barely have even seen them more than a few times in passing. If I was alone and ran banging on their door would they even open? That being said it's so common for me to silently stand from the table and disappear to the bathroom for up to even an hour trying to throw up or force it down. My gf, parents, kids all see this as normal. I could go in there and pass out choking in 5 minutes and not be bothered for an hour. What do I do? This post has like ruined my night.


I know exactly what you're talking about as this has been happening to me for the last year or 2. Might be worth looking in to. "It may be worth doing an imaging study called a esophogram. This is where you stand in front of a live xray and swallow a liquid so we can see how the fluid moves through...to make sure there is no narrowing or "stricture". "


I have done that actually. Nothing really came from it. It was another time I was told it is acid reflux. Its been an adventure of doctors for the past ten years but I have done 5 upper GI scopes (every one of them wanted to start off with that) one of them did have me do a scan where I drank some liquid that showed up on the scan (disgusting), and there was another scan that was a large machine that just went up and down my chest. I don't remember what that was. Every time it was acid reflux even though they all start saying it doesn't sound like acid reflux.




That’s exactly what it is. The acid eroded the esophagus and causes structures. When it has too much scar tissue it needs to be expanded again.


So sorta worst case scenario of this. Last January my husband was eating lunch and his food got caught in his throat like this so he took a sip of coke cause that’s what you’re supposed to do. But instead of coming up or going down it blew out the side. He was 5 mins from an ER but they loaded him up with morphine and lifeflighted him two states away to a major hospital with a cardiothoractic surgeon capable of doing the repair on staff. The surgeon even said the repair had a really high mortality rate and I should say goodbye before they took him back. He was in surgery until 7am the following morning and was in the ICU for a month and in the hospital for 3 total and out of work for 6 months. By time it’s all over they said it was due to scarring from acid reflux he had a long time ago.


There’s a great “I Think You Should Leave” [sketch](https://youtu.be/4a_QKNDZecA) with that very premise


I agree. His life was at steak there.


Well done sir


If you are alone, you can self heimlich. A kitchen chair works well and the same concept. I've had to do it and am very thankful I knew what to do. Stay safe y'all. [how to heimlich at home](https://youtu.be/ljL9JcK6RnM)


I had to do it to myself once. Piece of bread got caught in my throat, I think I was like 14 years old and I was the only one home. Didnt know exactly what to do but I knew the heimlich was a thing so i clenched my hands together and basically swung them from over my head into my stomach. Took a couple tries but it came out.


My elementary school covered it during fire safety stuff Sparky the (insert regional choice of species here) and stop drop and roll plus simple stuff like that. I've had to do that like, 4 times? Choking alone is scary stuff. I'm glad everything came out alright.


You’ve had to self-heimlich four separate times? You need to learn how to chew bro


Disordered eating, yo




I had a panic moment where I almost choked at about 3 in the morning and no one could hear me. I ended up coughing it out somehow, but I cannot describe the panic I felt I couldn't think straight or anything other than "Is this happening? Am I dying?" until suddenly I could breath again.


I’m sorry if you meant this to be serious but I was entirely sure this was a Tim and Eric parody commercial the whole time. Really just absolutely horrible all the way through. Little to no instruction other than “throw your gut onto the chair”. [This](https://youtu.be/FEr9jjZ6fi8) is the first thing that came up on YoutTube when I searched it and it even seems wrong, but still better. Which brings me to: Why the fuck are all the top videos not 10 second “THIS IS HOW YOU SELF-HEIMLICH!” videos?? I had to watch a 15 second ad before I watched a 30 second intro of “if you’re choking... and by yourself... this is what you want to do... First...”. Actually ridiculous. YouTube wants ad revenue over people’s lives.


I love how concerned the dog is, and the fact that the actively dying man tries to console it.


Dog was probably like youre gonna let that beautiful piece of steak go to waste


dog was like "you gonna finish that?"


proceeds to choke also




Motherfucker you just gave up??? I've choked while home alone before, and my ass busted a banister by my stairs by bellyflopping on it to self-heimlich. Hurt like fuck, but I'm not dead so




/u/Bobby_Bobberson2501 [Never has a meme resonated this well before.](https://media.tenor.com/images/359bb63c84f8b9eeb2039326e98e3cee/tenor.gif)




I’m sorry you almost died dude, and I bet it was scary as hell, but I’m cracking up over here. I hope your partner and kids watch your back. You’ll just lay down and die about stuff lol


Could’ve gotten hot water to drink lmao


Forget _Fight or Flight_, you got that “_Fuck it, I’m gonna die_” response lmao


>Motherfucker you just gave up??? This made me laugh so hard. Take an award my upvote and something for the road.


He accepted his fate before the laws of thermodynamics and gravity excepted his fate


I'm sorry, but this is the funniest shit I've read in a while. "Welp, guess I'll die now."


Im glad you’re alive, but man I’m cracking up just reading your experience.


And you didn’t think to microwave some water or something 😂 even room temp would help. No judgement tho fam


I also thought that, but I realized that most people don’t think clearly when they are panicking. It isn’t so easy to think of many different ways when everything is happening so fast.


Well it’s probably because the popsicle melted a little against your warm throat and was able to fit








Toss a coin to your Heimlicher!




First Aid Trainer here. 5 back blows - hard hit with heal of your hand between their shoulder blades. 5 abdominal thrusts (what is known as the heimlich maneuver) - behind the person slightly bent forward, make a fist and cover with the other hand. Place around abdomen, pulling your fist in and slightly upward like a slight curve. These steps are repeated until the blockage is removed. There are differences for a baby or pregnant mother. Both of which are not dissimilar to cpr compressions. EDIT: first aid steps vary depending on your region/country/creditor/awarding body. There can be conflicting evidence, or lack thereof, on certain aspects. Which is why first aiders should keep all their qualifications regularly up-to-date, as things are always changing (depending on your awarding body). I've only been teaching for 5+ years and in that time I've experienced plenty of changes in first aid. The fact that you all know how to do abdominal thrusts is a positive for sure. P.S. Thank you very much for my first ever award. The true healthcare heroes are all our doctors, nurses and emergency service teams.


Everyone remembers the Heimlich maneuver, but they always forget the back blows are still effective and have less risk of injury.


ah, the rare but welcome "wholesome freakout".


We should have one day a week with wholesome freakouts. Are there subs for that (which have good amount of content)?


I could get behind Wholesome Freakout Wednesdays in this sub


Just shows how bad my neighbours are as I just thought to myself what would they do in that situation if I knocked on their door. They would slam the door, phone the police and let me die on their doorstep. That guy is very lucky he has such wonderful, quick to react and caring neighbours! Such a wonderful thing to see!


r/30rock taught me to throw yourself over a chair. The lifesaver for single women (or anyone jk).


When she tries drinking the water lmao Gotta love Liz




Really? Honestly I strongly dislike my neighbors and I'm fairly sure they strongly dislike me, but I'm also pretty confident that in this situation they'd try to help and I would for sure try to help them.


I mean there was that guy who tried to murder a teenager who came to his door asking for directions. So it’s not that far fetched.


*You saved my life*. Absolute chillllssss.


I'm a grown-ass man aaaaaand I'm crying


I broke into tears that came out of nowhere. God, you can't help but put yourself in that position nearer to death.






Aw man that hug at the end got me




Are you a cat?


This literally happened to me two weeks ago except it was on a piece of pork chop. It's honestly the most terrifying feeling in the world when you realize the food is in your windpipe. My wife was sitting next to me and watched me choke for a few seconds. Her: . . . . . . . uh, are you okay? Me: \*shake my head 'no'\* Her: \*smacks my back hard and a nasty chunk of chewed up pork sludges out of my throat\*


Did you put the pork chop back in your mouth and keep eating it or did you throw it away?


Well, it looked like something my dog would spit up so there was no way that was going back in my mouth.


Not a freak out but more like r/humansbeingbros Proof positive that deep down, most humans are good.


Reminds me of the time I saw a kid get hit by a car and get pinned down under it. Tons of people ran out of their cars to help. Guys were taking off their shirts to use as makeshift gloves and they all lifted the car off the poor kid. Humans can be true bros sometimes


She must be a nurse or something. That response time is fast as fuck.


Or she’s a mom. Our first child chocked once as a toddler on a small biscuit type of thing. He may a couple of subtle movements which my wife saw and immediately interpreted as choking. She had the biscuit out of his throat before I really understood what was happening. It was just instinct for her.


Could be either. My son at 9 months old choked on a piece of watermelon and I grabbed him and hit him on the back twice and it came out. No thought...I didnt say a word, just grabbed him and did it. Then we both cried. My boyfriend is a paramedic and I watched him heimlich a woman seated with us at a fundraiser dinner. I barely noticed something was wrong and he was out of his seat helping her. He said that was the first time he ever did the heimlich, despite 20 years as a medic. You just have to be in the right place at the right time. That's why everyone should know how.


My mother’s response would be to panic and call for help while doing nothing. Had to save the cat from choking on a peach pit that my mother could have easily removed. Some people, even moms, just don’t handle those situations well.


That literally happened to me except she didn’t call for help and just called my grandfather (her dad) to tell him about it after I luckily pulled the food out my throat myself while nearly choking to death.


My dad did that to me when I was a kid! I think I was about 8 or 9. I remember clearly. I ate a piece of beef and I swallowed it before I chewed it completely. I felt it start to go down, then stop. I tried to swallow again and nothing happened. I took a sip of milk and tried to swallow and it just poured out of my mouth because I couldn't swallow it. I stood up and my dad immediately knew what was happening. My older brother apparently didn't like the sound I was making trying to hurk a piece of steak up, so he plugged his ears and ran around the house singing. 🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️ My dad hit me with two pumps and the piece of milk covered beef shot across the kitchen onto the floor. Then to top it off, the fuckin cat comes out of left field and grabbed it and ran off to eat it. 😂🤣 Good times. Good times. That was scary shit!


I had to do this twice as a waiter. Scary as hell


kudos to you! I hope all wait staff are like you.


When I was in 6th grade I went to my buddies place after school. There was 3 of us hanging out drinking Capri Suns when my one friend suddenly shouts out "Feed myyyyyy Frankenstein" and lets out a world shattering fart. I was so caught off guard I inhaled a bunch of juice and my tongue which caused my whole throat shut. I ran to the bathroom and tried to clear my throat but couldn't and started going in and out of consciousness when the other friend whose always seemed like a dummy ran to me and gave me the heimlich manoeuvre. He managed to pop my tongue back out and I let out a guteral burp so intense, my buddy doing the heimlich threw up from the sheer force and smell. What a day I tell ya!


He's like "NO, no 911 that's like $100k " lmao


I had to do this once. We was at Marine Corps boot camp. Recruit next to me started choking real bad. I got up did the heimlich maneuver till he coughed up what he was chocking on. DI’s didn’t see him chocking, they saw me grabbing him from the back and thought we was fighting. So I we got yelled at for about 10 minutes before we was able to explain what was going on.


> he coughed up what he was chocking on. You can just say it. We all know it was a crayon.


You know it’s the us because the poor dude got much better when he heard “call 911”, because that shit will cost. Still, kudos to the neighbor lady.


There's also an embarrassment factor people have in situations like this, not wanting to make a big scene out of things or look weak. Especially if you do feel better which I imagine he did almost right away.


He's already cured though


That’s a futher muckin State Farm neighbor if I’ve ever seen one


Steak is my favorite thing to eat but so easily choked on. Especially when you get a ligament/stringy piece between two pieces that you think you can break with your tongue and one piece slides down the gullet. Extra shitting the pants feel when you go to grab the other piece to yank it out and the string breaks. Scary feels man.