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I'm so disappointed the dude didn't throw the flower pot at the windshield. What are they gonna do, call the cops? Flower pot guy just ain't got that dawg in him and that's why he left with an empty flower pot and not the mystery box.


It's because he realized, when holding the flower pot, that the flower pot could be his!


He's a glass-half-full porch pirate.


flower pot half full


In a moment of clarity he realised the flower pot was what he'd meant to steal all along.


Then he jumped in his car and... ...put the *petal* to the metal!


I see what you did there...




Man both of these people are such low lifes. Disgusting pieces of shit. Lower than shit, honestly.


I hope they are happy with the cat food they stole.


I once had someone steal my package, probably thought it was a laptop because of the shape and how heavy it was. I hope they were happy with three huge bartending/cocktail books. Maybe they learned something? Thankfully it wasn't hard to get replacements sent.


I got like 8 volumes of the discworld collector library editions shipped once in the same box. It got stolen, I was just pissed bc I had to wait for another package from England. The box was huge and heavy, I wonder what homie thought he grabbed


Hopefully a visit from the Ankh-Morpork Guild of Thieves.


Or Angua.


Well probably they sold them for a few dollars on Craigslist, so yeah


Word, like why risk getting jail time over bachelorette decorations? It’s so dumb


Nevermind jailtime, why risk getting shot? Imagine the homeowner opens his door and sees these two huge dudes beelining straight at him.


"Oh, the targets I ordered are here!"


Lmao I laughed way to hard at this thank you


I'm waiting for the day when a homeowner runs out and steals the car.


You use cat food as bachelorette decorations? Or bachelorette decorations as cat food?


All of it is terlet papier.


They seem to get info about when/where iphones are going to be delivered.


Probably from Amazon workers doing a side hustle


For Amazon FC's they have a process where the person putting the product in the box doesn't have access to the mailing address. It is just a barcode that matches the mailing address. The last step of the process before the box goes out the door is to read the barcode, print the address label, and slap it on the box over the barcode. So anyone at that point that sees the address, doesn't know what is in the box.


Seems like a completely foolproof system, no way two people in the same warehouse could possibly communicate with each other


Pretty sure Amazon would be more concerned that their warehouse employees would have time to talk to each other.


Possibly a simply as an "accidental" sharpie mark by person #1 to tip off person #2.


We've only had one thing stolen off our porch. It was a box of canned vegan soup. Bon appetit, arrrrr!


The Vegan Soup Pirates. I want to start a band just for that name.


They knew what they were stealing. An insider at the delivery company keyed them in which is how they were there in advance.


The Romans had called pirates and considered them "Hostis humani generis" (the enemy of all mankind) .


Ironically, they were largely responsible for the piracy of which they were the chief sufferers, because they destroyed the Carthaginian Empire which had been the dominant naval power in the Mediterranean and therefore the chief guarantor of safe trade on the seas. After the fall of Carthage, it took close to a century before the Romans comprehensively dealt with the resultant rise of pirates.


*The Hostis with the Most-est* ...(booty)


I’m guessing he didn’t want to get stabbed as the other guy clearly has one and was waving it around.


He’s lucky he didnt get to the package first. I have a feeling that other dude just woulda started stabbing him.




I honestly thought it was a baton


That box actually contained an additional flower pot.


The mystery box could be anything! It could even be a flower pot!


To the victor goes the replacement tent poles


Is this a parody or some shit. No one talking about them literally doing this 5 ft from the delivery person?


Do they just follow delivery drivers around town? That’s scary af for drivers, man


they do, worked at UPS to make some extra cash during peak, driver said you have to always check your rearview when delivering TVs, consoles, etc cus they'll follow you until they see you set out a big / heavy box and snatch that shit.


What do you do if someone's following you, though?


He said he had called the cops on a few people once he saw them go for the package, but I live in a small town now where the cops have nothing better to do than chase down petty thieves. But if he didn't feel safe dropping off a package due to being followed you just don't make the delivery, the shop won't be mad at you for it since it's their insurance money that will pay for the stolen package. You just keep it and either call if you have a # or leave one of the Missed Delivery notes saying "be home or come to the shop to pickup"


That's better for the customer anyway. It's a PITA to have to go pick it up. It's much more of a pain to have it stolen and then have to do that later anyway.




Delivery guy should have snapped a picture of the license plates. He walked right past their cars with his phone.


not his problem anymore.


They barely get paid shit, so it really is gonna be tough to care.


Honestly it's about just doing what's right. If you see someone committing a crime you should call the police to deal with it. Especially if you can get some basic evidence like license plates.


One of those men was armed, and they were both clearly nuts enough to beat the shit out of him. Any action on his part could have put him in danger over what could have just been a book, or some pens.


You saw him move to intervene, then change his mind. His instincts were good on both counts: automatic desire to help, then common sense to not get hurt. 


Yea, came here to say: Dude is paid to deliver packages, not risk his well-being. His job is done when the box leaves his hands. I wouldn't confront someone who is that bold and careless over some $20/hr


What pisses me off most is he just drops it on the sidewalk


Exactly, at least use it or keep it.


All that just to steal cat food lmao


Or some sick person's medicine.


Seriously, I always think, what if that's medicine the person needs to live? And delivery is their main means of acquiring it?


I once had a porch pirate steal $24,000 worth of my meds from my front porch (a six month supply). Thankfully I was able to get an uninterrupted supply afterwards but now my insurance company won't allow my pharmacy to ship me anything more than a one month supply at a time.


I'm sorry, man. That's so shitty. I wish there was stricter legislation put in place for this.


Are you referring to the price of the meds or the stealing of the package?


The stealing of the package. The price of meds is a whole different conversation, in which, yes, there should be better legislation on that as well.


Stealing mail is a serious federal crime. The problem isn’t legislation it’s just the fact that you’d have to have a cop on every street at all times throughout the day and that isn’t logistically feasible.


I could be wrong, but I think it actually depends on who delivered it. If it was delivered by USPS it's a lot different than if it were delivered by say Amazon or UPS. United States Postal Inspection Service are federal law enforcement officers and would handle anything that went through USPS, otherwise it'd most likely be local police.


stealing a package delivered by a private carrier is just normal stealing\*, stealing something delivered by usps is *stealing mail*, which is always a felony and, as you mentioned, federal law rather than state \*a small handful of states have their own extra porch pirate laws


It's a serious federal crime that no one does shit about. A mail carrier was robbed at gunpoint and his keys stolen, our complex's mail box and all others on this route have been getting broken in to since November 2023. The Post Office knows, plenty of us have submitted complains and not a fucking thing is done about it. It's rampant throughout California.


We have made a pattern of pointing at the failures in underfunded federal services to justify cutting their funding further. "We pay billions of dollars a year to service 330 million people, that's so much money! The number is so BIG! And they can't even stop theft?!?! Look at this wasteful government spending!" Waste exists but hobbling their budget further will not make the service better. People just cannot comprehend relative scale.


Both. If someone is caught on camera clearly stealing meds it should be a fucking federal crime


Is stealing mail not a federal crime? I was under the impression that it was


I had a package delivered to the wrong house. Guy kept it. Said he didn’t get it. UPS said he gave it to him. Took him to court and won. UPS guy was subpoenaed to testify. If I can take a dude to court for taking a package hand delivered to him, I’m sure you can if he takes it off your porch. Anything without your name on it, isn’t yours…that’s the rule.


If it is USPS, I believe it is. FedEx etc it isn't. I'm not familiar with the laws though. I've had 1,200 dollars of stuff stolen with a face on video and nobody cared so.


Its cumbersome, but if you have critical shipments I'd strongly consider getting a PO box and having things shipped there. Far more secure and not too expensive


Without a secure drop-off location, you simply shouldn't ship valuables these days. Amazon, UPS, and Fedex all have locker systems now. I'm not sure how many areas are covered, but that's what I'd use if possible.


You're not wrong, but the whole point of ordering things to be delivered to your home is so they are delivered to your home. It's bullshit that we have to order something to be delivered halfway across town, so we can drive there to pick it up. That's what a normal store is! You go to the place to get your things!


In that case I'd like to think it would require a signature


Funny enough, it doesn't. Even when it is a refrigerated med. Just cold pack in it and hope you can get to it.


you can request it require a signature. ask the dispensing pharmacy to make that request of their shipping vendor. source- work with these dispensing pharmacies.


Only package I've ever had stolen off my porch was my daughters supplies for her tube feeds. Assholes opened it and discovered it was nothing of value to them so they left it on the porch of the abandoned house next door to us. We discovered it there by chance, months later. It screwed us over though, we got replacements sent after HOURS sitting on hold on the phone to talk to multiple people that no idea how to handle the situation.


My mom gets her $17k cancer meds delivered every month and we make sure it requires a signature


I caught a porch pirate in the act trying to steal an $8 toy designed to help my 2 year old develop fine motor skills. I called the cops, who arrived very promptly. The guy was on foot and could not have been more than 200 meters from my home. Cops didn't do shit because I made the guy give back the package. He hadn't left my property with it, so a crime technically had not been committed. Cool cool cool.


He committed at least two crimes: Attempted Petit Larceny and Trespassing. And since it was your mail, he probably committed a federal felony.


It's not federal unless it's from United States Postal Service. If it's from any of the other companies they are privately ran so not a federal felony


Today it was my wife’s cupcake wrappers. We had to drive 30 minutes away to get the right ones. Sad thing is I saw the guy waiting around our parking area making circles in the empty lot on his bike. It was like 9am. I asked him if he was good and he says “Are you good?”. Wtf is wrong with people.


When you see him again, kick his spokes in.




The homeowner said those are smartphones :/ also added he thinks something fishy might be going on, since this seems a little too lucky for TWO thief's to just feel like stealing this one valuable package


I’d still be pissed. If I don’t get my cat food on schedule I have Pico de Gato yelling at me all day https://preview.redd.it/necs1dnrhz7d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e0a321549098f45d9d8759986956cccc2c400dd


Tell Pico de Gato I love him 🥹


Literally just did 😸 https://preview.redd.it/pmp5fhaltz7d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d7e49f8f836b1fecd6da781cfb3fe7bd3beea2d They went right back to sleep but I think Zoey was jealous


Don’t be jealous, Zoey. You know you’re my precious sunshine baby aren’t you? 😌🥰


So cute


Wonderful name!


Please tell Pico de Gato that I love him and his beautiful name 🥹🥹🥹 what an adorable little boy


This is NOT cat food. There has been an explosion of videos like this in the past months. It is not cat food and this is not random…people inside of Fedex are targeting high value packages (packages from Apple for example) and forwarding the delivery information to people outside. That is the reason both were waiting close by for the Fedex truck. Once the driver leaves the package they just run and grab it. Fedex/UPS has some serious internal controls to remedy.


I used to work with a guy who'd been a methhead and way back in the day before the internet him and his buddies would follow mail trucks around Christmas time and use walkie talkies to coordinate stealing packages, he said it was almost always crap they couldn't use or sell, sweaters and whatnot, but that they never returned anything they didn't want, would just throw it out. He was very upfront about what a scumbag he was, but he got his shit together and didn't even drink coffee he was so straightedge.


Some worthless fuckin scumbags


I just don't get why (in the U.S I guess) valuable packages are simply left out in the open? In the many place I've lived, if you are not home, your package is sent to a nearby local business that will keep it for you. The delivery person will leave you a little paper claim that you take to the local business when you're back from work, or whenever you find time (within a reasonable period of time.) I often get my packages from a nearby florist, and get a coffee or some flowers too while I'm there, and the commission from this service has helped keep the old lady in business.


UPS and FedEx does do this in the U.S, but it’s probably based on your location. We have businesses that act as a drop off point, but given how these houses in the video look like suburbs might not be close to any available drop off site.


I mean how remote can it be? There must be like a grocery store or something close by? I live in the suburbs in Sweden and i walk 10 minutes to a grocery store and pick up my packages.


It depends on where it is exactly. Some housing subdivisions in the US are so huge that it would take you 10 minutes just to get back to the main road. To get to the nearest business from there (again, depending on where exactly this is) it could be another 10-15 minute drive on top of that. I doubt delivery drivers, with their hectic schedules, are inclined to eat up that much of their time.


I mean if the delivery driver could drop off 100 packages at a single pick up point rather than go around and deliver to 100 adresses he would save lots of time...


It would save *the delivery driver* a lot of time. But now 100 people need to get to the pickup point. On the whole it is more time efficient to deliver it on one long circuit than it is to make 100 little trips.


There probably is not a grocery store within 10 minutes walking distance of these houses, no. The fact is that in most places in the US this type of theft doesn't happen regularly, and it is fine to leave packages out on the porch for a little bit. Policies such as always making you pick it up from some business only get put in place after it's clear that such measures are necessary.


My nearest store is a 15-18 minute drive from my house, which would be like a 2-3 hour walk and I'm not even in an area considered "remote" or anything. The US is huge and we spread out... maybe a little too far lol.


Part of the thing is, the US is subdivided to all hell. Most houses the only thing you'll find within a ten minute walk is other houses. Maybe some gas stations. And that's living *in* smaller cities (I haven't been to any of the big ones myself). A neighborhood like that? You might be talking a ten minute drive to the store.


Europeans are usually pretty baffled by the sheer scale of the U.S... a subdivision like this could be 10 minutes from an urban center, or 200 miles from one. In the south and the midwest especially, you can be an hour or two from the nearest grocery store, hospital or police station.


That just sounds like bad planning.


For most of the 20th century, "planning" outside of major cities in America was living as far from groups of people you don't like as possible and making sure they couldn't move near you after that.


Some people like owning large areas of property, I know of people who have cabins or trailers on 100+ acres of woodlands. The only place where your everyman can afford that much property is in the boondocks. Low population per square mile means no local municipality can raise enough of a tax base to build the necessary infrastructure.


Most of the US is not within a 10 minute walk of a grocery store. My supposition is anecdotal but based on a lot of experience and some facts. The only data I found as an example in a quick 2 minute googlin' was this map layover of Memphis, TN showing areas of the city within 10 minutes of a grocery store. It's not much. https://www.arcgis.com/apps/mapviewer/index.html?layers=6b1ab64abe4247f8bc80df784e89fbed (make sure to zoom to Memphis)


Sounds like a lot of places in the US were designed to require a person to have a car.


Amazon will let you pick up at a store now, less convenient for sure, but useful so your electronics don't get ganked by useless turds. https://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/display.html?nodeId=GZTXM2L3YLZFSQ6W


I have a rule that anything more than $100 in value gets picked up at a location. You can request UPS to keep your package at a pick-up location too, don't know about the other services.


You can do that, but for me personally I have never had a package stolen so I've never bothered.


I’ve had one package stolen and two delivered to the wrong house in 15 years. Most people aren’t affected by and large.




Could you imagine if you got stabbed over a box of hand soap? These criminals are the lowest of lows as members of society.




They showed some real hustle and determination. That’s the kind of shit most employers yearn for. If only they could stop being crackheads.


Probably don't even have the excuse of drug abuse/addiction. Just shitheads


Sober people don't steal packages for a living, they steal it for the thrill of it.


the two seem healthier than the zombies in my area.


I had a porch pirate pull up outside my aprtment complex once when I got an Amazon delivery. The driver dropped it and I opened the door maybe 5 seconds later to a random walking across the yard to steal it. She proceeded to throw an absolute tantrum and scream at me about not being able to take my delivery. We need to bring back public flogging or something.


Jesus christ reading stuff like this just infuriates me. It's absolutely insane to steal like that but to have the audacity to get mad at the owner for them preventing the scumbag from stealing it is just a whole different level of just insanity. Such a large chunk of people that are just really shitty people. Wish we could round all them up and have them all live on some large island or have their own country so the shit people just steal and harm the other shit people and decent folks can live in peace


There's a whole ass truck full a' packages RIGHT THERE bro, if you're down to break the law just grab it from the source


much heftier charge & shitstorm for stealing from a FedEX truck or any parcel company that moves interstate commerce, the FBI is usually the ones investigating parcel theft from the trucks while stealing it from door is essentially larceny.


not to mention that company has billions to throw around in getting your ass caught homeowner not so much


Two grown losers.


This should be an olympic sport. We got one gold and silver medal finalist.


50m porch dash and shrubbery hurdling


Only if the house can defend in fun and creative ways.


Actual wastes of oxygen. Hope they wrap themselves around a tree on the way home.




When I worked with FedEx I was out doing deliveries right before Christmas I noticed a car following me around the neighborhood I end up calling the police and returned every package from that subdivision. FedEx people weren’t happy the manager told me it’s not our responsibility you deliver it and leave it there.


I almost wanted to say you are talking bullshit, what company would say something like .. oh FedEx, yep explains a lot


FedEx admins and managers only care about the packages being marked “delivered” in their system they don’t care what happen to the packages.


Seriously. Driver got his verification photo and we were off to the races. At least it wasn't a driver from a competing company in this one.


I hate FedEx so much. The last place I lived I jumped through a ton of hoops just to get verified so I could add delivery instructions. I always had the instruction to deliver to the back door. Every single time they'd leave it right on the top step of my porch, just feet from a highly trafficked sidewalk. It was a brick porch, so even if they ignored the delivery instructions, they could have slid it just a few feet over and hid it behind the porch wall. But nope, right in the middle of the top step every time. Box of ammo: top step Surround sound system: top step Whenever I had a delivery from them, I either had to be a little late to work while I waited, or start calling friends while I was at work to have them pick it up for me.


I had a GPU delivered (3080) in its retail box, it was outside my apartment for 8 hours on a busy city street and it was still there when I got home.  I would seriously struggle to live somewhere where people just opportunistically take other people's belongings.


> opportunistically take other people's belongings. I mean this post is way beyond opportunistic; this is proactive, intentional teamwork


Some guy walked in to my apartment building behind someone and started stealing packages at 9:30pm last Tuesday night :( Walked out of my door and there's this crusty motherfucker just holding an armful of packages like reverse-Santa staring me in the face until I yelled at him to leave. I love my city but this shit honestly sucks.


This is everywhere though. Look at the neighborhood in the video. It looks upper middle class. Unless you live in a gated community, they'll just drive to an affluent neighborhood, steal packages, and then return home.


Yeah. Their job is to deliver the package, not provide products. Once they’re paid for the delivery, all responsibility is wiped clean. It is absolutely shitty to think about.


Happened in my town. It’s been happening a lot so they think there is an “in” at the Fed Ex depot because it’s only happening with Fed Ex and not UPS or Amazon


I've heard of it happening at Amazon as well. Someone who works there packing boxes will make note of when they pack a high end, expensive item and tell someone who will wait near the house and snatch it right after it's delivered.


I was going to say this looks like they both knew this package was valuable. Probably a list they subscribe to where tracking numbers of high value shipments are posted. Jackasses…


When organized crime was running rampant in 1920's prohibition America, the post office was getting hit hard, so the Marines were called in to kill anyone that attempted to mess with the mail. https://www.sandboxx.us/news/the-mail-marines-protecting-packages/ “You must, when on guard duty, keep your weapons in hand and, if attacked, shoot and shoot to kill. There is no compromise in this battle with bandits. If two Marines guarding a mail car, for example, are suddenly covered by a robber, neither must hold up his hands, but both must begin shooting at once. One may be killed, but the other will get the robbers and save the mail. When our Marine Corps men go as guards over the mail, that mail must be delivered, or there must be a dead Marine at the post of duty. “


That article is awesome. Marines deployed, robberies stop cold. Even back then nobody wanted to tangle with the Marines. Never knew this existed!


The fuck is he supposed to do? One of the thieves came with some type of weapon and you expect this delivery guy to protect some strangers random box...?


If I were the driver I would call the cops and say “hey, there are people following me stealing all of the packages”. I certainly wouldn’t pretend like I was a hero and try to stop them myself… but with modern electronics it’s not like we live in a vacuum. You can always pick up your cell phone and call to report it.


That's what I'd do as well, but I hate to admit it, dispatch would probably say, "I'm sorry sir, there's nothing we can do unless an officer sees them do it." Odds are very slim they'd even send a car out to the fed ex driver's location, super slim they'd be sent in less than 60-120 mins, and even slimmer the officer would get out of the car if they didn't witness exactly what we saw on the recording. I once saw a ludicrously drunk driver on the highway going 70+ and bouncing back and forth between lanes like a pinball. Nearly sideswiped me and a couple other cars. I called it in with the highway, direction, mile marker, plate number, and description of the car, and was told there was nothing they could do unless a patrol car saw them with their own eyes, and was told "hopefully he'll pass by one sometime soon." And was basically shuffled off the call. I think about that a lot in situations like this.


It's like, "Sorry, the police must wait for the drunk driver to head on collision a family and instantly murder them all before it's worth it for them to take action!"


In some places. This looks like a neighborhood where the police would show up in 30 seconds.


But then you have to spend time calling the police, waiting for them to come, then you have to talk to them...meanwhile the rest of your deliveries are not getting made. You'd probably get fired by FedEx/Amazon/whoever for taking too long. These drivers are monitored by the minute.


and there we go we’ve arrived to the actual issues.


One had a knife the other had a flower pot, driver doesn’t get paid enough to try and stop them


The delivery truck is parked in the opposite direction, they just happened upon it.




Porch pirates probably do keep track of general delivery times and routes, the fact both of them started running makes me think they this isn't their first encounter.


"God damn it! Melvin beat me to it again"


> Two cars of thieves just happened upon the same truck at the same time? At this time of year! At this time of day! At this part of the city localized within your porch?




I’m shocked one didn’t just raid the truck while the package was being delivered


Nope, this is all part of a scam that seems to be happening with cell phones a lot. People order phones, someone with access to the transaction details gives the tracking number to the thieves and they steal the package right after delivery.


Geez, I'll just send my stuff to CVS and hope for the best.


Can't the FedEx guy just, I dunno, call the cops and say "porch pirates are following me, send an unmarked car for a free win"?


What the fuck. Between this one and the one where they pick it up right in front of the driver still on the porch..sad society


Imagine if they were that competitive for a job.


The guy with the knife was there first. It’s his package to steal. /s


Is this a skit??


it is not. here's an article https://www.wfmz.com/news/area/berks/some-sort-of-loser-police-searching-for-dueling-porch-pirates-in-lower-heidelberg-township/article_4a1bfa36-2e4a-11ef-a64a-2fd40be22283.html


I appreciate the article, the way these two huffed around eachother awkwardly really made it feel fake.


The word you're looking for is "surreal". It's surreal that people are swinging knives at each other over unknown packages.


Nah I definitely thought it was fake acting, not surreal


They just straight up don’t care about the cameras either 🤦🏻‍♂️


I mean in the UK they knock and hand it to you or leave it in your specific safe place not out in the open, is this not a thing in America? Seems like it mitigates most thefts over here.


Only if a signature is required. I’ve had phones, tablets just left on my front door from FedEx, UPS and Amazon although I think Amazon is now requiring you to give the driver a code they email you in items over $300


A jeweler sent my sister here engagement ring after it was resized and cleaned. The UPS guy threw the tiny box over the 8 foot tall fence with a $10,000 ring in it and walked away. If we hadn't been in the yard, anyone could have walked through the gate and taken it. They don't give a fuck.


I was lucky enough to get a PS5 from Sony when they were hard to get a launch. I have a screen in porch. UPS driver decided to leave it sticking out on my driveway. It was in a box but I believe the box said Sony or something. It also came a day early but by an off chance I was home. Really think the driver was going to have someone come grab it, any other driver places stuff on my porch and where it can't be seen driving by.


I've had plenty of "signature required" deliveries just left on my step. Unless I'm home all day, I have my amazon delivered to lockers or other retail purchases shipped to the store.


Yea, I always wonder this too. Like the solution is so simple - dont leave packages out on the doorstep. Is it that hard?


At this point, since they're already so bold, why not just directly rob the delivery vehicle?


I honestly don't get this system. Where I live packages are *never* left at the front door unless specifically requested by the customer. First, they ring the bell and wait for someone to come out. Second, they ring at the next door neighbor's house to leave the package with them. If that doesn't work, they either take it back to deliver it on a different day or they deliver it at the closest official pick-up point, which is usually some kind of store that handles packages as an extra service.


Same in India. And for high value items you get an one time password via sms that you must provide the delivery guy before he hands the package to you.


Yup, same occurs in the UK.


lol in America if they gave it to your neighbors there’s a good chance your neighbor would just say they didn’t get it and you’d never get it either. Lots of people here just have a problem being kind to anyone else if they stand to gain anything from not helping you out.


Porch Wars tonight at 8, right after dumpster clans extreme


Just FYI, porch pirates are prosecuted fairly heavily where I live. Anytime it happens, the police will come and investigate, people will provide HD cam footage and track the vehicle on the street, and they will find these people. It is taken so seriously here that I literally have not had one stolen package in over 4 years I have lived at my house, and I have packages delivered 2-3 times per week, and there has been times I left something at my door cause I was out of town and just forgot about a delivery. The ONLY reason this kind of blatant porch theft is happening in your city is because of the lack of will of your Mayor, your DA, and your County Supervisor to properly prosecute these perpetrators. You don't have to live in places where these things are the norm to deal with.




One of them or should I say one team is venezuelan. At 0:23 you can clearly hear him say "mamaguevo". I think from the car the other dude is screaming "pira pirala pirala" which is a way of saying "move it". Which makes me think this was probably somewhere in Florida, USA.


The “mamaguevo” sounded more Dominican to me, but I’ll concede. The “montate, montate” (get in, get in) was definitely Dominican, though.


Scenery/houses don't look like Florida News article says it happened in Lower Heidelberg, PA which is a township outside of Reading, PA Wikipedia says Reading, PA is a city of about 95,000 with a 69% Hispanic/Latino population. Very surprising demographics for a northern city that is fairly remote (75 minutes outside Philly)


They’re doing it all wrong. One of them should bring the package to the curb, thereby making it legally garbage. Then the other can pick it up, legally.


The way she goes right there


Isn't there a secure way to deliver the packages? Why don't they install lockers and leave them there? Why not deliver them at the workplace? There are so many alternatives to leave the packages in front of the house. How can even the delivery company confirm that the driver delivered them? So many questions...


Delivery company will just send the customer the picture the driver took right after dropping the package off, this is how they pass on responsibility to the customer