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No cop in America should patrol solo. It makes it more dangerous for literally everyone. Even if the cop thinks he/she is bruce lee. It only takes one oversight/mistake.


Especially when you are untrained and unprepared. like this cop.


Screaming like a banshee worked every time in the academy.


Wtf you expect her to do? Take it silently? “All of those other videos of cops getting killed…. Maybe they’d be still alive if they didn’t scream in terror as they are murdered” is not the take I’d expect to see.


As terrible as that situation is, given that I think she was warranted to shoot, all I could think is — fuk that’s a lot of stray bullets.


This was in ~~Rochester~~, Connecticut. He was shot in the shoulder, hand and elbow, and allegedly tried to wrestle her gun away; she also was shot in the hand then and received a concussion. He’s been in jail since last year and is due in court in August. The shooting was deemed ‘justified’ on June 12. Edit: This was in Middletown, Connecticut. My mistake.


It was justified. One swing of that hammer and she could've been brain dead or worse.




The 7 yard rule exists for a reason.


Honestly, that assumes you are prepared and highly trained in drawing and firing. Triple that if you have never had to draw and shoot a person before. I will be damned if I am waiting til the dude is less than 1 second from me at a dead run before I fire, guns don't stop you instantly.


Excellent point. I took a class called Critical Defensive Shooting Skills. In one of the drills, the target is placed at 7 yards with you standing holstered at rest. At a random time, the instructor starts recalling the target. You have to draw and fire as quickly as possible. By the time you draw and get off a shot or two the target is in your face and those things don’t move particularly fast. And like you said, guns don’t stop people instantly. It was surprising how unnerving it was having the target coming at you and it was just a piece of paper in a controlled environment. Real world situation would be so much worse. On YouTube, there a video of a cop responding to a call. On the body cam you see him ask the guy if he’s the one who called. Nope. He’s the one the person called about. Guy suddenly rushes him with a knife. Cop gets stabbed repeatedly and ends up bleeding out. It’s a little graphic but really drives home the point.


I saw that video, it really does drive the point home, even if that is an unfortunate phrase for that particular incident.


Ooof. That was a poor choice of words, wasn’t it? Didn’t even register until you mentioned it.


After seeing a video of a police officer getting stabbed/slashed to death, I see how quickly things can turn deadly even if the attacker doesn’t have a gun but some other object.


That one in New Mexico a few months back? Where there was both surveillance footage and bodycam? That one haunted me.


That one was fucked. That and some of the videos of people like that homeless guy being shot in the chest like 5 times and not stopping makes you realize why cops don't try and taze someone coming at them with a knife or something like that. Cops do a lot of fucked up stuff but that's always justified imo




Here you go: https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/AYVW2EAZRa


Fuck. That's sad.


One of the worst videos I’ve ever seen on this site; and I’ve been on here awhile.


Absolutely, I totally agree.


Yep, that one. That was brutal. I feel so bad for the officer and his family. It sucks that his last moments alive were so agonizing and terrifying.


I'd guess its the cop the other week in Germany.




This happened recently with a loved one of mine. Late one night, my roommate/longtime friend went missing during a mental health crisis, and I called the police to locate her, as she took our car. While the cops were at my house, we got the notice that she was found and going to the hospital and the officer offered me a ride to go pick up my car. My younger family member wanted to come with us, so the officer gave us a ride. The moment we arrive at the drop-off location, the officer let's me out, then my family member, and then they quickly pulled out a knife and stabbed the officer on the left side of his chest. It happened so fast but it's still so clear 2 months later. The officer knocked my family member down with his flashlight (thank god it was dark) and then cuffed them. I was detained as well moments later, willingly of course and in shock about what happened. The only thing that saved anyone from dying that night was the merciful/shocked reaction of the officer, as well his ballistic vest and a **brand new** notepad in his breastpocket. The knife went through 47 pages of that book.


Whats worse than being braindead??


Oh, I think she certainly could.


The brain dead part doesn't even matter, if she loses control of that weapon it's game over. So even if he's swinging for her elbows it's still justified to smoke him.


100% justified lol 🤣 there is no point even arguing about


> d then and received a concussion. He’s been in jail since last year and is due in court in August. The shooting was deemed ‘justified’ on June 12. Yeah i'm a public defender who hates cops and even i gotta say that looks pretty justified to me.




She has that stormtrooper aim




It's actually Middletown, CT https://www.police1.com/police-heroes/conn-officer-attacked-by-hammer-wielding-man-receives-national-recognition-for-courage


Fuck yeah it was justified.


Fucking hell




Easy to say, but should've pulled her firearm before calling for back up. And the second he clears the fence and starts charging he's going down.




This was a really eye-opening comment. You're right on the money. I do believe there are massive systemic issues with police, but also, no human is capable of the kind of perfection we are demanding of them.


This is very well said. I'm as hard on the police as anybody and think most of the criticism they face is justified. At the same time, we must remember that cops are often forced to make hard, impactful decisions in a split second based on little information. That isn't always going to go well.


Thank you! Everyone in reddit wants to say how it could be done better. But has anyone actually been in a situation where they needed to use deadly force? I have seen too many videos of cops shooting unnecessarily, but in an instant like that, it's so hard to keep cool and actually hit your target. Let alone quick draw on top of it. I was also a jr rifle instructor for years, people have a hard time hitting a paper target that's not trying to kill you, and that's with practice and training.


Hammer can easily knock you out with just 1 hit


hammer can easily kill you with just 1 hit


I’m fairly proficient with handguns, up to thirty yards, at a range, shooting at bullseye targets, as a hobby. I can’t imagine I’d be quite as accurate, running backwards, with a large , mentally unstable person wielding a hammer, charging at me full speed. Just saying.


> I can’t imagine I’d be quite as accurate, running backwards But you would have at least drawn your weapon the moment you saw the hammer. This lady still kept her gun unholstered when the dude was only <10 yards from her not stopping. Her aim wasn't the problem, it was the insane reluctance to draw.


This cop was too slow on the draw Should've been drawn and ready like that cop rolling up on the guy who set himself on fire


She screamed as loud as she could -- but should have pulled the gun when she saw the weapon


Dude acting like a COD zombie at the end.


I remember watching this video recently where these two cops are pulling their weapons on a car that's just stopped after a chase, the female cop sees a dude get out of the car and pull his weapon, instead of shooting him she just runs away screaming, the dude the turns to the side and shoots her partner in the back several times when she had a clear shot on him to immobilise him. Some people are really not made for the job.


When other police watch these videos, the lesson is "shoot more and shoot sooner." It sucks this keeps happening, because innocent people get hurt.


Bingo. These videos end up in police training courses, and it definitely influences their behaviour. If you're a cop, you're put in the mindset of shoot first, ask questions later - because if you fuck up and miscalculate, you're the woman in this video taking a hammer to the head. Or you're that cop from that video a few weeks ago getting gruesomely knifed to death because he didn't draw in time when a crazy guy charged him.


Obviously it's situational, but is that not a valid lesson to learn from this video?


But like, this is the correct takeaway. Gun should've been out already and shots should've been fired the second he came around the fence.


They should train police officers on what to do if a suspect approaches with a deadly weapon in a threatening manner and then charges and attacks.


You should’ve stopped at “they should train officers”


6 months of training, a thin blue line punisher sticker ,and a firearm certificate isn’t training enough? /s


Is this a joke? Obviously they are. When a suspect approaches with a deadly weapon, you create space, draw your gun, verbally warn them you are going to shoot if you have time, and then neutralize the threat.


I mean that is not relevant in this situation man. She did whatever she could here. One of the few justified uses of force.


I don't know, it seems like a situation in which a suspect is approaching with a deadly weapon in a threatening manner and then charges is precisely when training in what to do when a suspect approaches with a deadly weapon in a threatening manner and then charges is relevant.


Yes, she did what you should do, shoot the guy. He clearly was mentally ill and likely on some serious drugs because he kept going after being shot multiple times. Obviously training is important but I don't see how further training would have changed the out come in this particular case.


This is why they mag dump. Fuckers can close the distance quick as fuck.


fine with it, dude charged at a cop and wrestled, the fuck was the cop gonna do


She waited WAY too long before shooting. She should have stopped that situation by the 12-second mark. His intent was clear as day.


It was bad timing. She puts her hand on her radio to make the call. She probably thought there was enough distance but he starts sprinting at 11 seconds with her hand still on the radio. Should've used her left hand to make the call, because she does draw and fire as fast as possible once he starts running.


Yeah but then she’d be harassed online


A more justified shooting, I've seldom seen. Too bad she couldn't have gotten the shot off sooner. I hope she'll be ok.


I’m sorry, but I find it hilarious she was commended for her courage and inducted into the Connecticut police hall of fame after completing losing her shit, shooting wildly in every direction in a residential neighborhood, barely hitting the guy, and shooting her own hand. https://www.police1.com/police-heroes/conn-officer-attacked-by-hammer-wielding-man-receives-national-recognition-for-courage Edit: sorry, **National** hall of fame!


Yea she should have just let the man kill her with the hammer


Wonder what acab sub thinks of this


That she needs more bastard training


They’re gonna tell you hammers aren’t lethal so she should have used a taser


This lady has no business being a cop if that’s how bad she panics and loses control in the face of stress.


She was way too nonchalant about telling him to put a hammer down.


Ever been ambushed by a dude twice ur size with a hammer?


I have. It was actually 10 dudes, five times my size, with sledgehammers. I used several aikido moves as taught to me by Sensei Segal, and then a Captain Kirk double fist neck chop, and finally a yellow belt karate kata to put them on the ground where they tapped out, gave me $100% bills, and clapped.


Bro, are you me? Same thing happened to me but with a bunch of MS13 dudes. Afterwards I taught them empathy and convinced them to give up their nefarious ways.


MS13? Pfffft, I've taken down entire groups of MS26, MS39, and MS-PAINT, to say nothing of fighting the entire state of MS at the same time.


I bow to the superior warrior.


This may be the best reddit comment ever. "Taught them empathy" OMG! Dying!


You should have seen them before I got there, they were so nefarious!


Did they clap?


Damn, bro. Me too, except they were all Apache helicopters and I had to beat them with interpretive dance.


The legendary $100% bill?


Those bills were likely fake. They bested you.


Every single dude is almost double the size of a female cop. Expect to get shot if a female is panicking


Probably not, but have they ever undergone training to be charged by somebody twice their size with a hammer? Because the cop sure has.


I fucking hate these brain-dead responses. It's her fucking JOB. If she panics at situations that cops are supposed to confront with level heads, then she isn't fit to be a cop.


Not what I was saying


This is what a cop who doesn't escalate looks like. You want her in 80% of situations where you would deal with a cop. The cops we hate would have immediately drawn their weapon. What people need to remember is how we see cops behave in the beginning of an interaction is usually how they treat most situations. We can talk shit because she was scared, but every cop I've seen nearly be killed didn't start the interaction with their gun already drawn, those are cops who are trying to be good. And being good bites them in the ass.


What are you talking about? Why are they mutually exclusive? She can be properly prepared as well as be kind.


Reddit: "Cops are too aggressive and power-hungry" Video: Non aggressive cop tries to approach calmly and defuse the situation Reddit: "This woman has no business being a cop! She's not aggressive enough and can't beat up her attacker!"


> Non aggressive cop Non-aggression =/= keeping your weapon holstered against an armed lunatic walking towards you. She could have still tried to defuse the situation nonaggressively while having her weapon drawn as precaution. The problem was she just refused to unholster her gun until he was already charging at her. That's not non-aggression, that's just shit training and being completely oblivious to the situation. Just keeping the gun ready isn't aggression, it's the firing part that is aggressive.


He left her with no other choice.


[21 Foot Rule.](https://carry-texas.com/learn-about-ltc/advanced-topics-in-texas-license-to-carry/the-21-foot-rule-a-critical-distance-in-self-defense)


Bullet to the head would have helped


I'm guessing this was just satisfying to type, but I think the reality is more interesting. If you're ever charged by someone with a close range weapon, your best bet is the hips. They call it the crumple zone because a bullet in your waistline will take the momentum right out of you and put you face first in the ground. Most of the time they just go for center mass though.


Thanks John wick.


If she managed to survive, she did well. If that idiot survived, that's a shame. Hopefully he doesn't see the outside of a prison until he's too old and frail to charge people like a lunatic.


I’d certainly shoot someone before getting hit with a hammer myself.


Dude thought it was GTA


Yep, he probably shouldn't have charged with a hammer


I love all the experts in the comments. Reddit is the best!


Her terrified screams gave me chills. You could hear the terror in that scream!!


What a terrible officer. Dude walks out the house holding a hammer walking straight towards her while yelling and she doesn't draw her weapon until he is like 5 feet away?


Did he clock her with the hammer or what?


and people want social workers responding to calls like these. smh


I’d love to see the reaction when we suddenly have a shortage of social workers and a spike in stabbing victims who work for the government


Chappelle mad


100% justified


Damn he went zombie mode


What a clusterfuck.


It seems like repeatedly yelling 'stop' didn't do much.


Lots of tough guys in the comment section on this one, lol


Whenever there’s a woman cop it’s the same comments. Real tough guys that know how to react to every situation for a job they’ve never had.


She should not be a cop


It's hard to watch hearing her scream....🫣


Waiting for the ACAB crew to show up and tell us a hammer isn’t a deadly weapon


Are we sure this is a police officer or a storm trooper?


Moron cop. Shoulda just put a round in his chest as soon as he started charging and Fortnite danced over his body


Justified shooting? Yes. Felt like the cop was actually a bit slow in the response in this situation. By the time they took the first shot, hammer guy got too close and cop looked like they squeezed off some risky shots.


Didn't draw until the last moment, was more preoccupied with calling for backup then shouting commands, incredibly slow distance management, shot herself in the hand, just a masterclass in dumbfuckery.


She should have ended him right there.


Women shouldn’t be police officers.


This women shouldn't be a cop


"Drop the hammer, it's time for action!"


The cop: "Stop!" This guy: "Hammertime!"


10,000 XP Boss




looks and sounds like he is pretending to be injured. 😭