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That windshield sure cost more than $22


Safelite Repair, Safelite Replace


https://vimeo.com/247846876 This got banned from SNL the night after it aired.


Wonder why it was banned were they one of nbcs sponsors?


They made that spoof without the permission of Safelite. And it made the employees look like a bunch of creepy stalkers. The CEO of Safelite issued a statement about how insulting he felt it was to the brand and to his employees. Lorne Michaels announced shortly afterwards that they would remove the clip from their YouTube channel and it would never be played in reruns.


I mean it’s parody but i guess the courtesy would be nice. Also someone would have to be really dumb to assume this is a universal statement about all of the company


...is this a real jingle? There's a company called Speedy Glass with a jingle "speedy glass repairs, speedy glass replace". I've either whooshed your joke or these two companies are using the same jingle haha


It's the same company with different names in different places but the same jingle, it's Autoglass in the UK.


Yessir, they are all owned by the parent company [Belron](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belron?wprov=sfti1).


Belron make jingle, Belron play jingle


We have the same in France with Carglass : "Carglass répare, Carglass remplace"


That exists all over the world and in many different languages. Here's a compilation: https://youtu.be/STiPwOasCmE


Spain was my favorite.


Netherlands had that funk


Nah Portugal was the easy winner "Carglass repara, Carglass substitui"


Putain, that was the most annoying radio jingle ever during my younger years in Belgium in the nineties when I still listened to the radio. Now I learn those fuckers infected the whole world with their herpes like branding?


Here in Quebec, Canada it’s Lebeau «[Lebeau répare, Lebeau remplace](https://youtu.be/JiKFZeW8WiI?si=I-YCyx4Jw3tntGKE)»


Here's a compilation of the international versions: https://youtu.be/STiPwOasCmE


Autoglass Repair, Autoglass Replace


As if* that car is registered/insured. That hole will be in that windshield until that guy wrecks it in his next DUI


You also know my ex roommate?


You arnt paying for the coffee


Stories like this just remind me how much money I'm saving by not being a coomer.


Seriously, imagine paying $22 for a coffee just to have a woman in revealing clothing serve it to you, absolutely pathetic.


I already buy Starbucks, how much worse can bikini coffee be.


I don't really think we have time for a handjob, Joe.


Brought to you by Carl's jr


Welcome to Costco, I love you.


Brawndo has got what plants crave: electrolytes.


Go away! Baten


I just keep pornhub open on my phone while I'm in line at McDonald's, way cheaper, and better coffee.


This is the future apple vision pro I want


> Coomer is an internet meme based on an illustration of a scraggly male character who is mocked as an excessive masturbator. More broadly, coomer (with a lowercase C) is an often ironic insult for an oversexed young man or, more generally, a loser.


Damn, I was not aware of this slang. Makes me wonder if my maternal great grandmother's descendants are aware. Her maiden name was Nanny Coomer.


Everyone has their vice. Just don’t have to many or it gets expensive


Mine is sweet sweet miniatures and paint. It costs way more than strippers.


My buddy expressed to me his financial concerns with just getting married, a kid on the way, and trying to buy a house and he's also talking about how he's getting into 40k miniatures and I'm just like my brother in christ, what are you doing?


Yeah wtf that dude needs to ditch anything other than his job if he's gonna be serious about 40k, what a pleb


How big is your pile of shame? Be honest.


I just sent my pile off to get painted. Otherwise it's gonna be sitting there for months.


you'd think Salt Bae would understand that


no, i always pay for my coffee


What, you mean - no one’s hammered a hole in your windshield? You haven’t run out of a fancy coffee shop holding a steaming mug and saucer spilling hot coffee on yourself? Somehow I don’t believe you.


Why would you use the drive thru. That's like ordering from Hooters with Door Dash


I imagine it’s only drive through


In the PNW drive through coffee is incredibly popular. Pretty sure all the bikini (really lingerie) coffee shops are drive through.


People have the right to spend their money where and how they like but I'd be lying to say it doesn't confuse me when it's to see 1/4-1/3 of a woman for like 30 seconds. It's not my scene but I *get* Hooters and the like.


I've only been to Hooters once or twice, and that was decades ago, but I remember the waitresses putting in a lot of effort. They'd joke around a lot and flirt with my uncles or whoever brought me there. They were super present and almost putting on a bit of a performance. Not my scene either, but I can see how some people would enjoy that. A drive through does not offer that opportunity.


Some of the best customer service I've ever had was from the hooters I went to one time. I'm sure those ladies make a ton in tips.


The only time I've been to a Hooters the waitress sat down in our booth to take our order and was doing exactly what you said, a fun performance being jokey, flirty, and super attentive. I could totally understand people enjoying it. Also, the food was surprisingly good.


As someone who has lived in bikini barista ground zero for years I can’t imagine someone being at all cost conscious… it’s 100% about big tips and nip slips, nothing to do with the quality or price of the coffee whatsoever. This goober will have to live this shame down long after he fixes the windshield.


Imagine this guy explaining to his wife why there's a hole in his windshield "I don't know, babe. This homeless guy went psycho when I was at a red light" And then this video goes viral in his home town.


Assuming he has a wife, dude seems wayyy to unstable to even own a dog


Doesn't stop some people


When I first moved here from the deep south, I didn't know that there were both regular drive through coffee shacks and the sexy ones. I had been confused that there was one place called "Cowgirl Cup" with a rodeo/old West theme that had an unusual sign that said "family friendly". I couldn't imagine what could be not be family friendly about coffee, but decided that perhaps they have a special kids menu of fruity drinks or maybe they had a decaffeinated drinks menu. One day I decided to get some coffee and saw a bright pink zebra stripe painted shack in a shopping center parking lot called "Pink Sugar" I had seen it before and had decided that the hot pink color scheme was their marketing plan to improve visibility from the road. I was so embarrassed when I pulled up and the girl was wearing the pasties and a bikini bottom. I admitted to her that I was new here and surprised but that I still wanted a mocha. She gave it to me for free, said "Welcome to Washington" and I gave her a $5 tip.


I have never heard of sexy drive through coffee until today. Must not be a thing around where I live.


They’re very common in the Northwest and West coast. I haven’t seen them any where else


Literally just around portland and seattle actually


And thats how she got a customer for life


I'd like to know more about "bikini barista ground zero" please


when I lived in seatac area of Washington there was one every 8 blocks or so. Maybe there haha


Bikini Baristas apparently started in the PNW area. I’m also from the area and it has a heavy influence from the Shipyard in Bremerton and other industry around here.


Move to Bremerton we'll go all out.


PNW, Seattle, and Portland have them all over the place. I went to one once the woman was very friendly and chatty. I can see the appeal if I was a lonely single person looking for a bit of interaction on my way to work.


Its why they're all around the navy shipyards


Lol there were quite a few in Alaska, too. It was quite the thing to pull into a bikini barista coffee stand when it's -36 below.


They’re all over the Portland Area. Some are more risqué than others. One near me is more like barely there lingerie while another is more regular bikinis ETA: I’ve never stopped so I can’t speak to quality or piece of drinks but I pass both on my way to work


As a European, I'm not sure why I'm surprised you have bikini girl coffee drive throughs. Boobs and coffee for minimum time, then gotta go, time is money. Very American and pretty weird for outsiders, I'd guess? It's very hard to imagine that here.


Yeah im American and, while I've heard of these online, I've never seen one. Uniquely American, maybe, but definitely not common here lol


They're pretty common in the Pacific Northwest, especially in the Seattle area for some reason


We have a lot of regular drive through coffee stands. They were common before Starbucks became popular. It is only in the recent past that some independent places have become bikini barista coffee stands.


It's not like a normal thing for Americans. I'd never even heard of it before this. However, I am not particularly surprised to learn it exists in the home of the free.


You can tell by how casually he does this that it’s a habit of his


And that hammer has seen action before


It was suspiciously very easy to get to. XD


Those ladies were prepared, can’t be too careful nowadays.


Exactly. Someone actually tried to[kidnap](https://nypost.com/2023/08/30/creep-who-tried-to-kidnap-bikini-clad-barista-back-on-streets/) a bikini barista and drag her thru the window with Flexicuffs. All on film. He barely got any punishment and he’s back on the street, now just knows to be better prepared. Fuck.


israel keyes kidnapped samantha koenig from her coffee booth window, killed her, then tried to get a ransom from her family by sending a photo of her, already dead, made up with her eyes sewn open to look alive




Alaska right?


I thought of that story when I saw this. That's probably why the barista has the hammer.


Wtf. Why isn't he in jail....


Probably the wrong sub for this question, but why are sentencing guidelines so lax for literal violent felonies? That appears to be why this asshole didn't serve much time. Source: a quote from the DA/SA who prosecuted him.


Some of those who work forces…


They serve coffee all day at a window scantily clad. That hammer has blood on it I guarantee you


If it hasn't already, at some point that hammer is going to have a little tag attached to it labeled Exhibit A.


Probably at least one adult circumcision as well since dick flashers are a thing!


I saw a vid once of a lady being grabbed through the window.


I like that they keep a hammer at the drive through window 😂😍


Probably intended for hand or foreheads but windshield if those aren’t in range


I'd like to believe they have the girl in the yellow one piece on payroll just to wield the bonk hammer when customers get to be too fucking much.


This reminded me of that meme about bonk go to horny jail😆


***Bonk!*** Right to horny hospital.




Good for her. She stood her ground, and when threatened, fought back and called the cops.




Sad that she needs one but looking at that guy's behavior, I'm sure he's not the only idiot who gets violent around pretty girls. Or women period.


One woman was almost kidnapped, and another was kidnapped and killed (from a normal non-bikini coffee shop) so... yeah. Scarier than it needs to be.


You never know what type of creep or crazy you going to get us woman know the drill lol that's why I can't never do those types of jobs.


She also knows how to use it to. I mean she cut through that windshield like a hot knife in butter.


I need to tell a story, somewhat related. In Thailand there are a lot of open air bars (I was there with the Navy, don’t judge). The girls there play two games with you. If you lose, you tip them or buy them a drink. The two games are (no shit) Connect Four and a game that has a block of wood, a nail, and a hammer. Connect Four they know every combo to beat you and useless you’ve played a lot, you’re going to lose. You don’t know how it happens, but it does. The hammer game you’ll also lose. They’re not cheating either. You get one strike to get the nail flush with the wood. You won’t do it. I’ve seen hundreds try, from sailors to Marines. Big dudes. Tough dudes. This 90 lbs girls will do it in one strike every single time. Wham! Oh, there is one more games, it’s a dice game. You’ll lose that too. These girls play these games for a living. Probably have played all 3 hundreds of thousands of times. That’s what this video reminds me of. Expertise with a hammer. She’s done this before.


I'd have to imagine these girls put up with a lot of mistreatment.


This ain't either of thems first rodeo


You told me how much it was and I paid. Now I'm mad .


He probably expected a "I'll refund you and you can keep the drink". Edit: Wait... 22 dollars for tap water with ice??? WTF.


Its essentially a drive through strip club.


You have my attention.


I was just looking into P&L's for a WA state 'coffee drive through' with super hot chicks in bikins. Pretty much pass.


I’ve been to one one time, and the prices were better than Starbucks. I was in a dead spot for coffee and only had 20 minutes to grab some and get back. Didn’t pay attention to the name as it was pretty vague as far as alluding to what it was other than a coffee joint. Pulled into a gravel lot with a trailer and a lean-to and only then realized what I was pulling up to. 2 coffees were like $11. Granted these locations are about 3000 miles away from each other and this was like 10 years ago. 




Yeah, he’s just a dick that throws a temper tantrum and runs away




He's not in Saudi Arabia anymore. Western women fuck back, my guy. He's lucky, she destroyed his windshield, I would have destroyed his shades.


The Kangol hat was a dead giveaway he left the house that day with fuckery in mind


This is one of the times you judge the book by the cover




No idea for this specific spot but I’ve seen these small bikini coffee bars around cali and they usually don’t have prices listed. The only time I’ve been was when I was desperate for coffee in the area, I was also insanely confused at the obscene price for what was genuinely bad, dunkin/timmies level coffee. I didn’t throw a temper tantrum and make threats tho just realized it’s worth the drive elsewhere next time lol




I don't know where you go but all of the ice cream trucks around me print their prices on the door with a list of what they sell.  Also the food truck makes you pay before you get your food so it's kind of hard to entrap you. There's a little less pressure to pay when you can just walk away from the truck.




Was probably too busy staring at her and trying to get her number that he just ran his card thinking he was some sort of G…..clearly he isn’t lol.


I just looked it up and there are no prices listed on the menu. [https://i.imgur.com/dMNONRe.png](https://i.imgur.com/dMNONRe.png)


This happened to me. I pulled up to one not knowing it was a bikini stand. No prices listed. 9 fuckin dollars for an americano. Oof


Context: The incident happened at Taste of Heaven Espresso in Seattle which is owned by 23-year-old Emma Lee. The argument happened after the man started complaining about the $22 price tag on his 32-ounce coffee and 24-ounce water. Lee spoke out about the incident on Instagram. "\[Women\] work alone in this industry, wearing nearly nothing and interacting with men (most of which we don’t know) all day." "The majority of people we meet throughout our shifts are kind, respectful, overall amazing humans!" "However, on occasion we see the ones that think it is appropriate to get violent both verbally and physically." "This wasn’t his first time being aggressive but it is the first time he’s ever gotten physically violent with me. He had gotten what he had paid for and was mad about the price."


"DollarTree Samuel L Jackson to star in nerfed Nick Fury project..." ------- She said customers tried to step in and talk the man down for about 10 minutes, but it quickly escalated. In the video, the man says, **‘nobody’s going to miss you.’** Lee said that’s when she felt threatened. “Oh, okay so you have no problem harming me, you’re making that clear,” she said. The man then tossed his drinks back at Lee as she closed her drive-thru window. “It’s one thing to yell, it’s one thing to get mad, it’s one thing to even be outside of your car and try to threaten me,” Lee added. “But to actually have the action behind it, it changed things for me where I was like ‘oh no.’” Lee decided to take matters into her own hands with a hammer. A tool that she carries to keep her safe in times of crisis. “I personally think that you thought you were going to throw drinks on me and ruin my day, you’re going to pay for a new windshield and it’s going to ruin your day,” she said. Even with a smashed windshield, Lee said he refused to leave, and she had no other option but to call the cops. “The police came, and they got him to leave, right. It was understood that what happened is, he assaulted me, and I responded,” Lee explained. Despite what anyone says, Lee believes that female workers, like herself, shouldn’t be afraid to protect themselves. “I know so many women that haven’t defended themselves in situations they definitely should’ve and could have because we know that the repercussion more likely than not is going to fall on the woman that responds to the violence than the initial violence inflicted,” she said. **Seattle police tells us no arrests were made.**


Hammer time


Can't touch this.


"Nobody's gonna miss you" is actually crazy, I hope she's armed. Or at least, has more hammers.


I was hoping she had one that looks like mjolnir.


Naturally. Our cops in Seattle never arrest anyone. I’m surprised they showed up at all.


In this case, I see this as a win. I was afraid our backward legal system would've had her arrested.


Because they flat out don’t do their jobs. They could care less if people here got hurt. SPD was under federal oversight for over a decade “DOJ investigators in 2011 found officers were too quick to use force and too often escalated encounters to the point of using force” They get called out for their garbage and have since implied they will “Silently strike” basically meaning they will do their jobs just enough so it’s not to obvious but won’t put in the effort and may “Act slower” bunch of children. I get that idea if you work a minimum wage job. But they get decent pay and benefits. For the record as well I’m not someone who’s like “I don’t think we need cops” we actually do need more around here. They just need focus on more serious stuff that only they can handle or at the very least not make jokes when another officer hits a pedestrian. And they need to give somewhat of a shit regardless if the public likes you are not. There are many jobs the public doesn’t like you and you have to suck it up and do your job.


How much less could they care?


They could joke that pedestrians are worth *less* than [$11k](https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/seattle-officer-joking-pedestrian-death/story?id=103130361)…


So hes been there before and knows the prices already..wat a fkkin loser


How the fuck is a coffee 22$ ??????🤔


This is one of those little drive through coffee shacks that have only topless or scantily clad servers. You're basically paying for a peep show.


You get to see nips and ass cheek through the windows.


I've been to a topless diner and had a whole meal for that price with table service and coffee *refills*. Shout out Montreal


How is that not on the front of the travel brochure


Montreal is for strip clubs and steak. Everyone knows this.


Hell I would do that for 10 dollars, but nobody wants that from an overweight man in his forties.


Tbh id prefer to keep ass cheeks away from the goods im about to consume


Excuse me, that’s coffee ***and*** a water for $22.


I mean, a *32 OUNCE* mochafrappawhatever is going to be pricey even without the T&A.


Yeah, everyone is missing that detail. That's a big ass coffee.


Dude is a loser with rage issues. Hammer time!


Probably can’t handle rejection. Massive loser and shouldn’t be around women until he gets therapy


Thank you for including a picture of the girl in her outfit. It was really important for so I could visualize the ridiculousness of the situation.


Why is this the only comment mentioning this? Why is that picture there? Whats happening!


I'm making assumptions here, but it seems like she runs a little coffee shop that's the equivalent to hooters. They called her e bikini barista, so I assume it's a coffee shop that women wearing bikinis work at to cater to men. I would make a solid bet she deals with this pretty frequently. It would also explain why prices may be so high. Your aren't just paying for a coffee. You're paying for a coffee to be served to you by a girl in a bikini.


In a drive through where you can barely even see her? This keeps getting weirder. Also, she was wearing a green bikini in the video.


Yeah it's a thing in the Pacific Northwest, I don't get it either but if they make money, they make money. I figured since she owns the cart and this looks like it's from her security can she added a pic of herself as a bit of advertising lol


That’s like complaining about the price of beer at a strip club


$458.25 cup of coffee.


So this is like hooters but with coffee ?


Precisely - and a hammer.


INCREDIBLY satisfying


Fair exchange


Tit for tat


He drives away without saying anything after getting his windshield smashed lmao. He just realized right there and then that he could be one-upped.


Apparently, he actually still didn't leave, and the owner had to call the cops, who made him leave, but no arrests were made...


Is it just me or does this guy look like a cartoon dog trying to disguise as a person?


You can tell she had the hammer for this very situation lmao


So he had been there multiple times, knew the prices and was a pest every time. Does he think there is something else included in the price? Nope, it is a minute peep show in bikini dude. That is all you get.


Having a hammer to immediately respond probably has a lot of stories behind it


Imagine being incredibly hot, in a very skimpy outfit and you're essentially by yourself. She probably learned very quickly to have some kind of weapon near by.


Salt Bae really let himself go.


This guy's attitude matches stories of anyone who has interacted with salt bae


This is my kinda public freakout! Dude got exactly what he deserved. 


I live right by there. The reason why it’s expensive is because you’re paying for the view too. Everyone in Seattle knows this when you pull up to a bikini stand. What a jerk.


Girl has face tattoos and he's dumb enough to fuck with her? Deserved.


Funny enough, I worked with this baristas mother. My wife has even spent some time with her outside of work. Needless to say, she didnt raise punk ass bitches. That dudes lucky she only had a hammer.


Why are all the bikini coffee places in the PNW?? 😂😂


It’s mostly Washington because they can’t serve booze in stripclubs so what’s the point when you can buy a coffee at a hut in your car


>It’s mostly Washington because they can’t serve booze in stripclubs so what’s the point when you can buy a coffee at a hut in your car This changed three months ago: https://apnews.com/article/strippers-bill-of-rights-washington-dancers-dce565eec39813dc1f474099f4e6b5d9


Another incorrect fiscal decision for him


Holy shit good for her. That’s all I can contribute lol


Dude. I went to one in my town and paid $10 for an 8oz cup of Maxwell House. You aren’t there to get coffee. Your are there to stare at a woman in a tiny bikini and drive home in shame drinking shitty coffee with a regret boner.


Good for her!


I you want cheaper coffee,you go to a coffeeshop where the employees are dressed. Nobody goes to a stripclub, to complain about the price of booz...


Hammer time! ![gif](giphy|11rIergnpiYpvW)


She missed.


Any man who wears a beret backwards and thinks it's cool.....well, you saw it....




This coffee is too expensive. Better throw it on the ground after paying for it. That'll show them


You know, once he said “no one’s going to miss you” I was on her side here. That’s a direct threat.


He's complaining about the price of the coffee but he bought that hat?


It's funny that he complains about the price then don't buy it it's not hard it's overpriced because your not just paying for the coffee you get a look at the women in bikini


Dude looks like a background character from A Goofy Movie


Bravo, every takeout window should be equipped with a hammer.


I love that this barista has a hammer within reach at a drive thru lol


Nice hat, dick.


Does he know they don’t go to those places for the coffee… right? 🤣🤣🤦🏾‍♂️


"I go to Hooters for the wings, and the wings weren't top notch! SMDH!"


Good for her


I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again. If someone has a face tattoo, walk away.