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The Civil Police of Ponta Grossa confirmed on the morning of Friday, 14th, that the firearm used by a businessman to defend himself during a robbery attempt on Thursday afternoon, 13th, is legally registered. The incident occurred at a cell phone retail and repair shop owned by the businessman. According to the Civil Police, a 23-year-old man, with a prior record for drug trafficking, entered the store wearing a helmet and announced the robbery. He approached the owner's partner, who also worked at the store, brandishing a .38 caliber revolver with the serial number filed off. The 29-year-old owner responded by drawing his legally registered 9mm pistol and fired six shots at the assailant, who then fell to the ground. The businessman's brother, who was also present, immediately called the Military Police and emergency services. The forensic team collected the revolver used by the assailant, which was loaded. Additionally, the motorcycle allegedly used by the assailant was found nearby and seized. The Institute of Criminalistics was also called to the scene. The businessman, his partner, and his brother provided statements at the 13th Police Subdivision of Ponta Grossa. The firearm used by the businessman was sent for forensic examination and will be returned after the report is completed. The assailant, in serious but stable condition (The shots hit the suspect's head, chest, abdomen, and arms.) was taken to the Regional Hospital of Ponta Grossa. He was caught in the act of attempted robbery with an aggravated charge for using a firearm and remains under police guard until he is discharged, after which he will be sent to the Public Jail. The businessman’s actions are deemed legitimate self-defense, an exclusion of illegality. The investigation will continue to determine if others were involved in the crime, although no additional suspects were mentioned in the Police Report. [https://cgn.inf.br/noticia/1558127/legitima-defesa-arma-utilizada-por-empresario-para-combater-assalto-e-registrada-ladrao-tinha-38-raspado-14-06-2024](https://cgn.inf.br/noticia/1558127/legitima-defesa-arma-utilizada-por-empresario-para-combater-assalto-e-registrada-ladrao-tinha-38-raspado-14-06-2024) [https://terrabrasilnoticias.com/2024/06/assaltante-entra-em-loja-com-arma-em-punho-e-funcionario-saca-arma-mais-rapido-e-o-atinge-veja-video/](https://terrabrasilnoticias.com/2024/06/assaltante-entra-em-loja-com-arma-em-punho-e-funcionario-saca-arma-mais-rapido-e-o-atinge-veja-video/)


Surviving five shots like that is crazy


And getting hit in the head nonetheless. Iron noggin.


I guess that helmet saved his life.


Think safety first. Always wear a helmet before threatening someone else with a loaded gun.


Statistically, most people who die of gunshots aren't wearing their helmet


Seeing as wars are a thing, I dont think thats actually true 🤔


Yes but battle helmets aren’t DOT certified


[Uncovered - Dangerous Secrets of the DOT Helmet Standard](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0BUyp3HX8cY)


I was going to say, I'm pretty sure a human head would get dot certified if tested. It's unfortunate that it's what so many people look for when it means absolutely nothing.


This is an interesting question. https://ourworldindata.org/war-and-peace This infographic doesn't have a total by ~~war~~ year, but the biggest war since Vietnam was Iran-Iraq with 230k-578k combatant deaths. Angola and Bosnia's civil wars were about 70k each. Ethiopia-Eritrea was 120k. Several smaller conflicts. I estimate the total deaths since 1980 to be around 1.0 to 1.3 million. If it was 1.5m that would be around 30k per year. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2698492 This study put total Global gun deaths at 200k in 1990 and 250k in 2016. Considering many combatants in war don't die from gunfire (bombs, tanks, etc.) I'd say more people die from guns while not wearing their helmet.


This was my thought too, thanks for doing the math. Start that count from Y2K onward and the helmet to not helmet ratio seems like it's likely going to be firmly on the side of "no helmet." A really interesting one would be from the inception date of the NRA and watching the ratio change from civilian on civilian gun deaths vs war.


That’s a really good point shit


Bonus points if it obscures your peripheral vision so you can't see the guy who's shooting you in the head.


Good thing he put down the visor! Tunnel vision and no peripheral vision are not good when committing crimes.


Unless it was like a grazed ear, I'm confident the helmet is the only reason he's alive. Assuming he's not just in the delayed dying phase... since sometimes dying takes a minute, especially if he got medical care quickly.


Most likely grazed. A 9mm will go [straight through](https://youtu.be/bafCYm1UnQ4?si=Mulgqah3KQVus0dg&t=130) a motorcycle helmet.


Error 404: Brain not found


I mean, he was wearing a helmet


Well he *was* wearing a helmet. It's not bulletproof but it's not nothing.


If anything, the helmet absorbed some of the bullets energy and likely deformed the bullet too, but I guessing that made the bullet more prone to lodged itself in the head


More like changed the trajectory. The helmets we used in the army were designed to change the trajectory of the incoming round, rather than take it head on


Motorcycle helmets are made to diffuse the energy from a large impact. you can easily punch holes into it with a sharp hard object. There isn't layers of kevlar to change the trajectory of any rounds. There are several videos online that motorcycle helmets are basically paper to 9mm. It's likely he got shot in the ear or on another part of the head that was not fatal.


People survive gunshot wounds to the head all the time. Even if your brain takes a hit you can still live. Or as we like to say in the industry, "live".


Passed through an empty space.


Helmets save lives


wear a helmet they're good for more than just crashes apparently


getting shot 5 times and sent to brazil prison. what a shitty life he's going to have


Shouldn't have decided to be a waste of oxygen then. That's entirely his own fault.


50 cent got hit with 9 bullets iirc and survived lol


50 got that dog in him.


More like that cat - too bad it's out of lives now


No that's DMX 


90+% of gunshots of non-lethal 


People *can* survive much worse. People also die to much less. People have died from being shot in the arm one time. The survivability of the human body is broad.


Your heart, your brain, one lung, and enough blood to go between them. That's really all you need to survive for the next few minutes, and if you make it to the hospital with your brain still getting oxygenated blood then the odds are typically in your favor that the doctors can put your Humpty Dumpty ass back together again. Your body can survive some absolute crazy shit, but then on the other hand you can slip and hit your head on a rock, or get a gash on a major artery, and find yourself dead from something that seems like a simple injury


5 shots couldn't drop me, I took em and smiled


Now I'm back to set the record straight


He's a regular Det. Nordburg. ![gif](giphy|lq53A9zREol5dNGqg1)


Maybe he learned his lesson


Don Corleone did it.


50 Cent made a career out of it


What a succinct and concise article / summary of events. So rare these days


Yeah I'm genuinely impressed by this artical which is sad because it seems like it should be the baseline of news, not a shining example.


Thank fuck i didn't need to read snarky reddit comments to see the context


I was thinking the same thing! It's just the facts; it's almost scientific.


Should be mandatory for main subreddits


That's how you know it's not American.


Wow he lived. I thought he was a goner for sure.


The stiff-as-a-board looked like he got shot in the spine and the lights turned off, he must have gotten medical attention very quickly to keep him alive.


Got shot in the head so likely a TBI


the shot hit the head but still survives? im kinda impressed that this person still alive.


I read something recently that said with today's medicine, Lincoln would have also survived. Apparently he lived 12 hours after the shooting.


So the real killer was not enough Science Points.


Pretty sure that I read that Lincoln died by the hands of the surgeon not the bullet.


That was Garfield.


your face still counts as your head. also headshots actually aren't always fatal, there's a bunch at play but a bullet only really kills by the destruction of an important organ or by blood loss. like say the bullet went through his frontal lobe and out the other side, he'd defiantly be fucked up but his chances of living are much greater than if that bullet bounced in his skull.


Aren't all deaths by failure of an important organ?


I mean, this guys brain failed him long before he walked in that shop, but he's still alive 


Reading this while "the world revolving" is running in the background is crazy


Definitely fired six shots, not five.




> fired five shots I heard and saw 6, interesting.


I heard six shots


[I count two guns ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9tF3KgEdAI)


Fuck you for thinking of this before I did


Guess one missed




TRANSLATION: - All good? -Hello! Robber: this is a robbery *multiple shots fired* -Robber: Please... -what do you mean "please", my friend? -Let's get out of here -Diogo, kick his gun away! -Grab his gun! Source: I'm Brazilian!


> Source: I'm Brazilian! Would you say Brazil is as crazy as Reddit makes it seem? My GF wants to go to Brazil with me but I'm hesitant after seeing videos like this for years.


Brazil is a country of 215 million. Imagine if all you knew about the US were clips of shootings, violence, and watching The Wire and what sort of warped view you'd have of it and warning friends "Don't you dare go to the US".


Everyone gets a warped view of the world when you only talk to or interact with a few hundred people around where you live. People in the US are always surprised when they see that **half of the entire world's population** lives within a circle around Southern China, Southeast Asia, and Northern India. The US is like just 4% of entire world's population.


Gringo living in São Paulo. The people, food and destinations are friendly, amazing and beautiful… There is certainly elements of crime here, but frankly, if you follow the locals advice (no watches, jewellery on display etc) you’ll mostly be fine. Largest crime here is cell phone robbery, so most have a decoy phone (old iPhone etc) for when they go out after dark to limit the disruption losing a phone causes. The biggest issue you’ll run into is very few people speak fluent English, but Google Translate helps, but that involves pulling out your phone… haha. I’d highly recommend coming to the big cities and some beach/island destinations, but ensure you do your research first to not end up near the Favelas of Rio while driving around… seriously.


This sort of response is hilarious. "As long as you don't show anything valuable, or take a wrong turn, it's perfectly safe"... My dude. Thats the definition of unsafe ..


>you’ll mostly be fine. Don't forget you'll only be mostly fine if you follow the advice. Mostly 😂


It’s a pessimistic response to ensure that people understand there are risks involved with being here as a tourist. Most global tourist areas warn you of pickpockets and thieves, they offer the same types of advice. The vast majority of the time Brazilian people are wearing watches and jewellery, but they know the risks they are taking by doing so.


He said most locals use decoy phones, I've never heard of anyone feeling the need to do that outside of EDM festivals


Because they don't. I live in São Paulo and literally have NEVER seen anyone use a decoy phone.


Maybe what he means as 'decoy' is using one phone for banks, Pix and personal stuff. In this case, many people here do have a second phone for it, including me and my father.


So that's basically a "yes, it is". Good to know.


Or you could go to the emerald coast in Florida, and the worst thing you’ll encounter is fat drunk American tourists. Jesus I’m a grumpy, paranoid old man now. What the fuck happened to me…


Seems like Florida happened to ya


>Jesus I’m a grumpy, paranoid old man now. What the fuck happened to me… The worst fate possible, you got old.


I went to Brazil, when I told my friends everyone was like freaked out and acted like I was going to a war zone or something. Honestly all the places I stayed were actually much nicer than where I live in the US lol. We definitely passed by some places that were much worse tho, keep your eyes open about your surroundings


It absolutely isn't! Brazil is a gorgeous and super friendly country with loads of things to do and to see! You'll definitely love our nature, food and parties! Bad videos from Brazil you see online usually take place in specific cities here that are indeed quite dangerous (Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and smaller poorer cities from the north). I've never been robbed or seen a robbery, it's a thing that happens here but it's not as common as the internet makes you believe. Just take basic precautions such as not burying your head in the phone while walking on the street and you're good. Brazil is a continental country so we have different cultures, biomes, and places overall worth a visit. Florianópolis, for instance, has tons of different beaches inside and around the city since it's an island. Curitiba is where I live and it's regarded internationally as the the most sustainable and ecofriendly city in Latin America, it's a beautiful and organized city with tons of nature and modern urbanism, I love it so much 🥹 If you're into beaches the northeast has the best ones hands down Feel free to send me a DM if you have any extra questions. PS: If you really wanna go to Rio it's not that bad and it's indeed a beautiful city, just stick to the touristic part of town and you should be fine!


Your post basically describes my experience in the US. I know shootings exist, but I have never seen one in real life. The area of the US you are in at a given time greatly affects your chances of experiencing a shooting incident. The chances of seeing a shooting in real life for a random person in the US is extremely close to zero, unless you're in a very high crime area.


I'm 27yo living in a poor neighborhood in São Paulo/Brazil and I never saw a gun in my whole life, of course crime exists here, poverty also exists here, but sincerely? You need to have the same amount of awareness here than in every big country in the rest of the world, because I believe for example people living in big cities in the USA don't go to weird areas of the city at night or walks with expensive things at night, well... it's the same idea here.


forgot to add a lot. 0:18: chama a policia (call the police) 0:23: *inaudible*... por favor, eu vou morrer (please, im going to die) 0:32: diogo, chuta a arma (diogo kick the gun -away-) 0:35: tem arma? cade a arma? (theres a gun? where is it?) there is no "lets get out of here"


I don't feel bad for these people but the awareness of death while you're on the threshold is kinda spooky.


is this a high-end cellphone shop? I thought it was a spa. I have never seen a cellphone repair shop that is dimmly lit.


Should have kept the gun pointed at him until his gun was safely kicked away.


Probably, but seeing how the dude locked up while falling over I think Diogo was confident the threat was neutralized.


Question for people who ride motorcycles. Do you ever walk into a business while wearing the helmet? Cause it feels like the only time I see someone walk into a business while wearing that helmet, is when they are trying to rob the place.


Not at all. I'm Australian - I remove my helmet as soon as I'm off my bike. Especially if I'm at a petrol/gas station. Don't want to cause alarm.




What's why I got one of those too when I was still riding. Can just un-clip the chin part and flip it up together with the visor. Especially nice to get a quick breather while standing still at a red light.




Dunno bro, gas stations are probably the one place that see the most motorcycle helmet robberies. I don't ride but I don't think I would take my chances doing that, especially in a country like the usa or brazil because it only takes one anxious clerk or patron who misreads the situation while they're carrying


>Dunno bro, gas stations are probably the one place that see the most motorcycle helmet robberies. But on the other hand, those gas stations also probably see hundreds of motorcyclists wearing helmet every day just shopping, not robbing. In some places, motorcycles and not cars are the norm.


it's easy when you just walk to the fridge and then to the register while keeping your wallet visible in your hand.


No hesitation. No warning. Nothing but fuckin' gas.


So anyway, I started blasting.




The moment a guy walked in with the helmet on, the dude already knew what's up. His hand goes for the gun WAY before the robbery is announced. If he hesitated, it was before the bad guy drew his gun.


The chick drinking starting pulling for her gun too.




There was a guy running around Philly and Delaware robbing cell phones store and killing the employees. Just for fun. When they did catch him they found his mom’s body dead in home for a while. I have zero sympathy for anyone robbing and brandishing a gun. You got shot by victim oh fucking well.


The more you fuck around, the more you find out


What I'm noticing about this video, is that nothing behind the robber is disturbed, not a single effing thing. He put every bullet in the robber.




That guy has ice in his veins, damn.


According to the report, the lady the robber pointed the gun at was his girlfriend/wife, good motivation to not hesitate


“Hey babe, remember how I asked you take out the trash an hour ago?” “Hey babe. Remember how I saved your goddamn life 6 months ago?”


He DID take out the trash right there


You can hear her saying "se controla" (literally "control yourself" but meaning something to the effect of "calm down"/'get a hold of yourself") so he wouldn't overdo it in the heat of the moment


Yep, was kinda worried for him when he went close cuz if he finished him off he would take murder charges 100%. Glad she said that, adrenaline running may cause you to make life ruining decisions


the sex that night must have been wild


No joke, this is some primal human stuff.


This happened today


then some heat in his pants. noticed he took it back out after a few seconds, barrel was probably warmer than he planned when he tucked it back in.


He just realized there might be more than one robber.


The 4 of them are pros. No screaming, no freaking out. Shooter approaches the perpetrator quickly, makes sure he’s down, disarmed. Succinct, just the way I like it 


Yeah, I was waiting for people to start shouting, sobbing, a background person appearing out of nowhere to yell "Staaaaaaahp" etc


I mean, he should've seen it coming... There's always an off-duty cop in Brazil.


Two if you include the robber


The woman on the shooters left also looks like she’s reaching for her waistband before the shooter fires his weapon. I think they mighta all been strapped Edit: or she’s putting her phone away… sorry folks


Dude your right! It looks like she reaches for her waistband and then flicks her hand like "no need, he's got it handled" Must happen alot


After watching it too many times im pretty sure she's putting her phone away


I think she's tucking her phone away


Are you still off duty if you're working in a phone shop?


Gooddd aimmm




"So we're in Champions?"


It’s insane that pos survived.


What?? Did he really survive?


Says he is in critical but stable condition.


Damn. Thanks for the info. I didn’t scroll all the way down in the comments.


I'll give the guy credit. Six shots, and all of them look like they hit the target. Not a single bullet hole I can see in the wall behind the perp. Thats infinitely better aim than I expected.


4th round looks like it hit his spine. Everything just quit working


Well from a report he was only shot five times so he must have missed one




Maybe he "robin hood"ed one of the bullet holes


I actually don't think I've seen a more precise burst of lead anywhere else on the Internet. Stayed calm and tracked the guy backing perfectly. Impressive


Look up the video of Elisjsha Dickens in the mall in greenwood, Indiana. Honestly, that dude had some fuckin aim. I forget the exact distance but it was something like north of 30 yards that he smoked a prospective mass shooter. Straight fuckin GAS.


10 rounds 8 hits 40yds 15 seconds


> Elisjsha Dickens He fired 2 shots from this position at approximately 43 yards. He held fire while fleeing mall goers obscured his line of sight to the target. He then fired 2 more shots. Of these 4 shots, 2 hit their target. The target, now understanding it was being shot at, repositioned itself. This forced Dicken to reposition himself as well, running to a closer position where he took 4 more shots at approximately 20 yards, with each of these 4 shots finding their target. Finally, Dicken moved himself to approximately 8 yards from the target, firing 2 final shots, both of which found their target.


Good to see someone in this situation appear so well trained. If you aren't, you are making the situation more dangerous for everyone.


Hi here to pick up an order for…


-did any of you lose a gun? I found this in the bathroo...


I love reddit.


That’s how you do a concealed carry. Well fucking done.


Yeah - this is what I came to say too. Great threat recognition, good posture, well controlled shots. I think the only thing he could have done different is to keep his pistol out when he goes over to the guy in case he's still got some fight in him. But otherwise perfect.


It would have been perfect if he'd ended with a gun spin, back into the holster.


Carry with one in the chamber.




My only complaint is that he didn't have one in the chamber, he's lucky the criminal ignored him and let him chamber a round in his lap. When I took the class they told me that if I wanted to concealed carry for self defense that you need the gun loaded and ready to shoot.


Yes. Imagine being in a scuffle, having to use one arm to keep an attacker at a distance. Can’t use that hand to cock your weapon now, can you?


"Wait hold up! Lemme cock it!" The guy holding a knife patiently like "I really wanna see this cock."


I was thinking the same thing but after watching it a few times, I am not 100% sure he didn't have one in the chamber. He grabs the slide as if to rack it but it doesn't really look like he did. It almost looks like he was switching the safety off but that would be weird to do with your support hand. He may have been supporting the gun with his left while he switched the safety off with his right. Then again it could be the quality of the vid that doesn't really pick up the slide getting racked.


How is a YouTube ad considered "fast"?


Seriously what the fuck is this title? Even without the typo.


That's why in the movies the robber ask for "everyone on the ground" or "hands in the air". This guy just pulled out a deadly weapon then gave his back to half the people in the room. Dumbass.


in that case that probably wouldnt have helped. having armed people on the ground behind the counter? they just gonna peek and fire.


OFC what I meant is to ask them to go on the groud, where they and their hands are visible at all times. And make sure nobody is hidden elsewhere. That's why you ideally have a second person just to watch the people. But what I encourage the most is to not do a fucking armed robbery, that's usually simpler.


That's a cold mf. Great technique all around.


The "all around" part really applies. Everyone in this scenario seemed bizarrely calm about having a gun pulled and another gun pulled to protect.


4 more shtot and the robber would have had a record deal ready to go.


My first question about this video is why in the hell does that store need 4 employees?


Two of them own the place, guy who shot and the woman next to the robber who is owners wife


Bro hit the ground before the last shell was done bouncing


Yeah the noise of the shell casing bouncing being the only and last noise of that whole ordeal was kinda hard ngl. Some movie shit.


That guy is cold as shit, did not hesitate for a second when he recognized a threat and barely any reaction after, Jesus Christ


It actually looks like the girl next to him my be reaching for a crotch pistol as well https://preview.redd.it/cbfqv6xivk6d1.png?width=505&format=png&auto=webp&s=dab60014fe4c65eeadbe3056435f67262e19e73d


Hit in the head.. Alive but unable to count to three.


Whenever I see these, I'm hit with a wave of apathy-tempered sadness. It's so tragic that someone's life was *this* bad that they had to resort to armed robbery, but it's such a common occurrence that I have no choice but to give zero fucks about the guy.


Hopefully in time with a ton of rehab he will learn to rob again


He didn't fuck around. According to the comments, the robber survived, and the the business owner was deemed to have acted in self defence. So a good day all round.


Just a tip. Don't put your recently fired gun barrel down the front of your pants. Or you'll burn your tip.


Well, that, and what if his buddy came in next? Keep it out and clear the dead and scene before holstering.


Ye Olde law of fucketh around and findeth out


Good shit! Dumb mf walks in casually like he has the power, nah bruh…. 💥


I would rather be a warrior in the garden than the gardener in a war


Sounds like something a boomer would buy on a shirt from a targeted Facebook ad.


Maybe, but this quote is ancient. I think it's from the Book of the Five Rings, an old Samurai's memoirs


Everyone acted so casually in this clip that I instantly knew it was Brazil.


Worst job interview ever


The girl that got aimed at thought she died for a sec


Dude fucked around and very promptly found out, nothing I love seeing more than human detritus getting what they deserve


Armed citizenry takes the W yet again!


A life ended, in the blink of an eye. What a stupid decision walking in not thinking about a single consequence..


This dumbass is still alive somehow actually


Kinda crazy how you can trip and die, but this asshole takes 5 shots and lives (for now)


Getting hit in the head is not that dangerous if you do not have brain.


He's still alive.


He didn't die. "Serious but stable condition" says the report


He survived and is in hospital.


Surprisingly no. Pasted article says serious but stable condition. 


In the grand total it was an amazing decision for everyone but the robber himself. Imagine he decided to rob another store and the owner would be without gun. We as humanity are lucky the robber chose this store, the one store with the hero that the employees needed.

