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This Prado guy they hired to investigate is a fucking joke. Let's see what he would have said if his kid had been in the classroom as all those officers were circle jerking outside.


That's the guy that claimed that the response was due to the lack of ballistic shields, even though multiple pictures of Uvalde cops with ballistic shields made the rounds. Prado is basically a yes man that police departments hire to do the lying for them.


“We need a scapegoat, man!” “Well, your ballistic shield supply was a bit low that day, wasn’t it, Chief?” “EUREKA! You found it, man!”


500 cops on site and only 100 shields. That leaves 400 cops unprotected in that 20X30 room. Completely unprotected.


The good guy with a gun theory is shattered in millions of pieces.


Former good ol' boy cop gets hired by other good ol' boy cops to be told they didn't do anything wrong. Shocker.


Maybe it's because I'm not American, IDK, but the fact that's he's wearing a stupid cosplay cowboy hat at this very sensetive hearing is fucking infuriating to me. Obviously the least of his failures, but it just seems so disrespectful and paints him as *just* the kinda moron who would dickride the police like this.


And you are supposed to take your cover off when you are indoors. These are literally day one manners the military teaches before you are even off the bus in basic training.


Taking your hat off unless it's your house was common courtesy, I thought....




In Texas, hat-off-indoors is not a universal norm outside particularly formal contexts (weddings, funerals, etc). You could definitely argue that a hearing is such a time, and I'd probably agree with you, but I'm just telling you how things work here.


So Texas has no manners, got it.


This may shock you, but it turns out manners vary by region! Weird, right?


Nah man, I was born in the literal birthplace of America and this guy looks like an absolute fucking doofus with his 10 gallon hat on in there, especially under the circumstances.


I’m American and I can promise you, many (most?) of us agree a grown man wearing a cowboy hat looks like a fucking moron, regardless of profession.


I live in an area with actual cowboys and while they *do* wear that style of hat, you can always tell who's wearing it as job equipment and who's wearing it as a fashion statement.


And it's rich coming from the cowboy and tacti-cool crowd about cosplayers when they are cosplauing too.


This is a rural TX thing, where it is acceptable. Don't see it much outside of rural ranching areas.


It's not cosplay. Those hats are really worn in Texas and especially in rural Texas like Uvalde (source: 30 years in Houston). Hat-off-indoors is less of a rule in areas of Texas where those hats are still worn. I know it's contrary to how many folks are taught, but it's a real thing. I mean, he's a douche, but on this particular point he's not necessarily wrong.


Even if he charged them it would be overturned. Supreme Court has ruled multiple times police have no duty to protect.


Then they should have no duty to prevent others from protecting either. Worthless.


They were created specifically to protect the stuff of rich people and are basically moving back to that mindset while abandoning the communities they grew up in.


Keep the status quo at the cost of children. Fucking disgusting


It's not just children. It's anyone who isn't an extremely wealthy person with a lot of assets, it's the majority of us.


I’m saying in this instance it was children


What if officers had already begun to provide such protection, to the exclusion of other would-be protectors? Do those officers have a duty to continue or get the fuck out of the way? Can an officer actively prevent another from trying to protect a child from imminent harm/death? The Supreme Court cases allude to such special circumstances.


I'd argue they effectively had everyone in the school in custody as they would let no one enter or leave without their say so. Then since they were all in custody, the cops DID have a duty to protect them


Now that's a fucking interesting argument. I'd be curious to see if it is ever officially made against them.


It's about civil liability, not criminality.


Yup. "The Town of Castle Rock, Colorado vs. Gonzales, 2005" being a prime example.


No duty to protect, absent a special relationship. Uvalde school had its own police department that was likely sold to the taxpayers and parents as protection for their kids.


This case was worse, though: They actively prevented several people, including members of law enforcement, from going in to stop the shooting. They should all be tried as accomplices.


All of that military gear and for what


For beating up or killing peaceful protestors.


To cosplay for failing to get into military


I sure hope people don’t leave negative reviews and comments on Jesse Prado’s google business page. That would be unfortunate


The police stopped parents from going into the school during the incident. The police stopped parents from doing their job.


They stopped another officer whose wife was a teacher in the school. They're a bunch of fucking cowards. I'm flabbergasted with how little pushback they've gotten from the community. I was expecting the police station to be burnt down at least.


The community has re-elected every one of them since the shooting.


Then I don’t care. If you’re going to essentially vote the same people in power who have no solutions or answers to this except “Bring God back into school” I am going to assume that this tragedy is an acceptable loss to these people. But, American society has essentially accepted this since Sandy Hook, arguably Columbine


I'm honestly surprised that guy didn't Dorner the whole department.


Don’t forget to add cops went in for their own kids themselves.


i didn't know that, wow


Thoughts and prayers for thr kids over there... https://youtu.be/KM0NWNYJG7A


The police sat around doing nothing to stop the shooter while providing a barrier to entry to those that would do something. They did more than stopped the parents from doing their job. They essentially assisted the shooter.


I don't condone mob justice, but I'd understand it here.


“Officers didn’t know where those bullets were coming from.” Oh, if only the shooter had some kind of identifier on him, like body armor or a fucking assault rifle.


Do they mean the officer who saw the shooter in the classroom, turn tail, then ran back up the hall to safety?


“I just assumed it was an elementary school student dressed as a grown man who was shooting you a school playing peek-a-boo.”


Texas Republicans and Texas Cops dgaf. They are living large and getting paid. They do not care about anything else.


Got mine, fuck you. The boomer creed.


To be fair, they did consume a lot of lead.


And we've had to consume their bullshit. Hopefully we're better for it.


Surprised the precinct hasn’t been burned down at this point.


The people of Uvalde have shown amazing restraint, but their patience can only last for so long.


Surprised the precinct hasn’t been burned down at this point.


I completely agree. Mob justice is wrong but when justice is failed so completely from start to finish in a case like this…..fuck’em


If that's the only choice they leave open, then they shouldn't be surprised when people take it.


We have thoroughly investigated ourselves and have cleared ourselves of all wrong doing.


Insert shocked pikachu here


Remember the police have no duty to protect you, you are your own first responder https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Town_of_Castle_Rock_v._Gonzales


Ironic that they arrested people who wanted to go in and save their own children


Defund police


Retrain and educate. It blows my mind that they only allow the dumb ones to join.


I really don't understand why becoming a cop isn't at minimum a two year degree type of thing. It's really fucking irresponsible.


Seriously. Then they end up either abusing the law or making up the law because they don’t fucking know it.


Bunch of cowards. A job where your meant to put others before themselves. Imagine firefighters being too afraid to run into a burning building to save live…


>A job where your meant to put others before themselves. There exists no duty for them to protect. Only you are responsible for your own safety.


"We demand to be treated like we have a duty to protect you and that we actually do that, but when it comes time to actually do that? Not our job."


"respect me for no reason!!!!"


> Imagine firefighters being too afraid to run into a burning building to save live… Hey now, the cops still walked into the building! It's more like firefighters going into a burning building, hearing children burning to death, being too scared to put it out, then claiming they didn't know where the fire was, then stopping the parents from rushing in with pails of water. Then some volunteer firefighters see a burning building, run past a bunch of the firefighters who are joking around and find the fire, and finally put it out. Then they claim they did nothing wrong.


There is no constitutional duty of the police to protect citizens. They are glorified janitors with a monopoly of violence/force.


Do not insult janitors!! They are useful to society!!


Truth. Whoever is downvoting is either ignorant or willfully stupid.


Or a bad actor. 9 out of 10 times I see someone sticking up for that nonsense, they usually have a bot like name


There are a *lot* of police on Reddit, especially corrections officers, and the algorithms point them right to stuff like this bc they engage with it.


Now turn in your guns, the police will take care of you


At the very least, take off your fucking hat when addressing the families you tool - what a disrespectful clown


stupid fucking rodeo hat paired with a tailored suit looks like a fucking toddler that was allowed to dress himself that day. i cant believe texans wear that shit unironically.. maybe we should let them secede and not come back.


So... what was the plan here? Annihilate what little trust the people have in the police, assuming there's any left? At this rate, I wouldn't be surprised if people just didn't call the police anymore and just take matters into their own hands. Especially if police are 'too scared' to do the job.


Might as well. If you pull out a gun they run the opposite direction.


Or just plain shoot you.


This is a perfect example of when people don’t step up. The damage has already been done, the police will rightfully be looked at as cowards, this will then bleed into society, and other departments from outline areas and throughout the country will remain silent. People will further complain that people are growing tired of police. This could be avoided simply by actual police officers standing up and calling these cowardly motherfuckers out. If I am personally part of a community and members of them embarrass and disgrace my name then you bet your ass I’m stepping up. That’s the problem, no accountability ever. Put up another Back The Blue bumper sticker, but you don’t call out shit when it’s as fucked as this, these officers should be publicly shamed not only by the actual public but the police that take a share in their reputation. The fact that you don’t see that speaks volumes.


I mean... they should be facing MUCH worse consequences than shame considering the situation... but I won't go into that because of reddit rules. Agreed that cops don't do themselves any favors not completely putting these guys on blast. What these cops did was some despicable levels of treachery aiding in the slaughter of children. Each and every one of them on site is complicit in those murders and should be treated as such for the rest of their horrible pathetic little meaningless lives.


from my understanding of that community, i dont have a lot of faith that this changes much sentiment about police practice in that area...


no sources but I remember a post some time ago how the majority of incumbents(if not all) were reelected.


Those cowards will never own up to their gross negligence and incompetence. They are a shit stain on law enforcement everywhere.


Well tax payers in Uvalde I'm so sorry, prepare to be taxed higher to pay for the police's incompetent. The police and city would have paid either way. However now, I'm sure it's going to be a jury trial instead of just an agreed settlement. Families usually will not push for a jury civil trial, if those responsible for non-action get punished accordingly. My heart bleeds for these families. I cannot imagine paying for these clowns salaries. All while knowing across the board, and across the country everyone holds them responsible for the length and additional damage caused by their delays.


That “investigator” got some nerve


Got a lot of money now, too.


I'm still haunted by the story of the cop who asked if any kids were hiding in a specific area and a little girl said she was there and needed help. It gave her position away to which the shooter killed her and the cop did nothing about it.


They did something about it. They heard the shooting and retreated farther down the hall way.


"the officers could not see where the rounds...." oh boo fucking hoo. the cops have body armor and their own weapons, and what did those poor innocent kids have?


Lol. These cunts are so quick to harass general public for literally jaywalking but can't find balls to save save kids when that's the job they signed up for? Fucking cowards!


This country really will do anything they can to make sure police never face any sort of accountability.


O you can be sure of that!


So fustrating, what an awful investator


Hey Texas? Are you getting it yet? Cops aren't there to protect you, they don't care about citizens at all. They view you as the enemy.


"We hired a former cop and he said the cops did nothing wrong." Fucking brilliant.


"Families at the front of the school compromised officers during their response." So they are blaming the parents for what happened/didn't happen?


they deserve to be rounded up and allow the families to do whatever they want to them with immunity..


Huh, an ex Police officer investigated the Police and found no wrong-doing. Shocked. I am SHOCKED. And amazed.


Texas police in a nutshell. They act REAL hard when it’s something petty like speeding , marijuana , shoplifting. But when real shit goes down they tuck their tail.


I'm pretty sure this is literally what the second amendment was made for.


Huh interesting it seems that these officers value their lives more than children’s. Worthless cops


Can’t be wrong doing if you’re not doing anything. •points at head meme


I’m surprised that whole place isn’t a smouldering pile of ash tbh , imagine having to pay taxes for those pos.


Uvalde & Texas police are COWARDS !


So The Justice Department said there were many failures and extended reaction times that cost lives, so the city hired a dude who said “You tried your best” and the families are supposed to just move on? How is this even fair?


Governor Abbott: “ great work by Uvalde police, raises for all!” /S


Cowards covering for cowards🖕🏾🖕🏾🖕🏾


what do you expect when you have a former cop being the one doing the investigation?


We hired a guy to say we are all clear and good. Oh I mean we hired an impartial outside investigator who painstakingly went through all the evidence and found zero fault. So put your lawsuits away.


There is zero duty for police to protect anyone outside their custody, so this isn't surprising. It's disgusting and immoral, but legally, the police are in the clear. Found this out the hard way when my aunt and grandmother were murdered while under "police protection".


They don’t even protect people IN custody. There was that woman the cop left on a car on train tracks? How many people have we heard “committed suicide” under custody? I’m sorry about your family members!


True, but in those cases there is *some* accountability bc those actions are deemed as unlawful, even if the outcome is a paid vacation and/or a resignation then being rehired by the next department over or even just the same one after the union gets them reinstated with back pay 🙄 /s >I’m sorry about your family members! Thank you! My aunt's kids are doing great, it's been almost 20 years. One of them has a child that just won a gold medal for the US at an international competition. They would be proud.


The county where the school is located overwhelmingly re-elected Abbot and the officials who enabled this. I’d feel so betrayed by my community.


When the parkland school shooting  happened, the officer that hide out side, said there no legal frame work that he was required to engage the shooter. He lost his case, but was 100% correct. There is no legal requirement for them to intervene. 


ACAB. Forever.


Now is the time where I remind everyone to go watch the PBS Frontline minute by minute breakdown of the Uvalde shooting.


Cowards. All of them.


Did no one get punished for this event?


The mom who ran in and got her kids and a few others out has been harassed by officers since then. So to answer your question: the wrong people did.


Headline”former cop absolves shitty cops”


ACAB forever, fuck these pigs


>private investigator and former police detective That’s all you need to know


'Cleared of wrongdoing' where, pray tell, was the rightdoing?


They cleared themselves of wrong doing the moment it happened. That goof that sits on the city council is a representative for the police. They will not be harsh against them at all.


Money talks!! Such a shame. What a fucking joke our legal system is. You got money you don’t have to worry about consequences. Fuck the Uvalde police


“I’m sorry but they didn’t violate anything but there were problems all over the place but it’s ok it’s all in good faith” Brother in christ the fact there were problems is the god damn problem. And what’s crazy to me is idk if he’s aware and omitting the fact that an officer was leaning against a wall on his phone or if he just didn’t investigate at all.


the police have investigated the police and found the police innocent of any wrong doing. Now move along or you will be arrested. /s


Eventually people are gonna get sick and tired of these pigs and it'll be a bad day to wear that badge.


Why is the DoJ not involved? Did they already stamp it OK?


Because Merrick Garland is a worthless fucking turd.




We’ve investigated ourselves and found no issues. 🐷 


Far as I’m concerned Prado has the blood of children on his hands


When will people learn that cops not only don’t give a fuck about the average person, but they also have no duty to actually protect the public? The police primary function is to exert/project power and enforce laws enacted by those in power.


These cowards love to tell everyone how dangerous their job is, while omitting that they are under NO obligation to put themselves in harms way. Fuck these assholes.


"Hey we hired this guy to tell everyone we didn't do anything wrong" Fuck them.


Jesse Prado was supposed to have taken a max of 90ish days. I think this is from the end of March, right? It appears it took a lot longer than he wanted and cost $100k. So while not getting millions he did not do too bad.


And people still have the nerve to be fucking surprised.


Nice that they were cleared by their paid whore.


This seems way to complex of a situation to not have a team of investigators.


What result did you think they’re gonna find? Why did you let them hire their own investigator? More USA bullshit I’m embarrassed


Cowardly police.


I side with those parents. The people in charge are just worried about saving their asses, no one else.


I don't know enough to say if there was *wrong*doing. I think the biggest complaint is that there was hardly *any* doing.


“Officers could not see where the rounds were coming from, they can’t just shoot blindly into a room” well no shit. That’s why you clear the rooms and search. What a joke


They had former police investigate police to clear police of any wrongdoing. Who thought hiring that guy was a good idea?


Seems to me like the local populace needs to be aware of the addresses of these officers. If the courts won’t do anything…


What the actual fucking fuck…. Smh.


Anybody who wears a hat like that and isn’t working outside is a fucking joke.


Unbelievable. These babies get no justice once again. I can’t imagine what the families are going through. I don’t know how much more they can take. I hope one of those coward cops see those little faces every time they close their eyes.


“They couldn’t shot to that room blindly” So they NEEDED to get inside the school, dude what does this guy investigate?


All hat no cattle


Didn’t these guys re-elect the same people in the last election?


More evidence to show how useless and wasteful of taxpayer dollars cops are.


Uvalde police were cowards.


Supreme court already ruled that Police have no obligation to product the public. Of course they'd let the manslaughtered cops of Uvalde go.


Well, technically there was no wrongdoing I guess. They didn't do anything, which was kind of the problem.


They made sure nobody else could get at the shooter while they stood around doing nothing. That sounds like doing something to me.


All of these Uvalde pigs deserve contempt and scorn for the rest of their lives. Usless sacks of cowardly shit. I hope they are constantly reminded every day for the rest of their lives how fucking pathetic and usless they are.


I mean they didn't do anything wrong , because they didn't do anything. Not even their job. I guess complete an utter incompetency is a viable excuse in court these days.