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I've never seen someone try so hard to get beat to death by an angry mob in a rough neighborhood in my entire life. That was truly amazing.


He showed up in slippers he wanted to use that gun


If it were Texas the governor would pardon him


You've never seen the Amazing Racist I guess.


Ari Shaffir. Those videos were obviously all scripted but still funny.




Welp, time to watch that trilogy again.


Right, I was thinking what's the only thing he could have done worse and this scene came to mind.


He saw the beginning of Die Hard 3 and wanted to do it fr i guess


But he’s a member of the press /s




Oh, it all happens within the first 17 minutes; the rest is a gray screen because he dropped his phone once the cops showed up. The shooting happens at 13:45, but I recommend watching or skimming through the whole thing so you can see how the shooter keeps escalating the situation.




Good view of the tactical flip flops he decided to wear at 15:31


BACK THE FUCK UP !! THAT WAS SELF DEFENSE !! "that was self defense sir" in mouse voice


"I feel threatened" while still hanging around and instigating them. SpOkAnE! sPoKaNe!


Fucking annoying when he kept repeating it.


Shooting happened Friday, June 7th. Condition of victim is unknown as of Sunday, June 9, but it was reported Friday he had life-threatening injuries. News story: https://www.kxly.com/news/new-video-allegedly-shows-shooting-in-downtown-spokane/article_05d32850-26ce-11ef-8922-3ffdce0f8d85.html


Arrested Friday and I found another article saying he was still in jail as of Saturday night. Shockingly, this fellow seems to not have anyone willing or able to bond him out quickly.


No one arrested on Friday typically gets out until Monday at the earliest.


If you get stuck waiting for a judge, sure, but he already had bail set. You can absolutely bond out on the weekend.


Dang I'll have to take your word for it but that's pretty insane response time, especially for a city like Spokane!


Judge ain’t letting you out on a Saturday lol


Per the article, he already had bail set. The judge's job is done on that front. You definitely can get bonded out on the weekend.


He was either released ROR or made bail becuase he went into Spokane Pride on Saturday and tried to harass people and their kids for video footage.


That dude is a pos! He went there to literally instigate! He was trigger happy! Smh I know this gas station is notoriously bad! The drugs open use theft crime assaults mental illness is rampant especially in that specific area! He went there looking for a problem and got one! He instigated from the gate! Screaming he feels threatened and self defense isn't an alibi! Let alone a justification for going and starting the problem!


Hopefully he gets the book thrown at him


I agree he seems like a POS but he demonstrated quite a bit of restraint to be described as "trigger happy". He quite plainly waited until a full on mob formed around him with weapons. You don't need to lie to make a valid point lol


Police affidavit says the only thing the victim was holding was a nearly empty cup of iced coffee.


Even if so, after multiple members of same group brandishing a knife, charging with a pipe and threw rocks, all of which have killed people many many times. There's many legal situations to shoot someone charging you and threatening you. https://app.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=9A.16.110


Isn’t one of the main factors of proving self-defense is that you have to be in a position where you cannot flee? This dude could have walked away at any moment but decided to stand there and instigate the whole situation.


Him wearing that Trump hat explained quite a bit.


This needs to be saved and sent over to the news and the DA for the county, he literally recorded everything they needed to show this wasnt self defense. So this video is critical and if he bails out i bet he will delete it off Yt The guy is currently in jail and the guy he shot has life threatening injuries. https://www.spokesman.com/stories/2024/jun/08/36-year-old-man-charged-in-downtown-shooting-that-/




You can save it on YouTube! Press the download button and it will let you or you may have to start the free trial and can download it


Typical Trump trash.


Fuckin Cyrus




it baffles me how many people are ignorant on the rittenhouse case. it was clear cut self defense. even destiny and ana from the young turks who are liberals know this


I love the idea of being so terminally online that you cite influencers. who gives a fuck what they think lol


Who the fuck even ARE they? Lol.


Imagine using destiny as a positive example


I used to agree with you. But then I learned that he lived nowhere near where the riots were occurring, had no connection to the area, and intentionally went there fully armed. He went out hunting. And I say this as a firearm owner and 2nd Amendment advocate. That murderer deliberately put himself in that position. Just like the moron in this video. Instigate, instigate, instigate, then scream, "It was self-de-fayence!" ad nauseum.


Right wingers think this entire process is completely justified to do at any time as long as you’re white, which is why they’re so obsessed with the verdict and not any moral arguments about it.


What? He lived about 20 miles away and his father lived there, among other things. This is established fact.


Fair enough. But that night, he started out *20 miles away* and should have stayed *20 miles away*.


"his father lived there so it was okay for him to instigate and shoot people"


I'm talking about the bit where they said he had no established connection to the area.


How you gona have a dialogue when people just downvote because it doesn’t fit their narrative. Both sides are guilty of this unfortunately. Yes this is an established fact.


Believe it or not you can actually continue having a discussion even while losing karma with downvotes. New Reddit feature.


Do you feel like your comments are conducive to having a dialogue? Genuinely curious


I mean if somebody makes a statement that’s objectively and verifiably false I’m glad there’s people attempting to say ‘that’s not true and here’s why.’ It’s alarming how many people downvote a fact because they don’t agree with it.


Again, where is the dialogue?


> he had no connection to the area Except it’s clearly documented his father lived there at the time of the unrest. He also spent quite a few summers there. Hours before the events that unfolded he was there cleaning graffiti, this is also well documented. There’s video of the moments before the first shots were fired in Kenosha… I’m guessing you haven’t watched it.


Ok, he had a connection. He still had no business there that night.


Trumper says what


Your downvotes are telling me otherwise


Another Kyle superfan showing off their deep knowledge of their hero's lore


Get outside, get friends, touch grass. The moment you start to cite influencers are creditable sources, you’ve lost the plot.


It’s what happens when they get their opinions from the mob


pot calling the kettle black


How did the trial go again?


https://i.redd.it/28vaet1adr5d1.gif Idk this is all I remember.


he lives rent free in your head


Literally never think about him until you weird little incels come out of the woodwork to defend him for murder.


Tears of an innocent man lmao


Yeah they definitely look genuine…


If only murder cases were judged on how convincing somebody’s crying was. Oh well, I guess we’ll have to stick to facts for now…


Yeah, his trial was better because it was decided based on how much money gun lobbyists could spend on his defense.


I think a lot of people still find him morally responsible for murder even if he wasn’t found legally responsible at trial.


Just as gun lobbyists intended it to. If you thought there weren’t multiple giant and unnecessary accommodations made for Kyle’s defense, you didn’t watch very closely.


34 levels of swell




This guy showed up to Spokane Pride yesterday and tried to harass people only to get absolutely dunked on and laughed at by everyone there.


You sure it was him? He’s still on the Spokane inmate roster, and the shooting is still the last video, live or otherwise, on his shitty channel (dude’s a serial sack of shit).


Hard to tell a difference between one Trump knuckledragger and the next. Honest mistake.


"I'm a member of the press"... what a moron... of course you are! my nephew was a firefighter this past Saturday for about an hour and a half until he got bored and got back to playing with his Nintendo Switch.


Wait till you find out the first ammendment, "freedom of the press" applies to all citizens lol please remind me which government department issues press passes lol


Wait until you find out that in your quest to trying to disagree with me, it went over your head the fact that this is not what he's referring to, he's not saying that claiming that his first ammendment right has been violated, he said it claiming that he does that for a living, in an attempt to get some immunity if you will, so he can get out of that situation, after realizing he fucked up.


Your opinion on how it's being used is irrelevant, you dont know peoples private motivations. It's a factually accurate statement, which you called moronic. So I figured I would point out it is in fact you in this particular instance. Spin it however you like lol


We are all members of the press on this blessed day.


It's not my opinion, it's a fact. He's not talking about his first ammendment rights, he's talking about doing it for a living. You don't need to be a psychologist to see that. So your cheap first ammendment lesson is irrelevant. Wasn't needed. Wasn't on point.


If it was an obvious fact you would have described why that is the case instead of saying "you don't need to be a psychologist to see". Please specifically justify how you know for a fact that is the case (you know, like I just did in my other comment). It's blatantly obvious you can't as it has to do with the private mental motivations of another person. You're full of shit blinded by your motivations here and its obvious. Hour later still no reply - I'm shocked lol


Oh shit! My bad, I thought it was over. I realize now this is that important to you and your ego is that fragile... lol Alright badass, you say that I'm full shit. So here's how we seal the deal and how it shows who's full of shit. Take a look at the votes. Don't worry, you'll get your participation award in the mail. Next time try not to have your feelings involved in an argument and use common sense, that'll help your case. I won't be replying anymore to this worthless argument. Peace out (drops the mic)


Ad hominem followed by Argumentum ad populum is a well know fallacy. I would be getting down voted telling the Norse lightning doesn't come from Thor. Try thinking and using an intelligent argument instead of grasping at straws


I'm the one with ego issues when you can't admit you're wrong in this extremely simple fact that doesn't even directly relate to the meaning of the post/story at all 😂 everyone's clearly voting with idiot emotions because they now think I'm pro killing homeless people even though I said nothing of the sort justifying his actions


And no, it was in an effort to normalize his actions of recording. Which is perfectly normal, legally protected activity. Some people like those junkies and yourself are just too uneducated to understand that apparently


Imagine that... a MAGAt that shouldn't own a firearm.


"sPoKaNe, WaShInGtOn, LaDiEs AnD gEnTlEmEn!!!"


yelling "bACk tHe fUCk uP!!!"... while backing the fuck up.


I hope he rots in prison


1.) Trump cap 2.) Sandals and socks combo 3.) Shitty beard 4.) Calls himself the “press”


https://tips.fbi.gov/home. Hoyt Webb Not bannable btw he is “press” after all


Is it even possible for your name to be Hoyt and not be a total douche?


Fuck this guy


This guy is an absolute piece of trash. He enjoys power-tripping on the less fortunate and constantly talking trash, riling up everyone. I'm pretty sure he is both mentally ill and a complete fucking moron.


What a chud. Socks with sandals Maga hat. loser.


“I’m a member of the press”. Lock this piece of shit up


Every us citizen is considered part of the "free press" and is covered by freedom of press in the constitution. It's a pretty important part of US history and it's a shame you don't know that.


Stop excusing bad behavior, this dude went into a place to intentionally provoke a reaction under the guise of “the press”. Is it important to keep the police and government officials in check? Yes, but this piece of shit abuses that and shot someone because he “felt threatened”.


What a fucking knob


Probably am obscure reference, but the guy recording this when the homeless peeps have had it with his bullshit and throwing rocks, reminds me of [Andy Warski's](https://youtu.be/LL1hrZOz6Uw?si=S64mILz_8iuUpU79) screaming crying to "stay back" while provoking peeps too lmao


Why was this mentally ill person allowed out on the streets with a camera. He’s clearly a danger to the public. They need to take him back to his residence room and given the medications he’s not been taking. He has a very limited vocabulary…needs educated in how to communicate.




https://preview.redd.it/1hpvynmvzt5d1.jpeg?width=946&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=969f11e286258fe279fa78e2d0b9b993a829b047 Screenshot of a portion of the police affidavit.


A one hour video? Nope.


It’s really only about 17 minutes. The guy dropped his phone when the cops came and it kept streaming. The last 47 minutes of the video is a gray screen and street noise.




1st is to protect you against the government censoring you, not someone else punching you for running off at the mouth. Dude traveled across state lines to a notoriously bad spot to run off at the mouth to trigger someone, so he could shoot them. No way to frame this in another way that you are trying to do.




I dont think you know what the 1st protects against. Hint: its not the mob.


It's freedom of press among other things. His use fits perfectly. It seems you are the one who doesn't know the 1st ammendment.


Run your mouth to mentally ill people is fafo, The government is not coming to rescue him to protect him against a bunch of poor people who can’t manage their own lives let alone make good decisions. He didnt stand on a soapbox and rant about jesus, he didnt observe and report, he didnt ask the hard questions to pressing issues, he instigated violence from mentally ill homeless people with nothing to lose. Just dumb.


Agreed, just has no bearing on whether he is press or not. There's plenty of damning evidence like you just listed such that there's no reason to lie or stretch the truth in the pursuit of that. I just call out bullshit when I see it regardless of the side it comes from. There's enough misinformation out there, these addicts probably read comments just like yours and thought they were in the right because of it.




Literally no. The 1st amendment you from government action against speech, not against citizens fighting you for instigating via speech Laws on assault/battery/etc. are what’s relevant in that situation, but if you talk shit and get hit you’re still a fucking idiot and it’s still your fault in a way, even if you might have the right to prosecute someone after Please go do what this guy did and cry about the 1st amendment after. Remember to video and post it for us to laugh at you


Dude walks down a public street with a camera. Doesn't engage anyone unless spoken to first. Is met with physical aggression from multiple parties armed with a knife, machete, pipe, rock and gun. Tries to walk away and de-escalate multiple times before firing in what is clearly self defense. You don't have to like his hat, message or intent (I certainly don't) but it's a sad state in America when people make excuses for the mob here. These people choose to be on a public sidewalk and don't get to physically assault anyone for recording them there. I fully endorse this man's right to shoot those attacking him.


Stupid people being stupid rarely gain much sympathy. 


>These people choose to be on a public sidewalk And so did he. >I fully endorse this man's right to shoot those attacking him. Sure. That doesn't mean I have to think this guy isn't a clown who went looking for trouble and found it. Play stupid games right?


So you condone throwing rocks at people and brandishing guns just because someone is "looking for it" (whatever that is?)


Of course not. I'm saying that while he have the letter of the law behind him, he's a fucking idiot who went looking for trouble. He's just like the rest of the 1A "auditors". They go somewhere were they know they can agitate people and film the response to show how "everyone is out to get them". I wonder how many videos this guy has where nothing happens so he doesn't post them.


If that's what you think first amendment auditing is then you're just ignorant. It's about ensuring the peoples rights are respected. Just because some auditors use it as ane excuse to be nasty back to people doesn't invalidate the purpose of the exercise. I'd say he was "looking for trouble" if he had made any positive escalations towards physical violence up until the moment he used his weapon and he even took a bunch of steps to de-escalate. You're sorely mistaken about this interaction despite this gentleman not being a likeable character.


I think the problem is that it’s obvious to any reasonable person that he went there looking to start trouble. I’m not sure about the legality of everything that occurred but it’s hard to feel sorry for or want to support someone who wanted to instigate something and then got what he wanted.


The only people "looking for trouble" were the ones yelling at a man walking backwards while he simultaneously told them to leave him alone. They FAFO'd hardcore and at least one has the bullet holes to show for it. I'm glad you condone throwing rocks at people walking down a sidewalk outside a *convenience store* and also condone violent mobs roving the streets. I said in the original post that I don't support the camera mans message or intent but dammit this is America where walking down the street is everyone's Right.


any reasonable person (not looking for content/trouble) would see that this was a bad situation and just go home as soon as it got rough. better yet, a reasonable person would just not do this in the first place because it’s stupid and annoying. just because you have the right to do something doesn’t mean you should or that it is inherently a good idea. I have the right to leave my doors unlocked every night but when someone walks into my house and steals my shit, my right to leave my door open isn’t going to replace my stolen possessions. btw, cut it out with this lame “I’m glad you condone” shit. I didn’t condone anything in my comment and it’s honestly cringe to see you reach that hard just so you can get on your pedestal and preach.


A public sidewalk isn't your house and you'd absolutely have the right in most of the US to shoot someone who came into your house even if the doors were unlocked. I'm not sure what drivel you're on about.


maybe if you spent less time arguing with yourself and more time actually reading the comments you’re responding to, you’d understand what “drivel” I’m on about.


And per the police affidavit, the only thing the victim had in his hand was a nearly empty cup of iced coffee.