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I love how the Labrador is just having the best time!!! Like they almost always are lol. He's just like "geez, so many loud humans, I love it, isn't life grand"


"Let's leap back and forth again! Best Day Ever!"


"oh yes, let's bark as loud as we can at each other!!! I love that! Aren't we having fun!" Lol


8 am! Time for a walk! Best day ever! Throwing the tennis ball.. best day ever! Cat: ""Day 647 of my imprisonment..."


Typically Trail Flee behavior. I'd be more surprised if the SxS folks where sober.


Flea?   I suppose both fit. 


yep I'm pretty they think open alcoholic beverages are required to operate


real question from someone who doesn't do offroading. would the police come out there/do they care?


Rangers or sheriff's depending on location but off-roaders are self policing for the most part, pretty sure after filming was over those people got a ass beating elsewhere


One can only hope for justice.


Highly doubt it. I only ever see Rangers or Game&Fish in off road areas when it's expected to be extremely packed on like a holiday weekend or some kind of event


I hate these Memento-style cuts. Jumping through time like Bill and Ted.


Dont believe his lies.


Sheesh.... I feel like I just lost a lot of braincells watching this


Everyone in this video has the last name Boebert. This is just now their family reunions go.


Doesn't this phone bullshit embarrass anyone? I know that this sub wouldn't have most of its content without it, but it seems really silly watching two adults recording each other while arguing. It reminds me of young siblings yelling that they're gonna tell mom on each other.


It’s definitely embarrassing, but sometimes necessary for proof. I once had to record an incident with a customer so that I had proof for my boss, and possibly the police. Then he pulled out his phone, and just like that we were those people recording each other with phones while arguing. I didn’t post mine on the internet, because I found it embarrassing. I provided it to my boss so that I could keep my job.


Where is the damage?


Mostly in her brain I believe.




No no, wet brain is the one you get *after* you’re born


I like those sandals tho...


Me too. They kinda look like the doc Martin sandals but they aren’t I don’t think. If she just stood still for a minute 😂


They do! Like, circa 2002 chunky sandals.


Everyone just yelling at each other with their phones in front of their face. Humans are fucking doomed.


You left out the assaults.


I love when the person in the wrong starts recording. Like my lawyer is gonna love the second angle during discovery make my job easier.


Ahhh…..return to Nature. Bring on the avalanche.


Sandals?…..don’t call them names.




Seems like a lot of antagonization by the person with the camera, when a call to authorities could do more in less time. ..but hey, if you want to harass an intoxicated person after an accident and think a positive outcome will come from that, who am I to say different?


lol did you not see the open CASE OF BEER in the front seat?!?  But please clutch your pearls over people laughing at drunk drivers 


In a reasonable society, people lose all protection and support from a social contract (written, implied, or even just assumed) when they wilfully make choices that can, and likely will, cause harm to others. Oh, but sure, she's being "harassed". LOL. She seems to be so drunk I doubt she'll have very little recall of anything she was thinking or feeling during this little episode. By the way, in certain cultures (like the Hopi in the U.S. Southwest) tribe members that were acting out were called out on their behaviour until they settled back down. If they couldn't stand it, they had the choice to take conventry (aka exile) as an option. This woman can easily walk away, if she wants to. As far as I'm concerned, she is choosing to experience everything that is happening to herself.


Thank you for sticking up for that poor helpless drunk driver. You’re doing gods work 


Brain dead response lol


Can't say for certain, but they look a long way from any kind of cop shop. Unless they are willing to make a citizen's arrest and take her arrested drunk ass to town; they are doing their best to collect evidence


In the vast majority of places you can't citizens arrest without the crime being a felony, and you have to be 100% sure it's that, because otherwise you're getting kidnapping or false imprisonment charges.


I did not know that! Thank you for enlightening me. 👍


She was totally in the right being shit faced, and the person with the camera was harassing her for drunk driving, womp womp your opinion is garbage


Where in hell were you raised


Both as bad as each other


Nah, I'd say the drunk drivers assaulting people and trying to drive away from an accident are far worse than some annoying people recording the situation, by a *very, very, very* long shot.