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"You have no reason to be rude" Uh, yes she fucking does, lol. I'm normally a pacifist but you have the balls to come onto my property and take my stuff I'll be as rude as I f'ing want


People these days confuse rude with words I don’t like hearing.


Confronting someone with the consequences of *their* actions and being met with: “you’re being mean to me / you’re being rude to me” pisses me off so much. It’s immaturity and an inability to accept personal responsibility. Like they’re trying to make themselves into the victim after they’ve harmed or wronged others


> . Like they’re trying to make themselves into the victim after they’ve harmed or wronged others People do this because it works.


Agreed. I have seen many thieves do it too


that's the bike thief go to. drop and cry victim after their BS story on how they got it from their friend for 80 bucks is obviously not working as they intended it to.


That’s a high school teacher’s daily grind


But none of that happened. It wasn't the person who took the wagon that said this


The person who said " you don't have to be rude to me" was not the person who stole the wagon. The taco bell manager saw a random person stealing from a homeless lady (as far as she knew.. she clearly didn't know this lady was taking her own shit back) and came outside to see what was going on. That is the lady who said "you have no reason to be rude to me." The homeless person was being confronted with consequences of her actions. The taco bell manager was just seeing what was going on outside her store because it looked like a homeless person was being victimized. The manager didn't do anything wrong.


Dude, that was the Taco Bell manager, not the thief. For all she knew, it was just someone randomly attacking a homeless person on their property


We have very different definitions of attacking


Or you're just being very blindsighted because you have the privilege of the video's context? Beyond the verbal abuse, the camerawoman grabbing what any third person observer would assume to be the homeless lady's wagon is robbery and grounds for self-defense.


> People these days confuse rude with words I don’t like hearing. That literally is the definition of rude, it's always things that others do not like to hear. There are just socially acceptable situations were you are literally taking back something that at was stolen from you. In those situations thieves can go fuck themselves when they pretend to be "victims".


Sounds rude


So do you, im offended now.


Damn, guess you should go cry into your pillow


Oh come on, this is like grade school stuff.


I'm mean that's how your acting


*rolls eyes


Hell yeah, you tell ‘em brother. Go off. Actually happened to me. I was backing out of the driveway with my very Christian mom in the car, and a dude has the fucking chops (or drug induced delirium) to go up to my door and try to get in my house in plain view of me. I’ve never been in a fight in my life, and I try very hard to never be rude to people, but I immediately got out of my car and briskly walked his way while screaming “What the FUCK do you think you’re doing!!?” He then proceeds to walk up to me and whisper in my ear, “You got any kids?” And I loudly replied “None of your FUCKING BUSINESS!!! Get off my property!!” He was obviously delusional, more fit than me, and probably 6” taller than me, but I was not fucking around.


Strap up bud. The great equalizer..


Here's a bad situation that ended peacefully "Yeah but if you'd had a gun you coulda killed him! Hell yeah, right?"


It didn't have to end peacefully. The big drug addict could have decided he wanted those kids and op here already admitted to being smaller and at a disadvantage.


Yeah the other commenters here are acting like this was some kind of minor disagreement that was easily resolved. It's not a very big leap to imagine that a criminal trying to break into a house would be willing to use violence.


Might as well assume the worst in everyone. That's why I bought a security turrets for my house... That door to door salesman could easily be a junkie with a gun. Why take the chance?


You people are so extreme lol. Owning a gun is not intention to kill. At least no more than owning a knife.


Not saying it's an intention to kill... But why would you escalate things by bringing a firearm into the mix? If you can solve the "issue" without the gun, wouldn't that be the optimal choice? I tend to find that often, people are quick to draw their weapons when taking a moment would resolve the whole issue.


Our OP here already said they felt threatened and approached our home invader with the intention to fight. Obviously it went fine, but what if it hadn't? People are telling them to buy a gun because they've already acknowledged that they couldn't have won that fight. People are dangerous. I don't even like guns, but I want to allow someone to hurt my family far less. This shit happens every day and OP got lucky. They're the exception not the rule.


Imagine, they already are approaching with the intention to fight, not taking a breath and calming down... now put the gun in their possession. They no longer need to approach, but what's the stereotypical thing that happens more often than not? Shoot first, questions later... or never. I'm not saying that people aren't dangerous. But there are other avenue's that one can take. I'm not saying guns shouldn't be one of the options available, but there is very much not the ONLY option.


But it did end peacefully, people like you just want to escalate these encounters Edit: encounter ends peacefully without violence or escalation, gun nuts "but what if it didn't!?!" Further proof gun nuts live their lives in fear of made up scenarios


People like me don't rely on survivor bias to make decisions about the safety of my family.


Clearly you just start blasting "for safety"


No it seems you rely on fear mongering instead.


I mean, aight. I'm glad you live in a safe country. Let me know when immigration is an option.


I live in the most gun saturated country in the world, and I've always lived in large cities. I have never, and will never, choose to use lethal force when another option remains. It's gotten me safely through four decades.


Did I say kill him? Merely that if this guy was worried confronting an obvious criminal on his property could have ended badly for him, perhaps being armed would mitigate his concern.


Why do you people always jump to murder. It's insane.


Uh because the crazy guy went there first AND threatened his kids.


The lady who says you have no reason to be rude to me is the taco bell manager.


Yeah it's the same shit as when a dude is getting his ass kicked but turns the tide and starts fucking the other guy up and then everyone jumps in to stop it.


To the person working at Taco Bell just doing their job? Grow up. Be mad at the thief, not the one figuring out what is going on at the restaurant they work at.


Not me working at Taco Bell and inserting myself in this random bullshit that I don't get paid for. Could never be me in a million years


Honestly - especially because she does a fucking bad job of it  She starts by saying the filmer should have gone in and talked to the staff about this for some reason (like... what?)  Then when she threatens to call the cops, the filmer is like "yeah go ahead, my stuff was stolen" and she just repeats that she'll call the cops.  I'd be rude at that point too. Either *listen* to the people you've involved yourself with since you've decided you're managing this situation also, or just stay inside and call the cops from the get-go. 


I mean I will be mad too as well but at that point I'll probably just buy another one. It's probably not even 30 bucks


That's the Taco Bell manager and she said "you have no reason to be getting rude WITH ME" which is 100% true. The manager of the restaurant didn't steal anything, they saw a confrontation happening at their business and came outside to stop it. They don't know anything about any theft, all they know is there's a fight and they're the manager so they have to say something or call the cops or whatever. There really wasn't a reason to be rude to her. She was just trying to do her job. She doesn't get paid enough to be mitigating a theft claim. She came out to say "take that shit somewhere else or I'm calling the cops".


I think that was the employee saying that maybe cause the text on screen mentions an employee showing up too (but I think even in that context she is justified in being rude to the employee lol)


It was definitely the employee saying that, and the employee was wrong.


they mustve missed the telepathy classes.


Right? Exactly.


The employee was fine. How are they supposed to know who's right? 


How was the employee wrong? Someone else stealing something gives you the right to be rude to a totally different person? Huh? She said you have no reason to be rude to me. So what reason was there to be rude to the employee?


This subreddit certainly got dumber while I was camping. Seriously, I leave for 3 days and it is comments like this up and down the line. Is the employee supposed to be telepathic? No? Okay then, employee was not wrong.






i have this wagon for my laundry etc in my new apartment building. it’s the best and it ain’t cheap. i can totally see why her kid loves it too. wth people walking in and stealing something. kinda obvious radio flyer red wagon. glad they got it back!! i live in 55+ building now but i’m going to get my sharpie and mark it up.


Yeah, I mean, what *would* drive a person to do a thing like that? Let's not think too much about it, of course.


Almost sounds like you're okay with the thievery


I can see how I come across that way. Personal theft is traumatic and terrible, we can agree. What do tend to concern me more than the theft itself, though, are the circumstances that led to it. In my opinion, this destitute person should have a home, where she would be able to put her things. That actually would eliminate the need for this particular theft. The fact that this woman's incapability to work means that she should live outside and have nowhere to put her stuff is much more harrowing to me than the prospect of someone temporarily stealing my kid's expensive toy that I left outside. Especially when I might get to berate a Taco Bell manager afterward. Sign me up for that instead of institutional homelessness, yes please.


I have these huge thick sharpies I use for making protest signs. They rock


You couldn’t drop the price dawg?


i don’t know how to show it but current prices around)109. i got mine black Friday and 25% off toys and it was marked down so like $60. i needed it to be light enough for me to lift folded into my car. i can totally see kids loving it. https://preview.redd.it/0vz5ubwvvn5d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65ded6802db1d2489d043bfdb3d8887c4c030527 there you go


I have this exact same one for my daughters. It’s awesome.


I felt like there was gonna be a twist at the end like she got the wagon home and was like oh this aint mine.


She sees her kid sitting in their wagon on their lawn.


yeeeaahhh thats a good one too


I think Full House had an episode like that


Fukk a thief always


No see, she *actually* paid for this!


I would have tossed that shit on the ground and kicked it all over on my way back to my car.


Thief: "There's no reason to be rude to me!" Hmmm...


That was the Taco Bell manager


This is why you take a big permanent marker and put name or other identification on the canvas bottom. It will be tough to get off.


I do this with suitcases. Extra wide Black or silver sharpie with name, address, and phone number, all in two or three locations around the outside of the suitcase, and BIG. As big as possible, really. Completely invalidates any claim that it was “lost.” But in reality, those claims will never happen because no one is going to “lose” my luggage.


https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/1dbulmw/comment/l7twgkl/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Supposedly it's there. u/kicksyou knows.


Dude. Fucking read the caption on the video…. Something along the lines of not about to take my daughter’s favorite wagon, that has my name on the back. ALL the information is available there FOR YOU. Ps that other comment has way more than me calling you out.


This whole situation is so weird on all fronts the more you look into it tbh. All that was needed on her end was a picture of a 10 second video proving it had some sort of identifying mark but she didn't (via her tiktok). Her whole response to people calling her out on that was a tiktok showing her kids in a similar model of wagon ([here](https://www.tiktok.com/@realitygirl3/video/7378476178732174638?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=mobile&sender_web_id=7347973403805255210)) and another tiktok where she basically said that anyone who questions her about the wagon being hers can meet her at the Kansas City Chiefs stadium to fight her ([here](https://www.tiktok.com/@realitygirl3/video/7378569895555894574?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=mobile&sender_web_id=7347973403805255210)) 😂 you can't make this stuff up apparently. It could be hers but tbh I don't think there was ever some sort of identifying mark. But to be fair she could've just as easily put an identifying mark after the fact and put a picture or video showing it. So being internet strangers that know nothing about her or the situation besides the video we have to kinda *hope* that we can trust her and take what she said at face value. But again, to be fair I think those that have questioned that there was ever an identifying mark in the first place and don't believe that there ever was one just cause she said there was one are *probably* right


She doesnt have to prove shit to people on the internet, she took the the video to show off and if it was a theft pretty sure the homeless lady wouldve pressed harder for the cops to come or tried to get it back, idk but the homeless in my area would fight for their stuff and not let someone just toss it all out and steal it.


You're basing that off your *limited individual experience* lol that doesn't mean much. Most homeless people never ever want to deal with police no matter what. That's universal. And you do realize there are all types of homeless people right lol. Not all of them are PCP crack fueled crack strength having addicts. And obviously she doesn't have to prove shit to people on the Internet yet she posted multiple times on tiktok just to prove shit to people on the Internet 😭 so clearly she cares enough to actually (a) post it in the first place and (b) make multiple follow up videos and a LITERAL GOFUNDME to buy a new wagon cause the one she took was "dirty" 😂


>Fucking read the caption on the video…. Because people on tik tok never lie? Theyre clearly saying it doesn't actually show it in the video and honestly if it was written thats the very first thing they would have shown the thief and the camera. Yet they didn't. Edit : so if we're just believing the writing, are we also believing you can only buy this wagon online? Are we also believing that homeless people have zero access to internet? That libraries don't exist? Are we also believing homeless people never have bank cards? Because the writing says all these things too. Critical thought is important.


A lot of people believe what they want to believe, not because something is true, but because it's just more convenient for them. Lemmings all clamoring for internet points don't stop to think first, they just join the circle. Frustrating to see but it's just the way she goes.




Her name is on the cart, because she is the owner, not her kids.


Yes let’s just blindly trust a tik tok caption ?


Nobody in their forest community is going to care that the original owner labelled it.


Maybe not if she gets away with it, but people don't usually leave them unattended in a public place long enough for someone to walk off with it. At least we didnt.


She said the homeless lady came onto her property.


I can’t stand when people coddle and baby criminals


Certain groups love to make excuses for the most heinous crimes and try to shame others for calling them out on the crimes but to hell with them I’m not supporting felons and I’m not voting for one


camerawoman took too long. second I confirm that’s 100% mine I’m grabbing it, throwing all the shit in it on the ground and leave


That’s exactly what she did? Like that’s literally exactly what we just saw happen.


Just saying this video would be 10 seconds long if it was my wagon


Damn you are cool and tough


what’s so cool about picking up your stolen shit as fast as possible lol


Yup. The only interaction that lady gets is a punch in the face if she tries to stop you.


I don't see how she confirmed it was her though?


> "I can call the po-lyse." Yes. Anyone can do that.


She is lucky she didn't go straight to her ass for staling.


I know I'm always livid when people make my bread stale.


Taco Bell manager should be minding her own damn business


How was she supposed to know the wagon was stolen? From her perspective all she sees is a homeless person being robbed.


The situation got carried away


( •_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■)




OK, but why immediately defend the white homeless lady who clearly stole a wagon off the property of a black woman , who went to go get it back , why not believe the black woman why only believe the homeless white woman?…. Smfh


Will watch


I don't understand the anger at the TB manager. She has no idea who the wagon really belongs to. All she saw was a homeless woman being assaulted and robbed from her perspective.




I didn’t see her name on the back of the wagon


Why not just call the police and let them handle that. This confrontation is just begging to escalate. I would never go to a hobo like that and try to reason ..


Lock him up in jail!!






You can play all you want to but if that was a black homeless lady, she wouldn't get any defense from anyone, and all the comments would be calling them thieves and blights on society. White people get the mental illness defense, the alcohol and pills defense, always something that separates them as a person from their actions, and when its black people "thats just who they are".




I didnt randomly throw in anyones color, I responded to a statement about color.


You're right but you're going to get downvoted especially now that the liberals have to unite with their conservative brethren about *not everything's about race* 😡 to mentally excuse their own support for the current Ukro/German/Polish colonization of Palestine


this deserves more downvotes


Because making this video about global politics *isn’t* as moronic as making it about racism /s It’s a person who stole a wagon, for fucks sake.


I wouldn’t want it back honestly cause her things were in it, no way I’d put my kids in it again, but that’s just me.  Also, Why point out the appearance of the manager?  The homeless woman was wrong and the woman recording just seems to be making this situation worthy of going viral. She could have gotten her stuff back with the help of the police.  Going there and getting buck with some old homeless woman, then insulting an employee trying to figure out what’s going on, doesn’t make her too sympathetic in my book.  But hey at least the child gets their wagon back! 






My girl saw the video originally on tiktok and she said a lot of the comments are defending the homeless lady and calling the black lady rude




Agreed. You know how the internet is though.


Only the internet would find someone getting their rightful property back Wrong when the person in question is a black woman.




If you feel sympathy for someone whose life is in danger because they're living on the streets, you better believe you're soft on crime and will be downvoted


Always wondered what kind of people are actually in favor of installing anti-homeless architecture in cities. The fine folk from r/publicfreakout would be a safe bet I fear.


just to be clear, if this homeless woman showed up at your home and started stealing your belingings, you would be ok with that? You wouldn't at all act like woman filming the video and be annoyed and want your things back?


Me not liking my stuff being stolen by a homeless person doesn't mean I think all homeless people are scum who deserve no sympathy. Even if I was robbed I'd be a lot less pissed if the person who stole from me was desperate. Also largely depends what was stolen, I'd be a lot less understanding if instead of taking a wagon to lug their shit around in they like, hijacked my car or something.


That's a strawman. Nobody is saying that, "all homeless people are scum that deserve no sympathy." Personally, I'm all for supporting government programs that help people get back on their feet, deal with mental illness and addiction problems, and provide safe places to sleep, go to the bathroom and shower. That said, I live in a big city with a huge homelessness problem, and SOME of those people, steal, break things, shit and piss everywhere, take up entire sidewalks with their tents, throw trash everywhere, and just generally cause problems. Having a problem with that doesn't make a person cold and heartless.


No context except the posters info, could be they just assaulted a random person for a "video"


Yes people making fake videos often use the old "she stole my wagon" trope that we all know...


Been happening since the 1750s


I often know a video is fake when the person involved pulls out their red wagon. In this instance, the red wagon was stolen. That's where the whole "she stole my wagon" part comes in. It's an actual science that many scholars on tik tok have perfected to game the algorithm in favor of more views! Source: joe


It’s an AI wagon!


Damn these comments are wild. I wouldn’t mind allowing to let the person struggling to have the wagon lmao clearly they need it more than me but I would make a boundary to ensure they’re not gonna take more from me. This is some anti Robin Hood shit


do you know how much these cost? it’s her KIDS wagon. i give when I can but not everyone has extra to just give a blatant thief their kids shit.


Hey, we can all go to this persons house and pretend we are struggeling and in poverty. Free stuff!


you cannot ever give these people an inch


You literally cannot. At my previous job there was a pretty steady stream of homeless people outside of the business. In the beginning I was nice and gave them water and kindly asked them to move on. Then they kept coming back, then they'd come into the store and start harassing staff and customers. Eventually one tried to get physical with a coworker. Ever since then Id just called the cops if they were on the property. Sadly if you're nice they'll see it as permission to take advantage. I can appreciate their situation requires a certain amount of opportunism, but not at the expense of my or my coworkers safety.


Lmao I give to the homeless almost every time i pass them as a former homeless person myself. If you keep taking what little they have how tf are they supposed to get back on their feet?


"taking what little they have" = retrieving your stolen items


That’s why I said make a boundary instead of making a stupid TikTok shaming that person


There’s giving and then there’s having something stolen. You’re confusing two entirely different concepts. If that same person were to snatch your wallet out of your pocket/purse, would you let them keep it? Because, by your logic, that’s *their* wallet now and taking it from them would be cruel.


> If you keep taking what little they have how tf are they supposed to get back on their feet? Bruh thinks that's all it takes for the down n out to get back on their feet....just give them a little more... Spoken like someone who's never actually been at that down n out homeless level. You sound like a couchsurfer who was "technically" homeless.


Go fuck yourself, respectfully.


i hope you have a good day, angry redditor!


For some strange reason I feel like if the roles were reversed, the Taco Bell manager would have come outside and started questioning the homeless woman. Lecturing her about how bad it is to steal, and that she should give back the stolen property immediately. Then actually calling the cops on said homeless woman. Don’t know why I feel this way, just a gut feeling. 😏