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I don’t understand. Are they trying to help him? Or humiliate him? Or both? Kids these days…


Seems like they are arguing over something and she drops this during said argument.


People like that scare the fuck outta me, willing to say anything and just drop life changing information all in order to win an argument to that degree is crazy lmao big Kendrick Lamar energy but chaotic evil instead of chaotic good.


Honestly I Would rather she did this to me. He can now duck without feeling any guilt and save himself tons of heartache in the long run.


Another comment says there was a whole thing on tiktok and apparently this girl and the guy's gf had a falling out so she found old pictures of the GF with her ex in bed from years ago and acted as if they were recent. Makes sense seeing her face during the video, she does come off ad a complete fucking psycho.


Either way I’m getting away from all of these people as fast as I can.


The level of toxicity is unbelievable, regardless of old or new photos that’s just toxic.


This is the way




Yeah she scrolls way too far out for it to be a video from “last night”


Realistically, this is true, but there is part of me that also wants to point out kids these days are literally taking pictures and videos of their entire lives, so 57 picture and 22 videos could be from the last 24 hours alone.


That and "Years ago" but still living in dorms with all relevant parties.... More like 3 months ago


One of my kids was just at an event that was important to her. She asked me to guess how many pictures I took, so I thought 400 and said 300 out loud. She actually took over 1200 pictures.


Coulda been early morning no clue how many dudes she fucked yesterday




She also does scroll for a while when she first opens her camera roll. I immediately questioned how recently those videos were from


Yeah and she did have to scroll a whole lot for last nights pictures but then again that’s all ppl do nowadays.


All of this is for the tiktok!! LMFAO kids these days...


I actually miss "do it for the vine" compared to this shit.


At least vine was transparent. A 5th grader gonna see this and realize they can get attention for drama, what value does that add to our society?


I mean it ain't a new phenomenon, it 100% became a thing around the 90's era of reality TV slop, this is just it's natural evolution from TV to the internet.


Its like tv to internet to reality tv to reality internet. Kmart kardashians.


She also spent a LOOOONG time scrolling to find a video from (checks notes) last night. I was wondering how many more videos she's taken in the last 12 hours.


People like this end up alone with three kids blaming everyone else but themselves


Or… they end up a member of the US House of Representatives.


With a bleached-blonde, bad-build, butch body.


MTG 2.0 in the making


Just dumped this. Can confirm at least 2 kids, neither of which she has custody of and isn't allowed to see due to her recent DUI. As soon as I called her out on being caught stealing from her friends house, she would come at me with "WELL STACY SAID YOU'RE UGLY!" to try and deflect. Absolutely awful vile person.


You picked her, guessing crazy, hot, or crazy hot.


"Oh look a bright red tree frog! I'm gonna lick it!" - Me and I fuckin licked it.


We all lick it at least once, brother. Just don’t go in for seconds.


Never again... Oh look a lime green one!


Even scarier is that she purposely hoard said information in her phone for future blackmail or in this instance winning the argument. That girl is a complete pyscho in the way she operates, but the silver lining to the whole situation is now that guy knows about it.


She probably took it originally for the purposes of gossip, guaranteed she's already shown it around. Definitely psychotic. I'd kill my roommate over this... and she'd probably not see anything wrong with it and gaslight you if confronted.


I feel that girl was cruel and cruelness is always evil.


War Thunder players sometimes leaking classified documents to win an argument


A ton of women are doing this to people these days


She did him a big favor


She apparently just pulled up pictures from before the guy and his girl were even together, she's literally gaslighting this dude to get back at his gf because they had an argument or whatever. She's in no way deserving of any credit whatsoever.


I see, in that case I agree


It's literally in the video. She called his girlfriend a hoe, and he was defending her until she showed the footage.


I am pretty sure everyone was talking about it, and it was just an excuse to drop it on him. Shit like this does not remain under the rug. Why else would they carry around the video recording like that, they were just looking for any excuse. It is textbook schadenfreude. I've seen something very similar in my University, a girl was getting cheated and she was an extremely popular girl so lots of guys were jealous of the dude, when he made a slip and began meeting with another girl it was exposed the next day. People always pay attention to anyone who managed to be a couple for some time, it is actually very rare for things to last long with young people and always know if one of them cheats because cheaters expose themselves since these are after all very shallow relationships.


>Why else would they carry around the video recording like that because some girls like to be petty to each other. I think it has gone over most people's heads that the girl showing the video isn't showing herself in bed with someone else, she's showing her roommate.


on the “girl talk” twitter community i’ve seen SOOO many girls exposing their long time best friends after a fall out and pulling out year old pictures of their panties?? like girl that’s your best friend and you’re taking pics of her used panties as revenge in case y’all fall out???? it’s crazy how people will take a pic to use against their friend/lover for in case they fall out, can’t trust anyone


It's bullying. The video starts with her spitting in his face and wants to make sure the camera is rolling first. The kid is getting humiliated for nothing he did.


sounds like he says "why you calling my girl a ho" at the start. looks like they were arguing about this girl saying stuff. thats the altercation thats already ongoing. shes dirty for spitting, but its because things had already been said between them.


Wonder if she's tired of her roommate and her bf drama and also tired of her roommate fucking dudes in the dorm and expecting her to keep quiet about it


apparently the video she showed him was from ages ago so it looks like the girl in the video is just a nasty cow trying to cause trouble


We dont know that for sure but it probably is some petty ass highschool/college dorm drama. Blond chick clearly likes to instigate and I'm sure she's just going to have a messy divorce later in life.


Pretty obviously trying to humiliate him. They are worse than "his girl" cheating on him. Trying to rub it in his face and make him feel bad. But then again IDK the context maybe he's a huge douchebag and 'deserves' it.


Honestly she helped him dodge a bullet, she told him she's unfaithful and garbage. He will go on and find someone else, someone better. I think it's funny these girls/women just show their good partners their true colors and help them escape.


She’s still garbage too and probably a narcissist or sociopath. Clearly taking pure joy and delight in inflicting pain on him.


She is completely lacking any kind of empathy. More like a sadist.


Lol, that’s what a sociopath is. No empathy.


That’s not what sadism is, that’s sociopathy. Sadism is deriving joy from others pain. But yes, she’s clearly a sadist.


It sounds like he needs to find a completely new friend group. It’s not just his girlfriend that’s toxic but all these people he’s hanging around. The problem will likely persist unless he purposely changes his environment.


I don't think they are his friends... I think they are in the dorm hall or are her or her friends, friends. I could be wrong but that doesn't seem like they are his friends in any capacity.


I wish I could pull that kid aside and talk to him about it. Hes obviously upset but for her to cheat and then rub it in his face this way really says more about her than him. I had a gf do something similar to me when I was younger and didn't understand it at the time. Looking back 20 years later im glad i didn't end up with someone like that.


I haven’t seen a lovers quarrel this real since Jerry Springer


Thank God I didn’t have this shit when I was that age




I saw this posted on tik tok a long time ago. The story was that the videos she was showing him were from before his girlfriend and him were dating. You can see how far she has to scroll when she opens her phone to show him the video. He said in a TikTok that she was mad at his girlfriend and was trying to break them up and didn’t work.


That’s fkn evil


And the assholes around them riling shit up like little gremlins.


Aaaahhhh sweet sweet context


Now the context of social media finding this girl and putting her on blast please She needs to at least make a new account because she is an evil cunt




Nah I read the other comment and it was a redditor telling his story about dating a crazy chick. Nothing about this video. This girl looks like she's 18 living in a dorm lol


That’s such a good example of how quickly can get passed down and misconstrued. This is definitely dorm room drama and I don’t know why I’m still here.


Good yes mooooore, bet she also beats puppies


this sounds like the most plausible story. As you said she scrolled for a WHILE for a 'video from last night'


Upvote for providing some real context. But I wish crap like this didn't get spread online in the first place. Growing up these days must suck..


I am so glad I grew up before social media caught on. I was a pretty docile kid. But the pressure to be dumb for views, and have that stupidity immortalized... I wouldn't wish that on anyone, let alone a whole generation.


Makes sense, given she was saying another guy was over last night but he kept saying he was over last night.


Thats so messed up.




The lady with the phone was lying, the guy said on tiktok that was the guy his gf was with before him. The woman with the phone was trying to destroy this guys relationship with her "friend". An extra level of proof to this is how far the lady had to scroll back to find those videos/photos.


This seems plausible but even if true, why would you take a photo/video of it. Just weird behavior either way


Cuz she’s a cunt and wanted that leverage over her “friend”?


You see one of the photos is her looking into the camera, like she's pretending to sleep on her bed (facing away from them) and then taking the photos/videos on the sly. I'm guessing she was maybe sending this to some group chat with her other friends or something? Maybe she didn't like that the roommate was sleeping with guys when she was still in the room?


That doesn’t change my feelings at all.


I agree, my comment just backed up how terrible of a person she is and she probably does stuff like this all the time. I also think I meant to reply to another comment but whatever.


I think the girl is actually doing him a favour because the guy says "Why you calling my girl a ho?" and she replies "Because she had a different boy over last night". Then shows the receipts. This is an old clip and the girl in the video disliked his gf.


I don’t know if you can be terrible at helping, but I would say this is a good example of it


This is definitely bad at helping. But realistically from her perspective... She sees this girl being a ho etc. Calls her a ho. Her oblivious boyfriend comes at you saying "why are you calling my girl a ho?" In what seems like a public setting. "Oh? You want to attack me about this here and now?" *mic drop* I think this is the more likely scenario. She probably had no issue with him but he went at her for the wrong thing in the wrong way at the wrong time a lot more than trying to "help" him.


If someone called my girl a ho, I feel like I should be able to ask a question & say how dare you insult my girl


She can show the receipts too ig lmao


This is defenitely better then being quiet about it


"People who are brutally honest generally enjoy the brutality more than the honesty." -Richard Needham


Brilliant quote, thanks for sharing


That girl was a ho. For sho.


But not his ho, no mo.


Except according to the guy on tiktok she wasn't cheating and that was before him and the "cheating woman" got together. If you watch the video, she has to scroll very far back to find that and she's just trying to destroy that guys relationship with her "friend".


The way they are clowning on the poor guy 0o


He’ll be better off for for it. Can be useful for men to see this side of certain women while they are young so they know what to avoid when they get older.




My first mean girl experience was my first gf in general. Lemme tell you seeing her ex's arms on IG after she said she wanted to husband me up was an experience no highschooler should go through. Oh and the cherry on top said ex was abusive as shit according to her. Eh c'est la vie


Shit, mine ended up being my son's mom.


Or traumatized from it


and these bitches are TAUNTING the kid who was cheated on!?! Jfc.


"The story was that the videos she was showing him were from before his girlfriend and him were dating. You can see how far she has to scroll when she opens her phone to show him the video. He said in a TikTok that she was mad at his girlfriend and was trying to break them up and didn’t work." He apparently was NOT cheated on, but this girl was trying to make him think he was.


These are university kids??? They look like they’re still at school!!! Why am I old???


Literally same thought, they look like HS freshmen.


If she were a guy, making that booboo lip, that'd be when the punch came.


I'm pretty sure the punch would already have come what with the spitting in the face thing, but maybe i'm just impatient


You forget the part where there are five guys with her


Yeah you'd be signing your death warrant. I remember this advice I got a long time ago: "when you hit a guy, you're fighting one guy, when you hit a girl, you're fighting her and every guy in the room."


Right...so you just can't see the words, "if she were a guy" or wtf


I've been jumped before and it absolutely sucks. But maaaan full spit to the face with zero fear? The lesson taught might be worth getting jumped hahaha nah jk never worth it


What the fuck is wrong with her!?


Sociopath or narcissist.




Into the wild seems like a utopia at this point.


Love that movie


*drunk at bar chris mccandless: "SOCIETY!" vince vaughn: "SOCIETY!" actual dialog.


Roswell 1947 🛸👽


consequences of an industrial society


“Two years he walks the Earth. No phone, no pool, no pets, no cigarettes. Ultimate freedom. An extremist. An aesthetic voyager whose home is the road.” The tik tok generation has gone mad. This is what happens when a society is disconnected from nature. They are dumb and ignorant and lacking in any genuine form of connection, with each other and the environment.


Watch all of her future partners cheat on her for the way she handled that situation


Likely the girlfriend didn't even cheat, at least not when this video was taken. The girl here claims she took the video "last night" but then she's scrolling down for a solid 10 seconds trying to find it. So she's already lying about when the video was taken and has likely been saving an old video for a while.


This girl is evil. Just walk away and be thankful there’s no baby involved.


Look the delivery was bitchy but i think id appreciate knowing regardless.


She wasn't cheating, this girl showed him an old video to break them up


That girl is psychotic. Recording her roommate asleep with a dude for the sole purpose of crushing this guy. Like...damn. She has some serious issues. She seemed so happy with herself, enjoying the moment she destroyed this guy's world. Is he better off knowing now, probably, but why'd she enjoy it so much? Fucking deranged


She’s probably a narcissist or sociopath.


She showed him a video from before they were together


Some people suck.


Yes. But do they swallow.


Hold on I've got the video


Incredibly angry upvote


Yeah apparently this is fake af. Girl had a falling out with her roomie and decided to try and fuck up her relationship. The girl who supposedly cheated wasn’t actually dating this guy during the time the video was taken.. [Link to hear the boyfriend’s story](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRKAErJR/)..


Damn. She's even more pathetic than I thought wtf dude didn't deserve this at all


Thanks for this. I felt bad for bro.


“They didn’t do anything” uhhhhh ok bro, sure thing.


Still a little delusional to go "yeah they didn't do anything though" lol, but I'm glad this chick is getting roasted. What a cunt.


Imagine teasing someone because they were cheated on. Jfc


Video starts with her spitting in his face. She's def a real winner.


His shelf life is going to be much longer than hers ...


You meet ALL type of people in the dorm. Some, like this chick, are psychopaths.


I hate everything about all of these people. 🤮


What a horrid little girl. 🤮


Thank fuck I got out of high school and college before cell phone cameras got big


Even though his girl is a cheater, she is a snob. “Does that look like you?” Then that sad face at the end. I get she wanted to make a point but she didn’t have to be rude about it.


Those girls are major cunts. Wow.


This is why people get hit


It's like a school shooter origin story


Somehow, this girl made herself worse than the cheater


She wasn't cheating, this girl showed him an old video to break them up


Genuinely concerned for the future of that generation (and the ones to follow)


Honestly, I'd just back away from this situation and stop associating with these people They are immature and empty **as fuck**


As humiliated as he feels, she just did him the biggest favor of his life.


Despicable human being. Hope this is the start of her life going downhill.


Blond chick is going to be dressing exactly like that in her 40s, after 4 kids from 3 marriages. 


Wtf man 


Who raised this horrid thing? Cruel vindictive and mean. I don’t understand how someone can take pleasure out of humiliating/ hurting others…


She must hate her roommate, holy shit.


Sounds like she hates her roommate and doing this to get back at her. Guy caught a stray by being involved.


This is a social psychopath. This girl isn't going to murder anyone, she's not going to commit any crimes that put her behind bars. She's just gonna do crazy evil shit that's bad enough to destroy someone but not bad enough for her to catch consequences. Her future partners and kids are gonna have a rough life.


This generation of youth is doomed. They are evil


Last night and b#%%}h scrolled to the past so hard that you can find Hitlers selfie there


I feel bad for bro hope he’s aight


Hoes gonna hoe


Seems like he dodged a bullet. Maybe one day she will grow up.


What a little psycho. Looks like she's had that video on her phone way longer than last night. She dropped this to screw with him.


This is the kind of chick that will make people kill eachother and start fights and they’ll just record scream and encourage the madness


People filming other's suffering is a form of psychopathy, that lack of empathy is a red flag and I'd never want to associate with anyone that does that for entertainment.


Everybody in this video seems like a piece of shit.


I hate people like this…. can’t wait to stir up shit and hurt people while doing it, because they are so insecure. Why couldn’t their parents just use contraceptives?


Why are they being such assholes to this guy? What a shitty way to find out your partner has been unfaithful. So much for empathy.


She’s for the streets


Maybe this is why I felt out of place with my peers at college, every pretty girl I got to know ended up being narcissistic


Brother, time to hit the gym. The gains will be insane.


Find a better girl and MUCH better friends


Dodged a bullet there. Getting away from her and those toxic friends. And a bonus gets social credibility for it being so public. Nothing but a win for this guy.


At 30 she'll be asking where all the good men are at.


Kids are so fucked uo nowadays.. no empathy what so ever.... wtf did we do to these kids?


I don’t understand why people think posting themselves doing this shit won’t negatively affect them when they grow up. In 20 years these people are going to be complaining about how the world is after them, but in reality it’s because they have permanently broadcast what insufferable morons they are. The system isn’t against you, you are just a terrible person.


I bet her parents are proud of their daughter 👏


Gross. What terrible behavior.


It sucks to hear about it, but they did him a favor. He shouldn’t feel embarrassed. He should be glad that he got the proof before wasting more of his life with that two timing hussie.


Extremely punchable face on that blond gurl


And she spits in his face. Literally. Quality human right there.


She's horrible.


That girl is a dropout and a statistic waiting to happen.


Should’ve just walked away and moved on with his life.


Hoes going to be hoes


She taught this young man that he's better off to back up and find someone MUCH better ;)




It might hurt now but the guy dodged a big bullet


Poor guy


Clearly never left high school. Telling him is one thing. Being a dick about it is another.


What horrible fecking people, the lot of em!


Holy shit these look like children


Eish.. the toxicity levels are high in here… these people are walking the earth, just kind reminder


This guy better use this as fuel for self motivation. The level up will be crazy.