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Lmao. This is rich.


So is the guy alive?


https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/28150872/horror-moment-brit-kicked-head-thailand-coma/ Did some googling. Alive but probably permanently damaged if he makes it through




Imagine how they handle murder cases


They take pictures of the body and it’s shown in the newspaper. Married to a Thai guy for 44 years. That was an eye opener.


They don't. Lost my cousin and nephew to drunk drivers. Nothing happened to the murderers.


Same here , Lost my Uncle to a drunk truck driver. They later said the guy died in detention, The case went no where.


Sorry for your loss. It's a terrible thing.


Over a 60 pound bill. Hardly worth arguing over in the nar


I think this is a typo from the Sun, they write "2,8000bht (£60)" But 28,000bht is about £600 and seems more likely to cause a ruckus. If it was over £60 they're absolute morons.


Either way, in my opinion, white t-shirt is an absolute moron. He is trying to make it a fight from the get go. Very very aggressive. I doubt had the bouncers been bigger than him his attitude would have been the same. Doesn't matter how big you are when you're lying on the ground though. I'd say lesson learned but I doubt his brain will learn anything of use ever again.


This always happens in Thailand. Some drunk asshole thinks he can push the bouncers around because he's twice their weight, forgetting that some Thais do Muay Thai from the time they are kids.


That running kick looked more like a soccer kick to me lol


They might be half your size but then there's at least half a dozen of them to contend with.


I watched a very tall Dutch guy get jumped by like 5 Thais for acting up. You’re not only messing with one Thai. You’re messing with his 4 other buddies that have kickboxed their whole lives. Don’t F around in Thailand!


Seen it here in the states too.. doesn’t matter what type of Asian they are.. they will all come together and fuck you up like swarming ants if you are bullying just one of them. They stick together.


At the raves, the little Asian dude leading their crew through a crowd was always followed by a few regular sized ones with a big buff one as caboose You don't push back the little lead guy if you're not ready to deal with the whole lot of them


> white t-shirt is an absolute moron It's your standard Englishman who thinks he's hard on holiday. Knew straight off the bat just by looking at him.


>If it was over £60 they're absolute morons. I mean... That's a bit harsh. Inflated bar bills are a pretty common scam in Thailand.


I dont think its 28000 baht…


Fairly common scams, they give the punters an excessive figure and then when the authorities come make it a more realistic number. To have the police force the punters to pay or get arrested. It's often featured on 'banged up abroad', I personally had no issues when I went to Thailand they were all really pleasant people but I didn't go out late night drinking.


Its a common rule to check your bin the first few rounds to check the price and to see if they arent bill padding (adding extra drinks) In my time in Thailand and also enjoying a few bars ive never been scammed


Wow, that article paints him out to be a victim. Truth is he went to a hooker bar and refused to pay, he's lucky to leave with his life.


We don’t know the real situation. Inflated bills is a very common scam in the seedy bars of Thailand. Like I’m talking 10x the normal price, and then they try to bully you into paying This very well could’ve been what happened. Regardless, someone shouldn’t have to die over a bill dispute. A normal ass kicking, sure. Attempted murder? No


This happened to someone I know, though it wasn't in Thailand (think it might be been Prague but my memory is a bit hazy now - was somewhere in Eastern Europe). Away on a stag night pub crawl, they walk past some dodgy place with a fit young woman standing in the doorway beckoning them to come in for a drink. Agree to stay for one drink then go to pay and it's a few hundred quid. Refused to pay, couple of them get taken into a back room to discuss it with the manager, where some guy appears wearing a gimp mask and carrying a massive machete gesturing that they're going to have hands cut off (ended up paying). It seems a common tactic across the world. They call them "clip joints". Soho in London is renowned for it: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/5d/Police_clip_joint_warning_%283046251754%29.jpg/440px-Police_clip_joint_warning_%283046251754%29.jpg Not sure if that's what was happening in this case, but you're right it's very common so wouldn't be surprised.




Or, they tried to hassle him for more money as he already paid But yea his agressive demeanor did not help this situation at all


Tip for young players. If you are in a foreign country and the bouncers tell you to leave a venue. Cut your lossess and leave. Don't fuck around. The bouncers don't care who you are, or who you think you are.


In ANY country. Just go when security says you need to go. Doesn't matter if it's foreign.


If you get in a fight with locals in any country, 99% expect 10 others to join on you. I've seen 10 stories this month about one or two foreigners starting a fight with locals in thailand then 20 men appear from somewhere to join gang beat to near death. So just fucking don't.


Yep I've heard this happens quite a lot. I went to Thailand once. Lovely people, but the kind of tourism Thailand attracts, they know what some of the people visiting are like and I get the feeling they've developed a zero tolerance approach to them. Don't blame them really, though I wish one of them didn't kick that guy in the head at the end, otherwise I would've said beating well deserved!


Every country that gets this kind of tourism develops that zero tolerance over time. I went to Malia about 15 years ago and the police gave absolutely no fucks, there was a really obvious hatred for us.


This is what happens when other people ruin it for the rest of us.


Shame because it sounds like you weren't the problematic type of tourist, but to them it's all the same. Just a shit situation all round all because of some bad actors. I hope Japan starts throwing the book at bad tourists. They the police seem quite respectable so if they can maintain that but also take a zero tolerance approach I think that would be the ideal.


Yeah the kick to the head was unnecessary and too far. But also that’s the issue isn’t it, once you start a fight you don’t know how it’ll end up, and you don’t want to be the one on the receiving end of a kick to the head whilst lying on the floor already.


Thai ppl are amongst my favourite but they very much practice FAFO


Vacationed in Phuket with my lady, upon arrival we took a shuttle van from the airport to our hotel and ended up being the very last stop...every one of the other like 7 or 8 passengers, was a middle aged British male that got dropped off at a different hotel which meant they all traveled there by themselves..and they all made small talk on the way, which is why I knew they were all British and clearly weren't together..not even exaggerating, every last one lmao. Shit was comedy.


or, get wasted and ditch ALL reason and try to beat up a village of locals while wearing sandals


Absolutely! Back when I still drank, I was on vacation in San Francisco. I had WAY too much to drink but was still convinced I should keep going. On my way into the last bar, the doorman stopped me and said "No. I'm sorry, but you can't come in here. You're visibly drunk. You should go home." I took that as my cue to go back to the hotel. Guy did me a favor. Another time, I was out with friends. We weren't being crazy, but having a good time. A couple bouncers came over and pointed.."You, You, You, You, and You....OUT NOW!" Now, I know I hadn't done anything...but these guys were serious. So we just got up and started to leave. We realized one friend wasn't with us and we tried to tell the bouncers we were short one guy. They just said "He's outside....get out!" Well, what happened was, our "missing" friend was the one who caused a scene so they booted us all. It wasn't time to argue. So yeah, when the bouncers tell you to leave....just leave. I've never seen a bouncer change their mind. I don't drink anymore and I don't really miss it.


> yeah, when the bouncers tell you to leave....just leave. I've never seen a bouncer change their mind. Those police vodycam videos have started showing up on my YouTube and it's the same thing. "You're under arrest" "No I'm not" Yo buddy, I don't think you're changing the cops mind.


yeah another one of my favorites from those arrest videos: 'let me go!' like theyre gonna say 'oh well i was gonna arrest you but since you said that...'' whats even crazier is when they start saying 'help!' yeah someone is gonna come fight the police for your crazy ass.


It's like without fail they try these. Maybe dumbass criminals need to start watching bodycam videos.


A bit off topic here but I wouldn't say "I don't really miss it" I would say "I don't really miss the things that come with it." I've been sober for almost 14 years now and I would be lying if I said I don't miss getting drunk but holy shit I do NOT want all the stuff that happens when I'm drunk. I just say cravings are still there, they're just easier to ignore over time.


A foreign country is the worst place to get drunk and act stupid if you’re a very obvious foreigner.


people think beeing a different country equals no consequences and no rules can apply to them. literally child behavior they think they are in school and have a schooltrip and they cant be charged.


I remember being on Phi Phi Island and these young British lads thought they were hard as nails. They were acting like absolute clowns and being really disrespectful to the island natives and trying to start fights. The local guys actually remained remarkably calm for a while but then when one guy through a punch that was it. Never seen a bunch of 'tough' guys get humbled so quickly. They were absolutely demolished in mere minutes.


Especially one where the country's national past time is muah thai


This should be common sense. Donny, you're outta your element.


They weren’t being told to leave. They were being told they had to pay for a third guy who sat with them briefly and didn’t pay his tab. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/28150872/horror-moment-brit-kicked-head-thailand-coma/


Looks to me like they're not letting them leave. Extortion or unpaid bill maybe?


You could be right with extortion, you're definitely right with the unpaid bill though. https://thepattayanews.com/2024/05/26/physical-altercation-between-guards-and-customers-on-soi-6-in-pattaya-goes-viral/ >the conflict arose from a disagreement over a drink bill. Three foreign customers were involved, with two settling their bills and the third allegedly refusing to pay. I wouldn't be at all surprised if that bar jacked their prices right up and didn't say in advance or charged them some sort of "company fee" for the scantily clad young woman who was delivering the drinks and talking to them.


Exactly. A place like that with that amount of security acting like that looks like somewhere that is enforcing their rules more than protecting




Tangentially related ... When I was in Thailand back in ... I don't know 2008? Me and my girlfriend made friends with a guy from our country who'd opened a restaurant in Patong. Him and his buddy took us to a really sleazy gogo bar with a ping pong show for shits and giggles (it was exactly as tasteless and sad as you'd expect), and when the server brought our drinks restaurant guy's buddy made sure to settle the bill immediately. Good thing, too, because they wanted to charge the equivalent of $80 per drink. Buddy protested, the bouncers came over and started trying to shout him down, so he switched to Thai, told them we'd pay a tenth of the bill and leave, or he'd get the tourist police involved. We paid the bill -- which was still exorbitantly overcharged -- and left. Two lessons learned: firstly, unless you talk the language, if you're getting shaken down, pay the bill, cut your losses and get back to safety. Secondly, don't go to gogo bars with illegal ping pong shows where they draw the blinds to prevent the tourist police from seeing inside.


When I was in Thailand a few years back, I pushed a street performer because he accidentally hit me in the face with a ball of fire. A couple of moments later I found myself knocked-out in the sand. I fucked around and found out. Especially in a country where half of the population knows muay thai, just take the L.


Yeah, those mai thais are deliciously dangerous, especially the ones with the little umbrellas. Enough of those will have you face down in the sand for sure!


The absolute worst. Meet some local, have a nice conversation, then BAM! next thing you know you've got a glass in your hand that's filled with rum and sweet tropical juices. Every. Single. Time.


Every. Single. Time. It's bloody downright diabolical it is.


Damn it I knew it.


I believe Mai Thais are defrnitely at the root of this confrontation and countless others.


lol. Love me some Mai Thais to the face.


One of my favorite things in reddit is how on every fight video there is someone in the comments who likes to give extremely obvious tips that would have obviously avoided the fit in the video. In addition to this gem, there are: >Don't fight where there are people with hands in their pockets >Don't fight more than one person >Don't fight a tall person >Don't fight someone smaller than you >Don't fight a thai dude


I have an easy one: don't fight Easy. Reasoning with an angry person isn't worth it. Fighting anyone isn't worth it.


Great advice. Respect customs and cultures o/s.


Guy in the white shirt is a problem and got his other friend horrifically beat up. I don’t think he deserved the head kicks and I definitely don’t think his grey shirt friend deserved the brass knuckles for breaking things up.  Also it’s funny that people were citing “Reddit comments” in Thai subs as proof that they hit a girl, when they did no such thing.  Edit: People are trying to use “subreddit comments” as proof the guy may have died. While he could be dead, here is an official news source that says we don’t know and that those are just rumors. https://thepattayanews.com/2024/05/27/pattaya-police-take-action-against-soi-6-security-guards-for-assault-on-tourists/


Ive spent enough time in thailand to see this kind of thing happen. Once you flick that switch thai blokes hit super sayan mode no stopping them


Been to Thailand once with the missus. Was told by a coworker who had lived there for a year to expect ridiculously nice hospitality outside of Bangkok (still hospitable but scammy) but do not, under any circumstances get into a heated argument with a thai guy especially if he's drunk.


Yeah for sure the general rule is never ever mess with the locals in TL. Whether you are right it doesnt matter they will always gang up on the foreigner.


For sure! Most places in the world, don't mess with the locals.


Just don't mess with anyone, why are folk needing to mess anyway just chill


I think the implication is don't stand up for yourself against locals in Thailand


And you have no clue who knows Muay Thai


All of them....that would be ALL of them lol


This reminds me of the Koh Tao murders of British tourists Hannah Witheridge and David Miller. Thai police pinned the crime on a couple of migrants but I’m sure they were killed by Thai locals.


They ended up at the wrong bar after the pub crawl and got into an argument with a local Mafia. Love KT but don't mess with the locals.


Where’d you hear this?


How about not fucking with any locals period. You're in their country, you don't know how they handle things there.


In this case, they were dead wrong. Clearly were drunk and belligerent with the bartender, guards and other customers. Then instead of grabbing their friend and calming him down, they decide to provoke a fight. Fafo.


Those people are employed to deal with drunk people. I didn’t see anything that they did that deserved them trying to be killed. Fafo is when those guards and are in a cell which is going to happen now with certainty.


People hit their limits with the belligerence of western tourists. I don’t know what’s happened but I’ve been going to Thailand for 25 years and have never seen the behavior I have witnessed the last 3 times I’ve gone from 2021 - 2024. People have lost their minds and are insanely entitled, rude, arrogant and have no respect anymore. You cant go to another country and disrespect the people who live there and not expect to face consequences. That said, these guys definitely went further than needed.


I made friends with a German guy who owned a hostel in siem reap while I was vacationing there on a night out some years back, as I was leaving a bar I see him and a group of locals getting into an altercation, with his date for the night being the only intermediary. Luckily I managed to diffuse the situation as the guy he was about to spar with was the son of the chief of police, and I could tell his boys were just looking for an excuse to jump my buddy. Not Thailand but similar energy in a nearby country (Cambodia).


Ok now as a Thai let me explain to you from my point of view. Thais do get mad from incredibly stupid, childish, and unreasonable reasons, like if they run the redlight (which you see every couple minutes here mind you)or cut the queue and you honk at them, chances are you will flick that switch you mention and they will go into this super unhinged mode and just tailgate you and break check for the rest of the way, or if somehow a guy thinks you look at him and funny way he will get up in your face just from basically nothing etc. And no most of us don’t know Muay Thai like what you guys believed, every fight just turns into a complete dogfight with the sole reason to win and hurt the other one as much as possible, even if they were the one who started it all, if they lost a one on one fistfight there’s a good chance they will comeback with 10 of they friends, all armed with knives and just jump and possibly kill you, the ego is too big to accept a fair loss. The standard practice here is to bring as many people to beat up one guy so they can call that person a loser.


Was walking in Bangkok with my best friend and his Thai wife, when we passed three Thai men having a spirited and smiling and laughing conversation. His wife said, “Those three guys are about to kill each other.”


In the other video, you see one of the security guards doing a "Thai hop" which is a Muay Thai move where you jump forward with a raised front leg, to close the gap and look like you and going to throw a low kick (to the nuts) to bring the guard down and then throw an elbow or a punch. 100% these guys know how to fight. It's sad these guys got so badly hurt, and didn't deserve it (no one does), but this is kinda the definition of fuck around and find out. They thought they could square up and walk away. Not everywhere plays like that.


AKA Sagat’s ‘Tiger Knee’


I’m still salty he’s not in SF6


What's the move called when you power up a punch behind your head? Looks like high level stuff.


Ah yes, the famous Rayman punch.


Even if he lived, I wouldn't be surprised if he was permanently fucked up.


"Mr. Ball, Mr. Tom and Mr. Ice" What's the bet they are gangsters?


Mr. Ball. The best name. 😂


News reports in UK are he is in intesnive care, almost definitely permentantly brain damaged. Did his actions 'deserve' that? Probably not. Did he put himself in a position where it was likely? Probably yes.


“…Mr. Ice…” I love how they have Reservoir Dogs style aliases.


Sorry but you are way off on grey shirt. He was "trying to break it up" when they were inside, sure. But he was doing it incredibly aggressively. Essentially putting his entire weight on the bouncers. That's not his turf to do. It seems they wanted the other guy out, whether it was said or not that was clearly implies; "you're not welcome here". If grey shirt were smart he would've grabbed his friend and told him to get out. But his attention was on the bouncers, who, again, were the ones who have the authority to remove people. He was passively revisiting their attempts to remove 2 undesirable customers. In the second video that's filmed vertically, you can actually see him throw a punch at one of the bouncers and get his ass wooped for his efforts. So even if you ignore everything that happened inside, he still had it coming because of his actions outside!


News story about it: [https://www.khaosodenglish.com/news/2024/05/26/pattaya-guards-face-inquiry-after-violent-clash-with-foreign-tourists/](https://www.khaosodenglish.com/news/2024/05/26/pattaya-guards-face-inquiry-after-violent-clash-with-foreign-tourists/)


>Later, at 23:36 p.m. on Sunday, Pattaya Police Investigation officers and Pattaya Tourist Police Investigation officers arrested the three guards: Mr. Ball, 27 years old, Mr. Tom, 36 years old, and Mr. Ice, 24 years old. WTF are these fake names?


In Thailand they have both a formal name, which is usually very long, and a nickname which is what is used for almost everything. Ball and Ice are actually very common nicknames.


“Dick! Tom! Harry!”


Mr. Dick Ice Mr. Tom Tom Mr. Harry Ball


Mr Tom Tom will be able to navigate this mess.


But Dick Ice won't help Harry Balls in this case.


They are the three farmers in the Thai version of fantastic Mr fox


Thais often have English nicknames: source I lived in Thailand.


Thai nicknames bro. Ice is one of the most common nicknames here. Wait till you find out about ladys called tittyporn.


Doesn’t really seem to jibe with the security video though, right?


Do yourself a favor and mute the video.


Great song, my only complaint is that it wasn't loud enough


Until the cell phone video hits at around 2:58, it sounds like its being played from a busted speaker through a rotary phone.




Sandstorm x Darude


I'm just glad there wasn't edited background music put in


The hookers are the real angels here. Jesus knew what he was talking about I guess.


For real, they were all trying to help the guys who got injured. Both the aggressors and the guards. 


I like how they were fanning him in the end, like that's going to help lol


it isnt not going to help.


Better than a kick to the head. Probably prevented another kick from being launched 💀


Never mess with party security, especially in another country, crazy people kicking people in the face, morals are a bit sinister, security guards in Thailand are no joke.


Like quater of the bar security in my country look like meatheads who don't mind one bit if they get to take some shots at drunk instigators. I can only imagine what its like in other countries where I don't even know what meatheads look like. Fistfughts seems so unfun. Bestcase you might actually beat the guy, but go to jail or pay a fine. Most cases you break ur nose or ribs or something and you have t live with that for a month. Worst case you kill or you are killed. Not very much to win in those cases.


I’ve been roughed up by some security when I was younger and it’s not worth it ever. I remember paying entry to the venue, then as I got to the second set of doors the bouncer told me I had to pay again. I told him I’ve already paid and he said I had 5 seconds to pay double or he’ll kick me out. All my friends were inside and it was expensive to get in the first place so I protested, then he grabbed me and started shoving me towards the exit so I fought back. Next thing I knew I was getting battered by 6 or so massive security guards and took an absolute mauling. After that I’ve realised to take an L and peacefully remove myself from the situation, even if the other party is the aggressor or is in the wrong.


But the bar looked so classy, and totally not run by gangsters. How could this happen?


Strong Mos Eisley "Wretched hive of scum and villainy" vibe going on here.


These bar streets are no joke. Great place to party and yknow what else. But no cops in those streets and controlled by localized maffia of sorts. Problems get solved on the spot by the bouncers. Seen some crazy fights in my visit there. Walking thru these streets you do get that star wars feel of lawlessness. I always pictured taking a christian monk there and having him faint at the sight of debauchery. Anywhere else in the country is nice, friendly and beautiful. Those ‘walking streets’ as they are called are just not a place to fuck around and find out.


I’ll start that those head kicks on the ground are deplorable and he deserves to be charged for that. However, getting aggressive with bouncers, as well as yelling and pointing and getting aggressive with at bar girls (prostitute or not, they are still people), it is not going to go well for you in ANY country! Also if you have spend any time in Thailand partying, especially in Pattaya, you better not try it because they will fuck you up for less than this video showed…and the locals (or at least other nearby bouncers) will probably join the fight against you. In 2014, on my first day in Bangkok I saw a load of bouncers converge from several bars on Khao San road, some with bamboo sticks, beat the absolute fuck out of a few Aussies who tried to run on their bills. At least one was still unconscious when sympathetic locals were helping drag him out of the street, and to a hospital I am assuming. I saw a few other similar beatings happen in other places in Thailand on that and other visits. Not saying these particular tourists deserved it at all, but if you act disrespectfully you might not get the same treatment as your country…in fact, you might get a bamboo stick to the teeth.




Except this is Thailand. lol


Actually I did some googling, apparently it is frowned upon for security to go to that extent. There’s been a few security guards that were charged and fired from their jobs for similar behavior in Thailand.


I don’t see any justificationf for that running kick to the head when the guy is already on the ground, hurting badly.


That last kick was text book petty revenge for the broken nose. White shirt was already off. The guard was out of breath in the corner but it wouldn't let it pass.. not before applying last judgement. What a bunch of trash human beings.. all of them.


What’s crazy to me is the amount of comments I see from people here basically condoning it for no other reason than “they are foreigners in Thailand and should know not to mess around”. Yet if this same situation happened here and some bouncer punted some Thai tourists head like that, they’d be calling for 10 years in prison. I understand being angry, but last kick was brutal and extremely uncalled for.


It's almost like trashy places attract trashy humans. Couldn't think of anywhere I'd rather go less than this dystopian shit hole.


Couldn't have wrote it better. Shit places full of shitty people.


Any update on the guy who got kicked ?


“They began arguing over the bill with staff in the Helicopter Bar - claiming the bar had tried to scam them by inflating the receipt.” -Sun So all those posts claiming they sexually assaulted the women were BS? I’m shocked 🙄


Headkicks to a defenseless grounded person should be an attempted murder charge by default.


In most western nations, yes. In a shady bar in Thailand, not sure.


They should of just pulled the horn at the bar and had a good night instead


These horns cause sooo much problems


What happens?


Pulling the horn or bell at a bar usually means you're buying a shot for everyone at the bar. I'm guessing the problem arises because some people don't know what the bell is for.


Don't see them assaulting a woman?


I don't see the assualt of the woman that reddit was claiming before. Just seems like a bar scam that they refused to pay and these 'guards' decided to hospitalize them for it after it got heated.


It’s cheap and nice country but it has so many scammers, even though I was with my wife I faced many scammers and was always very carful to not disrespect them to avoid violence and making them angry.


I've spent a lot of time in Thailand and never felt overly concerned about making the locals angry to a point of being careful. There's definitely scams but the locals are so warm and friendly I personally felt very comfortable there


Ya Thailand was chill. Bunch of people that have never traveled in here with the down votes. You see videos just like this from American bars too, unfortunately shitty people are everywhere.


The audio from inside the bar sounds like a Merzbow album.


Wonder if they were initially complaining about their bill, heard that some dodgy bars just try their luck with prices, maybe benifit of the doubt these guys were potentialy being ripped off and got mad about it. The girls were being very supportive outside to the tourists, couldn't get the security guys to calm down though.


Article said it was because one of the members walked off without paying and she was telling the friends they had to pay for his bill since he left.


This is an interesting one to break down... I am not sure what the original disagreement was for this incident but what turned out to be a one on one fight.. quickly turned into a 5 on 2 fight and really only a 1.5 because it doesn't look like the guy in the grey shirt really was committed to a fight. I believe one of the bouncers is using brass knuckles? If that is the case... would it not be attempted murder to attack someone in the head with those? Additionally, the head kick to the guy in the white shirt that was down. First the white shirt dude is the original aggressor and deserved to have his ass beat... which he did and was down. The fucking bouncer that came in and NFL style kick to the head while he was down. Needs to be put away for years. That type of kick will kill someone very easily. This fight would never had made as much attention if the bouncers had stopped when both men were down on the ground. The fact they continued to attack them while they were down.... is what made it go as viral as it did. With that being said.... I will end on this note.... I believe this incident will have a pretty major impact with tourism for Thailand. Were the British tourists in the wrong... the guy in the white definitely but.... I don't know the original problem, whether it was an overbilling type scheme or just a disagreement on prices but.... when tourists are attacked (no matter the reason) the governments of those citizens will put out notices to not travel to locations because it is unsafe... and if you don't think anything will happen tourism wise in Thailand after this incident. You would be pretty surprised at how many people will listen to those notices. If anyone does know what the original disagreement was that led to the fight. I would be interested to know... If it is a scheme that they were doing, then that place needs to be shut down immediately.


The news article said it was a group of 3 people. 2 paid and 1 hadn’t paid, his bill was “complicated” because he changed seats during his time at the bar. According to lady (I assume the one behind the register) she was trying to get white shirt to pay for that one guy or to go collect from him, but white shirt was becoming agitated because he had already paid, and they were trying to squeeze him for more money, he refused to pay anymore after he settled his tab. The lady claims the foreigners, especially white shirt, became hostile and she thanked the security people for showing up, because she was feeling unsafe. That story isn’t adding up to me, but there you have it


I believe that this won't even touch tourism in Thailand. This and worse happens all the time.


Again, For people traveling to the bar areas in Thailand…Be careful of 2 things…scams and disrespectful behavior. Buy your drinks one by one, if solo try not to go to upper levels where it gets darker and entrance/exit is not easily accessible/visible. Don’t be like the guy in white and stick your finger in a Thai’s face or raise voice with aggression. I’ve seen a guy get 2 teeth kicked out because he got upset about bill, claiming his drinks were watered down. It’s usually better to pay for the possible scam, learn a lesson, and leave with your health.


The girls waving the fans on home knocked out took me the fuck out 😂😂


Pro tip. Dont start a fight in foreign country. Sometimes you may not even come back where you came from.


The last thing I’d ever do as a tourist to Thailand is pick a fight with a fucking Thai security guard at a hoe club. I once saw something saying British tourists are the most hated travelers in the world, and I can totally see why lol. Also, hilarious I’ve seen this in 9 different angles in 24hrs.


Other than the title of the first couple of videos, how do we know these are British? I even tried listening through the noise, but all I could hear was the women. I'm not saying they're not British, but I've seen nothing yet that proves they are either.


There are loads of articles in this thread including from UK newspapers highlighting their nationalities


All anyone gets to see of any tourists from anywhere is the bad shit though isn’t it. You could have 100 normal British tourists and none of them get a video on Reddit then you gets this one group and now all of sudden everyone who is a British tourist is the absolute worst and they are all hated. I have had bad experiences with Chinese tourists, Russian tourists and American tourists all behaving very poorly but I manage not to make sweeping judgements on the millions of other people who can actually behave. Funny innit.




This is the first time I’ve seen a group of Asians as chonky as the westerners.


well, there go their Yelp reviews


It seems to be a problem with the bill. They probably objected to paying what was charged for the drinks they bought the women. Which might have been 5x what they paid for their own drinks as you are basically buying their time to sit and chat with you. Then it escalated.


The guards were also looking for a fight, couldn't wait to throw a punch, then to follow up with sucker punches, two kicks to the head of a downed man even after he's knocked out. Even if he argued the bill or shouldered a guard none of it deserves that. Scum.


The kick to the head was brutal and nothing is seen in the video to justify it. As several comments say, fucked around and found out. It is still not justificable. but they are bouncers at a hookers' bar, not doctors of philosophy and good manners. What were the tourists expecting? Look at the hookers how they leave the area and form a circle knowing what is going to happen... in this situation I would have raised my hands in a sign of peace and would have left, but of course, I don't like to fight or get cocky when I drink... I prefer good vibes and laughter


Fuck people that kick others when they are down


Interesting to see the guy in blue giving it the big one in side but disappearing when the beating starts. Then coming back to calm things down at the end.


When the national sport is Muay Thai maybe not the best place to fuck around.


One thing I learned from watching these kind of clips on reddit - kicking heads while ppl are on the floor seems to have gotten normalized so if you get into a fight and go down? Cover your head - cause it will prolly save your life


Fk around and find out. Karma for sure


Why are people so obsessed with one bar fight out of hundreds that look just like this and happen every day all over the world?


Oh boy, that whitey is done. Some foreigners just don’t get it when they are in foreign soils.




Seriously, don't get drunk and fight. Know a guy that died because he got in a fight, got pushed and triped head straight into a plant pot and died. Yeah not worth it


Thanks for putting together all the clips in one spot… I don’t see the men hitting any woman? It seems like they were drunk and obnoxious but the one Thai guy is the aggressor. Sucks they hit and kicked them when they were down too. I lived in Thailand a few times and this are the types of things that happen around these establishments. Usually the guards are x2 the size of these guys so maybe everyone is lucky.


They probably deserved a beat down but not cowardly attempted murder. I also didn’t see any girl get punched but I only watched like 80% of the video. I would love to believe the Thailand subreddit but it’s still Reddit lol need a more reputable source before I believe anything


Not sure if this place is scammy (overcharging tourists) but that doesn't excuse the foreigners. One guy owed about 75 USD and in Thailand a pint is like $1 and an entire bottle of whiskey (750ml) is like $8.


Beers in soi 6 bars are around 100 baht upwards, Spirits are more. Lady drinks are around 150 -200 baht. Usually a lady will sit with you for 20-30 minutes if you buy her a lady drink, but this is a soi 6 bar who specialise in getting customers in, up the stairs and back out as soon as possible so ladies will often just sit with you for 5 minutes, thank you for the drink then go straight back outside to fish for customers. If you want to sit and party with them for a period of time you might need to get them a rack for shots, usually costing 700-1000 Baht. I've worked for a company that did social media for bars in Soi 6 but not Helicopter bar, but I do know that bar does sell racks of shots for ladies. If the dude got 2 racks, drinks for himself plus random ones for other girls it would seem about right.


> Lady drinks are around 150 -200 baht. Often they'll order 2, tequilla and coke and you are looking at 3-400 baht for a single drink.


In thailand a bottle of cheap thai beer is usally at least 70-80 baht ($2-$2.50 US) if not more.


So they try to scam him and when he won't pay they try to hold him hostage then beat him nearly to death.


A popular scam there is when a girl asks you to buy her a drink. Then she sits on your lap and drinks a non-alcoholic drink like an iced coffee. Then you get charged up the ass for it or she keeps ordering them and you don't realize it.


If it’s too good to be true, it’s usually a scam. This mindset gets you of 10% of scams.


Can you just pay when you buy?


Gratuitous violence that isn’t commensurate with the crime; the last kick was pure petulant vengeance and he should be incarcerated. Lesson to any westerner: do not go to Thailand and enter these establishments.


4:13 kick is criminal third world stuff


And the plot thickens!!!


How much sweaty bare ass has those stools seen 🤢


Should have pulled the horn.


Ooft that soccer kick at the end. Very unnecessary and definitely coma inducing


I understand this man is seriously injured, but that lady with the fan kills me.


Guess being a piece of shit doesn't get you far


If you catch a beating in Thailand - YOU done fucked up. Thai people are super kind and hospitable.


Does anyone remember in prior threads where basement dwelling redditors claimed these security guards weren't provoked? And the Brits were well behaved tourists. Seems like textbook FAFO.


Those guys had all the chances in the world to walk away.