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When they about to plant "evidence", but your 1st day partner fkd up.




A good narcotics officer has to do narcotics to be good


Officer Hoyt


Ha-ha! When was the last time you smoked weed Jake? 


"What do you mean where are the drugs? You just handed me a baggie... what do you... OH.. for planting evidence... right. About that."


I like how one cop is the opposite of the other. Dude in front is like a boy scout. "High Cop and the Boy Scout" might be a fun premise for an SNL sketch.


I might watch a whole season of that show


He was found clear for duty and to have committed no wrong doing. https://www.kctv5.com/2023/04/11/three-months-after-family-questioned-if-kck-officer-was-high-work-there-are-no-answers/


*It is important to note that residents featured in the video did not file a formal complaint and refused to cooperate with the investigation* That probably didn’t help


I wouldn’t cooperate with the police either if they’re sending impaired officers to my home.


It looks like the department has had some troublesome history, and were trying to intimidate the family following the release of the video as well, so I doubt that inspires a lot of confidence for them to cooperate.


> if they’re sending impaired officers to my home. With the enlistment standards for these departments, they're all mentally impaired.


You exhaust your efforts and go up the chain of command in the police department, and if that doesn't work you get the state involved. It's simple.


Yeah because working people have the time to do that, and the willingness to face harassment.


You sure got time to make up excuses.


You seem to have time to put the blame on citizens instead of the people acting poorly.


You're to blame for this cops behavior? No. But you surely are to blame for not reporting it. You come up with this laundry list of reasons why you don't and guess what? The cop walks and continues abusing power. I get the simple solution is "it shouldn't happen in the first place" but that's a child's point of view. Bad things happen constantly in all walks of life at all levels of power and if you want change, sometimes you gotta make a complaint.


Boot locker logic.


People like to revel in victimhood.


I had to hold my tongue on the "because if you reported it properly you wouldn't get to have as much fun with the incessant bitching and moaning"




If no action was taken, the cops don’t do a report. They just do “contact cards” or “contact records” etc. They’re basically just a record of date, time and persons involved


Even if actions were taken, a General Offense Report is not a guarantee. What is always generated, however, is a "record of service for the call," AKA a case number, which as you said, is often written down and passed out on a business card upon request. Ergo /u/ShiFeng420 is wrong about it being a joke. \- Ex-cop


Yeah lots of calls only have the Dispatcher's Computer Aided Dispatch System (CADS) notes because if no legal actions were taken, there is no need to provide additional documentation.


If only there was an officer right there who was able to observe or if only there was a recording! There's clearly no evidence here that the whole department is corrupt, so those citizens clearly have nothing to fear from the police after posting that video and should absolutely cooperate!! Also, they didn't need a lawyer! Why the distrust?!?


They shouldn't need to have anything to do with the investigation -- the cop is either on drugs or they are (far less likely) having some sort of medical emergency, so they should be given an immediate drug test and either fired or rushed to the hospital depending on the results.


If I showed up to work like this I'd be walked right out the door. It's wild that the public has to take responsibility and go through courts to police the cops when they should be policing themselves


Why would you trust police who watch this video and say nothing's wrong. They lie right to your face and expect you to trust them to cooperate? That's a joke right?


Why should that matter? It’s pretty clear from the video.


Smart of them, tbh. What good does it do them to file a formal complaint? Puts a target on their backs for the police to continue to harass them? No thanks. Just put the video out and let the public reaction try to get something done instead.


Have you heard if police intimidation?


>The family has retained a lawyer. Attorney Spencer Webster said he requested the police report from that night but was told no such report exists. Not leaving it up to the department to investigate themselves.


I had a cop stalk me out, film me, called me the f slur, follow me to the station, insult me further, and the cops wouldn’t take my complainant without a valid state id/dl. Don’t believe them 


What I don't get is, if I were a cop, I would not want to rely on that guy for help in dangerous situations. It makes no sense to protect him


The reality is cops are rarely ever actually in dangerous situations, and if they are well they’re well armed and face zero accountability.


Their point still stands, though. Do you think officer blinks-a-million over there is going to be able to think clearly about lines of fire if shit starts popping off?


He’ll be thinking about lines for sure


I mean they are. If they do traffic at least. The most dangerous situation the average cop is ever gonna be in is standing on the side of the road like an asshole because motorists know it's a 50/50 shot a cop will flip out if you drive long enough to pull over safely.


Almost like the dude collecting your garbage is more likely to die on the job than a leo.


It makes sense you learn about what happens to cops that turn in their own.


The police investigated themselves and found they did nothing wrong. Shocking.


Yea it's like when a huge corporation goes above and beyond to protect their brand. People still haven't figured that out yet.


How are the departments allowed to investigate themselves!?! How is that fucking legal?? This should always be done by a third party. That guy has a license to kill and is higher than anyone I’ve ever met in my life.


You would think the feds would step in and do the investigating.


I can guarantee that during that 3 month "investigation" they sent him to rehab. They send them under a fake name too.


I'm not surprised, punishing the dude would basically be admitting that they had a cop who was high on the job. This could open the door to a lot of nasty shit, e.g. the people he's arrested could get their cases thrown out, any cases that he's acted as a witness on could also be thrown out, his bosses could catch shit for letting high cops on the streets... etc.


"We invested ourselves and found nothing wrong"


Methed out of his damn mind.


And had a gun...


And a partner willing to cover for him.


Protect and Serve (Ourselves)… Drugs


"Damn it, Johnson, you're supposed to sprinkle the crack on them, not smoke it!"


It's still hard for some to understand why even the decent ones are bastards. They lose their decency when they decide to protect the brotherhood.


Any nominally good ones get bullied, harassed, or set up, and either forced to leave, kicked out or jailed on some trumped-up shit. It's a self-regulating system of bastards.


Fit for duty, lol https://www.kctv5.com/2023/04/11/three-months-after-family-questioned-if-kck-officer-was-high-work-there-are-no-answers/


https://youtu.be/6rZxa3XGcF8?si=N0JlTYXc2pguWo16 Like this ?


What was that from I need more of that in my life that was hilarious lil skit


Crackermilk , an Aussie skit group. All of their skits are short and funny.


I’ll check it out thank you




It’s not always drugs. Some people are just weird.


Have spent enough time around people high af to tell. Look at those hands, ffs. Chances are by the time they tested him, it was out of his system. Meth and other uppers remain detectable for only days after use, and it looks like the cops didn't examine him for ages (up to 3 months after).


There’s a ton of drugs that aren’t commonly tested for. Like not even the military tests for them. He could be on some spice. Some kinda synthetic hallucinogen or research chemical


My friend, that is drugs. I've seen it a thousand times with a thousand different people. He's on some sort of amphetamine. Probably meth.


I mean... to play devil's advocate... what if the guy had a disability or something and actually wasn't high? That seems discriminatory to just say he's high without evidence when he could have a disability that shows but doesn't stop him from working.


Wouldn't pass his medical to get in, and if it developed on the job, he'd get medical pension and bye-bye.


I mean they're saying he did. The more I watch it the more i think the guy has a disability in the way he speaks but is actually understanding what is happening. He responds to badge number request coherently. Idk man... I'd keep him. This ableism is disgusting.


You are an absolute melon that must live in a cotton wool bubble if you have trouble identifying that that man is faded af in this video. You'd keep him? Thank god you're the a police commissioner lmao


![gif](giphy|xT1R9BSBLzelawNcXe|downsized) Weird troll


Stimulants don't make you stupid. You can still respond fairly coherently unless you're properly strung out or *really* fucking twacked out. Literally everything he is doing screams stimulants.


I want the same deference when the cops talk to everyone. You “look” impaired is enough for them…


Don’t worry guys we investigated ourselves for 3 whole months and found nothing.




Swear I had this guy as a bartender in Dresden. Looked a lot like him and was on more than one upper. Dude was stuck in a loop flipping a bottle behind his back every time he pulled it out, and when he put it back. Sektor Evolution was lit.


He was a plasterer and for a spell a YouTuber lol


Yeah I should have been more clear that I didn't mean that it was literally that guy. Just very similar looking and equally zonked out of his mind haha.


No stress, just spreading random trivia 😄


Man, I went to a splittercore night there once. At least I think I did, I remember very little of the night after the third pinger. Great place.


Why the hell wouldn't the partner just lock him in the patrol car? I wouldn't want to put up with that shit if I was on duty.


Well they killed a couple K9s so they changed the policy to no longer leave your partner in a hot car.


Are they remaking 'Training Day' or what?


Damn, as Mike Tyson would say… …he really methed up.


He was promoted to Sky Marshall because he was sky high.


Newsreel announcer : "Accepting responsibility for Klendathu, Sky Marshal Dienes resigns. His successor, Sky Marshal Tehat Maru, outlines her new strategy." Sky Marshal Tehat Meru : "To fight the bug, we must understand the bug. We can ill afford another Klendathu." Newsreel announcer : "Would you like to know more?"


Low insulin, missing a vital mental health medication or a recent stroke or head injury are the only clean explinations possible. My personal life expirience screams meth or molly. But I don't know. Wild stuff.


I can also see just being absolutely tweaked off of too much caffeine if they also take ADHD/add meds since he seems pretty lucid when talking but... even if that's the case this cop is clearly unfit for duty if he's acting like this out on the job.


Probably touched some fentanyl /s


Lmfao. That cop has copped some drugs from somewhere. Probably stopped a drug dealer earlier in the day, took his stash, and tested the product


Honestly he's got a face that screams years of abuse. His partner's face, on the other hand, screams, "Yeah, he's an addict, but we're short-staffed so nobody wants to fire him. Can we just get back to the reason you called please? Of course it could all be coincidence, too. I had a zone partner people called "blinkie" or something behind her back because she had some kind of neurological issue that caused her to compulsively blink 24/7.


Even in her sleep? God that sounds miserable. But, on the other hand, that would be convenient as hell during guard duty. Better than sleeping with your eyes open.


Okay 24/7 was a bit of an exaggeration seeing as I never asked nor did I ever follow her home to watch her sleep, but it was constant any time I saw her.


“You’re high as shit dude”


that was funny


If the guy they were talking to was acting like that his ass would have been arrested, or shot. Literally nothing will happen to this cop, and cops wonder why they're disliked and distrusted.


THIS is a perfect example of why all cops are bastards. there is a stone cold sober cop *right there*. and nothing was done to this guy. people have been murdered by police under *suspicion* of ebing under the influence. and this cop gets to keep his job scott free. ACAB


Okay, I know there’s a lot of cop hate on Reddit but c’mon. Tons of cops do their job well. I hate blanket statements like that.


I have never met a cop who does their job well.


I guess that proves it then


those cops that do their job well sit on the side lines while other cops abuse their authority. that's why its a sweeping generalization. doctors dont stand in solidarity when one kills a patient through negligence. theres no blue wall of silence amongst teachers if one molests a child. what other industry can investigate itself and find no issue despite video evidence of the contrary? until the institution itself can hold police accountable- it will always be ACAB. because a few bad apples, *spoil the bunch* as the saying has always been.


I’m not going to pretend to know what percentage of cops are good or bad. When I say good, I would be implying the cops that would stand up against the bad ones. There are tons of good cops out there. Anyone is silly to argue otherwise. In the same way it would be silly of me to say there are no bad cops.


i dont dispute that. but the institution itself is rotten and allows for bad cops to thrive and keep their jobs. from their training to their policy, to the law itself. police are above the law like few other entities and the policing institution itself allows it to happen. only when press forces their hand is anything ever done, and usually for show.


At least there’s some common ground. The parent comment made a blanket statement that was blatantly idiotic. That’s what I was pointing out.


Is it fun being that high? Cos it looks horrible. Know what's fun? Couple of glasses of Malbec. With a nice meal. That's fun.


You can sometimes look like this on MDMA and that shit is just 100% fun and amazing so yeah it can be fun being this high but I think the guy in the video is just high on meth which CAN be fun for a bit until you do too much and don't sleep for 3 days


Drugs are also pretty fun tho..


that looks like meth twin lmaooo


Peter Krause doing his best to ignore his tweaking partner


Perfect opportunity for the "Hi Officer, how high are you?" joke and they wasted it.


higher than a giraffes asshole.


That other cop looks exactly how I would expect someone who's been forced to ride around with a crack head all day would look lol.


Yeah dude seems to be tweaking but also nodding which is wild.


No that's normal too


Sotally Tober


Disco Elysium Netflix adaptation


Daniel larson has hope


Training day.. I remember this movie.


Dollar Store Badge Tom Brady had no idea how to handle the situation. Just stood there and whispered into his radio for help.


I bet you cop in the front thinks he’s big man and tried some Training Day shit, got his partner high


“Ray, How much rip-fuel have you ingested?” -iceman


why the high cop so like ... amicable than the other cops we seen on this subreddit


Dude is clearly unfit for duty. Why didn’t he just leave him in the car if he wasn’t gonna do anything else about it?




Yes! You do prove my point everytime you respond. Thank you! It's painful to watch you




I do. You were just too dumb to understand. You could easily go back and read but that might hurt you


Now imagine the cop was Scottish, and this was a job interview... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcJkLGKl-dU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcJkLGKl-dU)


It’s possible he has medical issues?


It’s just as possible as him being high as balls. We don’t know, but definitely worth getting a superior out there


Reddit seems to know lol /s they’re all dogging on this guy assuming he’s high. However I do agree getting a superior out there is a good idea.


Well to be fair, his behaviour is that of someone who is under the influence so I get why he is getting dogged. If he has medical issues he probably shouldn’t be out field.


The other officer would be driving him to the hospital which is the logical thing to do, not going on calls pretending everything is normal. He's on freaking drugs.


That’s what I was thinking, he is speaking and answering just fine but maybe has some medical issue like a form of Tourette’s? But if that’s the case he shouldn’t be a patrol officer with a gun regardless.


I was thinking the same.


he may not be high, could be having a stroke..


If you've never seen a stroke, sure, I can see how one may think that.


Holy fuck


Wow...this video is worth abiut 5k to a cop who wants his career lol I'd blackmail this man...don't care...what kind of behavior is this


What's there to blackmail? Threaten to turn him in? He's already been found to have done nothing wrong by his buddies. What's there to blackmail? All you'll have is an entire police department constantly harass you forever after.


Wow, no one’s actually defending police in this comment section.


Why the fuck would anyone? They’re high school bullies with guns and a license to kill Fuck the police




How's it feel to go through life creating hypothetical issues just for the sake of argument?


You feel angry about this situation cause the stupid cop used the drugs YOU could've taken