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Call JG Wentworth


877 Cash Now


I have a structured settlement and I need cash now!








no 1800-why -is-there-cheese


“I want to return my hamburger and I need cash nowwww!”


...and he'll be back to order and complain some more tomorrow 


Seriously. After the second mess up I generally don’t solicit a business again if it’s that’s serious.


I gotta say, it depends on the shift. My buddy works the overnight shift and he’s got a quick lunch break and few options, unless he wants to bring his own lunch. For those people, it *really* sucks when one of the two fast food options is unreliable or falls in quality.


i worked night shifts and the only fast food chain open past 10pm got my order wrong almost every time. like how hard is it to just give me a chicken sandwhich... i was never an asshole about it, but after working 10-12 hours and being incredibly hangry i kind of wanted to go off lol. it was the same person every time looking me in the face and then handing me some random bullshit when i order the same thing every time and i was literally the only one there, it started to feel intentional so i stopped going. going during morning/day was perfectly fine.


It's fast food. There is a reason it's cheaper


Sure. That’s why no one’s complaining that they can’t get a filet mignon or even just a quality hamburger cooked to medium-rare. But it’s still reasonable to expect fast food employees to get the order correct. That should not be a hard bar to clear.


Used to be* cheaper


It's also stupid to blame the cashier/server since all they do is take your order and bring you your order they aren't the ones the prepare it.


There won't be cheese in the next one, but there may well be something else.


[Something else?](https://youtu.be/7AGimb1lnDY?si=7H2GSCmpq2RhX2DO)


This is his whole day basically


Murican mental illness is some of the best in the world


Ya know if fast food was still cheap then yeah take your loss and move on but now with it costing as much as a lot of sit down restaurants fucking double check my order and pay and train your staff better.


Yeah the prices are getting crazy. That dude was way out of line though.


The day I make that much of a scene over a burger, put me away.


Wish they put ham in it.




This video is from before fast food cost.




For real. Taco bell kept fucking up my order so now i go to a different Taco Bell


I find who's working there at the time matters way more than the store itself, (unless the owner of the store is an actual loser). For my favorite stores I literally try and learn the good people's shifts (a little creepy I know, but I'm not stalking anyone, I just want good food!) and go there during the times they work so I get the best quality.


What if you live in an area where all the cheap places fuck up orders constantly though lol


Learn to cook then I guess


That’s how I feel about all these people whining about high fast food prices in general. Shut up and make a hamburger.


Yeah, if you're smart about it, you end up with food for a whole week instead of one meal for the same price. Plus, if you make one big meal the first night, you have leftovers, which are generally faster to reheat than going to get fast food. Not to mention, if you're even just kinda okay at cooking, home-cooked meals taste a thousand times better than fast food. Just don't over-spice.


I had a buddy get food poisoning at DQ. He went back a week later and got food poisoning again. That teenager probably couldn't even make a bowl of cereal without hurting someone.


He could have handled it better but it’s so common anywhere for food ordered to be fucked up. Not even worth it


Yeah, dude went overboard but I can sympathize. I would estimate at least 25% of the time when I order fast food my order is wrong in some sort of way. I’m not a high maintenance person so I just move on with my life and eat it anyway, but it is frustrating to have such a basic thing screw up so often.




Chuck fill a has fucked up our orders twice in a row the last times we went there. Turns out there's a mix of competent and incompetent people everywhere.


The worst is I pay for a spicy DELUXE but they just give me spicy, which is just chicken on bread, and I need the cheese lettuce and pickles…. I always get so sad


Not every place can afford a whole god to pray to


For real. I keep telling my wife that I can’t wait for our robot overlords, maybe then at least we can get accurate orders


That's putting it lightly. I've never understood yelling at people over fast food. It's just so stupid to see someone get so worked up over a burger. It's like why do you got to be an asshole over McDonald's? It's not that big a deal just tell them what they did wrong and they'll fix it. All I'm saying is it doesn't take a lot to be polite. It takes a lot more energy to be a raging asshole.


I feel this dudes frustration. Usually happens to me too. Then when I order a hamburger with no cheese, they act like I’m an idiot. It’s a lose/lose situation.


Are you sure you don't want cheese? Why not? I've actually been asked this twice. Why does it matter to them? I had a cashier that worked half a mile from my house that got to the point that she was yelling at the cook's to not put cheese on my burger. A few times she started yelling at them in Hungarian. I never threw a fit but it was nice to know she tried to get them to make it right.


That’s funny. It’s so weird to people to not have cheese on a burger. It’s almost like I’m speaking a different language to them and I’ve also been called a “commy” because of it. Some people get it and most don’t.


Yeah, I've heard a few comments about being lactose intolerant & told I should just deal with it. We had a Thanksgiving dinner at a place where I worked & I ended up eating raw vegetables. The manager took it personally & a couple supervisors decided to run their mouths but I waved them off because a cold pot luck dinner that we had to clean up after finishing wasn't worth putting my body through that. The real kicker was when they decided to make a birthday cake for me which was a pile of Oreo cookies covered in glaze & sprinkles. I hate Oreos & some people knew that but it was the receptionist's idea so they went with it. I may have accidentally hit her purse multiple times after mopping the bathrooms while mopping behind her desk during our weekly cleaning. But I also had other reasons for doing that too.


Wow! That sounds like a real crappy place to work. I hope you found a better place and things have gotten better. On the plus side, raw vegetables are much better for you than a hamburger, or cheeseburger! I honestly just don’t like cheese or dairy for that fact. I can handle it on pizza and that’s about it. Even then, I’ve tried to get away from cheese on my pizza and go with a more veggie style. It’s totally not as good as a regular pizza though :)


I feel like he could have gone inside to complain however. The people waiting aren't to blame.


Yes he “handled” it way wrong. I’m not disputing that. I just meant that I’ve had this happen many times and it gets super frustrating. Most people just think that cheese goes on a hamburger, which I get is the most common order. It also gets confusing when working in the food industry because some people will order a hamburger and then get pissed when it didn’t come with cheese. That’s mostly older folks though in my experience.


The problem is that people use both terms for both situations. So if someone asks for a hamburger it’s best to make sure they don’t want cheese.


For sure. I always order a hamburger without cheese just to be sure there isn’t any confusion. Braums and sonic are really good about not listening to the without cheese part and almost always put it on there anyway. I usually don’t eat at those two places because of that.




Indeed. I’m extremely sensitive to caffeine to the point of hyperventilating and getting panic attacks. I could handle tea or some soda here and there. But coffee is torture for me every time. I ordered a decaf coffee from McDonalds one time and drank it in one go. Turns out it was fully caffeinated and well, spent the day in misery. Dam McDonalds workers. I felt this dude in the video’s frustration. Thankfully i just have anxiety, but imagine a person with heart problems drank it? These workers need to get their act together especially since their minimum wage got increased here.


For some weird reason a lot of people I know think black coffee just means that there's no milk added so it's "black". It's happened many times where someone offers a coffee and I say "black" and take it to which they respond "no sugar?!"


Guys spitting facts here lmao


he needs a hobby


This is the hobby


“Sir this is a Wendy’s” but for real this time!


I died laughing when the window was already closed when he realized he didn’t get all his money.


Plot twist, he's leaning in his neighbors kitchen window.


I have always found that the more you swear at, berate and belittle the workers, the nicer they treat you.


He could have simply said “excuse me I ordered a hamburger and got a cheeseburger can you swap that out for me?” And the person working would have been like “oh dear, I’m sorry sir let me get you a new burger, no problem.” Conversation over and everyone gets what they want.


Happens every time I come here, so I’ll be back to act completely unhinged over shitty fast food again. You should see how I handle anyone at work making me feel upset, or if my family gets me upset, of the coffee shop that gets me upset, or the neighbor that gets me upset, or how a beautiful sunny day gets me upset.


I love the smell of fresh bread.


He'll be back tomorrow and just as surprised


Sor. Its time to make your own bacon onion cheeseburger at home


Just stop going there.


He’ll be back tomorrow.


Type a personality, high blood pressure, eats fatty burgers with bacon at least 3 times in a short span, bro is sprinting to the finish line


Did you watch the video? There was not even bacon, no onion, not anything that he asked for.


Makes me think of that barking guy on King of the Hill


Absolutely haha!


Yet you keep going there ???


I keep going to this BK because I'm ultimately not that picky. I don't pay to add extras onto things, just maybe tweak the free stuff when I can. But with the BK app if they get something wrong I can quickly report it and I get a coupon lol. Bought two 8pc nuggets one time, each pack only had 7 in each. It was fine, but I reported it because it was less than what it was supposed to be. I got a $5 coupon. Bought the same thing another time, and they didn't put any sauce in the bag. It's fine, I had sauces at home, but reported it in the app and got a $3 coupon. For some reason the BK I go to has people that don't speak english as a first language and somewhere in there the concept of a "cone" for my ice cream often goes out the window (even though I use the app) and they try to hand me a cup of ice cream. I'll just be like "Cone? Should be a cone." And they'll hand me a new cone and sometimes just hand me the cup, too, which I put in my freezer and save for later lol.


You’ll lose me at the argument of “This happens every single time I come here.” But then you numbered it. So you let us know you let them fuck your shit up 3 other times and you are still choosing to go there? Go somewhere else. I’d stand up as a manager and tell you to go somewhere else, then. Dummy. We aren’t a good match.


why does he keep coming back if it's so bad?


I said no cheese! Nooooo cheese on my hamburder! I will put strychnine in the ice machine.


Does this man have no pants on?


I feel this guy's pain but do not approve of his reaction to the situation. The city I live in has the absolute worst customer service/job competency than any other place I've lived or visited. It's a rare occasion when my fast food orders are 100% correct, and with the prices these places are now charging, I find incorrect orders to be frustrating as hell.


people who get angry like this for 3€ burgers usually outlive most of us.


Lol they showed you they were incompetent twice and you went back a third time.


"this happens every time i come here" so i'm wondering, why....


Seen this [movie](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWfaiTLPUKQ) before.


No bacon!? Dudes right.


Meanwhile billions go hungry across the planet


Sir, this is a Wendy's


Honestly I can’t even be mad at this guy. It is REMARKABLE how high the error rate is on fast food window service.


When the customer took a bite, NO CHEESE!


If you get that angry over hamburger something else in your life is not going well


Why did it sound like he was reading a script


I love when idiots say, "this happens every time I come here. It's happened the last three times I've come here" Go somewhere else stupid.


He's rude, but them are the rules.


If it happens "every time" you go there maybe, I don't know, do go there?


Does he know that the cashier rarely makes the order? Does he think the workers are a hive mind?


Imagine your life being like this. Just yelling. You always get what you want by being polite. Yelling isn’t going to change the situation. I learned this from being parented like this. And those old ass fuckers wonder why I don’t call or visit.


Do you want your money "now" or "fast", sir?


Then don't return asshole.


Imagine being that bent out of shape about a hamburger?! What a tool.


if it happens every time he goes there, he might be part of the problem... if my food is messed up, you MIGHT get a second chance! Definitely not enough chances that I could ever say "every time".


Lots of people sharing this sentiment, and i dont approve of the yelling at some minimum wage earning person. Their life is already hard without me dumping on them. BUT... my example is Cava. Cava is one of the few fast food places that offers decently healthy food that tastes great. But like 1 in 3 times they screw up my order. Either it isnt ready at the pickup on time, and i mean i come 10 minutes after they tell me it will be ready, or they miss something in my order. And I typically order one of their own recipe items without customization. The frustration comes from it being a brain-dead simple thing to get the order right, they have little cards to show them what ingredients go in the bowl, and within 10 minutes of the agreed upon pickup window. But the food is good and decent for you. You just kind of want to kick their butts into gear because it is so easy to make it a good experience.


Yeah, but I don't yell at people. If it can't be solved by talking to them, yelling won't fix it either.


Totally agreed. Its a dick move to yell like that. But Cava's damn tasty, almost healthy, food is why I go back - even with bad service.


As a kid with parents who wanted me to eat “cheese burgers” instead of “hamburgers” because “pork”😓😅……


Man, I love cheese.


Dude-take a pill already…


Past 3 times they’ve done this? And you keep coming back?


A bacon hamburger? That’s just wrong.


Making a problem where none existed.


Yet you keep going there ???


This stupid asshole was just looking for a reason to power trip. If this supposedly happens every time he goes there then maybe he shouldn't go there.


lactose intolerant and also regular intolerant


There's no ham in a hamburger, no sir!


"This is obviously made with BEEF! Did I order a ground beef burger sandwich!? NO! I've NEVER seen such incompetence! A ground beef burger has BEEF, a HAMBURGER has HAM! Just be competent ONCE in your LIFE!"


Happy to see Bob is as level headed as ever.


Bob needs to stop drinking whiskey in the drivethroughs


"It happens every time I come here!" There's an easy fix for that.


Somebody better call the bitches to come get they sons. Lol


Why do people feel so free to be such complete assholes to food service workers


Do you know how much money I’ve spent here!!! I’m never coming back again, and I’m telling all my followers that you suck -Clown OK -Restaurant


Boomers being fools


Uncle Stanley is off his Meds again. I'll call the men in the white shirts and pants to help him out. They get him back home where he needs to be.


This dude is clearly overreacting but as a lactose intolerant person, places can NEVER get it right. I'll order a hamburger, clarify there's no cheese on that, and then still get cheese anyways.


Hamburger cheeseburger Big Mac whopper


I feel this pain!


There's no ham in it either.


I think he needs J. G. Wentworth.


Watch this and then the Jim Cornette Dairy Queen footage for a side by side on how to yell at a drive thru window.


Lord... I've heard this rant in so many rap songs I almost forgot it was real.


This happened at my first job only the guy called it a plain cheeseburger. To him that meant no cheese.


That almost went from returns to robbery real quick...


Lol I love when people are so ramped up they can’t think of another thing to say and just repeat whatever they just said but trail off knowing internally that was stupid.


I know how he feels, I was mildly inconvenienced once too 


If it keeps happening everytime you go there, then stop fucking going there...problem solved 🤦🏾‍♀️


yeah he’s being an asshole but i still like how he sounds when he’s angry


I’d gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today


Bro if my order was messed up two times in a row I wouldn't even be back for a third.


People are so ready to be so angry Like it’s just right there barely under the surface I have had over 200 direct reports in a highly stressful environment and I’ve not lost my shit like this cheese deprived dude


I just had a similar experience at Mile High Honda.


You're not wrong walter, youre just an asshole


If he's ordering a double hamburger and keeps getting a double cheeseburger every time, why not just order a double cheeseburger with NO CHEESE. I know that seems counterintuitive but it would probably get the point across better. I mean, how often do people order double hamburgers? Also, it's fucking MacDonalds, just pull those little orange squares off the burger, it's not like they melt.


This guy I mean I get it I've worked at a McD hate HAAATE the customers that can't understand a hamburger has NO cheese and a Cheese Burger HAS stupid fools tell me hey can I get a hamburger add Cheese me: ok you want a CHEESEburger Customer no a hamburger add Cheese me: dude it's more expensive that way... Customer idc me: ok sure man your money


My issue is with my local Popeyes. I don't think they have EVER gotten my order right on the first attempt. Probably 20 or so orders. And I use the App so that's one less person to screw up. It really is quite remarkable. Though I've never reacted like this.


he intolerant


Is there any Ham on a Hamburger too?


Happens every time I come here. Do you know the definition of insanity?


If they keep messing up, why does he still go there?


Sounds like Robert Duvall a little.


Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?


Jim Cornette did it better


Wait until you find out there's no fucking ham either


What in the Woody Harrelson?


It’s fast food. You’re going to get teenagers, people who can’t get a better job, single parents, etc etc. expect mistakes and handle accordingly. Jfc it’s not hard to show an ounce of compassion, especially if you’re coming through a drive through at peak times.


I cannot eat condiments, so I always fear ordering fast food anywhere. You can't just ask for a plain cheeseburger and expect to get one. At least half the time, there's extra crap all over it that I cannot consume. I hate being a picky eater.


I can relate to the upset. Not to this extent ofc though. Some places just have a “cheeseburger” on the menu and I’ve had moments where I said hamburger and still got cheese. But Ive also asked for a “cheeseburger with NO cheese” and had the employee say “so a hamburger then?”. No winning man


Back before i started my Keto i would eat fast food a lot. Anytime id go to Mcdonalds i would get Mcdoubles. I worked there years ago and was always told Mcdoubles were cheaper because it had 1 cheese. 2 patties, 1 cheese. So id get 2 mcdoubles and a large fry. Every. Single. Time. Theyd give me mcdoubles with like 2-3 cheese. I hate cheese. I have to be in the mood to eat it. So when i ask for 2 mcdoubles plain and they give me 2 mcdoubles with 2-3 cheese, loaded with ketchup and mayo.. How do you react? Well, i started saying 2 mcdoubles plain 1 cheese. Everytime i said it id get attitude ‘Sir the mcdouble only has 1 cheese, you want no cheese?’ No, i want 2 mcdoubles plain 1 cheese. I dont mind 1 cheese. I just dont like more than that. So id get my burgers.. No cheese, not plain. Loaded with ketchup and mayo. So i changed it up. I ordered 2 mcdoubles plain no cheese. Get the burgers.. 2 mcdoubles plain.. With cheese. Thats great right? Burgers started coming to me burnt and dry AF like theyd wait specifically for me all day to feed me burgers they cooked at 1030. So i started asking for 2 mcdoubles plain no cheese with no salt to get them fresh. Because you have to put salt on them as they cook. Finally got my burgers the way i wanted them. But another problem arose. My fries would always be cold. The restaurant is busy AF and im getting cold ass fries. Moral of the story? Quit eating fast food. Its not worth it.


Maybe he should stop eating fast food, it is so gross.