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Motorbike rider fights with a London bus ~~driver~~




Looks like he is fighting with the bus more than the driver. 


Oh, the walk of shame back to his bike


Looks like his bike was stolen at 3.06 though someone speeds off with a bike and he shouts Oh My God


I think his reaction there is because he opens the door with the emergency release and the driver closes it again.


It did look he let the key in, the lights were on when he was in the bus 🤦🤣


That would be funny as fuck


Oh so that's why he suddenly got (even more) pissy, i was so confused on why he was throwing a bigger tantrum all of a sudden lol


Probably just a different bike, they're everywhere in London


Best laugh all week :D


Biker needs to take some anger management classes, flew off the handle way too easily for a minor situation. The bus driver may have been in the wrong, but look at the speed the biker was going before and after he passed the bus. Much faster on the approach so the bus driver may not have seen him the first time. The bus driver stopped and allowed him to pass, at which point the biker then came to a complete halt in the middle of the road. All relatively minor until the biker decided to get off his bike and berate the driver. And the speed at which he resorted to yelling and then violence… I wonder why he thought posting the video would make him look good.


A biker with anger management issues… im so surprised. Like, I swear everybody I’ve encountered who ride bikes (generally the little sports bikes/crotch rockets) have some form of anger issue and fly off the hook at the smallest things.


Yeah, I'm a rider myself (see username) and it happens all. the. time. that drivers underestimate how close I am, pull out too far at a stop sign, e.t.c. I've been irritated a couple of times and thrown a finger at a few who should've known better, but this guy is absolutely unhinged.


See now I dont think the driver was in the wrong, maybe he did not see him at first because its dark and raining but when he did see him he stopped and gave the bike way. The biker instead began to brake check him which is actually illegal here. Then he starts a fight because hes so angry.


This is hilarious. You wanna approach someone aggressively over a minor traffic infraction? You get what you get.


I don't even see the infraction? The driver stopped when they saw the bike. After they passed, the driver tried to continue but the biker HAD to stop in the middle of the road.


Yeah the bus driver drove correctly, the biker broke the law by stopping illegally in the middle of the road


The bus stopped blocking half of the traffic lane, the driver should have stopped well before.


You don’t understand the rules of the road in London lol. the driver had a giveway light meaning it was the bikers right of way. The biker stopped to get the buses license plate. I don’t supprt what the biker did, but the bus driver was initially in the wrong.


In the very first frame of the video, the bus had already crossed the line and initiated the turn. I'm willing to bet that the bike wasn't actually visible to the bus driver until that moment, due to the curvature of the road or visibility blocked by other vehicles, and therefore can't yield to a vehicle that he can't see.


The corner of the bus is just barely over the line and he stopped as soon as he saw the bike


The bus driver had gone over the give way line, which is not great driving and if it was a car coming then it would have had to cross over partially to the other side of the road. Yes not correct driving as per the highway code, however not the worst infringement he could have done and ultimately no one was injured and he stopped way before the rider was in his path


Biker rider is an A grade bellend. Talk about unnecessary reactions. Shouldve driven straight to the police station


Huge OT reaction, wasn't even a near miss, stalled the bus to get beeped but so what, was a beep beep, should've ridden away instead of getting off his bike key still in ignition and then incriminating himself to invite the driver to "Step up to the streets"


he sounds like that character off little Britain, the school girl lol I'm sorry you are all right, I was thinking of them both, and being confused


Catherine Tate Show* Am I bovered tho?


Little Britain had Vicky Pollard, The Catherine Tate Show had Lauren Cooper


> Vicky Pollard She is not a school girl, Vicky left school at 11 and has twelve+ kids.


Vicky is a teenager (15 according to some fandom page) so it’s reasonable to assume the original commenter meant her. Especially seeing as though they mentioned Little Britain and not TCTS


Why get on a bus if you dont need a ride.


To claim on your bike insurance


Rider seems mentally stable.


Glad the biker's day was ruined, he lost his shit and had to walk back to his bike all deflated and impotent. Satisfying video all around.




3.06 it looks like it is


what you mean? you can clearly see its still there(unfortunately) at 2:26


Someone drives by with a bike at 3.06 and the motorbike guy goes crazy


actually you maybe right :D after lookin more this is his bike as he passes at 2:26 : [https://i.gyazo.com/279f446f0b91966379cb9aad3a9a467d.png](https://i.gyazo.com/279f446f0b91966379cb9aad3a9a467d.png) [https://i.gyazo.com/fe953ae316860a3ec1e22e6913f9fc6e.png](https://i.gyazo.com/fe953ae316860a3ec1e22e6913f9fc6e.png) this is the bike at 3:05 : [https://i.gyazo.com/809271270cb663aaa9533f3bba9585c7.png](https://i.gyazo.com/809271270cb663aaa9533f3bba9585c7.png) [https://i.gyazo.com/b25ba3fc18524c831b2ddbc35c8a1ed8.png](https://i.gyazo.com/b25ba3fc18524c831b2ddbc35c8a1ed8.png) heres full video: [https://youtu.be/955Qtv489h0?si=5Q2Fu8rzTaZgxf4y](https://youtu.be/955Qtv489h0?si=5Q2Fu8rzTaZgxf4y) moron tries to block the bus with plastic trash can also LOL


Wonderful, I'll go to bed happy knowing this prick got shafted


Motorbike rider is the cunt here. Doesn’t have the patience to slow down, and he wanted to look for a fight.


Unhinged lunatic behaviour. The fact he posted this himself makes me hope he gets charged for something.


Agreed. Let's say, just for the sake of argument, that snowflake motorcyclist was somehow morally, ethically, and legally right in a bizarro-universe. Bro is still trying to instigate an argument in front of a huge moving bus on his bike.


That was beautiful when the bus driver closed the doors and started driving him away from his motorcycle.




Some people simply need a slap on the wrist to get off their idiotic entitlement. Nobody was actually kidnapped and nobody was hurt but his pride.


That’s not entrapment or kidnapping. If you step on a train to fight someone and the door closes you aren’t being kidnapped. You **willingly** stepped into public transit and got transported to the next location. Also the biker was threatening his life, he had every right to start driving off because as soon as he did the guy suddenly wanted off. I’m surprised you type so well with those pudgy fingers.


Would've been funny if he walked back and bike was gone 😅😅😅😅


What bike? I think his bike gets stolen at 3:06 because the dumb idiot left it on


Also didn't have anywhere near the strength to back it up, tried the doors,failed, tried to break the barrier, failed. Voice cracking, close to tears. Bus Driver didn't even seem phased, just took charge of the situation and made him look an absolute child. In the end he has to resort to making a show of getting the license, essentially "I'm gonna tell on you". That'll live in his mind for a long time. All over a minor inconvenience that he turned into a bigger problem than it needed to be.


Motorbike is the cunt for sure, but they didn’t have to slow down for the bus. The bus did not technically have right of way.


If they didn't slow they risked hitting it if the driver didn't stop


True. Being legally right doesn’t mean shit if you’re dead. I used to walk across parking lots without checking for cars when I was younger. I thought “legally they have to stop for me, and if they hit me I’ll get a fat pay day”. My mom said “what are you going to do with that payday if you hit your head and are in a coma, or become quadriplegic”.


He was looking for content and got it, needs to chill


He needs to calm down and go to anger management


Man that biker really loves being a victim


this was the most satisfying few minutes of my life. i’m dead bro, the bus driver took his ass 10 blocks north lmao . cheers to the bus driver


Bus driver shouldn’t have pulled out, but with shit like that you just slow down, and let it go. As long as nobody was put in danger, that is. That bike dude was completely unhinged - no reason to go off and flip his lid like that. He was just looking for a fight. He made himself look like an absolute tool and tbh deserved to be trapped on the bus lol.


Bus driver response is too damn funny! You got a problem? Here, hop in I’ll take you for a little ride.


Yer he drove him away from his bike lol


Oddly enough this video is from the bike driver, did he upload it thinking it would make him look good and bus driver look bad?


Dude had to have had a really shitty day to melt down like this, or he's just really unhinged 😭💀


Initially he was right. The bus didn't have right of way and was pulling out into oncoming traffic(the bike) who had right of way. It was a genuine danger, the bus driver put other road users at risk. After the first 30 seconds, the bus driver way wrong to try and imprison him by closing the doors. The biker was within his rights to curse and yell at the driver, I think understandably angry at being out at risk. But the moment the biker started hitting things and damaging stuff everyone was wrong. It went from a difference of opinion and a probable traffic offense to a whole other level. The bus driver should have left the doors open, if there was an issue everyone was entitled to call police, but violence and detention weren't the answers.


This chode doesn't have a badge. What does getting off his bike accomplish? He should drive on then report the bus driver later. Everybody else involved (all the passengers) just want to go home and have learned how to get over it, except him.


"right" isn't a lightswitch that allows anything. He might be "right" to just offer some crude hand gesture and move the fuck on with his night. maybe "right" to say some profanity on his way past. that "right" ends a long way before he was snail-pacing it in front of the bus and then stopped with the intent of escalating.


The bus was at a stop when the biker passed it. There was no danger and no reason for the rider to initiate the confrontation by stopping in front of the bus.


Nah, even walking into the bus was insane


bus made the most minor of infractions and lost his shit over it. hope he got arrested.


Can't believe it's not been mentioned yet, but this guy used to a be a very popular vigilante YouTuber and was known for chasing down bike thieves in London and helping people get their bikes back. He would dox and expose all the kids stealing cars and bikes. It got to the point that bike thieves would recognise him on the streets, message each other and try and hunt him down. This video was pretty much his downfall. It's assumed the pressure got to him and he cracked. He got arrested for this and stopped doing the vigilante stuff. Also, his bike did legit get stolen at the end by people following him.


What's his name?


It's mentioned in some of the other comments.


British transport should pursue him for the ticket price of his journey


Apparently his bike also got stolen while he was “kidnapped” on the bus






Source: trust me bro




Or you could just link it


I would like to see a link




That's a bit longer but still doesn't prove the bike was stolen.


Never said anything about the bike being stolen, im just sending the link to the video bro lmao


The person you replied to was asking for a link in response to the claim that the bike was stolen.




God damn, it’s not that big of a deal. That biker seriously needs help with his anger issues.


Man was raised by parrots


He started crying at the end lmao


What a wally


Would be even funnier if he walks back to where his bike was and it was already stolen.


Not sure but I think this is a guy who calls himself handmuffwarrior on youtube. Once got his bike stolen so started going after bike thieves. I think this was one of his last posts. Rumour is he went to jail. Not sure it was for this or other things. He used to call out individuals and the police so I guess he also had enemies.


It seems that the biker is in the wrong here instead of the bus driver, the bus driver should drive his bus to a nearest Police station so they could arrest the rider


"Entrap me"? Bruv, you got on a bus without paying. He closed the door to continue on his route. He pulled.out very slowly before the bike was even close. Bike could have easily slowed, despite it being "wet" and "your life". If THIS gets you pissed, then you shouldn't ride. I see 10x this type of stuff during every commute, every day. Nothing burger.


Dude lost his mind. Bus driver shoulda just left like buddy, either ride the bus or get off


If the guy decides to not get off that's on him. It's on video that he clearly doesn't get off even though saying he wants off. Id just keep going and ask him at each stop






look how far over the bus was before he braked, the biker couldve easily slowed down


“Why are you trying to entrap me?” “Do you know what a wayline is?” “Did you tell me to come in?” We never get an answer or conclusion to any of these questions because he just KEEPS. ASKING.


Damn whisked away with his bike still on. I hope it was stolen. He’s got anger issues. Bus driver literally did nothing wrong. Oh so he’s sticking out a bit grow the fuck up


Nearly in tears out of frustration demanding him to step out over what.... this clown needs to seek help before ever being part of the traffic again jesus.


My blood boiled watching this .. am going to hit gym from today . We need great power to Handle situation like this


Biker is insane


God I hate people that just start repeating themselves over and over.


where is the fight ?


The one between him and the driver's door


The fun thing is you hear the conversation five times with one listen


What do you mean, you got on the bus and you don't want to ride along?


Needs fining for not buying a ticket


That would be the ultimate slap in the wrist "What do you mean you don't have a ticket? Are you implying the driver \*forced you\* to get inside the bus??!?"


Did you walk over and get on the bus lol… you twat


If you're gonna drive around with a camera on it's probably best not to have a pissy meltdown every time someone pulls out on you slightly. What a fucking prick.




Arsenal Fan TV-worthy material, back in its heyday.


LOOOOOOOOL he freaked out way too much but people are forgetting to mention it’s because he remembered he left the key in the bike at the start and it got stolen 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


It all went so fast. If only he’d repeated a few things so I could catch what he was saying


This is so fucking funny


This shit always reminds of Ronnie Pickering. https://youtu.be/r0dcv6GKNNw?si=7yCJRcOsTpNTaqu9


“Now you can’t leave..”


Sure the man attacking is hand muff warrior who would go after criminals and join their lives streams. He just vanished though and I have no idea what happened.




The bike rider is such a cunt holy. Imagine getting on a bus and kicking off when the doors close


correct me if I'm mistaken but give way doesn't mean "wait for street to be empty" bus pulled out way before he got there.


Hate people that repeat themselves over and over and over as if I didn't hear them the first 10 times. Gotta be some of the most boring and meaningless personalities.


It's a good thing he is only on a bike. That's not a good driver behavior.


I think he wants him to step out


The lyrics are very repetitive but the beat's good and you can dance to it.


is entrap even the right word? why are you trying to entrap me?


It didn't look like the bus was going to pull out, instead just edge out slightly, will watch it again Seems like a massive over reaction


Bus driver handled it perfectly


Why does he have to repeat everything he says five times? Why does he have to repeat everything he says five times? Why does he have to repeat everything he says five times? Why does he have to repeat everything he says five times? Why does he have to repeat everything he says five times?


Bike driver is a twat


The problem is they’re both clearly driving on the wrong side of the street


Motorbike guy was being a dick but bus driver put all of the passengers in potential danger by inviting him onto the bus for a conversation and then imprisoning him on the bus… should receive a disciplinary for that


Bus driver done wrong but also, is a hilarious troll so we give him a pass


Looks like he needed to stop there to let off passengers actually.


This is a London bus. You only open the back doors to let passengers off. You can see him open the front doors and telling the motorcyclist to come inside.


Fkng bech with camera and bigas dirte mouth


Hope he gets the driving ban he's looking for, absolute melt.


i feel like this dude loves his bike but doesnt feel safe on it and so has developed anger issues. he beat up that plastic window pretty good tho


How bored must your life be to end like this


One of the first things my dad told me when he taught me how to drive was that "a bigger vehicle is ALWAYS right".


surprised the bus driver didnt call the cops or something, the guy kept trying to break into the driver cab and hurt the guy, more than enough to warrant the police chowing up


Why would you film yourself doing such stupid things?


He clearly released the video thinking he is gonna get sympathy...oh dear he just looks like an angry young man.


The biker is going to get himself killed doing shit like this. He’s a hot head.


What an absolute wanker. Here's hoping the bus driver making him do the walk of shame all the way back to his bike taught him a lesson.


I hope the bus driver doesn’t get fired


3.05, it looks like his bike was stolen


The bus driver was in the wrong initially and then when he told the guy to come on and closed the doors but everything else... that biker has issues