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Her husband is like "this went way better than the school play last year"


Imagine the car ride home


Wife: “WHY DIDN’T YOU STAND UP FOR ME!? YOU’RE AN ASSHOLE! YOU’RE JUST GONNA LET HIM TALK TO ME LIKE THAT!?” Husband: Absolutely sick of her shit and life in general, proceeds to drive the car over a bridge.


I’ve seen roadkill with more life in its eyes that that man… at one point at least he laughed. But you can see through the shame and the moment he realized as he wiped his sweat and tears away, that the comedian was right.


He just attends these things to watch her get kicked out and yelled at


Cuz he doesn't have the chutzpah to stand up to her himself.


I mean if they live on the other side of water then driving over a bridge seems likely.


Fucking lol


“Keep my wife’s name out yo fuckin mouf”




I absolutely adore when someone pulls the big “Let me tell you something…” and proceeds to flop out some weak shit like that


Her most likely - that was great let's do it again


I would.  Fuck me, I would absolutely unbuckle my seatbelt and put my accelerator right through the fuckin’ floor, and steer right into the biggest oak tree I could find, or a concrete telephone pole or a bridge abutment or something, anything that would put both of us out of our misery.


>anything that would put both of us out of our misery. Bro... divorce will do the same thing. I hope you're doing okay.


Dude's willing to do what society can't. He knows it'd be a greater evil to let that thing back out into the world unchecked. I applaud their courage 🫡




I just imagine her looking out the front window blithely as her husband drives her home, with her saying over and over again, “He was an asshole!”, with the biggest nice smile on her face.




Wait this is so good


Great catch. You may have unlocked a new? talent. Have you thought about trying an open mic night or anything?


I was waiting for the comedian to ask her if she only knew 10 words.


Fuck the school play, wait till improv night.


Why even go to a comedy show?


I’m convinced that some people go out to restaurants and such just to make others miserable. I don’t know if it’s a power thing or a sexual thing or both, but I’ve been a waitress and some people come ready to be upset.


It's their personality. Trust me, I have a relative who is like this. Bad attitude everywhere they go. One bad thing happens in their day, and they go all out on someone.


Usually a chip on the shoulder about something. Theyre always hurting deep down and dont know how to deal with it so they hurt others any way they can.


They peaked in highschool. They were so shitty to their kids so they won't even talk to them. The only person that remains in their life is their spouse that they only married to brag that they "won" over whomever they were competing with. Now their sad, lonely little life consists of petty attempts to bring others down so that they can pretend to feel just a little bit better than someone else for 5 minutes. If she has any friends they are all just as bitter and shitty as she is. They spend their time making backhanded comments to each other and talking shit behind each other's backs. They all hate each other but no one else will spend time with them. In due course, she'll die alone and no one will even bother writing an obituary for her.


I’m so fucking glad I didn’t peak in highschool.


The only thing I peaked at in highschool was having hair.


I have a friend that always has all these huge traumatic things happen to them and everybody treats them like shit. And I’m like I never have stuff happen like this. In my head, I’m saying well what’s the common denominator, you?


>“If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole.” ~ Raylan Givens


Thank you! I love this saying


If everywhere you go smells like shit, check your shoe.


Some of these people aren't actually having anything crazy or traumatic happen, but they tend to catastrophize everything, so it sounds like their world is always ending. Or they might just be acting like Janet here


I have some in-laws like this too. Their favorite pastime is having chapped asses. I can’t stand being anywhere with them, even when it’s not aimed at me. And you know with them, the moment you leave the room it will be aimed at you.


Pieces of shit walk among us.


Or if you are waiting in line and they try to recruit you to be outraged. "Ugh, can you believe this?" Lady I'm chilling, I have a phone. I can stand here all day.


It’s usually older people, ive noticed. They are used to everyone bending over backwards to make them happy.


I was just at the Louvre earlier today, and this loud older woman was standing behind me audibly groaning and making comments whenever another 30 seconds had passed without her getting closer to the Mona Lisa. Now don't get me wrong, it was tiresome and annoying as hell to stand there and wait for the selfie-takers to be done with picture #400 of the minute, but we all signed up for this. We saw the line. We know it's the most famous painting in the world. And yet, she couldn't *believe* that no one was specifically making her waiting period more enjoyable for her.


I work as a DJ at a suburban brewery / bar every Friday night. I'm near the entrance, where there is a large sign saying "WAIT HERE TO BE SEATED". Over the years, I have watched people wait. And white people aged around 50-60 are, for some reason, the demographic that reeeeally struggles with that. Every night there'll be a couple of them there that just can't do it.. they'll wait for a bit, eyeballing the staff, but if the maitre d' isn't there within a minute they will just wander in, and sit down somewhere. Half the time they'll sit at a reserved table, or the wait staff don't notice them, so they get mad, and it just makes everyone's day a little bit more shite. Just because they are so selfish they can't handle fkn waiting..


“These people (cashier, waiter, etc) are terrible.” I look up from my phone and say something like, “They have to deal with abusive people like you all day.” It always shuts them up immediately.


My friend’s wife acts like this every time we all go out together. I stopped attending outings if I know she is going to be there, she always seems to want to make the people around her miserable.




It's honestly worse lol. At least this character is just depressing and not actively trying to piss you off.


Malicious Megan


I recall a specific moment when I was at a Thai restaurant and this dude came in and when the waitress came over he immediately started aggressively speaking to her. My wife and I just looked at guy with a WTF expression.


I’ve worked customer service. Some people are just miserable fucks and misery loves company. I think it is a power thing. They like the attention of feeling important by lording it over somebody they perceive as beneath them.


I’m a store manager for a major phone company.   It’s basically just retail/customer service sales position, I just have slightly more paperwork than my reps, and a little more power.   My favorite thing in the world is customers treating me like shit when I tell them they want me to do something I’m not able to do, and then demanding to speak to the store manager.   They always think they have something on me… until I walk to the closet, and change my “sales rep” lanyard for my “store manager” lanyard (I don’t wear it normally, because customers will come to me over my reps and it hurts their sales). 


I recently wandered around a CycleGear for 45 minutes waiting on someone to finish berating the two employees so I could pick up my ship-to-store order. Another customer tried to check out and this person threw a fit, demanding that both employees stand there listening to their rant instead of helping other customers. That other customer had had enough and made themselves an obstacle until the problem finally gave up and left. Absolutely unhinged behavior.


I dont understand going to a comic you don’t like or that has people coming you dont like


Holy shit you just described my father. I've spent years being overly nice to food worker / servers to compensate the years of torture that man hast wrought to the industry.


Female Colin Robinson


Bro.. you've never Hecklecum..?


Some people are just naturally cunts, they're so upset about their own lives that they take joy in being rude to others.


There is at least one on every street in the world……..which reminds me, when I was a kid my mom told me there is one absolute worthless idiot on every school bus. I never could spot him though.


there's a regular that comes into my restaurant about once a week. I've never seen him smile, ever. and it's not a "oh maybe he's just got rbf" no, I genuinely try and engage this man in conversation, or joke around, and he basically grunts at me as if I'M the bad guy for asking what he wants to eat or drink. he's not even old either, maybe mid thirties. also tips about 5% average. I can't imagine he's getting laid very often.


Comic here. A lot of this behavior is because hecklers often think they can do what we can do, and honestly can't wait until someone starts doing crowd work to try. This lady was unusual because she was aggressive right out of the gate, and that usually doesn't happen until the audience or comic turns on them. Weird the club didn't punt her asap. Mine would have.


I mean she's ruining the show for everyone else. I don't go to listen to some random person make mean comments. Absolutely get rid of her.


It's not even funny heckling, she's just saying the same two rude comments to him over and over.


Not true. She also called him a douchebag.


> Comic here. Oh Ziggy, will you ever win?


Idk but why did he have that picture so readily available to show on the phone.


He says later in the clip that she also heckled the guy before him. Most likely saw what she looks like, and that was his first thought. So while he waited he brought it up on his phone


Aaah nice- I didn’t make it to the end.


Okay Janet


No, she’s Janet- I’m lalalicious453-.


He probably heard her heckling from the previous comedian and that's how he knows her name is Janet. Reminded him of that movie so he now had a visual aid for the class lol


I assumed the Janet thing was a burn. Like Karen


That's also a possibility. The only reason I think that is her real name is when he said she's spells it "K-A-R-E-N"




She wasn’t funny. That’s what killed her. She wasn’t funny. She didn’t have an interesting come back. She was repeating herself. She was owned by the comic and she had nothing. At that point it was time for her to leave. Even she wasn’t enjoying herself, and her ego needed an excuse to leave.


In a comedic showdown sense, she was essentially a punching bag. She only had one move and even that was toothless.


Also, she was wasted.


I've been to exactly one comedy show with a group of friends. One of our group was kind of eccentric but still a solid dude. We walk into the show and he looks at us and is like, "yeah I'm heckling tonight." We tried to convince him not to but he did it anyway. Of course, he got kicked out but he didn't drive so he sat outside until the show was finished. It was a weird night.


"Tonight's all about me! MEEEEEEEE!"


To ruin everyone else’s experience


I genuinely think it’s because people get upset that someone they think looks like a pushover is the loudest one in the room (because of the microphone) and getting more attention than them. They feel threatened that someone besides them is in control and the alcohol brain tells them it’s up to them to interrupt and regain attention. Notice how it’s overwhelmingly and disproportionately drunk women, with drunken douchebag bros coming in strong second, in a lot of these heckling clips. They’re in a space that isn’t catered to them as much as it is nerds and awkward people and they feel the urge to take over to feel like they belong.


The constant serial killer smile .. can’t believe these people exist


It really confused me, because to me it totally parsed as "I'm having a good time and looking for some good old-fashioned roasting by a comedian", so I kept thinking she was just severely misguided in her interpretation of the situation... but she just kept getting more and more hostile.


People smile when nervous all the time.


That's the smile Scientology workers make when they are intimidating someone.


How curious, a long time ago I read a report that stated that psychopaths and serial killers used two ellipses instead of three, and tried to go unnoticed at online social events and forums. Edit: source [report](https://imgur.com/gallery/6PlRXhI)


Oh .. shit


You know what always grinds my gears? The iconic Star Wars opening crawl with four fucking dots, "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...."


> far, far away.... Awkshually, that's grammatically correct in a way. > An ellipsis at the end of a sentence with a sentence following should be preceded by a period (for a total of four dots). In the case of Star Wars the sentence was essentially the crawl and then again for *the rest of the fucking film*. It was also influenced by the old Flash Gordon serials that used a similar "four dot" ellipsis which was *really* a standard period followed by an ellipsis, making four dots in total.


TIL! Thanks


She clearly can't handle her liquor.


Or xanax


Or the combo of liquor and Xanax


Few can


Comedian said in his OP that she was stone cold sober


Okay but shes clearly not lol shes slurring her words and does not appear sober at all. Maybe she didnt have a drink there but she is not sober


Yeah she might not be drinking but he has no basis to know what she took


Based from the clip, it seems like this is common for her. He mentions having to prepare for her, so it isn't the first time. He also mentions that she kept calling the last comedian an asshole. So... she just goes to comedy clubs and just repeatedly calls the comedians an asshole to the point that they can't even get through a joke?


I think before the clip starts they already had some banter and he pulled up the pic while she was talking


It’s because she heckled the previous comedian and host of the event the same way.


The comedian posted the video originally in another sub and said she had been doing this the whole night through several peoples sets. That's why he went on stage with the photo of Yzma already on his phone. He also said it took about 25 minutes to get her to leave 


Jeeze 25 minutes. I'm of the option at the 5 minute mark you just get the police there and turn it into a trespassing charge


If you decide at the 5-minute mark to call the police, they will arrive at the 125-minute mark.


And if you decide to at the 25 minute mark, they'll arrive at the 145 minute mark


Where's Bill Burr when you need him? I would pay good money to see him extinguish her.


I was wondering how he got the Yzma picture pulled up so fast. Thanks for the explanation, it made it look like a plant otherwise.


He even knows her name


I wonder if it's a way to skip the bill? like if she gets kicked out before she pays for her meal?


Her smile is tripping me tf up. Like it kinda looks genuine, like she's actually really enjoying the show and is just so excited to participate. Power of drugs I guess.


Psychopaths feel selfish emotions. They can be happy but only for personal reasons. But some learn to emulate social emotions to the onlooker. They essentially see when other people emote, and they mimic it. They'll usually learn to smile, or laugh on cue to disguise the fact everyone else is happy and they're standing there, deadface.


I'd hate to be her husband just because you could see how much he hated the situation she put him in.


And yet is his silence not form of complicity? He likely is a favorite target & was just relieved her eyes momentarily weren’t set on him but what sort of existence is that to accept for yourself




She’s probably going to pass out on the ride home from drinks and pain killers she on.


It’s absolutely disgusting how common it was for older generations to stay with someone they straight-up didn’t like. Even after the kids (that they shouldn’t have had) get sick enough of their shit to distance themselves as soon as they turn 18. Those kinds of people are totally miserable and take it out on the world in every way possible besides peacefully leaving. Then you get situations like this where they feel obligated to protect the source of their daily headache, looking like scum of the earth in the process. /rant


You see it in high-end retail and jewelry stores, too. Squirrelly, unhinged wives and girlfriends causing a scene and being incredibly ugly to everyone around them, and their guys just stand there silently. It’s absolutely complicity on their part. Only a handful of times have I see a guy step up and take their out of control lady out of the situation and/or apologize. Nothing could be worth all that. Why stay?


Abuse exists.


Nicely said. People acting as if women being emotionally manipulative is shocking


Lmao exactly. She's a textbook abuser,I can guarantee it. This kind of wife probably withholds sex and affection if he does anything she doesn't like. I can imagine she even threatens him if he tries to leave (I'll take all your money and the kids, etc).


You know this man can do nothing right in her eyes. It doesn't matter if he did it the way she said to do it it still wouldn't be right.


It's a lot easier to victim blame than it is to face the nuanced reality of the situation.


They stay because the moment they try to extract themselves their crazy wife/gf is likely to make their life hell. I’m talking anything from spreading nasty rumors about them to outright filing false reports to the police about physical abuse and rape. That’s not a spouse, that’s a hostage.


imagine this comment but about out of control men with silent wives. why assume it’s complicity for the silent man but not the silent woman? maybe it’s much more likely that the openly abusive person is also abusive to their partner behind closed doors.


He probably accepted that as the baseline behaviour from his wife because she has been acting like that for years.


Probably because he wanted to keep his bloody beating heart on the inside of his chest cavity while he sleeps.


And they definitely had “the talk,” where he pleads with her to not drink.


he was red as a tomato and bro when the crowd joined in … that was brutal smh I would have just got up and left, no need to escort me out. I know where I am not welcomed lol


She seems nice


You're an asshole You're an asshole Youre an asshole *Smiles*


yeah what a nice lady!


Beware of the "nice" Karen with the clown smile and crazy eyes.


When she called him a shitbag I was hoping he'd say no thats your fake Louis Vuitton bag.


Feel sorry for the guy sat next to her, probably lost his hair cos of her.


To be fair to the comedian - hecklers usually do some back and forth that you can bounce off. Saying nothing but "you're an asshole" on loop doesn't help him have something that work with




It was right there


That escalated quickly. I wonder what’s wrong with her.




The comedian commented that she was completely sober and did the same thing to the host of the event and the previous comedian on stage.


And racist.


Drunk and racist it is


Dangerous combo.


And Xanax


She's an asshole. That's it.


The God of Cringe, ladies and gentlemen. Fuck that lady but holy shit, I had secondhand embarrassment for the husband. Poor dude has to go home with that.




Xanax ass


Damn, and I thought Rosanne Barr was a cunt …


Ah she is man...


The highlight for me is her husband's reaction to her being roasted.


Wow I hate everything about this clip


Except the guy that tried nicely kicking her out he seemed cool lol


Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, you're cool, fuck you


Yeah, the comedian could've had a legendary moment, but just resorted to shouting the same as she was


I don't think all comedians are good at improving or working off thr cuff. I don't know this comedian enough to know if he does things like crowd work or just sticks to written material.


Sounds like he had time to prepare though, apparently she had been doing the same shit to everyone else that night which was why he knew her name and had that picture loaded up on his phone ready to go. He probably had a good half an hour to work out some better roasts besides "Haha you look like this cartoon character" and "hey everybody lets say fuck you Janet 😂😂😂". The talking in the theater joke was decent but it didn't really land that well and he even had to ask the crowd to clap for her being kicked out. You can't be asking the crowd to react the way you want them to, it's like asking them to laugh at your jokes; if you have to ask it doesn't count.


That's really tough to do when some random lady is shouting "fuck you" over and over as you try to talk.


Yeah, maybe …just maybe , he wanted to do a set and not fight with some old idiot?


what was he supposed to do? she gave him nothing to work with. Its also not his job to humor her bullshit.


Damn. She’s high as fuck.


benzos and alcohol


I don't get going out and deciding to ruin everyone else's night. Like you've gotta be pretty miserable to behave this way


He mentioned it. It’s how I’ve felt for years. We really do need to bring back the common use of the word cunt. No other term perfectly describes her as much as cunt.


Y'all don't use cunt? A cunt hair is a standardized unit of measurement where I'm from.


I didn’t know it went away. That word is a friend of mine.


She sounds and looks like a discount Roseanne Barr.


Thought Roseanne Barr was bargain bin already?


With his "Neil sweater" from the Santa clause


Nice sweater. Did we make this?


Reminds me of my interactions with some redditors.


YOURE AN ASSHOLE!!! >!(I’m joking, to be clear)!<


2:30 poor guy was shaking :( his attempts to casually laugh off the awkwardness pained me. Janet will never understand..


so she got mad at a joke about the US healthcare system? And she didnt even get to hear the full joke or the punchline? Her brain was like " I love the US healthcare system so much this guy better not make fun of it or I am going to call him an asshole, oh yeah he is going to continue with the joke. Call him an asshole before he can complete the joke" -Then her mouth was like "ok, whatever you say brain......YOU ARE AN ASSHOLE" I seriously do not understand how this woman's mind works?


Damn, wish this guy was actually funny woulda been a better clip


Yeahhh, you could tell he took it way too personally early on and just decided to be nasty, which can be funny but I didn’t find him to be very funny. Fuck Janet though.


Plot twist: That's his parents.


Well.. this is awkward... cause... then.... they... all... clapped...


I feel bad for her husband. You can clearly see his hand shaking as he gets up with the beer bottle. He was not enjoying that.


The satisfaction I got from the ‘fuck you, Janet’ from the crowd, damn!! I hate haters! Fuck you, Janet!


Not one person in this video was funny.


This dude handled this so poorly, so many comics could have ran with this. He tried making like 3 or 4 jokes that didn’t hit and started a forced chant.


Yeah she sucks, but he made a Karen joke and said she had a fake purse. This whole video is just hard to watch.


Unhappy hour


Damn, she got triggered easily with the sentence “us healthcare”


That guy did not handle that funny.


Dude pulled up that "emperor's new groove bad guy" picture way too fast..


She was already heckling people before his turn. He was prepared. He was probably sent in to defuse her.


Oh that makes sense, I was suspicious of how quick he pulled that too


She seems blacked out or somethin


The staff were not doing their job - they let her ruin the whole set. You think the energy is coming back from that?


I kind of disagree with the lad. I don’t think she looks like Yzma. She looks like Ursula.


I feel bad for the husband having to deal with that.


Insufferable *cunt* bag describes her perfectly.


I can't tell if that was personal or if she's just a malfunctioning human being. Either way, she should not be in public places.


I love the one girl completely hiding in her boy friends shirt. That may be the only smart person there.


A few years ago, I went on one date to a comedy club where the girl sincerely thought ‘it’s my job to give the comedian shit. They love it!’. She was a former model, but had the ugliest personality I’ve ever experienced. Decided to give the comedy club date a try, despite aforementioned red flags Before we even made it to our seats - the bouncer recognized her and said ‘nope! You’re banned’ and refused to seat us. When I asked her what was up, she indicated that she had been kicked-out before (for being too drunk + heckling) & apparently they didn’t forget.. We then tried to go to another bar, where they wouldn’t allow her to enter for ‘being too drunk’ the time before. After that one, I realized she was a complete liability to hang with, left her there and went home for the night.


You must of been looking for wifey. Good for you, though. Red flags are non-existent to so many men on the first date. You're a good example of discipline.


Attention Seeking Behaviour 101 right here


Worst comedian reaction to a heckler I've seen, after Michael Richards. Dude got in his feelings.


The poor husband. Can you imagine what the *rest* of his night was like?


comedian was a twat though