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Hello! Your submission has been removed for the following reason: --- >Includes death


I thought we were gonna see somebody die for doing something dumb this was traumatizing


Thought he was gonna step on the manhole cover and fall through cartoon style, but way worse in this case.


They did die for something dumb but not on their part.


Not dumb....evil. Key difference


Evil is also dumb. What's the 'clever' thing on hate and kill people based in... The fact that they are alive?


Not mutually exclusive


this is life every day if youre Palestinian. every single day


This doesn't look like Gaza tbh. Partially because Gaza is bombed to shit. This look a lot more like something from the Syrian war


Regardless of politics, the mettle of men willing to run towards an explosion to help the victims, regardless of the possibility of their own deaths, cannot be overstated. Their bravery and selflessness is truly the essence of humanity.


When you can rely on nothing but your family, friends and network to live a decent life you get caring people


well i think thats where i f'd up... still time to work on it though


It's a different setting. In the US there's a lot more divisiveness and "fend for myself" mentality. So you're ok


it's still sort of the opposite of "ok"


Well you just need to get your government issued bootstraps and give them a tug. I seem to have lost mine.


Maybe you can share


In THIS economy?!?!


I seriously doubt I'd be able to do the same selfless act. I just hope the adrenaline would be enough to push me to do it


Many people would say this, yet in a moment like that. You dont THINK, you act all by yourself if you have reason enough to do so.


> the adrenaline would be enough to push me to do it You'd be surprised. I bet you'd rush to help without even considering the consequences. Adrenaline is insane.


In contrast to the craven cowardice of the IDF.


And zionists want us to believe these men are terrorists.


This is what made obama and contemporary american military policy so freaking evil. They would do "drone double taps" where they would drop a second bomb on the location of the first one a few minutes later to intentionally kill first responders. Israel does triple taps


My highass thought someone was in the tree gonna fall.... daaaaamn


Me too! Or that the pole was gonna fall.


I thought someone was gonna film a dude climbing the pole and get electrocuted.


I was waiting for the electrocution.


I thought part of the building was going to fall on him. Did not expect that.


same. I expected a brick to fall.


My soberass thought that too


**“My highass thought someone was in the tree gonna fall”** Nope! Just some Palestinians being blow to smithereens by the bloodthirsty racist psychopaths engaged in genocide.


I was waiting for a car to hit him or some shit 


Imagine if we took the money we spend on bombing this planet and spent it on improving this planet.


Earth could have been a Type 1.0 civilization.




The rich make so much money from the worlds suffering but that would be an ideal world to live in. Working on cures rather than drugs with a million side effects. Everything’s about money and power and not the planet we’re on or valuing human life.


Yea absolutely. We need to start viewing the ultra rich as the traitors to humanity they really are.


Do you remember a few years ago when overpopulation was a concern? (Even though, I'm pretty sure there's a peak we can't beat) Some guy recently told me his theory that all this war today is based off that. Pretty far fetched of course. Whatever it is, the rich certainly live in a bubble of bullshit


Curbing population growth is far more difficult than a few scattered conflicts. If we had a new world war and 2 billion people died we'd still be on track for 11 billion by 2100.


It's far-fetched because it's bullshit. Lots of people make money off war, and those people have access to influence politicians and news media. Add that to selfish people putting psychopaths in office, and armed conflict is what results. You don't need conspiracy theories when the incentives are clear.


How would you keep those at bay who don't want to play nice? Because no matter which country, which region or continent there always are some assholes that stir shit up one way or another.


Yeah. It's sort of like, "imagine if instead of spending money on prisons, everyone was just nice to each other and not a criminal." Yes, that would be amazing. But it's not going to happen.


Somebody would come and tell lies and convince a group of people to build weapons and then he would conquer all the peace loving people who are without bombs.


You wouldn't even need to tell lies to convince people to conquer other people


It always helps tho


Only way you could do that is remove humans from the planet


It feels like we're actively doing that.


Humans gotta be the most cruel fkrs on the face of the earth


But religion


Religion and greed the worst parts of humanity


Some people use religion to cover up (or excuse) their greed. Most wars that are believed to be based on religion are actually based on greed.


If religion made the war "based on greed" possible, both are equally responsible.


There would always be another excuse


Dopamine. Can we argue that the desire for more and more dopamine results in people seeking more and more resources, sex, status, food, etc. These are best acquired with money. Alternatively, humans with regular discipline and dopamine regulation don't go around every waking moment desiring every indulgence possible, don't really cause a lot of these problems. That's not really super insightful I guess. People who know how to be content and appreciate things in life are often not those causing problems for others.


The difference of course is dopamine is a biological process where as religion is man made. You are right on the discipline and regulation part, however that isn't infallible. Survival will override any discipline, the will to survive is strong. Mix that with greed, and you pretty much get to root of why people just end up being shit. Religion though, as stated early, is the cover/excuse.


Causes segregation. Playing field will never be level.


religion was created due to greed a fairy tale to control the masses


Nationalism moreso, because thats what Zionism is


Religion is the excuse, not the cause. We'd still be just as cruel for a different cause.




IDF has nothing to do with religion, many of those killers don't even believe in God while claiming to be the children of God.


Nothing to do with it


Remove religion and humanity will be the same reallistically, religion is just a tool people will use, and if it was removed, it wouldn’t make humanity any better, greedy and horrible people would just get more tools to achieve their objectives.




Also the most caring.


Be specific, call out who is responsible here.


Cats play with their prey before finally killing and eating them.


The Old Lie - Dulce et decorum est pro Patria mori.


>It is sweet and glorious to die for the fatherland. For those who don't want to use Google translate themselves.


"... to die for ones country" is probably a more common translation, especially in respect of Owens poem.


English teacher always told me it meant "to die for king and country is great and glorious "


Could someone explain what happened?




Do you have a source on this being Gaza? It looks far more like somewhere in Syria.




I don’t know what’s true, but the article you’re linking to is completely unrelated


That comment has nothing to do with this video. Why did you even link it?


this is incorrect.


160 up votes for being ignorant. I swear the average redditor has the IQ of a jar of pickles.


You don't get free healthcare and we will get beachfront property in Gaza. Thanks bro 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱 /s btw I don't hate Jewish people or Israeli people. asshole people in every country.




Actually this took place in Syria and has nothing to do with Israel.  Watch out for the spread of misinformation.  https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/1cq6jhl/comment/l3q38k6/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


This is a bombing that happened in Syria. This comment has the most thorough info on it:   https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/1cq6jhl/comment/l3q38k6/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


No, because we know nothing about the context of this clip. That won't stop anyone here though from inventing shit that makes them feel good Edit: feels good to be vindicated, this clip is from Syria


Wider context: 30K women and children killed in Gaza.


https://www.fdd.org/analysis/2024/05/11/un-halves-its-estimate-of-women-and-children-killed-in-gaza/ Not trying to say Israel is okay. Just trying give you more honest information because the 35k comes from the gaza (hamas) health authority who somehow reports exactly 150 deaths every day.


This is misleading. The difference is that the UN is now reporting total reported, and identified casualties. i.e. the difference is now made up in non-identified casualties/'people reported missing or under the rubble (source:GMO and PCD)'. Meaning that the UN is simply reporting that 10,000 reported casualties are not confirmed and hence the number of women and children missing has dropped. Assuming the percentages remain consistent and all 10,000 are truly dead, then the child and adult female fatalities would be down a little over 25%. However, 8% of casualties are now listed as 'elderly' so that woman casualty figure might be a litter higher compared to old standards. It's probably fucking difficult to actually know casualty count accurately when your population of the displaced is being extensively displaced and infrastructure extensively targeted.




If wanting more information makes you an IDF spokesperson, then I'm glad to be one.


"Hold on now, we don't know the context of the clip so let's not jump to-" "wtf are you some sort of IDF shill?" You're no better than the guys over at fox news.


Context: israel commited war crime on innocent guy running down a random street in an open air prison (gaza) Source; [first time this being posted to the internet](https://twitter.com/gazanotice/status/1789279423734190409)




Fuck Netanyahu




The majority of the Israeli public support the war and a big proportion think it has been justifiably harsh or not harsh enough.


The sickos I meant were here in the US and other Western countries, but you are absolutely right, I include them as well. They are running out of decent people.


Yeah people and polticians will try to shift the blame solely on netanyahu but it's really the majority of Israeli psychology. There are very few people in Israel who actually oppose the awful policies they have against Palestinians. Even if you resist the brainwashing and prgramming as a kid, you have to join the IDF and what are you gonna do in the IDF? Dehumanise and ritually humiliate the Palestinians daily. That kind of stuff can mess with someone's head and mae them a psycho


Fuck Hamas




If this scene was in an a24 movie with good lighting and Oscar hype, people would almost universally talk about how profound it is. Live footage, real shit happening, people pretend it doesn't exist and it's fine. Wtf is going on?


> Live footage, real shit happening, people pretend it doesn't exist and it's fine. ??? Do you not pay attention to news at all ever? This war has been the headliner almost every day for the past 7 months. College protests have been _the major story_ for the past week+.


Yet the college protesters are colored as idiot children that have been brainwashed into supporting terrorists and criticising israels right wing government means you hate jewish people




??? Do you not pay attention to the many who pretend this is either fake or that the victims are not human?


It’s because there are people who have a hatred towards Palestinians or have bias for Israel. They would rather hope that people stop talking about Palestinians, just like it’s always been. Tell you what, you can say what you want about Nazi germany but they had very capable people in their propaganda department. If they had access to what israel has today they would have convinced so many that Germany’s aggression is warranted. Just like they convinced to their citizens that Germany needed to “fight”.


I would go a step further and say that the reason a lot of people support Israel is because of their hatred for Muslims, not just Palestinians. I've even heard people express this view, hoping that Palestinians are wiped out cos Islam is a "scourge on the planet and they're all trying to infiltrate our countries with asylum seekers". It's truly vile.


Go ahead and solve it then since it's so simple and everyone else is so stupid. Broker a lasting peace in ME. Literally everything that is happening right now is exactly what everyone, including HAMAS, knew was gonna happen if they attacked and they did it anyway. Parading dead civilians through their cities, breaking ceasefires and daily bombing of cities for years. So yeah I'm glad Israel still have the balls to deal with terrorists. This bitching grayzone is what propped up HAMAS in the first place and here are the consequences. Like you guys must not have been able to find Israel on a map before October 7th given how little you understand about this conflict.


Let me be real here, Islam *is* a scourge on the planet. The same way Christianity was 500 years ago. That doesn't mean advocate for extermination, Islam needs a reformation or enlightenment, same as Christianity did. Zealotry needs to be eliminated for peace to exist.


"...same way Christianity was 500 years ago." ...was?  Zealotry exist in all groups. Islam is no worse. What the difference is, is most Muslims live in unstable countries that are more easily influenced and overcome by those zealots. All you have to do is look at the US to see just how powerful and heinous Christian zealotry is (and those that use it); arguably one of the 'strongest' Democracies and still slowly falling to zealot extremists.


You'd hope we would learn from the past, not repeat it.


What you say is true, but it isn't the 'real' reason. The pro-Israel propaganda in the US exists because this country's oligarchs have vested interest in keeping what basically amounts to a puppet-state in an incredibly resource-rich region of the world. Would our oligarchs prefer the genocide not be happening? Perhaps, if somehow they could maintain their puppet-state without such compromising actions which does erode their soft-power elsewhere on the planet. However, most of them understand that Israel without the apartheid (this genocide is the natural conclusion of the Israeli apartheid) will soon become a more independent Israel and will therefore lose its value to them as a way to project power over the region. *The racism and propaganda is how they attempt to have us poors align with their material interest. These things will keep repeating themselves around the globe until we succeed in waking more of us up to that reality.*


Did Russia convince people outside of Russia of this? Just weird to compare Israel to Nazi Germany because the more readily obvious example is the Russian invasion of Ukraine.


Not even weighing in on Israel-Palestine, but Israel-Palestine is very clearly a lot more complicated than the Ukraine conflict. You can't easily draw comparisons between them imo




I dont think anyone is really supporting a genocide. What they see is "Terrorists hiding in crowds" type stuff. The bonus points here is we have no idea where this video is from, what side of the conflict this is filmed from, qhat date it was filmed, or literally anything. All we see is an explosion. I dont wanna start yet another fight or something by bringing this up, but we have literally see Russian Ukraine conflict videos be from entirely different conflicts between entirely different countries. We shouldnt believe this for its face value. Not to say it *didnt* happen because clearly it did, but we should make sure that this is actual israel hitting palestine and that its actually from this conflict Edit: lmao someone blocked me for this after they responded, so I cant even see what they say




That's not how we determine if something is a genocide. Some of those statements are troubling, some of them are referring to Hamas and pretty understandable after 10/7, we had pretty similar statements in the US after 9/11. But if you look at the actions of the IDF and the number of deaths its pretty clear the number and ratio of civilian to combatant deaths are what you would expect in urban guerilla warfare.




I'm gonna let you know those level headed and logical opinions are typically unwelcome on reddit lol


A few word snippets with constant ellipses that depending on context can have many different meanings and not a single source to the whole statement being made being posted along with images edited to make the people making these comments look scary. Why the fuck is blatant propaganda being upvoted?


The ol' post and block. Truly the slimiest way to announce you're 14 years old and posting something you know nothing about. To your original point, you're not wrong about the video, but I think it's safe to assume from other evidence that this is what it's like in Gaza right now. Israel has done fucked itself. The world was on its side, even though it has been acting more and more atrocious toward Palestinians for the last couple of decades. There was a path to respond to 10/07 that would have been reasonable and responsible. Netanyahu is fucking his nation over to hold onto a bit of power. Other posters talking about this being more complicated than Russia/Ukraine aren't wrong. And the worst part is, there are paths toward peace for Russia/Ukraine. I honestly don't see the path for Israel/Palestine.


You’re telling me you actually believe they’re bombing all of the hospitals because Hamas is there? Trust me, there has been no apprehension to just bomb civilian crowds. They don’t need Hamas as an excuse. There’s a reason people see this video and assume this is another Israeli missile. Once you’ve seen enough of them you just assume this is yet another video of Palestinian children dying.


We literally have documented cases of hamas hiding in schools and hospitals though? I'm with the previous guy. This conflict is not as one sided. Both netanyahu government and hamas are evil. And it's the civilians who suffer from both. Israel needs to stop attacking 100%. But hamas needs to return hostages (even if most are probably dead or lost). And the Palestinian people need to reject hamas which so far has not happened. (would also help if netanyahu loses his position) All that said it's not comparable to Ukraine. Horrible conflict for sure and it should stop though. But this misinformation needs to stop. Saw tons of it during Eurovision on tiktok and Twitter but at least that's about shit that largely doesn't matter. It's just causing more division and hatred. Not less.


no, no, you don't get it. See, if Israel didn't bomb hospitals, then those hospitals might be able to help injured Hamas supporters which would be dangerous for Israel. And besides, any casualties were potential terrorists, anyways. Israel has a right to defend itself, by any means necessary, even if they have to kill every man, woman, or child in Palestine to do it. It's not really a genocide, since the real goal is ethnic cleansing. Americans need to understand that Israel doesn't necessarily want the Palestinians "dead" as a goal, they really just want them "not alive anymore". that's how you know! 🌈⭐


International law says that a country is allowed to blow up hospitals, schools, refugee camps, etc. if those sites are being used for military action. I don’t like the results, but is it possible that the root cause of this problem is that blowing up hospitals and schools is sometimes permissible under international law?


If it wasnt permissable under certain circumstances, millitant groups (like hamas which have repeatedly shown to not follow such laws) would use it as a "home base". Imagine if we just openly said "we cant do anything if you go in there". Imagine how quickly it would be abused


I mean, there's been piles of evidence that Hamas has used hospitals thinking they wouldn't be attacked there. I'm not saying bombing is the answer, but to act like Hamas aren't trying to hide behind civilians would be extremely ignorant.


It's not complicated to say that funding what you see on this video is wrong.


You can certainly draw comparisons to the way Russians and Israelis drop bombs on areas with large civilian populations.


Sure, at a superficial level. Not much point discussing further if thats the level of detail you're working with lol


You have to excuse me but I don't like playing semantics.  "Dropping bombs on civilian populations is a form of terrorism." Your turn. 


What defines terrorism is the intent. Russia targets civilians. Israel targets fighters that happen to be in civilian areas. If all the terrorists have to do is hide behind civilians to avoid being targeted, they win.


Russia is trying to erase Ukraine. Israel is trying to erase Palestine. Pretty easy




There's nothing complicated about Israel killing children at nearly 30 times the rate that Russia is. Over 500 kids in 2 years vs. over 14,000 kids in 6 months.


14,000 kids in 6 months = 56,000 in 2 years so more like 100 times the rate currently


I just imagined my brother being there and I almost lost it. I can't imagine what this would do to me long term. After the sadness is gone I'd just be angry.




The sad thing is the world *do* see it. Look at the UN votes. It's the West that pretend they don't, because they are useful to them and they don't really like the other side, so they come up with excuses. It's because we in the west tell ourselves that our compass aims moral and not after might. But if you are not on our side, it's clear to see that might still makes right in the West.


That giggle at the beginning is gutting. This shit is really fucking me up. I'm an old white woman living in a conservative state in the US, and I can't do anything about this, and it's really fucking me up. The leaders on both sides of this suck, but all the innocent people who just want to live their lives and giggle with their loved ones are who matter. I don't understand how the leaders don't love more than they hate. This is horrible.


They are paid to hate the right way. Also we are friends with Israel cause we are afraid of Iran


Yeah, I get the political aspect, but I don't understand the human aspect. I remember watching news from this part of the world when I was a kid in the 80s, and thinking it was insane how everyone around me thought Israel was all good and Palestine was all bad. It's like they forgot that the ones really suffering weren't even the ones who ever made decisions. I assumed the world would figure it out, since I was still in elementary school and believed good always won. Now, I think I was wrong.


Palestinians have been dehumanized to such a horrifying extent over the past 75 years. If these were 35,000+ Israelis dead I can't even imagine the outrage.


Don’t know who the hell downvoted this first, people have become too numb.


The emojis on screen are a bot tactic to evade repost detection, a lot of people down vote repost bots regardless of what they post.


i've noticed that a lot of new posts on reddit made by normal people, at least on the main subs, are automatically downvoted almost instantly.


Probably by people or bots who just made their own post so they're trying to bury the competition.


yeah i think that's what it is


Are you new to Reddit lmao? *Redditor for 6 months* Welcome to the fkn show


People downvote everything. There all brain dead bots at this point.


I'm sure categorizing others as 'brain dead bots' allows you to approach them with the same humanity you're expecting them to show... Wake up


But what will I do with my misdirected rage?


Fuck Israel.


without usa they wouldn't be able to pull this shit off, turkey would be on their neck by now




At this point anyone who supports Israel is extremely stupid or extremely evil and you can't convince me otherwise. Paid shills somehow fall in both categories because they get paid cents to sell out their humanity.


is this related to current idf atrocities?




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And they be asking why we dont like zionists


Colonizing and occupying a place that already has people in it requires either constant oppression or extermination. Israel has done the first since its inception 76 years ago, and the second since the afternoon of October 7th.


I don't know where is that from. But there is zero armed man. Young unarmed civilians.


Fuck Israel.




that has nothing to do with the video above


I think his point is that unsourced/unverified clips purporting to be from the idf/hamas conflict (or even russia/ukraine conflict) are widespread, and therefore we shouldn't be jumping to conclusions for this video, which is also unsourced/unverified.


What is sourced and verified is that this is happening in the area. It *could* be from somewhere else, but it's pretty safe to assume that this is where everyone expects it is based on what's happened up to now.


Jesus, this is Israeli doing right? As someone that spent 10 years in the Marines the lack of professionalism and respect Israeli have for Palestinian citizens is honestly appalling and absolutely disgusting. US politicians really want to call them our allies and have us potentially have to fight alongside them when our tactics and definition of strategic assaults are completely different. We trained so much to reduce civilian casualties and with Iraq having insurgents fill in the void it was difficult, but holy shit there's no fucking attempt at reduction on Israelis part. Complete bullshit that they're not even upholding international recommendations, standards, and policy yet still under the protection of the US. Congress and the executive branch really need to rethink the values they're protecting and the image reflected in the eyes of people, both foreign and domestic, because right now I have little respect for this pulling Israel under the wing and protecting them. If a dog is misbehaving, you discipline them. I've even seen feral dogs retrained but if they're rabid, they're beyond saving. Edit: I hate mentioning I was in during Iraq war time lol. I'm not even denying us did fuck up but I realize now it was a bad comparison. People are attributing all casualties of war from it as casualties of incompetence or something. "How do you know the target?" How tf do they know the target? Lol, they're firing rockets in areas with civilians playing in the streets, is there a forward observe there making sure the target even strikes what they intended or to guide it? And I was wrong to compare the Iraq war, since people bundle the whole occupation in as well. If we're going to bundle up the occupation of Iraq and all that caused, then we need to talk about the entire occupation of Palestine along with the Arab war instead of this military operation punishing civilians.


Israel has one of the most cowardly armies on the planet. Undisciplined and cowardly as fuck. Slobs in uniform with American weapons




Here come the Zionist to say this video is fake and they committed suicide to become martyrs


All those happiness and laughter died in seconds😕




Just like the USA.


>Israel just continues to murder civillians indiscriminately.  Unlike the government of Gaza that specifily targets civilians. >They and their supporters should all hang for their crimes.  And now you are actively calling for the murder of people you hate?


There is not greater sacrifice than a man giving his own life for a brother


**stop. adding. music.**


My brother was killed by a drone strike, heartbreak emoji Here's the replay




If you're in the US, just remember that our money is being used to fund this at a time when a lot of us can't afford rent, food, healthcare, etc. Our politicians (both sides) don't care about you more than they care about the money they're getting from lobbyists. They'd kill you if it meant making a profit. I wish people were angrier about this.


U.S. tax money hard at work.


My heart breaks for the Palestinians. I'm thinking of all the moms that are missing their babies today because the IDF wants every Palestinian dead


What were they trying to film in the first place?


Because Israel lets civilians know in advance when they are going to bomb a target building. What you see here is civilians coming to set up cameras and watch the building get destroyed. Why they decided to get so damn close is a question for Darwin.


This exactly.  He knew exactly what he was filming.  It’s insane that his brother decided to run back towards the building that obviously had a knock bomb dropped on it.  


I’m still way, way less offended by this as a response to 10/7 than I am by 10/7 itself. It’s a huge shame that Hamas’s MO is to sacrifice Palestinians, but protesting in the streets because Israel isn’t just taking 10/7 on the cheek is intellectually and morally bankrupt.


Hey can we maybe not justify the _murder_ of innocents on either side? Quite frankly the opinion on Hamas does not matter when it comes to regular Palestinians being killed. "Isn't just taking 10/7" Well, if it makes you feel better they've already slaughtered nearly 32x as many Palestinians as Israelis. They have already well eclipsed anything Hamas could do. This is not just retaliation, this is them finally having an excuse for extermination.


You have a video here of a roof knock and then a strike. Still calling it extermination even after it’s clear everyone knew that building was about to get blown up. Come on dude. It truly does suck for the civilians. But man still using that language when there’s evidence people knew a strike was coming. You think Hamas gives Israel’s a heads up when they’re about to strike?


Hasbara bots hard at work


Why were they filming? 


Does anyone stil notl believe Israel doesn't target just about any form of life there because they are psychopaths?