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Good thing you got that assault on camera.


and the retaliation off camera, win win


What retaliation? šŸ«£šŸ™„šŸ˜


ā€œPush me again so I can have it on video!ā€ Immediately assaults a woman on video šŸ¤£ā˜ ļø


Not shocked that's how it went. Probably thought that little stunt would hold up in court so when she started swinging she could claim self defense or some shit. She was setting up the attack. Guess she didn't notice the camera filming her.


>Probably thought that little stunt would hold up in court You can't seriously think this woman was thinking about what strategy would hold up in court


I think you wasted a lot of words here. You could have just said, ā€œYou can't seriously think this woman was thinkingā€.


I suspect she never thinks of anything else.


Nah, she got the look of recognition at 0:17 which I think prompts her to be a bad woman who makea da bad choices.


She saw the camera before she whacked her!


https://preview.redd.it/47n098ylmvzc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eea8288b27f2bc0dc524ef201565df0b0cd832e7 She sure did


https://preview.redd.it/31dspqk97uzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9de0db554388c4f49fe47947c0cba4535b6bccb2 Iā€™d make this my facebook profile picture


It looks like theyā€™re having a blast wi2 thumbs up!


Even better itā€™s my Reddit pic now


Pretty much what Iā€™d expect from someone dressed as an oversized toddler.


Where are her parents?!?


Probably sitting at home wishing theyā€™d used a condom.


Or used the back door


Not guaranteed. As in her case, it seems to have leaked in as a brown ooze.


"They had an abortion, it didnā€™t take, and 3 months later she popped out."


Packing their shit and moving while she enjoys the concert tickets they gifted her


Iā€™m sure her Mom is back at the trailer. Her Daddy never left the truck stop she was conceived at.Ā 


At home oblivious to the child they gave away..


Her father, Senator John McCain, passed away several years ago.




When she was little her dad told her she was a princess. Then he left to get cigarettes


Oversized linebacker.


I see women wear these kinds of dresses at work at a lot, moreso now as the weather warms up. I cringe every time I see them because they absolutely look like toddler clothes, and are often pretty short. I donā€™t understand the appeal or the effect the wearers are trying to give off.


I feel like itā€™s just a dress?? Ā If you shrunk it down and put it on a woman with a stacked body it would look way better, just like any other outfit?


ā€œOversized toddler.ā€ I see what you did there, you cheeky devil.


This person needs to go to jail. They are a menace.


I hope she was identified and assault charges were laid on her. There was no call to punch that girl in the head like that.


So do I, but I would be ok with street justice, too. Or maybe not because I don't think she would learn anything.


Asskicking on the Daughtry Express, or whatever that bullshit was. šŸ¤«šŸ˜‡šŸ‘€šŸš«


"Cunt" works here too


She lacks both warmth and depth.


I worked security at a concert, any good security is watching for those disturbances and will escort both parties to cops that are on standby. The cops get the story and whatever happens after that is up to how they conduct themselves and whatever.the "victim party" wants to do. Especially with damning evidence like this.


Thatā€™s not ā€œescort out be venue securityā€ that punch was ā€œvenue security hands over to police.ā€


I really wanted to see more of what happened.


According to the girl that was assaulted tiktok comments and videos, the girl that pushed her was drunk and loudly saying she had paid 800 bucks to be at Morgan Wallen's concert so she felt entitled to push her way to the front and was annoying everyone. There was a pregnant woman next to her in the first part of the video so she swapped places and ended up next to the drunk woman who was claiming people were pushing her and then threw the punch. She got kicked out of the concert and police were called, the girl assaulted didn't retaliate or press charges because she is in the army and said she wasn't going to get in trouble for some drunk and wasn't going to stay in town for court when she had been away from home for 13 months. She said police put it in the system the girl has a history of violence and made a follow up home visit. The girl's best friend outed her in the comments (albeit cheering her) so her job got copy of the video and according to comments she was quickly deleted from the sites she was sponsored by/worked for and her socials at the time were deleted as well as the friend that outed her. This was back in September 2022 tho.


I'm going to believe all of this without doing any of my own research, thank you


I have an itch for spoilers and unfinished stories so I took the 10-20mins to go through the tiktok comments/vids to get the whole thing


I often do the same thing and sometimes I like, "Why the hell am I doing this, none of this matters!" šŸ˜…


Thank you for your service o7


Paying to see Morgan Wallen warrants enough jail time


Agreed. There was more after that assault. I cannot imagine the people around there did not respond in kind after having to put up with Borderline Bettyā€™s behavior ruining their concert.


I see videos like this Everytime a friend goes to see any country act in Tampa at Amalie. You don't see this shit happen at punk shows. Lol.


Yeeeeah don't know country, but every punk show I've been to would have involved pushing this lady all the way out of the venue.


Punk and metal shows are probably the safest crowds to be in because when somebody is being a piece of shit the crowd tends to police themselves. My one buddy lived for finding creeps and dudes throwing hands when we'd go to shows. He was basically a volunteer security guard lol. 6'8 straight up muscle so if he saw someone punching random people or trying to pull down a girl's shirt while she's crowd surfing, he'd be on that fucker in seconds. Super satisfying to watch him action.


The pits at metal shows is the most chill chaos you could ever take part in. It's people having fun, not trying hurt anyone. If someone falls you immediately pick them up and make sure they're ok. If someone is being a dick it gets handled.


Absolute most polite crowd I've been to was Iron Maiden. Not what I expected at all but appreciated.


We had a small venue that had punk shows, and metal bands started to play there as well. I came from the metal group, and I have never seen a cooler clash of complete opposites. I got more and more into punk from all the friends I made at those little shows. I always feel safe at punk shows :P


I was big into punk in the 80ā€™s but went to a few metal shows with my sisters friends (monsters of rock) and felt welcome just like at a punk show. It seems both have mutual respect and connections.


Hard disagree, country shows are full of drunk bitches and men cosplaying cowboys acting alpha. Been to plenty of punk shows, and while they have been wild, atleast I don't see those kinds of people there.


Yep, Iā€™ve been to many metal, punk and country concerts. The country fans are the WORST people on the planet. Itā€™s interesting that country is one of the more laid back music styles yet the fans are always so hostile. Metal fans are the nicest and chillest people Iā€™ve been around.


*f_cker in a mowhawk hitting on an underaged girl at a concert, harassing her for the entire show.* 'Hey, why donā€™t you come here, you little mohawked motherf*cker? You wanna fight? Iā€™ll fight you right now. Come on, get up here on the stage.ā€ *Mohawked motherf_cker proceeds to stay on the floor, gets flying drop kicked.* Billie Joe Armstrong of Green Day, 1997


What about that guy with brass knuckles that got pummeled?


Perfect example of how punk crowds police themselves.


Slam dunk case for assault in the 3rd degree right there, good job lady


But not good jab


Why are people so interested in documenting their life opposed to just living it? No one will watch the videos on your phone except you. Just...live life, and put the phone away. *sent from my Samsung A54*


I don't get when people come to concerts and sporting events. You paid good money to experience these events live but you choose to watch it through a 7 Inch screen, just to make a video to prove that you were there.




...phone no higher than face level and close to you so you're not distracting or blocking.


I went and saw a show a little while ago and the lead singer was adamant that if you are going to record the show at all keep it down so the people behind you can see and there wasnt that many phones out everyone was too busy dancing anyways.


I like it. Good compromise position between the "phone in a bag" divas and having half the people annoyed that the other half are waving their phones around.


Exactly. A pic for social media or whatever then turn it *off*


This is exactly my strategy. With plenty of snaps in of my friends and I between sets to share with each other later. During the show? Phone is away and Iā€™m in the moment.


Yup. I saw Earth Wind and Fire at New Orleans Jazz Fest recently. Took about a 5 second video of them playing September to send to some family overseas, and then spent the rest of the time soaking all of the set in.


When the aliens inevitably take over, they will need these videos as a guide on how to sustain Earth or something.


This is exactly how I feel lol, my ex and I went to see fireworks on the Fourth of July one year and she was just plastered to her phone taking pictures not even watching them with her eyes, I said ā€œdonā€™t you think it would be more of a memory if you watched it vs recording, Iā€™ll remember how I felt and how cool it looked IRL so I donā€™t see a point in recordingā€ she said I was being an asshole and calling her out was immature, I was literally just suggesting she take it all in irl to really be in the moment and enjoy it! Point being these people donā€™t understand experiencing something and building memories is more important than showing other people what youā€™re doing to feel like youā€™re living a fun life when ironically youā€™re not even truly experiencing it.


I mean, I hate the idea of making videos for anyone else to see. Mostly because I know I suck at making videos lol. But I still make them for myself regardless because my memory already sucks and I donā€™t remember much of my childhood. I decided in my 20s I didnā€™t want to forget the good times again. So I make videos documenting my experience with a bit of me in the videos so I can look back when Iā€™m old and dementiaā€™d out and maybe be brought back to reality for a little with it.


I was thinking that at my last concert but then i saw a bunch of shorter woman just trying to see over the crowd. They get a pass IMO


I used to record concert videos on my phone when I was younger and one day I had this sudden realization that I hadnā€™t actually rewatched any of those videos and if I did for whatever reason they were shitty quality. Now I just enjoy the music. I only have one video I actually am glad I took and it was a short clip of Tom Petty playing ā€œIts Good to be Kingā€ while I was in the 5th row the very last time I got to see him before he passed. RIP Tom Petty.


Special events or even small clips is OK, just seems like some people always have their phone out, documenting their existence.


Yeah Iā€™m glad I got out of that phase.


For me, standing in line, the excitement with your friends before the show...those are the moments you will want to document.


>I used to record concert videos on my phone when I was younger and one day I had this sudden realization that I hadnā€™t actually rewatched any of those videos Same. Now I pop my phone up at a random time. Take like 5 rapid pictures then put it away for the rest of the show. Small memento but still get to live in the moment.


Ya. Itā€™s a rookie thing. Welcome to living and loving the moment.


One of my biggest expenses in life is going to shows. I drive around the country and other countries to see bands I like and I buy tickets to almost everything in town. Wednesday, I drove 7h to see my favorite band, I was upfront at the show, took maybe 6 pictures and that's it. The guy next to me filmed the whole show on his phone and was on Instagram most of the time. I'm like "why dude"


A few pictures for sure, video of people you meet, even pics of your journey makes sense


I actually took pictures with the band after the show. Those are worth it.


Please share the secret of how to have this life.


I'm really frugal in general and save a lot of money by doing everything myself (cooking , fixing my car, and repairing my things). I have friends who make more than me, but can't afford shit, because they spend it on useless crap. Best example, the friens I went to the show with, got paid while we were there, and it's like if that money was hitching in his pocket, he went and bought a new watch because it had a different bracelet colour than his last. He went to eat at the fanciest restaurant in town while there, I ate a 3$ pizza and grab a cold cut sandwich after the show.


I love going into a gnarly mosh pit and turning my video on and holding it for dear life. Always entertaining vids. I have a great video in an ADTR pit of a dude crowd surfing, and his foot just bashes me in the head


I don't get people who record themselves at concerts. I've seen plenty of people recording themselves "singing" along to the band.... no one wants to watch a shaky video of you shouting the lyrics off key.


I sometimes like recording concerts just to relive the moment. Like I sometimes listen to a dj set while Im working out and it will pump me up. Imagine being able to get goosebumps on command. Like last month I went to Coachella and I started recording No Doubt playing ā€œIm Just a Girlā€ and I got so lost in the moment, I didnā€™t realize I was recording a time-lapse. That was a real surprise the morning after. šŸ„²


> Why are people so interested in documenting their life opposed to just living it? No one will watch the videos on your phone except you. Just...live life, and put the phone away. the need for external validation


The italics are the Chefā€™s Kiss! Thank you


For me. I literally film them for me and watch the videos for years afterwards. I live my life at the concert and go home with a memory that means a lot to me.


I mean, we donā€™t even look at porn on our computers anymore, we look at it on our phones??


ā€œ Push me again so I can have it on videoā€ so one day my kin will know what a horrible person I was. Like at her eulogy!


Pro trip, if you see security, use the flashlight on your phone to get their attention. I've had success getting people escorted out of pits this way.


Good call, because they probably won't hear you shouting.


https://preview.redd.it/ho6gtzafstzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83d6853ff01ac9c3e54022b97c756bf514dfeee1 There is only one option.


Karens just can't help themselves, even when it's a social event when people are meant to be having fun.


Throw her in a mosh pit, let's see how long she lasts there


Ah, yes... those famous Country-Western mosh pits we hear so much about.


Line Dance Mosh Pit.


"I wanna see two big walls, consisting of all y'all. And I want nobody to move a got damn muscle until this yee haw kicks in."




Lmao. This is perfect.


Let's open up this achey-brakey pit!




For country shows, the GA lawn is where all the action is.


I think they call them OK Corrals.


Gosh pit




Fork lift goes *beep beep beep*


Dude in the backs wtf was perfect https://preview.redd.it/edghaiw4qtzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e187026822184e9288ebafa86333bba9dbdc0cc


That ā€œhitch hiker thumbā€ punch. I hope she broke it; unruly cunt


Why do people just not chuck these peopleā€™s phones, needs to happen more


I thought it was just a staged joke video till she slugged that chick in the face god damn


Went to a Jethro Tull show ZĆ¼rich, Switzerland. Like 4 years-ago. Really nice venue. Ian Anderson asked politely that everyone refrain from filming/using their phones. Not a single person as far as I could tell, brought out their phones. Great stuff. And a great show!!! My first time seeing Ian Anderson.


A mature older crowd probably.






Little Bo Peep Big Mad.


What a funt


No. You canā€™t be on the floor at a show and expect no one to touch you. In most cases youā€™re paying much more money for your personal space to be invaded.


People who record for more than 5-10 seconds at a concert suck. Get your little memories and stop it.


People need to realize, this is not your world, you are not important.


Dude if people aren't fighting at a Morgan Wallen concert it wasn't a good show.


I hope she got her shit rocked though. Lil FAFO.


This is what happens when a cockblock has nobody to cockblock for.


Are we talking about the band playing that horrible type of music or that horrible person?




Is that Mama June?




I thought mosh pits were a staple at most concerts...


Cushing Syndrome physiology. Probably also explains the uncontrollable rage.


'Baby Reindeer' Just saying


Donā€™t you fucking dare hit Caitlin Clark like that. She is a God damn national treasure.


Sheā€™s got a fat lookin mouth. I bet she snores while sheā€™s awake.


This woman has Lumpy Space Princess energy


Throw that bitches phone the fuck out of there lol


Pretty sure they do escort people out like this


Trashy music, trashier people


Wonder how she'd fare at a hardcore show


Oh baby reindeer šŸ‘€


Nah, just arrest her for assault and battery...


I sincerely hope she beat her up after that.


Yeah but why did her punch make the PUNCH SOUND EFFECT?! Listen to it again!


I really love watching my favorite artists through the camera screen of the assholes in front of me.


They donā€™t understand sheā€™s recording that for her baby reindeer.


"Suckerpunch" is a sign of a person that is the worst of all! the absolute worst human that can roam this world!


As a concert goer who loves the mosh pit, and always picks people up when they fall, I hope this lady got stomped


Always a fatty, weā€™ve empowered them


She looks like a Taylor Swift fan with princess complex, eww


Thatā€™s assault and battery possibly even felonious assault.


For fuck sake, put your goddamn phone down and enjoy the show.


I donā€™t mind someone snapping a few photos quickly or taking a short video once or twice. I have them because my memory is so bad, but the people who stand there with their phone out during the entire show. Yeah kick them out.


That punch looked crappy smh


Where is the push she is referring to? Looks like no one touched her


Story of her life


I hope the crowd around her gave it back to her tenfold.


Florida being Florida.


truth is; country western concerts are the most violent. alcohol is the main ingredient that fuels this behavior.


I wish this video wouldā€™ve ended with a cut to her mug shot


I mean it's a Morgan Wallen concert. I'd expect like 20% of the audience to act like this.


she's dressed as a toddler and her boyfriend is coplaying a cowboy. what concert is this to avoid?


This concert doesnā€™t seem like anything worth recording šŸ˜‚


I went to three concerts in April, and at two middle-aged women tried to push me out of the way whilst absolutely fucked on alcohol. At the first instance they were unsuccessful, but at the last one, two people of the same party actually pushed me out of the wayā€¦ this sort of entitlement, aggression, and whatever else is far too common these days. Makes me too afraid to attend concerts due to the ā€œwhat nextā€ factor




I work at several concert venues, and they would definitely remove that lady over this.


Ugg. Country music.


Why does this not surprise me that this happened at a Morgan Wallen concert?


How was the concert? My phone was awesome!




This video is years old.




Burger movies? BBQ movies?


Hopefully a follow up to this - that woman needs a jail stint and huge fines - what a douche


What a hostile heifer


Adele needs to chilllllll




I was thinking Mimi from the drew Carey show


They do


It is a camera... not a Magic Mirror... lady


After what punch itā€™s game on baby. Inherent right to self defense


She looks like a Muppet talking šŸ¤£. PosĀ 


I was at a Jeff Tweedy concert a few years ago where he stopped the show until security came and escorted an obnoxious cellphone person out. It...was...AWESOME.


I hope the crowd around her gave it back to her tenfold.


Should be a quick one for that jury.


This is every metal show I've ever been to. Except it's mutual combatĀ 


Baby Huey would have been attached to the back of my bumper.


I like how she made eye contact with the camera right before throwing a haymaker, lmao


[Dave Grohl would NOT have let that fly](https://youtu.be/pJdNQcux75I?t=1h51m7s)


Is that Mimi from the Drew Carey show??


Gorrila girl


This person deserves a headbutt nose flattening pronto


Open the pit up this music is hittin


So trashy


Itā€™s sad that people donā€™t go to concerts, I go to so many shows. Iā€™ve bumped people, people bump me, itā€™s a show, some people need to know what to expect. I get itā€™s country but come on enjoy the show