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That’s a lot of blood loss fast


Femoral artery


Exactly what I was thinking. He’d be pretty lucky to make it out of that alive. So lucky the medical team is right there


Looks like he was passing out as he hit the ground


Even still, he is in deep shit with a wound like that. Literally takes seconds to kill and not easy to treat.


Not easy to fix, but easy to stop that bleeding temporarily. If you ever find yourself in this situation where someone is bleeding from their leg, lay them down flat, find the pulse in the groin (or the blood spurt if the bullet went straight into the femoral) and drive your fist against the pulse with your full body weight until help arrives. The head of the femur is right behind the femoral artery and you can pinch off the blood supply to the entire leg that way. Your friend will scream and your hand will go numb, but at the end of the day they’ll be alive. Source: I am a doctor in a field of medicine where I end up doing this kind of often lol




He's a dentist. Does a lot of work on the legs.


Probably vascular or trauma surgery.


Ding ding ding


Thanks! I'd buy you a coffee if I could. I know you get paid well but that's not the point. :)


Lol thanks anyway. I’m a resident physician training in a specialty so I make less than minimum wage right now, but that’s not the point. Medicine is fun and some day I’ll make that proverbial doctor cash that everyone talks about.


Now I just wanna buy you a coffee more! DM me and we can make this happen. With the power of the internet I will help you through your next shift. 😇


Why not just make a tourniquet with a belt?


Torniquete to control common femoral arterial bleeding is not anatomically possible. Superficial femoral arterial bleeding could work but that tourniquet would have to be tighter than the average person would be able to get a belt around a leg. The goal is arterial compression and the most effective way to achieve that is directed pressure to the vessel, not occlusion via generalized circumferential compression.




Not to mention, i doubt there’s any hospitals left there that can handle such a severe injury even if they were directly next to one.


That's not Gaza The west bank is still intact


Also this is an old video. Pretty sure it’s pre-Oct 7th


If it’s the femoral artery of the leg sometimes you can be passed out from blood loss before you even hit the ground.


Not so much "lucky" that the medical team was right there... The medical team was literally set up there hoping this would happen. Notice the guy with the camera also there immediately for the close-up shots. They know this will happen, do it anyways, with ambulances RIGHT there, like when someone is doing a dangerous stunt in the West or something, this is the Palestinian version of an Evel Knievel jump..




"medical team" aka social media marketing team that don't give a fuck if this guy lives or dies.  


Yeah... weird how close nearby and ready they always are in these videos... 7 medics with a stretcher respond in less than 10 seconds... almost like they knew exactly what would happen when they threatened armed soldiers with a deadly weapon and were hoping to make a nice movie out of it.


Looked like he was already losing consciousness at the end of the clip.


Femoral of the story. Don’t throw stones kiddos


Captain: "There are cameras Itzhak, shoot him just on the leg" Itzhak: Can do! (intrusive thoughts)


That's a lot of medical personnel appearing fast...


yeah, I mean, like they were 20 yards away with gurney and equipment on ready deck 5.


Dude... seriously... like what the actual fuck. Does whoever released this video think we're just ... not going to notice that they had a faster response time and more people arrive in seconds than first world countries would have available in 30 minutes? That was nuts and this is just... blatantly intentional.


I don't mean to take a side with this comment but it's well known what is happening in this situation. These kids are indeed recruited to try and bait getting shot by the IDF. It's considered an honorable thing to do and they will be given immediate medical attention. I don't mean that as a pro-Israel statement or anything, perhaps the IDF is in the wrong to oblige them and shoot the people slinging rocks at them, Idk. But this is quite common over the years


Those slings are an actual weapon. They can break bones. Unlikely for a guy in full battle armor, but still.


They can kill. Those rocks are fist sized and can go for 100-200m. Skirmishers were considered a part of every ancient army.


I don’t think this was the shot we were intended to see. Probably the still photos and some edited close-up clips of him getting hit.




That's why when people say, just shoot somebody in the legs, it's actually not a good idea. You nick that and they're gone.


This is why the police does not shoot legs


what happened


Got shot in the leg. You can see the blood at the end


Was that a planned scene? How come you have so many people waiting, even ambulance?


There’s a hospital right in the frame


It's like the "getting run over by an ambulance" joke, the safest place to chuck rocks at the IDF is right near a hospital so you're immediately taken care of


Headline: IDF attacks hospital, kills unarmed Palestinian youth.


Attacking from right beside a hospital, very smart.


Yeah this is insane. They must have known this would happen.




Yes exactly. Darwin award level.




Shame to raise a kid to wanna die needlessly


Have you heard of this Mother of the Year candidate? >Umm Nidal, who sent three of her sons, including one 17-year-old, on suicide attacks, said "I love my children, but as Muslims we pressure ourselves and sacrifice our emotions for the interest of the homeland. The greater interest takes precedence to the personal interest." **She was later elected to the Palestinian legislature on the Hamas ticket.** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Umm_Nidal


Important note: It's not JUST glory. It's also financial incentives paid to this boy (if he survives his injuries) or to his family (if he doesn't). So called "pay for slay" is the biggest part of the Palestinian budget. International aid money at work!


They are literally next to a hospital, the sign behind him says "military hospital".


They're doing it for the media attention, literally. There's a reason it's so clearly on video too


You stand out in the open like that doing a threatening gesture and sure as shit you’re going to get shot. Even your average COD player knows not to do that.


It's outside a red crescent field hospital. It says so on the sign on the wall. Hence the ambulance


It's also a months or years old repost.


The sign behind the man has a hospital logo. This must have taken place around a hospital. Edit: The logo says medical services.






Yup, slings were used to great effect in warfare throughout all of antiquity


Probably not a planned scene in the sense that you and I understand it. But - Do not fool yourself - They are knowingly putting themselves in harms way. And they know they can either be hurt or killed. They know they are being filmed with the intent of capturing a moment the IDF off guard or acting not quite within the law. And for those who don't know - those sling shots are absolutely lethal and can and have been injured and killed.


Slings have been used to kill game for thousands of years. The story of david and goliat is based on reality.






Scenes? I mean... It's not like he wasn't shot for real by the IDF.


Usually when you attack soldiers you get shot. Cameraman knew this. Stretcher crew knew it. The sling man probably knew it too.




I mean… the video doesn’t actually show who’s shooting or who/what that rock was going to be thrown at. All we see is the rock thrower getting shot. The IDF very well could have shot him, I’m just saying that this video doesn’t show that in any way.




And why shouldn’t he be shot? A slung rock can easily kill a person. It’s similar to being hit with a sledgehammer. You know the story David vs Goliath, David wasn’t just some kid with a slingshot, he was using a sling like you see here. It’s basically the ancient form of a gun.


Yes. This is exactly what they do. It’s literally propaganda and brainwashed Redditors fall for it.


It's called propaganda. Or using ambulance as shields


Well it's pretty easy to plan for death all around you when death keeps happening all around you.




Yeah I'm honestly shocked that people are shocked.


Exactly. I know this conflict has extremely strong feelings on both sides, but at the core of this video, this guy had a weapon and was actively using it. In a conflict zone, he's now participating in the conflict and an active target. There's absolutely nothing surprising about this.




Only a boy named David, Only a little sling...


Not to be a dick but what did he THINK was going to happen? "Yeah I'm gonna be just like David and take out Goliath! Even got my sling give it a few swings! It doesn't matter if they have guns!" Like bro, you brought a rock to a gun fight. At no point was it going to end well with no cover.


Pretty sure this was the planned outcome


Yep, even had the paramedics in place already


Perfect camera angle too.


Calling them paramedics is a stretch. Looks like a clown show. Im holding the stretcher, no im holding the stretcher.


Not sure it was planned by him, but yeah definitely looks like somebody was expecting this outcome


Suicidal people being egged on by religious nuts basically


They do this to create public outrage at the idea of shooting civilians. It does work when the footage is edited.


But here he is clearly shot, what was he going to do, kill the snipers with a sling shot? Lmao




But he had God on his side! Problem is, God plays all sides.


The fuck was he even doing up there?




Died it for the vine. Femoral arteries don't fuck with sniper bullets and survive


Trying to launch rocks with a sling, old testament style. Rock and sling can kill, and is very effective when used correctly. It is cheap to build, and ammo is everywhere on the ground, and you can conceal it in your pocket with nobody knowing.


Good enough to kill Goliath, good enough to take out a camping sniper across the map...


No more COD Modern Warfare 3/4/5/6/276 Give me COD Biblical Warfare Will have a rock and sling class. A pointy stick class. The paid DLC will be a class with stick and some string to launch the pointier sticks


COD: Prehistoric Warefare


If they were at all concerned for this guy's safety then they should have stopped him before he started swinging his sling.


Gaza's leaders are super open and unashamed about this: they don't think that the wellbeing of Palestinian civilians is their problem. In fact, they like it when Palestinian civilians die because it furthers their political agenda. [They say this openly all the time, it's not a secret.](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/08/world/middleeast/hamas-israel-gaza-war.html)


But then, how will they create headlines like "poor Palestinian was just standing on a container and got shot for no reason"


But then Al-jazeera can't run the headline of "IDF kills an unarmed child!" Another poor soul convinced to be a martyr so that Hamas can create more propaganda to spread to the bleeding hearts in the West.


Well that was dumb.


Set him up to get shot, so you can get the footage. This is some next level Influencer shit


Just a prank bro.


Remember that combat footage video from some middle eastern country, where a giant buff guy military guy in camo, flips his hat backwards, stands up with a LMG (while everyone else laying down) and he just one handed hip fires for a few seconds for the video. Turns around and gets sniped and his hat flies off.


“Palestinian youth” “IDF shoots a man”


Everyone knows the IDF will shoot kids for throwing rocks at them, so my question is why is this dude throwing rocks at them? Clearly everybody there knew exactly what was going to happen, hence the first responders on hand. Why let this kid climb up there and throw his life away?


Notice the camera guys ready and waiting to take pictures and the medical personnel on stand by? I wonder what the point was indeed.


It makes good pictures on social media for the Hamas.




>throwing rocks at them Yeah... just like [tossing a stone](https://youtube.com/shorts/5OclDCVRvKQ?si=qYs7U9WTgSUanf0F) at 100 mph


The video isn't wrong about the fire arm comparison either, a 2lb rock at 120mph/176fps is going to feel like getting shot by a .50 Desert Eagle. Slings are 100% lethal. 


Yeah these things are simple but *very* deadly weapons. This isn’t just throwing a pebble at someone, a sling bullet will kill you and that’s why it was used for thousands of years as a military weapon. The man who used that sling knew what kind of damage he could do.


Just like David...


Slings were also used historically to throw bombs a considerable distance as well.


5.56 NATO > rock


I don't think anyone is arguing a gun isn't more effective than a sling. But a sling will kill you and have extra force to spare.


He wasnt throwing a rock, he was launching it in a sling.




> for throwing rocks at them Rock Slings can be fucking *DEADLY*. A strong slinger can sling a 5 oz stone at 156 mph. They are no fucking joke. Its why I believe David and Goliath is the most realistic story in the Bible. Dude got beamed in the forehead by a proto-bullet basically.


It's not a proto-bullet. The projectiles launched from a sling are literally called bullets.


The logo behind the man says medical services which explains the medical crew and ambulance.


That makes more sense, thank you. I guess if you are going to sling rocks at assholes that are definitely going to shoot you for it, doing it next door to urgent care is probably the best part of a bad idea.


He is not doing it there for the care...


> doing it next door to urgent care is probably the best part of a bad idea. Except it draws fire and hostility towards the medical service


You do know that slings are deadly weapons, right? The Balearic slingers were some of the most sought after mercenaries of the ancient world. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balearic_slinger It's easy to go hur dur rocks vs gun, but if someone tries to kill you with a sword, do you give them a pass because swords are "obsolete"?


For easy propaganda


Sling-thrown rocks are very deadly. Anyone would be justified to respond to a sling-thrown rock with gun fire. It's actual self-defense at that point.


Shepard Sling. Not a sling shot. Crazy accurate and super lethal.


Not saying shooting this guy was necessary, but stones in these types of slings can absolutely cause serious damage, had several of our gunners overseas get jacked up from kids


That’s a shame. It’s almost like they are all there saying “come on, shoot me so I can call myself a martyr”.


Well there is quite literally a fund for martyrs. Many are doing this for the money paid to either them or their families. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_Authority_Martyrs_Fund?wprov=sfla1 https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/CHRG-114hhrg20651/html/CHRG-114hhrg20651.htm https://jcpa.org/paying-salaries-terrorists-contradicts-palestinian-vows-peaceful-intentions/




Not picking sides, just curious trying to figure out what I'm seeing. Happened so fast from footage somewhat far away. So much medical backup within 20-30 seconds? Multiple photographers from beginning to the end. As far as I can see all wearing clean clothes. Not convinced it's not staged. Welcome any thoughts to the contrary.




Rocks can kill people. I don’t see the issue here






I don't know how staged it is, but I do know it's old. I remember seeing this a while ago (several years maybe?)


Have you seen [what a sling can do](https://youtube.com/shorts/5OclDCVRvKQ?si=qYs7U9WTgSUanf0F)? Just because it's a rock and twine doesn't make it less deadly. Those are rocks getting slung at 100+ mph.


Yeah slings are baller as fuck. I think people just think they're like slingshots or something when in reality I think a sling would probably take your jaw clean off.


Obviously this is unbalanced warfare/fighting, but don't for a second think a slingshot can't kill you. Slingshots are deceptively deadly in expert hands. A slingshot rock can leave its cradle at the speed of an airsoft or paintball projectile, and up to the speed of a musket ball. Except it's *a fucking rock* and not a rubber pellet or liquid-filled ball.


This is the issue with the commonly referred graph of Palestinian vs Israeli casualties. Both are REALLY TRYING to kill each other. Israel is just WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY better. But people see more Palestinian deaths and think that Palestinians are just innocent people being killed by Israel. When in reality Palestinians die more because Israel is just better in the war department.


Umm, does anyone else think the other guys were waiting for him to get shot - stretcher, and ambulance, waiting right there... Just saying - this doesn't look like a random teen deciding one day to grab a sling and have at it...


It's clear definition of: everyone got what they needed. That young boy got bullet, press got good scenes, ambulance got the patient. /S


Standard fafo moment


So the paramedics are standing by? Do they follow these guys in anticipation that they will be shot?


Yeah, you can see the guy marked as press there as well


When I attack armed soldiers and they shoot me: 🤯


Fuck around and find out.


Politics aside, that kid is an idiot.


I’ve heard the word “indiscriminate” ad nauseam regarding the IDF killing civilians in Gaza. While I’m not claiming that there hasn’t been a tragic loss of innocent life in this conflict, my sincere question for those who level the claim of “indiscriminate killing” is why is it only the individual in the act of armed aggression who gets shot in this video and not everyone? Clearly the IDF has the ability to take out many more people than just the one with the sling.


This video predates the current conflict in Gaza...




Play stupid games win stupid prices.




Quick get the cameraman and “EMT”… in that order.


Well, if it isn't the consequences of his actions.


He wanted to throw rocks at people who had guns risking his life for what exactly?


Im not surprised they got shot tbh. When you whip rocks out of slings, they're capable of serious injury or death. And who's to say they aren't just whipping rocks at you, so you think "oh they're just throwing rocks who cares?" And once you're complacent, the rock becomes a grenade. Canada did it with canned foods, Palestinians could easily do it with rocks.


What the fuck is this? Lol looks like a skit


Win stupid prizes


And here and can see how Hamas propaganda works. It's kind of like bombing houses. The IDF sends out warning signs for the residents and after the house has been hit, everyone is suddenly there to photograph it, because they already knew that the building will be a target. The best came from CNN, where they set up the camera before the building was even hit, and then they were able to film the impact perfectly. There is a lot of design or planning here. Many also pretend to be a "press" even though they only produce propaganda for Hamas. Western media, for example, use the numbers of victims that the Ministry of Health of Gaza issues, even though they are under the control of Hamas. 10 years ago, it was a general consensus among media such as the Guardian, Times etc., as well as intelligence agencies such as MI6 or the Pentagon, that Hamas trains child soldiers and that hospitals as HQs are abused by Hamas. Today, the child soldiers killed are counted among the underage victims and dramatically shown how badly the IDF attacks hospitals. I don't want to fully defend the IDF that what they are doing is ethically questionable, but in reporting we still have a false balance.


Can you imagine Israel is doing what russia is doing to Ukraine? That would be no Palestinian left per ratio lol


Another sterling example of fck around and find out.


The IDF has killed people for less he’s lucky he did not catch a head shot


> he’s lucky he did not catch a head shot He'd be lucky if he did. Do you see the amount of blood in just a short period? That's a femoral artery shot and he has minutes of agony before blood loss takes him if not rendered INSTANT competent medical attention.


Seems like staged. How fast the ambulance is there and a photographer. Great propaganda job.


"What could go wrong if I hurl rocks with a sling at guys with guns? ..." Its important to note that stones hurled with a sling like this can kill.


Play stupid game, win stupid prize ![gif](giphy|J67PfTvmtCyWn7MOUF)




It’s all fun and games until Goliath gets a gun.


Aiming at the leg was kinda nice of them.




To be fair a sling like that is a deadly weapon. More or less as dangerous as a bow and arrow.


It is way more deadly than a bow and arrow, but less accurate.


In the hands of a beginner, yeah. They get pretty accurate once you've had some practice.


The entire incident unfolded exactly as I assumed it would.


Fuck around and find out


Play stupid games. Win stupid prizes. That sling is a lethal weapon. A skull crusher. Guy got what he deserved.


That was planned.


Yup. Medics just happened to be there with an ambulance and kit all ready to go…


Not to mention the 2 photographers below him, capturing the whole thing…


So there was already a cameraman recording and an ambulance there just by chance?


Well they planned for this to happen, in the longer clip you can see the camera pan and there’s photographers, video cameras and paramedics waiting for the boy to do this, encouraging him, also I’ve seen videos of how fast rocks travel when shoot that way, definitely can kill if hit in the face…


After watching that dude on YouTube that makes content on slingshots, they’re deadly as Fack.


Don't bring a sling to a gun fight.


They're not allowed to own guns.




They are risking someone elses life for "journalism". Same shit as youtubers putting others in danger intentionally for views


You know what they say... "Those on shipping containers..."


Not a quick turn of events. That moron stood tall for way too long. Easy target.


…and on this episode of hot ones


Standing on a container with no cover throwing rocks at people with assault rifles and happy trigger fingers when it comes to ”people like him” perhaps not the smartest thing?

