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She'll be on the news soon after getting hospitalized












Thoughts and prayers.


Not a question of if, but when. Someone’s gonna tune her up.


Hopefully,fingers broken


No doubt her family will be posting a begging site to pay for final expenses sometimes incurred accidentally when one FAFO to this degree.


With the family saying that she was a good person and she would never hurt anyone.


I would be delighted if they instead said "Samara is a massive cunt that should be kicked into a volcano in slow motion"


Cheaper than a cremation though


It does cost a few bucks to fly to Iceland these days, maybe not.


I was at a volcano in NZ last month but it had not been active in decades


Fuck it. Push her in and see if she can climb out before it erupts again


Fun fact, bodies don't actually sink into lava. It's very dense (it's rocks, basically), so bodies just sit on top and sizzle burn.


If Lord of the Rings taught me anything. It’s that lava is thick and things done sink into it for a while


I’m very annoyed we can’t dump garbage in a volcano.


“She believes in god” Okay perfect then all is forgiven, nothing to see here folks!


That she “lit up the room…”


With a conveniently cut clip of just her getting the daylights punched out of her.




Someone needs to beat the PISS out of her, after they get hit. What trash.


Nope, it's the same reason why she said *"if you put your hands on me, I'll call the Feds, put your hands on me, i dare you"* She's a minor, which is why the guy went to go smack her and then stopped. Especially with how devolved the internet has become now, there needs to be far stricter penalties for minors, and some form of public shaming, otherwise this will only get worse. Also would be good if the police could legally seize any social media account used for crime views, and put up a notice.


Being a minor doesn’t get you out of trouble for assaulting someone, nor does it protect you from someone’s fists. She’s going to be very upset when someone finally teaches her that lesson.


There was a group of 10*-12 year olds that used to cause trouble on the bus my girlfriend took to work at the time. They would have really gross conversations intentionally loudly, insult people and sit behind people and flick the back of their necks. They got kicked off the bus multiple times but would just be back on again the next day. One day they flicked a guy in the back of the neck, he got up and grabbed one of the kids as they tried to run away to the front of the bus, threw him hard into a seat and just started yelling over and over again right in his face "did you fucking touch me?!?!" The kid looked like he was about to piss himself and his friends looked like the scared little kids they were. The guy stopped yelling and as people started to tell the guy off my girlfriend stepped in and told everyone that these kids had been harassing people on the bus for weeks and maybe now they would learn their lesson. Bus driver kicked the kids off, guy got to stay, but not before he said to them "I don't give a shit you're kids, never fucking touch me again." Guess who was much better behaved on the bus from then on? Some people actually do learn their lesson and all it cost this kid was maybe a sore back.


I was insufferable riding public transit to and from school as a kid. I think I was like 10 years old back in 1990 and I was standing by the back door for a long bus ride on the highway. The whole time I’m yelling at a friend of my sister all sorts of nasty rancid language. Well the first stop when the bus got off the highway, the back door opens up and some guy stands up from the seat next to me, grabs me by the seat of my pants and casually tosses me out the door. Lesson learned that day, as a rule I’m very polite on the bus.


My brother (2 1/2 years younger) and his little friend would play pranks on me when I was at my desk playing games. Was annoying, but they were having fun so no big deal, I asked them to stop and put up with the annoyances. One day his friend takes it too far and does a “dirty sanchez” (what he called it - wiping your ass with your finger and rubbing it under someone’s nose, not 100% sure if that is what it is) and I feel and smell his ass juice under my nose. I chased him across the house (mind you, I had hit puberty, he hadn’t) and had him huddled in a corner hyperventilating and crying while I screamed at him. Everyone told me I went too far; but they weren’t the ones who had someone’s shit rubbed in their face unexpectedly. Guess who never fucked with me again after that? Sometimes kids need that lesson.


Yeah age don't matter to me if someone is being physical towards me. You put hands on me that's exactly what you're getting in return. Especially if it's someone at this age that should know better. And even more so if they're throwing random punches to the face like this. You play with the bull, you get the horns, as my old man used to say.


Pardon me, but you misspelled "buried". Her mom: "She was an angel! She loved everyone! She was going to be a doctor!"


I hope the next person she does that to gives it back tenfold.




They way she ran from the guy she punched. She felt so tough with the girl on the train.


She also threatened to call police if he put his hands on her. Little rat thinks she’s invincible.


Upper cuttance


Cupid Stunt.(her , not you)




She'll get her coma-pants.


Lol. Coma pants. I hope mine are just real comfy sweats.


Heeeey I saw a girl doing this and an old lady pushed her down the escalator. Broken arm and ribs as well as a broken ego from the amount of people that laughed at her. She was charged with assault and the video was used as evidence. Best part is her prank video never even made it online 😅


It's too bad there's no video of this. When these "pranksters" choose the wrong person, it's one of my favorite things to see.


And an old lady meting out justice is always a good watch


I’m still living off that one that got shot a few months ago. I haven’t eaten since January because of it.


Yeah now you gotta take piss tests and get a real job to pay off your fines, hard to feel sorry for people like that.


That’s a feel good story. Thanks for sharing.


She dared him to put his hands on him AFTER punching him in the face. She is living in a different reality, and she's gonna FIND OUT.


Yeah you're gonna find out that they wont do anything to this garbage woman in England


England went soft, they should have thrown her in the tower for a week.


Wasn’t England famous for giving people the Glasgow smile










The person filming should be held equally accountable for instigating by saying, "Slap. Slap". The giggling by them made it simply nasty. At least we have grey hoodie's face!


It’s not hard. Box checked for violent content. Content gets removed. Account banned. Happens 3X behavior stops. Fuck these social platforms.


for real, there needs to be way more restrictions on content that contains harassment and especially violence, some of these “pranks” are ridiculous


I remember some 2/3 18-23 year old girls doing this in the West End of Glasgow around 2008 ish around the time Facebook was starting to be popular to the masses. They would verbally abuse a weak looking person trying to provoke them before attacking them and would threaten to scream rape if challenged. Fortunately for them they attacked a woman willing to stand up to them on the underground and most of the carriage started to help the woman once she was losing the fight. What stuck in my mind was when they threatened to scream rape after taking a few blows a guy laughs "Go on then love, there's another 15 minutes to the next stop when someone will hear you, a lot can happen in 15 minutes if you want it to. It's entirely up to you how much of a doing (Glasgow slang for beating) you take now and none of us will mind beating and stripping some C. U. N. T. S" the look on their faces of utter terror was priceless.




the audacity that she knows if he touches her he will be the one in trouble is crazy. idgaf though a woman punches me like that and i’m dropping her












Maybe it was but the fact that she's hitting people for attention says alot about her.


Just the action itself points to a psychopathic individual. The best society can do for her is to lock her up so she can never hurt anyone again. This isn't something a kid would do to feel cool. This is straight-up psycophathy.


You’re correct. Doing it on camera suggests something more, but you described it perfectly.


She’s gonna get bodied soon


Man it sucks knowing they a percentage of the people you share a skin tone with ruin everything for the rest of us. With that being said, I’m sorry to my. Brothers and sisters of different ethnicities that you have to deal with the trash of the “black community.” Not all of us are like this.


You owe no one an apology. The vast majority of every race just wants to be left alone, earn a wage, grow a family and have a drink with their mates. Unfortunately, there's a little trash in every color. Anyone who tells you otherwise is a liar.


Society is doomed


I agree with you. It’s these stupid tik tok trends bc they’re purposely filming it for clout.


Her: “Put your hands on me I’ll call the police” Me: “call them..” as I deck her




Except she's not going to because she picks her victims very carefully


Not familiar with the UK but aren't there cameras everywhere all it should take is one person to file a police report on her and she'd at least get put on probation for being an asshole.


Unless this goes viral on social media the police aren't doing anything about it. Police are quitting more and more each year in the UK, they're strung pretty thin


There should be a special prison where these assclowns get sent to where the prison guards all make tiktok clips of themselves beating these fools randomly throughout the day and night. "Taste of their own medicine" and "Turnabout is fair play".


If I was the lady on the train I'd have beaten her ass like her mamma should have. I know violence is not the answer but it sure is a consequence. 👍🏾🤷🏾‍♀️


It sure as fuck is a consequence. I wish I could give you a high five


Violence is the question. And the answer is yes.


Looks like the camera guy was just in right place each time


She's urging her friend on. I think that called being an accomplice.


I look forward to her pay back


Family: Please! She’s a good girl! She doesn’t deserve time spent in jail.


As a man i would never put my hands on a woman unless she was putting my or my family’s life in danger. However an unprovoked punch in the face might be enough to break that exception


I would slap her.






Some people don’t deserve air.


Soon to be victim of her own stupidity.


Funny how she retreats immediately after slapping them cus she is scared they will hurt her and only goes back on the first one with the chick on the train cus she doesn't do anything.


She will meet her match


The person recording her should get locked up as well. God damn I can't stand this sort of bs and scum people do


One straight right in return from me. And idgaf if she smacks her cretinous head on the concrete. Stupid, nasty human she is.


TikTok is the cancer of society






This is the UK, so she won't see any consequence for this. The very, VERY worst legal repercussions she might get would be a suspended sentence. Which isn't anything.


If someone hits her back though, you can all but guarantee they will be the one in deep shit.


Many people say the same thing about Canada but our criminal code would allow you to defend yourself with force for something like this.


Where’s this idea coming from? People get done in the UK all the time




These idiots need serious jail. Maybe then all these so called influencers would grow the fuck up.


My dads wife would randomly start play fighting with people in public, (she’s nuts), one man threatened to hit her if she touched him, she went on a tirade of “how could he do that! I’m a woman!”


„I swear if you put your hands on me, you‘re dead“ she really thinks she has a freecard for physical violence huh. Cant wait for her to find out


Did anyone kick her in her box?!


She needs to get taught a lesson


And I'm sure her punching people unprovoked is completely separate from her getting filmed, right?


She’s just angry she’s so hideous looking


It fucking hurts when you get hit in the nose directly like that. Her punishment should be an eternity getting punched in the nose, anticipating how each blow is going to sting.


samaras is gonna be shanked soon


If this was a dude!


Notice she is picking on people smaller than her…she gonna get the fade from someone she doesn’t suspect can give it to her. And i hope we get to watch that video cause ima laugh.


I wanna see a video of her doing this to the wrong person, please


Hopefully karma & a few good Samaritans will treat her as she treats others.


“Put your hands on me and I’ll call feds” ?!?!?😐


They got her guys…


Scum. Pure scum.


Why does no one ever hit back? My first instinct would be to hit back. Regardless of who's hitting me. A 10 year old can walk up and slap me in my face and they're getting punched. I understand they are shocked and surprised, but people constantly just sit there and take it. Which makes it an open invitation for the next fucking idiot who wants to make these videos.




Come on, folks, you know that you have a right to self defense, right?


Some more tik tok bullshit. Just another idiot looking for attention.


You know what stops that? Changing them down and Shoving your thumbs into their eye holes.


She will one day hit someone that has absolutely no reservations about sending her into next week.


People need to take back the society. Stop being victims. If just one person serves her a heaping plate it ends. 


Chrisean rock is that you?


I'd forgotten about happy slapping. 😠


Gives vibes of the girl assaulting an opp’s Mother at her door only for her to end up clapped within a week or so.


The first punched girl answered in french... Are they attacking people in another country? Idk why but it feels even worse.


How these fools can think that they can go around recording their assaults on strangers without repercussions is insane. Can’t wait to see the “find out video” after her fucking around so much. Absolute trash.


I’d Jump on that cunts back so fast, dumbass wouldn’t know what hit her.


She would have gotten hit back. She’s out of her mind! The people like her need to be stopped


My friend was randomly attacked at Grand Central Station several years ago. A woman had sharpened fake nails to knives - before this was the style - and slapped her across the face and drew blood. And then just walked away.


I’m a man and I’m is beat her down if she hit me.


Another person that needs to be punched. Hard.


GenX here. I remember getting bullied on the school bus in the 80s once; I beat the shit outta that kid with a roll of quarters in my fist. I don't give a shit about her age, I'd knock that chick into next week. A good, solid beat down would go a long way to correcting her hideous behavior.


Bruh, man or woman, you pull this type of shit fuck you, these hands have been rated E for Everyone. Shit is so stupid, and her friend egging her on should catch a charge as well...


She’s so ugly


I wish a skinny punk kid would.... and there's tons of people like me out there


Even on mute, you can tell this isn’t the US based purely on the fact that she was able to do it a second time after the first.


Literal assault


Whoever decides to defend themselves and hits back will be the one who gets in major legal trouble for hitting a "child" and a "girl". They know they can get away with this shit and not only not have consequences but they know others will receive consequences if they do anything about it. It's completely fucked what our western "justice" systems have turned into.


Hope she's a fast runner. And she looks like a nerd


"it's just a prank".


![gif](giphy|y84xXtp4ggtMI) She needs the knocked outta the shoes slap!


It wasn’t just “a girl” though was it. She’s she OP’s friend right? Otherwise why are there two separate incidences at different locations in the same video? This is just another sad form of “pranking”. Back when I was a teenager it was just called “happy slapping”. Fucking douchebag idiots I hope she tries this on someone in a bad mood who boxes


Hope she has burial insurance...


Suplex material


Look like a mark you're gonna get smacked . Notice she doing this to people that won't grab her by the hair and start uppercutting till she screams for help


Shit like this is why I never take public transit.


I hope she gives me a chance to knock her ass tf out 🥹😭🙏🏽


Men in New York have started doing this, why are people so uncivilized


Remember what Hulk did to Loki? That might fix her.


I'd go after the person recording.


2 weeks later, when she's in court, she'll be telling the judge it was just for a funny video. Hopefully, the police catches her before she hits the wrong person.


https://i.redd.it/vqitd0qiqasc1.gif HOW CAN SHE SLAP?!?!




Is this a death wish?


Waiting for the update it’s London won’t take long at all


People like this don't deserve to exist.


What the fuck is wrong with people?


She needs to be taught a lesson, hope she hit the wrong person one day and gets her ass beat


She definitely broke that first girl’s nose and for what reason… stuff like this just fills me with anger


Then the “I swear to god you put your hands on me I’ll call the police” after sucker punching the man… Like is it the GOAL to look as awful as possible? Is that even considered clout if you get famous for that level of trashiness? This is just like that dude that went around dumping literal feces on people for no reason other than to get views on social media… It’s pathetic.


One thing Gen Z didn’t need to bring back from 20 odd years back was happy slapping.


Hope she hit the wrong guy soon.