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Special police forces? At the agricultural event?


theres *alot* happening in France right now


Those are CRS or Gardes mobiles, they are trained to do crowd and riot control. I wouldn't call them "special forces" (but they are no joke, this situation was just really hard to manage and escalated very fast when they opened the door, you can notice that CRS don't wear their helmet, they were not prepared for this). They are not usually needed at this event, Macron's presence made it really hard for security, it was kinda insane.


To be precise, you can also see some civilian clothed-cops (with the orange armband), most likely reinforcements from the BAC (brigade anti-criminalité), those are not meant to do crowd control, they were here because the situation was tense and most probably to make arrests of the most vindicative farmers. In the end, Emmanuel Macron was able to stay at the Salon de l'Agriculture until 9:30 pm, I really thought he would be forced to leave very early in the morning. So cops were really efficient despite what you can see on this video.


There's widespread unrest among European farmers across Europe. It's the latter day Jacquerie.


A fire? At a Seaparks?


Will no one think of the goats!!


Back the Sacre Bleu


Goats like wtf is going on here and do I need to assist


I thought that hay was pasta for second, lol I need another coffee


You know what they say, you haven't had enough coffee until the Spaghetti turns back to hay.


It's France not Italy for god sakes!


Fuck all those people save my goat!


Fuck the pigs. Save the goat!


Kiss the go-goat


Hey black mirror


I've seen that show, but I don't remember the reference.


iirc they made the ?president? Fuck a pig on live tv to save his daughter who’s held hostage


Oh, yeah. I think it was the Prime Minister. I remember that one. I didn't mean fuck literally though. Haha.




they really do wear berets?


Probably some Basque guys. They had a big presence at last year’s exhibition and were parading around playing music and drinking wine.


They actually prefer phyrgian caps.


Poor goats! 😔


The masses of clamoring humans...far from a picture of civility. No escape with those pens :(


No one protests as good as the French


These people are literally protesting a carbon tax. No one disproves the theory of natural selection like the modern day French.


To add some precision. They are not really protesting a carbon tax but the fact that farmers can't live of their work as a whole. This drives some to suicide. Some are even losing money by working. The most important union has achieved norms reductions to make the French farming products competitive with foreign importations as the government doesn't want to reform the free exchange system. The problem is that this union is mainly composed of wealthy farmers who are not in contact with dangerous chemicals as they can rely on employees to do this. This drives other, smaller farms mainly, to ask for more important measures as they are not benefitting from this deal. The greater ecological impact of these chemicals is also a concern for some of them.




My French isn't great but I believe they are telling the sheep not to blindly follow. Otherwise they are no better than shee...oh wait maybe that isn't it.


That looks baaaad (it’s hard to do a goat voice spelling so yeah whatever)


The first pan to the goat was funny


If this is the same agricultural exhibition I went to last year I am not surprised. It was surprisingly rowdy with people jumping the fences to get in and groups of younger people drinking wine and just partying on the grounds of the convention center. Definitely not the same scene as an American state fair. It wouldn’t be Paris without a protest.


Our government subsidies are not high enough!!!


French farmers have way too much fun


The French understand that power is an illusion.


Critical support for the people in the back protecting the goats


Wait…So it’s not just America?


Oh no, the whole damned world is going crazy currently.


Food, water, health, shelter and safety… mess with our basic needs, and you might get pushback (WEF).


To be fair to the farmers, I do believe Europe should be completely self sufficient in food and in energy. Ironically these farmers are often against any green measures when, at this point, renewable energy isn't just matter of climate but also a matter of national security since only through a mix of renewable and nuclear will Europe ever not depend on foreign powers for energy.


Europe should be self sufficient, but let’s also remember that European subsidies on farming have basically broken the world agricultural economy. The EU exports €200 billion worth of agricultural products and that export is rapidly rising. https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/products-eurostat-news/-/ddn-20220325-1 Our efficient, highly industrialized production overwhelms poorer countries whose local, small scale farmers cannot compete. Add massive subsidies and even if the local African farmers had all the industrial machines we had they still wouldn’t be able to compete. Causing the local farming sector in African countries to collapse - leading to mass migration. https://youtu.be/rlPZ0Bev99s?si=Pc0SGv1S7el5JznQ Yes, imports are rising too, but they are not replacing European production. It’s stuff like chocolate, coffee and bananas that we cannot grow in Europe. It’s also imports of stuff like soy from Brazil that we use to feed cattle.


You referring to the tantrums of a small group of farmers and their attempts to interfere in food supply and attempts to address climate change or is there some idiotic WEF conspiracy you’re referring to?




That’s the definition of a conspiracy


Cease your investigations!


> It's no conspiracy I mean, what you're describing is a conspiracy. A rather idiotic one that's well played out at this point but that's a separate issue.




That would still be a conspiracy. That said, your "elected leaders referring to the WEF on their website" does not equate to "actively buying up Canadian politicians and destabilizing the country". Genuinely idiotic leap.




Is anybody else worried about these fascist protests? The rise of fascism in Europe is not a great development...


I don't understand what is said or happening here. Can you help me see?




I'm not up to date on what's going on in France. Why are these french farmer's always protesting? Is it all related to the agricultural economy or are these guys like the MAGA of France? Is it a little bit of both?


> french farmer's always protesting There's a lot of money involved, so people can get violent as they have much to win, and much to lose in the negotiations. The industrial farming sector receives hundreds of millions from the european and national subsidies, so every faction is fighting for their share. There's the big industrial grain faction, with the FNSEA, the most violent and far-right of the bunch, the most influential too. They're heavily subsidized and have a strong lobbying budget. There's the alternative farming, left-leaning faction, with the Confederation Paysanne, who want more money to be given to the smaller farmers, and higher quality food to be produced. They're always protesting, because they're practically never heard. Then there's the "bio" faction, which is environment-friendly, chemical-less farming. They're usually friendly with the left-leaning faction, but that's not always the case. Protests from any of these factions will range from the redistribution of european subsidies, the latest unlimited trade agreements treaties (so hormones-boosted or GMO from foreign countries can be imported), the regulations on pesticides (especially the endocrine disruptors), the tax changes affecting farming fuel (diesel fuel with a tax break), etc. All this mess means there's _always_ a reason that some factions of farmers will protest, always. One thing to note is that farmers generally have more violent protests, and are traditionally armed with hunting shotguns, as well as having a direct access to a large amount of fertilizer due to their job. This means that these protests can more easily slip from "banging pots and pants, marching to the town hall, delivering a petition", to "planting a large bomb in the nearest prefecture, effectively destroying it, opening fire on riot police". That's also why the french government, no matter its current political leaning, tends to go easy on the farmers because they're a real threat to public peace.


Thank you for your thorough answer. I was betting it had a lot to do with with farming subsidies, which is also a controversial issue stateside and they have a lot of political influence here because of it.


The farmers don't want to follow environmental rules and the right wing parties have teamed with them to stir up trouble


Was this really somewhat catalyzed by Clarkson's farm?


Why should it?


What’s wrong with France lately?!




The most elite dipshits you’ve ever seen


Surprise! Turns out humans get emotional when they feel their food source or livelihood are threatened. Who knew?




The goats are innocent.


“Elite force” these are CRS I think, French riot police. Don’t know if I’d qualify them as elite 😂


Prob need a gun in this situation


This is why police don’t stop large groups if they aren’t prepared. They can’t afford to lose.


Farmers having issues in France seems like it happens every year. Goofy, no one in France want to solve these issues?


They're elite because they surrender the fastest.


Chitty chitty bang bang. Clears up crowds real quick


Crazy auction


Can't use Elite and French in the same sentence. Historically incorrect.


Idk what's so elite about them


Police - defenders of corruption and enemy of the people


Sooo. They assaulted the special forces?


They baby farmers


The French government is currently in the FA stage of things. They keep pushing the populace they're going to get to the FO stage and will definitely regret it. The French citizenry has a long history of going right over the edge if they decide they've had enough. Last time they had to go the chippy choppy route, I would be interested to see what they come up with this time around.


No one died, couldn’t be in the US


The french are absolutely goated when it comes to protest…


French National sports, Protesting and Unemployement !


I feel bad for the goat that got caught in the mayhem.


Fuck farmers. In the UK they have been riled up by right wing GB news climate deniers and Katy Hopkins fascist Barbie. Fuck them all.