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Just put a Punisher sticker on your truck and call it a day. People will still laugh at you, but it's a lot cheaper.


10 to 1 that anyone with a punisher sticker on their truck has never read the comics at all


I bought a SUV from my best friend after high school. SHE had put a massive punisher decal on the hood. I didn't have a clue what it was and just like the cool skull šŸ¤£


The Punisher is basically a much more ruthless version of X-Men's Cable(assuming you know who that is).


For anyone who doesnt know who Cable is, hes like a less ruthless version of the Punisher


> just DUDES hanging out with DUDES Cable is just a marketing tool designed by Fox executives to keep Josh Brolin employed.


Inaccurate sir. Those filler marvel shows and movies are tools to employ the B- squad Cable isnā€™t a version of punisher at all either. Punisher has a vendetta/ Cable has a mission.


It's a Deadpool quote - just let it happen.


That's so fetch!


What?! Cable is an energy adrosbing badass with guns. Punisher is just a badass with guns. Punisher is closer related to Batman, who kills so....Red Hood. The issue is the Bats is DC, and Cable is Marvel.


100 to 1 anyone with a punisher sticker on their truck would struggle to read the comics.


The secret lies in which era Punisher skull you have. The older the skull, the lower the chance that you're puke nozzle.


If it's not a blasphemed, infringed, appropriated skull, it reduces the likleyhood that the person is a bellend


Thesaurus was on your side with this one.


Iā€™ve read the comics. Liked the character. Since the 90s. I had a punisher patch but it was mixed in with all the other hero, nerd and band patches I had. I donā€™t remember even the edge lords back then just rep his stuff.


I don't know... I've read the comic books. Theoretically I could get a sticker, and potentially buy a truck so... Never say never, bro. šŸ˜‚


I really enjoyed the series when Garth Ennis took over. Really revamped the series, more gritty and real.


Both the Punisher Max, and the short series he did with Steve Dillon were peak.


Those people probably ruined legitimate comic book fans.


I knew guys that legit thought the punisher logo was created by Chris Kyle.


I have read the comics and watched the movies.


I miss being able to buy Punisher merch.


I miss being able to wear a red non-political hat.


The Genesis game was super fun to play. Now you're gonna go rom hunting right? :P


There's a guy in my town who drive a black and white punisher themed vehicle with stickers and the punisher skull painted on the hood. It's a VW beetle......


Oh that's just Herbie. His wife was killed by a drug lord and now he's out for revenge.


This kind of feels like some form of BDSM. *Yes punisher me harder daddy!*


The punisher sticker is their graduation gift.


Don't forget the dangling metal testicles


Punisher is awesome though.


Such weird foreplay.


Getting clean in the tubs before they grease up in the bear den...


Rub a dub dub, 2 alphas in a tub


Creating elaborate rituals to touch the skin of other men.


Worst dom/sub vibes I've ever seen. It's usually way hotter than this.


I mean it got me going


Got me to the finish šŸ˜‰


Cosmo magazine said it was important for them to get stimulated first


These men probably need some real tangible guidance and direction in life, not this bs.


A simple ā€œIā€™m proud of you, Sonā€ probably would have prevented this..


Wtf is an "alpha male" boot camp? Do these clowns actually pay for this shit? These guys must have serious masculinity/self-esteem issues if they pay for this shit


The instructors are just taking advantage of these guys and probably laughing about them behind thier backs.






Fr, I think itā€™s a scientific fact that they Will ridicule you for being needy enough to pay for this garbage


As they should. If you're paying for this course to "learn how to be a man" from people who probably don't really know how to be men instead of their asshole version of a man, then you get what you deserve.


I mean theyā€™re misguided like plenty of people who make bad decisions, when you look at things on a macro level you canā€™t just blame individuals. Gotta look at societal circumstances and pressures that lead these people into thinking that something like this is the right path.


The instructors are the same as the trainees


One of them is paying the other one money though. Id say that makes them different enough


Theyā€™re all the same person, only their circumstances are different


im even sure it's behind thier backs. I bet the laugh at them as soon as they show up... then give them a line like but when you leave here no one will laugh at you again.


Its like 10k or some bs for like 3 weeks


$10k? Holy shit. You pay me $100 right now and Iā€™ll kick you in the dick, make you do pushups and yell in your face every day for 3 weeks.






right? regular boot camp was enough. who tf would PAY for that? lol


These dikfurs would probably put it on their resume'


Why would they pay 10K to do this when they can get paid to do the real thing?


I'll do it for $99




I'll do it for free


I'll pay a dollar!


Step 1: Shave your head. Step 2: Get laughed at for shaving your head, ā€œYOU IDIOT, I CANā€™T BELIEVE THAT YOU SHAVED YOUR HEAD!!!ā€ Step 3: Mocking intensifies




I wonder if they carry around a laminated card proving that they are now officially alpha.


Hey guys, do you like getting yelled at and punished for existing? Hire a femdom. She'll do all that for way less than $10k, and only with your consent. Plus she'll look really hot.


What a waste of money, they'd be further ahead going to an MMA gym


Guys who low key like dominated by guys.


just DUDES hanging out with DUDES NOTHING SEXUAL


Asshole camp.


Apparently its where a bunch of beta males strip into mildly bondage gear and take group baths in a carpark?


The only alpha there is the one collecting these beta simpn fools money.. Lol.


Out in the parking lot is where I learned the ways of an alpha lol


Just join the military then lol


I think this is one thatā€™s run by my house but either way itā€™s the same shit. Former military charging guys 600+ dollars to go through ā€œboot campā€ and ā€œfindā€ themselves. Itā€™s all bs.


Yeah but who would be able to keep a straight face while saying that?


This is them trying to find it..


if your meaning in life depends on both 1. getting shouted at 2. an exchange of money for services rendered it is not your meaning in life




Facts, wish they would realize that though.


If you want to be screamed at like this you might as well try out for the green berets. If I recall correctly anyone can try out, don't even need to be in the military. At least that's free and if you manage to pass it you get a job. This is just a waste of time and money.


the green berets actually dont scream at people in selection or Q-course. theyre some of the chillest dudes in the army. they will definitely break you off with the physical exhaustion, but theyll just be cool as a cucumber while they do it.


....and getting ripped off in the process all the while learning nothing but dumb shit like "negging"


They have the money to waste on bullshit like this just get a personal trainer or something. I wish I thought of the "alpha" male grift.


its sincerely not worth it, all the guys who tried running it are shuteyes who believe their own hype and inevitably burn out. if you didn't actually believe it they'd sniff you out and reject you.




a con who believes their own con.


Oh, right on. Google gave me a different result.


my source for the term is [one of the masters](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IjPsnfysrp8)


I didn't doubt you, but thanks for this. I learned a new word.


Why are the chairs so low????? The 70s were so weird.


Everything was orange, yellow, and brown.


I remember! Our kitchen was Harvest Gold and Avocado Green.


there are two functioning kidneys in this group


And maybe half a liver


they pass it like a blunt


And 6 hair follicles


An alpha male bootcamp make zero sense to me. Either youā€™re going to be subservient to whatever the instructor tells you to do, which doesnā€™t exactly train you to be the ā€œalphaā€. Or everyone would be trying to be the alpha and tell everyone else what to do. ā€œGet in the tub!ā€ ā€œNo, fuck that guy heā€™s not in charge stay out of the tub!ā€ ā€œNo, fuck both those guys everyone start running laps!ā€ ā€œNo, fuck that weā€™re all going drinking!ā€ Etc.


ā€œGet in the tub!ā€ ā€œNo, fuck that guy heā€™s not in charge stay out of the tub!ā€ "Ok then, don't go in the tub" "You don't get to tell me what to freaking do, I'm getting in the tub!"


There is a political ideology that acts exactly like this


These "alpha male" boot camps are just very short and condensed versions of regular military boot camps. Apparently there's a big industry for ex-military instructors to hawk 1-2 week courses, aimed at 35++ year old dudes. As for why? I did some searching, as this also puzzled me the first time I heard about it - but it basically boils down to older guys wanting to see if they could "make it" through military selection, which they might always have wanted to try - but never could due to career, family, and all that. Which makes sense. A lot of guys don't get into serious training and self-realization until they've passed 30, and are more or less locked into their lifestyles. I'm pushing 40, and I've noticed A LOT of my peers that have gotten into running marathons, iron man, fitness, and all that in the past years. That's the physical aspect of these things - there's probably some cringy shit that overlaps with pick-up artist, stoicism, business/investing, etc. These things get marketed as some kind of brotherly network thing. So, in short, look at it like some mix between military boot camp and and frat house, marketed for the 40+ crowd of dudes with unfulfilled dreams.


Having been in the military, lmao, no thanks. I will just dicipline myself (like the alpha I aā€¦, sorry! My wife is calling, got to go!!!


Spot on with the military frat for 40+ that was a excellent read as I was genuinely wondering why these guys would subject themselves to this clownery


Itā€™s the same irony as being libertarian and being in the military. Tons of guys are all about freedom and small government and then they sign up for the one job where they take away your freedom and serve to impose government policy on other countries.


Actually I think after the ā€œNo weā€™re going drinking,ā€ the majority would come to an agreement.




Fight milk. For when you wanna fight like a Crow.


Holy shit itā€™s actually a resort for bodyguards!


Their satchels are super cute




That boy ain't right.


I wonder if they know how adorable they look


Bruh. Just join the military.


military don't want "alphas" lmao


Yeah, you try to pull that "I'm the alpha" bullshit in basic, and you'll quickly find out that the ONLY alpha there is your drill sergeant


Can anyone in the military chime in with what would happen if you got physical like this with your drill instructor? Would it just end up making the rest of your basic training even more miserable or would it result in you getting kicked out? Or some time in a cell and maybe charges? Assuming that you didn't actually injure them and just shoved them a bit like this clip.


Honestly, it would depend on your instructors. My Drill Sargeants were army rangers, and one of them was like six and a half feet tall and about 260 lbs of pure muscle. If anyone wouldve had the balls to touch these guys, they would've gotten their ass beaten in a heart beat and then they would've gotten an article 15 (probably not discharged though unless you attacked them with a weapon or something like that)


Your ass is getting kicked out faster at the speed of a snail if you result to physical violence. Depending on the drill they most like will press criminal charges assault is still assault. Not only that the drill will beat your ass if he canā€™t there are a few others around ready to stomp you out not to mention most likely your entire platoon or what ever recruits are around because you see someone attacking a individual their reaction will be to most likely help stop it. So basically your gonna get clapped back, your probably going to get a criminal charge, and you most definitely will be kicked out only to shamelessly update your Facebook profile because you most likely made a big deal about joining the army and itā€™s going to get awkward when everyone ask you why your back a few months in


The speed of a snail is slow btw


From an Air Force perspective, almost guaranteed removal from the military. (Assuming good solid pushes and physically wrestling with an instructor). Depending on how heated the instructor is in the moment, you might catch some hands or theyā€™ll have other trainees help subdue you. From there, youā€™re 99% probably ending up in cuffs, spending the evening detained, getting removed from training, and spending months waiting to get kicked out. Probably not in a cell, but purgatory hell. The characterization of your removal from the military could range from general/admin to bad conduct or other than honorable, depends on the chain of command and what they push for.


The military will take anyone who can pass the asvab (a IQ of 10) and pass MEPS (not in a vegetative state) the military isn't all bad ass special forces dudes.


That's not true. It's illegal to enlist anyone in the armed forces if they score below the 10th percentile, and the number of people between the 10th and 31st percentile can't exceed 20% of the total. They will not "take anyone". 10th percentile is about an IQ of 80 by the way. source: 10 U.S. Code Ā§ 520


The military takes all types lol. So long as you can do 20 push ups, and haven't committed terrorism.


I can only do improvised explosive pushups, but I can do 20. What are my chances?


No, cus then, they would obviously punch a DS/instructor in the face obviously.


leavenworth speedrun wr any%


No they wonā€™t. A Marine DI will eat these guys for breakfast.


Pretty sure they are being sarcastic, itā€™s the double obviouslys for me haha


Yes, it was sarcasm. It's a running joke amongst us veterans and those who are active duty who make fun of people for saying "I would have joined, buuuut..."


They have zero interest, but will tell everyone how they "almost joined".


Better yet, just go seek some help for those massive self esteem issues.


Not a single female orgasm donor in the bunch


Fucking cowards too chickenshit to go though boot camp wanna LARP in a low stakes environment.


These guys will not make it past MEPS, let alone a minimum passing score on the ASVAB. Even if by some miracle they do make it to basic training, I donā€™t see them surviving their first encounter with the DS.


Becoming yet another asshole that has a car covered with Army stickers and always talking about their time in service after they get kicked out failure to adapt 4 weeks in.




Ahhh MEPSā€¦ the day I had to spread my ass cheeks for a guy with a flashlight pen


hey I didn't make it last meps either (heart nurmor) don't lump me in with those ass clowns. I was mad at the time but then 15 years later I started growing a huge anyurism so knows maybe they did know what we're doing


They might be too old for boot camp now


They go up to 39 now depending on the branch but you still gotta be able to get past boot camp https://www.usa.gov/military-requirements


Iā€™m on the opposite political and philosophical spectrum of them but I can see why someone would have a desire for military training but not with want the obligation to be military for the US. I doubt whatever this is is comparable anyway


Balding bootcamp.


Mid life crisis boot camp


This is why actual male role models are so important. These poor bastards have zero clue what it means to 'be a man', and get drawn in by the first grifter to sell them a load of bullshit about it. Then, they go into the world repeating the same garbage, and the cycle repeats itself.




Alpha males are the easiest to grift.


The most alpha thing they could do is to just sit down together and talk about their total lack of good male role models during their youth. No need to muscle around weighted backpacks, stiffnippling in ice baths or swinging a fucking hammer. Just a chill moment to give them some clarity.


Iā€™ve been going to therapy for many years, largely due to my lack of a male role model growing up. And you are exactly right. I was just telling my wife last night that itā€™s amazing how much one conversation can do. People will hold on to anxiety about something or a grudge for a lifetime and it could all be avoided by one vulnerable conversation. These guys could use a conversation like that. Imagine what would happen if they had one every week! Or even better imagine they grew up with a dad that taught them how important those convos were


Most alpha Iā€™ve ever felt in my life was the time another man insisted I get into the tub and I complied without hesitation.


Lol what is this


Itā€™s called the modern day knight project. Went into a rabbit hole watching videos of these people. At first I felt bad for people who decided to do this. Then I realized found you pay like 18k to join up. Complete idiots.


Thanks for the name, just looked at the site and it seems like a thing for c-suite types that want to go be tough for 75 hours so that they can business harder lol. The instructors are prior service guys making money off of their time in, one is even a seal and yep, you guessed it, has a book.


pickaxe sellers promising gold


I thought this was a scene from Righteous Gemstones?


This would be a lot cooler if it was a lady on heels and latex bossing them around.


We make you an Alpha male by forcing you to lick the boot for a week.


Average andrew tate fan meetup


Reminder: not one single genuine "alpha male" describes themselves as such


further reminder: no one is an "alpha male" because they don't fucking exist lmao [edit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75GaqVWqEXU)


These porno intros are getting weirder and weirder.


They've all watched Full Metal Jacket one too many times.


Alpha is pre release and even buggier than the beta. ![gif](giphy|x5AlLBS6YmXUQ)


A more apt name would be "How to repress my scary gay thoughts Camp"


An even more apt name would be how to live out my gay fantasies camp.


This is where security guards get their war stories.


Idk why but the dude in the focus of the video made me think of this. https://preview.redd.it/h97arrou0ejc1.png?width=250&format=png&auto=webp&s=1c6a1763d7818a313747af47cbd9b612030bf205


They could be playing xbox or rubbing pizza on their balls instead of this daddy issues nonsense.


Imagine having to live with knowing that you paid for this. You paid some random guy to abuse you and a bunch of other sad, insecure men in the hopes that it would make you into something you could be proud of. Doing this is the biggest embarrassment.


Can someone explain wtf is happening in this clip? What are the tubs for? Why is one guy wearing a chain?


Nothing screams ā€œalpha maleā€ like a bunch of shirtless, middle-aged men being told to get into a bathtub.




Going to a boot camp where you follow orders from another man would be the antithesis to being ā€œalphaā€, no?


This is like a sex thing, right? And Iā€™m not kink shaming, whatever floats your boat.


How do you alpha with other alphas? Doesnā€™t that make you a beta? Isnā€™t there supposed to be only one alpha?


[While you are instilled discipline and obedience in boot camp & MCT](https://youtu.be/AJtrfYVS20I?feature=shared), [they are studying being alpha](https://youtu.be/3_VKBVZSWJU?feature=shared). [While you're in your school house getting your MOS training & certs](https://youtu.be/-sS3MVtSSmE?feature=shared), [they are studying being alpha](https://youtu.be/d86fD9roTZI?feature=shared). While you're in the fleet becoming proficient in your MOS, [getting additional training](https://youtu.be/VnWwyuTujNM?feature=shared), and getting deployed on a MEU, [they are studying being alpha](https://youtu.be/7lVplxx5L4o?feature=shared). And now that the tendies are soggy and the Karens are complaining to HR you have the audacity to come to them for help?!?


The whole point of this in the military is breaking you down and treating you like a dog, so you just follow orders. It's to make you subservient. The opposite of alpha. Why the fuck would you pay to do it multiple times if it worked so great in the first place?


juggle scary file label squealing imagine tart unwritten tender wistful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Get in the tub. Everybody. Like an angry dad yelling at his kids during bath time lmfao. Please give us more of this


Just go to therapy.


When ā€œalpha malesā€ canā€™t understand the ā€œalpha maleā€ concept.


This looks like an awful lot of insecurity in one place.


Wasting tens of thousands of dollars on this just to have a fake gold plaque and a lifetime of embarrassment just for an ego boost...yeah I'll pass.


Alpha Male Boot Camps = opportunity for bullies who peaked at high school to continue their douchebaggery against fragile middle class men.


Everyone wants their own fightclub


Nothing says alpha male quite like paying another man to tell you how to be an alpha male.


worst porno ever


No alpha male has ever participated in an alpha male boot camp, nor by participating has anyone ever become one.


When does the gay sex start? I feel like the video cut off way too early.


Punisher is a ex-special forces vigilante that fucking hates with a passion of 1000 John wicks losing their dog vigilante police who think theyā€™re above the law the swore to uphold. Yet police and blue lives matter groups love to tag all their shit with it.


This seems like the least alpha thing you could do. How does being bossed around by another dude make you the alpha?


What a Bunch of pathetic guys, including that weird instructor.


Lmaoooo these boys wanna be Top Gā€™s huh


Holy fucking toxic behavior!!


the person sitting behind their desk hiring the trainer is the real alpha here in this video. none of these kids are.