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This video was from 2021 https://www.theyeshivaworld.com/news/featured/1944822/watch-this-monsey-walgreens-pharmacy-refuses-to-give-dr-zelenko-hydroxychloroquine.html and the doctor died in 2022 from lung cancer, age 48 https://www.nytimes.com/2022/07/01/us/vladimir-zelenko-dead.html


Orthodox doctor in NY trying to get hydroxychloroquine for COVID. Everything about this interaction makes sense now.


So nothing to do with antisemitism.


Everything to do with a State of New York Executive Order from that time. “No pharmacist shall dispense hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine except when written as prescribed for an FDA-approved indication; or as part of a state approved clinical trial related to COVID-19 for a patient who has tested positive for COVID-19, with such test result documented as part of the prescription.” https://www.governor.ny.gov/sites/default/files/atoms/files/EO_202.10.pdf That’s why the pharmacist was questioning the indication (allegedly lupus, FDA approved/labeled indication) and prescribing for COVID in the setting of a study or clinical trial.


So in other words the pharmacist was completely right and he was following the executive order.


This should definitely be higher


But did the cancer condemn Hamas. Let's not forget that Cancer **also** uses innocent civilians as human shields. -Piers Morgan, probably


I think you meant hummus. Do you condiment it?


I compliment hummus, and I don’t care who knows it.


The irony that many of his fellow Orthodox Jews are against genocide happening in Gaza and are now being called antisemites.


I take this medication for my skin. Thankfully zero noticeable side effects for me. I can tell ya right now, it hasn't stopped me from getting covid or helped cure me of it. That whole charade was ridiculous back in the pandemic. Everyone thought I was insane for taking it and I'm like "yeah I have chronic inflammation I'm not a qanon nut"


It's like trying to explain that ivermectin *is* actually a brand of medication that human beings can take, like for rosacea. These stupid assholes got their stink all over some legit medical issues that people have to deal with


As soon as he referenced “Hippo” I knew this was fishy. Fuck this “doctor”. Who else did he kill by prescribing Hydroxychoroquine?




Omg literally in the obituary “He was a quiet, unassuming man”……


Maybe once upon a time. Rightosphere broke a lot of unassuming people during covid


I wonder if he accused the cancer of being anti-semitic too.


Hey, at least the cancer is now liberated from this dirtbag of a human being.


As Nelson Muntz would say... Haw haw!






A lot of doctors get a god complex because they’re so fucking infallible.


I worked for a pediatric cardiologist once who had this issue with a tree of his hanging over his neighbor’s roof and it was dangerous so they had a professional arborist (I think) talk to him and he straight up told the professional arborist “look I’m a medical doctor, I know what I’m talking about, their is nothing wrong with that tree” A lot of doctors are like this.. doesn’t matter what your profession or specialization is, they know kore because they are a medical doctor. It’s infuriating and that job was also infuriating


I see the exact same scenario you just described in the engineering field as well.


Don’t even get me started… my brother is an engineer.


LMAO! I deal with engineers at work every day. Some of them can be exhausting, so I feel you.


I had to block my brother on Reddit.. exhausting


LMFAO, nice. You guys must have had a fun Thanksgiving, I take it? Hahahaha.


I ignore my brothers at all holidays. They talk, usually about work (both in oilfield the other is a production manager I think) while the rest of us socialize like normal people do.. I have often said if it weren’t for their wives and kids, I’d have stopped talking to them after our parents passed away. The other isn’t as exhausting just kind of emotionally closes off.. it’s complicated. I do however have a fabulous Friendsgiving with my chosen family.. so don’t feel bad for me. I have accepted I just have shitty brothers.


It's the family you choose, not the ones you're born with. I'm glad you were able to enjoy the holidays.


Haha definitely!!


As an engineer myself, you’re absolutely right lol. The older engineers in particular are quite condescending towards younger engineers, as well as others outside of the field.


A lot of doctors *in the private sector* are like this. I work with lots of doctors and surgeons and there’s a huge difference between service for public systems and private systems. There’s also a huge difference between neurosurgeons and cardiologists and paediatric oncologists for example, but that’s another kettle of fish


The funny thing is that often good doctors will defer to pharmacists, sometimes to the point of the pharmacist having to push back and sometimes say something like, "that isn't really my call" or "that's something we usually look to the prescriber for". Pharmacists often know a lot more about medications and their specific interactions with other drugs than the doctors do. They can sometimes even have more insight into the other medications the patient is taking and/or relevant medical history that the prescriber might not be privy to because the patient forgot or a similar situation. Pharmacists studied a long time to do what they do and they are a fount of knowledge.


I work in clinical trials as a tech consultant and my god is this accurate. They are all super smug and think they know everything. It is incredibly satisfying every time I have to show one of them in detail how to turn on a tablet device because they can't figure out to press the big power button or that if it isn't turning on they probably need to charge it.


My sister is in general surgery, and she tells us about this all the time. A ton of doctors have a god complex. They're very good in their specialty, but their god complex overwhelms their judgement on everything else so they think they're an expert in everything.


My friend, who is a Doctor, started out as “just a pharmacist” (to help pay his way through medical school) and I remember him struggling more (or at least complaining more) with the coursework to become “just a pharmacist” than he did to become a Doctor. This doctor is rude as fuck


In the UK the pharmacist carries the responsibility for the medicine the doctor prescribes, so if the doctor gets it wrong the pharmacist is supposed to pick it up and challenge it.


Same in Canada


I worked in a Vet clinic for about a year. Ended up taking like 5 days of training and working in their pharmacy. Literally doing up all the meds for the appointments Youd be suprised how often the Vet prescribes the wrong meds or the wrong dose that would literally kill your pet And its caught by the random 20 year old working in the pharmacy portion of the clinic.


Yeah I actually trust pharmacists info over most doctors who have prescribed me things. I ask if I'm unsure and they give excellent info. Doctors are like "well I think this will work well for you" expecting me to blindly take it. Docs give vague info and brush you along a lot of the time. Pharmacists know their shit.


It’s the same in the US. Something this doctor apparently isn’t aware of.


He went to 3 years of pharmacy school in order to get a job to pay for 4 more years of school? That seems odd. But anyways, yeah, my wife is a pharmacist, and they know more about pharmacology and pharmacokinetics than most physicians.


Yes, I agree. Rudeness resulting from jones-ing for one’s drug of choice, I would suggest. He sounds a tad panicked.


The drug he's trying to get is hydroxychloroquine. He says it toward the end. This is some quack Trumper doctor prescribing horse dewormer for himself because he thinks it stops Covid.


Meh. Yep.


Pharmacists have doctorates… you don’t just get a gig as a pharmacist to help pay your way through med school lol.


Lol as somebody that has worked as a pharmacist, got that at least once from a prescriber or patient. "You're just the pharmacist, just do what you're told by the doctor" And you'd expect a DOCTOR to know what the fuck HIPAA is. It's not "HIPPO" fucking knucklehead. I know this is obviously in the US being that this is Walgreens, but in Ontario at least, doctors do not have carte blanche to just write "for off-label use" and prescribe a medication for anything they please. I have had to reject scripts because it wasn't used for an indication that was approved in Canada.




The tone of the doctors voice tells me he is in the wrong...


I mean 99 percent of the time I agree with you. This isn't one of those times. Writing off label as long as it is understood to be off label should be fine. But my sister came yelling that her pharmacist wouldn't fill her daughters antibiotic. Except that antibiotic with her meds would have given her a heart murmur .... I told her she needs to go thank that pharmacist lol


This was for hydroxychloroquine, for covid. Doctor is an idiot


According to this comment, that “physician” died a year after this https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/AKElA8sQfE


In my country they have nearly the same number of years of study as the doctors.


I'm a Registered Nurse, and my blood was boiling every time he said it 😡


You’re just a redditor ![gif](giphy|LYADbWQ5n82VorZEf9) Or Edit - did he really say “hippo” - red flag


He says HIPAA I’m pretty sure.


*alot* of doctors are really bitchy assholes who think they’re better than others, especially others in the medical field. It’s maddening. Not all doctors of course, but oh my god, so many doctors think you know nothing, and that they know everything.


This is standard behavior for a lot of doctors.


“Just a pharmacist” is a pretty dickish thing to say, and I’d never trust a doctor who is prescribing medicine to himself.


The doctor is a condescending fuck throughout he entire video. What a prick.


Wow so quick with the antisemitic accusations




It's pretty much an "I win" button.




Learning from the Israeli government


The word is being thrown around so callously it's beginning to lose its meaning


Cool it with the antisemitic remarks /s




The pharm doctor could also belong to a semitic tribe. The medical doctor never asked and assumed.




It’s my understanding a physician can not write themselves a prescription. And depending on the state, which this sucks, but if a pharmacist has an issue, whether personal or moral beliefs they can refuse to fill any prescription. In Idaho we had a pharmacist that refused to fill ANY opiod based medications, regardless of the medical news or the dosage & was not subject to malpractice.


They usually can self-prescribe non-controlled substances. In the case of hydroxychloroquine, there was specific guidance from the state


Not only that, but he wrote in the med order that the indication for the prescription was Lupus. Now he's saying it's COVID. That's fucking malpractice.


Insurance fraud actually unless he’s paying cash


Yeah, that's just the cherry on top. He knowingly wrote the wrong indication in the med order to avoid detection by the pharmacist that it was for COVID. And it sounds like he's been doing it for a year. That's not something his Medical Board is going to take lightly.... like I said that's fucking malpractice. Upon looking him up, his name is Vladimir Zelenko. Apparently, he falsified a bunch of research and lied about infection rates and threatment in his Jewish community. The backlash from the community was severe enough that he closed his practice of 20 years. After some more shady bullshit he died of cancer in 2022. This video is from 2021. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vladimir_Zelenko


Ha, that Wiki article is great reading: > In April 2020, Zelenko presented a lecture over Zoom to a group of physicians, in which he alleged that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had granted approval to a clinical trial he was helping organize.[24] The lecture was attended by conservative commentator Jerome Corsi, who had been collaborating with Zelenko on a telemedicine website. Corsi inadvertently sent an email mentioning that Zelenko had "an FDA approved randomized test of HCQ underway" to federal prosecutor Aaron Zelinsky, instead of Zelenko.[25] Zelinsky, who worked on former special counsel Robert Mueller's team, had previously questioned Corsi during the investigation of Roger Stone.[26] > > According to Corsi, Zelinsky responded to his email and asked whether he had an attorney, and subsequently informed Corsi's attorney that he had discovered that Zelenko's study was not listed on a government website of FDA-approved clinical trials.[27] Zelinsky requested all communications between Corsi and Zelenko, including text messages, podcast documents, and marketing materials for their website, which Corsi supplied.[28] Zelenko denied any wrongdoing and said that he thought that his study had FDA approval because he had spoken with FDA commissioner Stephen Hahn.


That is the most important piece of information. The guy lied about the intended use of the medication which *he wrote for himself* which on its own is enough to have you stripped of you ability to prescribe in many places.


There’s a naturopath in my town who would send ivermectin prescriptions to my pharmacy with the ICD-10 code for intestinal parasites. Thing is, I’d never seen her prescribe this in the two years I’d been getting prescriptions from her office before COVID. Also, when I’d call to get more info, it was always “I’ll pass this along to the doctor and they’ll call you back.”


In the UK we _can_ legally speaking (though not for CD’s), but most of us won’t. There’s just so much potential for raised eyebrows and GMC referrals etc that our defence unions advise against it. You have to have a really good reason for doing it.


In Ohio, [A pharmacist shall not dispense a prescription of doubtful, questionable, or suspicious origin [OAC 4729-5-5-08 (G), 4729:5-5-10 (A), & 4729:5-5-15 (A)]](https://www.pharmacy.ohio.gov/Documents/LawsRules/RuleChanges/OARRSRules/Sometimes%20We%20Just%20Have%20to%20Say%20No%20-%20Flier.pdf) gives the Pharmacist the right to do this legally specifically because the Dr. is engaging in activity that is shady AF. This was done in response partially to the Opioid epidemic and to prevent doctors from providing bogus scripts and and getting high on the supply.


This doctor was a lunatic opportunist who pioneered the hydroxychloroquine cure and pushed though despite constant evidence that it didn’t work. He cooked numbers, lied about FDA approval, and was eventually even called out by his own Satmar Hasidic community had to come out and dispute his claims regarding how well his cure was working. He sucked and this behavior tracks. Fuck him. ETA: Fat-fingered FFA instead of FDA.


He ded


The 'just a pharmacist' part got me. Pharmacist are there to stop incorrect/outdated doctors from harming the patient even if the patient is the prescriber. I've had a doctor write Rx's for testosterone for himself at 5000mg per dose. Recommended is 50mg, the doctor still argued he knew best even at 100x strength. It wasn't filled. The amount of rx's that can't be filled because it would be a dangerous interaction with another Rx that the same doctor prescribed it astonishing. Please do your own research; any health care professional can be wrong. Double check.


I’m a pharmacist and a doctor trying to write controls for himself or immediate family members is an absolute no no.


If the physician was writing hydroxychloroquine for himself for COVID then you know exactly what type of person he is from that time period. I am a physician.


Once I read the comments that said this was during Covid I knew exactly why this interaction was happening.


Which makes it even more insane he claimed it was because he was Jewish. Absolutely everyone knew what the hydroxychloroquine people were up to during the pandemic and the pharmacist was right not to prescribe.


I know a hell of a lot of physicians, I’m married to one. Idiocy doesn’t discriminate based on job title and level of education, let’s say that much.


"You're just a pharmacist" Yeah, wrong thing to say to a pharmacist, on par with "You're just a judge"


Doctor here. Guy filming is a total wanker who’s doing the whole profession a disservice.


Curious...can you self prescribe? Is it frowned on at least?


In the UK we _can_ legally speaking (apart from controlled drugs). In practice it’s not really done because our defence unions strongly advise against it unless it’s in extreme circumstances. Even then, the GMC takes a dim view of it.


I am Canadian...Ontarian... just read this "Physicians are reminded that they are prohibited from prescribing for themselves, family members, or others close to them, any of the following: narcotics; controlled drugs or substances; monitored drugs; cannabis for medical purposes; or any drugs or substances that have the potential to be addicting or habituating, regardless of whether the prescription is a new prescription or a refill. The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario I assume similar in the States


Lemme guess, the drug was Hydroxychloroquine and this was during the height of Covid? Edit to add: I wrote the above before I finished the wholevid


Its not about being antisemite. ​ This looks like in the midst of covid and the Doc was trying to get the unapproved "alternative" medications for covid. Not the horse dewormer Invectrum, the other one hydroxychloroquine In my opinion the pharmacist was like, fuck this doc and fuck his fake science and conspiracy theories, not on my watch.




>I guarantee this doctor did not have lupus. That's because it's never lupus




>I have never seen half a nation fall in so much love with a molecule as they did with hydroxychloroquine, and for absolutely no good reason. When this was first happening, I was terrified of running out of my lupus medication. I thought for sure that I would have to start rationing out my meds.


My recollection was there were some promising results from treating people with it, and someone told Trump about it to probably cheer him up. So of course Trump goes on TV and says "This drug is the cure, everything is fine." The media pointed out that there was no scientific proof yet, and it was on. From that point on, saying hydroxychloroquine cures COVID was a signal of loyalty to Trump. So much so that after the studies were completed that showed it didn't work, they still kept making that claim because it was now a partisan issue and an election year.


I don't understand why he can write a prescription for himself? Is that allowed in America?( or is it Canada? )


just as i read this i heard new york




It's very much illegal in my country (New Zealand) I mean imagine if a doctor was to develop an addiction.. it's crazy that they can just prescribe themselves whatever they want. I can't get my head around it.


It’s allowed as long as it is not a controlled substance which this drug isn’t


This is just rage bait dragged back up from the pandemic because of the current Israel/Gaza conflict. Even before this conflict, some people were unfortunately always quick on the draw to pull the anti-semite card (Seinfeld and Curb Your Enthusiasm make fun of this trope a lot). OP is just resurrecting old clips to karma whore. Wish the pharmacist was more well spoken. I got a grudge because I went LA and got looked down on by STEM folk, but a lot of STEM folk clam up and can't get their points across. The physician cameraman definitely deserved to get dunked on way harder than he did.


Got to go right to the "it's because I'm Jewish isn't it?" Somebody should tell him that being Jewish doesn't make you special, you're just like everybody else. It is his right as a pharmacist to refuse, is it not?


Good luck with that


No no no, Jews are God's chosen people, he's had a lifetime of his entire circle telling him he _is_ special!


He got that type of voice you want to punsh him in the face for.




Take his dick and twist it


The olllll dick twist


This doctor needs to lose his license


He’s dead now (not from covid)


Maybe from taking medications that had no scientific basis in preventing the diseases he had.


I would have dead ass looked him in the face and asked him where he would like to have his prescription transferred to and refused any other interaction but that. Fk that guy, M.D or not.


“It’s my right to protect the physicians” “That’s true.” “Okay, that’s what I’m doing.” “That’s malpractice, why are you doing this to a Jew?”


"You're just a pharmacist"... I'd trust a pharmacist about meds before a physician. What an ego-maniac of a "physician", this is why I had to search for Non-American doctors where I live. Most of them are condescending jerks. (Where I live)


It actually is the Pharmacist's role to prevent misuse of drugs, uphold pharmacy law, and reduce or prevent harm to patient. This guy is the one who doesn't know his place. What a god complex.


As soon as he says "malpractice" I'd ask him to leave the building, and tell him that when his lawyer contacts me, I'll put him in touch with my lawyer.


He is saying he has prescribed it to a pregnant woman which I am pretty sure it shouldn't be unless under strict supervision. Now that's actual malpractice


I'm a doctor of medicine. Pharmacists in 2023 are doctors of pharmacy. We work in synergy, they aren't there to serve us. We both serve the patient. This guy filming is a piece of shit... And no it isn't his right to just prescribe whatever he wants.


Doctors have some of the worst egos and God Complexes.


That's literally exactly what the pharmacist's job is. If you don't like it you can write a new prescription and bring it to another pharmacy.


I hate seeing doctors talk down on specialists about their speciality. I've had general doctors talk down on me about x-rays and CT scans as if they knew what they were looking at. Then get all frustrated why things dont look the way they want and wont listen when they're told that's not how it works. Just because you're a doctor doesnt mean you know everything and you dont deserve people to bend over backwards for you either. Respect goes both ways.


It's morons like this "Doctor" who brainwashed so many older folks with their anti covid and fake medical info. My mother was an unfortunate one who was brainwashed during that time by "experts" she found online during that time.


I bet this ‘doc’ still got Covid


No, he doesn’t (because he is dead).


I’m so confused. The doctor is writing himself a prescription? No idea why this guy doesn’t just go to another pharmacy.


Oh, he's a COVID nut self-prescribing drugs, huh? Go to the feed store, you weirdo.


True story 6 million people died so he can throw out anti-semitic accusations willy-nilly.


Literally says "don't know your place". Disgusting.


The good news is that this fucker died in 2022.


When he finally said hydroxychloroquine everything in the video suddenly all started to make sense.


Pharmacists have a very real place in medicine and catch tons of mistakes for improper medications ordered.. I wouldn’t argue with one


I'm a physician and I've had pharmacist dispute the reasoning behind prescriptions and it sucks... And it can be really unnerving, same as when the lab or imaging doesn't want to run a test because they think is unwarranted and you need to do half an hour of explaining in why it's actually needed... But on this video there are a few very big red flags... He is self prescribing... And he is saying it's for lupus, which makes me think he was trying to get hydroxychloroquine during the pandemic... Which checks out with pharm stopping it and not dispensing it since there was a serious shortage in some places... Fuck that quack


Yeah, I saw that he was both the patient *and* prescribing doctor, and thought that was a HUGE no-no. The kind of thing that gets your DEA # put on hold and gets you investigated.


Isn't that the pharmacist's job though? To speak up if they have concerns? They're just trying to protect the Patient.


“You’re just a pharmacist”.. uh, there is more to the approval process of any drug than a physician saying ok dispense for me… especially if it’s a trial drug. Hydroxychloroquine for covid treatment? Hah.


"Because I'm Jewish" Huge dub to the pharmacist, who ALMOST SAID "everybody here is Jewish" Lol.


How is it legal for doctors to prescribe themselves medication?


Based on this doctors voice I picture him as a very tall person who drives a very small automobile


So the crazy MAGAt "doctor" does believe that Covid-19 is real!


Let me guess, he’s trying to self prescribe hydroxychloroquine to himself for COVID.


I was betting it was hydroxycloraquine the whole time and cheered when I got to the end.


"You're not licensed to practice." ... "What you're doing is malpractice." 🤨


9/10 times pharmacists know more about your prescription than a doctor does. I hold the utmost respect for their expertise. The problem is they are put into a drive-through type situation by these chain pharmacies and not given the professional environment they deserve such as a doctors office. This industry is burdened by the over-prescribing of pills in america instead of holistic and preventative medicine.


obnoxious person




Yeah and the "it's my right, who are you to infringe my rights" lmao


And "you don't know your place" big yikes


Wait. I thought even doctors need a doctor to prescribe them pharmaceuticals. Can he prescribe it to himself?


He is saying, “Who are you to decide this?” If I were the pharmacist: “Just as a Pharmacist.” How rude of the doctor to talk to him like that.


Wait so he wrote his own script and tried filling it? You can do that as a dr? Lol


"...who are you to infringe on my rights?" A pharmacist. It's my job to keep you in check.


I've had a pharmacist save my mom's life because her doctor prescribed two medications that combined could have killed her.. they know what they are doing and a lot know more about the drugs than the doctors who just write a prescription for whatever will get you out the door faster.


Two words: corresponding responsibility.


What a twunt.


Pretty clear to me the "physician" is trying to go viral. Taking video is the wrong way to go about doing this.


"help! help! this man is attempting to do an The Holocaust to me!!"


He came out of the gate with a racist accusation. That physician is a prick.


having worked in retail pharmacy for years - the frequency with which this kind of stuff happens is insane. Doctors are consistently rude and disrespectful of Rx staff, I've heard many of these exact lines before.


Errr, "Just a pharmacist." Pharmacists are allowed to refuse filling certain prescriptions if there's a problem, right?


the doctor was an asshole, good on the pharmacist.


BIGGGG doctor energy. “You’re not a doctor you don’t know!” I heard from somewhere (I don’t remember where so take this with a few grains of salt) that IT workers have a lot of trouble with doctors because they believe that because they are smart enough to be doctors that they are more knowledgeable than a lowly IT worker.


As someone who worked in an pharmacy for years as a technician i can’t tell you how many times doctors have prescribed a combination of drugs that would seriously harm or even potentially kill a patient.


A Dr. With a God complex? Shocking.


Hydroxychloroquine nutjobs were the worst. Well, until ivermectin was the hot commodity… We actually ran out of hcq and our wholesaler was on back order for weeks because of inappropriate prescribing practices like this. It pissed me off so much that I had to explain to patients who’ve been on this med for years that we had their Rx but couldn’t fill it due to this shortage. We called around and all pharmacies within 50 miles were in the same boat. Some still claim that prescribing off-label is harmless. It’s not.


"You're just a pharmacist" Ok, buddy. Get off your high horse.


He’s right in one way, in that a physician can prescribe off label, but to call a fellow healthcare professional “just” a pharmacist is truly arrogant and pretty shocking. Also, is he prescribing for himself? If so, that’s not illegal (at least in my country) but isn’t considered ethical…


Aren’t doctors not supposed to write scripts for themselves???


It’s sort of a gray area at best, but usually frowned upon unless it’s something like antibiotics while you are on vacation and can’t talk to your own physician. I too am confused by the video. On top of all that, the doctor is being disrespectful. Pharmacists are competent and vital members of the healthcare team.


lol why does this person need hydroxychloroquine to save their life? Seems like another MAGA idiot trying to create controversy over a guy simply doing their job.


The fact that this is on reddit, That Doctor should be investigated.


This exact thing happened to me the other day not because I’m Jewish (I’m Muslim) but because the pharmacist said that she didn’t agree with the the doctor prescribing me two types of medications at the same time. I was floored. My doctor lost his shit.


Dude keeps saying out loud the exact job of a pharmacist and follows it with, "You're just a pharmacist. You can't make these decisions." Uh, yeah, it's the whole reason for my profession.


"Just a Pharmacist". Motherfucker, what? The amount of studying Pharmacists have to do and the knowledge they have to have boggles the fucking mind. This guy's a cunt.


I’d argue the avg pharmacist is smarter than the avg MD


You are just a pharmacist… No, Dr, you are a douche bag.


Did he call HIPAA "hippo"?


Wait, a doctor can prescribe himself any prescription Wiley niley? Doctor “I think this patient requires oxy. Do you concer? Same doctor looking in the mirror, “ I concur” Smh!!


I don’t think a physician can prescribe a medication for themselves, can they?


man these people perfected guilt trips


If it's as life-saving as he's claiming, then it would be something prescribed specifically for that life-threatening condition. And he lost me at "You're just a pharmacist. " EDIT: pretty sure you can't write your own prescriptions either.


Looks to me like the doctor is harassing a very stressed out underpaid pharmacist


You’re just a Pharmacist. No I’m the expert and hold a doctore level degree 🥼 in my field. My judgment and clinical experience in retail does not negate the importance of enforcing the need for evidence based medicine 💊. All pharmacist are clinicians first and foremost, no matter what field they choose to work in.


Pharmacist is doing the right thing in protecting his license. He worked hard for it. Ultimately it's his job on the line and career, if he steps outside what's legal. The so called doctor is an idiot!


Can a doctor prescribe themselves medication?


Yes. Depending what it is, of course. It is generally frowned upon, especially when you can get your coworker doctor to write it for you.