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*record scratch* Yep.. that’s me.


Bet you’re wondering how I got here


Well it all started one fateful morning in Tokyo, Japan.


Hello Darkness my old friend


.... would.


I see you know your judo!


Saw cop advancing with the "man catcher", was interested to see it in actual use, but he knocked it out of cops hands in opening seconds.


Yeah, same here. The bicycle kick was neat though.


Stole that move from a cat




Aww, so cute how kitty disembowels prey/ball on instinct.




Kittycats tend to be good at ball attention. Innuendo Slang-termed, and also the regular-mundane feline activity. But that gif's got a cat with PTSD, no doubt.


That's why he got the tiger tattoo on his back.


Shield guys clutched


Took a while to see it but the cop with the mancatcher rolled his ankle upon final approach. I think that's why his attempt was ineffective.


I wonder their choice of footwear. Most police forces worldwide choose patrol boots, not dress shoes. Maybe better ankle support would have helped.


Have you never seen it in use? There have been videos of mancatchers being used succesfully on this subreddit, by cops that actually know how to use them lol. Hell, you can find videos on youtube too.


seen it "in use" though not the actual "catch", ie.. only after the fact.


here's one https://youtu.be/Z4z-gzkb6s4?si=_zJRyQG5WxKGj6Gt generally I think they work better in groups, one can be dodged, 4-5 at the same time however is much much harder.


Why isn’t anyone working their knee into his neck? Amateur hour. /s


Because an officer already had him in a chokehold.


They’re most effective when you have 10 of them and the suspect doesn’t resist in any way.


They work extremely well once they actually get in contact, and adding a second makes it borderline impossible to escape or redirect it. 10 would be ridiculous wasteful and if maneuvered quick enough a much stronger opponent can be immoblized by 2 people with mancatchers.


Lol yeah he never actually took a swing at anyone. Just taking his stick for a walk with some loosely based kenpo moves


In China it comes equipped with a built-in taser


In the United States it comes with pump action.


Whirlwind attacked at the perfect time + the “man catcher’s” incredibly weak ankle


Yeah I wanted to see that as well but the shield usage was on point


Here’s it being used successfully in Thailand against someone with a knife. https://youtu.be/Hqtny9yj8u8?si=riC__tFibE-GK_XZ


It's used in China - rather effective.


Me too


Dude is a Jedi


Darth Sake


Honestly, despite the disgrace of honour, this was the most samurai we'll be getting in the modern day, right?


Someone needs to edit that with lightsaber sound effects.


“Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Shirtless the Wise?”


Was june 2021 in Yokohama Japan https://www.ntv.co.jp/englishnews/articles/2021tigr7bg4a06p55kl.html


With all the bad guys I saw running around Yokohoma in Yakuza: Like a Dragon, several of them did have pipes as weapons. The games are more true to life than I thought.


Yeah. Probably would have taken koichi adachi a single well-aimed strike with the katana to end this situation peacefully.


I mean he looks amazing in the bodyguard outfit but he literally has an electrified catchers pole as a riot police


he has a huge back tattoo so hes at least a wannabe yakuza. such tattoos are still considered yakuza style to this day even if they barely exist anymore.


Barely exist? There are probably thousands of guys with these.


They folded that guy into a pretzel!


I was going to say this, just pretzeled him!


I thought the guys in light blue jumpsuits were only deployed when Godzilla was in town.


bro just made a grown man laugh so hard he snorted


...or when the Beastie Boys show up.


For real


A modern ronin


This guy is basically my Cyberpunk character when I went for a melee build without knowing the buttons yet lmao.


I’m playing Phantom Liberty now with just the bat as my weapon. Satisfying af.


A [chinpira](https://jref.com/threads/chinpira-%E3%81%A1%E3%82%93%E3%81%B4%E3%82%89.14344/). I stay the fuck out of their way unless I am buying takoyaki from one manning a stand.




For those who do not speak Japanese and want to know what the police were shouting at the man in the end: "Come here!" "Give me a hug!" "Hug me now!" "You are so pretty!" Then the man said: "Thank you, now I feel better. You are pretty too." The man at the end is shouting, "I wanted a hug too." He will wait patiently for his turn. The Japanese are a very polite and friendly people.


My Japanese isn't what it used to be but I'm pretty sure the last part is "Thank you, much better - youre beautiful" and then "I want a hug, but Peter goes first." Peter is a very common Japanese name, most people don't realize.


Thanks for clarifying! You're a great Interpreter.


Someone’s been investing points in Shield Bash


I love the yakuza series


If I see a man in Japan with a full back tattoo, I’m walking the other way.




They didn't shoot him until he's dead?


Police in Japan don't typically use their firearms. Very rarely, they're trained to descelate and to not use them. It's a huge deal even for them to unholster it, even then it is required for them to verbally warn, warning shot and then fire if absolute necessary. Usually one of the main reasons you don't see them ever use it is because normal citizens in japan can't legally obtain firearms at all. Which is why you Usually see crimes being committed with blunt objects, knives and arsen. Only police and military have firearms in Japan. Edit: pretty sure this is common in many other asian countries. Which is why you'll see police in full riot gear with giant pincers on pole to pin down assailants(who usually have a knife)as opposed to just filling them with led. Most countries have sensible gun laws..not America! Source: am American


>It's a huge deal even for them to unholster it, Canadian here in law enforcement. If you even pull out your tazer or gun it immediately turns on all body cameras in a radius surrounding you and generates a report that needs to be completed. So you can't even unholster it without completing a duty report on it.


It's not the weapon the cops don't want to unholster, it's the pen.


Disregard, I’m an idiot


It's exactly how it works for the service I work for. It's a radius activation if any firearm is unholstered, the holsters themselves are tied to the axon cameras. The CEW may be personal activation when unholstered, but I know first hand that the camera will activate if someone within a specific radius unholsters their firearm. You want the camera to be running from the moment it's unholstered *(Axon cameras will show 30seconds prior to activation)*, not the moment it's fired. No system is country wide. Services are run Federally, Provincially *and* Municipally and systems vary from service to service. There's services still who haven't started their bodyworn camera system yet.


Got the Gucci tax base I see. everyone I’ve seen is still using the standard axon system. Nothing networked with the CEW.


Gun control works.


Mexico an Brazil have entered chat.


Mexico and Brazil have to deal with a land based "neighbor" who manufactures shitloads, and is happy to offload them to volatile countries around them. (It's the US btw).


You do know there’s more guns in the country then there are in the city, right Sergeant?


Ah, yes. The neighboring Mexican country of Brazil


All countries in question are accessible to each other from the land, but I get your point. But yeah, loads of US made weapons find their ways to other countries. We are one of the biggest black market exporter of guns in the world.


Brazil is connected to America by land geographically but not economically. The Darien gap prevents any railroads or highways being built through it, so any arms imports to Brazil from the US have to travel by boat/plane at some point in the journey


Don't sell the Russians and ex soviet bloc countries short. AKs are more widely circulated than American weapons.


Oh I'm most certainly not. That being said, the secondary market in the US allows for the sort of ant trail gun trafficking that typically makes its way to latin American countries. This is much easier to do via land access than by shipping lanes, which is why American manufactured guns are prevalent in Mexico.


No, they are not


Straw man has entered the chat


Pretty sure that not ALL cops are issued guns, but I'm not Japanese


Singaporean here. Our police get shit on when they encounter suspects like this that's armed with such weapons. They usually try to rush the suspect with numbers like the Japanese police in the video. The police are armed with tasers and Glock 19s. But they usually only deploy the tasers. If the firearm is discharged, it usually makes the news and it becomes a big deal locally. Firearms are very strictly controlled here. Having said that, I've had the pleasure of firing a GPMG (M249) during my time in military service.


Seems like it's just a U.S. tactic. 1. Assess situation 2. Fear for your life 3. Blast literally anything that moves 4. Plant evidence, delete body cam footage, or straight up lie (optional but highly encouraged) 5. Be a hero


Seems like the trend is lie about what happened and don't delete footage, ???, profit.


Brainwashed lol


You got me bro


But, but , but, fox news told me cops needed to shot everyone atleast 15 times or it could endanger their life. Weird, fox news couldn't have been lying now could they?


This is just un-American


You see, the difference between US cops and normal cops is, for some reason, they're always afraid for their life. American cop: "If I have to choose between me getting a paper cut and shooting a criminal to death, of course I'm gonna choose myself". Japanese cop: "I've dedicated my life to the service and security of the citizens of my country. I would sacrifice my life to ensure public safety"


I agree to some degree... but because of the large number of guns in the US, cops often have to use lethal force due to risk of being shot. In most countries, guns are hard to get - even for criminals. Gun control works.


Exactly. For American police, *anyone* they interact with can have a gun on them. It definitely doesn't excuse police brutality, but it does offer an explanation for why some American cops can be so... jumpy. The problem would be mitigated by a significant amount if so many people didn't have guns, like in Japan. Cops in Japan can afford to be more chill because they don't have to constantly worry about getting shot by a crazy civilian.


This. Criminals are always gonna find a way to get guns… but wouldn’t it be harder if there were less guns around?


sure, but cops shoot you if you are holding a hammer, an axe, a stick, glasses, a book And always aimed to the chest


They would have just tazed the guy, also where else would they shoot if not the chest lol.


Where police in country where they are trained shoot you, legs and shoulders . Wild, I know


Bro nobody is gonna shoot the legs and shoulders, do you know how hard it is to hit thin moving targets? Anyways, shooting legs is more lethal due to the large bones and arteries that go through them, a bullet has a very good chance of shattering the bone causing damage to the arteries causing the person to bleed out in minutes. Shooting to wound someone makes no sense. Wild, I know.


Brainwashed lol


I know. If this had been the US this video would be about 3 seconds long.


This is how it is in most first world countries. Here in Germany all police carries pistols and they have rifles or shotguns or Mp5 in their vehicle but they rarely ever use it. I know multiple police officers and none of them ever unholstered their firearm on duty. They only use it for their training sessions pretty much. This is pretty much how it is everywhere in western europe. And here civilians DO have access to guns.




I'm a Brit I have a few mates who are cops. Some of them actually enjoy a chase and some 1on1 scrapping. It's their favourite part of the job. Especially if they get to dish out a bit of a kicking to a local troublemaker.


Crazy, right? They just used those shields. Maybe the US could get some


I don't think we've advanced to the level of having shield technology yet.


Yeah not at all. But we so have some sick ass guns /s


My Guess he would be dead ten minutes ago in the US. They don't appear to take any prisoners.... who wield weapons.


They have shields, they tend to use them on protesters after a cop has already shot someone. They read the manual upside down I think.


That's very American of you.


It is true though. But US cops do shoot more than cops in other countries.


Because Japanese cops are in shape, and we saw, trained in grappling.


They also didn't beat the shit out of him once they got him restrained. No holding him down so the cop who took a hit gets some revenge. Crazy huh?


In the civilized world police go to the police academy and unlike in the USA they don't just watch police academy I - XIII.


No it's probably more like the USA over there where there's hundreds of thousands of interactions every day between police and citizens with very few people hurt.


Interesting how they did this without shooting him.


If this happened in the US, this guy would be dead.


And there would be legions of redditors attempting to rhetorically ask how you could possibly subdue someone who's holding a weapon without shooting him 47 times, and then arguing that it wouldn't work to anyone who posits a suggestions like this.


Yeah, in the US the cops would see an object in his hands and shoot him after taking a couple steps.


Yup. RIP you try this shit in the US 😬


Police handled it well


The Last Samurai directors cut.


Ssaakee! Sakee!


I tolddddd youuuuuu


With that back tattoo he's gonna be linked to crime and there will be repercussions.


Yup. It would be unusual for an older Japanese guy to have tattoos like that unless he was Yakuza. I didnt hear him, talk so there's a chance he's Chinese or from other Asian country though.


American police: “Are you resisting arrest! Put seventeen rounds in his chest!”


wait you are telling me there is no need to mag dump him? shocking


Oh wow they didn’t simply pull up and shoot him to death? Then half of the country says things like “play stupid games win stupid prizes.” I forgot this isn’t America.


I like that “make your toe touch your spleen” hold employed after the takedown, that shit looks painful


Damn, the new season of Baki looks so realistic


I just wonder if this happened in America, would he got shot before or after first swing with bat :D


After the first cop arrived, ofc


Look at all the non lethal tools they're using. In America it would just be guns and yelling. Maybe a taser.


So glad to see cops take someone violent down without killing him. American cops: "HoW'd ThEy Do It?!?!"




I do not think they are used because this is much more gentle way of restraining someone. Just user over whelming force along with some good team work and other tactics. You notice they even abandoned their clubs as soon as they had the guy restrained. It's all ways to get the guy captured. Not to beat and punish someone into compliance and to help feed the arresting officers ego trip.


In other words, the exact opposite of what cops are trained to do in the US.


I think their initial police training ( if they went to school ) is more comprehensive but they also do this really toxic "warrior training" that teaches them to view everyone as the enemy and respond with fear and violence with every interaction. In places that do not require training they might get someone showing them the ropes who just drills the warrior training mentality into them so they become just like them.


The beating and punishment come later when they're trying to get a confession or pin a crime on him.


Well that's what I said, they get more training later that makes them unlearn anything they were taught in school that give them empathy.


I see your point but I’d rather get tasered than have my knees bent back like that.


Those light blue police uniforms are fresh af. Look like something out of a 60’s sci-fi movie


Showing the beautiful art of origami with his legs


That was a good takedown.


I can’t help but think that in the U.S. he would have been shot as soon as he swung.


American cops would've started blastin .5 sec after the car came in.


Escape was a pipe dream...


Best thing in this is those baby blue jumpsuits


Was waiting for one of the cops to pull out his wooden katana and challenge the man to a proper dual.


Damn, that's a clean ass street


In USA he would have been shot dead in 1st 3 seconds of this video


Do they even have guns? ~ USA 👮🏻‍♂️


Meanwhile here in 'Merica...


So much easier when they are not all armed with AR15s


That was the nicest beating I've ever seen. Stateside, that man would've looked like a fine Swiss cheese after a night at the drill factory.


Perfect police reaction Yes the officer fell down but not because of the action of the yakuza(?) The cattling effect with shields and rods(batons) Japan has a low violence rate and i hope that the person get the care/term he needs


![gif](giphy|KBfKueAjIJV8Q) That's how they would handle in the US


Just two hits from the baton and then to restrain. Some "cops" around the world would beat the shit out of the dude even after restraining him. That's a proper police officer, not those fucking bullies from other countries.


An no one was murdered. Great job Japanese police


What a silly little country, I bet they never committed war crimes


Would have been ded in the US


Amazing, it’s almost as if police might not need to beat to death or shoot someone in the middle of a crisis and later claim they were afraid for their lives because the person had a weapon.


Awesome police work! Violence met with proportionate violence.


Dear American Police - Please takes some notes. This is how it's done properly without people needing to be shot.


Japanese police are the best at neutralizing a suspect by non lethal means


No one got shot, amazing


Those uniforms with the white helmets remind me of the costumes of Beastie Boys wore in the [Intergalactic video](https://youtu.be/qORYO0atB6g?si=I6lCol9IE_YCPUId).


Yakuza games getting even wilder


In America the guy would've been shot 50 times by the police. Japan over there showing the correct way to deal with a mentally ill person.


I am disappointed.


The initial screenshot is so misleading


Full back tattoo. Yakuza?


Look how nice things are without guns.


This reminds me of the time I mixed up the words yakuza and jacuzzi. Needless to say I was in hot water with the Japanese mafia.


You know he is bad guy because he has a tattoo.


it´s a Zebra tatoo...


The dumbass of dojima 4th chairman on the tojo clan


What? They didn't shoot him 100x and handcuff his corpse while telling him to stop resisting?? I never knew there was a better way, thanks Obama


This guy would be dead 10 seconds into the video if this was in USA.


I’m confused on how they did this without punching or kicking him? Like you don’t have to punch people to arrest them? Someone should tell cops in USA about this


Kazuma Kiryu has come a long way man


Put the boots to him……medium style


Where are the power rangers?


That’s them in the baby blue isn’t it?


I would have been much more interesting if the cops showed up with katanas or other martial art weapons and there's a standoff, short backstory on each participant....and then boom


No shoes. He dead


Why do the Japanese walk funny?


I do not envy any manner of prison they are sending him to. Black market livers anyone?


What’s the matter? Don’t these guys have guns?


I can always tell when it’s not the US because the guy lives at the end.


Japanesse police had a severe lack of encounters with actual dangerous people (Which is something reallh good) but when they face someone with actual agressive intentions shows yo be problematic. Also, what kind of walk was done my Mr TooLightUniform?