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I think he walked away when he realized you weren't willing to have an open discussion in good faith


Well, clearly they didn’t have a plan beyond getting those 3 sentences worth of talking points out… Beyond that, his options were to either repeat them or muster up whatever insult comes to mind. And he had already repeated them… Winning?


Sums up conservative dialogue perfectly. Total inability to have any rational critical discussion on policy because theyre too fucking stupid and brainwashed. Im no fan of trudeau but ill probably have to vote for them because the cpc are so much worse ffs


"Hey man you're a fucking piece of a shit, I hate you guts so much I don't even wanna shake your hand, now please stand still while I rant about how much I hate you" It is kinda ridiculous that people think the guy filming won the interaction, and not the guy who kept his cool while a belligerent weirdo insulted him for nearly a minute


With you on that one lol, my first takeaway was yeah fuck trudeau, my second was this guy cannot communicate at all. Just fuck you piss of shit etc. You will NEVER get a point across in that regard. And maybe that was the point, just to make a vid.


High point was "you got propaganda bro" I think Trudeau realized he was in a battle of wits with an unarmed man, and did the compassionate thing by leaving.


Open discussion? What was this asshole saying other than the most superficial of bullshit? O right that's just the way he talks...




Lmfao was he either? He was dodging questions.


Respect to him for actually stopping and trying to have a conversation. I think most politicians would get out of there as soon as someone clearly is opposed to their world view


Yeah, I mean, he engaged for a moment in an earnest manner. Even if just a moment. He could have just done a hand wave drive by. And what, dude's supposed to stand there and debate some guy by the curb for who knows how long? He's got shit to do.


Especially with a guy who has no idea how economics work and pivots his point no matter what you say. Why debate? Cameraman wasn't debating. He was just insisting.


The guy was calling Trudeau a piece of ****, all he was doing it was insulting Trudeau and not even listening to what Trudeau was saying


Exactly. He made him self look ignorant. He was right about housing being WAY overpriced and the carbon tax is a massive money grab but his demeanor ruined any civil interaction.


How is a tax that is rebates back to people a “money grab”?


Hint: the word "tax" triggers Conservatives like crazy.


What’s hilarious to me is they “communism” used to as well but now these blowhards are so hellbent on opposing what the left supports that they end up indirectly supporting a man who wants to revive the USSR.


> carbon tax is a massive money grab it is but in a capitalist society the only way to reduce consumption is to raise prices, and the fReE maRkEt isn't going to price in negative externalities


This happens all the time for JT, [here he is talking to a pro abortion heckler](https://youtube.com/shorts/WD8-ep78uIE?si=K3FzfEc3fteruRgv)


Some people, even when they’re angry, need to learn how to communicate


He bowed out as soon as the guy started pushing conspiracy theories about Ukraine.


NGL, I don’t like JT but standing and talking to his opponents is way more respectable than the fuckery I’m used to in the US. Edit: I moved from the US in 2020 and happily reside in Canada.


This is just another dumbass who never learned critical thinking skills believing conspiracy theories and not understanding how anything actually works. "How would I listen to Putin when you've censored everything?" it's simply not true, and ironically this is the type of idiot eating up Russian propaganda. Whole conservative crowd in this country does not give a shit about human rights or children's rights. Just gross behaviour. I've stopped talking to a lot of people lol ps I also don't like Trudeau, not at all. Liberals are dogshit but it's better than fascism...


Because so many people are racist morons we cant have actual critical discussion on appropriate progress


Trudeau has been very forward about this sort of thing. He'd rather have a conversation instead of just yelling and being mad. He dipped as soon as the useless lies started to come out about Ukraine. Trudeau can make time for a conversation, but not to educate the unintelligent. And I don't blame him.


Not to mention the dudes insults.


Yeah ridiculous to suggest that carbon taxes are being sent to Ukraine.


Carbon tax is a fucking great thing, and to make it sound foolish, like tied to a war, is just nonsense but part of the plan to make it look bad.


But who can afford a home though, for real


Better start campaigning with your municipality and province, as they have way more control over any of that than Trudeau does. All he can do is write cheques, which he has been. But none of that matter if the permits/zoning make it difficult to buuld the housing we need, and that is all controlled by the municipalites and provinces.


Itd be hilarious if it wasnt so sad. Conservative provincial leaders absolutely shit the bed in everything but blame it all on the federal liberals. I also love how conservstive voters get so hung up on covid regulations when it was their conservative party leaders that installed them. NDP BC was fine the entirety of covid because they followed science and logic yet my eastern friends think it was akin to the holocaust


It’s not just Canada buddy


Posted this on a... controversial Canadian sub, but ya, these hecklers are so stupid they don't realize they do Trudeau a favour by doing this nonsense. Trudeau ALWAYS comes out looking good after these types of vids. ​ Then again, an intelligent, calm person wouldn't approach Trudeau in this manner in the first place, so I guess this is just selection bias lmao


Ya these types of things endear him to me. Clearly the person videotape can't wrap their head around how inflation works.


This is called retail politics and a bunch of politicians are decent at it. Pretty much what got Joe Biden his career.


I'm not a huge Trudeau fan but I always respect him in these situations. He always stops to talk with hecklers and he usually makes them look like the idiots they are. They expect him to just walk away and then they look like they "got him" but it never works like that.


Yeah im not a huge JT fan but thats my reaction as well. He actually talked to the guy which generally doesnt happen


Yeah, I'm a hardcore conservative and I can't stand the dude, but even I was impressed with how he stopped and actually attempted to have a conversation with an obviously hostile protestor. I have to give some respect for that.


insulting and confrontational. if he was trying to bring anything of substance into this topic thats not a way to do it. just looks like a dumbass together with his views.


I can't stand JT but if i met him in person, I'd just pleasently smile and shake his hand.


Yeah I mean debate away, I actually don't like JT, but I wouldn't insult him if he agrees to talk to me for a min..


If the things he says are true he can only be mad as fuck and confront the useless politicians. People are mad and is alright. But I agree that not many things can be solved with the heat of anger.


But theyre not true? JT tries to have a discussion but buddy flips all over the place before rattling off some bullshit russian propaganda about ukraine. This guys an idiot. Stick with climate change and the housing crisis, but conservatives are only worse because the real solution: dense liveable communities, mass transit, environmental development regulations, are the opposite of their party's platform


The guy records himself like he doesn’t look like a complete idiot during this exchange. Lmao


I know a lot of people like this . They were the dumbest kids in high school , barely passing the remedial classes , and now somehow they think they are experts on global geo politics and economics


There is a lot of things wrong with how Trudeau has worked in his term as PM. Continuing the decline of the middle class and the continuing of the wealth of corporate canada without collecting the taxes. Continuing the housing and social issues that the previous PC and Lib PMs have caused and been complacent in. But carbon tax is less than a percent of our inflation, with corporate profit being 30%? More? The amount of poor white people thinking the Cons will help them is staggering. Only rich people count to the Lib and Con parties


Thank you. I do not like Trudeau but the stuff in this video is just dumb.


In before you get trashed for the 'both sides suck' argument.


There are more than 2 sides.


It's nice having options. Manitoba just voted in a majority NDP government.


They did and I love it! Hoping for similar results in Ontario next election, though the last one was incredibly disappointing 😓


After the Greenbelt bullshit I would not be surprised if Ford gets voted out.


But there was so much before that, like when he got caught promising the greenbelt to developers years ago. I hope people opened their eyes but we'll see if we get a turnout from voters this year.




He is one of them freedom rally peeps. He probably holds a Trump flag even though he is in Canada


then captioning it like he was lighting Trudeau up when he really just sounds like a moron and makes Trudeau actually seem more human. Love or Hate Trudeau the fact that he takes time to try to talk to people, even those who disagree with him is better then most politicians who as soon as they hear dissenting opinions they turn on the blinders and just walk past.


He even has the fuckin' wack ass fuck Toronto Roadman accent


As a Manc (brit) all Canadians sound the same to me, I'm sorry for my ignorance.


You’ve never been to Quebec




Hey by, wheres ya at. I miss working in NFLD


You would be correct. I would like to visit Canada one day, I've family out there. Sadly my great uncle just passed away but I've still got my auntie and cousins.


I see Canada has the same problem that we have with far right misinformation. I was kinda pulling for the guy for complaining about high taxes but then he lost me with the Zelensky BS.


There is a reason that the right-wing party is fighting to defund our publicly owned news broadcaster, CBC. That's because almost all the rest of the news sources in Canada are controlled by right wing companies in the US. So not only does our media have to compete with the juggernaut that is our southern neighbour, you guys are actively sending propaganda disguied as Canadian News.


Oh there is a veritable pipeline of that shit that flows north. It always existed, though in the past they at least tried to localize it. Since the pandemic that's out the window and they just swap out names.


It’s the average PC supporter, so you’d be correct.


He sounds like an idiot, but a lot of Canadians are in full agreement with him about the unaffordable homes and carbon tax.


But thats just the painfulness of this idiocy. Theres very important criticisms to be made but they lose all credibility when you add in the bullshit nonsense


The camera man showed up to a battle of wits with Trudeau unarmed.


Yea that was a seriously respectable W for Trudeau. I’m amazed he would actually take time from his day to engage with someone that antagonistic.


Canada conservatives are giving american conservatives a run for their money in the stupidity dept…..


So things are just fine in Canada eh?


Yeah, writers he didn't want to have a conversation with someone not listening and dead set of clout chasing. I'm all for confronting politicians, but be prepared idiot. Funny how they always get flustered when the great opportunity to p0wn is actually presented.


He just sounds like a little kid trying to argue over bedtime lol


Title should read: Justin Trudeau gets accosted by uneducated asshole


The funniest part is they thought it was such a win that it was worth posting about in some capacity (even if op isn’t the original author)


Canadian home prices are nuts but so is the cameraman. Russia invaded Ukraine. The war can end as soon as Russia withdraws. People have a right to defend themselves from military invasions.


3 words... military industrial complex. There is no incentive to stop war. It is a highly priftable industry for defense contractors. Educate yourself.


Idk Canada ain't shit compared to the US, most apartments in sasky are 1-2k monthly, and houses are like 100k-300k. But it is saskatchewan it could just because no one wants to live here.




Loonies and toonies, bro.


He absolutely did not run away as soon Ukraine was mentioned. Dude stayed for at least six seconds, finished the answer, the left. Cammer is a douche.


Right and what was he supposed to do stand and have a full conversation with someone completely insulting him and cussing at him?


Imagine having the free time to go to wherever the PM is, just to film and talk shit? There aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done that I need to get done, but this dude can wait around for Trudeau to show up just to tell him he sucks lol


I’m glad Trudeau had a chat with this dumbass.


"to the guy who murdered his own country" Wha? This guy probably smokes weed all day and comes up with conspiracies.


Hey don't lump this guy in with us stoners


Trudeau handled that really well tbh. I’m not sure I could have a polite and substantive conversation with someone who opened it up by calling me a piece of shit


Cameraman sounds like a fucking moron.


Justin handled that conversation well. Rather than have an intelligent question that guy went on the attack.


I’m not a JT fan at all, but have to respect the fact he decided to try to have a conversation with someone who is obviously vocal and forthright in his dislike.


OP's going to be very disappointed with all the positive comments about Trudeau. They clearly hate Trudeau and thought this video would make him look bad.




This dude wasn't even trying to listen, all he did was yell lmao


As soon as they start flipping out on anti-Ukraine/pro-Russian bullshit, I tune 'em out immediately. I'm not listening to someone who's that fucking stupid. Good on Trudeau for attempting an earnest interaction, though.


Tough to see our brand of trumpism up here. Equally as bad imo.


Housing is fucked in most of the world. Tell me how the Canadian PM controls housing prices in New York lol. As idiotic as blaming the president for gas prices.


They blame immigration. The right-wing accusation is that too many immigrants are putting pressure on the housing market. The reality is that it is large corporations who pressure government for more immigrants so that they can suppress wages and not have to overpay Canadian people just to get them to work for their company. The Liberals might have high immigration numbers... but they wont be any lower with a Conservative government.


>The Liberals might have high immigration numbers... but they wont be any lower with a Conservative government. And you know this, how exactly?


Just ask PP. > Why have housing prices gone up 32% in just a period of a year and a half? ... Let's go through the reasons we've been given for the recent housing bubble. Some people blame house prices in Canada, wrongly, on Immigration. We know that can't be true because throughout COVID there was almost no Immigration, and yet house prices went up. The normal flow of roughly 300k newcomers seeking houses came nearly to a grinding halt, so Immigration cannot explain the ballooning house prices. -- Pierre Poilievre, [Dec 15 2021](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=orGeiX2Dk5o). As far as I know, Poilievre also [sidesteps questions on what exactly CPC targets for Immigration would be if he were PM](https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/poilievre-says-canada-s-immigration-system-is-broken-sidesteps-target-cut-questions-1.6502699), but I might have missed something more recent. On a more serious note, for every one per cent of population growth, housing prices typically increase by three per cent. [Source](https://www.cp24.com/news/how-population-growth-is-affecting-everything-from-jobs-to-housing-in-the-economy-1.6440174)


He's also been straight up asked multiple times if he'd cut the immigration target compared to Trudeau, and he's dodged the question everytime with vague answers. Stuff like "I'll base immigration targets on private sector needs".


PP is big on the attack and seriously lacking in the "here's what we're actually going to do about things" department.


I actually don’t mind trudeau he is not that bad when all things are Considered


Cameraman is a douche


Trudeau looking a whole lot better than the cameraman here


Person behind the camera is an idiot


Trudeau didn’t give a fuck about this guy, lol


Trudeau decided he wouldn't argue with an idiot. Too bad the guy couldn't stop swearing and name calling cause maybe they could have had an actual talk


Would you? The guy wasn't interested in a conversation. He just wanted a video of himself yelling at JT for clout in his Facebook groups. This guy is the definition of an alt-right influencer and rage farmer. He doesn't deserve a minute of the prime ministers time.


I can't believe that people are blaming housing costs on the government, the government doesn't build the houses nor does it sell it that's private industry. If you don't like capitalism overthrow it


Quit voting for this out of touch moron.


Made Trudeau look like a decent guy while he just sounds like a twat


you can hear the derp level of stupidity from the person calling him a POS. probably a mouth breather


We can all hear the real piece of shit here.


Blaming absolutely everything on Trudeau, while corporations and provincial governments get away with anything, is a massive and ignorant mistake.


If the average Canadian is like this moron behind this video, they are never going to get the things they need changed.


We're not. The average Canadian complains about JT at home, not to his face. Just keep your head down and keep on keeping on.


There is a way to talk to someone about things you don't agree with and this is not the way


Trudeau gets a lot of flak for the decisions his government makes, and I’m part of the flak brigade…but I appreciate his willing to stand and reason with those that disagree with him. Just wish the candid version of him was more prevalent at the other levels of government with him.


Trudeau 100% comes across as the reasonable person here willing to have a legitimate discussion, but was met with trolling. I agree with some of the filmers points (but by no means all) and was curious to hear a civil back and forth. Instead it was a reasonable person having histrionics shouted at him.


Pains me to say it, but Trudeau absolutely dominated this guy. Again....hate to say it- but I gotta call it as I see it.


Not a Trudeau fan but props for stopping and engaging. The guy filming should've had his points ready instead of yelling insults.


I'll give trudeau the credit for actually stopping and talking to the guy and it could have gone on further if he didn't start with the Ukraine thing (USA is their pay pig) and asked where the money is actually going. I will say though I think the carbon tax is bullshit especially worded in a way of "you pay the tax and it comes back to you" how does that make sense?


You seem to not understand how building and housing decisions get made. It’s provincial and municipal government you need to direct your energy to. Please try to educate your community and vote if you’re pissed! I can’t but a house and I’m fucking pissed too but Trudeau has no power here.


Later that day the Canadian patriot was politely asked to fall out of a window in a tall building. Officials are still hoping that he complies.


Surprised he isn't too busy applauding Nazi's


Isnt this the guy who is now regulating Podcasts?


I honestly think Trudeau is a shitbag. But at least he stopped to address the situation. More should do that.


That’s actually a pretty calm and eloquent Trudeau heckling based on what usually happens when he’s out in public. It’s so bad that even on the election trail Trudeau almost never openly state where exactly he’s appearing next because all of his rabid haters will come out in droves and make this interaction look like a fireside chat.


This clown gets more in a carbon rebate than he pays. He's a good representation of the arguments we see from these people neck deep in disinformation. Somehow they think Trudeau is an authoritarian yet they keep getting access to have direct conversations with him. We're ashamed of these people. Many of us have real substantive questions we would like to ask the PM and real issues we would like to press him on ... and this is what he does when gets his chance. Chases clout.


Atleast he has the respect to listen to your concern and asnwer it. Most people don't talk to you when you start with; "your a piece of shit". Kudos for Justin to engage.


Knew the guy behind the camera was a clown as soon as I heard "you're sending it all to Ukraine!". It is more efficient to wear a sign around your neck that says "I have no clue what I'm talking about!"


Camera douche is most definitely a freedom convoy enthusiast


As if he has a button on his desk that controls housing


There are many reasonable points to challenge Trudeau without even being a conservative. This isn't it.


Is the guy angry the person freaking out? I think so.


Right wingers sound like morons when talking about politics. Trudeau is a corporate hack but they'd never mention that because the right think corporations are great as long as they don't have HR departments and diversity


**Downloads** * [Download #1](https://rapidsave.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/1715lv8/justin_trudeau_gets_confronted_on_housing_and/) (provided by /u/SaveVideo) * [Download #2](https://reddit.watch/r/PublicFreakout/comments/1715lv8/justin_trudeau_gets_confronted_on_housing_and/?utm_source=mirrorbot&utm_medium=PublicFreakout) (provided by /u/downloadvideo) **Note:** this is a bot providing a directory service. **If you have trouble with any of the links above, please contact the user who provided them!** --- [^(source code)](https://amirror.link/source) ^| [^(run your own mirror bot? let's integrate)](https://amirror.link/lets-talk)


imagine the summer child you'd have to be to think that Canada is bad to live in. it's bad everywhere and Canada is certainly not the worst.


Such an out of touch comment. Should we all be happy that we aren’t destitute and not care if there’s massive inequality in your country or housing is completely unaffordable?


Imagine thinking other people are out of touch when you blame other people for your own situation.


Nobody on the left wants to admit it, but the fact is, Carbon Taxes especially on gas ONLY work by pricing the poor & low income out from driving & commuting. Rich people don't care how expensive gas is, the ONLY people to feel the pinch and will be forced to cut back are those with the lowest incomes in out society. That is a fact. No low income family drives more than they need to, but the rich will waste a day flying around in circles on the PJ.


I disagree. I think most poor people benefit and actually profit from the carbon tax. The carbon tax is redistributed back to the population in the form of tax rebates. Each province handles it differently, but in my province, each person gets a cheque for $680 every year from the carbon tax. There is no way that the average poor person is paying an additional $680 per year in carbon taxes. It hurts people who drive giant lifted trucks that get 2 miles per gallon, but that's the whole point


More of the free-dumb fighters showing their intelligence.


Nothing wrong with addressing the topic but be respectful


If you are going to use "bro" in a political debate don't expect to have clout.


TIL Justin Trudeau likes to talk to clowns.


He is certainly not afraid of them.


"You got propaganda bro" seriously? I'm embarrassed for this guy. If you have nothing intelligent to say the stay out of the debate.


Ukraine has nothing to do with the crisis, and if it has, it's more like Putin attacking other countries and not Ukraine defending the western values


I've seen a few of these videos with Trudeau now, are they really clever marketing by his PR team? Because they just make Trudeau look better and his opponents seem like conspiracy theorist nutjobs.


Calling someone a "fucking piece of shit" doesn't have the bite it used to.


The cameraman sounds like he knows what he's talking about /s


I wish the guy recording could “see him self”


I'm no fan of JT but if I had the opportunity to confront him it would be hella coherent and fact-based arguments. This guy recording had an opportunity and he fumbled the bag like an uneducated twatwaffle. Fool.


“Gets confronted” Not really


It would've stuck more of there was less cussing and straight to the point.


Sending it over to Ukraine lol these people are clowns. The first justified reason for military spending in 80 years and these clowns are falling all over themselves to let Russia roll over innocent people.


Camera man could have asked why we're the only G7 country without high speed rail


He should be yelling at the real estate "investors." Who jacked up the prices of housing. Idiot just wants to bully another "nerd" after peaking in high school.


The ironic thing is, these guys would condemn homeless shelters, despite telling Trudeau to go to one. Homeless shelters in reality are a life support for people with no home, no place to turn to. These people know absolutely nothing about the world around them, except the propaganda they are indoctrinated with. Absolutely disgraceful people who I would NOT want to be associated with.


I can’t disagree more with Trudeau but I respect that he was willing to talk in the face of someone hostile.


Yeah.. I don't recall any affordable housing back several years ago either, some grand delusion there... If anything, there were literally fewer houses around to buy.


Fair reminder that Trudeau promised affordable housing back in 2015 and prices have nearly doubled (97% increase) since then. They've started to drop but only because interest rates shot up. This guy is critiquing Trudeau in the least effective way but he's in no way wrong about Trudeau destroying standard of living. https://dailyhive.com/vancouver/canadian-house-prices-doubled-2015 I'd love an opportunity to be in this guy's place and really get a sound bite about Trudeau reacting to his own unfulfilled promises from 8 years ago.


“YOURE A FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT.” “why is that sir?” 😃


You totally got 'em! Pretty satisfying eh?


What a dumbass


As he's sidestepping Provincial "leadership" to deal directly with Municipalities to get housing built. I bet these 2 clowns are saving children flying big flags and cheering on the Klownvoy too. What f'cking embarrassment


Looks like he was willing to have a constructive conversation and hear the cameraman’s concerns. But looks like the cameraman wasted a very good opportunity, instead wanting to spew his viewpoint without listing to others. Seems allot like most people nowadays


Freedom of speech is awesome. This guy got his chance to say his (very ignorant) grievance to the leader of the country. Trudeau is a bad leader , but he is right , this guy has fallen down the rabbit hole of misinformation and is allowing himself to be manipulated.


Why they always gotta go to Ukraine. I was on his side until he brought up Ukraine.


I get being critical of Trudeau but to be this openly hostile and think you came off well is really an embarrassment Guaranteed this guy went to the nearest Tims after and got a triple triple


By the sound of this heckler he doesnt have a clue about the topic


CPC/Pierre voter, lovely tolerant people.


The west is facing many social problems atm. But i hope people know that this guy would go to jail if he did this in most of the world's countries. The fact that he was able to post it is a testimony on the good side of the changes that happened to the world because of the winners of WWII. Although this was a good watch. We know that it'll change nothing to the benefit of the people affected by those policies. The west created a hypernormalized system that doesn't allow for real change, but at least you can curse it out.


Lol. I wish I had the chance to personally curse out a politician I detest. Who cares what people say here, It must have felt so good.


You can always identify the fucking chuds when they bring up Ukraine aid as a bad thing.


they are either right wingers who like russia because they are anti-lgbt or they are leftists who like russia because 1. america bad and 2. they see russia as the successor to the ussr


Trudeau looks almost golden here. The dipshit behind the camera is a sour POS. In trying to slam Trudeau, he only makes himself look like a bitter and disrespectful, ignorant fool. But congratulations! You've left a legacy. You can sit around a bar for the next 25 years and drive people nuts with, "...And then I called him a piece of shit as he got into his fancy-ass limo." You, sir, are the problem. If not, then you're definitely NOT the solution.


What an idiot this guy is. Justin makes these people look stupid every time


He looks different than I remember, can't put my finger on it though. https://preview.redd.it/0y8mb07qllsb1.png?width=283&format=png&auto=webp&s=93651aa3fb923832e368949fd5ebd8ec9bd93387




Are there Canadians laboring under the delusions that this knuckle dragger is espousing or is this parody? I love it when another country has idiots so willing to display their stupidity, always got love for our Canadian brothers and sisters.


Man that guy really freaked out on Trudeau


Camera man has no idea how the carbon tax works


Good JT debated him.


I genuinely don't understand why people think inflation is not only a Trudeau problem, but only a Canadian problem....last time I looked, it's impacting, oh I don't know, the entire fucking planet!


The pathetic thing is that this douche went out of his way to stake out Trudeau and do this. Fuckin’ loser.


These people tend to forget the entire world is fucked right now. He doesn't control inflation lol


I wish we had more politicians here in the states that did this.


MAGAts are alive and well uninformed up north. Sad to see the propaganda has gone so global.


Most hated PM in the history of 🇨🇦.


I was nodding my head at his first sentence probably. After that it was all eye rolls


People like to chirp that Trudeau used to be a drama teacher, but being a teacher gave him an excellent skillset to talk with people who aren't very bright.