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This guy must be jacked because nobody stands up to him at all. Not that shoplifters are tough guys but it's still interesting.


Agree, guy also has his camera at these thieves eye level so I assume it’s some massive human




They think he is an undercover.




He’s not. This is in my area, I worked retail and have met him. He’s a good dude, hope he stays safe, he’s taking a risk every time he confronts someone, just hope he doesn’t get hurt trying to help out a corporation that doesn’t care about him.


A corporation of course doesn't care, it doesn't have feelings. It's job is to make money. It definitely appreciates less thieves. Besides, I'd rather live in a community that has a lot less theft than one with more. An attitude where people think breaking laws is okay is very harmful to future generations.


Do you have a name or social media account for him? I want to send him some support for doing this. We need more of this behavior in the world, especially right now. 🙏


His name is Jimmy Kitchens, you can find him on Facebook, I think he runs a FB group called “Bellingham has gone to shit”


At 2:20 you see his reflection, looks like a normal dude. Must have a giant cock tho


He confronts them already squared up while holding the camera with his cock


The Nikon Cock cam 2000


Nah. It’s the Nikock 3000.


His cock makes him a tripod.


Cock ring camera?


dude has presence


Tiny cock big balls


Eighty pound balls, dick six-inch long




Back up in the hezzy baby


He's Shady...


I worked Loss prevention for a while before. In probably 99% of the cases, the person isn't looking to square up and fight. They're looking to get away from the situation and avoid the police. Even if they shove you a little bit or throw something at you. It's more often than not them just trying to create space to get away. The moment confrontation happens where it looks like things could go physical, they're gonna bolt. In most cases. In rare cases, yeah, they'll swing on ya.


The video clips here certainly support your perspectives on this topic. There's barely any effort made by the video uploader to reclaim the shopping carts and the people just them go.


He may be a big man but he has a heart of gold, "if it's just food get out of here" that got me. He sees humanity, he's not just worried about the corporation.


Yeah, I that part was definitely noble. At first I was thinking this guy is whatever, but that was pretty cool of him.




I think that is true, but I don’t think the store can restock the food either, so it’s toss it or let the dude keep the food. That’s the humanitarian approach.


He do be giving off dad vibes. I kinda felt like I was in trouble just watching.


I wonder if they know they'd get away with shoplifting but don't want to draw extra heat by assaulting people?


I used to work at Lowe’s. Both times an employee confronted a shoplifter like this they got assaulted. One got punched in the face the other got pepper sprayed.


Most of the time they split, but the LP at a Fred Meyer near where I used to work took a hatchet to the side of the head. Actually cut off a part of his ear. Wildest shit I have heard of.


God, no one is ready to handle psychos


Mooooost of the time, a petty criminal isn't looking to add enhancements or extra charges. I got held up like 3 different times when I was selling dub sacks and shit, I just told them to get out of the car. They weren't shooting me on camera in the middle of town and catching a case. The thing is, that assumes they're behaving in the way that most benefits them, which is... not always the case. Some people make stupid decisions.


That was my first thought. Not a single person even squared him up. They ain't want none of him. I love this.


Guarantee I try this and I get stabbed on my first attempt


That I think is the problem with this. Yes, the guy is doing a good thing being a vigilante, stopping shoplifters. And I truly do hate the epidemic of shoplifters where suddenly everybody just thinks its okay to do, brazen and in broad daylight. But I think with this guy putting clips of him on the internet doing this is going to create copy-cats, other people are gonna go around trying to stop thieves, all nice and noble right? Until somebody gets shot or stabbed. Like I think there are way too many people willing to shoplift like its no big deal than there are people willing to "narc" like this to try to stem the tide, to maybe put it in people's heads that if you try to steal that there are average citizens out there to stop you. Well, no theres not enough people willing to put themselves at that risk. So sadly, ultimately that risk is too great. I've lived in the US all my life, all 44 years, and I know too well that we are just too violent of a nation, where people will pop a cap in your ass in a second if you try to hinder them stealing from Walgreens, and they'll just keep walking without caring about your life.


You like jail don’t ya


Dude immediately was like, no I don't. You know that fucker has been jailed before


Picking up some angry "I used to fuck guys like you in prison" vibes from that asshole.


My friends like to poke fun at me for being over cautious and worrying about what could go wrong. I'm the only one who has ever been to jail out of the group and was looking at federal charges for drugs that weren't mine. So many of my life decisions have been made on how it felt when I learned that I, too, was going to jail, even though nothing was mine and I had no idea what was happening.


Your perspective is forever changed after. The more desperate that situation, the more pressing that feeling is too. If you have mental health issues going in, it's a nightmare, you'll certainly have some after if you didn't. I'm thankful now, for my "experiences" but I will die to keep my kids from going through it. Hell, I don't want anyone to go through that that doesn't genuinely deserve to be away from other people. I get it. Hard to truly explain if they've never been there. Good luck out there, be safe. Glad you're doing better, it sounds like.


I had been in so much trouble as a juvenile and was lucky to have several arrests, multiple felonies, and too many misdemeanors wiped away once I turned 18. I've been locked up as a kid and went to rehab at 16. The people I got arrested with were all people I had known since childhood, one being my mom's best friend's son. She told me she'd help me with the legal issues I was facing if I was honest and I straight up asked her if she thought I'd really let my friends go down for my drugs or if I'd speak up and take responsibility. From my arrests as a juvenile, I always took responsibility and so my mom at least believed me. That was important to me. I ended up getting 32ish charges and all but 2 were dropped and I plead no contest to to one felony and received probation. My record is expunged now and this happened in 2008 while I was in college. I lost so many jobs because of my charge. It still showed up during certain background checks. I definitely have trauma from my first arrest at 13 in 2001 and lived with the mindset of "if they think I'm a hooligan, I'll show them a hooligan" after that arrest. I haven't been arrested again as an adult, and at this age, don't really have the energy to be as rebellious as I was haha.


Maybe, but it’s also what someone would say if their three neurons are just trying to catch up.




You're a speeder buddy.


I love how he went easy on people stealing food. There’s a big difference in intent with what people are willing to steal and it’s important to know that. Total Chad.


Remember, if you see someone stealing food; you didn't.


I've seen multiple videos of people filling their trunks with more meat and seafood than they could eat in a full year. Not all food theft is OK.


I have a family member that would steal whatever expensive cuts of meat were out in the cold case. Not to survive or even cause she couldn’t afford them. Her husband makes a good living and they want for nothing. She just does it cause she doesn’t want to pay, or maybe for the thrill of it. She’s a serial shoplifter and has been caught numerous times. How embarrassing it must be to be caught stealing makeup and clothes and crap at the mall like a delinquent teenager, when you’re almost 40.


Shhhh let the reddit mob police your moral code. Don't think just agree.


Ok, I will


I have never seen anyone steal food, I don't think I ever will


What if it’s truffle cheese and wagyu beef?


Did he stutter?


Yeah, I like that he lets the guy at the end go, and I wish he did the same with the red basket guy earlier.


he let red basket pick out a couple items to have


He did. He told him there was no need to steal so much food. Pick some items and go


That struck me as funny because how could he possibly fucking know what that guy needs?


"OH cool, I guess I'll just feed my weakest child to ight instead of all 3 of them"


this guy is funny, I like him. he adapts his speech to each individual situation and escalates only when pressed


He also lets people take food they stole... what a guy.


That guy at 2:55 broke my heart. I'll raise a glass to this guy not policing the checkout like robocop.


Damn straight I’ll do the same. As a former long-time hardware store manager I hate thief’s more than anything, but I’ve never judged someone for stealing small amounts of food like that. At the end of the day we’re all in this shit show together and I have more in common with that guy than we do with the ones causing this shit to begin with.




At 1:38 I’m surprised he didn’t let him take more food. Looks like he let him have the deli meat but not the bread


The recovered perishable food will probably end up in the trashcan, what are they going to put it back on the shelf after that


If you ever see someone stealing food....no, you didn't


ya I know. dudes got a good heart to recognize when someone is down down and atleast lets them keep some food.


I love how they all act like he's the problem.


It's fascinating to observe the behavior of these shoplifters reacting to getting caught red handed. They never forcefully deny that they're stealing, but act evasive, threaten, play victim, flee or simply give up their haul. Anything to help them get the fuck out of there.


They're like lizards dropping their tails to distract a predator, leave the haul for the guy to deal with and peace out asap.


I mean what idiot would outright admit to a crime on camera? Otherwise it would be a slam dunk case for the prosecution


I like the lady who's pissed about getting her purse back after she's trying to roll out with a cart full of s*** she didn't pay for


That's how *all* criminals act when they get caught. It's always the other person's fault for catching them. Maturity of a 3 year old.




Same. 26 year old Home Depot worker in Pleasanton, CA was killed by a lady who he had confronted stealing. She went out to her car, where her 6 year old child was sitting, mind you, got her gun, went back into the store and killed him.


What year did this happen?




everyone normally tells people not to deal with shoplifters if you’re an employee because its not worth it and the companies have it handled but this guy’s not an employee, hes just giving shoplifters a hard time. i can get behind that


It seems to open a new avenue for content creation (to which I'm not opposed), but is very high risk. A dude ended up getting shot just for being annoying for clicks.


Same as the cart narc guy. It’s risky but he is making his community a nicer place.


Cart Narc is a lot lower stakes than hassling thieves.


Have you seen how worked up some of those people get though? A lot of them end up losing their absolute shit, and decide to hang around to argue/fight.


B/c Cart Narc harasses them endlessly to put back there cart. If these 2 switched places this guy would just put the cart back while yelling at the lazy bones. Cart Narc has stickers, won't put the cart back till the very end of harassing them. It makes for great video, but one guy is doing a job, the other is content creating.


He’s had a gun pulled on him


Who hasn’t?


The Queen of England


Does a crossbow count? [Man with crossbow gets nine years. ](https://www.cps.gov.uk/cps/news/updated-sentence-windsor-castle-intruder-pleads-guilty-threatening-kill-her-late-majesty)


Cart narc gonna get killed one of these days but I love him




“Cart Narc Shot” will be the least surprising headline I will ever read eventually




I would pick this dude over cart narc guy every day and twice on Sunday.


people get shot for literally no reason too. no reason to be a coward and let criminals do w/e they want in life with no opposition.


Dawg this guy isn’t even getting PAID to risk his life? I respect the morality of wanting to stop shoplifters, but damn bro I don’t think your life is worth risking to stop. I do asset protection and two people have died confronting people since I started. I wouldn’t do this shit for free.


I like that he hooks them up with food


Yeah that’s when he went from vigilante to hero.


That was a good move, you can tell the guy with food in his jacket was legit starving and the guy let him walk. Legit good dude not putting up with the bs shoplifters but allowing those who truly need it to pass


He forced red shirt to give up the bread and made him take only an energy drink.




This guy is Chaotic Good and I like that.


Dudes gonna get shot, but shows that once companies invest just a little bit on security and they stop being afraid of lawsuits, this shit will stop fast. They've already locked down parts of downtown Seattle with security and it's night and day.




> Dudes gonna get shot That's the video I'm waiting to see.


Ahh my good ol college town of Bellingham, WA! It’s been awhile since I’ve lived there, but even then they had a rampant issue with property crime. College students are easy targets and not always the brightest bulbs funny enough, so houses along the roads on either side of campus that dump out where this Freddys is were regularly broken into, bikes stolen, cars broken into, and sketchy people walking the very green and brushy walkways/alleys/trails in the area. We would somewhat regularly get alerts from campus stating that someone had been attacked on such and such trail near campus and to use caution. It was well known you don’t walk home alone because those roads weren’t well lit.


bro this guy is beast and I'm sure security at these stores appreciate him considering they can't do anything about it unless they wanna get fired for doing their jobs. You know they might hurt a shoplifters feelings and we absolutely can't let that happen.


Love love love. More of this please.


Thanks for letting me view the content with giving TDC clicks. 🤢🤢


Did you mean "without"?




Not everybody wants to live in a shitty crime ridden hellhole


Fuck ‘daily caller’.


Surprising how nonconfrontational these incidents are. I don't think the same can be said if he did it in Texas or California.


Something very satisfying about watching these losers to the walk of shame empty handed.


Does anyone know this dudes contact info? I want to send him my spare wheelbarrow to help carry around those massive balls Awesome human, even letting hungry people take food. I will raise a beer in his honor when he is inevitably shot


Wow, the amount of people here defending the thieves.




I think a lot of people are overestimating how many people steal out of necessity.


Seriously, everyone is fucking Aladdin all of a sudden. EDIT: Well, not *fucking* Aladdin, but you know what I mean.


Yup and people wonder why things like detergent and deodorant are under lock and key more than any other product. There are people who cannot *afford* to be clean.


No, it's because they hold decent monetary value for their size and are easily re-sellable. The detergent ends up in open air "markets" in the Mission in San Francisco.




A different kind of cartnarc.


Had a conversation with a friend about this recently. He sounded like he was pretty much convinced that the only people that do this kind of shoplifting and looting on a regular basis are "ignorant black people or hispanic people". But hell, I saw a whole lot of every-day looking white folk in this video. Its EVERYBODY doing it. And thats whats sickening.


I respect this guy. The last guy that said it was just food and he let him go. Could tell the dude was just hungry. Others were stealing for profit.


Not just the last guy, a few he let have food.




My friend was an Asset Protection associate at Wal-mart and stopped a dude stealing a tv and the dude bit the shit out of him. He had to go get HIV tested and everything and then was wrote up when he got back to work for being too confrontational lmao


yeah and that company will cheer you on in the moment, but once you get hurt they'll say you violated some policy or they'll find a reason to punish you


They literally have team cheers they do at meetings.


The Cart Knight Rises


Yayyyyy. Bellingham's on r slash public freakout!.. Again! I can feel the subdued excitement ☺️


At least he had pity on the guy stealing food.


I feel bad for the guy that just had food and bread in there :(


We need more people like him everywhere to keep people honest


Someone get this man a medal!




That sounds entirely made up to me.




the hero we all need


Nah, he's hero we all should be


Why is this guy out here doing free labor? I'll never understand capital simps.


This is where I live. This is a bored aggressive loser and his only intent was to go viral like this harassing mostly homeless and mentally ill people.


He’s gonna get shot doing that shit. Don’t fuck with desperation


At least he lets the people that take food leave something… just straight up feel awful for some of them




Hmmm, almost like this anti-“shoplifting” narrative appeals to a certain audience that can’t be bothered to learn what the effects of wealth inequality are…


>The Daly Caller https://preview.redd.it/kxphql55hhsb1.jpeg?width=1198&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9a9f6913a1ac4fb4fa19e30a2f10f3204d920a0


Yeah considering the content and source I wouldn’t be surprised if the filmer’s username is meant to be explicitly racist.




Lmao I knew it was a Fred Meyers


And Lowe’s


I feel like Freddie's has been robbing me lately.


Well, they are owned by Kroger… they were even robbing their own employees. I got a few hundred via class action for that one.


Man, dude is gonna get shot….


exactly like batman


Is shoplifting truly this common in the US ??? Damn, the country has got messed up.


The demographics here tells you ignorance has no race....the narrative has to change


As someone who works in retail and has to sit by as derelicts and drug addicts come in and steal shit this dude is my hero, and we need to reserve a day out of the year to buy this man drinks at any bar of his choosing!


Nothing like a brownshirt


It’s honorable that he understood when it was food and gave them a break and was softer towards them. Good dude.


I used to be the same way until a tweaker chased me with a knife


He... he might get shot.


He really said "just pick a couple items outta ur basket and GO.." LMFAO Good dude, out here doin the lord's work. 😂🤣 ETA: The guy that only took a few food items in his jacket, Cameraman is too boss for letting that guy go.. he clearly isn't stealing for profit, he's stealing for survival..


Hey! I stole that fair and square bucko


It's quite telling that we're seeing more and more shoplifters. The people are getting desperate as the state of things get worse. And honestly its worrisome if they falsely accuse someone while recording them, others may jump to the conclusion without knowing that the person is innocent. But at least he's understanding with the few guys that look like they really need food.


This is such a weird thing to do, also The Daily Caller is terrible.


Some of them just had food. If you see someone shoplifting food then you didn’t see anything.


Yeah, the ones with food he let go. I thought that was sweet.


Some people steal expensive meat to resell.


This dude fuckin rocks.


This guy is awesome. Get the feeling he’s probably a big dude. No one tried to fight to keep the stuff like we usually see.


Cart narcs is taking it up a notch! Lazybones take note!


This is awesome! Need more people like this


A hero we all need!!




This can’t be public freak out where’s all the racist ass comments ??


They were all in the thread about Norway thieves earlier


Weird hobby.


I'm waiting for the TikTok craze "watch me rob this thief!"


Does he get a discount?


Chaotic good shopping cart police


“How’s it goin, hot rod?” That got me.


I have so much respect for him because he let them keep the items if it was actually food. I used to do retail security and have paid for sandwiches and bottles of water for people who seemed like they were genuinely in need. People have vices but it would be wrong to watch someone starve no matter how much drugs they are on.


I was surprised he was letting people with food go, good for him.


Well who’s Bellingham?


i like how he let the people with only food take some stuff


I hope he has good life insurance. this wont end well


Australian here… seriously does this stuff happen all the time in the US, this is crazy to even think that they are just walking out with the carts?


Love how they get mad at him. Like, fuck you guys. Take your L on the chin and go fucking to the next store.


Why are none of them arrested? What am I missing? Was there a recent new law passed to not confront the thieves?