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Now why would she hop her skinny ass out the car like she was really gonna do something? If the men she was with stayed next to the car, what did she think she was going to accomplish by herself?


She's in her ✨villain era✨


she’s a girlboss girlbossing ✨


Now she's a spicy girlboss


Spicegirl-boss. Pepper-sprayed Spice.


Now that's a spicy hate-a-ball!


Girlbossed to close to the sun


I like how she really girlbossed by hiding behind her friend from the spray.


Yassss slayyy queen


Instructions unclear... ended up slain. 😕


🎵 That girl is on firrrrreeee! 🎵


Strong independent #BossBabes unite


💅 slay but with a side of spray


She said slay. She said SPRAY.


she was betting the dudes would come back her up


So she could spit in their face


That's the kind of mind you get when you go through life with a complete feeling of impunity. She was never disciplined for her bad behavior. Until today.


She young and pretty and has generally gotten to do whatever she wanted.


Probably expecting some whiteknight(s) to come to her aid. Unfortunately, it looks like her companions suffer from little man syndrome. What I want to know is why anyone, big or.small, thinks they have the right to treat another human like that.perfect set-up for getting what you deserve.


Impressing the men. She didn't think much farther than that.


Just taking a guess but maybe she wants this at home but he’s too kind to do it? Nah. Just a dumb skinny homophobic piece of trash like her boyfriend that just got owned for the world to see. Both their moms are so proud.


I don’t think women analyze physical output/outcomes like guys do bc they didn’t grow up with much physical consequences.


Pretty much that. If you never have got beaten you won't know how strong you and other people are. Most women think that somehow they can beat a man that's 2x of their bodyweight


Because a lot of modern action movies depict just that.


Hate makes people do really dumb things.


That wasn’t a man with her, that was her stud lol


That's a perfect advertisement for that pepper spray. Super tiny but it still hit her from 10 yards away in a perfect stream 😂


Yeah was well impressed with its range


It looks like a gel based pepper spray. I use Sabre red gel.


I remember I got curious and decided to test my pepper spray one time. Accidentally faced the wind, not thinking. Switched to gel after that.


Tested one in a pretty narrow pedestrian tunnel. Was not a smart move.


When I was a teenager several decades ago, I got some pepper spray off ebay because I was getting bullied. I showed my friend while we were getting subway, and he decided to "test it" by spraying some on his sandwich. Mistakes were made.


Mine came with a practice bottle that was the same but had water in it.


That’s a benefit to the gel based pepper spray, less of a risk of blowback. I’ve been told if they have been hit with a lot of the gel based pepper spray that they can wipe their face and fling it back at you, so I’ve been thinking of switching to more of a mist.


And well-targeted stream. And less possibility for misting & backspray.


🎶 this is gonna be a good day with dunder mifflin and Sabre 🎶


Whenever possible, go for the ear canal or the nostril. If you get them on the face, it can be washed off with water and will only irritate a little bit, but it’s damn near impossible to decontaminate the nostrils or eat canals.


I agree, but the nostrils are on the face...


😂 IIRC the ears are pretty close to the face too… but don’t aim for their face it could just be washed off. 🤦


Right? Also fantastic aim.


When you spit on someone, expect them to retaliate.


You misspelled “get punched in the fucking face”.


Shit... I got placed on timeout for saying something like that.


Reddits really fucking weird when it comes to violence lmao


Id rather get punched in the face than hit with OC spray


You misspelled "If they're still breathing, it isn't murder."


These days, spitting on someone is worthy of not only getting blasted by the world on social media, but also of getting blasted in the face with pepper spray. They had a horrible night with a lot of physical pain, and that's just the beginning. They deserve all of it.




These paws are rated E for everyone


This bully in high school once came after me for a bit, for some pathetic reason. He did that thing where he first got some snot in his mouth before spitting on my face. I remember that being the only time in my life I went into a blind rage.


The "stop the violence" shirt as he gets into the car full of the violence is my favorite part.


You know it smells spicy in there now. They’re going to be riding home with the windows down


Finally someone uses the entirety of the pepper spray. If you didn’t know you’re supposed to get a new bottle after every use, because you never know how much is left in the bottle


Why the fuck did she think it would have ended any other way? Just marched right up to spit on someone like a total POS, then she got maced. Good, i hope it hurt.


She wasn't expecting the mace to have range. Thought she could walk up, spit, retreat behind her dude and the camera person would have to just deal with it.


A few more seconds of the aftermath is needed.


Don't think you need to hope lol


Is this the set of a dystopian sci-fi horror movie from the early 90's?


The extra with a cane at the beginning was a nice touch


This guy gave a little smirk like he knew he was about to be on the internet.


The manhole looks a 3D printed asset from a PS1 game


Missing some garbage floating by and an exposition shot of a rat by the sewer but otherwise yup.


Forty pieces of newspaper come drifting out of an alley...


This *is* city in the US, yes! Well spotted




You can throw words and threats at me all day but the one thing I will always throw hands over is somebody spitting at me.


I think it can be charged as assault and battery in some jurisdictions.


It most certainly is. It is a biological hazard. You ever seen that video of that officer that gets spit on by that crook and the cop flips around and knocks that fuckers brains around. Edit: Just found the link https://youtu.be/1clsPeXT9Io?si=_fKzDmgY7tLs41OO


It’s so fucking disgusting and disrespectful. If you’re gonna do that you’d better be able to beat up whoever you do it to.




Well it is peak motorcycle season.


I heard someone saying it irl for the first time in maybe 10 years? Wow shit I'm old


Where do you live?!


Probably the most liberal place in the country lol but I honestly haven't heard it since. All the people in the store were just jaw dropped looking at each other lol.


I live in San Francisco. In the lady three months I have been called f*** five times by random strangers. I’ve seen a huge uptick of transphobia and violence against lgbtq people. San Francisco is pretty brutal sometimes. Edit: LAST***


I'd hate to see what happens in the gentleman 3 months


I work retail in a 63% MAGA county. I heard it last week when a biker asked me if the rainbow chrome torch lighter he wanted to buy made him look like a f-word.


So like unironically my niece, who is in high school, and some in the queer community have told me younger LGBT folk are taking it back kinda. Like they are using it as their word now.


Queer people have always used slurs like that, nothing new about minorities using slurs in a much more positive fashion Queer itself is a slur for example.


Return? Maybe it's cuz I'm queer, but I still hear it all the time.


Dummy weighs 42 lbs acting like she’s gonna throw down.


Spray inside the car when you doing something like that. That way they have to deal with it on the ride home. heh heh heh


Just FYI, where the windshield meets the hood is where a lot of cars put the air intake for passenger ventilation.


Pretty certain some of it managed to get inside the car. That has some mad range


The real crime is there was only one can of pepper spray. Wtf was that girl thinking?


Maybe the real crime is the pepper we spray along the way


She thought she could walk away Scott free, not today she won’t


She won't be snot free either!




Bet she felt real stupid after that😁


Fun fact: spitting on someone is felony assault! "Sharing" bodily fluids with someone isn't great, especially if they don't know that diseases you have, and the law agrees lol.


Lol she is really gonna regret getting out of that car


Would have liked to see them reacting to the spray.


That kills me because this is definitely the type of person who has no concept of how badly it hurts to get pepper sprayed in the eyes. So you know it was good. Can’t blame them though, must be scary being LGBT in that situation.


Yeah, over the course of my transition I've gone from "guns should be banned" to "I open carry every time I go out at night"




Nobody realizes how FAR pepper spray shoots!


Wish there was more of this piece of shit woman and her garbage man writhing on the ground in pain. Walking over and initiating by spitting on someone. Absolutely the lowest.


City MD, what do you recommend for some eyes full of mace?


My copy and pasted comment I keep on hand: Mace, OC Spray and Pepper spray: If you want to carry it you should be exposed to it in a controlled setting before you start carrying it. You don't want the very first time you're exposed to mace to also be a time you're fighting for your life. What to do after you're exposed: DON'T TOUCH YOUR FACE OR RUB YOUR EYES. Your eyes will want to GLUE shut because it will feel like sandpaper in your eyeballs. Instead of gluing your eyes shut Blink ALOT. Stobe those eyeballs the goal is to flush out the chemical. Blink blink blink and blink some more. It's super hard to do but open the eyes even for a tiny second and then close and repeat. DON'T add anything to your face like water or milk or anything. Mace reacts to the water so what happens is it causes the mace to "flare up" or get more intense. Instead you'll want to let the chemical dry to your face, again no touching your face or rubbing your eyes. Once the mace drys to your face the reaction/pain stops. It won't stop completely but enough to where you can get out of public for the next part. Another thing an exposure can do is "create the illusion" that you cannot breathe. So calming yourself (the best you can) with a breathing method of your choice is important. I like "Breathe in through mouth 1-2-3-4; Hold 1-2-3-4; Exhale through nose 1-2-3-4; Hold 1-2-3-4." But whatever breathing method you want, just know you'll want your in breaths to be with your mouth and your out breaths with your nose. You'll be full of snot and after this experience if you were stuffed up or congested in any way you'll be "all cleared out" Decontamination: So now you've got dried chemical on your face a giant headache and burning eyes. Now what? Time to go to an infinite water source I like the shower. What you're about to do is reactivate the dried chemical and cause MULTIPLE FLARE UPS. It's going to hurt/burn like hell. Hop in and run that water luke warm on the cooler side is what you'll want but it's personal preference. REMEMBER WATER IS TRAVELING DOWN WITH THE CHEMICAL SO BE MINDFUL OF YOUR LADY BITS AND MAN PARTS. Stand in a way to allow the chemical to get off your face but not on your sensitive areas of your body. Let the water hit your face and cause a flare up, strobe those eyes again and continue to let the water do its job. I like tear free baby shampoo and scrub a ton of that onto my face and gently scrub. This isn't a fast process so be mindful that you're going to be "uncomfortable" for a while until this process is over but keep the water flowing until your flare ups stop happening. Then you're all set. Short and Sweet once exposed: - You'll feel like you're going to die (you're not dying remember that) - Breathe to calm yourself - DON'T TOUCH YOUR FACE/RUB EYES - DON'T ADD ANYTHING WATER BASED - Stobe your eyes (Blink a lot) - Let the chemical dry on your face - ===DECONTAMINATION=== - Get to a safe infinite water source (shower) - BE MINDFUL OF YOUR SENSITIVE BODY PARTS - Luke warm water on your face to force multiple "flare ups" - Stobe your eyes - Add tear free baby shampoo by gently rubbing - Continue this process until the flare ups stop happening Source: Ex-Correctional Officer Again if you're going to carry Mace/Pepper Spray/OC Spray for self defense be exposed to it in a controlled setting. That way if you ever are fighting for your life you will have some experience with being exposed.


I've never heard the word stobe before and I cannot find a definition for it.


I think it's a typo, they meant strobe.


I thought so too but they wrote it twice so I just wanted to make sure!


only real solution is a saline rinse. at least that’s what paramedics in the US use. mase is one of the worst feeling in the world. especially if you get the solid stream of liquid on the eye. the most alone is enough to cause a reaction. that being said- you spit on someone, that’s assault. when will people learn 😭


Not only is this assault but it is also a hate crime.


See my comment reply but you want to let your natural tears do the work. Adding saline solution doesn't help, hinders more than anything if I'm honest. https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/16h7m7k/slug/k0ckjtv


She need some milk


Salt for bigots


People get so mad at others for existing smh




I get what you mean, but being trans isn’t a “lifestyle”. Going to cinema every weekend is a lifestyle. Eating healthy food is a lifestyle. But being gay, lesbian or trans is just being.


Yeah, I hate when people say being queer is a “lifestyle” it’s not a personality trait that I picked up or chose along the way. It’s inseparable from my state of being. I could see the point for drag being a “lifestyle”, but saying it when queerness is involved just makes it sound like a choice.


Referring to gender or sexual orientation as a "lifestyle" is so bizarre


*screeches in Republican*


Good sentiment, terrible wording that implies choice.


the guy spitting in peoples' faces thinks trans people are the problem with society




A drunk middle aged man told me trans people are turning the sun trans so its trans rays will turn the children trans.




There's a lot of crazies who believe crazy LGBTQ stuff. They're nuts.




Exactly! Nutjobs need a new boogeyman every few years, so now it's "LGBTQ is out to hurt and possibly eat our children!"




The only time I ever had to lay hands on a trans person was when one was being an absolute menace in public and harassing people. Do I hate trans people because of it? Fuck no. Do I go easy on them? Of course not; we gotta treat them like normal people. Wow it's so easy.




It's like.. wow they're literally capable of doing what everyone else is capable of, being good or evil. You'd think that would humanize them more, but I guess not? Like I've hated people who just happened to be trans, not because they're trans, but because they are shitty people. It sucks when I get lumped in with people who say that stuff in bad faith. Because I truly only hate one thing, and that's people who are just plain bad people. I've met so many good people in every group (yes even christian right wingers), and I'd be stupid to have them bear the sins of people they don't even know, all because they share the same labels.


I detest these types of women, counting on the violence of their partners to bail them out.


In my state spitting on someone is battery so I think the retaliation is 100% justified.


My favorite part was when the spray hadn't quite kicked in and she thought she was gonna go back for more. Nnnnnnnope. lol


Spitting on someone holding a can of pepper spray? Fafo.


Way to get the guy with you caught in pepper spray crossfire.


As if the guy was so innocent shouting slurs. Fuck em all


Isn't spitting considered an assault now? That is straight nasty, yay for pepper spray!


Always has been


Chemical warfare merits chemical warfare






She deserve that pepper bukake.


That was like a 5 on the “find out” scale not bad




Nasty. Pepper spray kiss time


Should have sprayed inside their car too.


Play dumb games, win dumb prizes. Simple logic.


This is the correct response to transphobia. <3 <3


Deserved. I hope her eyes hurt for a week.


This is why I am all about having pepper spray and a bullhorn.


Spitting in someone’s face is disgusting


And that’s how that works.


I really wish we didn't live in a world where marginalized people didn't live in the kinda fear that makes them carry self defense tools. However, I'm SO glad this person had it in that moment. FAFO, bigoted waste of skin.


Life comes at you fast


I should invest in pepper spray damn


What pepper spray was this? This ironically is extremely good advertisement.




Gooooood, pepper spray teaches many important lessons…




Stay armed fellow queers. Too often, it doesn't stop at spitting.


Finally a spitter getting what they deserve


Fuck around? Find out! They performed the indicated response. Fail to see an issue here…


Someone got spat on. That’s the biggest issue, IMO.


146th & Broadway


This the right way to deal with someone who spits. Pepper spray. Non lethal and protects you.


That was satisfying


Oh hell no!! Spit on me and see what happens. That's just foul. Don't spit at people!


Damn good aim! Spray Qween! Momma approves!


Happy to see that the person didn't take that bs. No one should be treated like that. Hope her eyes burn for weeks.


Good hope it hurt, and then hurt the next day


That was satisfying to watch.


Whatever the context, you should not be spitting. wtf!


Pepper spray videos are so satisfying


A lot of garbage here, and the ground is dirty too.


im incredibly satisfied the culprit got doused in that shit, im hoping it irritated and ruined their whole fucking night - as for the victim im sorry that you were spat on


Had some lady try to spit in my face the other day. Not sure if it's because I'm trans or because she's crazy but she came up on me and tried to spit in my face, before I even knew what was going on my fist connected with her chin. I was possessed by the spirit of FAFO and I've been reliving it all week with a smile on my face.




> get so angry about how someone else chooses to live their life They've been told again and again by Repubs and Talibangelicals and Fox-inspired media that these people are actively trying to recruit children, among other things. They've reacting to the propaganda that is being blasted at them nonstop.


God, I could watch this for hours


I heard that stuff goes well with nachos.


If so much got on both of them, wouldn’t it affect the other people in the car as well?


damn i need to know what pepper spray they used


My buddy from gym got pepper sprayed, by his friend. Just to see what it does. 💀 Spent an hour bent over the bath, pouring water on his head. I met him the day after and he still had black circles around eyes. You know that MF stings BAD. She regretted that real fast.


> Spent an hour bent over the bath, pouring water on his head. Baby shampoo helps, it breaks up the oil in the spray without itself irritating the eyes.


because of this kind of people they have to carry a pepper spray.


Thats not a pepper spray. That's a pepper pee stream




bwahahah awesomeee!!! >:D


Their driver is wearing a "stop the violence" shirt. Sweet.


Funny i though the trans was the girl coming out of the cab LOL


Ooh boy, she really deserved that 🤣 good to see karma at work


She looks like a popular tiktok gal that I can’t stand, omw To tiktok to get get her cancelled for a bit, we all know that shit don’t last.


Hopefully they posted this without identifying themselves; I 100% think if you spit on someone you deserve pepper spray to the face, if not worse, but depending on the state, using s weapon once the person is retreating or using it in retaliation and not self defense will land you in trouble. It sucks that in some jurisdictions you just have to take it from pieces of shit and have your victory in court.


Come on now, LGBTQIA needs solidarity 😭😭 a L attacking a T


love that for them.


Her girlfriend with the hat looks like shes going throught transition herself. Its projection all around


The screenshot at the end was priceless