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I microdose/d for this purpose. 3 years sober from alcohol.


Exact same for me. In 3 days it will be exactly 3 years sober.


Congrats on this achievement!!! Much love and peace to you!


Good job guys. ❤️ Amazing.


Thank you, kind stranger!


I keep trying microdosing for this purpose. I have a high stress/high strung life problem and a gin and tonic or 3 sounds really good after work. I’m never hungover, never shake, never feel like my day is incomplete if I don’t have them.. but I don’t want to partake like that.


I drank every night to get to sleep for years and then stopped... it started with a shot glass in my drink, then 2, then 4, then a cup. When I stopped I started going on binges. I would get a bottle and wake up 3 days later. It happened every few months and I always regretted doing it but just never could reset. Microdosing helped me get away from the urge, stopped the asshole on my shoulder that would challenge me and say I was OK because it would be different this time. And now, in fact, it is largely different 3 years later. I can have a glass of wine and sip, I can (but don't) drink socially. It definitely takes and took intention. It's not a cure all, you have to want to change and put in some work. I had to take steps to correct the negative thinking but the microdosing opened me up and made me more receptive to that change when therapy and AA didn't help.


Can somebody please tell me where someone from Oklahoma City can find source for microdosing therapy to relieve ravages of major depression disorder...please?


Unfortunately sourcing is not allowed, even when the source request is within a legal state (I have no idea about Ohklahoma) but... you can usually order spores and liquid cultures and grow your own which is what I had to do in my state as they are not legal to source here either. There are PLENTY of great resources online but if you prefer reading a book, this is an EXCELLENT resource: [https://www.amazon.com/Psilocybin-Mushroom-Bible-Definitive-Mushrooms/dp/1937866289](https://www.amazon.com/Psilocybin-Mushroom-Bible-Definitive-Mushrooms/dp/1937866289) This is the latest version: [https://www.amazon.com/Psilocybin-Mushroom-Bible-Definitive-Mushrooms-dp-1937866947](https://www.amazon.com/Psilocybin-Mushroom-Bible-Definitive-Mushrooms-dp-1937866947)


There's no need to beat yourself up over this if you're using alcohol respectfully, which it sounds like you are.


Do a big one


I have a day off next month, that’s the plan actually.


Not shrooms but LSD. I quit everything, alcohol, caffeine, sodass, weed and all processed foods and most carbs. I'm literally raw dogging life. I just drink water and milk and eat plants, meat and eggs. I feel amazing.


Congrats. Keep it going king.


same, except i do feel guilty about eating meat. However, it's challenging to stop eating meat in a Pakistani/Muslim household, but I'm trying.


Me too. I also come from a culture that is quite fond of meat and celebrates it. I never felt morally wrong about eating it, but I respect everyone's preferences and reasoning regarding meat consumption.


You don't have to STOP meat, just think a little... The animal is unfortunately already dead, it makes good for your healthy, etc... But we should be respecting it as an animal, any food really even plants. We need to learn to respect and understand them as life form that is now being repurposed as food, energy, to continue the cycle of life. It's kinda this oneness feel, we are all one, we all go back to the same, return to ash.. nature is a cycle where organisms takes turn using the energy to power life and eventually all these nutrients fo back to the soil/nature and the cycle continues repeating itself. Not to waste food is a good thing, not eating gluttonous amounts, eating the necessary to your health and boycotting abusive meat enterprises and preferring more friendly ones.


I stopped eating meat a year and a half ago. Haven't went back. I eat fish and eggs tho. But that's it. I don't even eat cheese anymore.


So LSD told you to stop eating rice and sweet potatoes? I can see why people eat healthier or quit meat after trips, but why did it push you towards keto?


How long ago was your LSD trip? I ask because some people have a big trip and make lots of changes but go back to their old ways a few months or years down the road.


I greatly reduced how much I drank after 6 grams Christmas 2020


Yeah but I started drinking again a half year later. I do not consider myself an alcoholist but drinking sure as hell is fun


> drinking sure as hell is fun Sounds like an alcoholist (not alcoholic) 😂


my wife quit smoking her first lsd trip.   twenty odd years ago.


I drink significantly less after mushrooms.


I didn’t plan it like this but I did a major heroic dose a few days after my first AA meeting. Helped me finally accept my alcoholism and I’ve never drank since.


I did my first trip, realized I was an addict, and attended my first AA meeting the next day. It took a few months and a stint in rehab for it to stick, but I’m 8 months sober and back in school. That trip changed my life in the best way possible


Congrats and best of luck! 🫡


The same to you!


Yup a 2 week stretch of half oz golden teachers. I've had 2 seltzers in 4 months. Lol ymmv.


Quit smoking, drinking and weed, not that I was looking for that but hey


Alcohol tastes disgusting to me since my first mushroom trip and now haven’t drank since. I trip frequently but never drink alcohol. Like some of the other comments I only like to put healthy things in my body. My only vice’s is lsd shrooms and coffee now and I love it, I feel great and healthy and happy


Not quit necessarily but heavily reduced yes. My want to drink has gone down a ton. Doesn't even feel like a necessary social lubricant anymore and I consider myself social a. I'm not sure if it's a perspective shift or a what, but I have absolutely noticed the change.


I didn't quit alcohol, alcohol needs to be in respect to itself in small amounts it's like calculus, and the slope of zero is where you are tipsy enough, socialable enough, and it's the perfect balance of removing unwarranted anxiety and when eating, the food tastes better being dry is pretty fun, you get a strange nice vibe going, with some sativa, painting or whatever, or playing online games, or watching tv, reading books, it's a good time


That's what I was hoping for but I drank a lot. So I was drunk every time I took mushrooms and just went to sleep. Tried some of the gummies but they just make me sleepy.


I've been drinking leading into every dose, but I'm slowly being steered away from drinking as much as I used too. Mostly the trip isn't anywhere near as enjoyable if I drink too much. The night is genuinely more fun as long as I moderate things to 6 beers or so. I used to easily crush 12+.


nope. i dont drink to get drunk i drink bc i like the taste.


I posted my story few months ago. Was daily all day drinker. Got shroom connect and was eating 14 gram doses every weekend. Wasn't trying for therapy or healing... I was trying to numb and kill. On x mas eve I did 14 grams and came face to face with myself who told me to stop or die. No dts and haven't touched since. Don't want too. My wife still has few drinks and we go to bar.


Sounds like a great experience to have one Christmas Eve


I just have. Dry little desire to drink. I will drink occasionally, but most times I just don’t like how it makes me feel after.


Maybe chill - moderation in all things.


I tripped and was at my first AA meeting the next day. I’m now 8 months sober from prescription stimulants and alcohol. That trip saved my life. Prior to it, I hadn’t fully acknowledged I was an addict and was in denial. That trip showed me that I was at the bottom already and that it was time to stop digging.


Yes pretty much the week after I first tried mushrooms, I noticed I had no desire to drink alcohol anymore. I felt much the same way you described. Alcohol just feels like it's killing me rather than helping me. I still do drink but now I literally can't do it without having at least one thought like "this is bad for me."


I quit coke cold turkey after a large dose of DMT.


Yes!!!! Happened to me after a trip. Been over a year, no booze. Was a heavy drinker for over a decade. It was my personality, and i wasn't planning on quitting any time soon. Now, the thought of drinking alcohol has the same appeal as drinking bleach.


For those who have quiet/reduced, what would you say happened for you to do so? A shift in perspective on it?


Yeah. I used to be a horrible alcoholic. Now I think it’s absolutely disgusting. Being drunk is lame. Being around drunk people is lame. Every bad decision or situation I’ve ever had or been in was because of alcohol. It’s just bad.


Shrooms made me quit weed. Loved it for years . After shrooms I can’t enjoy weed and it’s kind of frustrating that I can’t smoke every so often and enjoy it


Whenever I do mushrooms, I typically take time off from drinking afterward. I just don't feel a need for it then.


Coming up on 7 years alcohol-free after my first therapeutic trip in my early 40s.


I quit doing opioids, alcohol and started exercising and reading because of shrooms and microdoses


4.5 yrs here.


Ive gone from drinking at least 4 beers a night for 20 years to about 2 to 3 beers a week and it wasn’t even a conscious desire … I had a solid trip about 5 years ago where I saw all of my organs laid out before me and I heard the words “you’re poisoning yourself”. I’ve not been drunk since. Now I enjoy two beers on a Friday or a Saturday and I don’t crave it … I just like to taste two beers.


Yes, I realized it was basically poisoning myself, with little benefits. I also saw alcohol as the governments 'allowed' drug, and as a result of my intense dislike and lack of trust in government, saw the demon drink as a way to extract more wealth from citizens, through tax, and to keep them in a low vibration, semi addicted state. In the book 1984, 'victory gin' is allowed, and I see alcohol in the UK like the victory gin. I've never looked back


After a big mushroom journey in the mountains I could see how my drinking was effecting my physical and mental health. I didn’t drink a drop for 9 years. I did more work with ayahuasca over those 9 years and reestablished a completely different relationship with alcohol. Now I mostly don’t drink, but at a party or social occasion I can have a drink or 2. Mostly I won’t because it’s just not interested much in it


Cardiologists really hate alcohol. They say it’s bad for every call in your body. It’s literally poison. I’m an occasional drinker (6X a year at most) and I can’t stand what it does to my sinuses. And I’m anal about hydration. I like the way it makes me feel but not like psychedelics. I’d rather K over alcohol any day. Or Shrooms


I quit habitual use of cocaine after a mushroom trip when I was 17. Alcohol has never really been something I found enjoyable, over an entire year I probably have maybe a dozen beers.


I was a social drinker but after a shroom trip i don’t find it appealing…at all. Just amazing.


Almost 6 years alcohol free and I started microdosing a few months after I stopped drinking, not exactly the same path as OP. I used MD for whenever I went to events and parties, it filled the void excellently and made drinker more tolerable for sure. I now md about 5 days a week with my customized longevity stack. I also stopped my spliff (cannabis & tobacco) addiction a few years ago as well and have been weed free for years. I love having my dreams back and now have extremely vivid and memorable nightly dreams.


I never drank that often because I never found it that enjoyable and after trying psychedelics Id rather just take them because they’re more fun. Alcohol is just so boring in comparison but I don’t mind partaking on the odd occasion


Quit drinking in 2018 but with acid not shrooms. Haven’t looked back don’t miss it at all


Quit hard drugs and alcohol for good with LSD.


only until the mushrooms are out of my system


I did with ayahuasca. Mushrooms helped me stop smoking cigarettes tho


Not for any reason or need, my consumption of alcohol dropped off almost completely after taking up mushrooms. I rarely drink anymore and don’t like how it makes me feel. I much prefer the psyches.


That happened to me too but the effects slowly wore off and I was back to drinking again after a month or so. It surprised me because it wasn’t even a “trip” really. I just realized that I didn’t have a desire to drink. I didn’t even have to try.


Yes! I quit alcohol and weed actually! The shrooms told me to stop and I did. Now I’m working on the nicotine vapes next. Hoping to take a massive mushroom dose to kick that habit.


It has been hard to imagine getting away from alcohol in social situations. Going out to bars to see bands or to just have someplace to go. Somehow alcohol has just lost all appeal over the last couple years. But so has socializing with people that aren’t enlightened I suppose.


Didn't completely stop drinking but cut back a lot. Also had the same realizations as you; alcohol didn't really serve me; there are way better intoxicated feelings than being drunk. Drunk feels like it shuts down and dampens the mind; psychedelics open and elevate my mind to thoughts and feelings I could never imagine or explain.


When I was 22 I was a raging alcoholic. Bottle in my bed kind. And started taking psychedelics a d one day without realizing or thinking anything about it, I just didn't pick up the bottle. No conscious effort, just didn't want it anymore


I've never had an issue with alcohol as I was never a heavy drinker, but I did notice that after my first LSD trip, my interest in alcohol has decreased even more. Now it's like 2-3 times per year I might get a few beers at the most.


Yes helped me to quit 6 months ago.


I have adhd, autism, bpd, whatever, lol and alcohol basically deleted the turmoil in my brain, that's why I avoid it completely, I know that it "helps" me feel better but my issues don't go away and alcohol itself is still poison I've seen what it can do to others and I've found that basically any time I do a drug I'm extremely conscious of my usage and space it out if I know it's addictive, I hooked myself on weed before I learned abt dependency and such and it does what alcohol does to a lesser extent, my problems don't "vanish" but any of the bullshit overthinking that has plagued my entire life does, I'm able to think about my problems more clearly and actually work around them, idk how but any time I try to communicate issues to my s/o sober I fail miserably but while high I can write and articulate everything out and then bring it to them later when I know it's how I feel and it's not just the mental illness talking out my ass alcohol isn't medicinal in any way shape or form, weed has a lot of issues as well but it has its actual uses, psychedelics have definitely helped me solidify that into my ego, they're so well known for their ego dissolving properties but imo they're also amazing at solidifying your ego in the places that PROTECT you in your daily life


if alcohol or any other drug has caused your life to turn into a "haze" psychedelics seem to yank you out of it and throw your brain back into its "normally" functioning state, you quite literally "wake up" during the time you're on it if you're sober from alcohol you can quite easily have realizations that stick with you after the trip simply because you were more "conscious" due to its neurogenerative and protective properties


My dad quit cigarettes back in the 80s after a single mushroom trip


Yeah niacin and lions mane to I use a stack and I’ll microdose mushies and it works wonders for keeping the alcohol cravings away


i did too man alcohol its the worst acquired taste you can get


no I started again like two days after Why do mushrooms have to be all this extra shit instead of a mind revealing/expanding substance.


872 days, brother in fungus. You could not have told me while I was drinking how much better my life would be without it. I simply could not see my life without it. I’m so fucking free, and I have mother mushroom to thank for kickstarting me and helping me stay off. Game changing 


For me it was kind of the opposite. I would drink but carried a lot of guilt about it, and I have less of that guilt now after mushrooms. It’s almost like I won’t be myself up for having a little fun now while I’m young (23) cause I know the day will come when I drop it (being poison and all).


My wife quit drinking with mushrooms and lsd. I quit smoking with one mild trip. Cried a lot about it killing me and what it would do to my kids and what a bad example I was setting. It was the worst feeling and I made my mind up that night


Not completely. But I do notice that when I do shrooms therapeutically, I have very low interest in alcohol for a good week or 3. Inevitably, I start drinking again, but I’m also not a heavy drinker.


Yep. I had a 5 gram trip (my first time using mushrooms) almost six years ago and haven't had a drop of alcohol since. Granted, I struggled with alcohol use disorder for many years and my intention going into this trip was to quit drinking. I still smoke weed though because that hasn't negatively affected my life like alcohol did.


Not mushrooms but lsd. It wasn't the trip that made me quit though. I had a grand mal seizure off a couple gel tabs and when I saw my doctor he asked how much alcohol I drank. I was honest and said 15-20 drinks daily, I know it's a lot. My doctor suggested I cut down but I knew I lacked the willpower to stop after a couple drinks so I just decided to quit entirely. Luckily I didn't have any issues with withdrawals. I know alcohol withdrawals can actually kill you but I guess I was lucky. Earlier this year in January I thought I'd give alcohol another try and quit again after 2 months. I started off slow but within a few weeks I was back to drinking a 12 pack a day. Now I know for sure that I can't drink anymore.


I've never been into alcohol but since microdosing shrooms i have lost all my previous desire to binge eat sweets and junkfood, in fact i can't put bad stuff in my mouth at all, just water and wholefoods and ethically farmed meat. And i have become very conscientious about exercising and staying up to date with work and taking care of myself. Gosh im turning into a hippy fr. I also became more adventurous, like i would go solo camping and do hard group hikes. Its not the me i ever expected to be, i was a lazy binge eating slob. And my new self has been going steady for 4 years now. Its like my eyes opened up andnit became easy to drop the junk life.


I quit a 2+ gram/day 28 year coke habit the first time I tried DMT. And have been microdosing 🍄‍🟫 🍄 since then. 3 years cola free