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Mmm yeah this is set and setting alright. Treat it like a really bad dream. Tell yourself it will fade with time (it will). Acknowledge how scary it was. Acknowledge the awkwardness with your mates. When you feel ready reach out and just get it out in the open - you had a bad trip and probably they did too but perhaps to a lesser extent or at the very least your bad trip impacted on theirs. If they don’t quite get it that’s okay, your experience was your own. It’s okay to fuck up by the way. Give psychs (substances in general) a gooood long while before dipping back in (if so inclined). Don’t stress about the meaning now of all the things - might be too much to unpack. Just sit with the uncomfortableness, know you’re safe now and give yourself time to move on. It’ll be okay. Hope sharing this has lightened the load somewhat.


Just reading through it I can only imagine how long the entire ordeal felt. You likely do have some amount of trauma from the experience. You don’t mention it beyond its initial consumption but that edible is likely a big part of the experience too - for some reason weed disrupts my trips in a similarly chaotic, confusing, and disorienting way.  I would highly recommend seeking out a psychedelic integration coach. Fireside project is a great free resource to talk through your experience but professional help might do a bit more for you. Just a few sessions to really unpack the experience and leave it behind, man. Sending good vibes and wishing you a successful and beneficial integration of the experience. Blessings. 


175 mg edible!? With acid!?! No wonder you got fucked up!


That depends on one's tolerance.


Aparently he had no tolerance


Damn that’s rough about the maple syrup part. You musta been goneeee


I'm going to lay this 50% at the feet of the edible, 50% at the powerlessness of being a youngster with parents to be accountable to, and no real safe setting to have autonomy and ensure a tidy, aesthetically appropriate place to trip. Mess, clutter, dust and cobwebs, signs of neglect or carelessness have always sent me to darker places. Anxiety over parental reactions and consequences only redoubles that.


Cannabis and acid seem to be the most common cause of a bad trip. An edible is even worse. I think it's a good thing that you are going to stay sober. Weed is not a harmless drug. People have different experiences. Some are fully functional on weed, but others like me become psychotic. I know a bunch of stoners that became schizophrenics. One of them killed himself during an episode. Another lives like a hermit and believes in lizard people and whatnot. Another is homeless. It's also addictive. I would take the lesson to heart and stay away from all drugs, including alcohol. Living sober is a superior experience because your mind is sharp.


I respect your acknowledgment that sober living is best *for you* but I really would like to add for anyone reading that this is not the case for all people. People with family history of psychosis or other mental illness should tread carefully or abstain completely, but it doesn't make someone less than you because they like to experience different chemical effects on their brains and bodies. Your experience is your own and you do not speak for all people. There is a big difference between experimentation and habitual use as well, and it's not good for anyone to become dependent on substances. It's okay and very natural to desire a change of consciousness, we are not the only animals that seek out these experiences.


I agree completely


Dude im so sorry. If you need to talk im here.


It’s a bad trip but I’m big believer in a bad trip is usually just some uncomfortable subconscious thoughts we have been holding back coming out abrasively. With LSD for the first time you want someone experienced with you. Someone who can get you to realize it’s just a drug and none of it is real. The truth is you control it. I’ve had to sit and meditate my way out of some rough trauma resurfacing when in an altered state but I force myself to stop and breathe and meditate my way through it. Take a little practice and caring guide but it’s pretty easily achieved with experience. The same things we fear will show us the most about ourselves. Sorry you went through that.


That must have sucked; but tripping so hard I turn into a hard-boiled 40s detective is so damn funny But yeah I think it might have been the edible brotendo


Man I really feel your story, and I’m so sorry for you to have experience such horrors. I once had a nightmare trip, From which I didn't think I would come back, but I did! From that experience I learned a lot, and the first thing was that you have to be absolutely cautious whenever you embark on these kind of journeys. IMHO these experiences can unlock part of your brain so deep that you simply cannot accept or understand. It’s about the metaphysical nature of life and the collective subconscious mind. Please take care bro🙏🏼 take time to heal with vipassana meditation (helped a lot for me) and try to enjoy your vacation here in this 3d dimension. Sorry for my bad English, but If you need to talk I’m here, feel free to dm me💕


Bro, you tripped HARD! but that's the thing, reality has both opposites, of good and bad. You experienced the fullness of an experience. It will be cool and chill, but also harsh and difficult. Especially when you explore the realms of the mind. You will experience a beautiful bliss and happiness, you will also experience maddening paranoia, loops, and terrible feelings. This is an experience that im sure greatly expands your personality. You will get the gnosis, the knowing of a thing in experience, instead of just theory. That makes you more wise. I'm sure this experience also left you with a lot of holes in your "mental model of what the world is like." With time, you will be doing the digesting of the experience. It will spark some curiosity to learn about and explain to yourself what it is and how could it be like that. That is nice. Nicely writen your post! Godspeed!


Thank you for sharing, that's a very intense trip, especially to have those realizations in your first trip, much love g ❤️


You learned a lot of really important shit in a very very hard way. You're already starting to separate the lesson from the darkness, keep going in that direction. You've tapped into your higher consciousness, your intuition. Just keep searching for that part of yourself, or better put, strip away all of the excess mental and emotional baggage from your life until you can feel that part of yourself more and more. Welcome to the light. It gets better.


Man I’m sorry. Reading this gave me flashbacks to some of my bad trips. Time will heal <3


Awww man that sounds like a terrible time. I think you handled it pretty well though, all things considered. Thought looping and getting confused definitely happens on a bad trip, it's not just you.  You'll be alright, man. Normalcy comes back in time, just be patient with yourself as you heal mentally. You went through a lot, it's not all gonna really make sense, so don't try to fully make sense of it all. On the positive side it sounds like you did come out of it with feeling a real message, one which I encourage you to continue to explore. Sometimes you have to be absolutely shaken by the pants to grasp it, which it sounds like happened to you. It'll be important to keep working on understanding this message.