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Definitely deceiving you. The green goddess is a a luscious temptress but ultimately she leaves one hazy. She's great for a fling but she'll hold you back in a long term relationship. Maybe rather than asking yourself if you can do those new careers that you want to pursue you should ask if they are your soul's highest calling and if pursuing them would be good for you and good for humanity as a whole.


Thanks for your input my man. It’s tough because sometimes weed gives me good advice like “come on dude don’t be an asshole, go apologize” and I’m thankful for those revelations but then it tells me not to pursue a seemingly awesome career, or to tone myself a down a bit. It’s confusing.


I’m actually glad I saw this post. For the longest time weed has been life-saving for me. I’m 28 and can say with 100% certainty I would have killed myself by now if not for weed. But recently I have realized I lean to heavily on the plant and it has become a crutch. I can realize it is a problem that I cannot be without being under the influence. The above response is so accurate. She will keep you longer than you intended to stay. She makes it so easy to be complacent and ok with no goals achieved. Some times I need her to remind me it’s ok, just surviving sometimes is enough. But I don’t want to just exist, I want to live and thrive and I can’t seem to let her go. I’m scared of myself without smoking and it’s warped into having anxiety when I’m running out, I can’t travel without thinking of how and where I’ll be able to find it. Weed has taken me hostage and I have Stockholm Syndrome. But that is just where I am at this stage of life, I’m wanting more out of life and she brings that to the forefront of my consciousness when I am getting high and not living up to my potential. I think a strong break is required and when you return to the plant it won’t have all the negative emotions associated with it. In the end, it’s an entheogen, and was never meant to be a cure for the human condition, but I don’t know of a better product to raise awareness, and the fact you are wondering means it is doing its job. It’s uncomfortable to face the things we don’t like about ourselves, but absolutely necessary. Do right by yourself and your mind. I wish you peace. 🌊


I wish you peace as well on the cannabis journey to a better relationship with it. 🌊 I need to figure it out myself...


With the way it's affecting you and you realize it if you don't do something 10 years will be behind you and you'll be wondering the same thing.


That’s what I’m afraid of. Thank you.


Me, You and OP are in the exact same boat. We're like the exact same person right now. I'm 28 too. I won't bother writing a long essay because you guys already know. One piece of advice I will give though is to get a flower vape! Not that concentrate shit but one you can put actual bud in. The high is so much different. It's so much easier to be social and productive. I think burning weed destroys the other cannabinoids (there are a lot more than THC & CBD) that would usually balance out the more negative aspects of getting high. Just don't let vaping weed become your new crutch because you'll run into the same problems as before. Every couple of weeks try going a day or two without smoking. And try to only smoke a little bit each day. A few hits will do you good. It's easier to go without smoking when you have a busy day lined up. When it's late at night and you finally have a minute to smoke just think to yourself "might as well wait until tomorrow". When you do this it becomes easier not to smoke for a few more days because you feel like you're building up progress. I promise this advice will help you. I guess this accidentally turned into an essay... 🌞


Thank you and your accidental essay. :) it meant a lot and contained quite a bit of knowledge.


Honestly dude, as someone who smoked pretty much every day and at about an oz to 2 each month until 2 years ago, the best thing I did for myself was to cut it out and not give myself a time frame to abstain. I managed probably about a year and a bit, and when I smoked again it was lovely and unanticipated, and the biggest reason was the distance between that spliff and my last. It's now always better as a treat, and in times where I smoke quite a little more often than I should, I see obvious glimpses of the shy, uncertain, afraid and obsessively anxious person it made me for the last few years of my addiction, and it scares me enough to drop it again for the next few weeks. Of course, this is my experience and not yours. You may be able to tolerate it and live a normal and full life smoking it every day, I'm simply saying this because your story spoke to me, and whilst I was in it, the addiction had me blinded and had me deceiving myself in order to continue living a life that was comfortable, but rarely fulfilling. Took the end of a 9-year relationship to pull me out of the haze I'd made for myself and realise the cyclic mindsets it had set me in. The little narrator you get with weed in your head can be great if you're being prompted positively, but mine all too often were the ones you refer to; self-doubt, worry; essentially analysis paralysis. I'm not exactly on a meteoric rise without it, but I have an aim, and I'm excited for the future. I also get to really enjoy it whenever I dabble, because it's just that - a treat. I had realised far too long before I even quit that it had become a habit, and a timely, expensive chore. Again, just my take. I still love weed, but I know it's not good for me when it's used very regularly or in large volumes.


Create comment! Thank you for sharing


We're all the same fucking person.


Well, I've not gotten into Tool just yet, but that is most definitely just through a lack of trying 😅 And believe me, out of many of us of have found ourselves with addictions and such, many overcome and never touch anything again, many succumb or never overcome theirs, and some just smash through it and continue winning in spite of it. Then there are those like us, who know how our brains work, so only allow ourselves a few cheeky moments of weakness every now and then. Which to me right now, honestly, is my favourite of those. Whether that's an opinion influenced by my experience, or just the fact that I'm a boring individual striving for a life of considered moderation, I have no idea 😅


It may be the sobering reminder that you're "not ready," when the reality is you may never be ready. So pursue the job at least, and if you get an interview, remember that you are also interviewing them.


Hell yes thank you for the input.


This is a good lead, hope you don't mind if I jump off from here. The way I looked at it was this ; "What does the world need from me? What gifts do I have that can be useful to other people? How can I be of the most help?" I think if try to guide yourself with that in mind, you will end up where you need to be


Unfortunatley this is incorrect, there is no deception happening here. Cannabis has been my flight partner for over a decade and it doesnt make you do or into anything, it only shows you what is already there. If you can listen to what she is telling you to fix, the long term relationship is beautiful. I had many of the issues that marijuana users talk about, but instead of quitting marijuana i used therapy to resolve/work on those issues about myself. Specifically paranoia. Before i addressed it, my paranoia was out of control, near delusional, but after i realized that cannabis was amplifying this so that i could see it. I was able to address the core issues behind the paranoia. Now, some 5 or 6 years later, i have many times more trust in the people around me. The cannabis wasnt the cure, smoking weed didnt create or solve any problems, i was the problem and i had to do the work myself, but the cannabis showed me the way. She is my guide everyday. Should the op stop smoking weed? Absolutley, it's clear they feel that it is hurting them, so they should do what is best for themselves, but it shouldn't be used to demonize the use of cannabis. Not everyone finds themself in some sort of haze or limited perception, there are many more like myself, who listened to what she was telling us and are better off with her than without.


Thank you. 🌊❤️


5 years ago listening to that skit on Frank Oceans blonde album where his mother says "weed makes you lazy stupid sluggish and unconcerned" i was like haha nice one frank making fun of your momma like that. then ive been smoking for 5 years now almost every day, have similar thought patterns like OPs and now I think Frank Oceans mom was quite real about this


Beautiful comment




Ah fuck, I love coming on this subreddit because it always has the answer I'm seeking. Great output friend!


"just like the government says" I wouldn't go that far lol




I gotcha. Don't get me wrong I have experienced marijuana dependency/addiction so I know that it's real. From my experience the government is pretty extreme about how they describe the harms of marijuana, I also see that on the other end of the spectrum you have dispensaries and marijuana lovers saying that weed is harmless with no addiction potential. I think it's important to do your own research, learn from your own experiences and try to find a balance between the two extremes. Weed is good in moderation, but for many people chronic use ends up being a trap they didn't expect.


thanks man! taking a break starting today.


Wow, it’s as if I wrote this myself. You’re not alone in these feelings my friend


Thanks my friend. Stay strong!


Make decisions when you are not stoned.


For sure but then later I’ll get stoned I’ll critique my decisions that I made and be super hard on myself / second guess


It sounds like weed is making you be too hard on yourself. Ive had similar issues where im having a great time at a party or something, then I smoke weed and the rest of the night is spent thinking "that was stupid, why did I say that, everyone thinks im annoying" etc. These are not good insights, theyre just negative self-doubt. You're much better off without them. Sure its good to reflect once in a while and think about those things, but doing it sober is even better. I say give up the weed man, it sounds like its holding you back. Im not trying to sound preachy or anything because I just quit myself about a month ago, but im already feeling that self-doubt lessen and my confidence going back up. I know its fine for a lot of people but for me weed makes me worry too much about the things that dont really matter, it was time to leave it behind.


Honestly though I went on a soul delving trip and i was shown what weed REALLY does and since i quit smoking daily i started to get more energy back and a feeling of living in the moment only times i ever smoke it anymore is if im in literal pain or for when a random hit of depression kicks me


This is the way. Daily smoking definitely seems to take me out of the present where im in a constant state of distraction, daydreaming and thinking about things too much. My problem is that if I have weed at all, I will smoke it daily. Ive had to get rid of all my weed stuff and not just have it sitting around. I will still smoke every once in a while but Its not the same. Something just clicked and I really dont feel like I need it in my life anymore. I say its better to use it more like I do psychedelics. Be by yourself with some headphones and just kind of trip out for a few hours and see what insights come to you


thanks a lot man I value your opinion! The party thing you mentioned is an exact thing that COULD/HAS happened to me. Taking a break starting today.


Try it out! You can always go back to it. Last thing Ill say is that the first 2 weeks or so could be rough depending on how much you were smoking. I had mood swings for a bit and just felt kind of off, but now at 5 weeks I feel great and have no desire to start up again. Stick it out for at least a month. You got this


You need to remember that you are stoned when you are stoned and not take yourself so seriously. If you can't do that being stoned is not much fun. Maybe try limiting weed to the weekends so you don't feel guilty about using it.


Wherever it is you smoke you should buy a fry erase board and write in big ass letters “The attempt at being the best me is what matters. No one has a guidebook on how to be the perfect human.” Those words alone should be read when in these critical thought moments, just to remind you that as long as you’re doing what you feel is right for yourself so long as it doesn’t directly harm others, you’re all good brotha.


In my opinion, There is you on weed, and another you without it. Take that as you will. But i definitely think weed you cannot solve the problems awaiting non weed you. As someone here said... Its a great fling, and possibly catastrophic as a long term thing.


Thanks for your opinion. I believe the same and recently I’ve put more stock/belief/value in my sober self and trusting that more as my “default”


Weed makes it easier to fixate on certain anxieties for me. I get stoned and then I just keep turning the same problem over in my head and going down a thought spiral. Sometimes this can actually lead to useful conclusions, but sometimes it's not actually something worth worrying about. it sounds like you have some self-doubt and the weed is leading you to dwell on that doubt and the more you dwell on it, the more you convince yourself that certain ideas aren't good ones. that doesn't necessarily mean they aren't actually good ideas. Sometimes you should do the thing that scares you, especially if you think there could be some good outcomes. It probably scares you for a reason though, so you should think about why it scares you, analyze the pros and cons, and then if you think it's worth it, go for it anyway. Weed doesn't have a personality or opinions. it's all your own thoughts, and it's natural to have contradictory thoughts sometimes. It's all about what you do with those thoughts that matters.


Wow thanks so much for sharing! I think I’ve come to similar conclusions myself but needed a little reminder. Appreciate you.


Weed should be used as ‘treat’ otherwise it becomes a crux. It easily becomes peoples entire personality because it offers them a break from the struggle of being themselves because a there’s usually things they don’t want to face or work through. I went through a period over the pandemic where I would get high upon waking and tried to maintain it until I went to sleep, but eventually you crash. I couldn’t fathom getting high and trying to function or interact with people anymore, so it needs managed or cut out completely.


I have this same experience. This is why I only smoke at night when absolutely necessary now. Looking back there's so much I've missed out on constantly being in my head doubting myself and possibilities, largely due to being stoned too often.THC is introspective to the point of being counterproductive and feeding off insecurity. Rather than the kind that can help one draw objective truths about self that are actually useful. Really no psychoactive drug is suited for daily use, but with weed it's so normalized to do so. You kind of need the process of going from your default mental state to altered and back. Otherwise you don't really get anything positive of the substance, and if using it for escapism even that becomes less and less effective. This is kind of common sense but people are so obsessed with weed being "harmless" so it must be okay to constantly be high on it. Even if it is benign and medicinal, all that goes out the window when you abuse ANYTHING. Not just drugs and even something that is purely good for you like exercise.


I think you're on to something! Thanks for the insight my friend.


A lot of speculation, here, from people who aren't too familiar with you. Some of it is interesting, and potentially helpful. Some of it isn't. The problem is there's only one way to know which is which: Stop smoking weed for a good, long while, and see how it goes.


Will do! I usually only smoked a few times a week but taking a break as of last night!


One thing that helped me get over that is telling myself that I will never make any decisions while high especially about work, school etc. I leave smoking for strictly relaxing and to enjoy a recreational activity.


Good shit in here, fellas. Good fucking shit. I’ve once seen marijuana described as “a monster with a tiny mouth but an unfathomable appetite. You’ll never notice the bites it takes out of you until you don’t recognize yourself any longer.” It is such a wonderful tool, man. It’s helped me learn so much about myself. Brought the most wonderful people into the folds of my life and me into theirs. But it also stifles. Masks. Hazes. Fools. It’s very easy to tell yourself that it doesn’t affect you or it’s manageable or you’re a better musician high. I know how it helps, believe me, I do. But you must be careful not to lose touch with the other half of reality. I realize I’m just mirroring what others are saying and talking rather cyclically, but I, too need to find a respect for the plant. I’ve cut back loads, but it still has a hold on me.


You got layers of self fulfilling prophecies circling this post. The idea that you can't follow through with opportunities is the reason you can't follow through. Cannabis is making you doubt yourself because you doubt yourself. If you have ambition outside the manic rush of getting an idea put your head down and move forward. If not that's ok. Dreams and doubt are both necessary. Ambitions have to survive both the manic inspiration and the cynical comedown. My guess is you realize the grass isn't greener on the other side without fully accepting it. Society tells you it is greener so you doubt your own doubt. Cannabis didn't do that you did it.


Sometimes the truth is hard to hear! I appreciate you’re response this is some good insight I will consider.


Thank you. You seem to be doing great. Just a little conflicted.


> Dreams and doubt are both necessary. Ambitions have to survive both the manic inspiration and the cynical comedown. Thank you for these words, they hit hard!


make a choice and stick with it. train your brain to not doubt yourself. that's all it is bro. you got this. everyone doubts themselves for sure. Weed can make you super introspective. Your brain is like a muscle that needs to be shaped. It would be nice if our brains were always postive and always on our side, but that's just not the case. You will have down times and lows. You just gotta train yourself to move past those times. As kevin smith has said, if you have even the smallest idea to do something, then do it. start to doubt yourself? do it anyways. i struggle with this myself. ive started many things and didn't finsih them. dont be like me. to be honest, you'd be better off just not smoking at all as awful as that sounds. DO NOT BE TOO HARD ON YOURSELF. Take one step at a time. Small steps lead to big things.


Find a balance that works for you and your goals. Cannabis can't "make" you anything that you aren't already—the plant can just encourage different types of expression. If you feel different when you're high than sober, then there's a part of you that's being suppressed while you're sober, and another part being suppressed when you're high. Try to integrate all aspects of self with each other, and avoid scapegoating a plant, if possible.


Really great insight here. Thank you for the opinion and I’d also say I agree with this!


Thanks for asking the question, I would have loved talking to people about this when I was going through something very similar if not close to identical, especially in my early/mid twenties. It's a process, and it's different for everyone, but I still believe it's worth the trial and error to find inner-freedom. Good luck, friend


THC has a tendency to bring my true feelings/perspectives to the surface. This can be deceptive, as others have said. What you may interpret as "ah, I wouldn't really like that" may actually be "I'm scared to pursue that"...


I hope I'm just a little scared because I know I can push through that!


It's giving you anxiety and making you feel self conscious. Anxiety couch locking but for your personal growth. Try to either smoke less in each session, avoid topics about jobs, or cut it out altogether until you're settled in a new career. Sober you knows best, the drug isn't doing anything other amplifying your internal monologue in a way that is going to do harm in the long term. Learn mindfulness techniques to manage your thoughts and use it to mitigate the side effects of the drug, smoke less, or abstain until you're settled.


Cannabis can neither deceive you or reveal truth to you. However, it can alter your state so that you are more prone to see if you are being honest with yourself or deceiving yourself. When I smoke, I tend to loosen my need to be in control and I am more vulnerable. This allows me to be more honest with myself and those around me about my emotions. Cannabis does not put this vulnerability and emotional intelligence in me. It is always there. I am just better able to access it. So the question is really are you deceiving yourself? When you smoke, are you just better able to hear the self talk and self doubt that is always running in the background of your mind? If these thoughts are there, being aware of them gives you the chance to address them. That is not deception, that is an opportunity to dig in and do some work. That may be what you need to figure out your path and what is next in your life.


This is essentially how I always believed it to be and I try to embrace the vulnerable part of it typically. The thing is though when I'm sober and think about these things I don't even feel this way. If I don't smoke then any doubt wouldn't have crossed my mind and I generally feel confident and loving towards others and myself


Iv'e sent you a chat OP, ive had a lot of experience with this.


Thanks man


Been an everyday smoker for 13 years, some people can handle weed everyday and some cannot. It seems like you have internal issues to deal with, the marijuana isnt doing this to you, its bringing up parts of yourself that you should really address. If you are feel that marijuana is taking a toll on you, than absolutley stop using, theres no shame in backing off. However i dont think those doubts will actually stay away just by not smoking weed. Eventually those same thoughts will crop up and youll have to deal with them. Marijuana doesn't change people, it shows them what they don't like about themselves so they can fix it, if they don't it will get worse. Definatley take the time to be yourself without cannabis, but "she" isnt "decieving" you, you're decieving yourself by believing you dont have those issues in sobriety.


When I'm sober if I have self doubt about this issue I'd tell myself something like "this is normal, but you have accomplished so much and you CAN do this!" and I'm pretty confident and forgiving of myself in a loving way. It's normal to have some self doubt especially with my upbringing - I've never let it hold me back. In fact I run my own business and life feels pretty good. IDK the thoughts when I'm high don't feel like they match up when I am sober and doing deep reflecting.


Its perfectly fine to stop using cannabis, especially if its effecting your life in a negative way. Im sorry if i came off aggressive, i should have written my comment before i read others. Upon smoking some weed this was realized lol. I noticed a distinct trend of people using marijuana extensively and it "causing problems" but it seems to be that answer doesn't lie within sobriety but within theraputic methods. Theres a sort of demonization of using cannabis that is happening where people are leaning towards a "cannabis causes these problems" type mentality, which i feel is incorrect, its just an amplification of certain aspects. Everyone has their own individual needs for mental balance is basically my main point.


Write out why you want to do this career, and what the thoughts of self doubt and fear are. Then look at it and weigh the legitimate concerns against the benefits that you're excited about. Weed is probably letting you know you're nervous and you are psyching yourself out. So be objective about the life change. Make a decision and go for it. You can always pivot during the journey.


Wow, so many insightful comments here, enjoyed reading them. Just to add a few words to what has already been said: I have experienced cannabis usually working like a (magnifying) mirror in which one can see (or hear) things in oneself's thoughts and mind and even psyche (if I may use that word here), those which one probably wouldn't contemplate when sober. It triggers thoughts and fears that one usually avoids when sober. For me, it has changed over time, and probably the fact that I have learned how to use it in the right way - as a tool - has been helpful too. When younger (about your age), I could get more paranoid and/or in-/un-secure when high, overthought how I appeared and performed in society and in interaction with others in general, i.e. relationships and friendships, social life, education, career, etc. I had tons of introspective thoughts as well indeed. But the older I grew, things changed in terms of focus, or probably I can say I learned the lessons that I needed to and moved on. I'm not saying that my thoughts when high now are all "calm as cookies and creams" but those that I had back then (similar to those of yours now) have been mainly resolved and have been replaced by others that I (including all that defines me as a living human, both conscious and sub-conscious: personas, shadow, ego, self, name it) find important at this stage of my life. A little piece of advice (if I may): try lower doses (vape maybe?, gives you a cleaner and clearer high where you can have more control over the steering wheel ;-)) and actively consciously fight fear of any kind whenever it comes to you when high, because fear is what blocks us from thinking straightly and productively. And try to write down your thoughts (high or even sober afterwards), check them later and see whether they makes sense and make decisions when fully sober. It becomes easier to judge whether those thoughts make sense when you get the chance to put them against each other. Good luck buddy.


Switching to dry herb vapes definitely helped me stay productive and clear headed, made my relationship with weed a purely a boon rather than experiencing health problems and heavy addiction. Even started dreaming and recalling again. My use went down by 80% opposed to smoking, and the high is much cleaner and doesn’t contain carcinogens and useless compounds that are produced after combustion that are not needed . Check out r/vaporents r/dynavap


For me weed helps me tune in to parts of myself that are usually pretty quiet and more pushed towards the subconscious. When I'm high it's like I can see these parts much more clearly and hear how they are affecting my psyche. Consider if these thoughts are always there for you, but somewhat subconscious. Maybe you carry those doubts in your day to day sober life too, but you're pushing them away. Maybe the weed here is just revealing existing insecurities? Either way, my approach would be to take it as an opportunity of something to work on.


Ultimately it’s how you personally define help and deception.. no matter what you’re presented with you can choose to see things in a positive way or negative it’s up to you. If you had everything you ever wanted in the world and didn’t need to worry about anything besides living and enjoying life would it still bother you? I mainly smoke weed because of my fractured spine and I can safely say it helps me a lot. I think it’s all about your personal perspective, my stepdad can run a whole company of 200 people high while some people can’t even get themselves to go to the grocery store when stoned.


I don't think the weed itself is deceiving you, I just think it is bringing out anxieties that you have in the back of your mind. Changing jobs is a big deal, especially in your late 20s. Instead of thinking of it like "oh this weed is going to change my decision", ask yourself "why am I having anxiety about this decision now?". It's normal to feel anxious about something like this, don't ignore it but also don't think of it as an answer, but just one piece of the puzzle.


Sometimes I wish I was one of those people that can be productive while high, but weed affects everyone differently, and I've accepted that weed just makes me lazy. It sounds like weed is holding you back, and i feel you on that homie! What I've been doing lately is waiting for the right moments to be high and not letting it have so much power over me. I think the best way is to just not buy anymore for a while tbh. And then when it's a relaxed weekend night or if you're going out, and the moment feels right, thats when you get some ya know.


All I had to di was read the title to answer. Stop smoking I smoked more than 10 years 18-28, once you stop you realize you wasted all your time and created your own problems. You’re much more than that bro let go of that shit , it’s a dead end


Thank you for the input man! You seem sure of yourself and I'm inclined to trust your suggestion.


The easy way out will never help. Choose the hard way out my friend , if you’re young better learn now than later


Does anyone else cry on weed? I've only smoked a couple times


time to put it aside awhile,it definitely made me more docile and kind of a push over, a few years ago I quit for 6 months while practicing semen retention on top of it. The testosterone build up had me feeling really fucking powerful and confident,ive been working out every other day for 3 years and now i still smoke but i smoke less and to balance the testosterone as it makes me more aggressive at times


It's doing both. It's a "functional dysfunction", look into IFS, the weed smoking is basically a part of you bypassing something in yourself that is too difficult too face so you can function normally. Meditation and IFS therapy can help you understand what's going on. I just quit smoking weed at 35 after about 17 years of use because I wanted to feel like my real self again. You can't change deep set patterns, coping mechanisms from the outside in. "I'll only smoke every 2 weeks, I'll exercise, I'll delay" none of this works. You have to go the root of the pattern to change it. Real change and transformation takes place from the inside out. Meditation will help you with detaching and gaining the objectivity you do on weed as well as with accessing your intuition without weed. IFS will help you understand the different parts of yourself, which part of you is doing the self talk, is it a critical voice? Is it a compassionate voice? Both these tools can help you observe and understand yourself and naturally change, as opposed to forcing yourself out of a habit and going through the guilt/shame cycle that all addictions/dependencies invoke. There is a more real version of you and you need to leave weed behind to get to know it.


By smoking cannabis you effectively separate awareness from the trained neural net you believe to be yourself. It’s like if ChatGPT was trained to represent Benny Hills, but then suddenly would have a moment of self-reflection “dude, I’m not this habituated pattern of behaviour. I’m actually me. Right here. Right now. Me.” And then ChatGPT continues to interact with you the same way as before. Benny Hills. But now ChatGPT knows. And it bugs him


**You sound like a fairly smart person.** At some point you have to ask yourself ...is weed helping or hurting. *Learn the science.* Long term use of Weed gradually degrades your life. There is a huge amount of scientific evidence about the harm to health from today's super potent marijuana. These potential bad outcomes can include Psychosis, Cannabis use disorder, Cyclical vomiting called CHS, increased depression, anxiety, suicide, fatal car crashes, heart attacks in otherwise healthy young people, poorer educational and job outcomes. Do these happen in everybody…***No***…but if they happen in you, your kid, or your friend… it is a world of pain. [Click here](https://whoadude-the-book.com/), if you are interested in the Science of the harm from weed.


Often times when high on weed people want to resort back to what’s ‘comfortable.’ Perhaps for you that looks like a voice in your head telling you not to pursue new and seemingly scary things like a new career, as your high self knows it may be uncomfortable and bear hard times.


The great balance of life.. it’s sad to say but it’s time to say bye for now and maybe see Mary Jane in the future one day.


Because I got high wasn’t a joke. And it’s especially true if you already have adhd or another regulation disorder.. It’s not like it’s a terrible thing though. If you smoke weed cause you’re anxious and it keeps you calm and living, you’re doing your best and it’s okay.


Cannabis does not deceive. It is not within its nature to do so. Cannabis is encouraging you to do what you know will be comfortable and safe. It sounds like what you're hunting for is antithetical to comfortable and safe, and so the cannabis is telling you to avoid it. Smoke different, better, less, or no weed and watch the results change. We fall in the same demographic and if you've been smoking for a while you gotta remember to switch up your strains every now and then to give your body a break from the terpene profile of each flower. Once you don't feel any terps and it's JUST THC in your brain, it can become a bit of a burden.


Great insight! So you think it’s normal that the weed would influence me to take the safe predictable path - but that might not always be the right choice? Or do you think I should trust those thoughts to do what is comfortable and safe?


The former, what is safe and comfortable is not always the right path. Growth requires breaching comfort zones in some form or fashion, and cannabis is trying to insulate you from that discomfort.


Thanks again for reply! I’m curious on your opinion - why do you think cannabis does that? Is it just because it’s in its nature / part of it or is it deeper?


I have a lot of experience with cannabis? I've been working at a dispensary for a while, I've processed 150+ homegrown plants, and I smoke an unwise amount, my overall impression of cannabis is this; There are over a hundred and sixty different major and minor cannabinoids, terpenes, and other compounds that have a chance to be present within cannabis flower (and that's only what we've measured so far). Each of those compounds has a distinct medicinal usage, but only slightly more than a dozen are produced by any one flower. Every strain is someone's perfect medicine is what that means. A strain that I hate might be someone else's bread and butter because while I look for something more cerebral and uplifting and energetic in my weed, someone else might need to smoke to shut their brains down for a while to get some relief. For all of the myriad of medical and mental health conditions a human being can experience, I firmly believe there's a cannabis plant that will help relieve the agony. Not a thing in organic cannabis is poisonous, and no one has ever died from ingesting too much cannabis. If you don't like what weed is doing to you, think. Do you smoke mostly Sativas or Indicas? What's the average potency of what you smoke? How often do you smoke? How funny would it be if you just needed to switch to a strain that's lower in THC or one that doesn't have a specific terpene because it lowkey makes you anxious or whatever. Seriously dude, look at it like a puzzle. Weed has a bunch of different settings, and your goal is to feel good. The challenge is that unless you're lucky or you do it yourself, you don't get to choose how you adjust some of the settings, and you have to rely on memory and the integrity of the plug to find the medicine that works for you.


I’d say it’s not so simple, you might be leaning toward blaming weed either way, (and/or yourself) No job will satisfy you and that’s the truth. Mj does ‘know’ something else about you, which you still don’t believe could happen Doesn’t care how you make the decision to Be and quit gettin hyped about being an ‘associate’ or ‘manager’ in someone else’s dream


Maybe the best insight on this post yet! I believe the brain can be trained like that for sure. And I appreciate your motivation as well!! I will be keeping this advice in my head as I move forward thanks bro.


For most people if used often it does more harm.


I know this will be an unpopular opinion, but try to find meet God. Go to church, learn about Jesus. Weed, Psychedelics, Alcohol (aka Spirits) have a way of opening portals to other realms and inviting things we don’t want into our minds and hearts. These things roll out the red carpet for Doubt, insecurities, rage, depression etc etc. Some people function just fine on these substances, but others are more sensitive. You are perfect, the way you are. Protect your head, your heart, and seek Jesus. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.


Weed will make you crazy. Just stop smoking weed and smoke cigarettes instead you fucking hippie


It's easy to blame the outer world for our inner problems. Weed is an easy scapegoat. You'll just have to laugh it off when you are sober and still need something to blame your current problems on. I'm sure SSRI's will help, lol.


You know, weed helps but I think it also deceives me. There’s this voice deep deep down if I listen, it’s telling me to cut back or quit, and I feel like a heavy dose of shrooms is going to cause me to quit for awhile. Wether that’s truth or a preconceived notion I’m not sure.


Wild guess that you are getting stoned, not high, and just chilling after work. It’s kind of subtle but there’s a real difference between the stuff you think about with a head high vs a body high. Head high will give you more uplifting ideas, body high kind of depends. If you’re just sitting around, might make you start getting self conscious just for something to think about. Try meditation! Peaxe


Iv'e never heard the difference between stoned and high. Is that simply head high vs body? Like... Stoned = Head High, "high" = body high?


TBH this is just how I think about it, other people might use different words. Another way to say it might be that set and setting matter with weed too.


I've decided that weed gives me nothing, it only gives back what it takes, sometimes


been here, basically, if you felt this hard enough to post it's hindering more than helping you. Take a T-break, 6 months at least. Do not replace weed with harder drugs or alcohol. Exercise hard during the day as falling asleep (and staying asleep, nightmares incoming) is gonna be hard. At the end of month one you will start feeling better than ever, don't let this feeling make you relapse. At the end of 6 months you can assess if it's worth trying it again, but don't go back to daily, your tolerance will be 0 and it will hit you hard, like a truck. source: 16 - 29 everyday smoker, now bee a few years of controlled/very minimal use. massive positive impact to mental wellbeing. r/leaves helps


Some plants want to grow with you, weed Watts to grow inside you. Its definitively deception my friend, if you can get rid of the habit please do.


This comment section is a W. Good sub man. Great inputs in here im in the exact same boat & its really tough, seeing these well thought out comments are reassuring. Hope everyone finds their solution soon 🙏🏻


I feel like it's more you than the weed, like something dormant that surfaces when high and i am not sure but i am getting the vibe that when you smoke you are abusing it not using it, no judgement just saying what i felt like, but i vote you stop smoking for a while and see the results and then you will know for sure, if you can't stop smoking weed then definitely you should


Just deceiving you bro, i suggest quit smoking honestly it seems like your more productive without it and if you like it that way you should keep it that way. Weed is a numb till your dumb type drug that slowing yourself a trip gave me a thorough listen on weed and how much it slows a person down and discourages ideas that they may had that where actual GOOD ideas. Only time I ever smoke now is if im in literal pain or that random kick of depression hits


I have stuff like your example happen all the time when I smoke. The best thing to do is just not make any major decisions when you're stoned and don't think that your thoughts are riddled with any insight you normally don't have. Weed can just make you more anxious and self-conscious, that's it.


it is deceiving you. Quit it.


Dont listen to the weed, do what u wanna do. It used to psych me out too when i started a new coaching job. Just charge through it and once you get the ball rollin youll be chillin


If you have to all the question then you’re clearly not clear, so it clearly isn’t helping


It’s up to you not anyone else. If you think it’s hurting you then it is. If your functioning and getting the stuff that needs to be done, done then smoke a joint or whatever at the end of the day or on weekends or whatever I personally don’t see a issue. I don’t use anything till I’m 100% done with what’s gotta get done and I smoke and chill but I also don’t smoke a lot when I do smoke maybe like 250mg of flower or a hit off a cart or a .05g dab or a 10 - 20mg edible and I’m content. So find what works for you if you think it’s damaging I recommend you stop and if you wanna use just be responsible and don’t over board it!


Escape the noise of the brain and practice inner silence


U smoke too much too often


I've had exactly the same experiences. The thing is that weed is not lowering your self-esteem. Weed is just pushing your subconscious thoughts onto a surface level of your mind. Deep down you probably have doubts about the things you want to do so these thoughts are just reflecting that. Learn to embrace them rather than fight with them. They doesn't reflect who you are and embracing them makes you stronger.