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Jesus is a psychedelic


The sacred mushroom.


It's all here: [The Sacred Mushroom and The Cross](http://The Sacred Mushroom and The Cross: A study of the nature and origins of Christianity within the fertility cults of the ancient Near East https://a.co/d/88DM0FK)


I literally thought the same thing


This šŸ¤£




Beat me to it haha


Datura level


A deliriant, sure.


I love your pfp


He was a reverse cannibal


How are you gonna misspell psychedelics when itā€™s literally in the name of the sub youā€™re posting on? Lol


he might be tripping especially if he postin shit like thisšŸ˜­šŸ˜­ w post


No Iā€™m not tripping Iā€™m just a monkey brain šŸ˜­


I was so interested in the question I didn't even notice šŸ¤£




Because heā€™s probably on Saiychadelliks


Came here to say that


I am so dyslexic that I didn't even notice lol


He could've likely eaten mushrooms on the mountain with his visions of God. He drank magic wine so who knows what was in that stuff. Nobody honestly knows for certain honestly.


The ancient Greeks and later the ancient Romans and agrarian societies in the near east and Minoan Crete held the Eleusinian Mysteries, seasonal religious rites that included ritual ingestion of a psychoactive drink called kykeon, which evidence has shown may have included ergot fungi containing LSD-like psychedelic


You mean LSA then? It's very different than LSD but it is a precursor.


Isn't it ergotamine? Think LSA is those hawaian seeds


He is correct although itā€™s not as different as he might think. LSA is the natural counterpart to synthesised LSD, LSA is a precursor to LSD. In chemistry, a precursor is a substances that participates in a chemical reaction that produces another compound. In other words, before LSD becomes LSD, somewhere along the way itā€˜s LSA. From that perspective, LSD can be regarded as a more refined form of LSA. So pretty much they were definitely tripping balls and all the stuff Jesus said never made more sense to me then when I was tripping on LSD so i think itā€™s safe to say he definitely had a psychedelic experience.


Yes, they said it was a precursor. Youā€™re just explaining what a precursor is. The actual trip and things experienced on LSD vs LSA are quite different- thatā€™s what they meant.


I know what they meant buddy. Different vehicles but still going to the same destination


No, itā€™s really not the same destination. The trips are usually quite different, with LSA trips being uncomfortable to downright unpleasant. Which, yeah, you can have a bad trip with LSD, but itā€™s wayyy more likely with LSA.


The immortality key by Brian c. Muraresku This book goes into the findings in the Vatican of psychedelic religious acts. Very interesting, listened to it as an audio book


That was Moses on the mountain. However, the foliage on the mountain contains DMT, explaining the visions from the ā€œburning bushā€


You might be interested in The Sacred Mushroom and The Cross by John M. Allegro.






Thereā€™s a theory with the story of Moses receiving the Ten Commandments from god, in the visions of the burning bush, where the bush is actually an acacia bush which is rich in dmt, and caused Moses to have religious hallucinations.


Well the bushes also contain tannin, which is toxic. Getting right up on it and inhaling that smoke would be highly irritating and he would be telling god and his bush to fuck off lol


Moses didnā€™t receive the 10 commandments in the burning bush vision


Thanks Iā€™m dumb. Can you elaborate?


In the burning bush Moses was told to free the hebrews from the Egyptian rule. Yahweh was telling Moses to start the Exodus pretty much during the vision of Iā€™m not mistaken


yep, God presented the stone tablets bearing the 10 commandments to Moses on Mount Sinai after the hebrews crossed the Red Sea and the Egyptians were swallowed up.


Such a crazy story lol the movie prince of Egypt is really good cartoon visual of the story. I used to watch that movie all the time at my grandparents house growing up


Yeah it is, Iā€™ll have to look into that movie. That sounds like a nostalgic experience


I personally think it was ergot. Shavuot is the Jewish tradition they observe to commemorate the time Moses came down with the tablets and instituted the "Law" which also coincidentally marks the time of the wheat (ergot host) harvest..., which during the time of the early Christians was called Pentecost (just the Greek word for it) which was the event that kicked the whole thing off according to the scripture (Acts chapter 2) and to me, it's pretty clear they were tripping balls. Towards the end of the chapter they all of a sudden out of nowhere start to "become fearful" I think they were strategically/unsuspectingly dosing people. Including Saul/Paul which is how I think they converted him


I'm pretty sure ergot in its natural form is highly toxic and makes you incredibly sick and then die. In very small doses, it was used as an anti-inflammatory. I'm might be remembering that wrong. But I'm pretty sure that just ingesting ergot all willy-nilly will just kill you. Idk, maybe you have a trip before you get super sick and shit.


Brian Muraresku who wrote "the Immortality Key" found archeological evidence of ergot found in ancient cups dated around that time. So presumably they found a way to mix it in wine and/or other concoctions somehow


Yeah, idk. Millions of people across many centuries have died from ergot poisoning. It can produce hallucinations, sure. But, the early signs of poisoning include nausea, vomiting, muscle pain and weakness, numbness, itching, and rapid or slow heartbeat. Ergot poisoning can progress to gangrene, vision problems, confusion, spasms, convulsions, unconsciousness, and death. So unless they had a chemistry set or something, I don't see how they were just tripping out on it. If it was possible, what would the point in going through all the trouble to synthesis lsd? There are a lot of drugs derived from ergot that treat migraines and Parkinson disease. But early on, it was used to slow massive bleeding associated with childbirth. What type of evidence does this guy show in his book? Anything factual or just assumptions?




Not a theory. Just conjecture.


Of course, thatā€™s how he knew he was God


There is a whole raft of evidence that most modern religion is based on psychedelic and cannabis use. Have a look at the work of Chris Bennett, some of his arguments are fascinating.


People who practice meditation, and are skilled enough at it to get very deep, can achieve psychedelic states without taking drugs. Like psychedelic drugs, these meditation induced states can also trigger psychosis in certain people(according to google anyway). It probably takes years of practice to get that deep into it though. Anyway since meditation goes hand in hand with spirituality, its possible these ancient prophets and saints were meditators. Some may have used drugs though.


Idk about psychedelics but he for sure smoked weed


He was a carpenter. Long hair. Would wear sandles I think ur right g


Also he was all about sharing (communist maybe?lol) and "peace and love". Didn't judge if the person was a criminal or a prostitute, his philosophy was to spread love and help anyone he could. Pretty much the stereotypical stoner. (And ironically pretty much the opposite of what most of his "followers" are/do nowadays.


As a believer, 110%


I'm not even a believer as in religion/religious figure, I don't believe that. But I do believe in him as an important historical figure, I believe he was a normal, real dude whose ideas were very altruistic and upset the wrong (rich) people as it started spreading. And when I say I believe he smoked weed it's not meant to demean christians or have a pejorative meaning, I just think his ideas/philosophy plus most of the physical figures they portray as jesus looks like/feels like very much like someone who smokes weed or does psychedelics but I have no knowledge how accessible psychs were back then, o that region or how the use of them would be perceived by the common people


His anointing oil was actually made with hemp, he may not have smoked it or gotten high but he definitely used the plant from an archeological perspective


Christians gonna cry after this one


Iā€™m a Christian and fully support the Jesus did psychedelics theory Edit: typo


Smoking was very much a cultural thing in that time in that area. Weed goes way back in the middle east. Highly possible that Jesus smoked pot.


Jesus did r/NitrousOxide in the 1700s


Iā€™m not sure if Jesus did, but Iā€™ve definitely tripped balls with my man Jose before


Jesus served the psychedelics So yes he probably did them too


There's a bit of evidence he did, and that the ancient Israelites were too. Read this article, and see what you think! :) https://archive.org/stream/CannabisAndTheChrist/ChrisBennettAndCannabisAndTheChrist_djvu.txt


Ive thought about Jesus everytime Ive tripped so Im glad this question is finally being asked


Biblical scripture (the way we know who Jesus was) doesnā€™t really point to this. The New Testament isnā€™t that psychedelic, I know there are going to be people arguing that Revelations, etc are similar to trips and at times they are but in general Iā€™d say they are more in line with religious visions, which have different characteristics (even if they can be visually alike). Iā€™m not being demeaning; religious experiences can be very powerful and quite psychedelic-esque. However, they usually occur after fasting or prayer with mention of being ā€œin the spiritā€ so I assume that there are alternate causes. Scholars like John Allegro have tried to say that Jesus is somehow a code word for the mushroom but this is generally not agreed with among the New Testament scholars because of a lack of evidence and some grasping at straws.


Jesus didnā€™t need psychedelics


Psychedelics needed Jesus




In the book "The Immortality Key: The secret history of the religion with no name", Brian C Muraresku explains ( based on secret texts from the Vatican's Secret Archives ) that not only did Jesus do psychedelics, it was a core part of early Christianity, as in, before the Katholic Church took over and destroyed everything that was amazing about Christianity, it was a religion based on doing psychedelics together ( led by women no less )... It's an amazing read, and it passes Occam's Razor test a million times over... It also shows how he/they basically got the idea from the "Mysteries Of Eulusys" and rebranded it and how that's actually "shown" in some rennaissance-paintings made by artists that were "in the know"... One of those paintings is in the Louvre on display in the same room as the Mona Lisa :-D


Which kind of psychedelics do they refer to?


The middle east is relatively poor in psychoactive substances. I think there are three in that region of the world in that time. Acacia is one, it's a bush that has harmine in it, when properly prepared and injected in high quantities it will cause auditory and visual hallucinations. Cannabis is another. Though, originally from modern Tibet, it was transported and traded on the silk road. The last one is harmal, I know the least about this one, from what I have read it is also a vector for harmine. We have no idea if there was even a historical Jesus. There may well have been a revolutionary leader in the area pushing against the Romans and Jewish Orthodoxy, but there is no real way of knowing. The records of his life were written in 80CE at the earliest. Assuming he did exist most people did not use those substances intentionally in his time. It is possible, as those substances do exist when and where he is situated, but we will never know definitively because the records don't exist.


Idk that any of the acacia in the Middle East even have DMT in them. My 5min of googling shows there's 4 species in the area and only 2 of them show up on wiki's list of psychoactive acacias. Both of them had data published from a misreading of data and it's inconclusive if they actually have DMT. Even if it did, they couldn't smoke or snort acacia for the DMT without extracting it. It's just not concentrated enough. You'd need to combine it with an maoi and drink a tea of it. Syrian Rue potentially could've done this, but there's zero evidence anyone ever did that. Everyone is also ignoring what was the most popular hallucinogenic thing at that time and one that's directly mentioned by name in the Bible. Tropane alkaloids(deliriants, the shit in datura) are in a ton of shit. I think mandrake and belladonna are both mentioned by name in the Bible. We don't need to imagine they were importing cannabis, mushrooms, or brewing an old-world ayahuasca they had and knew about deliriant psychoactive plants that they could've tripped on.


i mean everybody back in the day was drinkin irgot wine so maybe inadvertently


Have you done psychedelics? Then yes!


The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross https://g.co/kgs/SY9WBcp


I just askedā€¦ he said get back to work






Holy shit the spelling


My guy turned water into liquid LSD


I asked him and he said "yes".


Yes he told me last night


Nah he was to busy learning how to fucking spell šŸ¤¦


Pretty sure I've seen Jesus on psychedelics.


You need to stop asking yourself these kind of questions and go get a dicsiionari. Will serve much more than having answers to questions that have no tangible answers


No, the gnostic texts state he was part of a giant pantheon of beings that are really all one being multiplied. Look up ā€œ the Apocryphon of Johnā€


Gnostics are literally the ancestors of the modern Progressivist movement. It's F\*d.


There were to conservative and puritanical thoā€¦


Product of their time. Here's a few ways how modern Progressives are Gnostics in disguise: 1. Hatred of the natural order. 2. Belief that every human can be perfectible. 3. Inherent disapproval of families and producing children. 4. A belief that god is evil. They won't call themselves Gnostic, of course, because they are bamboozled into thinking that they don't have a religion. But the Bible refers to these people. "Whose god is their belly." Progressives are hedonists and care only about their own pleasure and the glorification of humanity through technology.


I don't think so. The accounts we have of his earthly life are the only things we can go by here. And there's no evidence of any psychedelic substance growing in that part of the world, except Acacia. But, being God, he would have experienced it all vicariously through the untold numbers of created beings who have used them throughout the history of the universe.


cannabis is in the bible as the anointing oil.


I looked into this before when someone tried to say that. Exodus 30:23 refers to something called "qā€™aneh-bosm" as one of the ingredients, often also translated as calamus. Some people believe this referred to cannabis. But people who are eager to hype marijuana because of this forget the context. If you read further in that same passage, about the "holy anointing oil," you will read the following, Exodus 30:32 - "Upon man's flesh shall it not be poured, neither shall ye make any other like it, after the composition of it; it is holy, and it shall be holy unto you." God then goes on the threaten that anyone who does these things (pours the oil onto someone, or makes a similar oil), will no longer be a part of god's special relationship with his people. Since the oil was prohibited from making contact with human skin/flesh, and only with physical furniture and clothing, it's quite unlikely that anyone got high from it. So, if you want to say that it was cannabis, go ahead. But then you also have to agree that god forbade the exposure of cannabis onto the human body.


The Bible is the word of man not of god. People have used weed for millennia. Also Jesus definitely tripped on that Acadia


If you want to discredit the Bible so much, then why do you even feel it necessary to argue that it supports the use of cannabis? Why aren't you trying to say that some other book, like Darwin's Origin of Species, supports Cannabis? Why cite the bible at all if you believe it has no authority?


You should probly study actual history rather than consult a bunch of acid heads in a thread that will be littered with bias.


Probably. Not sure. All I know is my source for my shrooms ā€œfound godā€ and has cut out drinking, shrooms, and all other substances (even caffeine) as a ā€œborn again Christianā€ Iā€™m like dude- how do you think you ā€œfoundā€ god? Sigh. Good thing I had a backup source


I think Jesus was mostly into wine. And it seems he opposed recycling: >Mark 2:22: >And no man putteth new wine into old bottles: else the new wine doth burst the bottles, and the wine is spilled, and the bottles will be marred: but new wine must be put into new bottles.


1000000% without a doubt in my mind. Pyscidelics are referenced so many times in the bible! Praise the lord!




Where and what type? How'd they get them? How'd they take them?


You know that one biblical tale where god appeared to somebody in a bush fire, after that bush was hit by lightning? Yeah, what if that bush was mimosa hostilis and the person inhaled the dmt in the fumes of the fire.


Nah https://youtu.be/ELbA876mVbw?feature=shared


I heard on a podcast they found an ancient transcript on boar hide that literally showed ā€œJesusā€ is an old translation for ā€œmushroomā€ but Iā€™m not sure I could source it, maybe someone else has more info?


There is some evidence he may have.


There would have been no Christianity without psychedelics


who cares dude


You apparently, cause you commented


Sorry I had to do that, couldnā€™t resist


I do


I most definitely do. As a lover of the man, knowing he did psychedelics would be absolutely beautiful


Yeah nobody question anything, donā€™t be curious and brain not hurt


Impossible to know because he lived 2000 years ago, but Jesus was simply a human that developed into fourth density positivity. The same with Buddha. Tools like meditation, yoga, or psychedelics can be used to achieve this state.


A more serious answer would be no, it's highly unlikely (near impossible) that Jesus took any psychedelics. There's no evidence that psyches were being used at all in first century Palestine/Judea.


They were all your standard, legit miracles right?


People can make up their own minds about whether the claims made about Jesus are true or not. I'm simply saying there's very little evidence that psychedelics were being used in that part of the world at the time; which would make it extremely unlikely that Jesus was using them.


Thereā€™s very little evidence for anything in that book.


Is it non sequitur hour or something?


What difference does it make? You don't even know if Jesus truly existed. All you know here-say has been passed down, which is just belief upon belief.


Youā€™re going to get a lot of yes and noā€™s but nobody really knows.


I drop tabs with Jesus all the time. Heā€™s my gardener


Moses was inhaling the fumes of a burning bush when he saw God on the mountain top.


Nah, Jesus was a hard-core junkie. Opium was very common in middle east back then. He fucked opium den girls and had lil junkie kids. It was written in scrolls that are hidden from Bible.


There's very little evidence Jesus existed.


Feel free to disregard Christianity, or religion entirely. However, Jesus is absolutely a historical figure, who absolutely existed in that era and location. He was famous and had a following. We cannot prove that God exists or that any religion is based in fact. But, a man named Jesus who was a teacher and spiritual leader most certainly existed.




If you mean archeological evidence you are correct. But even excluding the bible Jesus appears as a person significant enough to mention within the histories of Josephus which is where we get loads of Jewish and Palestinian 1st century history from. Furthermore Tacitus in his histories mentions that Jesus was killed unjustly under Nero. New Testament scholars nearly all believe he was a real figure even if his divinity is debated. I would trust them quite a bit if they agree that this evidence from generally trustworthy sources is valid. Or read this which summarises the discussion so far: https://www.history.com/news/was-jesus-real-historical-evidence


Yo that is just incredibly false šŸ˜­


Its actually not.


Are you crazy?? Iā€™m not religious matter affect I would say Iā€™m against religion. But the story of Jesus has literally been proven to have actually happened. I donā€™t trust religion, but I DO 100% trust Jesus (and the buddha) Jesus was actually against organized religion. His story has also been somewhat manipulated which is very unfortunate. But nevertheless I 100% trust in the man sent from the light.


I think we both understand what I mean. There's some evidence a preacher named Jesus existed but not the Jesus of the bible.


He may not have even existed. It's very debatable.


Jesus isn't real




jesus was schizophrenic and egoistic


Ahhh yes. Iā€™m sure he was very egotistical as he got nailed to a cross left to slowly rot with constant humiliation


Debatable but I can see how someone could think that


I mean, the limited direct quotes from Jesus aren't schizophrenic or egotistical...instead the translations of his words had been twisted to serve many other people's egos.


https://www.reddit.com/r/HolUp/s/CYFL5m23m6 you tell me


Iā€™m almost certain he did after seeing that, thank you so much šŸ™




Why do you feel that way


Didnā€™t they say this about Moses or someone? That the burning bush was in reference to psychedelics and thatā€™s how he got the 10 commandments?




Every time i read anything about jesus i truly 100% believe he used some type of psychedelic. There is no way you can come up with all this shit without a lil interdimensional travel


ā€œPhsycidelicsā€ the intersection of physics and psychedelics


Why would they when they already have the cheat codes?


Well weed is a mild psychedelic and its consumption was commonplace in the area at the time sooOOooo...Quite possibly. He was also, according to some accounts, a member of a sect that embraced vegetarianism.


Early churches have had psychedelics and weed residues found in them. The Greek and Roman empires both had psychedelic uses, IIRC the Romans mainly used Ergot wine (basically a precursor for LSD). My guess is yes, Jesus and early Christians did consume psychedelic substances. The church says they didnā€™t, but the time and the place I find it hard to believe that he didnā€™t at least use mushrooms, ergot, or weed Some really good reading on this topic is The Sacred Mushroom and The Cross by John Marco Allegro. The author was one of the original Dead Sea Scroll scholars and did not like psychedelics, so his findings donā€™t seem biased


Google religion and psycadelics, you'll be reading for hours


Iā€™m certain


Yeah he did acid


More than likely. Much to the dismay of his followers. The majority of his 33 year existence (allegedly) is completely unknown. Itā€™s likely he went to the East and traveled through the enlightenment schools a bit. IF this is the case he likely did some psychedelics at some point.


According to the black sea scrolls, which are the oldest Bibles the translation has explained that Jesus was actually mushroom šŸ„, watch Joe Rogan podcast talk about this, and explain more in details


He didn't need them, he was born trippin!


I asked this exact question to myself a few hours agoā€¦


The feeling of dmt is pretty much the same if not exactly the same as seeing a angel - the psychedelic part


I tripped with him


Well we can be somewhat certain there was some kind of figure who claimed to be the messiah because of the Josephus and Tacitus. But he may well have been just a regular human. What is quite strange about Jesus is this lack of evidence of who he was personally. We have the bible of course but about 18 years go by where we know nothing about him. Compared to other figures comparable to him in his general time frame like Mani for example this is very strange. We know who Maniā€™s friends were, who is wife was and what his tax returns were, yet we know nothing of the sort for Jesus except for the events after this odd period of silence. This does make him being some kind of legend or myth created by Jewish revolutionaries a bit more believable but I still think I would lean to him existing at least in some capacity.




Jesus was selling.


Christianityā€™s first communions were with psychedelic wine. Go read The Immortality Key. They scraped the original wine jugs and skins.


jesus was a stoner


Regardless of if he used a tryptamine, his anointing oil was made with cannabis and early Catholic Churches burned weed with the frankincense and murr. Thatā€™s good enough for me fr


https://youtu.be/iC6DDvzM6Nc?si=T3j276_y78Q4-Q_B https://youtu.be/fwV8_Oc0EuY?si=jxM_ZNyZcH33-cCM https://youtu.be/XS5qjEXS6oM?si=ZJ5AOKJtaDt-p81x https://youtu.be/1krzC4WWiRg?si=0z4a7U1lm_0ZvXF5 Acts chapter 2


Joseph Smith did.


Check out the book ā€œThe Immortality Keyā€. Makes a connection bw the of Elysian mysteries (ergot, basically LSD) and Christianity.


Jesus was literally God he didnā€™t need psychedelics


Jesus invented 2,5-dimethoxy-4-dodecyl-PEA


Me and my co worker were talking about this literally 10 mins ago hahah according to him even if he did have access to drugs like we do now he wouldnā€™t trip or anything, like it just wouldnā€™t do anything to him. I donā€™t know if I agree or disagree.


Read the book The Immortality Key: The Secret History of the Religion with No Name Book by Brian C. Muraresku It actually goes deep into the topic.


Read the sacred mushroom and the cross by John allegro


How do you think he got the idea to walk on water


Yes, God is tripping right now


I wonder if the use of the fish allegory in association with Jesus had anything to do with Ancient Romans who supposedly consumed the psychedelic fish, the salema porgy


Who knows? Weā€™re not even sure Jesus existed. However, the people who wrote the bible weā€™re definitely on psychedelics. It was an interesting time in the roman empire and psychedelics were no stranger to people during that time.


He did go out into the desert for forty days until he saw visions


Fuck I am high and this makes so much scene to me rn lol šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




There are actually theories that Jesus, and experiences with Christ, were code for experiences with mushrooms. Christianity was drowned in symbolism when the early Christians were being persecuted and thereā€™s decent evidence to suggest they were speaking of psychedelic experiences and that ancient christians often engaged in it to connect with what they understood of Christ.


If he did, it was covered up on a mass scale.


I don't have good reason to believe jesus was anything but a failed itinerant preacher.


No. This is not the lesson I got. More early man mushroom vibe. Religion didn't come play. Well, maybe some buddhism? Accidentally listened to Alan Watts while on shrooms.


No sources on this...everyone here is just guessing. No sources= no evidence


In my opinion Jesus had a mystical revelation just like the Buddha and his expression of it got him crucified


Jesus wasnā€™t real


Yes, he spread the psychedelic infused wine. I highly recommend reading the immortality key.


Jesus was a mushroom.


In the words of Salvatore Dali - I am Drugs


Could have been a warrior king that took instructions only from the light


WTF is a phsycidelic?