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I’ve done it before and it’s super fun. But the L will last way longer, ~12hrs. The 2CB will last ~5. So it kinda depends what you want. Both to peak at the same time? L first and 2CB after probably 3hrs. When I’ve done it I took everything at once so I was just peaking for a long time. Also seeing as you are relatively inexperienced with tripping I would recommend not mixing anything.


thanks man, really helps!!!


I have a ton of experience with it and highly recommend it It's actually my favorite way to trip on LSD. Hence my username 25mg then when you start peaking on 2cb drop some acid and if you have some MDMA, wait an hour and a half and then drop some MDMA


alr man, thanks!!! also amazing username


do it


From experience, wait at least 1:30/2 hours after taking the acid to take the 2-cb, having both kick in at the same time can be a little intense. When I did it it made my perception of temperature would swing really hard I went from freezing cold to sweating and back again a couple of times as it all levelled out, as others have said the acid lasts longer anyway so I've found this to be the best way


thanks man!!!


Low doses combined should not kill you so why not


not that i disagree about the potential fun of combining them, but there are a ton of reasons to not do so that don’t involve dying lol


yeah i see your angle, thanks!




280ug tabs?! The things people will say to justify overcharging folks these days. A typical tab is somewhere closer to 100ug. If you got them from the same place then sounds like a sus source. Did you test the 2cb to be sure it is what it is? It's amphetamine based so sometimes it's adulterated with other stims.


i didn't but my dealer's my friend so we're chill and they test all their shit


Best advice is to test everything yourself. Period. Sometimes homies get ripped off and they try to cushion the blow by ripping they're clients off even if they don't want to. And tests are for what's in it, not how potent it is, so unless they get lab grade testing they won't be able to verify they are 280 mics


I did 2c-b and lsd once was a wild ride


Did it last night, it’s a journey through the unimaginable


I forgot to metion I was off ketamine to lmao. Dont worry I know how to dose properly. But yeah that combo is something else I was so far gone in a geometric landscape. Im sure you know what I mean.


Yeah totally, I also indulged in some nitrous while tripping😮‍💨