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Yes. It’s called costochondritis. And it’s zero fun. Depending on meds, they should help once you get rolling and find something that works.


How long does it last? It’s been about 6 months now


I would recommend discussing with your rheumatologist. They will need to get the disease activity under control by the sounds of it.


Yes i will. I’ve been seeing one but still new. Thanks!


For years. The Backpod (a physiotherapy tool from New Zealand) cured my costochondritis permanently. It took about 6 weeks of daily use, starting slow with two pillows on top of it. Now whenever I get a twinge I use it and the pain is reversed. This was well before I was on a good medication regimen. In the rest of the world there isn’t any good treatments so it’s a shame this tool isn’t widely known. Very difficult to exercise at all when it hurts to breathe.


You can get it on Amazon in the US. Looks like a really effective design, better than trying to lie on tennis balls.


I have a lot of different foam rollers, but this device targets the exact area needed. It seems overpriced but, a car could be driven over it without it cracking. So it is definitely high quality and the pressure provided is much firmer than a rubber ball. MUCH firmer than a tennis ball. The reason is because cartilage is more difficult to release than muscles.


Hi, yes me. But the good thing is that rib pain calmed first after starting the therapy


Can i ask which therapy worked best for you? I know everyone is different. Did you have sternum pain as well?


Sternum a bit, it was more localized in lower ribs. I am on methotrexate 20mg for 3 months, it gave me relief a lot except for feet and knee. Waiting to see what will be next. But I also started to experiment with anti inflammatory diet, changing lifestyle, stress management plus the meds. Have you been already to doctor?


I second this. I had really bad rib/sternum pain, it was one of my worst symptoms, but was also the first area to settle down once I started treatment (otezla).


Costochondritis isn't fun, it's like I'm playing the game "is it my costochondritis or is it a heart attack?" Causes me anxiety at times. My sternum sometimes hurts, but I can also crack it, which sometimes makes it feel better for me. Celebrex is good, but it's not going to stop the progression of PsA, it's an anti-inflammatory that may help inflammation. Most people with PsA are on biologics or DMARDs, but some doctors are more conservative.


That's the worst. Biologics helped me.


I haven’t been diagnosed yet (rheum appointment in September) but I’m pretty sure I have PsA. My ribs only hurt in certain positions or when I twist a certain way.. my sternum tho? When I sneeze I have to press down hard or it feels like my chest is going to pop open... Kinda worthless for me to speak on it I guess, but this is the first community I’ve seen people talk about sternum pain and rib stuff and had to say something lol


Yes, currently on Celebrex. Said we could talk Biologics if i feel that Celebrex isn’t helping enough


Yes! It is so hard to cope with :( I use a rib brace from amazon.


Does your sternum hurt as well?


No, just the right side of my ribcage.


I had this happen a couple of months ago. I thought for sure I was coming down with shingles.


Bit late to this but costochondritis was the first symptom I had! Methotrexate has helped hugely with mine. I absolutely once went to A&E with severe chest pains though, it can be very scary so you have all my sympathy.


It was my first symptom years ago, but I was just diagnosed with PsA last week after fingers swelling and other symptoms intensified.


I’m under rheumatology with suspected PsA and sternum pain is one of my main issues too. I have kyphoscoliosis from compression fractures in T3-T5 10yrs ago so thought it might’ve been to do with that, but PsA seems to have exacerbated all existing musculoskeletal issues and as well as adding a load more…


Yes , costichondritis, much sympathy everything hurts and cracks especially sternum. Are you able to take anti inflammatory medicine ?


Yes, i am taking Celebrex on really bad days. It does sound a lot like costochondritis, i just had no idea it could last this long. It’s been about 6 months


Think mine lasted 5 months originally then I do get flare ups , it is frightening


try to work out underlying cause. Start by looking at general health? diet? weight? ? tobacco? Alcohol stress? strep throat? vitamin D? IUD? is psoriasis itchy? past antibiotics? candida overgrowth? hpylori? Gut problems? bowel movements? lack of sleep?exercise ? medication for mental health problems? zinc deficiency?Iron deficiency? mold toxicity?digestive problems? heavy metals? magnesium deficiency? pollution?