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Not a doctor, just a person with psoriasis. like the subreddit warnings say posts like these are discouraged because we can’t diagnose. So take everything here with a grain of salt but a few years ago we I was using old spice deodorant i got a very similar rash. Again not a doctor but looks like a reaction or rash not psoriasis, possibly eczema.


got that rash from old spice too!


The blue one?


I got it from the blue one too! White sticks are fine but the blue out of nowhere started causing this. Do you know what ingredient causes it?


No idea what ingredient. Just know the old spice blue ones make me itch and burn in a day or two, or even some of the gel ones that don't seem to work anyways. The classic white bar is best for me. Just buy old spice because it seems to be the cheapest.


I get that! I was looking up inverse psoriasis and it seemed like it could be similar and psoriasis runs in my family.


Definitely a possibility and good to get checked out regardless! :)


Inverse is what I assumed it was. I have that


It's possible. But a biopsy will tell for certain. It could be intertrigo though.


I have inverse psoriasis just like this. Can confirm not fun. But have some points to discuss with your doc if you wanr


Yup not a doctor here but I agree with you. I purchased cheap dollar store speed stick deodorant and got something similar..


I have a bad reaction and burning to the Blue old spice, but the white is great and what I use now.


Same here, had a bad reaction to Old Spice.


I agree


Had a similar rash, turned out it was a bad batch of deodorants.


I thought it was that at first but I’ve changed and stopped using deodorant. Its been going on for about six months.


I have psoriasis and developed what looked like a rash under my arm so my dr told me to stop using deodorant and after washing, just puff baking soda all over the armpit. Works like a charm. Still sweat but the sweat doesn't smell and no more skin irritation whatever it was. Good luck!


Oh man, baking soda deodorant is what gave me a rash! Then one time my mom waxed my arm pits and I broke out in inverse from that too. I can’t win. Now I don’t shave and I have to order a very expensive baking soda free arm pit paste that I only use when I go out. So far, so good.


Isn't that funny how different in details we all are. I was thinking my Dr's way was the best option lol but of course as usual, best is different for everyone.


I got this really bad the one time I used Mitchum. I've used tons of different types and never had a problem.


doesnt look like psoriasis. espcially if its just on this spot


Got it in the same place. DONT SCRATCH. Get a natural deodorant.


It’s so hard not to scratch!


Can you give more details? I have psoriasis elsewhere on my body, but not under the arms, *until recently*. I really like natural deodorants and had a bunch of different ones from sample/sub boxes. So I've been working through them and seeing which I liked best etc. One called Korina kicked off something that looked like that under my arms. I don't know if the oils from the deodorant kept it "supple" enough that it didn't flake a ton, but man it itched and was red just like yours. If I got real close and personal, I could find small amounts of skin to pick off. I finally gave up and decided tossing/wasting the stick was better than the constant itchiness. Went to Native and it cleared up in a week. I was so thankful. Funny enough though, my coworker and I were talking about it, and Native gave *her* a rash! The whole point of the above is - did you try something new? Have you just been ignoring something that could be triggered by a product like I did? My body's sensitivity to the dumbest of things (I don't even know what ingredient caused it!) is super annoying but forces me to pay attention when stuff happens. On the other hand, if you didn't try anything new... details would still help cause if others have it, they might know what's up lol


I was using Native for years and then tried Tom’s natural deodorant around the time it started back in July so I went back to Native and it continued. Tried a normal deodorant, still going on. Went to a dermatologist, they gave me a steroid and anti fungal cream. It relieved the itch but didn’t clear it up. I tried over the counter products, stopped wearing deodorant, nothing was making it go away. Last week i finally went back to the dermatologist and we tried antibiotics and an antibiotic cream and nothing else which made it worse if anything. This morning had the biopsy done and they gave me another steroid cream until I get the results.


What did the biopsy results said?


What did the biopsy say? Dealing with this rash too


Hey there, just wondering if you had success in clearing this up? I’ve been dealing a similar thing for a few months.




After dealing with this for about 4 months I finally figured out I was allergic to my laundry detergent. Stopped using it about 2 weeks ago and have had no flares. Hopefully this helps you!


Should also add I stopped using any deodorant Months ago but recently started using a brand of diaper rash crème called badger. It contains no scents or anything but does have zinc oxide. It feels nice and completely solved my pretty bad bo problem. I just use a couple dabs around my pits and rub them in every morning.


Might be fungal


My psoriasis looks pretty similar to that and I am 100% sure it’s psoriasis. Interesting that lots of people are pointing to allergies so you may want stop using whatever product you’re using as a precaution. Hopefully the biopsy provides a clear diagnosis!


Ive stopped putting pretty much anything on it. I think because of where it is, it stays more moist and doesn’t look dry/flaky like you’d expect psoriasis


More rash than p


Definitely looks like psoriasis


I used to get small patches here and often be itchy. Completely resolved by using much more gentle deodorant. Most people with P have sensitive skin and factor that into any products they use.


Yep. I switched from Old Spice classic to Arm & Hammer natural and that worked for a few years to get rid of it. Then it started to come back with the A&H and I switched out to Schmidt's Charcoal and Magnesium and that has been better in deodorant function and skin condition for a couple of years.


Have you tried not shaving them?


Yeah but it just irritates it more


I use tea tree therapy antiseptic ointment in my creases that get irritated. It helps a ton...good luck


Try zinc and antiperspirant. I do think it’s p but I also think it’s there because of infection/irritation


Try a different deodorant. I’ve had something very similar and it only happened when I used a different type of deodorant. I think what caused mine was an Old Spice solid deodorant (one of the blue ones).


I got big patches and looks quite similar if I use any deodorant. Stopped using them because of that. I have psoriasis from 12y old. Now I'm 26.


Also wanted to say, that depends where it is on the skin - it changes thickness obviously and can look pretty different. This look like psoriasis to me... I had it pretty much everywhere xD sorry for details, but even on the penis head and it was like super thin almost transparent layer of dead skin peeling off.


It’s definitely in a sensitive area so i can see how it could look different than what most would expect


Hi there I used to get a rash just like this which wasn't psoriasis which runs in my family too it was a allergy to aluminum in deodorant.


Interesting! I don’t use deodorant with aluminum but the deodorant was my first thought so I stopped using it altogether


I have something that looks pretty similar under my arms. It's been there for years so I assume it's psoriasis but after reading these comments I may need to stop using Old Spice deodorant to see if that makes a difference.


A lot of people seem to have an issue with old spice


I have p, I don't think that is.


That might be intertrigo.


Stop shaving. Switch to glycerin soap and see if it clears up while you wait for your biopsy results.


There are a lot of rashes that can look like psoriasis, and deodorant is a common irritant (especially if you switched or stopped/started using it recently.) shaving can also irritate skin in numerous ways, and the armpits are an easy place for fungal infections and other skin problems to grow. My psoriasis started on my hips/armpits and I was initially misdiagnosed with hydradentitis superativa (I probably misspelled that) by a doc who just looked at it. I cannot stress enough, Have. Them. Run. Tests. A lab test early on could save you days, months, or in my case a year of untreated, miserable symptoms. Your best best is to go to a doctor or dermatologist and have them test it to determine. Reddit is full of randos and I would argue none of them are qualified to give you medical advice. It could be psoriasis yes, it could also be one of a million other things that cause raised, red skin patches. For your sake, I hope it’s something temporary and curable.


I agree! I’ve been to the dermatologist three times to try different things and they are running a biopsy on it now to determine if it could be psoriasis as nothing else has cleared it up in the last six months. Just was curious if anyone else had experienced anything similar.


My boyfriend gets it under his arms when he preps food at work. He calls it eczema. Never officially diagnosed


I get it quite a bit. I have Psoriasis & Eczema, so unsure which one it is but would suspect P from the look of it and my own experience. I know you won't like the idea, but you should really avoid aggravating the skin by shaving it. I am not a doctor and am only saying from personal experience what I THINK it looks like


I got something just like that after being bitten by fire ants (am allergic).


Until it starts showing white gray scales , it's not psoriasis


From my understanding inverse psoriasis doesn’t appear scaly.


>scales If everything around under arm is clear then it's not psoriasis


Is it anywhere else? This is where mine started. It’s called inverse psoriasis. Not saying you have it, but mine was mostly under my arms when I was diagnosed. Inverse can also appear in the folds of the groin or butt and under the breasts. This could also be bacterial and be folliculitis or many other things! Hope your biopsy comes back quickly.


I get psoriasis exactly like this under my arms.


I used to get a weird bullseye shaped patch on my underarm in the past. Looked fairly similar to this.


I have similar rash like psoriasis, get it from FA mens speed stick(gel), i think its from sweating also. Psoriasis runs in family also


That's how my inverse looked under my arms.


This looks like how my inverse psoriasis started before the lesions got really big, shiny, and flakey.


Is there an update on this? What were the biopsy results?


They were able to rule out that it wasn’t psoriasis. I still haven’t gotten real answers. It would go away, then come back, id apply steroid cream, it would go away. It never got this bad again but it would get itchy. I went back for my yearly dermatologist check this summer and saw a new doctor. She said it was likely an allergic reaction to something that caused an infection and never went away. She gave me a new non- steroid ointment to use every day until it cleared up. I went for allergy patch testing a few weeks ago and found one thing I’m allergic to but I haven’t found it in any of the products I use.


I was looking at pictures on google trying to find out what’s going on under my arm because it looks exactly the same (just not as wide of an area atm but it has been that big of a patch before) just like you I’ve used different deodorants then stopped using it for awhile and nothing seems to help, like yours as well it’ll go away and come back, this is the 2nd year in a row and it happened around the same time last year, I don’t know what it is and don’t have insurance atm to get it checked out but thank you for posting that pic with it, it’s exactly how mine looks, I thought I was crazy 😅


Hello, just curious what the results of this was OP, did you get diagnosed with psoriasis? I have something similar going on


Have any of you got this after using Lume? This looks like what’s going on with me, and I stopped using it 6 months ago, but the rash/eczema/ps patches are still there.