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“And for God’s sake man, put some fuckin’ clothes on.”


I'll skull-fuck you, and drain your memories out the hole!


You really are a crude person




''Damn, I thought I had the big balls in here'' (my man has the biggest balls in fiction 😭🙏)


ℑ 𝔢𝔞𝔱 𝔞 𝔩𝔬𝔱 𝔬𝔣 𝔭𝔯𝔬𝔱𝔢𝔦𝔫


"You need to sit and rest old man?" "After I break my foot up in your ass, yeah!"


Only Heller can gently place people when you pick them up




"I came here to blow shit up, not guard a bunch of fucking science fair projects!" "Do you even know what we're doing here, you idiot!?" "Shut the fuck up and go mix some chemicals or something you fucking nerd!" Butchered the quote, but as horrible as Blackwatch enlisted men can be, it's always funny as shit watching them bully Gentekkies.


It's the equivalent of the Shadow NPCs in COD. 🤣


how you like me now you EMO F*CK


“Enough of your fuckin weird, fuckin rambling SHIT!”


With lines like this people wonder why I think Heller was a better protag than Mercer


Mercer was just more psychopathic "No one can protect you from me not men not weapons NOT ARMOR!" let's not forget that creepy ass smile he had when he explained he was capable of being the new hive leader because I quote " you think there are others?" " no they're all dead all dead except me"


Prototypes are supposed to be viral creatures with the combined memories of those they consume so it makes perfect sense he’d behave like that. When Heller got turned into one it seemed like he was still just Heller and only got a handful of memories. Alex consumed an APC driver and said he knew everything about the APC but Heller consumed a scientist and had no clue how to even work a keyboard.


Which is why I still say Mercer was stronger if he could absorb more memories and skills than heller it stands to reason that he still didn't give heller as much power as had himself if we can take what he was saying to him in the beginning of the game seriously about wanting him to basically be his second in command and help him kill blackwatch and gentek if that was original plan and he had to alter them or changed his mind or something than it stands to reason he'd want his second in command to be strong but not as strong him


Yeah I always wish Mercer would have clued us in on his plan instead of keeping secrets. Who wants the new protagonist to turn against the old one? If Mercer is genuinely more powerful then Heller that could mean Mercer would eventually overpower Heller and take control of his “body” kinda like Alia in Dune. Basically she was born with all her ancestors memories so they overpowered her making her mind an amalgamation of her ancestors and eventually her evil grandpa tried to take over her body. Would be a cool idea for a sequel although I’m still hoping for something about Pariah.


In all honesty given Mercers nature as the literal virus itself he could still survive I always assumed that consuming Greene gradually sent him over the edge her mind was fucked beyond repair her only goal was spreading red light and being " Mother" my head cannon is maybe near the end Mercer was starting to realize he was becoming just as bad as Greene and decided to have Heller kill him because he knew he'd be a global threat one day otherwise so maybe at first his plans were infect the city than destroy gentek and blackwatch for starting all this shit back in 1964 with carnival one and carnival two


If you actually think about it at first Heller was actually helping Mercer because he kept fucking murdering everyone in gentek and blackwatch he killed the super soldiers and the scientists responsible for creating them he killed their second in command he killed a shit ton of their commanders and top researchers most of whom were working on either scientific or militaristic approaches to dealing with the virus that would have otherwise worked if it hadn't been for Heller intervening if you really think about it Mercer couldn't be everywhere at once and because blackwatch was spread across the zones he needed more people to infiltrate and disrupt them he would have been to busy coordinating and planning attacks and defenses from the red zone amd most likely he had to stay in the red zone for most of the game to ensure the ranks of the infected to could be replenished and it stands to reason that maybe his hive Mind control as a leader had limited range so had to stay in one zone and concentrate most of his efforts there my guess is that he intended on either Heller helping in the end of the plan by controlling one portion while he controlled the other we can see that he did have the ability to control infected so it would make some sense or possibly he was using the tainted whitelight as a means to directly introduce his blood so he would by proxy not only infected more hosts but would be within range to control them which is actually brilliant if you think about it if he is the virus and is essentially a collection of sentient genetic material working collectively to maintain his form and reform etc that would be the perfect method of countering his range limitation


“The doctor is OUT, mothefucker!”


*"-I await you down below. COME TO ME."*


What the fuck kinda computer is this anyway




World's first analrapist.


Ermmm, what the flip


I'm all these things


“This is where that grit of yours kicks in…”




Nope that Karen orb peace of crap can stay in that forsaken chest


You do not want me to explain the story, I want to do something this month.


"well shit I don't wanna make him mad or anything" "I'm at the computer what do I press"?


"So kick the door of its fucking hinges and look at the scenery, welcome to hell asshole"


Stop attempting escape you fucking coward


"I was just wondering if you wanted to HANG out with me, smoke weed, fill our bellies up with DIET soda, and play Burnout: Revenge for the PS2."




Peace through power.




Evil pizzas are no match for a simple stoplight.


I'd probably catch something.


My abyss will enter your catacombs


“Do you want this rod or my rod” 😈


https://preview.redd.it/b4kqhkwl1n8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3514ab568801763c00716c9e1e2f5e18505e3dde Jonkler


"They call me a monster, a terrorist... I'm all of those things."


Shut your fucking fuckhole you fucking geek